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Nov 2nd, 2017
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  1. sudo emerge -uND world
  2. --- Invalid atom in /etc/portage/package.use/emul-linux-x86-soundlibs: emul-linux-x86-soundlibs
  3. --- Invalid atom in /etc/portage/package.use/mythtv: -dev-qt/qtsql
  4. --- Invalid atom in /etc/portage/package.accept_keywords: x11-misc/ccsm#
  5. WARNING: One or more repositories have missing repo_name entries:
  7. /usr/local/overlay/profiles/repo_name
  9. NOTE: Each repo_name entry should be a plain text file containing a
  10. unique name for the repository on the first line.
  14. * IMPORTANT: 16 news items need reading for repository 'gentoo'.
  15. * Use eselect news read to view new items.
  17. Calculating dependencies... done!
  18. [ebuild U ] sys-libs/glibc-2.25-r8 [2.23-r4]
  19. [ebuild R ] dev-lang/python-exec-2.4.4 PYTHON_TARGETS="(-python3_6*)"
  20. [ebuild U ] sys-apps/gentoo-functions-0.12 [0.10]
  21. [ebuild U ] sys-apps/baselayout-2.4.1-r2 [2.3]
  22. [ebuild U ] dev-libs/libatomic_ops-7.6.0 [7.4.2] ABI_X86="(64%*) -32% (-x32)"
  23. [ebuild N ] sys-firmware/edk2-ovmf-2017_pre20170505 USE="binary"
  24. [ebuild U ] sys-firmware/seabios-1.10.2 [1.10.1]
  25. [ebuild U ] app-arch/rar-5.5.0_p20170811 [5.5.0_beta4_p20170628]
  26. [ebuild U ] app-emulation/virtualbox-additions-5.1.26 [5.0.32]
  27. [ebuild U ] sys-devel/autoconf-archive-2017.03.21 [2016.03.20-r1]
  28. [ebuild U ] sys-devel/gcc-config-1.8-r1 [1.7.3]
  29. [ebuild U ] sys-apps/net-tools-1.60_p20161110235919 [1.60_p20160215155418]
  30. [ebuild U ] media-libs/libdvdcss-1.4.0 [1.3.0]
  31. [ebuild U ] sys-libs/libunwind-1.2.1 [1.1-r1] USE="static-libs* -doc%" ABI_X86="(64%*) -32% (-x32)"
  32. [ebuild U ] dev-libs/libbsd-0.8.6 [0.8.3]
  33. [ebuild U ] sys-apps/coreutils-8.26 [8.25]
  34. [ebuild U ] media-plugins/caps-plugins-0.9.24 [0.9.15]
  35. [ebuild U ] app-portage/portage-utils-0.64 [0.62]
  36. [ebuild N ] media-libs/openh264-1.7.0 USE="plugin -utils" ABI_X86="(64) -32 (-x32)"
  37. [ebuild U ] dev-libs/leveldb-1.18-r2 [1.18-r1]
  38. [ebuild U ] dev-db/mysql-init-scripts-2.2-r2 [2.1-r1]
  39. [ebuild U ] sys-libs/zlib-1.2.11-r1 [1.2.11]
  40. [ebuild U ] dev-libs/libgcrypt-1.8.1 [1.7.8]
  41. [ebuild U ] dev-libs/nettle-3.3-r2 [3.3-r1]
  42. [ebuild U ] media-sound/lame-3.100 [3.99.5-r1]
  43. [ebuild U ] x11-libs/libXfont2-2.0.2 [2.0.1]
  44. [ebuild U ] x11-libs/libXfont-1.5.3 [1.5.2]
  45. [ebuild U ] dev-util/ragel-6.10 [6.7-r1]
  46. [ebuild U ] media-libs/liblo-0.29 [0.26]
  47. [ebuild U ] dev-libs/jansson-2.10 [2.9]
  48. [ebuild U ] dev-libs/libpcre-8.41 [8.40-r1]
  49. [ebuild U ] dev-lang/perl-5.24.3 [5.24.1-r2]
  50. [ebuild U ] virtual/perl-File-Spec-3.630.100_rc-r2 [3.630.100_rc-r1]
  51. [ebuild U ] virtual/perl-Storable-2.560.100_rc-r2 [2.560.100_rc-r1]
  52. [ebuild U ] virtual/perl-Test-Harness-3.360.100_rc-r2 [3.360.100_rc-r1]
  53. [ebuild U ] virtual/perl-Sys-Syslog-0.330.100_rc-r4 [0.330.100_rc-r3]
  54. [ebuild U ] virtual/perl-Time-HiRes-1.974.100-r1 [1.973.300-r1]
  55. [ebuild U ] virtual/perl-ExtUtils-MakeMaker-7.100.200_rc-r2 [7.100.200_rc-r1]
  56. [ebuild U ] virtual/perl-libnet-3.80.100_rc-r2 [3.80.100_rc-r1]
  57. [ebuild U ] virtual/perl-IO-1.360.100_rc-r2 [1.360.100_rc-r1]
