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Feb 22nd, 2019
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  1. import numpy as np
  2. import cv2
  3. from math import sqrt
  6. depth_scale = 0.0010000000474974513
  7. print("Depth Scale is: " , depth_scale)
  9. font = cv2.FONT_HERSHEY_SIMPLEX
  12. color_range =np.array([[20,100,100,25,255,255],[90,250,71,110,255,255],\
  13. [80,150,50,90,255,150],[170,190,175,179,255,255],\
  14. [12,200,123,19,244,200],[20,00,238,40,255,255],\
  15. [0,165,250,8,210,255],[68,120,0,90,255,53]])
  18. active = []
  19. tbc = []
  21. color_c = []
  22. c_h = []
  24. try:
  25. while True:
  26. # Get frameset of color and depth
  27. frames = pipeline.wait_for_frames()
  28. # Align the depth frame to color frame
  29. aligned_frames = align.process(frames)
  30. # Get aligned frames
  31. aligned_depth_frame = aligned_frames.get_depth_frame()
  32. color_frame = aligned_frames.get_color_frame()
  33. # Validate that both frames are valid
  34. if not aligned_depth_frame or not color_frame:
  35. continue
  36. # the depth_image array can be used in order to compute the distance,
  37. # if the value is multiplied with the the depth_scale value
  38. depth_image = np.asanyarray(aligned_depth_frame.get_data())
  39. color_image = np.asanyarray(color_frame.get_data())
  40. # color_image = cv2.imread('color.jpeg',1)
  41. # np.savetxt('distance.txt', depth_image , fmt='%f')
  42. # cv2.imwrite('color.jpeg' ,color_image)
  43. gray = cv2.cvtColor(color_image, cv2.COLOR_BGR2GRAY)
  46. gray = cv2.medianBlur(gray,7)
  47. img = color_image.copy()
  48. edges = cv2.Canny(gray,100,25) #TODO parameters to be tuned
  49. c_h *= 0
  50. circles = cv2.HoughCircles(gray,cv2.HOUGH_GRADIENT,1,30,
  51. param1=50,param2=25,minRadius=10,maxRadius=50)
  52. if(circles is not None):
  53. circles = np.reshape(circles, (np.shape(circles)[1],3))
  54. for i in range(0,np.shape(circles)[0]):
  55. cX = circles[i,0]
  56. cY = circles[i,1]
  57. r = circles[i,2]
  58. c_h.append((cX,cY,r))
  60. color_c *= 0
  61. hsv = cv2.cvtColor(color_image, cv2.COLOR_BGR2HSV)
  62. thr = np.zeros((8,720,1280))
  63. # Quite tedious solution, but each color seems to need its own treatment
  64. for i in range(0,np.shape(color_range)[0]):
  65. lower = color_range[i,0:3]
  66. upper = color_range[i,3:6]
  67. mask = cv2.inRange(hsv, lower, upper)
  68. if (i == 3):
  69. # print('y')
  70. mask = cv2.dilate(mask, None, iterations=6)
  71. mask2 = cv2.inRange(hsv,(2,213,60),(13,255,180))
  72. # mask2 = cv2.dilate(mask2, None, iterations=1)
  73. mask = mask2 | mask
  74. mask = cv2.dilate(mask, None, iterations=1)
  75. mask = cv2.erode(mask, None, iterations=2)
  76. mask = cv2.dilate(mask, None, iterations=2)
  78. elif (i==6):
  79. mask2 = cv2.inRange(hsv,(176,129,230),(179,156,255))
  80. mask = cv2.dilate(mask, None, iterations=7)
  81. mask = cv2.erode(mask, None, iterations=2)
  82. mask = cv2.dilate(mask, None, iterations=3)
  83. mask = mask2 | mask
