
Alola Girls Ch. 30 (BBW, WG)

Oct 3rd, 2020
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  1. Chapter 30
  3. Oleana’s phone buzzed with a text message. She saw it was from Zinnia and Oleana opened it.
  5. Zinnia: Just got the X-ray, Bea broke a rib.
  7. Oleana tore open a chocolate bar and began munching on it furiously. She looked at her phone again with disgust and grunted. Bea had just finished working with the girls in the pool when Lillie had slipped and fallen onto Bea, which caused Bea to hit one of the railings that helped people get out of the pool. Lillie’s heft and hitting the metal railing must’ve been enough for the fracture.
  9. “Stupid fatass.” Oleana grunted as she took a large bite from the chocolate bar. She continued munching on the bar until only the wrapper was left, and she carelessly tossed the wrapper behind her chair and onto the floor, where it joined five other chocolate bar wrappers. She yawned and rubbed her tummy, which was starting to gurgle with discomfort. She debated getting out of the chair, but saw another box of cookies within arm’s reach and she leaned over, extending her arm as far as it could go and barely grabbing box. She caught a whiff of her under arm and winced at the foul odor. “I’ll need to put some perfume on when I leave the room.” She said to no one in particular. As long as she didn’t have access to the cameras, she couldn’t be sure if there were cameras in the bathrooms, or the showers specifically. Arthur Cobal hadn’t been so paranoid about security, but Arthur hadn’t been the man that built this mansion in the first place so she couldn’t be sure.
  11. Oleana sighed as she opened her text conversation with Rosa and saw Rosa had yet to read any of Oleana’s messages she’d sent in the past two hours. “What the hell is that girl up to?” Oleana grunted, then compulsively opened the box of cookies and scooped some out. She then sent Mallow a text.
  13. Oleana: Bring some milk to the office please.
  15. ***
  17. “Well Mr. Cobal, here you are!” Lana said cheerfully, parking at the Hano Grand Resort carport.
  19. “Thanks so much Lana. Got any time for some food?” Jack said, inviting her in.
  21. “I wish.” Lana said drearily. “You’re not going to need me tomorrow, right?”
  23. “Right.” Jack said. “But I’m always happy to hang out, and I don’t have much planned for a couple weeks while I’m in town.”
  25. “Great! I’m busy the next couple of days, but I’ll be sure to make some time when I’m not busy.” Lana said. Jack gave him a kiss and exited her rinky dinky car, watching her drive off before he checked his phone. He’d told Nessa about Sonia coming over, and asked where she and Rosa were.
  27. Nessa: Sea House. You gotta come see Rosa
  29. Jack smiled wickedly and sauntered through the lobby, following the path to the Sea House. Upon arriving to the hostess stand, he looked around and saw Kahili with a feast in front of her, mindlessly gorging herself. Jack then found Nessa and Rosa at the bar, and Rose appeared to be getting quite loud. “Don’t tell me...” Jack thought to himself as he walked over curiously.
  31. “Hey there girls.” Jack said casually. Nessa waved at him and smiled with her mouth full of shrimp. But Rosa turned around dramatically, her locks of hair nearly hit him with the whiplash.
  33. “MR. Cobal! HEEEEEY!” Rosa bellowed excitedly. Jack immediately turned to the bartender, hoping they weren’t too upset. The server behind the bar giggled. She must’ve been entertaining at least. “Where ya been?” Rosa asked excitedly, still quite loud but not nearly as loud as earlier.
  35. “Doing my thing.” Jack replied. “I see you two have been having fun.”
  37. “Oh yeah!” Rosa said, pondering something in her mind, then immediately swinging her head closer to him. “So, I’m reeeeally drunk.”
  39. Jack smiled. “I can definitely tell. How do you like it?’
  41. “It’s actually a lot of fun!” Rosa said, then grabbed her glass, and he could tell an Alolan Blue when he saw one. Lusamine had him guzzle so many his first day he’d let his inhibitions go to the wind and fucked her in her bedroom.
  43. “You liking the Alolan Blues?” Jack said. How many have you had?”
  45. Rosa’s gaze went to the ceiling again as she overdramatically tried to count the number of drinks she’d consumed on her fingers.
  47. Nessa took a big gulp and entered the conversation. “Rosa’s quite the little drinker. This is her fourth Alolan Blue.”