  58. [ebuild U ] virtual/perl-Encode-2.800.100_rc-r2 [2.800.100_rc-r1]
  59. [ebuild U ] virtual/perl-Parse-CPAN-Meta-1.441.700.100_rc-r2 [1.441.700.100_rc-r1]
  60. [ebuild U ] virtual/perl-Digest-SHA-5.950.100_rc-r4 [5.950.100_rc-r3]
  61. [ebuild U ] virtual/perl-Digest-1.170.100_rc-r4 [1.170.100_rc-r3]
  62. [ebuild U ] virtual/perl-JSON-PP- []
  63. [ebuild U ] virtual/perl-IO-Compress-2.69.1_rc-r2 [2.69.1_rc-r1]
  64. [ebuild U ] dev-libs/openssl-1.0.2l [1.0.2k]
  65. [ebuild U ] dev-perl/IO-Socket-SSL-2.48.0 [2.24.0] USE="-examples%"
  66. [ebuild R ] media-libs/portaudio-19_pre20140130 USE="jack*"
  67. [ebuild R ] media-libs/libsamplerate-0.1.9 ABI_X86="32*"
  68. [ebuild U ] dev-libs/libxml2-2.9.4-r3 [2.9.4-r1] USE="icu*"
  69. [ebuild U ] dev-python/pyparsing-2.2.0 [2.1.10]
  70. [ebuild U ] dev-python/apsw-3.19.3_p1 [3.11.1_p1] PYTHON_TARGETS="(-python3_6)"
  71. [ebuild U ] sys-block/thin-provisioning-tools-0.7.0 [0.4.1] USE="-static%"
  72. [ebuild U ] net-dns/bind-tools-9.11.1_p3 [9.11.1_p1]
  73. [ebuild U ] sys-apps/gawk-4.1.4 [4.1.3]
  74. [ebuild U ] net-misc/wget-1.19.1-r2 [1.19.1-r1]
  75. [ebuild U ] sys-libs/e2fsprogs-libs-1.43.6 [1.43.3]
  76. [ebuild U ] net-dns/libidn-1.33-r1 [1.33]
  77. [ebuild U ] sys-apps/sandbox-2.10-r4 [2.10-r3]
  78. [ebuild U ] sys-devel/flex-2.6.4-r1 [2.6.1]
  79. [ebuild R ] app-text/hunspell-1.6.1-r1 L10N="-kk%"
  80. [ebuild N ] app-crypt/rhash-1.3.5 USE="nls -debug -openssl -static-libs" ABI_X86="(64) -32 (-x32)"
  81. [ebuild NS ] sys-devel/binutils-2.28.1 [2.28-r2] USE="cxx nls -multitarget -static-libs {-test} -vanilla"
  82. [ebuild U ] sys-apps/help2man-1.47.4 [1.46.6]
  83. [ebuild U ] dev-util/kbuild-0.1.9998_pre20131130-r1 [0.1.9998_pre20131130]
  84. [ebuild U ] dev-libs/geoip-1.6.10 [1.6.9-r1]
  85. [ebuild R ] sys-devel/gcc-5.4.0-r3 USE="-pgo%"
  86. [ebuild U ] dev-libs/libtasn1-4.12-r1 [4.10-r2]
  87. [ebuild U ] net-dns/libidn2-2.0.4 [0.16-r1]
  88. [ebuild NS ] sys-kernel/gentoo-sources-4.12.12 [4.9.34] USE="-build -experimental -symlink"
  89. [ebuild U ] net-libs/libtorrent-rasterbar-1.0.11-r1 [1.0.10]
  90. [ebuild U ] net-libs/gnutls-3.5.15 [3.5.13] USE="-sslv3*"
  91. [ebuild U ] sci-libs/fftw-3.3.6_p2 [3.3.4] CPU_FLAGS_X86="-avx2%"
  92. [ebuild U ] net-misc/curl-7.56.1 [7.54.1]
  93. [ebuild U ] net-misc/dhcp-4.3.5 [4.3.4]
  94. [ebuild U ] dev-util/cmake-3.8.2 [3.7.2] USE="-server%"
  95. [ebuild U ] media-libs/openjpeg-2.3.0 [2.1.1_p20160922]
  96. [ebuild U ] media-libs/taglib-1.11.1-r1 [1.11.1]
  97. [ebuild U ] sys-apps/file-5.32 [5.30]
  98. [ebuild U ] dev-python/lxml-3.8.0 [3.7.3]
  99. [ebuild U ] dev-python/chardet-3.0.4 [2.3.0] USE="{-test%}"
  100. [ebuild U ] dev-python/pbr-3.1.1 [1.10.0]
  101. [ebuild N ] dev-python/asn1crypto-0.22.0 USE="{-test}" PYTHON_TARGETS="python2_7 python3_4 (-pypy) (-pypy3) -python3_5 (-python3_6)"
  102. [ebuild U ] dev-python/PySocks-1.6.7 [1.5.6] PYTHON_TARGETS="(-pypy3)"
  103. [ebuild U ] dev-python/python-dateutil-2.6.1 [2.4.2-r1]
  104. [ebuild U ] dev-python/psutil-5.2.2 [5.0.1]
  105. [ebuild U ] dev-python/netifaces-0.10.6 [0.10.5]
  106. [ebuild U ] dev-python/docutils-0.13.1 [0.12]
  107. [ebuild R ] media-libs/aubio-0.4.1-r1 USE="jack*"
  108. [ebuild U ] sys-apps/portage-2.3.8 [2.3.6]
