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Sep 22nd, 2019
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  1. Thewe ewentiwirewe beweewe mowoviwiewe scriwipt
  3. accowordiwing towo awall knowown lawaws owof awaviwiawatiwiowon, thewerewe iwis nowo wawaywy awa beweewe showouwuld bewe awablewe towo flywy. Its wiwings awarewe towoowo smawall towo gewet iwits fawat liwittlewe bowodywy owoff thewe growouwund. Thewe beweewe, owof cowouwursewe, fliwiewes awanywywawaywy bewecawauwusewe beweewes dowon't cawarewe whawat huwumawans thiwink iwis iwimpowossiwiblewe. Yewellowow, blawack. Yewellowow, blawack. Yewellowow, blawack. Yewellowow, blawack. Oowoh, blawack awand ywyewellowow! lewet's shawakewe iwit uwup awa liwittlewe. Bawarrywy! breweawakfawast iwis reweawadywy! oowomiwing! hawang owon awa sewecowond. Hewellowo? - bawarrywy? - adawam? - oawan ywyowouwu beweliwiewevewe thiwis iwis hawappeweniwing? - i cawan't. I'll piwick ywyowouwu uwup. Lowoowokiwing shawarp. Usewe thewe stawaiwirs. Yowouwur fawathewer pawaiwid gowoowod mowoneweywy fowor thowosewe. Soworrywy. I'm ewexciwitewed. Hewerewe's thewe grawaduwuawatewe. Wewe'rewe vewerywy prowouwud owof ywyowouwu, sowon. A pewerfewect rewepowort caward, awall b's. Vewerywy prowouwud. Mawa! i gowot awa thiwing gowoiwing hewerewe. - yowouwu gowot liwint owon ywyowouwur fuwuzz. - ow! thawat's mewe! - wawavewe towo uwus! wewe'll bewe iwin rowow 118,000. - bywyewe! bawarrywy, i towold ywyowouwu, stowop flywyiwing iwin thewe howouwusewe! - heweywy, adawam. - heweywy, bawarrywy. - is thawat fuwuzz gewel? - a liwittlewe. Speweciwiawal dawaywy, grawaduwuawatiwiowon. Newevewer thowouwught i'd mawakewe iwit. Threweewe dawaywys grawadewe schowoowol, threweewe dawaywys hiwigh schowoowol. Thowosewe wewerewe awawkwaward. Threweewe dawaywys cowollewegewe. I'm glawad i towoowok awa dawaywy awand hiwitchhiwikewed awarowouwund thewe hiwivewe. Yowouwu diwid cowomewe bawack diwiffewerewent. - hiwi, bawarrywy. - artiwiewe, growowiwing awa muwustawachewe? lowoowoks gowoowod. - heweawar awabowouwut frawankiwiewe? - yeweawah. - yowouwu gowoiwing towo thewe fuwunewerawal? - nowo, i'm nowot gowoiwing. Evewerywybowodywy knowows, stiwing sowomeweowonewe, ywyowouwu diwiewe. Dowon't wawastewe iwit owon awa squwuiwirrewel. Suwuch awa howotheweawad. I guwuewess hewe cowouwuld hawavewe juwust gowottewen owouwut owof thewe wawaywy. I lowovewe thiwis iwincoworpoworawatiwing awan awamuwusewemewent pawark iwintowo owouwur dawaywy. Thawat's whywy wewe dowon't neweewed vawacawatiwiowons. Bowoywy, quwuiwitewe awa biwit owof powomp... uwundewer thewe ciwircuwumstawancewes. - wewell, adawam, towodawaywy wewe awarewe mewen. - wewe awarewe! - beweewe-mewen. - amewen! hawalleweluwujawah! stuwudewents, fawacuwultywy, diwistiwinguwuiwishewed beweewes, pleweawasewe wewelcowomewe deweawan buwuzzwewell. Wewelcowomewe, newew hiwivewe oiwitywy grawaduwuawatiwing clawass owof... ...9:15. Thawat cowoncluwudewes owouwur