
fukraz is pro brutal arguer trol man

Dec 20th, 2012
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  1. <fukraz> no exceptions
  2. <fukraz> from now on doom without brutal doom isn't doom anymore
  3. <Ranger> what.
  4. <Apathetic joker> wth?
  5. <intificial> why
  6. <fred_chexter> why
  7. <Ranger> doom WITH brutal doom isn't doom
  8. <fred_chexter> brutal doom... why
  9. <fukraz> because violence
  10. <Ranger> it's a shitty doom/CoD hybrid
  11. <dead4life> rga2?
  12. <fred_chexter> with ludicrous gibs
  13. <Ranger> and an insanely grating voice
  14. <fred_chexter> but thats not even funny
  15. <Ranger> and visual clutter up the ass
  16. <fukraz> you're just wimps that don't get real violence
  17. <Ranger> real violence?
  18. <Ranger> seriously?
  19. <Apathetic joker> whats that?
  20. <Ranger> you're calling an utterly comical spray of sprite gibs "real violence"?
  21. <dead4life> fucking hell
  22. <fred_chexter> derp
  23. <fukraz> yes
  24. <Ranger> dude
  25. <Apathetic joker> no. although im pretty sure its violence
  26. <Ranger> that
  27. <Ranger> is so stupid
  28. <fukraz> you're dum man
  29. <Ranger> actual violence is, you know
  30. <fukraz> you try to be real
  31. <fred_chexter> you're dumb x3 dude
  32. <fukraz> but you cannot even kill a fucking bird
  33. <dead4life> world at war as better violence than that
  34. <Ranger> not comical?
  35. <fukraz> so in your opinion ranger
  36. <fukraz> every game that needs violence cannot have humor?
  37. <Ranger> ... what
  38. <Ranger> oh my god damn you're stupid
  39. <fred_chexter> oh yeah hurr durr lets punch a imp to see his gibs fly
  40. <dead4life> brutal doom got humer?
  41. <Apathetic joker> what even is
  42. <fukraz> i am just trying to understand your dumb points
  43. <Combinebobnt> raner stop
  44. <Apathetic joker> im done
  45. <fred_chexter> fukraz
  46. <Combinebobnt> until we find the cure to autism
  47. <fred_chexter> you know, i am stupid
  48. <fukraz> you consider acts of violence where gibs fly around comical
  49. <fred_chexter> but, what i have just read
  50. <fred_chexter> makes me albert einstein compared
  51. <Ranger> fukraz
  52. <fukraz> a murderer too
  53. <Ranger> hope you like pastebin!
  54. <Dusk'> heh
  55. <fukraz> i don't even know what is pastebin
  56. <fred_chexter> derp
  57. <fukraz> but go on and show that to everyone
  58. <Ranger>
  59. <LinkBot> 13:54 <+Ranger> you're calling an utterly comical spray of sprite gibs "real vio -
  60. <Ranger> there
  61. <Ranger> also
  62. <Combinebobnt> oh thats what you guys were talking about
  63. <fukraz> and that's the proof
  64. <fukraz> you cannot make a clear point
  65. <Combinebobnt> reminds me of brutal doom skulltag thread
  66. <Ranger> considering I'm actually a respected voice in the community
  67. <Combinebobnt> where all the violence was ok
  68. <fukraz> you first say something and then disagree with it
  69. <Combinebobnt> but sargent put in an eyeball sprite
  70. <Combinebobnt> and suddenly that isnt ok
  71. <Ranger> because it was from REAL LIFE
  72. <Ranger> oh my god
  73. <flamefox> owo
  74. <Combinebobnt> !!!
  75. <Combinebobnt> !!!!!
  76. <Combinebobnt> !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! OMG !
  77. <flamefox> owo?
  78. <Apathetic joker> in brutal doom?
  79. <flamefox> am i making this much of a first impression? owo
  80. <dead4life> daw
  81. 13:58 -!- Synert [~Synert@Team.Corruption] has joined #coop
  82. 13:58 -!- mode/#coop [+v Synert] by ChanServ
  83. <fred_chexter> o hai synert
  84. <fukraz> there is a wad for brutal doom that changes gib sprites into gibs from real life
  85. <Ranger> oh hi
  86. <fred_chexter> welcome to derp
  87. <Combinebobnt> no
  88. <Synert> :<
  89. <Ranger> so fukraz
  90. <Ranger> wanna defend brutal doom some more?
  91. <Synert> brutal doom
  92. <Apathetic joker> oh goodness.
