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Sep 25th, 2017
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  2. Session Start: Mon Sep 25 23:32:19 2017
  3. Session Ident: DRUGSES
  4. [23:32] Session Ident: DRUGSES (~DRUGSES@186.143.hhp.hs)
  5. [23:32] <DRUGSES> hey
  6. [23:32] <K1\\4> hiyas
  7. [23:32] <DRUGSES> yknow my parents worked their asses off for their degrees
  8. [23:32] <K1\\4> do you know what our network is for?
  9. [23:32] <DRUGSES> my dad is actually doctor of pharmacy summa cum laude
  10. [23:32] <K1\\4> harm reduction
  11. [23:33] <K1\\4> not harm instruction
  12. [23:33] <DRUGSES> he never blacked out nor choked to death
  13. [23:33] <K1\\4> lucky
  14. [23:33] <K1\\4> i personally know people who have blacked out
  15. [23:33] <K1\\4> woken up hours away from their house
  16. [23:33] <K1\\4> in a bard
  17. [23:33] <K1\\4> barn
  18. [23:33] <K1\\4> or lost $700 dollars
  19. [23:33] <K1\\4> or were raped
  20. [23:33] <K1\\4> your comment
  21. [23:33] <K1\\4> will get someone raped
  22. [23:34] <K1\\4>
  23. [23:34] <DRUGSES> my psychatrist told me benzos and booze really arent that dangerous
  24. [23:34] <K1\\4> please check out our rules
  25. [23:34] <DRUGSES> checked them already
  26. [23:34] <K1\\4> By using and remaining connected to this site and any other site owned and operated by TripSit (, you signify your agreement to the terms, conditions and notices of this policy.
  27. [23:34] <K1\\4> ((DRUGSES)): both my parents are pahrmacists and have always mixed benzos and booze. its safe guys
  28. [23:34] <DRUGSES> its not harmful. if its for that then alcohol just by itself can get you raped
  29. [23:35] <K1\\4> this would be against the rules
  30. [23:35] <K1\\4> i will un-quiet you early
  31. [23:35] <K1\\4> if you agree to follow the rules
  32. [23:35] <K1\\4> :)
  33. [23:36] <DRUGSES> i like the way you change the topic of the conversation
  34. [23:36] <DRUGSES> people can drink theirselves to death - no other downers
  35. [23:36] <DRUGSES> just alcohol
  36. [23:36] <K1\\4> ok
  37. [23:36] <K1\\4> are you gonna follow the rules?
  38. [23:36] <K1\\4> Do not suggest harmful actions to others
  39. [23:36] <K1\\4> It is against the rules to endorse or encourage dangerous behavior regarding drug consumption.
  40. [23:36] <DRUGSES> benzos are actually harm reduction. alcohol is neurotoxic and benzos arent
  41. [23:37] <K1\\4> so
  42. [23:37] <K1\\4> are you gonna follow the rules?
  43. [23:37] <DRUGSES> therefore by drinking less and compensating with benzos ur actually harming your brain less
  44. [23:37] <K1\\4> yes or no
  45. [23:37] <DRUGSES> yes or no what
  46. [23:37] <K1\\4> are you gonna follow the rules?
  47. [23:37] <DRUGSES> i have never broken them
  48. [23:38] <K1\\4> benzodiazepines + alcohol: Dangerous. Ethanol ingestion may potentiate the CNS effects of many benzodiazepines. The two substances potentiate each other strongly and unpredictably, very rapidly leading to unconsciousness. While unconscious, vomit aspiration is a risk if not placed in the recovery position. Blacking out and memory loss is almost certain.
  49. [23:38] <K1\\4> mixing two downers
  50. [23:38] <K1\\4> is not safe
  51. [23:38] <DRUGSES> benzos in order to drink less are actually helping u not fry ur brain
  52. [23:38] <K1\\4> please understand
  53. [23:38] <K1\\4> that it is not safe
  54. [23:38] <DRUGSES> if it wasnt for benzos id be drinking two vodkas a day
  55. [23:39] <K1\\4> just because you have had sucess with them
  56. [23:39] <K1\\4> doesnt mean you can tell the community it is safe
  57. [23:39] <DRUGSES> thanks to benzos i can do fine with just half a vodka
  58. [23:39] ((Whois)DRUGSES): ~DRUGSES@186.143.hhp.hs DRUGSES
  59. [23:39] ((Whois)DRUGSES): #drugs #tripsit #lounge
  60. [23:39] ((Whois)DRUGSES): TripSit IRC Master Server
  61. [23:39] ((Whois)DRUGSES): is using a secure connection
  62. [23:39] <K1\\4> other people have different tolerances
  63. [23:40] <K1\\4> so it would be unsafe for us to tell anyone its ok to combine
  64. [23:40] <K1\\4> if they ask "i drank one beer and took .5 xanax"
  65. [23:40] <K1\\4> "am i going to die"
  66. [23:40] <K1\\4> we would say no
  67. [23:40] <K1\\4> but we would reccomend them not to take more of either
  68. [23:40] <K1\\4> All users are expected to discourage drug dosages, drug combinations, or any drug experimentation which could be reliably considered unsafe
  69. [23:41] <DRUGSES> i have never mentioned dosages
  70. [23:41] <K1\\4> look
  71. [23:42] <K1\\4> you fucked up
  72. [23:42] <K1\\4> saysorry
  73. [23:42] <K1\\4> and move on
  74. [23:42] <K1\\4> i dont have time to explain the rules to you
  75. [23:42] <K1\\4> if you have a problem
  76. [23:42] <DRUGSES> dont worry bruh
  77. [23:42] <K1\\4> join
  78. [23:42] <DRUGSES> ur chat sux
  79. [23:42] <K1\\4> and talk to the admin
  80. [23:43] <DRUGSES> i would have guessed a drugs themed chat would allow for collective knowledge
  81. [23:43] <K1\\4> you know
  82. [23:43] <DRUGSES> openmindedness
  83. [23:43] <K1\\4> you're already un-quieted
  84. [23:43] <K1\\4> so idk why you're still talking to me
  85. [23:44] <DRUGSES> dont wory bruh
  86. [23:44] <DRUGSES> guess wont be needing that shitty chatroom
  87. [23:44] <DRUGSES> cya man
  88. [23:44] <DRUGSES> :)
  89. [23:44] ((Whois)DRUGSES): ~DRUGSES@186.143.hhp.hs DRUGSES
  90. [23:44] ((Whois)DRUGSES): #drugs #tripsit #lounge
  91. [23:44] ((Whois)DRUGSES): TripSit IRC Master Server
  92. [23:44] ((Whois)DRUGSES): is using a secure connection
  93. [23:44] <K1\\4> you are welcome to stay
  94. [23:45] <K1\\4> if you dont saying anything that will lead people to take dangerous combos
  95. Session Close: Mon Sep 25 23:47:54 2017
  97. Session Start: Mon Sep 25 23:47:59 2017
  98. Session Ident: DRUGSES
  99. [23:48] Session Ident: DRUGSES (~DRUGSES@186.143.hhp.hs)
  100. [23:48] <DRUGSES> alright i apologize for my recent cynism but not for my information
  101. [23:48] <DRUGSES> srsly, go ask a doc bout it
  102. [23:48] <DRUGSES> ofc u cant drink a whooooooooole ton while on benzos
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