  109. [ebuild R ] media-libs/lv2-1.14.0 PYTHON_SINGLE_TARGET="-python3_5% (-python3_6)" PYTHON_TARGETS="-python3_5% (-python3_6)"
  110. [ebuild NS ] dev-lang/python-3.5.4 [2.7.12, 3.4.5] USE="gdbm ipv6 ncurses readline sqlite ssl (threads) xml -build -examples -hardened (-libressl) -tk -wininst"
  111. [ebuild U ] dev-python/cryptography-2.0.2-r1 [1.7.1]
  112. [ebuild U ] app-emulation/virtualbox-modules-5.1.26 [5.0.32]
  113. [ebuild U ] app-portage/gentoolkit-0.4.0 [0.3.3] PYTHON_TARGETS="(-python3_6)"
  114. [ebuild U ] app-misc/ca-certificates-20161130.3.30.2 [20161102.3.27.2-r2]
  115. [ebuild U ] dev-python/pyopenssl-17.2.0 [16.2.0]
  116. [ebuild U ] dev-util/ninja-1.8.2 [1.7.2]
  117. [ebuild U ] dev-python/urllib3-1.22 [1.16] PYTHON_TARGETS="(-pypy3)"
  118. [ebuild U ] dev-python/requests-2.18.2-r1 [2.12.5] USE="ssl%* -socks5%"
  119. [ebuild U ] dev-python/twisted-16.6.0-r3 [16.6.0-r2]
  120. [ebuild U ] media-libs/fontconfig-2.12.4 [2.11.1-r2]
  121. [ebuild U ] net-vpn/openvpn-2.4.4 [2.4.3]
  122. [ebuild U ] dev-vcs/cvs-1.12.12-r12 [1.12.12-r11]
  123. [ebuild R ] media-sound/jack-audio-connection-kit-0.121.3-r1 ABI_X86="32*"
  124. [ebuild N ] media-libs/bio2jack-0.9-r1 USE="-static-libs"
  125. [ebuild R ] virtual/jack-0 ABI_X86="32*"
  126. [ebuild U ] dev-db/mariadb-10.1.26-r1 [10.1.24]
  127. [ebuild U ] virtual/mysql-5.6-r9 [5.6-r6] USE="server%*"
  128. [ebuild U ] dev-lang/ruby-2.2.8 [2.2.6]
  129. [ebuild U ] dev-ruby/rubygems-2.6.14 [2.5.2] RUBY_TARGETS="(-ruby24)"
  130. [ebuild R ] virtual/rubygems-11 RUBY_TARGETS="(-ruby21%*)"
  131. [ebuild R ] dev-ruby/rake-10.5.0 RUBY_TARGETS="(-ruby21%*)"
  132. [ebuild R ] dev-ruby/power_assert-0.3.1 RUBY_TARGETS="(-ruby21%*)"
  133. [ebuild U ] dev-ruby/minitest-5.9.1 [5.8.4]
  134. [ebuild U ] dev-ruby/json-1.8.6-r1 [1.8.3] RUBY_TARGETS="(-ruby24)"
  135. [ebuild R ] dev-ruby/test-unit-3.1.9 RUBY_TARGETS="(-ruby21%*)"
  136. [ebuild R ] dev-ruby/racc-1.4.11 RUBY_TARGETS="(-ruby21%*)"
  137. [ebuild R ] dev-ruby/rdoc-4.2.0 RUBY_TARGETS="(-ruby21%*)"
  138. [ebuild U ] dev-libs/protobuf-3.1.0 [2.6.1-r3] USE="{-test%}" PYTHON_TARGETS="python3_4%* -python3_5%"
  139. [ebuild N ] dev-python/protobuf-python-3.1.0 PYTHON_TARGETS="python2_7 python3_4 -python3_5"
  140. [ebuild U ] sys-fs/e2fsprogs-1.43.6 [1.43.3-r1]
  141. [ebuild U ] dev-util/pkgconfig-0.29.2 [0.28-r2]
  142. [ebuild U ] dev-libs/libatasmart-0.19-r2 [0.19-r1]
  143. [ebuild U ] net-libs/zeromq-4.2.2-r2 [4.2.1] USE="-doc% -unwind%"
  144. [ebuild U ] x11-libs/gdk-pixbuf-2.36.9 [2.36.6]
  145. [ebuild U ] kde-frameworks/extra-cmake-modules-5.37.0-r1 [5.34.0]
  146. [ebuild U ] dev-python/pycairo-1.15.3 [1.10.0-r5]
  147. [ebuild N ] sys-boot/gnu-efi-3.0.3 ABI_X86="(64) -32"
  148. [ebuild U ] sys-block/parted-3.2-r1 [3.2]
  149. [ebuild U ] kde-frameworks/oxygen-icons-5.37.0 [5.34.0] USE="-doc%"
  150. [ebuild U ] media-libs/libgphoto2-2.5.14 [2.5.12]
  151. [ebuild U ] media-gfx/sane-backends-1.0.27 [1.0.25-r1]
  152. [ebuild U ] media-libs/libmtp-1.1.13 [1.1.12]
  153. [ebuild R ] media-libs/slv2-0.6.6-r2 USE="jack*"
  154. [ebuild U ] gnome-base/librsvg-2.40.18 [2.40.17]
  155. [ebuild U ] sys-boot/syslinux-6.04_pre1 [5.10]
  156. [ebuild U ] app-text/djvu-3.5.27 []
  157. [ebuild U ] virtual/freedesktop-icon-theme-0-r2 [0-r1]