  84. mask = cv2.erode(mask, None, iterations=1)
  85. mask = cv2.dilate(mask, None, iterations=1)
  86. elif (i==7):
  87. mask = cv2.erode(mask, None, iterations=2)
  88. mask = cv2.dilate(mask, None, iterations=6)
  89. elif (i==0):
  90. mask = cv2.erode(mask, None, iterations=1)
  91. mask = cv2.dilate(mask, None, iterations=4)
  92. elif (i==1):
  93. mask = cv2.erode(mask, None, iterations=1)
  94. mask = cv2.dilate(mask, None, iterations=4)
  95. elif (i==2):
  96. mask = cv2.erode(mask, None, iterations=2)
  97. mask = cv2.dilate(mask, None, iterations=5)
  98. elif (i==4):
  99. mask = cv2.erode(mask, None, iterations=0)
  100. mask = cv2.dilate(mask, None, iterations=7)
  101. elif (i==5):
  102. mask = cv2.erode(mask, None, iterations=1)
  103. mask = cv2.dilate(mask, None, iterations=6)
  104. thr[i,:,:] = cv2.threshold(mask,150,255,cv2.THRESH_BINARY)[1]
  105. cnts = cv2.findContours(mask.copy(), cv2.RETR_EXTERNAL, cv2.CHAIN_APPROX_SIMPLE)[1]
  106. # print('start')
  108. if(len(cnts))> 0:
  109. for c in cnts:
  110. a = cv2.contourArea(c)
  111. if (a > 0 and a < 7850):
  112. ((x,y), radius) = cv2.minEnclosingCircle(c)
  113. M = cv2.moments(c)
  114. if M["m00"] != 0:
  115. center = (int(M["m10"] / M["m00"]), int(M["m01"] / M["m00"]))
  116. else:
  117. center = (0, 0)
  118. cX = center[0]
  119. cY = center[1]
  120. r = radius
  122. color_c.append((cX,cY,r))
  124. c_final = []
  125. l_m = np.asarray(color_c)
  127. if (len(active) == 0) and (len(tbc) == 0):
  128. # this first case basically consist with the initial situation
  129. # if both active and tbc are emptied, all the new detections have to go into
  130. # tbc
  132. # the dection is done with a nested for loop, every element is compared to every other.
  133. # if there is a match within a certain threshold, then there is merge
  134. for i in range(0,np.shape(l_m)[0]):
  135. if (l_m[i][0] >= 0):
  136. sum_x = l_m[i][0]
  137. sum_y = l_m[i][1]
  138. sum_r = l_m[i][2]
  139. # r = l_m[i][2]
  140. n = 1
  141. for j in range(0, np.shape(l_m)[0]):
  142. # I don't want to compare the element to itself, nor to an
  143. # element which has already been assigned.
  144. if(i != j and l_m[j][0]>= 0):
  145. r = max(l_m[i][2],l_m[j][2])
  146. dis1 = depth_image[int(l_m[i][1]),int(l_m[i][0])]*depth_scale
  147. dis2 = depth_image[int(l_m[j][1]),int(l_m[j][0])]*depth_scale
  148. if(abs(dis1-dis2)<1.2*r*depth_scale):
  149. if sqrt((l_m[i][0]-l_m[j][0])**2+(l_m[i][1]-l_m[j][1])**2) <= 1.2*r:
  150. # dis1 = depth_image[int(l_m[i][1]),int(l_m[i][0])]*depth_scale
  151. # dis2 = depth_image[int(l_m[j][1]),int(l_m[j][0])]*depth_scale
  152. # if (abs(dis1-dis2)<r):
  153. n = n + 1
  154. sum_x = sum_x + l_m[j][0]
  155. sum_y = sum_y + l_m[j][1]
  156. sum_r = sum_r + l_m[j][2]
  157. # print(type(l_m))
  158. l_m[j][0] = -1
  159. l_m[j][1] = -1
  160. cX = int(round(sum_x/n))
  161. cY = int(round(sum_y/n))
  162. rf = int(round(sum_r/n))
  163. tbc.append((cX,cY,rf))
  164. elif(len(active) == 0) and (len(tbc) != 0):
