
Understand the Flame

Aug 15th, 2019
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  1. [20:00] "Haha, nice. Bet ya gave them Hel."
  3. Amused by the response, the child was still on her search for these teachers but so far, the place seemed rather quiet, save for Genrira and Ichida.
  5. "Oh yeah? Whatcha practicing?"
  7. She'd ask, tucking both of her hands into both pockets, rolling back and forth on the heels of her bare feet.
  8. (Zoya)
  9. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  11. [20:02] Ichida wasn't doing anything special at the moment, but it seems to give him the edge a few times in battle even if it was a hit or miss.
  13. "I'm jsut working on striking with enough force to stun a person. It's going well, but I might not keep it long it all depends on how I do in battle with them. It's looking good so far, but I don't really know"
  15. Ichida nods at Zoya.
  16. (Ichida Rikiya)
  17. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  19. [20:07] "Oh neat. I can do this whip thing with my water magic, slowly getting good at it that I can even chop tree's with."
  21. She'd smile, pulling her hands out from the pockets and gestures with both, wringing an imaginary wet towel and spinning it into a tight curl before whipping it out in front of her.
  23. "It's like trying to whip someone with a damp towel, don't ask how I know. It took me a good few tries to get it down though, the first few I gave myself a few scrapes and cuts. But it's all in the sake of knowledge and practice. Someone did tell me knowledge was power."
  25. Sienna hues turning to Genrira.
  27. "How's the cosmic magic coming along? Elma looked pretty stoked when she heard about it, I think it suits her to learn cosmic magic."
  28. (Zoya)
  29. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  31. [20:08] Genrira says, "Haha she ended up accidently learning holy magic instead but I still intend to teach her cosmic magic."
  32. [20:08] Ichida Rikiya says, "Seems like you're growing well."
  33. [20:13] She'd chuckle.
  35. "Another magic that suits her, I bet she'll be super strong when she gets older."
  37. Turning her attention to Ichida.
  39. "I'm doing what I can with meditation, my grampa is my only teacher but there's only so much he can teach me at his age. I don't blame him. I'm trying to find a fire teacher, water teacher and earth teacher. Genrira shared some information on who can teach me water and fire but I have yet to find them. I have a good idea who is the earth teacher though."
  41. Nodding her head.
  43. "What kind of magic do you know?"
  44. (Zoya)
  45. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  47. [20:14] Genrira says, "Aeton has been out and about away from Briar. Next time he comes home I'll let him know."
  48. [20:19] Genrira whispers something.
  49. [20:21] Ichida tilts his head a little thinking about what she just asked him, well he had an answer, but he didn't know if that's what she was looking for at the moment.
  51. "I know fire and wind magic."
  53. He'd eye the girl wondering what kind of teacher she was looking for. Ichida was okay though he probably wasn't the best choice all things considered.
  55. It would be a choice she'd have to make on her own.
  56. (Ichida Rikiya)
  57. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  59. [20:28] "Thanks Gen-Gen."
  61. The look on her face expressed the gratitude alone as she'd smile, nodding her head towards Elma's dad before she'd look to ichida.
  63. "That's cool, a magi or a swordsman?"
  65. Squinting slightly, she couldn't truly get a read on the man but usually that was what made it so interesting to get to know someone.
  67. "And not too sure how well you know either of the magic or else I'd just ask you to be my teacher since you are here almost every time I visit."
  69. Looking to emotionally bond herself to the elements she knew, there had to be a teacher who knew the specific element like the back of their hand and even more.
  70. (Zoya)
  71. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  73. [20:32] "Swordsmen, but I've mastered both the wind and fire element which is why I'm able to combine them so well. I don't use any of the advance fire magic, but I know the basics pretty well if that's what you were interested in."
  75. Ichida raised a brow waiting for the girl answer, he didn't know if she preferred a mage or swordsmen as a teach of the arts, but he'd leave that up to her.
  77. "I wouldn't mind it, but I'll let you make the choice for yourself."
  78. (Ichida Rikiya)
  79. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  81. [20:36] You learned the spell Galeforce Strike.
  84. Interesting indeed. Crossing both arms over her chest, yet one bent at a right angle, allowing a finger to boop to her own chin as the child pondered.