  49. “And don’t forgot the bloody mary’s!” Rosa exclaimed.
  51. “Yeah, course...” Nessa said. “There were some mimosas in there, and strawberry daiquiri for good measure.”
  53. “I’m surprised you’re still conscious.” Jack said, quite impressed.
  55. “Well...” Rosa said, losing her train of thought rather easily.
  57. “She’s been eating almost as much as she’s been drinking.” Nessa said with a wink.
  59. Jack finally took a seat next to Rosa, but poked his head around his inebriated assistant and noticed Nessa’s stomach was slightly pooched out. “And how well have you been eating?”
  61. Nessa shrugged. “Even more than Rosa here.”
  63. Rosa giggled. “Keep eating like that and Oleana is going to get sooo mad at you.” Rosa teased.
  65. “Oh well.” Nessa said calmly. “I’m sure she’d be interested in how bubbly little Rosa became such a drunk.”
  67. “Oooh, blackmail, I don’t like that...” Rosa said.
  69. “Too bad.” Nessa said. “It’s been so long since I’ve been able to let loose, I forgot how good real food tastes.”
  71. “If the food is like this all over Alola, no wonder Hilda got so fat.” Rosa said, then belched loudly. “Ooops... S’cuse me.”
  73. “That’s how it started for Hilda. Eating, drinking, burping...” Jack said. Rosa looked at him, fear in ehr eyes.
  75. “You’d look really nice if you put some meant on those bones, y’know. I know I’ve been a complete jerk to you, but putting some on pudge would have me trying to get you in bed pretty quickly.” Jack said, giving her a playful nudge.
  77. “No-no that’s Nessa’s j-” Rosa covered her mouth. “I wasn’t supposed to say that.”
  79. Jack shrugged. “I figured that out pretty quickly actually.” He then paused for a moment. “Rosa, I think you need some dessert, that way you won’t go babbling secrets the rest of the night.”
  81. The drunken girl was fighting a battle between what was left of her rational mind and her newly emerged drunken, gluttonous side. “Uh... I don’t know...”
  83. “Ooooh, they have cheesecake!” Nessa said. “I could go for a slice, how about you Rosa?”
  85. “Uh...” Rosa said, clearly still struggling. “One slice. Yeah, one slice.” Rosa said, folding her arms thinking she’d won.
  87. Jack came up with an idea. “Actually, let’s get a whole cake, both of you have to finish half. Whoever finishes last has to pay the tab.”
  89. Rosa scoffed. “No way!”
  91. Nessa smiled at him wickedly. “I like it actually.”
  93. “As your boss...” Jack began.
  95. “Oleana’s my boss, not you!” Rosa said defiantly.
  97. “She’d love to hear the story of how you’ve been getting wasted every night at the hotel bar.” Nessa said, clearly taunting Rosa.
  99. “Shit!” Rosa cursed, for the first time Jack could remember. “Okay, but just this once...”
  101. “Yeeeah, just this once...” Jack said, lying through his teeth.
  103. Thirty minutes later, a platter of cheesecake had only three slices left on it. Rosa still had two slices to go, but she’d really started to slow down. Her drunken munchies had worn off, and she burped and rubbed her aching tummy constantly. “Uuuugh, so full...” She complained, then belched.
  105. Nessa finished the last bite of her slice of cheesecake, savoring the flavor. “Should’ve paced yourself. Now you’ll be paying the bill, Rosa.” Nessa teased.
  107. Rosa sighed. “Jack, do I haaave to?”
  109. Jack shrugged. “Well that was the wager...”
  111. “Pleeeeeease.” Rosa begged.
  113. “Perhaps I could... Just finish the next slice and we’ll call it square.” Jack said.
  115. Rosa groaned. “So fulllllll... But, I gotta... Keep...” Rosa’s body was quite unsteady, so she let her face fall onto her plate. “H-help...” She pleaded.
  117. Jack obliged, lifting a slice of cheesecake onto the part of Rosa’s plate her face didn’t occupy. Jack then took her by the chin and raised her up and maneuvered the slice under her mouth. Rosa, forgetting all decency, let her head fall onto the slice of cheesecake and began eating it without her hands.
