
Assam-sama's Elevenses

Nov 5th, 2019
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  2. Florence Nightingale Hospital
  4. Standing outside with her other Noble Sisters, Assam was anxiously waiting outside a room. Her watch showed that it was noon, but she hadn't had anything for lunch yet, with the flurry of activity that followed the match, even then, she probably wouldn't have the appetite.
  6. If someone said things would go so downhill from the moment she took that shot, she would have laughed it off, but she wasn't laughing now.
  8. After their tank popped out the white flag, medical personnel began to rush on the scene, heading for the crab-looking Crusader. Immediately, they hauled out the four crew outside and placed them into stretchers, which was then loaded into a waiting ambulance, which made haste to the hospital.
  10. With their tank knocked out, she, Darjeeling and Orange Pekoe hitched a ride in Earl Grey's Cromwell, leaving Ruhuna behind to deal with the Churchill and other taken out tanks.
  12. Arriving at the hospital, she saw her kouhai being transferred to a gurney and ran to its side. She immediately saw that Rosehip was physically fine albeit out cold and if to add more to her worry, the girl was obviously experiencing a bad dream.
  14. Beads of sweat were forming at the girl's forehead and she could hear mutterings coming from her.
  16. "No… i-it wasn't my fault… I didn't know...know that it will lead… to that…..I'm sorry." the speed-demon whimpered.
  18. If she was worried before, it has increased tenfold, as the nurses pushed the bed deeper into the hospital, Assam tagged along, much to the looks of the people inside.
  20. What is she talking about?
  21. Why is she apologizing
  22. Oh, this is SO my fault.
  24. As the group entered a room, one of the nurses, dressed in the old Victorian way of a black dress, crisp starched white apron and a cap with the Red Cross in it, blocked her way and said.
  26. "I'm sorry Miss, but medical personnel only, we'll inform you when you will be allowed to enter
  28. "Assam!" Her two companion has finally managed to catch up with her.
  30. "This is all my fault!" She said in despair, her back against the corridor wall, her head buried in her arms as she lamented the fact that she was the one who pulled the trigger.
  32. "Unfortunate business with Rosehip and her crew, however, it was not in any way your fault," Darjeeling said, reassuring her.
  34. A bespectacled girl, which she recognised as Nilgiri, approached their trio
  36. "Miss Darjeeling, Madam Earl Grey wants to meet you in your office."
  38. Darjeeling suddenly stormed off, much to the surprise of everyone in the corridor. Assam and Orange Pekoe followed suit, only a few steps behind, wondering why she reacted like that.
  40. In all her years of knowing Darjeeling, this was the first time the girl was so worked up. Even when she was rounding up on Rosehip for her shenanigans, she maintained a calm demeanour.
  42. But now the facade has crumbled, as her fellow blonde marched off to her own office. At the corner of her eye, she noticed how Pekoe's face is twisted with worry as they follow her senpai.
  44. She herself knew, that aside from the former's obsession with quotes, Darjeeling was a capable mentor to the orange-haired girl chasing after her in fact, they probably had a better senpai-kouhai relationship compared to the one she has with Rosehip.
  46. Rosehip... that carefree klutz. She never really gave a damn to what others think
  48. At first, she was excited to finally have someone pass on what she learned about being a refined lady herself. However, she soon gave up on the idea when she met Rosehip. A lost cause, the kind of girl who'd do naughty things to herself is the thought no one was looking.
  50. The only reason she was lady-like earlier was that they had a bet a day before. It worked, but she knew that cheeky gal will take advantage of it if she did it every time and before she knew it she would be penniless.
  52. But, she pushed that pink-haired devil out of her mind and focused on the task at hand. By now she was close enough to hear her commander's mutterings.
  54. "That bugger, think she can push me around like a fooling pawn."
  56. Oh dear, this has turned into a problem
  58. Darjeeling rarely swore, like blue moon rare. Assam can count on her fingers how many times the other girl swore out loud and most of them were when she stubbed her toe.
  60. Pekoe looked like she was about to cry but a determined look on her face kept her together. Much to Assam's surprise, the little girl grabbed the hand of her commander and pulled.
  62. "Darjeeling-sama, please calm down as the saying goes "Anger is an acid that can do more harm to the vessel in which it is stored than to anything on which it is poured." Orange Pekoe said, mimicking the girl herself.
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