
Tor Ragna

Apr 19th, 2014
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  1. [b]Name:[/b]
  2. -- Tor Ragna
  3. [b]Species:[/b]
  4. -- Mora, oryx, umbra
  5. - Mora
  6. (Perks: latent magic)
  7. (Flaws: unassuming)
  8. - Oryx
  9. (Perks: latent magic)
  10. (Flaws: primitive)
  11. - Umbra
  12. (Perks: physically powerful, numerous)
  13. (Flaws: primitive, feared)
  14. [b]Nation Traits:[/b]
  15. - Perks: natural barriers
  16. - Flaws: poor infrastructure, corruption, instability, dangerous natives
  18. [b]Speciality:[/b]
  19. -- Tor Ragna excels at very little; they have poor natural resources, weak industry, and while they have magic it is typically unfocused and unpredictable. They are, however, well-defended against outsiders for the same reasons they themselves have such poor internal workings.
  20. [b]Brief Overview:[/b]
  21. -- A land of outsiders from some far-off continent and cunning, feral creatures from beneath the depths, Tor Ragna is a corrupt and decaying kingdom of mashes and forest ringed by mountains and coastline. Its people have a curious form of latent magic and odd traditions, but its cities are in a state of barely-contained war with each other and multiple sub-factions scrabble and vye for control.
  23. ------
  25. [b]Military:[/b]
  26. -- The military of Tor Ragna is fairly ragtag; each city maintains its own army, with these forces being subject to corruption and poor management. House Tir maintains a royal army which is small but better equipped, and House Ava commands a loose network of umbra tribes and criminal gangs which it uses as a military force.
  27. -- Tor Ragna makes use of its magical talents and mages whenever possible, and in rare situations its military may be supported by the powerful, angelic guardians.
  28. [b]Economy:[/b]
  29. -- While the country exports poor-quality ores and lumber, peat, artwork, and even the occasional magical item, it also maintains a vast and profitable underground trade of drugs, poisons, illicit goods, and mercenary services.
  30. [b]Government Type:[/b]
  31. -- An aristocratic system ruled by House Tir and subject to a great deal of internal mobility is ostensibly the powerhouse of Tor Ragna. However, the country is more functionally ruled by the competing House Ava and the vast and sprawling underground criminal networks.
  32. [b]Religion:[/b]
  33. -- Tor Ragna follows an odd set of traditions brought with them from their homeland, surrounding the mysterious Architects and a protector-spirit named Atanui. They place great importance on a meritocratic caste system and the practice of wearing masks.
  34. [b]Society:[/b]
  35. -- Rife with corruption, Tor Ragna was founded by the mora and is supported heavily by their culture, but has more recently become influenced by the umbra and their cutthreat mentality. The criminal underground is quite powerful.
  36. [b]Ideaology:[/b]
  37. -- Tor Ragna was, for much of its history, somewhat reserved and isolated; first due to the barren swamp and the oryx that made it their home, and then because of the mora's nature as outsiders. With the emergence of the umbra as an influencing factor, however, it has become far more active outside its own borders and maintains a curiosity and openess to its dealings; still, the umbra are not known for their kindness, and House Ava does not hesitate to attempt to bring about their enemies' downfall.
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