
A Boring World Ch. 3

Jan 1st, 2013
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  1. >You keep your hand on Discord, your smile growing larger as the cracks spread
  2. >Well, at least you try to
  3. >The flash of light behind grows larger, and suddenly you are tossed aside
  4. >You land on your back, not expecting an interruption
  5. >You look up, to see Celestia glaring down at you, the bright light shimmering around her
  6. >She seems angry
  7. >You wonder why
  8. >”Do you have any idea what you have done!?”
  9. >Ok so you know exactly why
  10. >”How? How did you break the enchantment?!”
  11. >You shrug
  12. You of all people should know, Celestia.
  13. >The light behind her grows
  14. >You guess that means she’s getting ready for something bad
  15. >The light bursts forward, but you’ve already started moving
  16. >You hear a large bang, and are thrown forward again
  17. >You roll as you land, getting back on your feet quickly
  18. >You look back quickly to see a black mark where you were laying not moments ago
  19. Not taking any chances getting hit by that, Celestia!
  20. >You knew you were at least somewhat resistant to magic
  21. >You were immune to Celestia’s mind probing
  22. >Of course, that just meant she had to make sure you were safe another way
  23. >Horns hurt
  24. >So do stomping hooves
  25. >The part that caught your and Celestia’s eye was when Luna got involved
  26. >She wanted to test out a new device
  27. >Some kind of automated torture thing
  28. >Enchanted to run until it detected the life force of whatever it was… attached to… got too low
  29. >Then it would heal it up and repeat until turned off
  30. >Luckily, it didn’t work on you
  31. >The moment it got attached, all of its magic emptied out, and it hung uselessly from your chest
  32. >So enchantments didn’t work on you
  33. >But whatever Celestia just threw at you didn’t look so much enchantment and a lot more explosive fire
  34. >And so you ran
  35. >”Anon! I demand you stop running this instant!”
  36. Why, so you can kill me? Not likely!
  37. >”I just want to talk!”
  38. >Another explosion
  39. >Talk, right.
  40. >Suddenly you have an idea
  41. >An idea so crazy, it might just work
  42. >Or you’ll die horribly.
  43. >Whatever
  44. >You turn quickly, sprinting through the middle of the clearing towards Celestia
  45. >She looks amused as you charge her, and the light grows again
  46. >You pump your legs faster
  47. >Just before it looks like she’ll fire another… whatever she’s been firing, you jump, hitting Celestia with your full body weight in a tackle
  48. >She doesn’t budge
  49. Fuck
  50. >However, you notice the light die down
  51. >”Anon.”
  52. Yes, Celestia?
  53. >”I am going to kill you. Slowly.”
  54. K
  55. >Celestia shakes her head, throwing you off her and onto the ground
  56. >You look up, seeing nothing but Celestia and the sky above
  57. >She’s like the center of the universe
  58. >Nothing but he-
  59. >Wait
  60. >She was still beside the statue
  61. >There’s no statue
  62. >You smile, and you notice Celestia’s face drop as she sees where you’re looking
  63. >She turns around, only to be hit in the face by a cow
  65. >What
  66. >”Ha! No one ever sees the cow coming! Classic”
  67. >You look around, but only see a knocked out Celestia and Pinkie hiding in a far corner of the clearing
  68. >The cow is nowhere to be seen
  69. >”Confused, Anon? That won’t do, no that won’t do at all.”
  70. >Out of thin air, the statue appears in front of you
  71. >Except it’s not a statue anymore
  72. >Discord stands at his full height, smirking
  73. >You’re not entirely sure what to say
  74. …Bguh?
  75. >Classy
  76. >He raises an eyebrow
  77. >”Not so eloquent, are we? Oh well, I wouldn’t expect much from the creature stupid enough to free me.”
  78. >Stupid?
  79. I don’t think freeing you makes me stupid. I think it makes me willing to take risks
  80. >”Really Anon, Do you have any idea who you just freed? What did you think I was, some kind of prankster?”
  81. >Lightning flashes behind him
  82. >Except this lightning is green
  83. >You gulp
  84. Well... yeah. A really good one though…
  85. >”Oh yes, I’m a wonderful prankster. Of course, that’ll come after I enslave all of Equestria.”
