
The American Right: Deplorability

Feb 1st, 2018
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  1. *** Ebele joined #politics
  2. Finding MEMO - Trump has approved release, Friday morning?
  3. Topic set by synaptic! on Thu Feb 01 2018 09:50:04 GMT-0800 (PST)
  4. 17:34 Ekko Greetings Ebele, #politics is currently moderated. If you wait a minute without changing your nickname, you can take part in the discussion (mode +v).
  5. 17:34 *** perchek joined #politics
  6. 17:34 *** perchek quit (Remote host closed the connection!)
  7. 17:34 --- ltCd- has banned *!*@108.177.134.*
  8. 17:34 realiste "clintons are felons" "so, you're saying you like her shirt"
  9. 17:34 +++ Ekko has given voice to Ebele
  10. 17:34 Ebele I promise to never speak political correctness while I am here.
  11. 17:34 *** perchek joined #politics
  12. 17:34 Ebele I have a question for those people who are in the Trump cult.
  13. 17:35 Ebele As you see the Nunes memo turning into a clear con by the future criminal Devin Nunes, how do you feel?
  14. 17:35 +++ Ekko has given voice to perchek
  15. 17:35 perchek hi friends!
  16. 17:35 Ebele Does part of you realize your frenzy last week was hysteria? Do you double down? Do you just get distracted and move onto the next piece of distraction created by the right-wing media ecosystem?
  17. 17:36 Ebele Does anybody want to go on record as to whether or not Devin Nunes will ultimately be indicted?
  18. 17:36 _Forbin @mhdsmn (☾☆ Usman Fitri ☾☆): Retweeted AFP news agency (@AFP): #BREAKING Fidel Castro's eldest son committed suicide: Cuba state media (17s ago)
  19. 17:36 nharris haha realiste..precisely
  20. 17:36 _Forbin wow
  21. 17:36 _Forbin damn
  22. 17:36 realiste no idea, i'm not in a cult myself
  23. 17:36 _Forbin sure are a lot of suicides these days
  24. 17:36 synaptic trudeau?
  25. 17:36 realiste and i haven't experienced a frenzy
  26. 17:37 nharris Did Castro's son have dirt on the clintons?
  27. 17:37 Ebele _Forbin: Can you name two other notable suicides in the past two months?
  28. 17:38 synaptic ebele = arihiraf = teferi
  29. 17:38 Kaliuna synaptic - uhuh
  30. 17:39 Ebele When you speak without political correctness to many members of the right, they get upset.
  31. 17:39 Ebele That is because they desire political correctness.
  32. 17:39 Ebele Most humans desire political correctness.
  33. 17:39 Ebele Those cultures which have a disdain for philosophy generally desire political correctness at a higher rate.
  34. 17:40 Ebele The American Right is a notoriously anti-intellectual culture.
  35. 17:40 +++ asteroid set the channel to mode +l 181
  36. 17:41 lednerk BREAKING NEWS: ICE has arrested a U.S army veteran who served two tours of duty in Afghanistan and has two U.S citizen children. His name is Miguel Perez Jr and he has lived in the US since he was 8.
  37. 17:41 lednerk looks like trump is rounding up our troops
  38. 17:42 Ebele lednerk: "Breaking news" correlates with propaganda.
  39. 17:42 lednerk Ebele: PROPAGANDA NEWS!
  40. 17:42 Ebele lednerk: The history of Western philosophy, starting with Socreates and Pals, noted a difference between the deliberative mind and the emotional/impulsive mind.
  41. 17:42 lednerk ty
  42. 17:43 lednerk nharris: wow, breitbart covering REAL news i see
  43. 17:43 Ebele My position is that the consensus is that it is largely accepted the deliberative/reason mind produces better decisions than the emotional/impulsive mind.
  44. 17:43 lednerk nharris is the #politics senior fork correspondent
  45. 17:43 lednerk lyin nharris
  46. 17:43 Ebele In the contemporary era, with behavioral economics, we've been able to more precisely those problem domains in which the emotional/impulsive mind is superior to the deliberative/reason mind, and vice-versa.
  47. 17:43 lednerk link please
  48. 17:43 Ebele For example, Thinking Fast and Thinking Slow by Kahneman.
  49. 17:44 Kaliuna hmm notations - same spew of stuff as last time on... figures
  50. 17:44 CometBaby at the SOTU the dems weren't just anti trump .. they were clearly anti America
  51. 17:44 *** nomic quit (Quit: Leaving)
  52. 17:44 Kaliuna CometBaby HI - and totally agree
  53. 17:44 Ebele I would argue the primary purpose of Russia and Republican propaganda is twofold: 1) Destroy a notion of truth outside of party leadership, and 2) disorient the consumer by pushing them towards their emotional/impulsive mind.
  54. 17:44 CometBaby hi kali
  55. 17:44 *** nomic joined #politics
  56. 17:44 CometBaby and they brought in a Clinton and a Kennedy
  57. 17:45 CometBaby will they never learn?
  58. 17:45 Ebele You'll notice sites like reddit/r/the_donald feature a high amount of "breaking news" that feature no content/misinformation, while causing the reader to move into a frenzy.
  59. 17:45 +++ Ekko has given voice to nomic
  60. 17:45 Kaliuna CometBaby - no they won't learn... Kennedy needed a napkin for spittle
  61. 17:45 Ebele You'll notice long-term respected sources of news like AP/Reuters/etc. use "breaking news" at a much lower rate.
  62. 17:45 Ebele That's one thought I had.
  63. 17:45 CometBaby nh that is it
  64. 17:45 CometBaby exactly what they must decixe
  65. 17:46 Ebele CometBaby: How were the Democrats anti-American?
  66. 17:46 Ebele CometBaby: I will describe the key American value to be "non-factionalism".
  67. 17:46 Ebele I will do this as a result of the Federalist Papers.
  68. 17:46 Easymoney Trump does not love the nation; only himself.
  69. 17:46 Ebele Easymoney: Correct.
  70. 17:47 Ebele Trump is the type of person described by religious and fictional texts as a key villian.
  71. 17:47 Ebele For example, Jesus described people like him as "false prophets".
  72. 17:47 Ebele He is a villain because he is a factionalist.
  73. 17:47 Ebele His faction is his nuclear family -- not even the GOP.
  74. 17:47 Ebele He hates the GOP, in addition to the USA.
  75. 17:47 CometBaby lol
  76. 17:48 CometBaby there you go .. ranting again... back in your frenzy
  77. 17:48 Ebele For the audience, you'll note that I asked CometBaby to expound on her position. Then, I gave a thorough description of one of my views. Then, she responded with "lol".
  78. 17:48 Kaliuna CometBaby -- getting the typical libby remarks in here tonight... so think I'll just add to the ignore list again
  79. 17:49 *** glorioust joined #politics
  80. 17:49 Ebele I promised I wouldn't do political correctness.
  81. 17:49 Ebele The reason the above occurred is because CometBaby is an anti-intellectual.
  82. 17:49 Ebele And I am not.
  83. 17:49 +++ Ekko has given voice to glorioust
  84. 17:49 Ebele Further, she is not adept at managing her emotions, and so my giving my take on the causality will result in a rage response, with high probability.
  85. 17:49 Ebele Instead of focusing on her internal emotions, she'll identify the external source of that triggering she cannot understand nor manage. Then, destroy the source.
  86. 17:50 +++ CometBaby has taken voice from Ebele
  87. 17:50 Ekko You've been quieted for 72 hours (mode -v). Parting the channel will result in a 2 hour ban (mode +b).
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