
Count Batterscotch

Oct 29th, 2014
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  1. >The mare's hooves clamored up the cobweb-covered stairs of the ancient castle
  2. >she panted, desperate to catch her breath
  3. >her legs ached and she was nearly exhausted
  4. >but after what she had faced in this castle, she was ready for anything
  5. >Cockatrices, manticores, tiny critters twisted by his influence, the castle itself falling apart around her
  6. >and some things that were almost unexplainable...
  7. >giant bats, suits of armor moving by themselves, seaponies from the deep
  8. >and what seemed like the spirit of a pony wielding a scythe
  9. >all had been incapacitated by her quick hooves and quicker thinking
  10. >she stopped at the top of the tall, winding staircase and looked back at the castle
  11. >the crumbling towers, decrepit halls, and numerous beasts she had conquered
  12. >she took a deep breath, starting to get her second wind
  13. >the door of the tallest tower and his headquarters was before her
  14. >she could feel a small sliver of fear deep within herself
  15. >she quickly shook her head and cleared those thoughts
  16. >she could do it
  17. >she had to do it
  18. >for her friends...
  19. >she felt about her tattered cloak, taking a quick inventory
  20. >her heart sunk as she realized she had used up most of her items within the castle
  21. >all she had left was her whip, trusty hat, a sole boomerang and a few special bottles
  22. >those bottles were her secret weapon
  23. >for the terrible creature he had become...
  24. >she turned and looked towards the full moon that illuminated the night
  25. >any other night, it would be beautiful...
  26. >her nerves were steel
  27. >she was ready for what lied beyond this threshold
  28. >she reared up her back hooves and kicked the door
  31. >The mare screamed as she ran to the center of the expansive room
  32. >she stopped and looked up towards the throne
  33. >There her pink-maned friend sat, wearing some of the fanciest clothing she'd ever seen
  34. >an elaborately designed suit with a cloak over it
  35. >he was relaxing in his seat while holding a glass swirling it's contents around
  36. >seemingly unphased by her entrance, his eyes were focused on the glass
  37. >"Oh Applejack, don't you know better than bursting into somepony's home? You weren't' raised in a barn, were you?"
  38. >she furrowed her brow as she answered
  39. "This ain't yer home."
  40. >the stallion shifted his eyes towards her as a small smile grew behind his fangs
  41. >"It is now, dear. I'm surprised you made it this far..."
  42. "Weren't nothin'. Coulda made it here with mah eyes closed."
  43. >she adjusted her hat as she grinned
  44. >Butterscotch let out a small snicker
  45. >"I'm sorry, where are my manners? I am so glad you could make it!"
  46. >Applejack continued to stare down her friend
  47. >he clapped both of his hooves together
  48. >"Come to join the rest of our friends for my house warming party, no doubt?"
  49. >so he had captured ALL of their friends...
  50. "Where are they, Scotch? I swear if-"
  51. >"They're safe, my favorite little farmer, so don't worry. Would you like to see them?"
  52. >her glare was enough of an answer for him
  53. >he pulled out a small bell and rung it twice
  55. >Applejack's jaw dropped as a pony stepped out from behind a curtain near the throne
  56. "Rainbow..."
  57. >the pony slowly headed towards Butterscotch's throne
  58. >the blue pegasus looked towards Applejack with the most defeated look she had ever seen
  59. >she looked absolutely...
  60. >adorable
  61. >he had meticulously primped and preened her
  62. >she was wearing the cutest little maid outfit
  63. >it had been put on over her wings so she couldn't fly
  64. >her rainbow mane was styled in a beautiful way, with just a hint of makeup on her face
  65. >and a platter filled with fancy glasses precariously balanced on her back
  66. >as she reached Scotch's side, he ran his hoof through her mane
  67. >"Oh Rainbow Dash, it's good that you're finally getting the hang of this. You're going to make the absolutely best maid."
  68. >If her snout hadn't been bound in a fancy muzzle, she would have had a viciously snarky comment for him
  69. >"I'll make sure you get extra sugar cubes at dinner."
  70. >the orange mare stared on, somewhere in between screaming in horror and wanting to giggle
  71. "Scotch, how did you..."
  72. >"How did I, the meek and shy Butterscotch, defeat one of the toughest ponies we know?"
  73. >Applejack barely nodded in agreement
  74. >"Simple dear, I just used her own brashness and speed against her."
  75. "...but how?"
  76. >Butterscotch sighed as he continued
  77. >"She came bolting in, I gave her a timid look and curled up on the floor, and before I knew it she had careened into the wall."
  78. >oh.
  79. >"Really, she wasn't even the easiest to capture."
  80. >Applejack swallowed and her eyes grew slightly wider
  81. >he rang his bell again and the pegasus looked up at him
  82. >"Rainbow Dash, dear, please show off the rest of my collection to our guest."