  165. # here now tbc has to be compared with the incoming measurements
  166. t_b = np.asarray(tbc)
  167. # empty the list, it will be repopulated anyways
  168. tbc *= 0
  169. for i in range(0,np.shape(t_b)[0]):
  170. flag = 0
  171. sum_x = t_b[i][0]
  172. sum_y = t_b[i][1]
  173. sum_r = t_b[i][2]
  174. # r = t_b[i][2]
  175. n = 1
  176. for j in range(0,np.shape(l_m)[0]):
  177. # yeah I cannot have multiple overlaps and like this I won't even be doing anything if a node was already considered before
  178. if (l_m[j][0]>0):
  179. r = max(t_b[i][2],l_m[j][2])
  180. dis1 = depth_image[int(t_b[i][1]),int(t_b[i][0])]*depth_scale
  181. dis2 = depth_image[int(l_m[j][1]),int(l_m[j][0])]*depth_scale
  182. if(abs(dis1-dis2)<1.2*r*depth_scale):
  183. if sqrt((t_b[i][0]-l_m[j][0])**2+(t_b[i][1]-l_m[j][1])**2) <= 1.2*r:
  184. # dis1 = depth_image[int(t_b[i][1]),int(t_b[i][0])]*depth_scale
  185. # dis2 = depth_image[int(l_m[j][1]),int(l_m[j][0])]*depth_scale
  186. # if (abs(dis1-dis2)<r):
  187. flag = 1
  188. sum_x += l_m[j][0]
  189. sum_y += l_m[j][1]
  190. sum_r += l_m[j][2]
  191. n += 1
  192. l_m[j][0] = -1
  193. l_m[j][1] = -1
  194. if(flag):
  195. # only I have something matches I add it to the list of activte nodes
  196. cX = int(round(sum_x/n))
  197. cY = int(round(sum_y/n))
  198. rf = int(round(sum_r/n))
  199. active.append((cX,cY,rf))
  200. # I don't really like this part
  201. for k in range(0,np.shape(l_m)[0]):
  202. if(l_m[k][0] > 0):
  203. tbc.append((l_m[k][0],l_m[k][1],l_m[k][2]))
  205. elif(len(active)!=0):
  206. # else:
  207. # this is the last case, in which we should have both tbc, active and the new incoming ones
  208. t_b = np.asarray(tbc)
  209. a = np.asarray(active)
  210. active *= 0
  211. tbc *= 0
  212. # I basically do what I did before. Fist the incoming measurments are compared with the active ones. If there are matches the active node is updated
  213. # otherwise the active nodes will be discarded
  214. for i in range(0,np.shape(a)[0]):
  215. flag = 0
  216. sum_x = a[i][0]
  217. sum_y = a[i][1]
  218. sum_r = a[i][2]
  219. r = a[i][2]
  220. n = 1
  221. for j in range(0,np.shape(l_m)[0]):
  222. # yeah I cannot have multiple overlaps and like this I won't even be doing anything if a node was already considered before
  223. if (l_m[j][0]>0):
  224. r = max(a[i][2],l_m[j][2])
  225. dis1 = depth_image[int(a[i][1]),int(a[i][0])]*depth_scale
  226. dis2 = depth_image[int(l_m[j][1]),int(l_m[j][0])]*depth_scale
  227. if(abs(dis1-dis2)<1.2*r*depth_scale):
  228. if sqrt((a[i][0]-l_m[j][0])**2+(a[i][1]-l_m[j][1])**2) <= 1.2*r:
  229. # dis1 = depth_image[int(a[i][1]),int(a[i][0])]*depth_scale
  230. # dis2 = depth_image[int(l_m[j][1]),int(l_m[j][0])]*depth_scale
  231. # if (abs(dis1-dis2)<r):
  232. flag = 1
  233. sum_x += l_m[j][0]
  234. sum_y += l_m[j][1]
  235. sum_r += l_m[j][2]
  236. n += 1
  237. l_m[j][0] = -1
  238. l_m[j][1] = -1
  239. if(flag):
  240. # only I have something matches I add it to the list of activte nodes
