

Dec 7th, 2020
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  1. „This! This is how pos­si­ble!”
  2. In Eat­ing All and Eat­ing Well ed­i­to­r­ial de­part­ment, a Hao Ketuo face shock­ing is look­ing in the hand two com­pletely ex­actly the same pic­ture al­bums.
  3. This is Gar­land en­trusts quick­est fly­ing mount to de­liver from Chaos City, as Eat­ing All and Eat­ing Well Boss, Hao Ketuo is also one of the pic­ture book am­a­teurs.
  4. Gar­land throws its okay to give a pre­sent to him ac­tu­ally not, after all he knows he likes is not, this type of proper book.
  5. On fam­ily's book­shelf is col­lect­ing full col­ored draw­ing on pot­tery book Hao Ketuo, sur­prised is not this «Small mer­maid Story» pic­ture fine, but is these two pic­ture books is ex­actly the same!
  6. This is the col­ored pic­ture book!
  7. But ac­cord­ing to the view of Gar­land, in Chaos City, the same pic­ture book has 1000 books, sells in Mamy Restau­rant with lim­ited quan­tity, price-marks 1000 cop­per coin.
  8. What does this mean?
  9. av­er­age per­son thinks how pos­si­bly to pur­chase sev­eral, then changes a place to re­sell, earns a price dif­fer­ence.
  10. With the Hao Ketuo spe­cial­ized vi­sion, this pic­ture album in the Roe City col­ored draw­ing on pot­tery mar­ket, can sell 50,000 to the prices of 80,000 cop­per coin at pre­sent.
  11. The style is fine, the story is in­ter­est­ing, the young lady who should re­ceive many wealthy likes.
  12. 1000 cop­per coin buy, has not passed to Roe City while the news, hand­ing over can gain to 100,000 cop­per coin with ease.
  13. Gar­land en­trusted him to help sell out......
  14. Nat­u­rally, is not lim­ited to this.
  15. 1000 ex­actly the same col­ored draw­ings on pot­tery, mean in Chaos City, issue that some peo­ple solved the color print­ing.
  16. This re­gard­ing the paper media, with­out doubt is the sub­ver­sive news.
  17. Imag­ine, if in the Eat­ing All and Eat­ing Well mag­a­zine, joined the col­ored il­lus­tra­tion, re­gard­ing gourmet food mag­a­zine mar­ket, what kind of im­pact can be?
  18. If this cost can com­press, the price is con­trol­lable, then keeps him from imag­in­ing re­gard­ing the in­crease of Eat­ing All and Eat­ing Well mag­a­zine sim­ply.
  19. Thinks of here, Hao Ketuo breath is grad­u­ally loud.
  20. Be­cause Gar­land fed in a bad news si­mul­ta­ne­ously, Mag re­jected the ex­clu­sive col­lab­o­ra­tion with Eat­ing All and Eat­ing Well, and also signs with ten gourmet food mag­a­zines.
  21. This means that the Eat­ing All and Eat­ing Well ex­clu­sive ad­van­tage has lost, on issue of 1 mil­lion mir­a­cles are also un­likely hard to con­tinue again.
  22. But if they can ob­tain color print­ing wealth pass­word, ex­cept for the gourmet food mag­a­zine, in this flash, he has even thought the in­nu­mer­able in­dus­tries will wel­come the dras­tic change, in­side is hid­ing the in­nu­mer­able op­por­tu­ni­ties.
  23. Many did not say, these fine pic­ture books that even if col­lect him put out part, deletes the pic­ture of part of not suit­able dis­sem­i­na­tion, that still vi­brates the pic­ture book in­dus­try suf­fi­ciently, gains full.
  24. The good news is this batch of pic­ture books stems from Mis­ter Mag, the pic­ture book is his daugh­ter pic­ture.
  25. The not so good news is, Mis­ter Mag ob­vi­ously is not the hon­est and good-na­tured per­son who de­ceives ca­su­ally, 1000 cop­per coin pic­ture books, a day sold 1000 vol­ume, 1 mil­lion cop­per coin suc­ceed in ob­tain­ing with ease.
  26. Wish lets such per­son share wealth pass­word, Hao Ketuo did not de­ter­mine whether one­self has that skill.
  27. „Gives me sched­uled next to­mor­row to go to the Chaos City travel ticket, must quick­est fly­ing mount.” Hao Ketuo gets to the of­fice en­trance, said with the sec­re­tary.
  28. „okay Boss.”
  29. ......
  30. „In­ter­est­ing, how Mis­ter Mag achieves? Broke through so many years not solved is­sues un­ex­pect­edly, more­over can so make ex­quis­ite! Is magic? Also not like.”
  31. The Buf­fett manor, Hill is curl­ing up­wards the leg, the com­fort­able nest in the sofa, is read­ing the pic­ture book in hand, ex­pressed ad­mi­ra­tion.
