
A Salvaging Surgery

Oct 31st, 2018
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  1. [2018-07-23 07:39] Joey Bites: You're all gross
  2. [2018-07-23 07:39] *Syed Hundal axe-hefts.
  3. [2018-07-23 07:39] Tiddly: Reminds me of Witch of the Weast.. I miss here.. rip oxide 3:>
  4. [2018-07-23 07:42] Joey Bites: Okay you're not ALL gross.
  5. [2018-07-23 07:43] Sid: "Am I gross?"
  6. [2018-07-23 07:43] *Pinocha Tower looks hurt!
  7. [2018-07-23 07:44] *Syed Hundal is, decidedly, pretty gross.
  8. [2018-07-23 07:44] *Joey Bites buries his face in upholstery uuuGHHH
  9. [2018-07-23 07:44] *Syed Hundal squints. The fuck is with Joey?
  10. [2018-07-23 07:44] *Senn the Uieen looks at his hands sadly. "A-am I gross?"
  11. [2018-07-23 07:45] *Ten Yasha Nah, you were right the first time.
  12. [2018-07-23 07:45] *Ten Yasha Aaaaaall of you are gross. [eicon]dofuha[/eicon]
  13. [2018-07-23 07:45] *Joey Bites has a brick inside of him and not enough drugs in the world to fix it
  14. [2018-07-23 07:46] *Syed Hundal ...ah. Kill yourself, idiot--
  15. [2018-07-23 07:47] Joey Bites: [sub]If I get rid of it without Hatsune's permission she will shove it up my ass next.[/sub]
  16. [2018-07-23 07:47] *Syed Hundal squints. How would he even get rid of it?
  17. [2018-07-23 07:47] *Joey Bites doesn't KNOW that's the issue here
  18. [2018-07-23 07:48] *Syed Hundal shakes his head. Nevermind, he doesn't particularly care. Worthless cat, better off dead, etcetera.
  19. [2018-07-23 07:49] *Joey Bites is genuinely hurt. The second his womb's outta commission he's worthless?
  20. [2018-07-23 07:50] *Syed Hundal tends to the gleaming edges of his axe with a whetstone. Shink. Shink. [sub]Yep. No reason to care about an effectively neutered broodmare, right?[/sub]
  21. [2018-07-23 07:50] *Jioh values Joey for the sum of the whole. In pounds and ounces. Judging the litre of blood to the pound of fat and resounding costs where-within.
  22. [2018-07-23 07:51] *Pinocha Tower bullies syed for bullying the cat!
  23. [2018-07-23 07:51] *Ten Yasha Well, aren't you all a delightful bunch? HAH!
  24. [2018-07-23 07:52] Joey Bites: [sub]Yeah sure makes sense I guess[/sub]
  25. [2018-07-23 07:52] *Syed Hundal is not bullying anyone! He's just being [b]pragmatic[/b].
  26. [2018-07-23 07:53] *Ten Yasha Use the poor boy for other things, then. Furniture. Housewife.
  27. [2018-07-23 07:53] *Ten Yasha Endless possibilities, no?
  28. [2018-07-23 07:54] *Syed Hundal is disappointed and inconvenienced by this asinine situation Joey is in. [sub]It's a li'l impressive that he's still alive, though.[/sub]
  29. [2018-07-23 07:54] *Ten Yasha [s]Punching bag.[/s]
  30. [2018-07-23 07:55] Syed Hundal: Th' fuck I need a housewife for? 'specially one that can't breed? Waste of space and waste of food.
  31. [2018-07-23 07:55] Ten Yasha: For one, a housewife could make sure you don't appear in public like... that.
  32. [2018-07-23 07:55] Ten Yasha: Unshaven and unclean.
  33. [2018-07-23 07:56] *Syed Hundal is pretty clean. And being unshaven is his preference. Tch.
  34. [2018-07-23 07:57] Ten Yasha: I wish I could say I was shocked that you can't figure out the positives in this situation, but... Mm. You don't seem the type to [i]think.[/i]
  35. [2018-07-23 07:57] Syed Hundal: Fuggoff, ya frilly asshole.
  36. [2018-07-23 07:58] *Joey Bites just gets more useless every day! At least he makes for convenient storage. No one can keep a brick safer.
