
My girlfriend just broke up with me. Give me some lit you sh

Sep 15th, 2017
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  1. Fri Sep 15 05:10:51 2017 No.10026324
  3. >no longer human — osamu dazai
  4. >the tartar steppe — dino buratti
  5. >the magic mountain — thomas mann
  6. >middlemarch — george eliot
  7. >phineas finn — anthony trollope
  8. the last one is to understand for whom she left you.
  10. Jude the Obscure obv
  12. Sometimes a breakup is for the best.
  14. Petersburg by Andrei Bely
  16. Just bought what i talk about when i talk about running by murakami. Anyone red it? Ì'm in a few pages now. Seems good. Fuck it hurts to lose her.
  19. You'll get over it.
  21. You don't think you will but you will. No matter what you do, the memories will fade. All those little memories that make your heart feel like it's going to collapse into your asshole, the ineffable shit that you can't even communicate to others because it's so particular to how perfect and special your relationship was, it will fade and vanish. And just before it does, you'll look at it one last time, with just enough distance to realise that those moments and feelings exist in every half-decent relationship, and you don't have to lament their passing because they are just part of life. You will have those ineffable things with the next girl too, and if you work hard, you'll have ones that are a hundred times better, with a girl who is a hundred times better.
  23. This shit can't be communicated because it's too intuitive and everyone just has to go through it for themselves, but if you ever have one of those moments when you're sitting there in despair, absolutely convinced that your only two options are to give up true love and be lonely forever, or to pathetically beg her to take you back, just try to remember that EVERYONE goes through the same thing. I did too, and I begged, and I hate myself for it. Keep your dignity and just wait out the storm. The collective male gender wants you to know that the storm always passes, ten times out of ten.
  25. Even when you have a "one that got away"-tier girl who genuinely was perfect for you, there are girls out there who are just as good, that you would find just as special, and there are even better girls too. Right now that will probably sound disturbing to you, because millions of years of evolution are trying to convince you to get your one true babymaker back and protect it like life itself, but it's true. For any given person there are plenty of people they would be highly compatible with, and relatively many people they'd be extremely compatible with. Don't sweat losing touch with one, if she even was that to begin with. Mine certainly wasn't, though I thought so at the time.
  27. Just ride it out and distract yourself. Never, ever beg her or even talk to her. I fucking guarantee you, man, in a year, in five years, in ten, you will think of the memories of her that currently feel like they weigh a thousand pounds, and you'll regard them with the same amount of emotion you have for some other middling milestone in your life you barely remember. How much did you cry when you put your first pet to sleep, and how do you think of that pet's passing now? Maybe a twinge of remembered pain at most. Same thing.
  29. This guy is right. I still cringe when I think about all the begging and sobbing I went through when my first serious girlfriend and I broke up. They don't care, and it just makes you look pathetic. I thought I would never get over her or be able to love another girl after all we went through, but you know what? I met another girl that made me a lot happier a few months later. Even when we were just friends for a while, I was happier than I ever was with my ex. The bad feelings and memories do fade. There's someone better out there for everyone. Now I can think back on the good memories I do have with my ex and be happy that they happened, because that's all that really matters in life. Having good memories with people you care about, even if that person isn't there forever. Because life is short anyways. Never get caught up on one person, but treat them well when you can, even if they don't return the favor.
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