  119. Nessa tried to cover her laugh, but an involuntary belch came out instead. Nessa turned to Jack, ignoring Rosa’s presence. “I bet you liked that, didn’t you?”
  121. “Hell yeah. A gorgeous supermodel glutting herself and getting all gassy? I’m pretty turned on...” He said, his loins reminding him they existed.
  123. Nessa smiled wickedly. “C’mon, just once. I got a good look at it yesterday...” Nessa said, wiggling her hips and glancing at his crotch.
  125. Jack looked her in he eyes and saw Nessa’s lust, but shook his head. “We’ve got company coming soon.”
  127. Nessa’s gaze broke. “Oh yeah...”
  129. A few minutes later, Rosa lifted her head from the plate. Most of the slice had ended up on her face or the smooshed around the plate, but Jack had to appreciate the effort. “Fthere... I *hic* did it.” Rosa said, quite demoralized.
  131. “Perhaps it’s time she called it a night.” The stern voice of Kahili said from behind the trio.
  133. Jack turned and smiled. “Perhaps you’re right.”
  135. “I don’t feel so goooood...” Rosa grumbled, clutching her aching belly.
  137. “Get her out of here before she throws up.” Kahili ordered Nessa. Nessa wordlessly got up and got Rosa on her arm.
  139. “That one’s gotten quite out of hand.” Kahili said.
  141. “You’re the one that got her drunk in the first place.” Jack said.
  143. “And you’re the one that’s keeping her like that.” Kahili fired back.
  145. “Actually I wasn’t here all day. I’m sure your binoculars noticed.” Jack retorted, grinning victoriously.
  147. Kahili grunted to stall, but the golfing queen turned BBW had nothing she could reply with.
  149. “Hey Jack!” The familiar voice of Sonia called out from a few feet behind Kahili.
  151. Kahili turned around and tensed as she saw the obese trio of Burnet, Sonia, and Gloria approaching the bar. Kahili then waddled off wordlessly.
  153. “What was that about?” Sonia asked Jack once Kahili was out of earshot.
  155. “Just having some fun. Her parents own the resort.”
  157. “Oooh, I need to make a friend.” Sonia said.
  159. The three appeared as if they had just left the office, a bit disheveled and in their same ill-fitting clothes.
  161. “I haven’t been here in quite some time.” Burnet mentioned casually. “Smell’s even better than I remember.”
  163. Jack then locked eyes with Gloria, who’d been staring at him rather tensely. Jack stretched his arms out to give her a hug.
  165. “Uh, hey-” Gloria struggled to get a word out as Jack gave the short, 240 pound foreign beauty a squeeze, and rubbing his erection up against her gut once for good measure. He met her gaze and she’d already started to blush. “Wacha call da theh?” Gloria asked. He figured it was something along the lines of “What you call that there?”
  167. Jack unlocked from the embrace and grinned. “An Alolan welcome.” He said with a wink so Sonia and Burnet couldn’t see. “Anyways, ladies, please have a seat at the bar with me.”
  169. “Any idea where Nessa is?” Sonia asked.
  171. “She’s helping a staff member out with something, she should be back in a bit.” Jack said.
  173. Gloria took a seat next to Jack, and Sonia took a seat on the other side. Menus came very soon after, and Jack gave the bartender his card. “I’m picking up the tab from earlier.” He said. “And whatever these ladies want as well.” Jack said.
  175. “Very good, sir.” The bartender said and departed quickly.
  177. “Oooh, dey goot soom goo’ whiskey...” Gloria said, looking at the alcohol menu.
  179. “They’ve got some good mixed drinks you might be interested in.” Jack suggested.
  181. Gloria gave him a look of pure amusement. “Dah sweet stoof is for lassies, ah onleh drink proper bevrahges.” Gloria replied.
  183. Jack shrugged in defeat. The small talk started until the bartender returned for their drinks. Sonia and Burnet ordered some spiked tropical drinks, Jack got a beer.
  185. “And for you, miss?” The bartender said, indicating Gloria.
  187. “Oi, can I get this proper whiskey here-” Gloria said, pointing at the liquor menu.
  189. “A scotch? Yes of course.” The bartender said.
  191. Gloria’s puffy face went red as a tomato, Jack thought he’d never seen steam come out of someone’s ears so quickly.
  193. “I knooah...” Gloria said, clearly peeved by the distinction. “And gemme the ale he’s huvin’.” Gloria ordered, trying to sound a bit calmer.