  241. cX = int(round(sum_x/n))
  242. cY = int(round(sum_y/n))
  243. rf = int(round(sum_r/n))
  244. active.append((cX,cY,rf))
  245. # After comparing to the active ones, I do the comparison to the tbc centers, If there are any matches
  246. # I add to active. If there is no match then I simply add the new detection to tbc
  247. for i in range(0,np.shape(t_b)[0]):
  248. flag = 0
  249. sum_x = t_b[i][0]
  250. sum_y = t_b[i][1]
  251. sum_r = t_b[i][2]
  252. r = t_b[i][2]
  253. n = 1
  254. for j in range(0,np.shape(l_m)[0]):
  255. # yeah I cannot have multiple overlaps and like this I won't even be doing anything if a node was already considered before
  256. if (l_m[j][0]>0):
  257. r = max(t_b[i][2],l_m[j][2])
  258. dis1 = depth_image[int(t_b[i][1]),int(t_b[i][0])]*depth_scale
  259. dis2 = depth_image[int(l_m[j][1]),int(l_m[j][0])]*depth_scale
  260. if(abs(dis1-dis2)<1.2*r*depth_scale):
  261. if sqrt((t_b[i][0]-l_m[j][0])**2+(t_b[i][1]-l_m[j][1])**2) <= 1.2*r:
  262. # dis1 = depth_image[int(t_b[i][1]),int(t_b[i][0])]*depth_scale
  263. # dis2 = depth_image[int(l_m[j][1]),int(l_m[j][0])]*depth_scale
  264. # if (abs(dis1-dis2)<r):
  265. flag = 1
  266. sum_x += l_m[j][0]
  267. sum_y += l_m[j][1]
  268. sum_r += l_m[j][2]
  269. n += 1
  270. l_m[j][0] = -1
  271. l_m[j][1] = -1
  272. if(flag):
  273. # only I have something matches I add it to the list of activte nodes
  274. cX = int(round(sum_x/n))
  275. cY = int(round(sum_y/n))
  276. rf = int(round(sum_r/n))
  277. active.append((cX,cY,rf))
  278. for k in range(0,np.shape(l_m)[0]):
  279. if(l_m[k][0] > 0):
  280. tbc.append((l_m[k][0],l_m[k][1],l_m[k][2]))
  281. red = []
  282. yellow = []
  283. pink = []
  284. black = []
  285. white = []
  286. blue = []
  287. green = []
  288. brown = []
  289. # this is what is needed in order to check whether we are dealing with a ball which is on the table
  290. lower = np.asarray([60,100,100])
  291. upper = np.asarray([80,255,255])
  292. mask = cv2.inRange(hsv, lower, upper)
  293. border = cv2.threshold(mask,150,255,cv2.THRESH_BINARY)[1]
  295. for z in range(0,np.shape(active)[0]):
  296. cX, cY, r = active[z]
  297. dis = depth_image[int(cY)-1,int(cX)]*depth_scale
  298. dis = round(dis,4)
  299. # check whether a minimum distance is fulfilled
  300. if(dis < 5.2 and dis> 0.2):
  301. r_new = int(round(r*2))
  302. cX_ma = cX + r_new
  303. cX_mi = cX - r_new
  304. cY_ma = cY + r_new
  305. cY_mi = cY - r_new
  306. if(cX_ma > 1279):
  307. cX_ma = 1279
  308. if(cX_mi < 0):
  309. cX_mi = 0
  310. if(cY_ma > 719):
  311. cY_ma = 719
  312. if(cY_mi < 0):
  313. cY_mi = 0
  314. # check if the ball is on the table
  315. if(((border[cY_mi,cX]!=0)) or ((border[cY_ma,cX]!=0)) or ((border[cY,cX_mi]!=0)) or ((border[cY,cX_ma])!=0) ):
  316. if np.sum(thr[0,int(round((active[z][1]-15))):int(round((active[z][1]+15))),\
  317. (int(round(active[z][0]-15))):int(round((active[z][0]+10)))])/255 > 40 :
  318. yellow.append((active[z]))