  93. <Synert> argument is automatically invalid
  94. <Combinebobnt> he didnt understand we we just said
  95. <fukraz> i don't defend it, i am just trying to tell you how dumb you are
  96. <Apathetic joker> what is it called?
  97. <Combinebobnt> dont worry
  98. <fred_chexter> here cometh the shitstorm
  99. <fukraz> you cannot make a clear point, you are obviously confused
  100. <Combinebobnt> autism is best left alone to die
  101. <Ranger> okay look
  102. <Apathetic joker> my brothers autistic mate
  103. <fred_chexter> god damn i thought i was stupid, this fukraz dude...
  104. <Ranger> we're all laughing at you right now
  105. <Combinebobnt> not on this level
  106. <flamefox> im not ._.
  107. <Ranger> flamefox: why aren't you :(
  108. <fukraz> then laugh at me, show me how dumb you are
  109. <flamefox> i just got here
  110. <Combinebobnt> this is autism^godamm embodied here
  111. <flamefox> gimme a break
  112. <Apathetic joker> gimme a kickcat bar?
  113. <Ranger> kickcat
  114. <fukraz> you've just lost the argument ranger
  115. <Ranger> dude
  116. <fukraz> try to make me mad a little bit harder
  117. <fred_chexter> lolnop
  118. <Synert> I want to murder all of these kids
  119. <Ranger> everyone here thinks you're retarded
  120. <Synert> is that wrong
  121. <Ranger> also no
  122. <Apathetic joker> oh baby dont hurt me
  123. <flamefox> i dont think that fukratz is dumb
  124. <fukraz> tell me more ranger
  125. <flamefox> neither is anyone
  126. <Ranger> dont wory joker
  127. <Ranger> <33333
  128. <Apathetic joker> xd
  129. <fred_chexter> i havent got a laugh on something like this in a long time
  130. <P_PlayerThink> fmlo
  131. <P_PlayerThink> fml
  132. <Ranger> okay!
  133. <fukraz> you're sitting on irc all day, shitting under yourselves
  134. <fred_chexter> thank you fukraz, for showing how low a human mind can get
  135. <fukraz> trying to be cool with your buddies
  136. <Ranger> shitting under yourselves?
  137. <Ranger> what does that even mean
  138. <fred_chexter> LOLLLLL
  139. <Combinebobnt> help
  140. <[v]alien.> idk
  141. <fukraz> that means you are a faggot, ranger
  142. <Dusk'> use the switches
  143. <Dusk'> quick
  144. <fukraz> a fagmaster
  145. <Synert> I don't get it
  146. <Combinebobnt> it means who has rcon access
  147. <Ranger> oh god
  148. <Synert> is this ral or something
  149. <Combinebobnt> no
  150. <Ranger> you're going into
  151. <flamefox> your dead
  152. <fred_chexter> lol its not ral
  153. <fukraz> you're so cool then ranger
  154. <P_PlayerThink> damn
  155. <flamefox> yep
  156. <P_PlayerThink> missed the megasphere
  157. <fukraz> you know so many sites and have so many fictional friends
  158. <Synert> <Ral>IWhat
  159. <Synert> it's legit autism
  160. <fukraz> do you actually believe that people on internet like you ranger?
  161. <fukraz> you are nothing but a toy to them, believe me
  162. <P_PlayerThink> I'm autistic rofl
  163. <Apathetic joker> i like ranger
  164. <Dusk'> ranger is a cool dude
  165. <fred_chexter> fukraz, are you even reading yourself?
  166. <[v]alien.> ranger is cool
  167. <Ranger> "you are nothing but a toy to them"
  168. <fred_chexter> also ranger is cool
  169. <Combinebobnt> this is a legitimate arguement on why they should reopen mental hospitals in america
  170. <Ranger> a toy that develops samsara
  171. <P_PlayerThink> fukraz: legit comedy since 2012
  172. <Ranger> OH WAIT
  173. <fukraz> a toy which is a faggot too
  174. <fred_chexter> gg
  175. <P_PlayerThink> this dude is such a classless troll
  176. <fred_chexter> indeed
  177. <fukraz> it is obvious you have nothing more to say
  178. <Apathetic joker> the beibersamsararanger 2012! lol
  179. <Synert> oh hey guys
  180. <Synert> happy doomsday
  181. <fukraz> so you try to point out how dumb you are while you have nothing smart to say
  182. <P_PlayerThink> sorry dude
  183. <fukraz> now tell me how confused you are
  184. <P_PlayerThink> too lazy to be trolled by somebody with this little troll material
  185. <Apathetic joker> i know why fukraz is such a retard: hes a swaggot
  186. <P_PlayerThink> seriouisly
  187. <fred_chexter> you know you have absolutely no point or advantage in this "argument" fukraz?