  37. [2018-07-23 07:59] Ten Yasha: And they say chivalry is dead.
  38. [2018-07-23 07:59] *Ten Yasha does, thankfully, leave him alone. [s]For once in his goddamn life.[/s]
  39. [2018-07-23 08:00] Syed Hundal: 'sides. Hes got a fuckin' [b]brick[/b] inside him. Gonna have to keep him doped up on gods know what if I want him to do anything but whine.
  40. [2018-07-23 08:02] The Mouse: "I have contact with opium..."
  41. [2018-07-23 08:04] *Joey Bites is already high as a fucking kite, otherwise he WOULD be whining right now, absolutely.
  42. [2018-07-23 08:05] *The Mouse nudges Joey with the tip of her boot. "Maybe I get him more dope, you get me thing I need." she pauses. "Things. I not so good with plural yet."
  43. [2018-07-23 08:05] *Joey Bites is bleeding from unmentionable places
  44. [2018-07-23 08:06] Sid: The rectum?
  45. [2018-07-23 08:06] *Syed Hundal is not investing any time or effort into Joey's wellbeing. His birth canal is all torn up, too!
  46. [2018-07-23 08:11] *The Mouse raises a brow at Syed, sneering. ".. Maybe you want him to whine then. OK."
  47. [2018-07-23 08:11] *Joey Bites crushes two more oxys between his teeth. Syed's right to be honest, he's not good to anybody right now except Hatsune, and even at his best that isn't saying much.
  48. [2018-07-23 08:12] *Syed Hundal does not have to deal with Joey at all. If the cat whines let 'im.
  49. [2018-07-23 08:14] Joey Bites: Lady he's not my fucking keeper, I can-- I can take care of my damn self.
  50. [2018-07-23 08:14] Syed Hundal: Clearly.
  51. [2018-07-23 08:15] *Tiddly grapples Joey into a hug. In unaware of cat man’s injuries as he asserts his LOVE.
  52. [2018-07-23 08:16] *Syed Hundal needs to find a replacement to breed. Ugh.
  53. [2018-07-23 08:16] *Joey Bites chokes out a groan. He can't feel fucking nothing right now, but Tiddles can probably feel the firmness in his gut. That's disconcerting.
  54. [2018-07-23 08:17] *Tiddly grimaces. “Oh.. is that brick Hatsune used..”
  55. [2018-07-23 08:18] *Pinocha Tower ...
  56. [2018-07-23 08:19] *Jioh makes sure to give Joey the good stuff on his way out. A bottle of 'Jioh's oh-so helpful.' Which might as well have been bottled overdose. Big song, bigger dance. Total sleaze. "Believe me I will. Probably for both, I don't know. Last time I saw someone they cut a chunk out of my- anyways see you whenever."
  57. [2018-07-23 08:19] *Joey Bites is keeping it safe 'til she gets back, at least provided she has a way of getting it out of him again.
  58. [2018-07-23 08:19] *Pinocha Tower thinks about reaching into joe's asshole again... this time to steal his cargo rather than just pull it out.
  59. [2018-07-23 08:20] *The Mouse silently hands over a fistful of rubber gloves to Pinocha.
  60. [2018-07-23 08:20] Syed Hundal: If only it were in his ass, and not jammed into his fuckin' womb.
  61. [2018-07-23 08:21] *Joey Bites wouldn't have such a problem if it were in his ass, no--
  62. [2018-07-23 08:22] Syed Hundal: You chose this, idiot.
  63. [2018-07-23 08:23] Joey Bites: I thought-- I thought she was jus' gonna fuck me withit, not LEAVE it there.
  64. [2018-07-23 08:24] *Syed Hundal contemplates the merits of putting Joey to rest. One clean chop is all it would take-- a mercy stroke!
  65. [2018-07-23 08:27] The Mouse: "I think Joey need surgeon more than opiate, actually. I might know back-alley patch."
