
[Queen's Paradise: Prologue - The Beginning of the End]

Mar 9th, 2014
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  1. [20:41] <!Emilybroshoujo> [Queen's Paradise: Prologue - The Beginning of the End]
  2. [20:42] <!Emilybroshoujo> Robbed mages scurry around the city in a panic.
  3. [20:42] <!Emilybroshoujo> Small tears in space are constantly opening and being resealed as quickly as they come by the efforts of the circle.
  4. [20:43] <!Emilybroshoujo> In the throne room Aldeas sits impatiently shaking his leg.
  5. [20:43] <!Emilybroshoujo> "I don't like being unable to do anything to help... Zephros teach me magic."
  6. [20:43] <!Emilybroshoujo> "With all do respect your majesty, absolutely not." The black mage insists.
  7. [20:44] <!Emilybroshoujo> "So what's causing this?"
  8. [20:44] <!Emilybroshoujo> Lucia asks as she clings to Aldeas trying to calm him down.
  9. [20:45] <!Emilybroshoujo> "Something is trying to enter our world, something from very very far away."
  10. [20:45] <!Emilybroshoujo> Zephros grabs his chin in thought.
  11. [20:45] <!Emilybroshoujo> "It's probably already here, this is just the aftereffect."
  12. [20:45] <!Emilybroshoujo> "We should be able to contain it."
  13. [20:47] <!Emilybroshoujo> "HEY AL!" Kendrick says as he bursts though the door.
  14. [20:47] <!Emilybroshoujo> "Something really weird happened in town just now, it might have something to do with... well, this."
  15. [20:48] <!Emilybroshoujo> "What is it?" Aldeas says, hoping he can finally do something.
  16. [20:48] <!Emilybroshoujo> "You know that girl, Rubi? The blacksmiths daughter?" Kendrick asks.
  17. [20:49] <!Emilybroshoujo> "Yes, she's been sick and the healers couldn't help her... did she pass away?"
  18. [20:49] <!Emilybroshoujo> "Yes... and no." Kendrick says cryptically
  19. [20:49] <!Emilybroshoujo> "She died... but something brought her back to life, though she seems to be..."
  20. [20:49] <!Emilybroshoujo> "to be what?!" Aldeas insists.
  21. [20:50] <!Emilybroshoujo> "She's... a different person."
  22. [20:50] <!Emilybroshoujo> ...
  23. [20:50] <!Emilybroshoujo> Everyone is silent.
  24. [20:50] <!Emilybroshoujo> Zephros finally speaks up.
  25. [20:50] <!Emilybroshoujo> "She may have been possessed by our invader.
  26. [20:51] <!Emilybroshoujo> "Kenny, tell the blacksmith his daughter is likely gone. Bring her here to the palace so Al can talk to it."
  27. [20:51] <!Emilybroshoujo> Kendrick nods reluctantly.
  28. [20:52] <!Emilybroshoujo> "The invader chose a recently deceased girl to inhabit..." Aldeas says.
  29. [20:52] <!Emilybroshoujo> "I'm not sure what to think."
  30. [20:52] <!Emilybroshoujo> "Perhaps it requires a vessel of some type to communicate and chose one it perceived as no longer in use." Zephros suggests.
  31. [20:53] <!Emilybroshoujo> "We'll see..."
  32. [20:53] <!Emilybroshoujo> [Intermission]
  35. [21:06] <!Emilybroshoujo> [Intermission Out]
  36. [21:06] <!Emilybroshoujo> Several moments later Kendrick returns with both the blacksmith and his daughter in tow.
  37. [21:07] <!Emilybroshoujo> "The man cries tears that soak his large beard as the girl looks around twitching mechanically.
  38. [21:07] <!Emilybroshoujo> She looks... off.
  39. [21:07] <!Emilybroshoujo> Glowing green line come down from her eyes making her face appear puppetlike.
  40. [21:08] <!Emilybroshoujo> Her arms and legs have green circuitry like lines as well.
  41. [21:08] <!Emilybroshoujo> She enters the room and approaches Aldeas wearing nothing but a cotton nighty.
  42. [21:08] <!Emilybroshoujo> "Greetings Subject: King Aldeas" She says in an almost robotic voice.
  43. [21:08] <!Emilybroshoujo> "Hello... may I ask who you are?"
  44. [21:09] <!Emilybroshoujo> "I do not identify, I am a synthetic sentient observance program sent to study the collective of energy in this location and it's resulting consequences on this Plane."
  45. [21:09] <!Emilybroshoujo> "Created by who?" Aldeas says.
  46. [21:09] <!Emilybroshoujo> "I do not know." She says mechanically.