  158. [ebuild N ] media-plugins/gst-plugins-jack-1.10.5 ABI_X86="(64) -32 (-x32)"
  159. [ebuild U ] net-wireless/wpa_supplicant-2.6-r3 [2.6-r1]
  160. [ebuild U ] kde-frameworks/kcoreaddons-5.37.0 [5.34.0-r1] USE="-doc%"
  161. [ebuild U ] kde-frameworks/karchive-5.37.0 [5.34.0] USE="-doc%"
  162. [ebuild U ] kde-frameworks/kcodecs-5.37.0 [5.34.0] USE="-doc%"
  163. [ebuild U ] x11-apps/xinit-1.3.4-r3 [1.3.4-r1]
  164. [ebuild U ] kde-frameworks/attica-5.37.0 [5.34.0] USE="-doc%"
  165. [ebuild U ] kde-frameworks/threadweaver-5.37.0 [5.34.0] USE="-doc%"
  166. [ebuild U ] kde-frameworks/kitemmodels-5.37.0 [5.34.0] USE="-doc%"
  167. [ebuild U ] sys-power/upower-0.99.5 [0.99.4]
  168. [ebuild U ] kde-frameworks/kdoctools-5.37.0 [5.34.0] USE="-doc%"
  169. [ebuild U ] x11-base/xorg-server-1.19.5 [1.19.3]
  170. [ebuild U ] kde-frameworks/kjs-5.37.0 [5.34.0]
  171. [ebuild R ] dev-qt/qtsql-4.8.7-r1 USE="mysql*"
  172. [ebuild U ] net-fs/samba-4.5.10-r1 [4.5.10]
  173. [ebuild U ] net-wireless/bluez-5.47-r1 [5.43-r1] USE="alsa%* mesh%*"
  174. [ebuild R ] media-libs/gst-plugins-bad-1.10.5 USE="egl*"
  175. [ebuild U ] net-libs/libsoup-2.56.1 [2.56.0]
  176. [ebuild U ] x11-misc/xdg-user-dirs-gtk-0.10-r1 [0.10]
  177. [ebuild U ] kde-frameworks/kconfig-5.37.0 [5.34.0] USE="-doc%"
  178. [ebuild N ] kde-frameworks/kimageformats-5.37.0 USE="-debug -doc -eps -openexr {-test}"
  179. [ebuild U ] kde-frameworks/kwidgetsaddons-5.37.0 [5.34.0] USE="-doc%"
  180. [ebuild U ] kde-frameworks/kwindowsystem-5.37.0 [5.34.0] USE="-doc%"
  181. [ebuild U ] kde-frameworks/kdbusaddons-5.37.0 [5.34.0] USE="-doc%"
  182. [ebuild U ] kde-frameworks/kitemviews-5.37.0 [5.34.0] USE="-doc%"
  183. [ebuild U ] kde-frameworks/sonnet-5.37.0 [5.34.0] USE="-doc%"
  184. [ebuild U ] kde-frameworks/kguiaddons-5.37.0 [5.34.0] USE="-doc%"
  185. [ebuild U ] kde-frameworks/kdesignerplugin-5.37.0 [5.34.0] USE="-doc%"
  186. [ebuild U ] kde-frameworks/ki18n-5.37.0 [5.34.0-r1] USE="-doc%"
  187. [ebuild U ] kde-frameworks/kcompletion-5.37.0 [5.34.0] USE="-doc%"
  188. [ebuild U ] kde-frameworks/kcrash-5.37.0 [5.34.0] USE="-doc%"
  189. [ebuild U ] kde-frameworks/kjobwidgets-5.37.0 [5.34.0] USE="-doc%"
  190. [ebuild U ] kde-frameworks/kservice-5.37.0 [5.34.0] USE="-doc%"
  191. [ebuild U ] kde-frameworks/kglobalaccel-5.37.0 [5.34.0] USE="-doc%"
  192. [ebuild U ] kde-frameworks/kpty-5.37.0 [5.34.0] USE="-doc%"
  193. [ebuild U ] kde-frameworks/kpackage-5.37.0 [5.34.0] USE="-doc%"
  194. [ebuild U ] kde-frameworks/kunitconversion-5.37.0 [5.34.0] USE="-doc%"
  195. [ebuild U ] net-misc/dropbox-34.3.19 [21.3.18]
  196. [ebuild U ] kde-frameworks/kdesu-5.37.0 [5.34.0] USE="-doc%"
  197. [ebuild U ] kde-frameworks/kemoticons-5.37.0 [5.34.0] USE="-doc%"
  198. [ebuild U ] app-text/poppler-0.57.0 [0.45.0]
  199. [ebuild R ] media-sound/hydrogen-0.9.5-r1 USE="jack*"
  200. [ebuild U ] net-print/cups-filters-1.16.4 [1.13.5] USE="-ipp_autosetup% {-test%}"
  201. [ebuild R ] dev-qt/designer-4.8.7 USE="(-kde%)"
  202. [ebuild N ] kde-frameworks/kfilemetadata-5.37.0 USE="exif pdf taglib -debug -doc -epub -ffmpeg -libav -office {-test}"
  203. [ebuild R ] dev-python/PyQt4-4.12 USE="(-kde%)"
  204. [ebuild R ] www-client/opera-12.16_p1860-r1 USE="(-gstreamer%*) (-kde%)"
  205. [ebuild U ] app-text/atril-1.12.2-r4 [1.12.2-r3]