  188. <fukraz> your comments about my intelligence will be a proof of you getting upset
  189. <Ranger> I'm sorry
  190. <P_PlayerThink> you walk in "BRUTALDOOM ROFLFLFLFL"
  191. <Ranger> I was logging this
  192. <P_PlayerThink> and then insult somebody
  193. <P_PlayerThink> that's nothing
  194. <Combinebobnt> ranger
  195. <Ranger> for future hilarity
  196. <P_PlayerThink> no humor
  197. <Combinebobnt> we wait till this is done
  198. <P_PlayerThink> no good trolling
  199. <P_PlayerThink> it's just boring
  200. <Combinebobnt> then pastebin until we can pastebin no more
  201. <P_PlayerThink> get some real material
  202. <P_PlayerThink> learn to troll
  203. <P_PlayerThink> you are a disgrace to the trolling community
  204. <flamefox> ugh...
  205. <Synert> I don't even think he's trolling, dude
  206. <Synert> he likes brutal doom
  207. <flamefox> can we play in peace please?
  208. <Untitled> for example: baron lord class pls
  209. <fred_chexter> lol
  210. <Untitled> 4 words
  211. <fukraz> actually no, it's not ranger words about brutal doom that made me talk like this
  212. <fukraz> it's his shit arguments
  213. <Untitled> and I think i trolled harder
  214. <Apathetic joker> i bet he quikskopes
  215. <fred_chexter> wait
  216. <P_PlayerThink> what arguments
  217. <Untitled> if I were in the right situation
  218. <P_PlayerThink> you didn't present anything to *argue*
  219. <Ranger> look, fukraz
  220. <Synert> so hey ranger
  221. <Ranger> it's obvious I've made you amazingly butthurt
  222. <Synert> how do you like your playerbase now
  223. <fred_chexter> he actually makes good points about why brutal doom violence is not funny, and you say his arguments are shit?
  224. <Ranger> want some lotion for that?
  225. <fred_chexter> you LIKE brutal doom
  226. <fukraz> you have not, ranger
  227. <fred_chexter> and thans okay
  228. <fred_chexter> but srs
  229. <Ranger> I dunno
  230. <fukraz> you're just another poor boy on the internet with your shit friends that try to be cool
  231. <Sir-Ragealot> for fucks sake,every time i get in this wonderful server there's some kind of a shitstorm going on...
  232. <Ranger> you seem pretty angry right now
  233. <Apathetic joker> i bet brutal doom can solve that anger
  234. <The Crimson Fucker> Whoa whoa whoa, wait. What's this shit about getting butthurt over brutal doom's violence?
  235. <fukraz> how can you tell by letters glued together into words?
  236. <Ranger> you're flipping out over what I say
  237. <fred_chexter> ^
  238. <Ranger> and act like you've won every time I say something
  239. <Ranger> don't say*
  240. <Sir-Ragealot> i came here just to get away from brutal doom for a bit.
  241. <fukraz> i am flipping over from your intelligence
  242. <Ranger> thanks
  243. <fukraz> which is below the level of shit
  244. <Combinebobnt> lel
  245. <fred_chexter> look whos talking lol
  246. <P_PlayerThink> you've taken the moral *and* intellectual low ground
  247. <P_PlayerThink> and now we're not listening to you
  248. <Ranger> I am
  249. <P_PlayerThink> that's what you were aiming for right
  250. <Ranger> if only to play him along
  251. <Combinebobnt> more quote material ftw
  252. <P_PlayerThink> that is literally the only possible logical result of what you've been doing
  253. <P_PlayerThink> do you not even get what words do what???
  254. <Ranger> Combinebobnt: I'm building a log
  255. <P_PlayerThink> i don't get this fukraz guy
  256. <Ranger> don't worry
  257. <Combinebobnt> yey
  258. <flamefox> cant we play in peace, please?!?!?!!?!
  259. <fukraz> are you trying to be smart by talking like this playerthink?
  260. <P_PlayerThink> if he's not trolling my faith in humanity
  261. <The Crimson Fucker> Sometimes, the twisted language and thought processes of Cthulhu and his ilk make more sense than the various internet fandoms
  262. <P_PlayerThink> is going negative
  263. <fred_chexter> p_player, hes not trolling, hes mentally retarded
  264. <flamefox> pretty please?!
  265. <P_PlayerThink> not at all i just don't get you at all
  266. <Ranger> I'm sorry
  267. <fukraz> i know you are so mad right now
  268. <Dusk'> flamefox, use f8
  269. <Ranger> but "master troll" here thinks he's winning so hard
  270. <P_PlayerThink> the level of insecurity you'd need to have to do this without trolling
  271. <fukraz> and i know i do
  272. <P_PlayerThink> is staggering
  273. <Ranger> wnat a gold star?