  66. [2018-07-23 08:28] *Jioh [sub]lurks in the distance. Drinking. He never really left. [/sub]
  67. [2018-07-23 08:30] Tiddly: “[sub]Jioh tried for some private lewding but got cucked. Now he’s back here to drink his sorrows of a love he thought he once had. [/sub]” [i]Mm, Tiddly is the perfert narrator. [/i]
  68. [2018-07-23 08:31] Jioh: [sub]It's like tiddly's life in manifest. I feel like I know the man better now.[/sub]
  69. [2018-07-23 08:32] *Tiddly [sub]lurks next to Jioh. Drinking beside him. The two never really left.[/sub]
  70. [2018-07-23 08:32] Raven Phoenix: "Bang, bang, bang, pull my Devil Trigger."
  71. [2018-07-23 08:33] *Jioh [sub]Existence is pain.[/sub]
  72. [2018-07-23 08:33] *Tiddly [sub]Memes are the only thing that satisfy this void in my heart.[/sub]
  73. [2018-07-23 08:33] *Joey Bites passes the fuck out.
  74. [2018-07-23 08:37] Raven Phoenix: "Everyone flees when I walk in."
  75. [2018-07-23 08:37] Tiddly: I love you, Raven.
  76. [2018-07-23 08:37] Joey Bites: [sub]switched comps. the only thing joey fled was consciousness[/sub]
  77. [2018-07-23 08:38] *Tiddly is slowly losing his battery.
  78. [2018-07-23 08:40] *Pinocha Tower ...
  79. [2018-07-23 08:40] *Pinocha Tower pulls on a pair of gloves, and goes to work--
  80. [2018-07-23 08:41] *Joey Bites [sub]might have a parcel of somethin' or other hidden up in the back, but Hatsune jammed the brick up into his actual fucking uterus, and tore up his insides pretty good in the process.[/sub]
  81. [2018-07-23 08:45] *Pinocha Tower notices all the blood, and considers putting joe out of his misery as she works on gradually working the blood-slick package out of joe's works. yeesh, whoever did this was not gentle."
  82. [2018-07-23 08:46] *Pinocha Tower might have to cut him open the thing was not cooperating.
  83. [2018-07-23 08:48] Joey Bites: [sub]Hatsune's got magic spider goo to make things pliable, it's probably not comin' out the same way it got in.[sub]
  84. [2018-07-23 08:55] *Atlach-Nacha peeks out of the attic. "I hope you've been keeping my brick safe and warm. Let me have my breakfast and I'll come get it."
  85. [2018-07-23 08:56] *Joey Bites ain't even conscious right now. He's doped himself into oblivion and Pino's rooting around down there.
  86. [2018-07-23 09:09] *Pinocha Tower ah. that's too bad. takes her hand out and pulls off her gloves, dropping them to the floor. there, she unsheathes her knife-- wait. is this a literal brick or what
  87. [2018-07-23 09:11] Tiddly: Oh god, why?
  88. [2018-07-23 09:12] Joey Bites: [sub]It sure is. You can kinda see it outlined in his belly.[/sub]
  89. [2018-07-23 09:21] *Atlach-Nacha reels down, rubbing her hands. "Alright, it's time."
  90. [2018-07-23 09:23] *Out and a-Scout watches, munching away at a hot dog. [sub]This ought'a be good.[/sub]
  91. [2018-07-23 09:24] *Atlach-Nacha eyes the woman with the knife and gives her a needle-toothed grin. "Are you a surgeon?"
  92. [2018-07-23 09:24] *Jioh coughs. "She's going to kill him with that." Extra cough. "Surgery's never that easy."
  93. [2018-07-23 09:27] *Big Black Betty hops up and steals that hotdog, and then runs!
  94. [2018-07-23 09:28] *Joey Bites cracks an eye open blearily. Hasn't been sober since she first put the brick in him, and he's starting to feel... bad.
  95. [2018-07-23 09:28] *Atlach-Nacha scratches her head, turning it to the birb seekingly. She was fully capable of giving Joey a hatchet-style c-section and sewing him back up with some organic needle and thread, but she wasn't exactly a healthcare expert.
  96. [2018-07-23 09:31] *Jioh frowned a little bit and eventually got up. Digging through his bags for a moment as he began to collect various things. "I'm doing this because I care." He muttered for a moment as he approached and snapped a few fingers in front of Joey's face. "Joey- friend, how are you feeling? Are you okay? Any pains in the heart, neck, arms, or brain?"
  97. [2018-07-23 09:36] *Atlach-Nacha crouches next to the catboy and places a clammy palm on his forehead to feel his temperature.