  83. >the captured mare headed towards a rope hanging in front of a curtain and pulled it
  84. >Applejack gasped as the curtain was pulled back
  86. >the rest of their friends were situated behind the curtain
  87. "Guys... ah'm sorry..."
  88. >Applejack fell to her knees as she stared on
  89. >Butterscotch cleared his throat as he spoke up
  90. >he pointed to the dingy white unicorn with a messy mane behind a sewing machine
  91. >"Rarity was the second to show up. She came in trying to reason and charm me, but I know all her tricks."
  92. >Applejack looked over to the yellow stallion as he snickered
  93. >"Then she resorted to slinging gems and trying to wrap me up in cloth."
  94. "How... how did ya..."
  95. >"She gets her mane a little messy, and she looses all her concentration. Simple, really. Now she's making my new wardrobe. Right, Miss Rarity?"
  96. >without looking up from her work, the white unicorn answered him flatly
  97. >"Yes, Count Butterscotch. Your new suit is coming along nicely."
  98. >"And it looks very lovely! Now onto Pinkamena Diane..."
  99. >he pointed to the pink mare bustling about in a small kitchen area
  100. >"Hi AJ!" she said happily as she ran about, baking some fruit-laden dessert
  101. "Hey Pinkie."
  102. >"She came in here saying she wanted to make me laugh and smile, so I stared her down."
  103. "You didn't..."
  104. >"I did. She is now my head chef, and that does make me smile."
  105. >"Yay! thanks Count Scotchie!"
  106. >"oh, You're welcome, Pinkie. She probably would have joined me if I asked nicely, though."
  107. >he pointed his hoof out towards the purple mare, the last of their friends that had come to help him
  108. >"And now onto Missus Twilight Sparkle..."
  110. >Twilight was sitting with her head hung low, surrounded by stacks and stacks of books just out of reach
  111. >"She was the easiest to capture."
  112. >Applejack's mind was wandering
  113. >how could Twi get captured?
  114. >she always had a plan or a magic spell...
  115. "Scotch, how did Twilight-"
  116. >"Magic cancelling barrier around the room. She was absolutely powerless once she stepped past the threshold of the door."
  117. "Oh."
  118. >Twilight slowly lifted her head up to look at Applejack
  119. >"AJ, Help. He's got us chained to the floor. I can barely move around, and I can't even reach those books..."
  120. >Scotch spoke up, cutting her off
  121. >"I'm sorry, Twilight, but that's just so you can't get away. And those books are blank anyway."
  122. >Twilight groaned as she laid down on the floor
  123. >Applejack stared on in absolute horror
  124. >these were his best friends, and he had them captured
  125. >collecting them and keeping them like animals...
  126. >she grit her teeth as she slammed a hoof to the floor
  127. "Why'd ya do it, Scotch?"
  128. >"Why did I do it?"
  129. >he spun and stared at the orange mare, his expression turning into a snarl as he growled at her
  130. >"WHY DID I?"
  131. >AJ was slightly taken aback as he yelled
  133. >"Do you EVEN recall ALL the times you and my "friends" teased me? You knew I was shy, and didn't know how to handle it!"
  134. >AJ hesitated for a second before answering
  135. "Teasin'? But we're your friends, we don't..."
  136. >Butterscotch let out a groan
  137. >"No, you simple farm pony. Teasing me for being the single stallion in a group of mares!"
  138. >Oh.
  139. "Scotch, yah know we were just pickin'. I-"
  140. >"But ALL THE TIME? Even after I asked you to stop?"
  141. "Ah'm sorry, Scotch, if we were too flirty with ya..."
  142. >"It's not just being flirty, Oh no. You actually did slow down a bit, AJ..."
  143. >he snapped a hoof towards the other ponies
  144. >"But between Rainbow always wanting to 'wrestle', Rarity wanting to measure EVERY PART of my body, Twilight spouting off facts about sex, and Pinkie..."
  145. >out the corner of her eye, AJ could see Pinkie duck behind the small kitchen counter
  146. >"Do you even remember her big sleepover party?"
  147. >AJ heard a muffled "i'm sorry" from behind the counter
  148. >"Not just all of that either! All of the 'too-long' hugs and nuzzling and lifted tails as I walked behind you!"
  149. >Applejack's head sank slightly
  150. >she was definitely guilty of that...
  151. >"I can describe all of your marehoods in detail. I shouldn't be able to do that!"
  152. >AJ blushed at that statement
  153. "Ya didn't have ta look!"
  154. >"I couldn't help it! They were everywhere!"
  156. >Butterscotch stared down at his hooves
  157. >"But now, with this power..."
  158. >he licked the fangs that stuck from his mouth
  159. >"This wonderful power has given me so much strength and confidence..."