  274. <[v]alien.> if hes troll kick him
  275. <fukraz> your desperate comments prove it
  276. <flamefox> pretty useful
  277. <flamefox> but that means i cant talk anymore
  278. <Ranger> "desperate"
  279. <Dusk'> hmm in fact i'll just f8 as well, i'd rather play right now
  280. <P_PlayerThink> what desperate comments
  281. <fred_chexter> desperate? lol
  282. <P_PlayerThink> idgi
  283. <Sir-Ragealot> jesus fuck...
  284. <Mr.Big> is it bad to find this funny
  285. <Ranger> no
  286. <Ranger> everyone is
  287. <P_PlayerThink> ^
  288. <Dusk'> it is indeed humorous
  289. <Dusk'> but really i'd rather play here
  290. <Roland_Staghare> ello ello
  291. <fred_chexter> the only one not thinking this is funny is fur kaz
  292. <the enigma> indeed
  293. <Apathetic joker> this wouldnt have happened with we were god fearing men, and ladies
  294. <The Crimson Fucker> Not really, Big. Otherwise I'd be ashamed to find 4CHAN hilarious
  295. <P_PlayerThink> i just mean
  296. <P_PlayerThink> this guy.........
  297. <fukraz> good thing end of the world ends tomorrow
  298. <P_PlayerThink> ROFL
  299. <fred_chexter> lol
  300. <fred_chexter> LOL
  301. <fukraz> maybe faggots like you ranger will die
  302. <P_PlayerThink> 2/10 would not rage again
  303. <Ranger> okay
  304. <Synert> damn ranger
  305. <Ranger> I will
  306. <Ranger> eventaully
  307. 14:10 -!- Jes [] has quit ["*Quit*"]
  308. <fukraz> because you are a cancer stepping on this planet
  309. <Synert> look what you did with your not being a retard
  310. <Ranger> awww yeah
  311. <fred_chexter> he actually believes 12 21 12 is real?
  312. <fukraz> you are a child of anal birth
  313. <Ranger> I'm a manifestation of a disease
  314. <Ranger> I'm so awesome
  315. <Combinebobnt> you are a satan
  316. <Combinebobnt> now feel bad
  317. <Ranger> no
  318. <Combinebobnt> as i type
  319. <P_PlayerThink> this just in: ranger = pestilence
  320. <Ranger> I'm satan
  321. <Combinebobnt> in
  322. <Combinebobnt> frag
  323. <Ranger> so fuck you
  324. <fukraz> you are a manifestation of pure faggotry
  325. <Combinebobnt> men
  326. <P_PlayerThink> rider of apocalpyse
  327. <Combinebobnt> ts
  328. <P_PlayerThink> congrats bro
  329. <Sir-Ragealot> >implying you are not a total faggot right now
  330. <Apathetic joker> im the dark lord
  331. <Roland_Staghare> I am unconcerned with 2012 unles it starts snowing worldwide tomorrow
  332. <P_PlayerThink> anyways you lost it
  333. <The Crimson Fucker> Cthulhu, if you can read this, please show me a sign of your amusement.
  334. <fukraz> look at that faggot ragealot trying to greentext
  335. <P_PlayerThink> 0/10 would not rage ever
  336. <fukraz> hahhaha what a fucking dumbass
  337. <Apathetic joker> *insanity everwhere, can you not see it already?*
  338. <Ranger> \cd>implying you aren't
  339. <Sir-Ragealot> >trying
  340. <Apathetic joker> *espcially here*
  341. <the enigma> god damn this is comedy gold
  342. <fukraz> implying i am not what?
  343. <fukraz> you lost your mind, poor man?
  344. <P_PlayerThink> no he just has standards
  345. <Apathetic joker> not as much as youve lost the game
  346. <Sir-Ragealot> it's dick like you i try to get away from by playing games like this, but even here i cannot find peace.
  347. <Untitled> so, anyone know why SNS is on
  348. <fred_chexter> \ci ROFL
  349. <Ranger> congrats fukraz
  350. <P_PlayerThink> dude you're going to be one of the few -1/10 lost rage
  351. <P_PlayerThink> trolls
  352. <Sir-Ragealot> *dicks
  353. <Untitled> a thursday?
  354. <fukraz> your random comments make it better
  355. <Synert> what if I say I'm not like the others
  356. <P_PlayerThink> -1/10 rated trolls
  357. <Ranger> you can't connect your statement with mine
  358. <The Crimson Fucker> This isn't the level of insanity Cthulhu is known for...unless my standards are too high and he's being lazy.