  98. [2018-07-23 09:36] *Joey Bites narrows his eyes and gives Jioh the dirtiest look he can muster. "Th'brick's not in my BRAIN you ffffuckin' peacock." He's shining with sweat, though, and hot to the touch.
  99. [2018-07-23 09:40] *Jioh "Alright Joey I'll be giving you the good stuff then. Please hold onto your teeth and be aware that you are heavier than air. You will feel pressure, but I doubt your mind will comprehend pain." He muttered as he collected a syringe with a long body and a massive needle. The whole thing seemed to be nearly the size of a ruler, and the tape he collected next let off vibes of a prolonged injection. "I've decided to take your concerns to heart so we will be experimenting with a high base dosage and smaller supplementary doses afterwards." He muttered as he took his belt off and began to set his bags onto a nearby table. Setting aside various bottles without the caps. Filling the syringe with parts from all of the assorted bottles. "We'll need to get him on his back for this. So he doesn't pour out." He hummed, to Hatsune mostly, but also to anyone else who might have been inclined to help him. "[sub]I'm not a peacock either, Joey, I- I also didn't win that lottery...[/sub]" [sub]Genuine hurt was in that comment.[/sub]
  100. [2018-07-23 09:45] *Joey Bites watches him with a distant pang of concern, but honestly... he's already about to have an emergency c-section to remove the brick in his uterus, isn't he past the point of worrying by now? Either he dies or he doesn't, at least he'll get a dose of something sweet to send him off.
  101. [2018-07-23 09:46] *Atlach-Nacha puts on a dirty, blood-stained nurse's cap she got from somewhere and hikes up her sleeves, entering the role of doctor's assistant. This was kind of fun. She grabs Joey's hip and shoulder with striped hooks and rolls him over onto his back. "Maybe a table or something?"
  102. [2018-07-23 09:53] *Jioh "Any surface will do, though a low table would be ideal. The floor is also a decent option. If I can deliver a baby in a trench with artificer's angrily trying to kill each other I can do anything. Even if it's- a brick." He stated before stretching out. "We'll need his midsection cleared of debris- his clothes, and we'll need it sanitized for effect- use whiskey." He muttered as he reached into another of his bags labeled with a 'XX' and collected a bottle of whiskey with his face on it. Another of his medicinal fops it seemed. "Just pour it on there, don't by shy." He stated as he handed her the bottle. Returning with the syringe. As well as- surprise, linen wraps. Had Jioh advanced a decade or three? Perhaps his practice was indeed progressing.
  103. [2018-07-23 09:55] *Joey Bites watches the proceedings through eyes glazed over with the remnants of whatever opiates are still lingering in his system. "Yeah just uh... jus' make sure to put me all the way out this time, birdbrain," he mumbles, like an afterthought. His lower tummy is abnormally distended, and blood is beginning to soak through the seat of his jeans.
  104. [2018-07-23 10:02] *Atlach-Nacha took the whisky and stared at it suspiciously for a moment, as well as at the linen wraps. This stuff seemed fairly low-quality for its purpose compared to what she could simply spit out, but she decided to save the discussion about revolutionizing the art of surgery with Spidersludge[sup]TM[/sup] later. There were no low tables around here, so the floor would have to do. Without bending down, she dexterously hooks his clothes with striped limbs and undresses him partway, revealing the artillery shell-like bulge on his belly. It does look like a main battle tank shot him right up the snatch. Opening the whisky bottle, she tilts it over his bare belly and looses a long stream of aromatic alcohol, splashing and tingling his skin copiously.