  32. The rare re­lax­ation time, the pic­ture book is per­son hand/sub­or­di­nate de­liv­ers, from Mamy Restau­rant, stems from the hand of Annie.
  33. The story is very in­ter­est­ing, pic­ture also very ex­quis­ite.
  34. The com­fort­able color and style, mak­ing her enjoy a half hour of joy­ful time.
  35. How­ever most makes her be in­ter­ested, is this pic­ture book it.
  36. Col­ored draw­ing on pot­tery pic­ture book, more­over is a col­ored draw­ing on pot­tery pic­ture book of batch stature.
  37. This thing sim­ply has not ap­peared in the mar­ket.
  38. The rea­son is very sim­ple, so far, but also no one can the color print­ing pic­ture book.
  39. Pour­ing is not un­manned at­tempt, but does is quite mostly rough, the color is lim­ited, there­fore matches strange ugly, might as well the black and white two col­ors, leave the imag­i­nary space.
  40. Once some peo­ple had said that if who can solve the color print­ing prob­lem, will grasp the next paper media wealth pass­word.
  41. Now, this per­son ap­peared.
  42. Hill strokes gen­tly the pic­ture album, the cor­ners of the mouth is ris­ing slightly.
  43. Mis­ter Mag has not re­ally dis­ap­pointed her, from steam train to the pre­sent color print­ing, has an up­hol­stery, in­stead is eas­ier to ac­cept.
  44. Buf­fett fam­ily re­gard­ing paper media browses not many, but who knows an im­por­tance of dis­sem­i­na­tion wide­spread media, re­gard­ing Buf­fett fam­ily is also so.
  45. Now she will smell the fla­vor that this in­dus­try sub­verted, the per­son with newly ac­quired wealth will ap­pear quickly, but this she will per­haps have the op­por­tu­nity of ahead of time lay­out time.
  46. „Does not know that this Mis­ter Mag is planned one­self do, is like the be­fore­hand sell tech­nol­ogy.” Hill hes­i­tated a meet­ing, side to the gate tastes: „To­mor­row morn­ing, I must see ma­te­r­ial of Nolan con­ti­nent most out­stand­ing a group of media.”
  47. „Miss okay.” Out­side broad­cast the sec­re­tary re­spect­ful voice.
  48. ......
  49. „Quickly! Re­turns to Roe City this vol­ume, mak­ing old side take over the seal of of­fice 10,000 vol­ume!”
  50. In the Chaos City city north guest room, a mid­dle-aged man the hand bound the pic­ture al­bums of sev­eral cloths to give young­ster.
  51. „Fa­ther, is this...... not quite good?” young­ster knits the brows to say.
  52. „Your melon baby un­der­stands any­thing, we de­pend on this to build up, has what not okay, we do not print, oth­ers can also print, waits for in the mar­ket every­where is time, you also print a melon skin.” The mid­dle-aged man jumps is ex­plodes the chest­nut, say­ing that a face ex­pects too much.
  53. „But...... may this take over the seal of of­fice 10,000 vol­ume, what to do if can't sell to be pos­si­ble? This is not Limit Rank that in the mar­ket can­not buy.” young­ster is cov­er­ing the head, a face griev­ance said.
  54. Mid­dle-aged man rolled the eyes said: „What you un­der­stand, in­side this has Mamy Restau­rant Boss daugh­ter per­son­ally pic­ture the ap­proach of red braised pork, you know pre­vi­ous issue of Eat­ing All and Eat­ing Well how many book, be­cause had "fish-fla­vored" egg­plant in gar­lic sauce that Boss Mag made to buy? 1 mil­lion vol­ume! Your melon skin! Let alone 10,000 vol­ume, I was sup­pos­ing must stamp sev­eral times.”
  55. „But......”
  56. „But your mother...... hur­ries to give the fa­ther to crawl!” The mid­dle-aged man raises legs is a foot.
  57. young­ster dingy going out, does not dare to say any­thing again.
  58. ......
  59. Mag has not known that «Small mer­maid Story» has brought to the at­ten­tion of so many peo­ple, but how he has started to plan sells «Young Lady Black Cat» is bet­ter.
  60. This time, he planned that in the Roe City first round, the words of pric­ing, is 2000 cop­per coin one vol­ume.
  61. Price com­pared with small mer­maid high one time, but the num­ber of pages of this pic­ture album turned two times to con­tinue . More­over the Annie style after some time dis­ci­plin­ing, pre­sented in «Young Lady Black Cat», is far from small mer­maid may com­pare.
  62. More­over, his tar­get au­di­ence is these has money to have leisure, but also a lit­tle wealthy and aris­to­crat of ap­pre­ci­a­tion abil­ity, they are opera house's tar­get cus­tomers.
  63. Previous Table of Contents
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