

Jan 21st, 2019
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  1. Options:
  2. #------------------#
  3. #Skript
  4. #------------------#
  5. #・Skellet
  6. #・SKquery
  7. #・Skrayfall
  8. #・Skript
  9. #Config
  11. system: true
  12. maxlvl: 500
  13. log: &8≫&7&lシステム
  14. upxp:
  15. #Tab
  16. #長すぎると表示されないかも
  17. top_tab: Skript RPG
  18. Tab_below: %number of all players%&f/*
  19. news: test
  20. sidebar_name: Skript RPG
  21. mute_: &5[&2Mute&5]&6
  22. sp_msg_no: &6SPがありません。
  23. #デフォルトのランクを設定します。
  24. default_rank: &8NONE
  26. variables:
  27. {lv::%uuid of player%} = 1
  28. {xp::%uuid of player%} = 0
  29. {up::%uuid of player%} = 25
  30. {sp::%uuid of player%} = 1
  31. {power::%uuid of player%} = 0
  32. {def::%uuid of player%} = 0
  33. {speed::%uuid of player%} = 0
  35. #==============================================================================================#
  36. # Command
  37. #==============================================================================================#
  39. command /status-show [<text>]:
  40. trigger:
  41. if arg-1 is not set:
  42. open chest with 3 row named "&6%player%&7の&9&lステータス" to player
  43. wait 1 second
  44. format slot 10 of player with beacon named "&a&l&oLevel" with lore "&8[&6%{lv::%uuid of player%}%&8]" to close
  45. format slot 11 of player with emerald named "&6&l&oExp" with lore "&8[&6%{xp::%uuid of player%}%&7/&a%{up::%uuid of player%}%&8]" to close
  46. format slot 12 of player with experience bottle named "&e&lSp" with lore "&8[&6%{sp::%uuid of player%}%&8]" to close
  47. format slot 13 of player with iron sword named "&c&lPower" with lore "&8[&6%{power::%uuid of player%}%&8]" to close
  48. format slot 14 of player with iron chestplate named "&9&ldefense" with lore "&8[&6%{def::%uuid of player%}%&8]" to close
  49. format slot 15 of player with feather named "&b&lSpeed" with lore "&8[&6%{speed::%uuid of player%}%&8]" to close
  50. if arg-1 is set:
  51. open chest with 3 row named "&6%arg-1%&7の&9&lステータス" to player
  52. wait 1 second
  53. format slot 10 of player with beacon named "&a&l&oLevel" with lore "&8[&6%{lv::%uuid of arg-1%}%&8]" to close
  54. format slot 11 of player with emerald named "&6&l&oExp" with lore "&8[&6%{xp::%uuid of arg-1%}%&7/&a%{up::%uuid of arg-1%}%&8]" to close
  55. format slot 12 of player with experience bottle named "&e&lSp" with lore "&8[&6%{sp::%uuid of arg-1%}%&8]" to close
  56. format slot 13 of player with iron sword named "&c&lPower" with lore "&8[&6%{power::%uuid of arg-1%}%&8]" to close
  57. format slot 14 of player with iron chestplate named "&9&ldefense" with lore "&8[&6%{def::%uuid of arg-1%}%&8]" to close
  58. format slot 15 of player with feather named "&b&lSpeed" with lore "&8[&6%{speed::%uuid of arg-1%}%&8]" to close
  62. command /status:
  63. trigger:
  64. open chest with 3 row named "&6ステータス&e&l割り振り" to player
  65. wait 1 second
  66. format slot 11 of player with iron sword named "" to close then run "sp p"
  67. format slot 12 of player with iron chestplate named "" to close then run "sp d"
  68. format slot 13 of player with feather named "" to close then run "sp s"
  69. format slot 16 of player with experience bottle named "&e&lSp" with lore "&8[&6%{sp::%uuid of arg-1%}%&8]" to close
  73. command /sp [<text>]:
  74. trigger:
  75. if arg-1 is "p":
  76. if {sp::%uuid of player%} = 0:
  77. send "{@sp_msg_no}"
  78. stop
  79. else:
  80. add -1 to {sp::%uuid of player%}
  81. add 1 to {power::%uuid of player%}
  82. stop
  83. if arg-1 is "d":
  84. if {sp::%uuid of player%} = 0:
  85. send "{@sp_msg_no}"
  86. stop
  87. else:
  88. add -1 to {sp::%uuid of player%}
  89. add 1 to {def::%uuid of player%}
  90. stop
  91. if arg-1 is "s":
  92. if {sp::%uuid of player%} = 0:
  93. send "{@sp_msg_no}"
  94. stop
  95. else:
  96. add -1 to {sp::%uuid of player%}
  97. add 1 to {speed::%uuid of player%}
  98. stop
  103. command /:
  109. command /:
  114. #==============================================================================================#
  115. # Sidebar
  116. #==============================================================================================#
  121. every 2 second:
  122. loop all players:
  123. wipe loop-player's sidebar
  124. set name of sidebar of loop-player to "{@sidebar_name}"
  125. set score "&2&l&oステータス" in sidebar of loop-player to 16
  126. set score "&a" in sidebar of loop-player to 15
  127. set score "&6&lLevel&f&l: &e&l%{lv::%loop-player%}%" in sidebar of loop-player to 14
  128. set score "&a&lExp&f&l: &e&l%{xp::%loop-player%}%&7&l/&e&l%{up::%loop-player%}%" in sidebar of loop-player to 13
  129. set score "&5&lSP&f&l: &e&l%{sp::%loop-player%}%" in sidebar of loop-player to 12
  130. set score "&e" in sidebar of loop-player to 11
  131. set score "&b&l" in sidebar of loop-player to 10
  132. set score "&f" in sidebar of loop-player to 9
  133. set score "&c&lランク&a: &7&l%{prefix::%uuid of loop-player%}%" in sidebar of loop-player to 8
  134. set score "" in sidebar of loop-player to 7
  135. set score "" in sidebar of loop-player to 6
  136. set score "&6&l&oサーバーニュース" in sidebar of loop-player to 5
  137. set score "&7" in sidebar of loop-player to 4
  138. set score " {@news}" in sidebar of loop-player to 3
  139. set score "&d" in sidebar of loop-player to 2
  142. #==============================================================================================#
  143. # Level & Tab
  144. #==============================================================================================#
  145. on any movement:
  146. if {@playerleveling} is true:
  147. if {xp::%player%} is greater or equal to {up::%player%}:
  148. if {lvl::%player%} is greater or equal to {@maxlvl}:
  149. stop
  150. else:
  151. add 1 to {lvl::%player%}
  152. add 1 to {sp::%player%}
  153. add {@upxp} to {up::%player%}
  154. set {xp::%player%} to 0
  155. send "{@log} "
  156. send "&l≻≻ &b&lレベルアップ!! &f&l≺≺"
  157. send "&8≫ &6&lLevel&a&l: &e&l%{lvl::%player%}%"
  158. send "&8≫ &5&lSP&a&l: &e&l+1"
  159. stop
  160. set tab header to "{@top_tab}" and footer to "{@Tab_below}" for player
  161. set the player's tablist name to "&9&l≫%{prefix::%uuid of player%}% &a&lLV&f&l:&e&l%{lvl::%player%}% &f%player%"
  163. #===============================================================#
  164. #-Chat- #
  165. #===============================================================#
  167. on chat:
  168. cancel event
  169. if {mute::%uuid of player%} is set:
  170. {mute::%uuid of player%} is true
  171. send "{@mute_}あなたは発言できません " to player
  172. add 1 to {checkchat::%player%}
  173. stop
  174. if {prefix::%uuid of player%} is set:
  175. if {suffix::%uuid of player%} is set:
  176. broadcast "&8≫&a&lチャット &7≫%{prefix::%uuid of player%}% &f%player% %{suffix::%uuid of player%}%&a: &f&l%message%"
  177. else:
  178. broadcast "&8≫&a&lチャット &7≫%{prefix::%uuid of player%}% &f%player%&a: &f&l%message%"
  179. else:
  180. if {suffix::%uuid of player%} is set:
  181. broadcast "&8≫&a&lチャット &7≫ &f%player% %{suffix::%uuid of player%}%&a: &f&l%message%"
  182. else:
  183. broadcast "&8≫&a&lチャット &7≫ &f%player%&a: &f&l%message%"
  185. #===============================================================#
  186. #-Mute-
  187. #===============================================================#
  189. on chat:
  190. if {mute::%uuid of player%} is true:
  191. if {checkchat::%player%} is more than 5:
  192. kick the player due to "{@mute_} あなたはMuteされている時にチャットをしたためKickされました。"
  193. set {checkchat::%player%} to 0
  194. stop
  198. command /mute [<offline player>] [<text>] :
  199. permission: skript
  200. trigger:
  201. if arg-1 is set:
  202. if arg-2 is set:
  203. set {mute::%uuid of arg-1%} to true
  204. broadcast "%arg-1%&6が%player%&cによってミュートされました"
  205. broadcast "理由: %arg-2% "
  206. if arg-1 is not set:
  207. send "使い方: /mute k2R_Options Spam"
  209. command /mute-check [<offline player>]:
  210. trigger:
  211. send "MUTE: %arg-1% %{mute::%uuid of arg-1%}%"
  213. command /unmute [<offline player>] [<text>]:
  214. permission: skript
  215. trigger:
  216. if arg-1 is set:
  217. if arg 2 is set:
  218. set {mute::%uuid of arg-1%} to false
  219. broadcast "%arg-1%&6は&c%player%によってミュート解除されました"
  220. broadcast "理由: %arg-2% "
  221. if arg-1 is not set:
  222. send "使い方: /unmute k2R_Options 反省した"
  225. #===============================================================#
  226. #-Rank-Set-
  227. #===============================================================#
  229. On join:
  230. if {prefix::%uuid of player%} isn't set:
  231. set {prefix::%uuid of player%} to "{@default_rank}"
  232. stop
  235. command /prefix [<offline player>] [<text>]:
  236. permission: skript
  237. permission message: あなたは権限を持っていません。
  238. trigger:
  239. set {prefix::%uuid of arg-1%} to colored arg-2
  240. send "&b%arg 1% の前を %colored arg 2% &bにしました!"
  242. command /clearprefix [<offline player>]:
  243. permission: skript
  244. permission message: あなたは権限を持っていません。
  245. trigger:
  246. clear {prefix::%uuid of arg-1%}
  247. send "&b%arg 1% の称号をリセットしました。"
  249. command /suffix [<offline player>] [<text>]:
  250. permission: skript
  251. permission message: あなたは権限を持っていません。
  252. trigger:
  253. set {suffix::%uuid of arg-1%} to coloured arg-2
  254. send "&b%arg 1% の称号を%colored arg 2% &bにしました!"
  256. command /clearsuffix [<offline player>]:
  257. permission: skript
  258. permission message: あなたは権限を持っていません。
  259. trigger:
  260. clear {suffix::%uuid of arg-1%}
  261. send "&b%arg 1% の称号をリセットしました。"
  263. command /prefixhelp:
  264. permission: skript
  265. permission message: あなたは権限を持っていません。
  266. trigger:
  267. send "&6&m================================="
  268. send "&b&lPREFIX &eSKRIPT Version:1.12.2 "
  269. send "&b&l/prefix (名前) (称号) "
  270. send "&b&l/clearprefix (名前) "
  271. send "&b&l/suffix (名前) (称号) "
  272. send "&b&l/clearsuffix (名前)"
  273. send "&b&l/mute (名前) (理由)"
  274. send "&b&l/unmute (名前) (理由)"
  275. send "&b&l/mute-check"
  276. send "&6&m================================="
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