  105. [2018-07-23 10:10] *Joey Bites [sub]sluggishly prods the lump in his gut. Bruh.[/sub]
  106. [2018-07-23 10:13] *Jioh hummed a little bit, as he would likely harp on her for not using SpidersludgeTM. However since he's no clue it's available, he can't just ask for it. Instead he makes due with the tools he has. Namely, a myriad of handles that now stuck out of a ceramic pot he set down next to Joey. Syringe in hand. The preparation process gave him time to actually get ready, and with that he took a nice chip of wood and placed it into Joey's mouth. There were tooth grooves in it already, and they seemed- authentic. Regardless he cursed and fussed with Joey's arm, trying to find a vein as he felt around the fellows forearm. Finding one as he smiled and brought the needle forward. Just jamming it forward until he was finally in the vein. "He's already bleeding, and we cannot tourniquet the lower abdomen, as a result we will need to be quick. This works easy. I will make a cut and expel the uterus, you will incise the uterus and remove the object, and we will together sew him together again after a wash of water to remove particles. Simple." He muttered before with a sudden gesture he flooded Joey with god knows what. The only constants in his life in that moment was the loss of consciousness, and the feeling that his teeth had all come loose. "I almost forgot, we'll have to administer an inches push of this every five minutes or else he will wake up in agony." He muttered as he collected the linen and tied the syringe to the fellows arm. This was the single most scatterbrained operation in the history of long- running jokes.
  107. [2018-07-23 10:15] Joey Bites: [sub]oh lord[/sub]
  108. [2018-07-23 10:16] *Joey Bites only registers pain, pain-- and a sudden, overwhelming flood of relief as the edges of his vision begin to dim. Oh, thank fuck Jioh did something right for a change... he doesn't want to be awake for a fucking second of this, that's the only thing that matters right now.
  109. [2018-07-23 10:26] *Atlach-Nacha listened to his instructions, squinting eyes full of curiosity darting between the bird's mysterious tools and the subject in question. "Incise... Remove... Every five minutes... alright." Having no idea or way around actual surgery tools, she adjusted the shape of a striped leg, flattening the sharp talon into a glistening chitinous scalpel. She normally used 'surgery' to cut up corpses, who didn't much care about pain or precision of the cuts, so this was going to be new. "Sew him up... right." Her other free legs idly prepared a length of silken string, spooling it around a talon gently for quick access. "Water wash?" Hatsune looked around for the nearest water tap, but it was all the way behind the bar, and she didn't want to walk that far. "I can make some 'water' for that, no worries." [sub]That wasn't meant as suggestively as it sounded.[/sub] Putting the half-empty whisky bottle on the floor carefully, she crouched in front of the catboy and mentally prepared herself for the procedure, somewhat excited.
  110. [2018-07-23 10:31] *Jioh was prone to doing some things right, however this was one of a million. An actual lottery. He wasn't wasting time either as he had already collected two large knives. What's a scalpel? No he has curved knives, specifically designed as surgeons tools. Odd in nature really. Some of them had gut- hooks, others had small little turns in the tip for various hard to make cuts. The one he had now however was one designed to go straight down. To flay apart muscle and flesh. Which he began to use. Placing the tip near the top of the brick and pressing in, the welling of blood giving him pause as he watched it, one of his hands shaking a little for a second before he dragged the knife over the offending brick. Splitting skin and causing dark- dehydrated blood to well up from the cuts slowly. As he hummed and made three or four similar cuts, unseating Joey at the seam of his lower abdomen. Until that is the intestinal wall was opened. The smell was first, which was a universal smell of offal and general disgust. Jioh wheezed for a moment there as he turned his head to the side and took a second, he forgot his mask which sat on the table behind them. Along with other things. However with that he set the knife on her side of his body and just reached in there with his hands. Just getting in there and- Up came a red, swollen, distended, and generally destroyed uterus, complete with brick. "Along the top of the brick, hurry I can hold my breath only for so long. Lest I inhale the disease and end up with a brick inside of me."
  111. [2018-07-23 10:33] Joey Bites: [sub]oh my god. i laughed[/sub]
  112. [2018-07-23 10:47] *Atlach-Nacha shifted her thighs awkwardly as the pungent smell of blood and innards filled her nostrils. This wasn't the time to get aroused. And it was certainly not the time to get hungry. Repeatedly swallowing the sudden salivation, Hatsune eyed the bird's tools curiously as he sliced the catboy open with practised motions, with the same nonchalant precision as that of a drunk tourist on a Spanish beach slicing open a fresh watermelon. She glanced over to the syringe lodged in Joey's arm and realized she hasn't been keeping time. Whipping her head around, she searched for a working clock frantically, but there weren't any here, of course. The old and dusty devices hanging unevenly from the walls have all been thoroghly smashed by collateral damage at some point or another. "Guh..." Well, its' been five minutes, now. Right? Right? Right. She reached out for the syringe and depressed it slightly, adding a small dose of numbness juice before returning her attention to the boy's split-open belly. Her clicking, glistening leg hovered over the exposed uterus like some contrived nightmare hospital machine from a low-budget horror movie. With a smooth motion, the wickedly sharp talon sliced the tissue open, revealing the clay payload underneath. Two other legs pinched the slippery surface like vices, slowly pulling it out with a wet sliding noise. Hatsune had trouble keeping the talons steady due to the mind-addling smell of rich blood invading her senses, lines of warm drool running down her chin as she was too focused to swallow them. With a gurgling pop, the brick was out, barely looking like a brick anymore underneath the thick layer of caked blood, day-old spider grease and many other unmentionable fluids, some fresher than others.
