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- INSTRUCTIONS = File.readlines("day12_input.txt").map { |line| [line[0], line.chomp[1..].to_i] }
- def move_ship(ship, instructions, mover)
- i = Complex::I
- instructions.each do |instr|
- case instr[0]
- when /[ENWS]/
- wp_add = case instr[0]
- when 'E'
- instr[1]
- when 'N'
- instr[1]*i
- when 'W'
- -instr[1]
- when 'S'
- -instr[1]*i
- end
- ship[mover] += wp_add
- when 'F'
- ship[:pos] += ship[:wp] * instr[1]
- when /[LR]/
- sign = instr[0] == 'L' ? 1 : -1
- degrees = (sign * instr[1]) % 360
- wp_dir = Complex::polar(1, Math::PI * degrees / 180)
- ship[:wp] *= wp_dir
- end
- end
- end
- # Part 1
- ship1 = { pos: Complex(0, 0), wp: Complex(1, 0) }
- move_ship(ship1, INSTRUCTIONS, :pos)
- puts "#{ ship1[:pos].real.abs + ship1[:pos].imag.abs }"
- # Part 2
- ship2 = { pos: Complex(0, 0), wp: Complex(10, 1) }
- move_ship(ship2, INSTRUCTIONS, :wp)
- puts "#{ ship2[:pos].real.abs + ship2[:pos].imag.abs }"
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