  206. [ebuild U ~] x11-apps/fusion-icon-0.2.4 [0.1-r4] USE="-qt5%"
  207. [ebuild R ~] x11-wm/compiz-fusion-0.8.8-r1 USE="(-kde%)"
  208. [ebuild U ] app-emulation/virtualbox-guest-additions-5.1.26 [5.1.22]
  209. [ebuild U ] x11-drivers/xf86-video-virtualbox-5.1.26 [5.1.22]
  210. [ebuild N #] app-emulation/vmware-modules-308.5.7 USE="vmci vsock -pax_kernel"
  211. [ebuild U ] app-crypt/gnupg-2.2.0 [2.1.20-r1]
  212. [ebuild U ] dev-vcs/git-2.13.6 [2.13.0]
  213. [ebuild U ] x11-plugins/enigmail- [1.9.7]
  214. [ebuild U ] dev-java/icedtea-bin-3.5.1 [3.4.0] USE="(-big-endian)"
  215. [ebuild U ] dev-java/commons-logging-1.2-r1 [1.2]
  216. [ebuild U ] dev-util/android-studio- []
  217. [ebuild U ] kde-apps/libkexiv2-17.04.3 [16.12.3]
  218. [ebuild U ] sys-apps/shadow-4.5 [4.4-r2]
  219. [ebuild U ] app-emulation/q4wine-1.3.5 [1.3.4]
  220. [ebuild U ] sys-auth/polkit-0.113-r4 [0.113] USE="(-elogind)"
  221. [ebuild U ] sys-auth/consolekit-1.2.0 [1.1.2]
  222. [ebuild U ] sys-auth/rtkit-0.11-r2 [0.11-r1]
  223. [ebuild U ] kde-frameworks/solid-5.37.0 [5.34.0] USE="-doc%"
  224. [ebuild U ] www-client/google-chrome-62.0.3202.75 [59.0.3071.115]
  225. [ebuild U ] net-libs/webkit-gtk-2.18.2 [2.16.5]
  226. [ebuild U ] sys-apps/openrc-0.32.1 [0.26.3]
  227. [ebuild R ] media-sound/pulseaudio-10.0 USE="jack*"
  228. [ebuild U ] media-libs/libao-1.2.2 [1.2.0]
  229. [ebuild R ] dev-qt/qtmultimedia-5.7.1 USE="(-gstreamer010%)"
  230. [ebuild R ] media-plugins/alsa-plugins-1.1.1-r1 USE="jack*"
  231. [ebuild R ] media-sound/fluidsynth-1.1.6-r1 USE="jack*"
  232. [ebuild U ] net-libs/gtk-vnc-0.7.1 [0.6.0]
  233. [ebuild U ] net-misc/freerdp-2.0.0_rc0 [2.0.0_pre20160722] USE="-openh264%"
  234. [ebuild U ] media-video/ffmpeg-3.3.4 [3.2.4] USE="jack* -chromium% -sofalizer% -zeromq%"
  235. [ebuild U ] media-sound/mpg123-1.25.6 [1.25.2] USE="jack*"
  236. [ebuild U ] net-analyzer/wireshark-2.4.2 [2.2.7] USE="capinfos%* captype%* dftest%* dumpcap%* editcap%* mergecap%* randpkt* randpktdump* reordercap%* sharkd%* text2pcap%* tshark%* udpdump%* -libxml2% -nghttp2% -snappy% -spandsp%"
  237. [ebuild U ] app-emulation/virtualbox-5.1.26 [5.0.32] USE="qt5%* -pax_kernel%"
  238. [ebuild U ] media-sound/vorbis-tools-1.4.0-r3 [1.4.0-r2]
  239. [ebuild U ] app-emulation/qemu-2.10.0 [2.9.0-r2]
  240. [ebuild R ] media-video/vlc-2.2.6 USE="jack*"
  241. [ebuild R ] media-libs/mlt-6.4.1-r2 USE="jack*"
  242. [ebuild R ] media-plugins/audacious-plugins-3.7.1 USE="jack*"
  243. [ebuild R ] media-sound/audacity-2.1.3-r1 USE="jack*"
  244. [ebuild U ] media-video/mplayer-1.3.0-r3 [1.2.1] USE="jack*"
  245. [ebuild U ] www-client/chromium-62.0.3202.75 [59.0.3071.104] USE="(-system-icu)"
  246. [ebuild R ] media-libs/xine-lib-1.2.6-r2 USE="jack*"
  247. [ebuild U ] app-emulation/winetricks-20170823 [20170614]
  248. [ebuild U ] mail-client/thunderbird-52.3.0 [52.2.0]
  249. [ebuild R ~] media-sound/lmms-1.1.90 USE="jack* (-qt5%)"
  250. [ebuild R ~] www-client/torbrowser- USE="jack*"
  251. [ebuild U ] www-client/firefox-52.4.0 [52.2.0] USE="jack* -eme-free%"
  252. [ebuild R ] media-plugins/gst-plugins-meta-1.10.5 USE="jack*"
  253. [ebuild R ] media-libs/phonon-4.9.1-r1 USE="(-zeitgeist%)"
  254. [ebuild U ] kde-frameworks/knotifications-5.37.0-r1 [5.34.0] USE="-doc%"
