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Dec 10th, 2017
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  1. Never tell your password to anyone.
  2. Masertania: Skype.
  3. Masertania: Bitch
  4. Masertania: Pickup, bitch.
  5. apex is now Offline.
  6. apex is now Online.
  7. apex is now Offline.
  8. apex is now Online.
  9. apex is now Offline.
  10. apex is now Online.
  11. Masertania: Voted for City 45 to be different
  12. Masertania: I really want City 11
  13. Masertania: I just need to be that outsider.
  14. apex: Of course you do
  15. Masertania: Shush, you.
  16. apex shushing
  17. Masertania: Go eat your Pork Fried Rice.
  18. apex: wtf u talking about that shit is delish
  19. Masertania: It is.
  20. Masertania: I just had the most racist soup.
  21. Masertania: Er chowderish soup.
  22. Masertania: Milk based, with white peeled potatoes, white clam, white lobster, and white shrimp.
  23. Masertania: lol
  24. apex: Damn
  25. apex: Is it like the KKK's official soup
  26. Masertania: Idk.
  27. apex: Seems like a good candidate.
  28. Masertania: I'll have to ask the owner of Lakeside Deli next time I go in there.
  29. Masertania: If I were to become a ruthless leader of a new or reformed nation when I'm older, would you accept the position of political and military advisor?
  30. apex: Of course
  31. apex: Then I might lead a coup to depose you
  32. apex: but that's just one of the job benefits I'd assume
  33. Masertania: kk see you after college.
  34. apex: Aight buddy
  35. apex: cya then
  36. Masertania: Sorry about that. Been watching too many Nazi shows. Hitler intrigues me.
  37. Masertania: He was quite the genius.
  38. apex: He was, yes... but he lost it somewhere along the way and kinda fucked up Germany for a bit
  39. Masertania: Meh.
  40. Masertania: He fixed Germany's economic problems.
  41. Masertania: And the point was, that he screwed up with Operation Barbarossa.
  42. apex: I guess
  43. Masertania: He promised a thousand year empire that lasted only twelve.
  44. apex: Mhm
  45. Masertania: And he never expected Britain and France to declare war when he invaded Poland.
  46. Masertania: He expected that his alliance with the Soviet Union would allow him ease in the Slavic lands.
  47. apex: So I guess you could say he was more of a political genius than a military one...?
  48. Masertania: Not quite.
  49. Masertania: He was a military genius, but.
  50. Masertania: He wasn't well informed of some political changes.
  51. apex: mm.
  52. Masertania: For example, he didn't care enough about Poland's government to know that they had recently made alliances with both France and Britain.
  53. Masertania: Because his only goal was to invade and destroy.
  54. Masertania: He did not like political takeover.
  55. Masertania: This is shown when he gains land in Czechblah through a treaty, when he wanted to take the entire country through military force.
  56. Masertania: And yes, I am too lazy to remember how to spell Czechblah.
  57. apex: Do you ever voice your opinions about Hitler at your middle school?
  58. Masertania: With my U.S. History teacher who does care of one's religious or extremist ideas and only about their intelligence and political skill.
  59. Masertania: doesn't care of one's religious**
  60. apex: You're lucky to have a teacher like that
  61. Masertania: Yeh.
  62. Masertania: Quite honestly, he's almost too intelligent to be a teacher.
  63. Masertania: He'd be doing so much better in a different field.
  64. Masertania: Leave the stupid ones to teach us. We don't learn anything valuable anyways.
  65. apex: Or at the very least, a university professor
  66. apex: I would think
  67. Masertania: Yeh.
  68. Masertania: Funny we also joke what it would be like if he was a Dean in a college.
  69. Masertania: Because he's Mr. Dean.
  70. Masertania: So it would be Dean Dean.
  71. apex: haha xD
  72. Masertania: I would love to go into politics but I like old-world politics.
  73. Masertania: I hate American politics, and the political systems that have been modelled after it.
  74. Masertania: That leaves Russia.
  75. apex: Lol...
  76. Masertania: In which it would be unheard of for a foreigner to be in their political system.
  77. Masertania: I am actually quite serious when I talk of my considerations to take over territory and start a new country.
  78. apex: Oh? Tell me more.
  79. Masertania: Throw me in the looney bin now while you can.
  80. Masertania: lol
  81. Masertania: Meh I believe in the need for a heavily ruled police state, that hides the lack of political rights for citizens with national pride.
  82. Masertania: Which is exactly what Nazi Germany was.
  83. Masertania: And it would've been a brilliant country if Adolf Hitler hadn't let his view on Jews enter politics.
  84. Masertania: But he wouldn't have been in power if he hadn't.
  85. Masertania: He was able to convince people that his belief that Jews caused German loss in the first world war was true.
  86. apex: Could it have been possible for him to "downplay" his opinion on Jews after he had gained enough power?
  87. Masertania: Yes.
  88. Masertania: Publicly, it would've been a terrible idea.
  89. Masertania: But internally he could've.
  90. Masertania: Most Germans were convinced that Hitler's treatment of Jews was necessary to develop a better Germany.
  91. Masertania: Teacher : What do you want to be when you're older?
  92. Masertania: Me : A ruthless dictator.
  93. Masertania: Teacher : Let me get the social worker.
  94. apex: But back to your aspiration to create a new country... do you have any vauge ideas on how you might accomplish this?
  95. Masertania: Internal indirect rebellion.
  96. Masertania: I would target Slovenia.
  97. Masertania: It's landscape is perfect for WWII SoE style rebellion.
  98. apex: Lol.
  99. Masertania: No joke.
  100. apex: Wait, what does SoE stand for?
  101. Masertania: Hell if I remember.
  102. Masertania: Special Operation Executive I think.
  103. Masertania: Part of the SIS.
  104. apex: Oh! Right, I remember now.
  105. apex: I read a little about that organization.
  106. apex: Anyway
  107. Masertania: Genius idea.
  108. Masertania: By none other than Churchill.
  109. Masertania: Slovenia is only a guess as to where.
  110. Masertania: It depends on conflicts during the time of planning.
  111. apex: But it would be in that region
  112. apex: ah
  113. Masertania: You need to find a civilian vs government struggle in which you can side with the civilian ideology.
  114. Masertania: Even if you don't agree with it.
  115. Masertania: The actual military would be multinational.
  116. Masertania: Essentially, find people who need a new life.
  117. Masertania: Similar to the way the French Foreign Legion recruits.
  118. Masertania: It's essentially, 'this is your new life, we don't care what guilt you hold in your former life'
  119. Masertania: Do you think I'm insane for even thinking of this?
  120. apex: Maybe a little. The word "visionary" comes to mind, but I don't feel it's exactly the right fit because it seems like you draw heavily from Adolf Hitler / past dictators for inspiration, as opposed to coming up with new and revolutionary ideas. Of course, that's not a fault in any way, because it seems smart to stick to what you know and use history as a template or guide or sorts.
  121. apex: In short, the answer is "I don't know"
  122. Masertania: My history teacher puts it best : history is there for us to learn from and hopefully not repeat.
  123. apex: Yep
  124. Masertania: My inspiration from past dictators is for what they did do well, and what ideas failed.
  125. apex: Of course.
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