
Second Darkness Postgame: Session 117

Feb 19th, 2014
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  1. [16:26] <Kilarra> *****Second Darkness*****
  2. [16:26] <Kilarra> ~~~Postgame~~~
  3. [16:26] <Kilarra> -Session 117-
  4. [16:27] <Kilarra> After meeting with her estranged mother and her new husband, Kilarra and Aluthyra listened to her ramble on for a while before deciding enough was enough. Although Mordren made the first move, Her husband and devourer escorts were easily dispatched
  5. [16:28] <Kilarra> Mordren herself however, proved far stronger, besting Kilarra alone and requiring her to barely hold on while Aluthyra finished her off. After that, a trap on her Phylactery finished the job, only to be undone by the intervention of Imoto
  6. [16:29] <Kilarra> Imoto, convinced by Aluthyra to save her sister, then refused to stop her from destroying the Phylactery, allowing Kilarra to complete her long desired revenge on the woman.
  7. [16:30] * Kilarra uses her enchanted mace to smash in the Phylactery a few more times until she was sure it would not be functioning anymore.
  8. [16:32] * Kilarra then uses what spells she has left to give herself some needed healing.
  9. [16:33] <Kilarra> Imoto just watches Kilarra quietly, her sister's Staff of Life still clutched tightly in her hands.
  10. [16:34] * Kilarra looks to Aluthyra, then to Imoto. "Thank you."
  11. [16:35] <Kilarra> Imoto gives a small smile at being thanked.
  12. [16:36] * Kilarra looks to Aluthyra,
  13. [16:37] * Kilarra looks to Aluthyra, "Did my mother have anything else on her?"
  14. [16:38] * Aluthyra nods, taking the other items out of her haversack and showing them to Kilarra.
  15. [16:39] * Kilarra chuckles, "Identifying things was always Kjell's bag." She points to one of the rings, "But considering that one cancelled out my attempt to use a heal spell on my mother, I can guess it to be a Ring of Counterspells."
  16. [16:41] * Aluthyra nods. "You may have it if you wish. And we must still take care of Huan."
  17. [16:42] <Kilarra> Imoto fidgets nervously at the mention of that.
  18. [16:43] * Kilarra nods, then looks around. "Grab a table leg or post or something," she tells Aluthyra. "It needs to be a wooden stake. I can drive it in with my mace."
  19. [16:43] * Aluthyra nods, looking for something she can break to make a stake.
  20. [16:45] <Kilarra> The end table Imoto was sitting on a couch next to has four wooden legs that could easily be snapped off wit ha good firm kick.
  21. [16:45] * Kilarra notes to Aluthyra, "I don't know what became of the original owners of this place, but if push comes to shove I can fix a broken table."
  22. [16:46] * Aluthyra nods, moving over to the table, and delivers a swift kick to one of its legs.
  23. [16:46] <Kilarra> Aluthyra stubs her toe.
  24. [16:47] <Kilarra> Imoto actually snickers a bit.
  25. [16:47] * Aluthyra frowns, kicking it again.
  26. [16:47] * Kilarra does too, then stands up and joins Aluthyra
  27. [16:47] <Kilarra> Aluthyra snaps a leg off, tipping the table over and causing a few books to tumble to the floor.
  28. [16:48] * Aluthyra hands over the steak to Kilarra.
  29. [16:50] * Kilarra plucks off a few bits of the leg until there's a single prominent spike left. She then looks up to the balcony towards the bedroom. "While we're there, we should..." She looks to Imoto, "Do you have your own casket? You'll need it until I can raise you."
  30. [16:50] <Kilarra> Imoto blinks in surprise, "R-raise me?"
  31. [16:52] * Kilarra nods, "Yes. I had been planning on it anyways, but since you brought me back It would be rather rude of me not to."
  32. [16:53] <Kilarra> Imoto hands the staff back to Kilarra. She looks a bit perplexed, as though the notion of being brought back to life had simply never ocurred to her.
  33. [16:55] * Kilarra takes the staff, thinking for a moment. "I'm afraid this won't be enough. Since you're a vampire, I'd need a more powerful spell than this staff can use."
  34. [16:56] <Kilarra> Imoto nods, "O-okay." She actually looks a bit disappointed now. "My casket is in that room." She points to another door on the upper floor.
  35. [16:57] * Kilarra looks to Aluthyra, "Why don't you take her and get it. I'll deal with Huan. She doesn't need to see that anyways."