  195. “Okay...” The bartender said, unsure of how he’d offended the foreigner.
  197. “That was interesting.” Jack said.
  199. Gloria sighed. “Ah home, we jus’ call it whiskey.”
  201. Jack tried to lighten her mood by arching his head to Gloria and whispering in her ear. “I want to fuck your socks off right now.”
  203. Gloria turned to him, cracking a smile. “After me fanceh dinnah, ya wankah.”
  205. “What’d you just call me?”
  207. An hour later, Nessa had finally returned, sitting with Sonia and Burnet, who were still feasting on their large orders. Gloria had just finished her double order of crab cakes with a shrimp cocktail on the side for good measure. She’d pounded four scotches and the same number of beers for good measure, getting nice and inebriated. The only problem was she was damn near impossible to understand in this state.
  209. Gloria burped triumphantly as she finished chugging the last of her very dark beer. “Aaaah, puhfect!” Gloria said with a cheer.
  211. Jack cheers’d her empty glass with his almost full one. “Yoo too deh...” Gloria ordered. “Akshelly, yoo nee’ a dobbul whiskeh befoh da shag.”
  213. Jack wasn’t quite sure what she said, but something about a whiskey and a shag, which sounded good enough to him.
  215. “Oi, laddie!” Gloria said loudly, waving to get the bartender’s attention. “Gemme a dobbul ah uh sengle foh da roa’!”
  217. The bartender glared at her, but Jack put his hands together and mouthed “sorry,” then pantomimed signing a check. The bartender got the message and got started getting the scotch ready.
  219. “Yoo evah haf propuh whiskeh befoh?” Gloria asked quickly.
  221. “Wha- uh... Just stuff from Unova.”
  223. Gloria shook her head disapprovingly. “Haf fun wiht it.” Gloria said excitedly.
  225. A minute later the scotches were poured in front of them, as well as the check. The tab had totaled nearly a thousand dollars thanks to the copious amounts of fancy foods and drinks. Rosa had drank her way up to a $250 bill just by herself if Nessa was to be believed. Jack tipped $400 for the trouble, and the bartender smiled wide when he grabbed it.
  227. Gloria put the double shot of Scotch in front of Jack, who suddenly got a bit fearful. He liked whiskey, but he knew Scotch was something else entirely.
  229. “C’mon laddie, don’ maek yo wooman look lahk ah jakey.” Glori taunted him, then took her shot quickly.
  231. Jack smiled uneasily, then took a whiff of his double scotch. “Yeah, that’s some fucking alcohol alright...” Jack thought to himself. He’d had quite a buzz going, but he knew he’d be plastered a few minutes after shooting this.
  233. “Well c’mon then...” Gloria continued taunting him.
  235. Jack smiled and nodded, then held it up to his lips and closed his eyes. The burn on the back of his throat was unlike anything he’d had in a long time, and his tongue cried out for relief as he needed two gulps to get the liquid down. He ususally took shots quite well, and prided himself on barely showing any emotion after. But with this Scotch, he immediately coughed once the last of it hit his belly.
  237. “Ohohoho, da’s a gooh laddie...” Gloria said, giving him a smack on the back. Jack coughed a couple more times, feeling tears begin to well in his eyes.
  239. “Oi, Sonia, Burnet, dis wankah loost ah bet wid meh.” Gloria said, getting out of her barstool and grabbing him by his shirt, almost dragging him off his barstool.
  241. “Have fun you two!” Sonia said, and that was the last he heard from the three left behind. All he heard was Gloria’s excited, incomprehensible muttering for the next three minutes. Finally she stopped pulling him around and got face to face with him.
  243. “Oi, whe’s da rooom?” Gloria asked. Jack pointed to his left helplessly. A few minutes later, she was dragging him through his own villa, marching to the bedroom. He caught a look at Rosa snoring on the couch with an exposed bloated tummy.
  245. Once the duo got into his bedroom and Gloria let go of her grip on him, Jack realized why she’d been dragging him the way there: He was having a hard time standing. He nearly lost his balance once, then overcorrected as Gloria took her jacket off.
  247. “Oi, wun rehal jrink an’ ya on ya bum?” Gloria demanded.