  86. "Sure why not. I never really try to have just one teacher since I know different teachers have different teaching methods. Never know which one works or not."
  88. Arms relaxing from their crossed form, only to fall at her sides.
  90. "I'll still keep an eye out for an Aeton and Holz though."
  92. Hands slap together.
  94. "Well, if you've got the time. Why don't we start now? Preferably somewhere a bit more quiet but totally not endangering ourselves."
  95. (Zoya)
  96. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  98. [20:41] "Well, we can head off to the side away from anyone and I can give you my view on fire magic and possibly show you a thing or two if you'd like. I don't mind doing that right now.
  100. I don't have anything else going on at the moment other than hoping the new spell I learned works out in the long run. I'll save that for later though, and we can focus on fire magic."
  102. He'd motion her to follow him to a more private area where they could begin.
  104. "We can get any question you have out the way first, and take baby steps from there."
  105. (Ichida Rikiya)
  106. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  108. [20:48] She'd nod, following the man way off to the east of Briar, nearing the cliff. The fierce breeze cascading upwards, forcing the steep cliffs to look even more so.
  110. Off in the distance, tidal waves of dangerous deep waters carrying the gentle mounds closer. The air was different here, tranquil yet more danger than the mountain and their waterfalls.
  112. Closing her eyes, she could feel the vibration reverberating from the ocean water as waves crash and thrash about the cliffside and it's jagged rocks. Caverns that burrow into the side filling up with water, who ever got caught in those were surely dead by the time the high tides came in.
  114. Slowly opening to expose sienna hues, a different perspective shown to the elementally attuned Sarradian.
  116. "One heck of a spot."
  118. She'd mutter just under her breath, completely taken back by the surrounding.
  120. "Right... Right."
  122. Reminding herself of the words spoken.
  124. "Um, how do you connect to your fire and winds?"
  126. Turning her attention back to his face.
  127. (Zoya)
  128. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  130. [20:55] Ichida pondered the question for a moment before coming up with somewhat of an answer for what she asked him. He really didn't think this deeply on the subject until now, but he was willing to share any information he could with her if she put the information to good use.
  132. "At first I though of fire to be purely rage, then I though flames grew stronger because of envy. I also used hate to fill my flames, and even jealously at some point"
  134. He'd pause for a moment.
  136. "In the end I was wrong on every account when it comes to fire magic. You can't force yourself to control the flames of fire or you will lose yourself in the process. To control the flames you must accept them and allow them to work with you instead of against you.
  138. If you attempt to force the flames to bend to your command then you will fail and only end up hurting you're. Know that I'm older and sat down to truly think about it, fire magic comes from the heart and that's where you must draw you power from.
  140. It's the will to live and push forward in the face of adversity while not losing focus on you're goals like I have so many times before. There are holy flames, and occult fames no matter what fire you choose to wield you must always work with it.
  142. If you try to force your will against that of the flames you will lose which is why I allow the flames to guild me from now on. I don't try to go against the nature of the flames anymore because I believe they would guild me in the right direction."
  144. Ichida took a deep breath
  145. (Ichida Rikiya)
  146. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  148. [21:08] Grampa had said it but never this deep into detail, he always said it was just passion, whether it was anger, sadness, resentment, your whole soul and body vibrated with passion.
  150. She'd learn that there had to be a level of acceptance and it was something she had learned instinctively but never honed. The more he explained, the more she'd allow herself to practice this acceptance, closing her eyes, letting his words fuel the inspiration of a child who was basically deemed as the next head of the house.
  152. Grampa, herself, what she has created for the both of them to live their lives comfortably and ease. No more living in the Inn, surviving but living, thinking of those being taken away from her, she'd rather go out kicking and screaming before that life built would be taken away from her.
  154. But what was this feeling? Was it anger, the need to protect, love, resentment, maybe even denial?
  156. All she knew was that she couldn't force it, she couldn't fight against the nature of the flames.
  158. But how? She could easily use fire magic, but bonding herself to it, how? This question, that felt like it only pertained to herself and her experience would drive her to the realization of what the answer was.
  160. "Did you have to accept it too, an answer that only was meant for you when you were having trouble figuring it out?"