  113. [2018-07-23 10:54] *Joey Bites Yeah, his uterus is trashed, scraped raw and riddled with cuts and lacerations, infection already setting in.
  114. [2018-07-23 11:00] Atlach-Nacha: [sub]Well. No one told me to disinfect my legs.[/sub]
  115. [2018-07-23 11:00] *Jioh looked at the buildup of unmentionable fluids and nearly heaved a sigh. Lifting a bloodied hand and running it through his hair he sighed. Looking to Joey, before looking back to his uterus. "Change of plans." He muttered before collecting the knife from the pot that looked unnervingly like a J with the bladed edge on the inside. Gripping the uterus there was a series of motions he made. The first was to separate it from the vaginal walls, which he used the J knife to do. Next he needed to remove the lining and membrane around the uterus. Which he did with another knife that looked like the letter C. Finally he collected just the most bizarre looking knife, in the shape of a T and with it he cut free the uterus from both ovaries. Leaving them intact as he then pulled the whole uterus free and hucked it a little ways away. Jioh was- really fucking fast, he could remove a uterus in record time, and the blood was really starting to pile up. It was in his hair, on his face, all over his coat and jacket, it was even in his eyes as he continued to wipe his face and itch his nose. Coughing for a moment as he went into damage control and began to tie things off, Using a small thread as he looked around for his needles in a coin-purse. Stopping when he realized the caliber of his assistant. "I need you to sew the vaginal walls shut near the new opening into the abdomen, quickly. Leave extended ends on both sides, and leave one end out of his body so he can pull the length out later. After that we need to sew his inner membrane back, and then we sew him shut. You can handle the sewing yes? I will assist in keeping tissue together while you do. Remember to make it tight, yet loose enough to be removed later." Was he actually getting better at this? Possibly so, however his solution to a problem pre-antibiotics was to just remove the entire uterus. So. Maybe not yet.
  116. [2018-07-23 11:01] Jioh: [sub]Disinfect? That whiskey was so he would smell like whiskey and not cat-thing. Everyone knows germ theory is a lie.[/sub]
  117. [2018-07-23 11:01] *Out and a-Scout looks over at the funny little gathering, throws up a li'l in his mouth, and slowly gets back up onto his feet, tugging his underwear out of his ass and fixing himself up, then bending to tie his laces, looking more than a little disgusted, but at the same time unable to keep himself from watching. He was just happy it wasn't him over there.
  118. [2018-07-23 11:02] Joey Bites: [sub]bruh are you spaying my cat[/sub]
  119. [2018-07-23 11:03] Jioh: [sub]Saving his life, the infection set in, without an amputation he woulda died of infection.[/sub]
  120. [2018-07-23 11:04] *Jioh [sub]Is a brilliant doctor, about 200 years out of his prime.[/sub]
  121. [2018-07-23 11:07] *Joey Bites chokes out a wet sob. Ow, ow, ow, ow, ow. The first flickers of consciousness are immediately tainted by overwhelming, all-consuming AGONY--
  122. [2018-07-23 11:17] *Atlach-Nacha furrowed her brow, processing the instructions with some effort and looking like the rusty gears inside of her head moved faster than they were designed to. She was at least five years of university education short to be doing this. Thankfully, sewing was regular pastime of hers, so if she couldn't fix the catboy like a person she'd fix him like a plushie. The tips of her sewing-legs darted to their destinations, an dazzling trigonometric display of glistening thread stretching between their tips. The thin talon needles stitched Joey's vaginal walls finely, with almost mechanical precision smoothly fed new string by the arcane-looking striped sewing engine. The other end of the string disappeared somewhere under Hatsune's skirt as the still-warm white protein fiber sealed up the damage. Once the spider got used to the presence of Jioh's fingers and found comfortable ways to poke the multiple needles around them, Joey got zipped up with surprising speed. As instructed, she notched off the ends of the string to leave them loose for future retrieval.