  255. [ebuild NS ] kde-apps/libkcompactdisc-17.04.3 [16.08.3] USE="alsa -debug"
  256. [ebuild R ] x11-libs/qtscriptgenerator-0.2.0-r1 USE="(-kde%)"
  257. [ebuild U ] net-irc/kvirc-5.0_pre20171001143427 [5.0_pre20170401092246]
  258. [ebuild U ] kde-frameworks/kauth-5.37.0 [5.34.0] USE="-doc%"
  259. [ebuild U ] kde-frameworks/kconfigwidgets-5.37.0 [5.34.0] USE="-doc%"
  260. [ebuild U ] kde-frameworks/kiconthemes-5.37.0 [5.34.0] USE="-doc%"
  261. [ebuild U ] kde-frameworks/ktextwidgets-5.37.0 [5.34.0] USE="-doc%"
  262. [ebuild U ] kde-frameworks/kwallet-5.37.0 [5.34.0-r1] USE="-doc%"
  263. [ebuild U ] kde-plasma/polkit-kde-agent-5.10.5 [5.9.5]
  264. [ebuild U ] kde-frameworks/kxmlgui-5.37.0 [5.34.0] USE="-doc%"
  265. [ebuild U ] kde-frameworks/kbookmarks-5.37.0 [5.34.0] USE="-doc%"
  266. [ebuild U ] kde-frameworks/kio-5.37.0 [5.34.0-r2] USE="-doc%"
  267. [ebuild U ] kde-frameworks/kinit-5.37.0 [5.34.0] USE="-doc%"
  268. [ebuild U ] kde-frameworks/kded-5.37.0 [5.34.0] USE="-doc%"
  269. [ebuild U ] kde-frameworks/kparts-5.37.0 [5.34.0] USE="-doc%"
  270. [ebuild NS ] kde-apps/libkcddb-17.04.3 [16.08.3] USE="handbook -debug -musicbrainz {-test}"
  271. [ebuild U ] kde-frameworks/knotifyconfig-5.37.0 [5.34.0] USE="-doc%"
  272. [ebuild U ] kde-frameworks/knewstuff-5.37.0 [5.34.0] USE="-doc%"
  273. [ebuild U ] kde-frameworks/kdeclarative-5.37.0 [5.34.0] USE="-doc%"
  274. [ebuild U ] kde-plasma/kactivitymanagerd-5.10.5 [5.9.5]
  275. [ebuild U ] kde-frameworks/kcmutils-5.37.0 [5.34.0] USE="-doc%"
  276. [ebuild U ] kde-frameworks/kdelibs4support-5.37.0 [5.34.0]
  277. [ebuild U ] kde-frameworks/kactivities-5.37.0 [5.34.0] USE="-doc%"
  278. [ebuild U ] kde-frameworks/khtml-5.37.0 [5.34.0]
  279. [ebuild U ] kde-frameworks/kross-5.37.0 [5.34.0]
  280. [ebuild U ] kde-apps/kdenlive-17.04.3 [16.12.3]
  281. [ebuild U ] kde-plasma/kde-cli-tools-5.10.5 [5.9.5-r1]
  282. [ebuild U ] kde-apps/kdialog-17.04.3 [16.12.3]
  283. [ebuild U ] kde-apps/lokalize-17.04.3 [16.12.3]
  284. [ebuild U ] kde-apps/okular-17.04.3 [16.12.3] USE="image-backend%* -epub% -plucker%"
  285. [ebuild U ] kde-apps/khelpcenter-17.04.3 [16.12.3]
  286. [ebuild U ] kde-frameworks/kdelibs-4.14.34 [4.14.32]
  287. [ebuild R ] media-sound/amarok-2.8.90-r3 USE="(-cdda%*)"
  288. [ebuild NS ] kde-apps/k3b-17.04.3-r1 [2.0.3-r5] USE="dvd encode flac handbook mad mp3 taglib vorbis -debug -emovix -ffmpeg -libav -musepack -sndfile -sox {-test} -vcd -webkit"
  289. [uninstall ] kde-apps/k3b-2.0.3-r5
  290. [blocks b ] kde-apps/k3b:4 ("kde-apps/k3b:4" is blocking kde-apps/k3b-17.04.3-r1)
  291. [ebuild NS ] kde-apps/audiocd-kio-17.04.3 [16.08.3] USE="flac handbook vorbis -debug"
  292. [uninstall ] kde-apps/kde-l10n-16.12.3
  293. [blocks b ] kde-apps/kde-l10n ("kde-apps/kde-l10n" is blocking kde-apps/libkexiv2-17.04.3, kde-apps/okular-17.04.3, kde-apps/kdenlive-17.04.3, kde-apps/khelpcenter-17.04.3, kde-apps/k3b-17.04.3-r1, kde-apps/kdialog-17.04.3, kde-apps/libkcompactdisc-17.04.3, kde-apps/lokalize-17.04.3, kde-apps/audiocd-kio-17.04.3, kde-apps/libkcddb-17.04.3)
  294. [uninstall ] kde-apps/audiocd-kio-16.08.3
  295. [blocks b ] kde-apps/audiocd-kio:4 ("kde-apps/audiocd-kio:4" is blocking kde-apps/audiocd-kio-17.04.3)
