
_det_var_trist_, HaHaNiggerz friends in common 2019-03-14

Jan 15th, 2020
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  1. Name,"Screen name","Twitter ID",Location,Biography,"Created date",Followers,Following,Tweets,Favorites,Website,"Time zone",Geo-enabled,Verified,Language,Protected
  2. CoolHandLuke??,@C00lHandLukeX1,"ID 548136534","Nowhere Special, Texas, USA","American Nationalist, si vis pacem, para bellum.. ?????? #????????","Sun Apr 08 01:51:46 +0000 2012",6049,4654,44529,100497,,,Enabled,"Not verified",en,"Not protected"
  3. Mr.White,@MrHuWhite,"ID 461520458",??,"Hey, my name?s Paul and this shit?s between y?all","Wed Jan 11 22:03:24 +0000 2012",505,428,36297,109959,,,Enabled,"Not verified",en,"Not protected"
  4. "Ash Shaeffer",@ashshaeffer2,"ID 875687524143968256","Virginia Plantation ","Son of former slave owners. Now investor in people. Cotton Merchant. BMW Car Dealership of the Year 2014.","Fri Jun 16 12:12:30 +0000 2017",44,14,420,224,,,Disabled,"Not verified",en,"Not protected"
  5. "Battle Beagle",@HarmlessYardDog,"ID 1226167963","The Yard","American Nationalist & Defender of Western Civilization..Loves All Dogs/America's Favorite Beagle? #DogRight ?","Wed Feb 27 22:14:33 +0000 2013",31170,1492,118842,189044,,,Disabled,"Not verified",en,"Not protected"
  6. "James O'Keefe",@JamesOKeefeIII,"ID 16989178","New York","Guerrilla Journalist. Investigative Reporter. Head of @Project_Veritas. Exposed Twitter ?Shaddowbanning,? FB ?deboosting.? On inside? Wear a camera! Contact us.","Mon Oct 27 00:38:24 +0000 2008",499729,1162,11725,1451,,,Enabled,"Not verified",en,"Not protected"
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