  123. [2018-07-23 11:22] *Joey Bites giggles hoarsely, fingers feebly curling and uncurling at his sides. This is so fucked! This is so fucked. Look at Hatsune stitching him up like a ragdoll.
  124. [2018-07-23 11:26] *Jioh observed their work as he depressed the syringe one final time, flooding Joey as he got up and looked things over. "Very good." He muttered, before blinking out of sync. Was he okay? Taking a sip of his own whiskey he stood up and walked out to go and pace around them a few times before he sat back down on his knees and began collecting his things. "He needs soup, rest, no strenuous activities." He muttered before blinking a little. He looked tired. "Keep him from plucking the strings out until it's been about a month." With that he smiled at her, sat himself down in his chair- and fell asleep. Right there. Chirping from deep in his throat, it was genuinely unique, a sound only he could make. A series of low cheap-chirps that puffed up his feather all the time.
  125. [2018-07-23 11:33] *Atlach-Nacha nodded to his final instructions but narrowed her eyes at his odd behavior. Did he get infected with brickostatis, too? Should really have worn his mask. Hatsune carefully drags the blood-drenched catboy over onto a free couch and covers him with a silk blanket she quickly grabbed from the attic. Covers the birdoctor with one too, for good measure, though she can't resist to stop and give his blood-stained face a good tongue-grooming. Slurp.
  126. [2018-07-23 11:35] Joey Bites: RIP
  127. [2018-07-23 11:36] Tiddly: Oh, that spooder o'mine.
  128. [2018-07-23 11:36] *Atlach-Nacha rrrrrriiiipppp [sub]squelch[/sub]
  129. [2018-07-23 11:37] *Tiddly leans up to Hastune, listing up to the ASMR sounds.
  131. ***
  133. [11:54] [user]Joey Bites[/user]: [sub]that brick is my newborn child[/sub]
  134. [11:54] *[user]Hell Knight Knar[/user] fucks the brick
  135. [11:55] [user]Tiddly[/user]: That is pedophilia, cuff him.
  136. [11:55] [user]Hell Knight Knar[/user]: Good luck finding cuffs big enough.
  137. [11:56] [user]Slagar The Cruel[/user]: I'm sure Helll has plenty
  138. [11:56] *[user]Atlach-Nacha[/user] wraps the hell knight in a silk cocoon 10 times his size.
  139. [11:56] *[user]Hell Knight Knar[/user] grumbles
  140. [11:56] [user]Atlach-Nacha[/user]: Wait your turn. The brick will come to you when it's ready.
  141. [11:56] *[user]Hell Knight Knar[/user] sticks his dick through the cocoon.
  142. [11:56] *[user]Atlach-Nacha[/user] [sub]eyebrows[/sub]
  143. [11:56] *[user]Hell Knight Knar[/user] rolls towards the brick.
  144. [11:59] *[user]The One True Brick[/user] flies away, leaving a sparkling rainbow trail.
  145. [11:59] [user]Hell Knight Knar[/user]: FFS
  146. [11:59] [user]Atlach-Nacha[/user]: There it goes.
  147. [12:00] [user]Hell Knight Knar[/user]:
  148. [eicon]knar metal music stops[/eicon]
  149. [color=yellow](Metal music stops)[/color]
  150. [12:00] [user]Tiddly[/user]: [sub]Who just made a fuckin brick profile[/sub]
  151. [12:00] [user]Hell Knight Knar[/user]: ^
  152. [12:00] [user]Joey Bites[/user]: oh
  153. [12:01] [user]Slagar The Cruel[/user]: What a meme
  154. [12:01] [user]Hell Knight Knar[/user]: Created: 3 minutes ago
  155. [12:02] [user]Joey Bites[/user]: I mean it IS a recurring character
  156. [12:02] [user]Joey Bites[/user]: it's done smut scenes
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