

Nov 8th, 2012
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  1. DrSavage For private reasons, don't expect me in VFR for a while
  2. 18:39 DrSavage ...if ever again
  3. 18:39 padri what happened?
  4. 18:40 DrSavage I'm not /allowed/ to talk of it under bannable punishment
  5. 18:40 DrSavage You'd have to ask Wilt
  6. 18:41 padri if it has to do with vfr, you should tell me.
  7. 18:41 padri i'm an op for a reason
  8. 18:41 DrSavage I'm not /allowed/ to
  9. 18:41 DrSavage If he found out I told you
  10. 18:41 DrSavage I'd be /banned/ from FR and all its affiliates
  11. 18:42 padri he's not going to find out.
  12. 18:43 DrSavage This is also can't get back to who it's about either
  13. 18:43 DrSavage Promise it
  14. 18:43 padri who's it about?
  15. 18:43 DrSavage Alivi
  16. 18:43 padri maybe i don't want to hear.
  17. 18:43 DrSavage Alleged/accidental sexual harassment
  18. 18:44 DrSavage None of which I was as cognizant about as I could've been
  19. 18:44 DrSavage Or meant to
  20. 18:44 DrSavage I'm leaving it at that
  21. 18:44 DrSavage But now I don't feel at all welcome to VFR
  22. 18:44 DrSavage And I don't feel welcome at FR
  23. 18:44 DrSavage Wilt has /zero/ trust in me now
  24. 18:44 padri well
  25. 18:44 padri vOv
  26. 18:45 DrSavage And I believe he doesn't regard me as a friend anymore
  27. 18:45 DrSavage So
  28. 18:45 DrSavage Now you know
  29. 18:45 DrSavage I never mean harm to anyone
  30. 18:45 DrSavage I care about all of you
  31. 18:47 DrSavage But I don't think people believe that
  32. 18:47 DrSavage They certainly didn't after the whole me still trying to "get" you thing
  33. 18:47 DrSavage So why should they now
  34. 18:48 padri i don't know, savage
  35. 18:49 DrSavage Good to see how I stand
  36. 18:52 padri iunno, doc.
  37. 18:53 padri you've gotten yourself into a lot of trouble.
  38. 18:53 DrSavage And I really don't mean to
  39. 18:53 DrSavage I make mistakes
  40. 18:53 padri a lot.
  41. 18:54 DrSavage Hmm
  42. 18:54 DrSavage I guess so
  43. 18:54 padri yeah.
  44. 18:54 DrSavage Well
  45. 18:55 DrSavage All I can do is try to improve
  46. 18:55 DrSavage I don't think you want to believe I /can/
  47. 18:55 padri i do want to believe you can
  48. 18:55 padri i just don't know if i believe you /will/
  49. 18:56 DrSavage Mmmm
  50. 18:56 DrSavage Well
  51. 18:56 DrSavage First solution to the problem?
  52. 18:56 DrSavage Minimizing ooc contact
  53. 18:56 padri that's not going to solve anything.
  54. 18:56 DrSavage Removes the /possibility/ of the issue
  55. 18:56 padri that's just avoiding problems
  56. 18:56 padri which is not a solution.
  57. 18:56 DrSavage Any contact made will be cordial and kind
  58. 18:56 DrSavage And polite
  59. 18:56 padri the /solution/ is to improve.
  60. 18:57 DrSavage But I'm done initiating contact
  61. 18:57 DrSavage Fuck, nobody wants to talk to me anyway
  62. 18:58 DrSavage Be brutally honest
  63. 18:58 DrSavage Do you care or even trust me at /all/?
  64. 18:59 padri i want to, doc.
  65. 18:59 padri but you're making it awfully hard.
  66. 18:59 DrSavage Not do you /want/ to
  67. 18:59 DrSavage I'm asking /do/ you
  68. 19:00 padri no, not really.
  69. 19:00 padri i've trusted you and i've trusted you and i've trusted you,
  70. 19:00 padri but you keep making 'mistakes'
  71. 19:00 padri and you refuse to learn from them
  72. 19:01 DrSavage Then I'll try to earn it back
  73. 19:01 DrSavage But I won't be holding my breath
  74. 19:01 padri no?
  75. 19:02 padri then how much are you actually trying?
  76. 19:02 DrSavage No, I'm going to do what I can
  77. 19:03 padri do you even realize /why/ you're losing our trust?
  78. 19:03 DrSavage Tell me, then
  79. 19:04 padri no, i want to hear your view of it.
  80. 19:05 DrSavage Because I'm pestering, because I'm pushing people out of their comfort zones
  81. 19:05 DrSavage Because I'm investing myself /too/ much
  82. 19:07 DrSavage Because I'm being a selfish fuck
  83. 19:07 DrSavage What do you want me to say
  84. 19:08 padri i want to see how you're seeing this.
  85. 19:08 padri you really need to learn to take no for an answer.
  86. 19:08 padri because some things are inappropriate.
  87. 19:09 DrSavage Alright
  88. 19:10 padri you can start by leaving alivi /alone/
  89. 19:11 DrSavage I will
  90. 19:11 DrSavage In fact, I'm coming to the decision
  91. 19:11 DrSavage That for a while
  92. 19:11 DrSavage I'm not going to come to FROOC or FR
  93. 19:11 padri that won't help
  94. 19:11 padri unless you come back changed
  95. 19:11 DrSavage It's apparent I'm not wanted and my presence will only agitate people
  96. 19:12 padri leaving until everyone forgets is a selfish move
  97. 19:12 DrSavage Oh cut it out, padri
  98. 19:12 padri if you're going to leave,
  99. 19:12 DrSavage None of them
  100. 19:12 DrSavage Even you
  101. 19:12 padri don't come back until you've changed.