  36. [16:57] * Aluthyra nods, holding her hand out for Imoto to take if she wishes.
  37. [16:57] <Kilarra> Imoto waits a moment, then takes Aluthyra's hand, leading her towards the stairs.
  38. [16:59] * Kilarra finishes picking at her improvised stake and follows them up the stairs, stopping in front of the main bedroom. She had the suspiscion that the place's owners were either absent, or had been killed by Mordren and Huan so they could move in and redecorate.
  39. [17:03] <Kilarra> Imoto leads Aluthyra to a room off to one side. A smaller bedroom with a single bed, although not necessarily one sized for a child. More like a guest room. Amidst a collection of dolls and books, lies a fairly ornate coffin make of rich, polished mahogany and with some Tian characters chiseled into the front near the top.
  40. [17:04] * Aluthyra smiles lightly, looking to the toys. "Perhaps you would like to put those in my haversack so that you do not need to part with anything?"
  41. [17:07] <Kilarra> Imoto smiles a bit. She gathers up a few of the effects, including an exquisite porcelain doll with a few dresses not unlike the one she herself was wearing. A couple of picture books, as well as one slightly larger novel, and a stuffed bear.
  42. [17:08] * Aluthyra holds out her haversack, allowing Imoto to fill it as much as she wishes.
  43. [17:08] <Kilarra> Imoto takes great care with the porcelain doll, not wanting to break it, then follows up with the books and bear.
  44. [17:11] <Kilarra> Imoto and Aluthyra hear a bit of garbled yelling and a sickening crunch from down the hall.
  45. [17:12] * Kilarra has just finished the staking and is now pulling boards off the windows to let the sunlight dispose of the body.
  46. [17:12] * Aluthyra clears her throat, looking to the coffin and examining about how heavy it would be.
  47. [17:14] <Kilarra> The casket is sized for a child, which Imoto is still at least in body, and the interior is comfortably padded and even has a pillow and blanket inside. Imoto shuts the lid and then proceeds to lift the entire thing herself.
  48. [17:17] * Aluthyra chuckles. "Do you need any help with that?"
  49. [17:17] * Kilarra comes out of the master bedroom and waits by the stairs.
  50. [17:18] <Kilarra> Imoto nods, "It's not that heavy, but it is as big as me. She sets it down and moves to lift it from one end instead, leaving the other for Aluthyra.
  51. [17:19] == Kyrria|away has changed nick to Kyrria
  52. [17:20] * Aluthyra approaches from the other end, lifting and nodding to Imoto.
  53. [17:21] <Kilarra> Imoto begins walking out of the room, carrying her end of the casket and careful not to go too fast for Aluthyra. Which wasn't hard, given she was about half her height.
  54. [17:25] * Aluthyra continues with Imoto until seeing Kilarra, then nods her way. "Shall we go back to the Veil?"
  55. [17:26] * Kilarra sees them coming out and approaches them. "I still have a word of recall, so we could go back right away." She looks to the casket, "I just hope that won't get left behind."
  56. [17:32] * Kilarra thinks about it. "Imoto, get in the casket. If I'm right, I should be able to take it with you inside on one hand and ALuthyra holding the other."
  57. [17:34] <Kilarra> Imoto nods and opens the lid, laying down inside and closing it atop herself.
  58. [17:34] * Kilarra holds out one hand for Aluthyra, placing the other firmly on top of the casket.
  59. [17:34] * Aluthyra takes Kilarra's hand in her own.
  60. [17:37] * Kilarra mutters, "Home," and the three of them are whisked back to the floor space in Kilarra's room in forn of her dresser shrine. However, because of the slightly cramped arrival space, Kilarra slips and falls onto her backside as soon as they rematerialize.
  61. [17:39] * Aluthyra chuckles, assisting Kilarra back to her feet. "Still getting used to them, I see," she teases.
  62. [17:39] * Kilarra chuckles, then taps on the lid of the coffin gently, "We're back."
  63. [17:40] <Kilarra> Imoto nudges the lid open from inside. She has a bit of a melancholy look on her, but at the same time seems to want to be glad about her circumstances, but is having a hard time of it.
  64. [17:45] * Aluthyra smiles down at Imoto, then opens her haversack, lowering it so that she might grab her toys.
  65. [17:45] * Kilarra looks a little dead on her feet, being out of all but her lowest level magic and having died and come back a second time within as many days.