  319. elif np.sum(thr[2,int(round((active[z][1]-15))):int(round((active[z][1]+15))),\
  320. (int(round(active[z][0]-15))):int(round((active[z][0]+15)))])/255 > 40 :
  321. green.append((active[z]))
  322. elif np.sum(thr[1,int(round((active[z][1]-15))):int(round((active[z][1]+15))),\
  323. (int(round(active[z][0]-15))):int(round((active[z][0]+15)))])/255 > 40 :
  324. blue.append((active[z]))
  325. elif np.sum(thr[3,int(round((active[z][1]-15))):int(round((active[z][1]+15))),\
  326. (int(round(active[z][0]-15))):int(round((active[z][0]+15)))])/255 > 40 :
  327. red.append((active[z]))
  328. elif( np.sum(thr[6,int(round((active[z][1]-15))):int(round((active[z][1]+15))),\
  329. int(round((active[z][0]-15))):int(round((active[z][0]+15)))])/255 >40):
  330. pink.append((active[z]))
  331. elif np.sum(thr[4,int(round((active[z][1]-15))):int(round((active[z][1]+15))),\
  332. (int(round(active[z][0]-15))):int(round((active[z][0]+15)))])/255 > 40 :
  333. brown.append((active[z]))
  334. elif np.sum(thr[5,int(round((active[z][1]-15))):int(round((active[z][1]+15))),\
  335. (int(round(active[z][0]-15))):int(round((active[z][0]+15)))])/255 > 40 :
  336. white.append((active[z]))
  337. elif np.sum(thr[7,int(round((active[z][1]-15))):int(round((active[z][1]+15))),\
  338. (int(round(active[z][0]-15))):int(round((active[z][0]+15)))])/255 > 40 :
  339. black.append((active[z]))
  340. all = red + yellow + blue + green +brown + white + pink + black
  341. active *= 0
  342. active = list(all)
  343. # print(brown)
  344. t = np.asarray(all)
  345. # t = np.asarray(red)
  347. # print(t)
  348. # t = np.asarray(brown)
  349. # print('white')
  350. # print(white)
  351. # print('blue')
  352. # print(blue)
  355. # cv2.imshow('m', mask)
  357. # print(border[100,200])
  358. # print('start')
  359. for n in range(0, np.shape(t)[0]):
  360. cX, cY, r = t[n]
  361. dis = depth_image[int(cY),int(cX)]*depth_scale
  362. dis = round(dis,4)
  363. r_new = int(round(r*1.5))
  364. cX_ma = cX + r_new
  365. cX_mi = cX - r_new
  366. cY_ma = cY + r_new
  367. cY_mi = cY - r_new
  368. cv2.rectangle(color_image,(cX-r_new,cY-r_new),(cX+r_new,cY+r_new),(0, 255, 0), 1)
  369. cv2.putText(color_image, "Distance: " + str(dis), (int(cX)-r_new,int(cY)+2*r_new), font, 1, (0,0,255),2,cv2.LINE_AA)
  372. depth_colormap = cv2.applyColorMap(cv2.convertScaleAbs(depth_image, alpha=0.03), cv2.COLORMAP_JET)
  373. cv2.imwrite("distance_image.png",color_image)
  374. # cv2.imwrite("dept_image.png", depth_colormap)
  375. images = np.hstack((color_image, depth_colormap))
  376. cv2.namedWindow('Align Example', cv2.WINDOW_AUTOSIZE)
  377. cv2.imshow('Align Example', images)
  378. # cv2.imshow('red2', mask2)
  379. cv2.imshow('thr',thr[7,:,:])
  380. cv2.imshow('b',border)
  381. # cv2.imshow('Gray',gray)
  382. key = cv2.waitKey(1)
  383. # Press esc or 'q' to close the image window
  384. if key & 0xFF == ord('q') or key == 27:
  385. cv2.destroyAllWindows()
  386. break
  387. finally:
  388. pipeline.stop()
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