  47. [21:10] <!Emilybroshoujo> "Well... we have no problem with you observing, you can stay here in the palace as well... but you've taken the body of that girl."
  48. [21:10] <!Emilybroshoujo> "Negative, this vessel was uninhabited."
  49. [21:11] <!Emilybroshoujo> "I see, so you didn't take over until she died."
  50. [21:11] <!Emilybroshoujo> Aldeas sighs.
  51. [21:11] <!Emilybroshoujo> He approaches the blacksmith and pats the large collapsed man on the shoulder.
  52. [21:11] <!Emilybroshoujo> The alien observes these events coldly but tears form in here eyes.
  53. [21:12] <!Emilybroshoujo> "Subject identified as Father."
  54. [21:12] <!Emilybroshoujo> "Curious... it appears the emotions and memories of this vessel are in some way preserved within the structure of this brain."
  55. [21:13] <!Emilybroshoujo> "Subject Humans do not perform a data wipe on abandoning a vessel. Noted."
  56. [21:13] <!Emilybroshoujo> The alien approaches the blacksmith.
  57. [21:14] <!Emilybroshoujo> "Cease distress Subject: Father. This vessel did not endure suffering during termination. Data stores indicate she felt significant affection towards you and experience much of the emotion classified as happiness."
  58. [21:15] <!Emilybroshoujo> "Her programming is causing me great distress due to your appearance."
  59. [21:15] <!Emilybroshoujo> The blacksmith looks up as Aldeas watches silently.
  60. [21:15] <!Emilybroshoujo> He hugs the alien.
  61. [21:15] <!Emilybroshoujo> "Expression of affection identified as hug. Reciprocating." She says as she embraces him.
  62. [21:16] <!Emilybroshoujo> "The vessels initial inhabitant has been terminated however her memory and programming is preserved. I am content to fulfill the role of continuing her existence with your approval." She says to the blacksmith.
  63. [21:16] <!Emilybroshoujo> "No." he says in a gruff voice.
  64. [21:17] <!Emilybroshoujo> "Rubi was hanging on by a thread for a while... thank you for telling me she was happy miss... um..."
  65. [21:17] <!Emilybroshoujo> "I do not have an identification..."
  66. [21:17] <!Emilybroshoujo> The blacksmith pulls away from the hug.
  67. [21:18] <!Emilybroshoujo> "Then you can use her name... it was Rubi. She was named after her granny." He says with a smile.
  68. [21:18] <!Emilybroshoujo> "Emotional distress detected." The alien says as she looks up at her 'father'
  69. [21:19] <!Emilybroshoujo> "Thank you. I will accept this identification." The creature in human skin says as it sheds tears.
  70. [21:19] <!Emilybroshoujo> "Make sure you take care of her body, ma'am." the large man says as he wipes his eyes.
  71. [21:20] <!Emilybroshoujo> "Affirmative: Self Preservation is a primary directive."
  72. [21:20] <!Emilybroshoujo> "Thank you for being so understanding Subject: Father."
  73. [21:21] <!Emilybroshoujo> "If at all possible once observations are complete I will return this vessel." She says.
  74. [21:21] <!Emilybroshoujo> Her twitchy movements seem to become more fluid and regular.
  75. [21:22] <!Emilybroshoujo> The blacksmith kisses Rubi on the forehead once more and leaves.
  76. [21:22] <!Emilybroshoujo> "How heartbreaking." Lucia says as she wipes her eyes.
  77. [21:22] <!Emilybroshoujo> Rubi turns towards Aldeas.
  78. [21:23] <!Emilybroshoujo> "Thank you for your co-operation in this observation." She says with a bow.
  79. [21:23] <!Emilybroshoujo> "If at all possible I would like to fulfill the remaining directives in this vessels database." She says.
  80. [21:24] <!Emilybroshoujo> "What do you mean, you want to do all the things Rubi never got to before she fell ill?" Aldeas asks.
  81. [21:24] <!Emilybroshoujo> "Affirmative. If possible I would like to begin by initiating sexual intercourse with the object of her affection. Subject: King Aldeas."
  82. [21:25] <!Emilybroshoujo> "Starting there might not be a good idea..." Aldeas says with an awkward smirk.
  83. [21:25] <!Emilybroshoujo> "Understood... I will return to this vessels designated home and complete other directives until such time as the observation is to begin." She says as she turns to leave.
  84. [21:26] <!Emilybroshoujo> "How... bizarre..." Lucia says.
  85. [21:26] <!Emilybroshoujo> "Indeed... at least she doesn't seem malicious." Aldeas says with a sigh.
  86. [21:27] <!Emilybroshoujo> [Beginning of the End - End]
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