  359. <Synert> what if I say I'm not just another one of your plays
  360. <P_PlayerThink> so bad that i lose rage to them
  361. <Synert> you're the pretender
  362. <P_PlayerThink> that is where you are going dude
  363. <P_PlayerThink> like just stop
  364. <Synert> what if I say that I'll never surrender
  365. <Ranger> What if I say I'll never surrender?
  366. <Ranger> dammit
  367. <Synert> no
  368. <Ranger> I even got it wrong
  369. <fukraz> i just discovered how smart you are right now
  370. <Synert> you don't get to be pretender
  371. <Ranger> but
  372. <Ranger> but
  373. <fukraz> by mentioning satan and cthulhu
  374. <Ranger> MY LIFE IS A LIE
  375. <P_PlayerThink> welp there it goes
  376. <fred_chexter> lol
  377. <P_PlayerThink> fukraz you are siphoning the rage out of me
  378. <fukraz> aww man you are guru
  379. <Sir-Ragealot> here we go...
  380. 14:12 -!- ViciousPariah [] has quit [Ping timeout: 300 seconds]
  381. <Apathetic joker> might as well throw azagoth and beezy in there
  382. <Synert> aaaand vp's dead
  383. <fukraz> you learnt something about a different divine being and you keep repeating it's name
  384. <fred_chexter> lol he even made vicious paria quit irc
  385. <P_PlayerThink> the sheer failure of your trolling is so bad that i am losing internal rage
  386. <Synert> the end of the world as we know it
  387. <Ranger> I'd enter the game
  388. <P_PlayerThink> by the sheer presence of it
  389. <Combinebobnt> he made vp stop idling
  390. <Ranger> but then I couldn't log
  391. <The Crimson Fucker> Nah I just bought a book about Lozecraft and I'm on an Eldritch kick right now.
  392. <Ranger> Lozecraft
  393. <Ranger> like lovecraft
  394. <The Crimson Fucker> Fucking typos
  395. <Ranger> but everything he does FAILS
  396. <Ranger> HORRIBLY
  397. <Apathetic joker> which book?
  398. <P_PlayerThink> lozengecraft
  399. <Apathetic joker> *lovecraft
  400. <fukraz> playerthink, you are so mad right now you try to make me stop with your random, nonsense comments
  401. <fukraz> gg fagt
  402. <Ranger> so fukraz, care to reflect on what we've learned today?
  403. <Ranger> a. you're easy to rile
  404. <The Crimson Fucker> I'm lolling so hard over people ragging on my fail
  405. <Apathetic joker> op is a massive faggot? lol jk
  406. <fukraz> we learnt today that you are a faggot
  407. <Sir-Ragealot> holy fuck this is stupid.
  408. <Ranger> b. you're not right in the head at all
  409. <fred_chexter> i cannot believe this
  410. <fred_chexter> this is TOO DAMN FUNNY
  411. <Ranger> c. free entertainment yay
  412. <P_PlayerThink> he's down to -2/10
  413. <P_PlayerThink> i've lost my rage
  414. <P_PlayerThink> guys how do i be mad again
  415. <Roland_Staghare> In lozengecraft rhw god under the see is ricola
  416. <Ranger> PlayerThink: you don't
  417. <Sir-Ragealot> nah man, this is like the most pointless shit ever.
  418. <fukraz> you can entertainment because you obviously lost the argument
  419. <fukraz> and by losing it you call it dumb, and call me dumb too
  420. <fukraz> you just lost the game bro
  421. <Ranger> this stopped being about an argument a long time ago
  422. <Apathetic joker> what game?
  423. <Combinebobnt> ranger
  424. <The Crimson Fucker> Oh, to whoever asked, the book is called Eldritch TAles: A Miscellany of the Macabre
  425. <Combinebobnt> you can entertainment
  426. <Sir-Ragealot> >lost the game bro
  427. <Combinebobnt> he got you there
  428. <P_PlayerThink> um...
  429. <Ranger> OH SHIT
  430. <Sir-Ragealot> >>>/reddit/
  431. <P_PlayerThink> there was never an argument
  432. <Combinebobnt> just give up now
  434. <fukraz> if you were really that smart you would ignore my *shit attempts of trolling*
  435. <fukraz> gg, i win
  436. <Ranger> I'M FUCKED NOW!
  437. <Dusk'> he rq'd
  438. <Sir-Ragealot> thank christ.
  439. <P_PlayerThink> NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO he ragequit
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