  296. [ebuild NS ] media-sound/kaudiocreator-1.3_p20170806 [1.3-r3] USE="-debug {-test}"
  297. [uninstall ] media-sound/kaudiocreator-1.3-r3
  298. [blocks b ] media-sound/kaudiocreator:4 ("media-sound/kaudiocreator:4" is blocking media-sound/kaudiocreator-1.3_p20170806)
  299. [blocks B ] <dev-libs/protobuf-3[python(-)] ("<dev-libs/protobuf-3[python(-)]" is blocking dev-python/protobuf-python-3.1.0)
  301. !!! Multiple package instances within a single package slot have been pulled
  302. !!! into the dependency graph, resulting in a slot conflict:
  304. sys-libs/zlib:0
  306. (sys-libs/zlib-1.2.11-r1:0/1::gentoo, ebuild scheduled for merge) pulled in by
  307. (no parents that aren't satisfied by other packages in this slot)
  309. (sys-libs/zlib-1.2.11:0/0::gentoo, installed) pulled in by
  310. >=sys-libs/zlib-1.2.3:0/0= required by (net-misc/openssh-7.5_p1-r1:0/0::gentoo, installed)
  311. ^^^^^
  312. sys-libs/zlib:0/0= required by (media-gfx/imagemagick-, installed)
  313. ^^^^^
  314. (and 17 more with the same problems)
  316. x11-base/xorg-server:0
  318. (x11-base/xorg-server-1.19.5:0/1.19.5::gentoo, ebuild scheduled for merge) pulled in by
  319. (no parents that aren't satisfied by other packages in this slot)
  321. (x11-base/xorg-server-1.19.3:0/1.19.3::gentoo, installed) pulled in by
  322. x11-base/xorg-server:0/1.19.3= required by (x11-drivers/xf86-input-synaptics-1.9.0:0/0::gentoo, installed)
  323. ^^^^^^^^^^
  324. (and 2 more with the same problem)
  326. dev-libs/protobuf:0
  328. (dev-libs/protobuf-3.1.0:0/11::gentoo, ebuild scheduled for merge) pulled in by
  329. >=dev-libs/protobuf-3 required by (dev-python/protobuf-python-3.1.0:0/11::gentoo, ebuild scheduled for merge)
  330. ^^ ^
  332. (dev-libs/protobuf-2.6.1-r3:0/9::gentoo, installed) pulled in by
  333. dev-libs/protobuf:0/9= required by (media-sound/mixxx-2.0.0-r4:0/0::gentoo, installed)
  334. ^^^^^
  336. app-text/poppler:0
  338. (app-text/poppler-0.57.0:0/68::gentoo, ebuild scheduled for merge) pulled in by
  339. (no parents that aren't satisfied by other packages in this slot)
  341. (app-text/poppler-0.45.0:0/62::gentoo, installed) pulled in by
  342. >=app-text/poppler-0.12.3-r3:0/62= required by (app-text/texlive-core-2016-r5:0/0::gentoo, installed)
  343. ^^^^^^
  345. NOTE: Use the '--verbose-conflicts' option to display parents omitted above
  347. !!! The slot conflict(s) shown above involve package(s) which may need to
  348. !!! be rebuilt in order to solve the conflict(s). However, the following
  349. !!! package(s) cannot be rebuilt for the reason(s) shown:
  351. (media-gfx/imagemagick-, installed): ebuild is masked or unavailable
  354. It may be possible to solve this problem by using package.mask to
  355. prevent one of those packages from being selected. However, it is also
  356. possible that conflicting dependencies exist such that they are
  357. impossible to satisfy simultaneously. If such a conflict exists in
  358. the dependencies of two different packages, then those packages can
  359. not be installed simultaneously.
  361. For more information, see MASKED PACKAGES section in the emerge man
  362. page or refer to the Gentoo Handbook.
  365. * Error: The above package list contains packages which cannot be
  366. * installed at the same time on the same system.
