
Chapters/Plot Bin

Nov 1st, 2017
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  1. Chapters/Plot
  3. Chapter 1:Introduction
  4. -Rhiannon and Jalen(with other unnamed units) head over to Tokyo,Osaka after hearing news of Dain taking over the nation, with Xander of Dain capturing the king, Ryoma. There, they fight off Xander's son, Dio and his battalion(Including his 2 retainers, Soleil and Laslow). After fending them off and gaining a small band of Osakian fighters lead by Hana, they head back home and tell Queen Camilla of the event.
  6. Chapter 2:Gaining Allies and new enemies
  7. -A council meeting is held with Queen Camilla,Rhiannon, Hana of Osaka, and other high members as they discuss what to do with Dain. Amid the varying decisions, bad news break out as someone enter with them; Rome has joined with Dain in their conquest, shocking the others...With this in mind, Queen Camilla enlist Rhiannon to travel to Gallea and gain an alliance with Queen Robin to prepare for war with Dain and Rome. [Meanwhile Siegbert, the youngest son of Xander, express doubts about Dain striking up war, with Soleil being somewhat unnerved by gossips of her fellow soldiers performing war crimes and Dio not doing anything about it.] Meanwhile, Jalen takes Oboro with him to the army after leaving her in the hospital to stay safe, but learns that due to her trauma, she reacts very viciously without him near her. Cause of this, he teach her how to defend herself, and learns after failures of using other weapons, that she is a natural with a lance...although she's clumsy...luckily the Osakians have a spare Naginata for her to use so while they travel, he gets one for her.
  9. Chapter 3:Heading to Gallea/2nd clash
  10. -Rhiannon wakes up in her mother's room and is help by her to put on her armor, Camilla lamenting that once again she must send her daughter out, but Rin is assured that she and her squad will do well, even with Prince Shiro accompanying them. She head out eventually and meet her army that's still coming out to the front of the gates of Augustry. She meets Jalen who have Oboro with him, he vouch that she can come with them, Rin allows this.
  11. Rhiannon's unit(Jalen,Oboro,Shiro,Asugi) head over to Gallea and seek an audience with Queen Robin of Gallea, with Jalen teaching Oboro how to defend herself and helping her speak(When she's not mad). However they are stopped by Dio and his Dusk Riders Battalion again. Amid the battling, Jalen and Oboro capture Soleil and Laslow while Dio makes another retreat after Princess Corrin and her battalion comes to assist Rhiannon and lead her to her mother, Queen Robin.
  13. Chapter 4: Gallean Queen/Start of the Great War
  14. -Rhiannon meets with the queen of Gallea, Robin, and after telling her what's going on, gains the nation of Gallea as an ally. Robin gives her Corrin(Her daughter) and some of her friends as comrades to use in the army. Meanwhile, Soleil receives a verbal lashing from Oboro with Jalen in attendance following Soleil calling the Galleans "Sub-humans"(Although Soleil simply don't know any better-she was taught in her school to refer them that) Jalen saves Soleil from Oboro as she tries to attack her, with Jalen scolding Oboro for attacking a war prisoner.
  16. Chapter 5: Returning home and then to Osaka
  17. -Camilla, General of the Northern Army, assigns Rhiannon her 1st mission...set east to Kanto, Osaka and establish a command base there with her army(Jalen,Noire,Corrin,Soleil,Oboro,Owain,Shiro,Asugi,etc). As Corrin tell Rhiannon of her proud Gallean Heritage and Rhiannon to her, with Soleil trying to make amends with Oboro for what happened in Tokyo with Jalen nearby...They are suddenly ambushed by a Roman Battalion led by Lucina, Princess of Rome. However, The Augustrians ward them off, losing some of their men(No named characters...although some are injured) Rhiannon and Lucina duel against each other while Soleil saves Oboro's life as Oboro does the same for her soon afterwards.
  19. Chapter 6: Liberating Kanto/Dain makes plans
  20. -Following that battle, Rhiannon's army arrives and liberate the town of Kanto, saving many lives and killing the Dainians/Romans there. Rhiannon catches her breath and send a messenger to Agustry for her mother. Jalen tell her of the status of the army and head on out to see Soleil and Oboro dueling...with no urge to kill one another thankfully, the 2 very slowly becoming more cordial to each other(Well, Oboro is at least since Soleil was trying before). A day later, Rhiannon receive her next mission from her mom; Head to the capital and slay the one in charge there, Hans, One of King Xander's retainers and commander of the Dusk Smashers. She rally her troops and begin to move out. [Meanwhile, Dio receive orders from his father that he shall head to the capital of Osaka, which is Johto, and lend aid to the troops there lead by Hans, he shall also receive aid from Lucina of Rome. However, Siegbert object to the war and wish to make peace with the people...But Validar, a magician that Siegbert notes that since he's been here, his father been acting funny...counters that they cannot pull back now if they wish to make Dain the most powerful nation, which Xander agrees with. Angry, Siegbert storms out of the room....not hearing the sinister plan Xander have for Agustry as he mobilize his own army, wielding Siegfried, the holy weapon of Dain.]
  23. Chapter 7: Liberating Johto and slaying Hans.
  24. -Asugi and some Wyvern Riders come back to tell Rhiannon the situation of Johto...heavily guarded everywhere, but they can sneak in, kill the guards of the northern post, and let the army in. Rhiannon also wants to get her and a small group of people to come to the castle and storm it, With Shiro injecting himself to it to save his dad. And so...Rin, Jalen, Soleil, Oboro, Shiro, Noire, Owain, and a few more heads towards the castle while everyone else fights the Dainians and Romans...with Rin's army consisting of Augustrians, Osakians, and Galleans. The MCs arrive at the castle and on the way there...They encounter Lucina of Rome...after a heavy duel, Lucina loses to Rin and is captured by her. They head on to the throne room and bust in and take on Hans wielding a powerful Killer Axe, Dio and Laslow, and Dainians inside with Romans..but after a lengthy battle...Hans is killed by Rhiannon as Dio barely escape with his life following his duel with Jalen and Laslow abandons Dain after seeing his sister safe and sound with Agustry. Johto, and by saved with Rhiannon sending a messenger to home with the great news.
  26. Chapter 8: Nothing but bad news....
  27. -Few days has passed and Rhiannon is concerned with the lack of a reply from her she and her army head back home to see...Agustry has fallen..lots of dead people around them as they advance to the capital. There, they see that Camilla, Hana, and Robin has been captured....with a Dainian soldier there being interrogated by Tharja do they learn the awful truth....Validar is a leader of a cult that plans on reviving Giratina, the ancient dragon that was trying to rule the world 2000 years ago...And in order to be revived...The King/Queen of the 5 nations must be sacrificed to the Black Cauldron located in Denmark, Dain...the capital.
  28. Rhiannon is given the Helswath, a weapon that Camilla has used as part of their lineage, by Tharja...Camilla knew there was a chance she may lose to the combined powers of Xander and Chrom, so she hid the weapon. Bolstered by her anger and resolve...Rhiannon gives a speech to her army and people that she will not only make Dain pay, but to save the world itself. Lucina joins her once she realized her father's faith in all of this.
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