
Red ascension

Sep 10th, 2019
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  1. Key-Dadafas
  2. Character name- Jin
  3. Skill or transformation-Red ascension
  5. Jin was at the early stages of adulthood, doing many different training exercises to strengthen his mind and body. He prepared himself for the battle against Zero after he single-handedly manages to beat an elite of Zero's army a few days prior. He needed to be focused mentally and physically if he wanted to defend the city in all its glory.
  7. Before the final battle had taken place, he begins looking back on the times where he caused different unfortunate events for the people of High Hops. Everything that Jin has done is because he worked hard for his achievements without asking for handouts.
  9. The first time Jin had to prove himself was approaching the Saints trying to convince them to teach him. It started with them asking him what his goals were, but in the end, the Saints didn't believe that Jin's goals were real.
  11. It was Tsuru that pulled him to the side and told him she wouldn't train him because she didn't believe his motives to be true. She then told him to learn the power of Cosmos on his own without any help from other Saints.
  17. At this point, Jin already fought against Zero without the influence of Cosmos, proving that even without it he'd stand to fight against the army. He received fatal wounds from one of Zero's blades thought that didn't stop him from pursuing his goals. After all his hard work he manages to prove himself worthy of Cosmos, and bounds with the Cloth Pegasus.
  19. During the different attacks, Jin found himself unable to sync with the Cloth well. During the second war with Zero's army, he lost his Cloth in battle. That was the most painful thing that Jin could remember, but since that day he vowed never to allow that to happen again.
  23. The Saiyans attacked in their giant ape form, and Jin stood with a few friends ready to defend the city. The battle went on for a while, and everyone else fell, leaving Jin to combat the Giant ape alone. After being kicked into the city, Jin rushed back dealing the final blow saving everyone from the Saiyan.
  25. That victory was short-lived after many troops being to storm the area, causing them to retreat from battle. The battle plan for them to sneak around seemed perfect, but the group Jin was in alerted the guards.
  27. Jin was the first to fall, and again almost lost his Cloth though because he wasn't able to keep fighting, he caused the death of a fellow Saint. He couldn't live with himself after that; he couldn't live with being too weak to do anything to save a life.
  29. A few more weeks past before the next attack happened at High hops. Zero send more elite soldiers to take the city, and Aria was the first victim leaving Jin to save her. Jin didn't want to let another person die because of him. He fought with everything he had and managed to save a life finally, and spared one of Zero's men.
  31. The final battle was upon them, and Jin fought alongside everyone to bring down Zero. He didn't know if he'd fail or not, but he dug deep while struggling with his partner. Zero was on a different level, but that didn't stop Jin this time around. He fought with everything he had, and he was the one to deliver the final blow against Zero.
  35. Goal-
  36. The goal Jin has is to learn from past experiences, accepting that he has to break his limit serval times in-order to save others. There was never anything handed down to Jin thus causing him to work for it even when he sought out becoming a Saint he was left to fend for himself almost. He wants to continue growing and improving to help those around him no matter what it might cost him just like in all the previous battles.
  38. He will grow to become a person that people can rely on no matter what the situation might be. But he'd need to earn more of their trust before achieving that goal.
  40. Plans-
  41. •More in-depth training
  42. •Progressing the story in any way I can
  43. •Gain a deeper understand with his Cosmos
  44. •Become someone that people can rely on
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