  86. >Oh
  87. >Ok, so he won’t be just making things fun
  88. >Plan B
  89. Well, seeing how I freed you…
  90. >”…Yes?”
  91. …Can I help?
  92. >There’s a pause
  93. >Then he starts laughing
  94. >You get back to your feet, confused
  95. >Discord is now rolling on the ground, big fits of laughter rolling through his body
  96. So… that’s a yes?
  97. >Discord manages to return to some level of control, and smiles coldly at you as he returns to his full height
  98. >”No. You’d only hold me back from my fun! Now if you don’t mind, I have some havoc and chaos to attend to.”
  99. >And with that, he’s gone
  100. >You hear a loud rip
  101. >You look up to see the sky tearing
  102. >And from the new hole, fire begins to fall
  103. >Those are rocks
  104. >Fucking fiery rocks
  105. >Discord’s laughter fills the air
  106. >The earth begins to rumble, cracks quickly spreading through the clearing
  107. >Pegasus flood down from the sky, their bones jutting out from under their coat
  108. >You see a few with eyes, but most simply have empty sockets
  109. >You can’t see outside the clearing, but you assume this is happening all around Equestria
  110. >This isn’t what Pinkie said happened last time
  111. >You remember her saying it rained chocolate milk from cotton candy clouds
  112. >Things were weird, but it was like the mind of a child
  113. >Practically harmless
  114. >This is anything but
  115. >You try to move, try to find help, but your legs don’t budge
  116. >You look down
  117. >Your feet are sinking into the ground
  118. >Ohshit.jpg
  119. >You struggle, but you continue to sink
  120. >The ground pulls you down, and within moments you are down to your waist
  121. >Your hands can reach the ground now, and you attempt to push yourself back out
  122. >Your hands get pulled in
  123. FUCK
  124. >You look around, trying to find help
  125. >You see Pinkie leaning over Celestia, trying to wake her up
  126. Pinkie!
  127. >She doesn’t turn around, and continues to prod Celestia
  128. >The ground has reached your shoulders now
  129. >You don’t have much time
  130. Pinkie, help me!
  131. >Pinkie turns around now
  132. >She looks at you sadly as you sink
  133. >You try to smile, but before you can, the ground covers your mouth
  134. >You look at Pinkie pleadingly, but she turns away from you back to Celestia
  135. >Your eyes widen, and the last thing you see before you are swallowed is Pinkie’s back as she abandons you to your fate
  136. >There’s only darkness
  137. >Hard rock all around you
  138. >Why isn’t it soil?
  139. >Fucking Spirit of Chaos
  140. >Wait
  141. >You can breath
  142. >You aren’t being crushed
  143. >You aren’t going to die!
  144. >You… aren’t going to die
  145. >No, because to suffocate is too slow…
  146. >Discord has left you in a prison of his own devising
  147. >Is this what it was like to be a statue?
  148. >Being unable to move?
  149. >Being unable to see?
  150. >But being aware of yourself
  151. >And you thought living in a town with talking ponies was hell?
  152. >You can feel yourself starting to lose it
  153. >You remember hearing that if you bite off your tongue, you can choke on your own blood
  154. >That’ll work
  155. >It can’t hurt that bad
  156. >You take a deep breath, preparing
  157. >You bite
  158. >Fucking tongue isn’t there
  159. >You’re too much of a pussy to do it
  160. >Maybe someone will save you
  161. >Who?
  162. >No one even knows where you are
  163. >Except Discord, and you’re fairly sure he isn’t coming back
  164. >You squeeze your eyes shut to hold back tears, and prepare yourself again
  165. >You open your mouth
  166. >And hear a massive crack
  167. >Light filters in from above, and you’re torn from the ground, your skin scratching against it the whole way up
  168. >You scream as a piece of rock jabs into your left eye
  169. >But you’re out
  170. >And in the air
  171. >And now you’re not
  172. >You hit the ground hard, and the breath is knocked out of you
  173. >You lay on your back, trying to open your left eye, but it remains shut
  174. >You can feel the blood rolling down your face
  175. >And your body
  176. >That’s a lot of scratches
  177. >You look up as a bright light shines against the dark sky
  178. >You think you know who saved you
  179. >You use the word “saved” loosely
  180. >”Didn’t I say I was going to kill you, Anon?”
  182. End Chapter 3
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