  249. Jack was too inebriated to translate, and as he tried to get back up, Gloria took him by the hand and lifted him up, dragging him to the bed.
  251. “Ah leest gecha own trousahs awff...” Gloria said as Jack noticed her shirt get tossed aside, exposing her blue and white bra.
  253. Jack, delirious with alcohol, somehow finagled his pants free, but gave up trying to get his boxers off.
  255. “Tahm tuh waeke up laddie...” Gloria said lowly as Jack caught her beginning to descend on him. Her hands then grabbed hold of his boxers and yanked, freeing his cock rather uncomfortably. Although his massive member was now on display, and for the first time that night, Gloria was speechless.
  257. “So da’s haw Alolan lads ahr...” Gloria said.
  259. Suddenly he felt Gloria’s tongue along the bottom of his shaft, licking it’s way up to his tip, causing his whole body to quiver with pleasure. Then she took him in her mouth and began sucking him off in earnest. Jack could hardly speak a comprehensible word as his entire consciousness succumbed to Gloria’s expert technique.
  261. It didn’t take long before he felt himself start to build up. “Glo... ria...” He warned, struggling to get the words out. Her wet motions got faster, and he felt the eruption began as he barked out in pleasure, rope after rope of his cum shooting into the air as Gloria rubbed every last bit out of him.
  263. Jack’s consciousness waned as his eyes began to shut.
  265. It seemed like no time had passed when he opened his eyes and Gloria was next to him with an energy drink in his face. “Drink up ya jammy bastahd. I nee’ tah geh awf too.” Jack nodded wordlessly and Gloria forced the drink down his throat until none was left.
  267. “Imma fresh up, no sleepin’!” Gloria commanded as she waddled to the bathroom.
  269. Jack shook his head, managing to get some blood flowing. A couple minutes later he was already feeling a bit better, and then the bathroom door opened and he got to see Gloria in all of glory.
  271. Her breasts weren’t particularly large for a woman of her modest size. At least, compared to his other conquests of late. The 240 pound young woman in front of him had enormous thighs and a belly overhang to die for, She turned around and began wiggling her very ample rear erotically. Jack felt his loins awaken, and he pulled himself to a standing position.
  273. “Come over here and fuck the shit out of me.” Jack said.
  275. Gloria smiled. “Carefah watcha weish foh.” She said, then ran to him as fast as her flabby legs could carry her. She knocked him back onto the bed and mounted him, trying to maneuver her way onto his cock, She leaned to one side and Jack felt his opening, pushing her off balance and onto her back.
  277. “Whot da-”
  279. Jack mounted her, getting between her legs and finding her moist cunny, then sliding his enormous member inside.
  281. “Ooooh, da’s da stooff.” Gloria moaned. Jack started to get into his usual rhythm, letting Gloria bask in the pleasure.
  283. A few minutes later, he’d just started getting serious about upping the pace, when suddenly Gloria rolled him onto his back.
  285. “Yoor mien noo, boouhd.” Gloria said, then she moved her lips onto his neck. he expected a kiss, but got a rather playful bite as Gloria begin shaking her grith up and down his cock. Gloria had his arms pinned down with her own, so he had no choice but to let Gloria continue her onslaught. It wasn’t long before he felt an eruption coming on again.
  287. “Fuuuck, Gloria... let me...”
  289. Gloria growled something he didn’t even bother to comprehend, but then she stopped her movements suddenly. Jack then began jamming his dick vertically into her pussy, picking up where his pacing had left off. Gloria’s moans indicated she was close to letting herself gush as well.
  291. Jack grabbed a fistful of nipple and began to massage it. Her defenses began to crumble as she could no longer hold herself up. She fell on him, preventing him from keeping his pace, but he pamde up for it with raw power from his pelvic muscles as he continued to jam his cock deeper and deeper in Gloria’s obese body. Her face looked above him as she began to growl with pleasure.
  293. “Uuuuuuhooooo!” Gloria let out as Jack felt her cum on his cock. Moments later he was over the edge as well, blasting more of his cum into his foreign, roaring bedfellow.
  295. It took them a few minutes to come of their respective orgasmic hazes, but he found Gloria cuddling up to him, smiling widely. “Da’s a gud lahd...” She said, falling into her own dreamworld.
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