  66. [17:47] <Kilarra> Imoto smiles a bit weakly and removes her posessions. She gently sets them down on the dresser, shooting furitive glances at Kilarra to make sure that was alright.
  67. [17:48] * Kilarra nods to Imoto, then glances to her bed, under which she had that old keepsake chest of Attic Whisperer parts. She contemplated giving them to Imoto, and whether that would be appreciated or seem morbid.
  68. [17:49] * Kilarra wearily sits down on her bed for now. "So Imoto, did Mother ever teach you any magic?"
  69. [17:50] <Kilarra> Imoto nods slowly, "I know a bit, but she didn't really teach me too much beyond how to focus it. I just sort of did what came naturally."
  70. [17:52] <Kilarra> Imoto glances at the mirror again, and her lack of reflection. As well, Aluthyra was likely keen enough to know she didn't cast a shadow either.
  71. [17:54] <Kilarra> Imoto seats herself on the bed next to Kilarra. She didn't look the least bit tired, but the undead don't sleep.
  72. [17:56] <Kilarra> Imoto sighs, "So... now what? Mommy and daddy are gone now... what do I do?"
  73. [17:57] * Kilarra motions for Aluthyra to join her. She wanted Imoto to find at least some sense of comfort
  74. [17:59] * Aluthyra sits on the other side of Imoto.
  75. [18:01] * Kilarra sighs and looks to Imoto, "I'm really sorry. I am, but... Mother was a horrible person. She only cared about herself, and your father didn't seem any better. The only thing they cared about was making themselves happy, and you were just a tool for them to do that."
  76. [18:03] * Kilarra shakes her head, "I remember, if a bit fuzzily, the time when I lived with mother before. I thought she was nice to give me a couple of undead playmates that would do whatever I told them, and didn't question when she told me to sit on a hard table until she stabbed me on it." She lifts up her shirt a bit, showing off the scar-turned-birthmark.
  77. [18:06] <Kilarra> Imoto slumps forward a bit, "But..." She tears up once again, "they were family. Family is supposed to stick together."
  78. [18:06] * Kilarra looks to Aluthyra, wondering if she had anything that might help her explain this.
  79. [18:07] * Aluthyra winces and shakes her head, unsure of what to say to the little girl.
  80. [18:09] * Kilarra sighs, "Family... is about more than blood. Yes our mother gave birth to you, but... she thought of family as something you own. Family is about supporting each other, building off each other and becoming something better as a whole. Mordren only ever viewed anyone else as a means to make herself feel better. I'm afraid I can really only show you the difference with time, like I had to experience it."
  81. [18:13] <Kilarra> Imoto lets out a sigh, "I want to believe you but... mommy and daddy raised me. They taught me and looked after me and provided for me. I never even thought there was more to family until she showed me you."
  82. [18:14] * Aluthyra nods. "And we are here to help you to learn. Of course, this is all your choice, but we wish only to help."
  83. [18:16] <Kilarra> Imoto shakes her head, "What choice do I have though? If I do what I know, then the only family I have left says it's bad, along with everything else I was taught by mommy and daddy. I have to learn your idea of family or I don't get to be a part of it."
  84. [18:20] * Kilarra points to the door, "You can leave any time you want. You can take your coffin and walk out the door and never have to look at my face again. If that's what you really want, then I'll gladly give you that protection spell again and let you make your own way. But you have to think about the consequences that would have."
  85. [18:21] * Kilarra continues, "Without mommy and daddy you have to think about the consequences of -your- actions. Rather than just doing what you're told and expecting a pat on the head."
  86. [18:23] * Kilarra sighs, "I won't stop you from doing what you want, but now you're my only family too." She looks to Aluthyra, "Well, my only blood family."
  87. [18:27] * Kilarra says to Imoto, "What I would like to do for you though, is bring you back to life. That way at least you can go out during the day."
  88. [18:27] <Kilarra> Imoto's head picks up just a little bit. "The sky was really pretty in the day, isn't it?"
  89. [18:29] * Kilarra nods, "But we'll have to wait until tomorrow. I need to restore myself, and look into what it will take to bring you back properly. For now, we can sit and talk all you like, or maybe play a bit. Whatever you would like to do."
  90. [18:30] <Kilarra> Imoto gives a small, but honest smile, "Could you... brush my hair?"
  91. [18:30] * Kilarra chuckles a bit and smiles at the quaint request, then gets to it.
  92. [18:30] <Kilarra> -End Session-
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