  102. 19:12 DrSavage Want to think that I'm going change
  103. 19:12 padri yes, i do!
  104. 19:12 DrSavage You all /want/ to see this jackass
  105. 19:12 padri but past experience shows that you /won't/
  106. 19:13 padri you haven't changed yet
  107. 19:13 DrSavage Someone you can compare yourself to and feel better about
  108. 19:13 padri why would you change this time?
  109. 19:13 DrSavage Because there's no chances after this
  110. 19:13 DrSavage And I've lost enough friends already
  111. 19:13 padri make this about yourself, why don't you?
  112. 19:13 padri just like you make everything.
  113. 19:13 DrSavage I'm not!
  114. 19:13 padri you're always the victim, aren't you?
  115. 19:13 DrSavage And because it hurts people
  116. 19:13 padri you /harass/ alivi
  117. 19:13 padri and then /you're/ the victim.
  118. 19:13 DrSavage No, /she/ is
  119. 19:14 padri because everyone hates you
  120. 19:14 DrSavage I didn't say that
  121. 19:14 padri no?
  122. 19:14 padri >Someone you can compare yourself to and feel better about
  123. 19:14 DrSavage I said they immediately assume the worst
  124. 19:14 padri we all want "Someone you can compare yourself to and feel better about"
  125. 19:14 DrSavage Everyone here has problems
  126. 19:14 DrSavage I'm not saying I don't
  127. 19:14 padri go fuck yourself.
  128. 19:14 DrSavage padri
  129. 19:14 DrSavage I don't mean it that way
  130. 19:15 padri then what way damnit?
  131. 19:15 DrSavage Wilt can be rather cold at times, Roget can be spacey, etc.
  132. 19:15 DrSavage My problem is what you said
  133. 19:15 DrSavage You're right
  134. 19:15 DrSavage I can't take no for an answer sometimes
  135. 19:15 DrSavage And I'll try to fix that
  136. 19:15 DrSavage Not just for me, but for all of you
  137. 19:15 DrSavage I'm tired of hurting people
  138. 19:16 padri and can you stop being the victim?
  139. 19:16 DrSavage Yes
  140. 19:16 padri own up when you've done something wrong and don't blame it on everyone hating you
  141. 19:16 DrSavage This is my fault, nobody else's
  142. 19:16 DrSavage I'm still allowed to feel bad, though
  143. 19:16 padri people have reason to be upset with you, doc
  144. 19:16 DrSavage But yes, I did do wrong
  145. 19:16 padri and until you change, you can't blame them for it.
  146. 19:17 DrSavage So it's not unwarranted
  147. 19:17 padri Yes it is.
  148. 19:17 DrSavage I understand that
  149. 19:17 DrSavage They /do/ have a reason to feel this way right now
  150. 19:17 padri You can feel bad, but turning us into awful people for holding you to a standard?
  151. 19:17 DrSavage I'm so very sorry for all of this, padri
  152. 19:18 DrSavage You're putting words in my mouth
  153. 19:18 DrSavage I didn't mean you're all awful
  154. 19:18 padri >Someone you can compare yourself to and feel better about
  155. 19:18 padri it's pretty hard to put words in that mouth
  156. 19:19 DrSavage I'm saying I'm not the only person who made a mistake, and I'm not going to be the last, but you're right, I don't need to push blame
  157. 19:19 DrSavage This is /my/ fault
  158. 19:19 DrSavage Not Alivi's
  159. 19:19 DrSavage Not Wilt's
  160. 19:19 DrSavage Not your's
  161. 19:19 DrSavage This is my fault
  162. 19:19 padri exactly.
  163. 19:19 DrSavage And I need to work on it
  164. 19:19 padri so when we blame you for being at fault,
  165. 19:20 padri that's nothing to fault us for.
  166. 19:20 DrSavage And I don't think I should be around until I fix it
  167. 19:20 DrSavage Not for my own comfort
  168. 19:20 DrSavage But because there are these hostile feelings
  169. 19:20 DrSavage It's better for others, I think you, Wilt, and especially Alivi
  170. 19:20 DrSavage That I not be around for a bit
  171. 19:21 padri I really hope you can fix it and come back.
  172. 19:21 DrSavage I'm not saying it'll be months
  173. 19:21 padri Really, I do.
  174. 19:21 DrSavage Or weeks, hell, I'm going to be talking to a close friend about this in the next few days and finally hammer this out
  175. 19:22 padri I look forward to having you back, then.
  176. 19:23 DrSavage In advance, I'm not making this about me, this is what I actually believe...I don't think anyone else but /you/ thinks that
  177. 19:23 DrSavage Especially not the /owner/
  178. 19:23 padri it's because you haven't improved so far
  179. DrSavage Which is true
  180. 19:23 DrSavage But admit it, that doesn't change what I said
  181. 19:24 DrSavage You're the /only/ one who thinks that right now
  182. 19:25 padri then fix yourself before I lose faith, too.
  183. 19:25 DrSavage I'll try
  184. 19:25 DrSavage I can no longer afford not to
  185. 19:26 padri you couldn't afford not to before.
  186. 19:26 DrSavage True
  187. 19:27 DrSavage Well
  188. 19:27 DrSavage I'll be on irc
  189. 19:28 DrSavage But I'm not going to be on FR or FROOC for a bit
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