
The Zowie EC1 and EC2 are the shittest mice I've ever used

Mar 20th, 2015
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  1. Zowie is fucking garbage. Their stupid fucking low lift off sensors give them stupid fucking dpi and rediciliously low max malfunction speed. How many fucking times have you ever thought 'oh man i totes can't just lift my hand an additional 5 fucking mm, better fucking rekt the sensor dpi (450? really? and it's nhot even 450 each one is different and it's actually like 470) ant (allsop, artisan, qck+ etc etc).
  2. However, when I go ham, real fuckin' ham. Hours of DM, 20mg of esports, and actually in teh right spot for once? I've spent thousands on input shit, from amazing keyboards to monitors to more artisans than fucking etsy. I expect my hard ware the keep up in those moments.
  3. My ec1 tracks on 2 of my artisans. 2 out of my 9 fucking artisans, only just. Only kinda works on my Artisan hien soft pink / artisan hien soft red (ya, the only one I got two of..). I wanted to use my Zero xsoft or zero medium. Nope, won't even work on a completely black Artisans. All of this is because they use some stupid low lift off sensor.
  4. 7 of the worlds best mouse pads don't fucking work with this fucking mouse. Nor does 2 of my fucking allsops, the best non sperg mousepad in the world (I have one for trading, one for reddit / irc / porn / configing). It refused to track. It wasn't just me flailing wildly - would refuse to track at high speeds if i simply moved hand around kinda fast while consciously pushing down. Etonus or w/e mousetest said that I was getting anywhere from 1.whatever to 2, but never above 3 iirc, m/s per second. THE MX518 FROM FUCKING YEARS AGO COULD DO 4+ M/s A SECOND WHAT THE FUCK. LETS DESIGN A PRODUCT THATS DIESNGED FOR FLAILING REAL FAST AND REAL GUD, AND HAVE IT JUST SHIT THE FUCKING BED WHEN YOU'RE FLAILING IT REAL FAST AND REAL GUD.
  5. This shouldn't even be a fucking problem for me either - I use a fucking sensitivity toggle on any turn over 60 degrees or so - my max hand speed rly shouldn't be that fast.
  6. OH AND IF YOU ACTUALLY MOVE YOUR HAND SLOW ENOUGH FOR IT TO WORK, IT WILL SOMETIMES STILL FUCK YOU BY SCROLLING DOWN IF YOU CLICK WEIRDLY (srsly I have no idea what causes it - seems to be when clicking angrier while tryign to clutch, either way, FUCKING SCROLL DOWN IF YOU FUCKING CLICK AWKWARDLY. They tried to fucking fix it with a piece of foam on the newer ones or something. What's the one bind that every single cs need to have? bind +mwheeldown. Basically required to get of the options menu. What's the absolute worse thing you can do in CS? JUMP AROUND THE FUCKING CORNER INSTEAD OF PEAKING IT. GOOD THING LIKE AT CLUTCH MOMENTS A FEW TIMES A WEEK.
  7. You say that it works for cooller so it should work for me. Bullshit. Cooler is just real gud at adding 25 and 35, not actually clicking a tiny really dot, really fucking fast. And you;'re fighting one dude - you should never have to do a sudden 180 while under fire, if you do, you're already fucked.
  8. That being said, the click is pleasant. Not particular noticibnle while playing (I actually like my g400s's vague, soggy click better). If you actively think about teh click, ya, sure, it feels p pleasant due to the tactile / that very defined / hard bump before activation, but when mashing buttons and tryna espurts it only thing I notice about the click is how much I have to pretense when awping. It's fucking annoying. With myt G400s's vagueness / lightness, it feels like i just have to think 'oh shit, terro-' and I've already shot. With the zowie the click is too recognizable. Not a fan.
  9. Oh and the coating of my ec1 is already pealing off. What the fuck I've had it only for a few months. Ya sure, nerd sweat, but srsly, it's a fucking THING DESIGNED TO BE HELKD IN YOUR FUCKING HAND IT SHOULD BE ABLE TO RESIST A BIT OF HAND JUICE YA?
  10. So yeah, if you play mmos, or maybe some house league farmville, the zowie is great for you.
  11. Oh and a new tribes friend was sending me some parts andf I was going to get him an allsop. I offered to trhow in a EC1 (accidentally ordered 2 of them on amazon, gg). Then I FEOLT SO FUCKING BAD SUBJECTING HIM TO AN EC1 I DROPPED 100 GBP ON A KEYBOARD JUST SO HE DOESNT HAVE TO SUFFER THROUGH THIS GODF DAMN PIECE OF SHIT MOUSE.
  12. I'm srsly stuck with the perfect setup and the 3 worse mice possible, at least until my order of diff. logitechs / razors arrives.
  13. Also, after using my broken G400 all day, I realized how fucking awful the click is on the Zowie. Yes, yes, it feels crisp when you're not gaming, but it adds a noticible delay to my awp shot. It doesn't need to be so fucking hard to click.
  14. I made this comment in reply to someone, but I was told you all would enjoy it. At the time of posting the EC1 was smashed after caused me to lose a 1v4 (tried to flick to kill the last guy, flicked too fast, and ended up looking at the sky)
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