  162. She'd ask, slowly opening her eyes. A hint of disappointment yet curiosity flaring those Sienaa hues of hers, the immaturity of wanting the answer, the stubbornness to grow fiercer alongside the elements. But the wise words of her elderly grampa reigned the young lady to learn patience and understanding.
  163. (Zoya)
  164. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  166. [21:21] Ichida didn't know himself about the true nature of the flames, but he was still learning everyday how to master them. It wasn't a easy task with so much that has kept Ichida oppressed in his he couldn't help but fuel his flames though pain.
  168. So much pain he felt growing up, and yet he still can't manage to shake it away, Why? He must have been cursed with a darkness that would ruin his life for fun. All the people that didn't deserve it were still getting many wonderful this to happen in their life, and Ichida was left with the short stick.
  170. "I'm still having trouble's I'm trying to figure out in my life, and each decision I make seems to be the wrong one. I keep fueling my flames with anger, and sin and that's now what I was taught by Zex.... which is why I've yet to achieve my goal of mastering the flames.
  172. I lost a my first love because she didn't want me anymore; I wasn't goodenough for her, and she left me to rot. I then went into a deep depression, and I thought my flames were fueled by that.
  174. The woman Mack play my heart lie ka violin telling me she loved me why in another mans face all the time. I thought my flames were filled by despair, and I gave up on love. I even used that dark feeling to try and save her lover, and for what? She getting married to another person.
  176. I thought my flames were filled by envy because I thought I had something going with the Regent of Huangzhou, but Mack's ex end up dating here. Elyon of Gehenna, and that's where the envy started, but that wasn't the way.
  178. My life is full of heart break and disappointment, and that's how I tired to focus my flames. I was wrong for doing so and the flames ignored me, and now I'm alone really and I have to allow the flames to use me as they like.
  180. But I've made too many mistakes in my life...., don't be like me."
  181. (Ichida Rikiya)
  182. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  184. [21:45] Zoya listened, allowing her heart to be weighed by his sorrows and unfortunate events that had transpired throughout his life. Those fiery sienna hues dim to the heartbreak, yet it only urged the question why the people around him question his sanity.
  186. Weren't they the ones who caused it? How can they question the state of a possible monster when they're the one who created it? All but a hypothesis.
  188. Hands slowly clasp, fingers intertwining with her own as she pondered. Passion is connected to the soul and the soul was connected to the mana. Yet the more she heard, the more she questioned if Ichida ever had a stable passion in his life that didn't involve the negatives.
  190. Perhaps only love, protection, like herself for her grampa. Maybe he just needed something to not feel alone...
  192. "My grampa adopted me, before I met him I was alone too. Abandoned by my own parents who are only but two arguing blurs to me now. They left me with a crazy man who spoke to whispers in his head. I had to find my own food and I stayed away from big crowds because- Well, I thought I knew why, but now I think I was just nervous around them."
  194. "I just did my own thing until I met my grampa and made friends... I could have turned them away, but I made the most of it. I had help but a lot of it, I did on my own, I made it and I just never gave up."
  196. Looking down at her hands, thumbs twirling around one another.
  198. "I used to be sad at my parents, even angry, why they gave me up. But I just kind of, accepted who I am and I'm happy that I am who I am. Even if I don't feel proud yet, it makes me happy that my grampa, who has been watching me and my progress, is more than proud of me. All my hard work to get myself here, with a house and a farm for me and my grampa. I'm proud of that, and continuing on, knowing it makes my grampa's life just a bit easier and makes me a strongerperson in life..."
  200. "I can continue to accept who I am despite what has happened to make things so... So sad. Or angry. Cause, they are a part of me and I've learned from them."
  202. She'd look up to Ichida.
  204. "Like fire, you can't fight it. Passion can't be forced. Everything that has made you mad, sad, resentful, can be viewed to either cripple you or make you more proud of yourself. Passion, I think... Relies on what you want to do, for yourself rather than the people around you who only pull you down."
  206. "I think I will make mistakes in my life too, it's just a matter of having... Patience... And understanding."
