

Feb 22nd, 2015
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  1. 06:04:43 ** You have joined #dunwallcity *
  2. 06:05:56 <artybluegirl> *Gabriel is back at the Abbey, walking back into the courtyard, mask on. Slap marks on both his cheeks*
  3. 06:07:32 <CarlKindle> *Carl is still more then shaken about the necromancy thing. He's been contemplating checking his library for books on it he might have missed...but it would mean going near that house again*
  4. 06:08:15 <CarlKindle> *He was about to leave for the bar when he saw Fabela making his way into the Courtyard.* B-Brother...
  5. 06:09:23 <artybluegirl> Gabe: *sighing, he stops. Yes, Brother Kindle? *He is clearly tense and he hadn't noticed Kindle until he had approached*
  6. 06:10:31 <CarlKindle> Carl: *Well someone is clearly upset* Uh...If y-you can't talk now it c-can wait...
  7. 06:10:54 <artybluegirl> Gabe: *shaking his head* no, please. Has something happened?
  8. 06:12:18 <CarlKindle> Carl: Not r-really...actually the opposite. That m-man, Slater...I d-doubt he a-actually knows anything new f-for us.
  9. 06:14:34 <artybluegirl> Gabe: *Grunts* He looked awfully twitchy yesterday, for someone oblivious. Although, it could've been the fact I just arrived as you were interrogating him. *Focusing on Carl* what can you tell me about Mr Slater? I know you used to attend the bar before, he's known by other patrons.
  10. 06:16:26 <CarlKindle> Carl: I've only s-spoken with him a f-few times. He s-sometimes works behind the b-b-bar.
  11. 06:17:48 <CarlKindle> Carl: If anything h-he is afraid of Doc....I d-don't blame him. If H--Heinrich is as good as he c-claims to be and brings him b-back alive it might b-be better we w--wait and get answers f-fro mthe s--s-sorce
  12. 06:21:39 <artybluegirl> Gabe: Perhaps. *Squints* Do you trust the whaler, Kindle? In all honesty, please. Retrieving him would be ideal, however I need something tangible to show High Overseer Thibaut in the meanwhile.
  13. 06:23:32 <CarlKindle> Carl: *damn it. that clinic is too close to my stuff* I t-trust him about as m-much as I trust any whaler...I a--also trust his willingness to p-p-protect people he loves. If that m-man is there he'll either g-get brought back or...or he'll k-kill Heinirch.
  14. 06:24:02 <CarlKindle> Carl:...Or erase him mind...m-maybe...m-maybe one of us should have gone with him...
  15. 06:24:32 <CarlKindle> ((everyone in this conversation has fucked a whaler))
  16. 06:24:38 <CarlKindle> ((they should get buttons))
  17. 06:25:05 <artybluegirl> ((LOL omfg true!))
  18. 06:25:09 <InkDream46> {{ LOL. }}
  19. 06:25:11 <artybluegirl> ((matching badges))
  20. 06:25:45 <artybluegirl> Gabe: *Nods* good answer. We should've actually but I could hardly explain High Overseer why I suddenly left him unattended to go back to Serkonos.
  21. 06:25:51 <CarlKindle> (("frackle frick with the heretic"))
  22. 06:26:10 <CarlKindle> Carl:...We n-need more people on this t-then.
  23. 06:28:13 <artybluegirl> Gabe: *Sighs* exactly what I was thining of suggesting. mission squads, instead the usual one-on-one approach of investigation. I was about to suggest you'd be in mine, actually, Kindle.
  24. 06:29:04 <CarlKindle> Carl: It be e-easer to share information
  25. 06:29:35 <artybluegirl> Gabe: Yes. *Nods* Khurtin and Ferdinand as well, we'd simply have to supervise and guide Ferdinand.
  26. 06:29:46 <artybluegirl> Gabe: We should prep them first, however.
  27. 06:30:07 <artybluegirl> Gabe: And I ought to bring this to the High Overseer before we even share, I'll do so as soon as I can.
  28. 06:30:40 <CarlKindle> Carl: Agreed..S-should Overseer Ezzel help? I know h-he has experience with....d-discretion
  29. 06:31:55 <artybluegirl> Gabe: *Looks up to the sky all of a sudden, of course. How could he have forgotten Ezzel?* Perhaps. Again, I have order from the High Overseer, kindle, let me run this through him first.
  30. 06:32:29 <CarlKindle> Carl: Yes I u-understand
  31. 06:33:50 <CarlKindle> Carl: In the m-mean time I will t-try to find something...physical to g-give the High Overseer.
  32. 06:35:33 <artybluegirl> Gabe: Thank you Kindle. *Puts a hand over his shoulder* I appreciate your efforts, again remember to be safe. Come to me if anything else happens and I might try to speak with Mr Slater myself. A friendly chat.
  33. 06:36:05 <CarlKindle> Carl: *Fuck* I doubt h-he'll take it as that...but good luck.
  34. 06:39:04 <CarlKindle> Carl: I s-should go. I wouldn't want to be out past curfew. *He nods before leaving heading out of the yard into the city*
  35. 06:39:54 <artybluegirl> Gabe: *watches him go*
  36. 06:40:03 <artybluegirl> ((I think Carl and Gabe actually work well together))
  37. 06:40:20 <artybluegirl> ((Plus Gabe - this is a huge amount of faith in carl here- may bring him along to his meeting with Thibaut))
  38. 06:40:56 <CarlKindle> *Not long after leaving he decide to check his library anyways and hope for the best. However Carl is a very unlucky person*
  39. 06:41:17 <artybluegirl> ((of course))
  40. 06:43:22 <CarlKindle> *He noticed when he first entered the building...a dim light drifting in from the main room*
  41. 06:45:47 <CarlKindle> *Immediately Carl's hand went to his sword-..but a voice called out to him the moment he touched the hilt*
  42. 06:46:31 <CarlKindle> Architect: It would be a poor choice to draw that boy. Now come in here and let's talk like adults.
  43. 06:47:15 <artybluegirl> ((oh yoooouuuu))
  44. 06:47:20 <artybluegirl> ((CARL RUN))
  45. 06:48:38 <CarlKindle> Carl: *Damn....He should just leave...Taking a step back he placed a hand on the handle-*
  46. 06:49:56 <CarlKindle> Architect: A lot of interesting writings and books in here Overseer Kindle . It would be such a same for the Abbey to find it
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