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Jun 10th, 2017
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  1. Who is "white"?
  2. I've been thinking about who is white and who isn't. "White" in it's broadest context means Caucasian or Caucasoid (black meaning negroid, yellow meaning mongoloid, brown meaning austroloid, red meaning amerind). But within the Caucasoid race there are dark skinned and non-European people. So "white" may also refer to just people with light complexions or all Europeans including the darker skinned Mediterraneans. Who do you consider white?
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  6. Joe Shepherd
  7. Joe Shepherd I consider levantine people white
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  9. · Reply · 59 mins
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  11. Todd Miller
  12. Todd Miller Based on their skin color?
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  14. · Reply · 47 mins
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  16. Joe Shepherd
  17. Joe Shepherd And their ancestry. Levantine people are descendants of phoenicians which are direct descendants of the aryans
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  19. · Reply · 46 mins
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  21. Alex Birch
  22. Alex Birch easy. whites are the descendants of the indo-europeans/aryans. the exceptions are of course those otherwise genetically related subclades who did not adopt the indo-aryan culture fully: finns, basques, hungarians, etruscans, and related people. all members of this family have shared characteristics of language, culture, and even genetics. our ancestors worshipped the same gods, tamed the horse, road in chariots, adopted agriculture, and became warrior-farmer-poets. we went as far as mesopotamia (hittites), india (vedic peoples), far east (tocharians and eastern priests/philosophers, as evidences by the mummies with red hair), and conquered hyperborea and the meditarranean, and were doing so prior to recorded history (the greek minoans). our heritage is as real as the sun which grants us life and power. "white" is handy, monosyllabilic slang. but technically, we are all aryans, which was the term of the 19th century, before the war. i see no reason why we should not be honest about what blood runs thru our veins.
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  24. · Reply · 36 mins · Edited
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  26. Todd Miller
  27. Todd Miller So any cultural who speaks an Indo-european language?
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  29. · Reply · 25 mins
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  31. Alex Birch
  32. Alex Birch i talked about the genetic aspect too.
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  34. · Reply · 21 mins
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  36. Todd Miller
  37. Todd Miller Which haplogroups?
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  39. · Reply · 18 mins
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  41. Alex Birch
  42. Alex Birch it would be a combination of mitochondrial and haplo. mito tells a fuller story. genome and phenotype arent to be discounted, either. for instance, one can have a haplotype E, which is more common in north africans, but a mitochondrial of H or V. this would indicate one is more likely european, without an accompanying photo to confirm. perhaps a welshman. we can tell a lot thru these tests. as for the cutoff, that's purely a value judgement. it can't be left up to science. i would personally exclude mulattos/mischlings. but thats me.
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