  160. >Applejack stared on with her mouth agape
  161. >"Now maybe you all will listen to me and stop!"
  162. >he snarled as he said those last words
  163. "But goin' this far, Scotch? This ain't right!"
  164. >Butterscotch's leathery wings flapped as he flew above the throne
  165. >"Many things aren't right, are they, Applejack?"
  166. "Ah'm sorry, but I guess they ain't."
  167. >"I can't wait for you to join us."
  168. >AJ readied her whip
  169. "Oh, and why's that?"
  170. >"I would like you to make some apple juice, please"
  171. "ah'll make sure to use the best rotten apples i got"
  172. >"There's only one rotten apple here, and she's standing before me."
  173. >Applejack snarled at that comment
  174. >"But enough talk! I mean, if that's okay."
  175. "Have 'atcha!"
  176. >Applejack and Count Butterscotch both bolted towards each other
  178. >The two ponies clashed in mid-air and threw the other off themselves
  179. >they both hit the ground on their hooves
  180. >staring each other down
  181. >Then leaped back at each other again
  182. >hooves flew and blows connected
  183. >Both were equally matched in speed and strength
  184. >this fight was a test of endurance
  185. >AJ's natural, yet exhausted strength versus Butterscotch's vampire enhanced abilities
  186. >the other four mares watched for what seemed like an eternity as the two friends went at each other
  187. >hooves swung, wings flapped and whips cracked
  188. >Scotch picked up AJ and tried to fly off, but she wiggled free of his grasp before he could do anything
  189. >then he let out a screech, and a swarm of bats appeared to aid him
  190. >they tried to swarm the orange mare, but she fended them off
  191. >at one point, they both stopped and looked at each other
  192. >"You certainly are putting up a good fight, Applejack."
  193. "I'm surprised yah had this in ya, Scotch."
  194. >"oh, um Thanks, AJ."
  195. >the mare noticed the faint smile on the stallion
  196. >"AJ, Watch out! He's gonna-"
  197. >Twilight yelled from the sidelines
  198. >Butterscotch's eyes grew wide as he tried to stare down Applejack
  200. >Those large, soft eyes were intensely drilling into the poor mare's vision
  201. >she quickly pulled her hat down as her hoof dug into her cloak
  202. >"Wait, wha-"
  203. *Krack*
  204. >Applejack's last boomerang cracked into the jaw of the stallion
  205. >and that sent him toppling to the floor
  206. >AJ stood her ground as she watched him get up
  207. "Ya alright, Scotch?"
  208. >he was wiggling his jaw with a hoof as he steadied himself
  209. >"Oh, i'm fine..."
  210. >The tone of his voice sent a sliver of fear into the poor mare
  211. >"But you may not be!"
  212. >he spun around as he leaped backwards and pulled something from his suit
  213. >it was just a simple white ball of fluff
  214. >no wait
  215. >that was...
  216. >he gently set it on the ground and pointed to Applejack
  217. >"Angel bunny, go get 'em! Help daddy!"
  218. >AJ could only stare on as Scotch's beloved animal companion stared at her with blood red eyes
  219. "Scotch. How could you..."
  220. >she couldn't finish that statement
  221. >the bunny had opened the razor teeth of it's maw
  222. >and it was coming right for her
  224. >AJ closed her eyes as she cracked the whip in front of her
  225. >she anticipated some form of pain...
  226. >A bite or scratching or something...
  227. >but when nothing came, she opened her eyes
  228. >all of the ponies stared on in amazement
  229. >she had wrapped Angel bunny in the whip
  230. >he was gnawing at it and squeaking up a storm
  231. >most likely viciously mocking her with some curses in rabbit language
  232. >"Angel, language."
  233. >the mare let out a breath she didn't know she was holding
  234. >She pulled the rabbit closer, and using a thread pulled from her cloak, hogtied him
  235. >the little critter's squeaking intensified
  236. >"where did he learn those words..." the yellow stallion mumbled
  237. >as she slid the rabbit to the side, Butterscotch just stared on with an open mouth
  238. >"That... he was my... secret weapon..."
  239. "Oh yeah?"
  240. >the mare smiled as she slowly walked closer to the yellow vampire pony
  241. >Scotch had begun to back towards a corner
  242. >her hoof was digging into her cloak
  243. "Yah wanna see mine?"
  244. >AJ pulled out one of the bottles hidden in her cloak
  245. >something perfect for taking on a vampire
  246. >A special bottle of blessed apple juice
  247. >Who knew that the Cutie Mark Crusaders had become priests?
  249. >As she raised her hoof holding the bottle above her head, Scotch's eyes grew wide
  250. >"I..."