  208. Looking down, she'd swallow back some tears. It was difficult for her to share but she had to for Ichida to know how she functioned for a better lesson. But sharing was never easy, exposing the deepest parts of herself to someone. Walls briefly torn down. But what hurts the mostwas still, the worry she had of her grampa soon passing away to leave her alone again.
  210. Perhaps it was another reason why she sought after these bonding training to her element. To find the acceptance and strength to carry on even after her grampa's passing, so she can be a stronger individual both physically and mentally.
  212. (Zoya)
  213. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  215. [22:10] Ichida didn't expect her to go into such deep details about her experience, and how she view the flame magic. It was troublesome to him, and he didn't like see anyone down especially kids that were looking for a way out. This reminded him of when he sought out Zex for advice, but the man was no longer with him.
  217. "I'm sorry to hear that you've faces troubles in your life I know the feeling all to well and I hate to see that. It's painful for us all, and the people that cause the pain don't seem to believe they've done any wrong.
  219. It's sad how people seem to forget you have feelings too, and you can feel pain like they can. I can't forgive them for what they've done, but I can't make the flames react to my emotions"
  221. He'd sigh offering the girl a few pats on her back.
  223. "I know you'll push though it and make a better future for yourself. It's too late for me, and I'll try to make it better, but people rather seem me fail than have peace.
  225. I've seen the true colors of people.."
  227. He'd gaze off into the distance.
  229. "I'll help you as best I can, but just take my advice and don't use your negative emotions to fill the flame."
  230. (Ichida Rikiya)
  231. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  233. [22:18] She didn't want sorry's, what did that even mean? To feel sorry about one's past experience, it felt more like an insult than good. But, she understood he meant it in good sense. Only acceptance that she had gone through a tough childhood but that only aided to make her who she has become today.
  235. Someone Grampa could be proud of, that Logan looked up to, that Axel, Anders, Bella and Freya could be her friends and help the Sarradian. She could understand a bit more of what grampa saw in her, the strength and resilience to stand up for herself.
  237. "Thanks, Ichida. I'll learn from both the good things and bad things you've experienced. But yeah, I'll try not to let negative emotions fill my flames."
  239. Looking up to him, flashing a soft smile as he'd pat her back.
  241. "What's next?"
  242. (Zoya)
  243. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  245. [22:24] "Now that we got the deeper part out of the way, the next part is simply controlling how you aim your fire magic. The nature of fire is wild and hard to contain, but if you're lucky you'll be able to aim it in the right directions.
  247. It might even burn you sometime; I know it sounds crazy, but if you aren't careful the flames will burn you no matter the level of fire you master.
  249. Be sure to remain focus at all times while using the flames in-order to ensure your own safety"
  251. Ichida offered some sagely advise for Zoya, hopefully it would give her a better understanding.
  253. (Ichida Rikiya)
  254. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  256. [22:36] "Mh."
  258. Nodding her head as she'd listen on the advices and tips given by the older Ichida.
  260. "I can conjure some fire, it's just. Using it in a fancy schmancy way is the hard part. Like those spars, or fights. I haven't been able to conjure my flames like that."
  262. Some more nodding, allowing ichida to speak some more before she'd respond.
  264. "Stay focus at all times to ensure my own safety, got it. How about a demonstration?"
  265. (Zoya)
  266. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  268. [22:54] Ichida didn't have much of a Choice but to show her a spell even if it's the most basic he could manage to muster up. He'd open his hand and form a lesser fire ball one that any mage could probably do if they learn the arts.
  270. Though his fire ball was more refined and focused he soon fired it across the ocean and it burned itself out. He didn't use much mana when it came to that spell, but he still had control over it.
  272. "That was a basic fire ball, but when you focus on the core aspect of fire as a whole then you can increase the range and damage of the spell."
  273. (Ichida Rikiya)
  274. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  276. [23:00] She'd nod and observe Ichida conjure a basic fire ball, which was something the Sarradian could do except the part when it would spread and thicken.
  278. "Oh, that's big."
  280. After a moment and the fire had ceased, she'd pat his back.
  282. "Thanks, this has been a big help. I'll most likely stick around for another teaching, thanks mister Ichida."
  284. As soon as goodbye's were exchanged, she'd head off, waving a hand back to ichida.
  285. (Zoya)
  286. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
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