  368. (dev-python/protobuf-python-3.1.0:0/11::gentoo, ebuild scheduled for merge) pulled in by
  369. dev-python/protobuf-python[python_targets_python2_7(-)?,python_targets_python3_4(-)?,python_targets_python3_5(-)?,-python_single_target_python2_7(-),-python_single_target_python3_4(-),-python_single_target_python3_5(-)] (dev-python/protobuf-python[python_targets_python2_7(-),python_targets_python3_4(-),-python_single_target_python2_7(-),-python_single_target_python3_4(-),-python_single_target_python3_5(-)]) required by (dev-libs/protobuf-3.1.0:0/11::gentoo, ebuild scheduled for merge)
  372. For more information about Blocked Packages, please refer to the following
  373. section of the Gentoo Linux x86 Handbook (architecture is irrelevant):
  378. The following USE changes are necessary to proceed:
  379. (see "package.use" in the portage(5) man page for more details)
  380. # required by net-libs/webkit-gtk-2.18.2::gentoo[gstreamer]
  381. # required by www-client/midori-0.5.11-r2::gentoo
  382. # required by @selected
  383. # required by @world (argument)
  384. >=media-libs/gst-plugins-bad-1.10.5 egl
  385. # required by media-sound/jack-audio-connection-kit-0.121.3-r1::gentoo
  386. # required by virtual/jack-0::gentoo
  387. # required by media-plugins/alsa-plugins-1.1.1-r1::gentoo[jack]
  388. # required by media-sound/pulseaudio-10.0::gentoo[alsa-plugin,alsa]
  389. # required by media-sound/fluidsynth-1.1.6-r1::gentoo[pulseaudio]
  390. # required by media-plugins/calf-0.0.60-r1::gentoo
  391. # required by media-sound/lmms-1.1.90::gentoo
  392. # required by @selected
  393. # required by @world (argument)
  394. >=media-libs/libsamplerate-0.1.9 abi_x86_32
  395. # required by www-client/chromium-62.0.3202.75::gentoo
  396. # required by @selected
  397. # required by @world (argument)
  398. >=dev-libs/libxml2-2.9.4-r3 icu
  399. # required by media-plugins/alsa-plugins-1.1.1-r1::gentoo[jack]
  400. # required by media-sound/pulseaudio-10.0::gentoo[alsa-plugin,alsa]
  401. # required by media-sound/fluidsynth-1.1.6-r1::gentoo[pulseaudio]
  402. # required by media-plugins/calf-0.0.60-r1::gentoo
  403. # required by media-sound/lmms-1.1.90::gentoo
  404. # required by @selected
  405. # required by @world (argument)
  406. >=virtual/jack-0 abi_x86_32
  407. # required by virtual/jack-0::gentoo
  408. # required by media-plugins/alsa-plugins-1.1.1-r1::gentoo[jack]
  409. # required by media-sound/pulseaudio-10.0::gentoo[alsa-plugin,alsa]
  410. # required by media-sound/fluidsynth-1.1.6-r1::gentoo[pulseaudio]
  411. # required by media-plugins/calf-0.0.60-r1::gentoo
  412. # required by media-sound/lmms-1.1.90::gentoo
  413. # required by @selected
  414. # required by @world (argument)
  415. >=media-sound/jack-audio-connection-kit-0.121.3-r1 abi_x86_32
  417. Use --autounmask-write to write changes to config files (honoring
  418. CONFIG_PROTECT). Carefully examine the list of proposed changes,
  419. paying special attention to mask or keyword changes that may expose
  420. experimental or unstable packages.
  422. * In order to avoid wasting time, backtracking has terminated early
  423. * due to the above autounmask change(s). The --autounmask-backtrack=y
  424. * option can be used to force further backtracking, but there is no
  425. * guarantee that it will produce a solution.
  427. !!! The following installed packages are masked:
  428. - x11-libs/compizconfig-backend-kconfig4-0.8.8::gentoo (masked by: package.mask)
  429. /usr/portage/profiles/package.mask:
  430. # Andreas Sturmlechner <> (04 Oct 2017)
  431. # Unmaintained KCM for a kcmshell that does not exist anymore.
  432. # Depends on dead Qt4. Masked for removal in 30 days. Bug #629236
  434. - dev-qt/qtwebkit-4.8.7::gentoo (masked by: package.mask)
  435. /usr/portage/profiles/package.mask:
  436. # Andreas Sturmlechner <> (16 Oct 2017)
  437. # Qt4WebKit is ancient and is likely to have more holes
  438. # in it than swiss cheese. Bug #620684
  440. For more information, see the MASKED PACKAGES section in the emerge
  441. man page or refer to the Gentoo Handbook.
  444. !!! All ebuilds that could satisfy ">=media-libs/libsamplerate-0.1.8-r1[abi_x86_32(-)?,abi_x86_64(-)?,abi_x86_x32(-)?,abi_mips_n32(-)?,abi_mips_n64(-)?,abi_mips_o32(-)?,abi_ppc_32(-)?,abi_ppc_64(-)?,abi_s390_32(-)?,abi_s390_64(-)?]" have been masked.
  445. !!! One of the following masked packages is required to complete your request:
  446. - media-libs/libsamplerate-9999::gentoo (masked by: missing keyword)
  447. - media-libs/libsamplerate-0.1.9::gentoo (masked by: )
  449. (dependency required by "media-sound/jack-audio-connection-kit-0.121.3-r1::gentoo" [ebuild])
  450. (dependency required by "virtual/jack-0::gentoo" [ebuild])
  451. (dependency required by "media-plugins/alsa-plugins-1.1.1-r1::gentoo[jack]" [ebuild])
  452. (dependency required by "media-sound/pulseaudio-10.0::gentoo[alsa-plugin,alsa]" [ebuild])
  453. (dependency required by "media-sound/fluidsynth-1.1.6-r1::gentoo[pulseaudio]" [ebuild])
  454. (dependency required by "media-plugins/calf-0.0.60-r1::gentoo" [installed])
  455. (dependency required by "media-sound/lmms-1.1.90::gentoo" [ebuild])
  456. (dependency required by "@selected" [set])
  457. (dependency required by "@world" [argument])
  458. For more information, see the MASKED PACKAGES section in the emerge
  459. man page or refer to the Gentoo Handbook.
  461. maxwell@gentoopc ~ $
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