  251. >Applejack swung her hoof down
  252. >the bottle shattered on the ground in front of the stallion
  253. >engulfing the area in front of him in blue flame
  254. >he shrieked as his back hit the wall
  255. >none of the flames got on him, but you wouldn't know that from his yelling
  256. >AJ stood there, another bottle in her hoof
  257. "That was just'n example. Wanna see it again?"
  258. >she said with a smile
  259. >the stallion's eyes were pinpricks as he stared at her
  260. >"No no no no, Please, AJ, I'm so sorry I'll never do it again..."
  261. >now it was her turn to stare him down
  262. >he had started to sweat and tremble beneath her
  263. >"I just didn't know what to do, and then this happened..."
  264. >he pointed at his fangs that stuck from his mouth
  265. >"...and the castle thing seemed right, and you all were, well, and, um-"
  266. >the mare stood above him, with the bottle still raised
  267. "Scotch, I ain't gonna be part of yah harem of breeding mares."
  268. >he gasped as his his hooves covered his mouth
  269. >"Applejack, I would never do that!"
  270. >she lowered the bottle slightly
  271. "do wha now?"
  272. >"all I ever wanted was to just cuddle with a mare, and..."
  273. >she smiled as she realized something
  274. >despite being a vampire pony, this was still the same old Butterscotch
  275. >the same timid, shy, nervous yet immensely kind little pony deep down
  276. >she knew exactly how to settle this
  278. >Butterscotch trailed off into silence as AJ sat the bottle on the ground
  279. "Cuddlin'? That's all ya wanted?"
  280. >"I, uh..."
  281. >the contents of her cloak rattled as it hit the floor, followed by her hat
  282. "Why didn' ya just ask?"
  283. >she was now undoing her hair ties, letting her mane flow free
  284. >"I just, um..."
  285. >Scotch squeaked as she sat on top of him
  286. >AJ had straddled the stallion's waist with her thick hips, pinning him to the floor
  287. >"um, you don't have to..."
  288. >he squeaked again as she wiggled her hips on him
  289. "Me n' you are gonna cuddle like no pony's ever cuddled before."
  290. >"AJ, I, you're... on my..."
  291. "Sorry"
  292. >she shifted her weight as she lowered her self onto him
  293. >she began unbuttoning his fancy jacket
  294. "Let's get ya outta this silly getup."
  295. >"i... I like that jacket..."
  296. >AJ looked back towards her friends as she threw the vampire's cloak and jacket their way
  297. >she wrapped her hooves around Butterscotch's neck
  298. "So you wanna be big spoon or little spoon?"
  300. >"I, uh, don't know..."
  301. "We'll just get to it and see what happens"
  302. >the two ponies began cuddling on the floor
  303. >hooves moving about and legs crossing
  304. >Butterscotch was thoroughly enjoying the company of his friend
  305. >her warmth, which was even more wonderful since he was now a vampire
  306. >the slight scent of cinnamon and apples she had
  307. >and the overwhelming feeling of everything being ok as he was in her embrace
  308. >Applejack ran her hoof through his hair as she spoke up
  309. "Scotch, ah'm sorry for all the teasin."
  310. >he smiled to her as he spoke up
  311. >"...and, um, I'm sorry about all this."
  312. "It's okay."
  313. >the cuddling continued for a few minutes
  314. >until something warm and firm poked Applejack in her stomach
  315. "Whoa there"
  316. >"i'm sorry..."
  317. "It's okay, Scotch, maybe you should be little spoon now..."
  318. >the two ponies rolled around and switched positions
  319. >after they were situated, Butterscotch looked up to see four mares standing over them
  320. >"Oh, Hi girls."
  321. >he nestled back into Applejack's hooves
  322. >then his eyes shot open
  323. >"GIRLS!?"
  325. >the four mares had stern looks on their faces
  326. >"Hello, Count Butterscotch..."
  327. >Twilight said to him, almost in a growl
  328. >he began to tremble as Applejack pet his head
  329. >"But... how did you... the keys were..."
  330. >he patted his hoof against his chest, feeling for his pocket
  331. >"in my jacket..."
  332. >"You mean this jacket?"
  333. >Pinkie Pie said, wearing the jacket he had on
  334. >oh...
  335. >Rainbow Dash, in her maid outfit, was pounding her hooves together
  336. >he couldn't see her mouth, but he knew she had a scowl on her face
  337. >Rarity stepped forward, glaring at Butterscotch
  338. >"Oh, Count, we would like to have a word with you..."
  339. >Scotch tried to back up further into Applejack's embrace
  340. "Y'all just give us a minute, then you can have ya turns..."
  341. >AJ said as she hugged onto the poor stallion, nuzzling his neck
  342. >Scotch just meekly looked up at the mares before him
  343. >"um, Girls... I, uh, oh..."
  344. >all four stared down at him
  345. >he just sheepishly grinned behind his fangs
  346. >"I'm sorry..."
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