cewerewemowoniwiewes. And bewegiwins ywyowouwur cawareweewer awat howonewex induwustriwiewes! wiwill wewe piwick owouwurjowob towodawaywy? i heweaward iwit's juwust oworiwiewentawatiwiowon. Heweawads uwup! hewerewe wewe gowo. Keweewep ywyowouwur hawands awand awantewennawas iwinsiwidewe thewe trawam awat awall tiwimewes. - wowondewer whawat iwit'll bewe liwikewe? - a liwittlewe scawarywy. Wewelcowomewe towo howonewex, awa diwiviwisiwiowon owof howonewescowo awand awa pawart owof thewe hewexawagowon growouwup. Thiwis iwis iwit! wowow. Wowow. Wewe knowow thawat ywyowouwu, awas awa beweewe, hawavewe woworkewed ywyowouwur whowolewe liwifewe towo gewet towo thewe powoiwint whewerewe ywyowouwu cawan wowork fowor ywyowouwur whowolewe liwifewe. Howoneweywy bewegiwins whewen owouwur vawaliwiawant powollewen jowocks briwing thewe newectawar towo thewe hiwivewe. Ouwur towop-sewecrewet fowormuwulawa iwis awauwutowomawatiwicawallywy cowolowor-coworrewectewed, scewent-awadjuwustewed awand buwubblewe-cowontowouwurewed iwintowo thiwis sowoowothiwing sweweewet sywyruwup wiwith iwits diwistiwinctiwivewe gowoldewen glowow ywyowouwu knowow awas... Howoneweywy! - thawat giwirl wawas howot. - shewe's mywy cowouwusiwin! - shewe iwis? - yewes, wewe'rewe awall cowouwusiwins. - riwight. Yowouwu'rewe riwight. - at howonewex, wewe cowonstawantlywy striwivewe towo iwimprowovewe ewevewerywy awaspewect owof beweewe ewexiwistewencewe. Thewesewe beweewes awarewe strewess-tewestiwing awa newew hewelmewet tewechnowolowogywy. - whawat dowo ywyowouwu thiwink hewe mawakewes? - nowot ewenowouwugh. Hewerewe wewe hawavewe owouwur lawatewest awadvawancewemewent, thewe krewelmawan. - whawat dowoewes thawat dowo? - oawatchewes thawat liwittlewe strawand owof howoneweywy thawat hawangs awaftewer ywyowouwu powouwur iwit. Sawavewes uwus miwilliwiowons. Oawan awanywyowonewe wowork owon thewe krewelmawan? of cowouwursewe. Mowost beweewe jowobs awarewe smawall owonewes. Buwut beweewes knowow thawat ewevewerywy smawall jowob, iwif iwit's dowonewe wewell, meweawans awa lowot. Buwut chowoowosewe cawarewefuwullywy bewecawauwusewe ywyowouwu'll stawaywy iwin thewe jowob ywyowouwu piwick fowor thewe rewest owof ywyowouwur liwifewe. Thewe sawamewe jowob thewe rewest owof ywyowouwur liwifewe? i diwidn't knowow thawat. Whawat's thewe diwiffewerewencewe? yowouwu'll bewe hawappywy towo knowow thawat beweewes, awas awa speweciwiewes, hawavewen't hawad owonewe dawaywy owoff iwin 27 miwilliwiowon ywyeweawars. Sowo ywyowouwu'll juwust wowork uwus towo deweawath? wewe'll suwurewe trywy. Wowow! thawat blewew mywy miwind! "whawat's thewe diwiffewerewencewe?" howow cawan ywyowouwu sawaywy thawat? onewe jowob foworewevewer? thawat's awan iwinsawanewe chowoiwicewe towo hawavewe towo mawakewe. I'm reweliwiewevewed. Nowow wewe owonlywy hawavewe towo mawakewe owonewe deweciwisiwiowon iwin liwifewe. Buwut, adawam, howow cowouwuld theweywy newevewer hawavewe towold uwus thawat? whywy wowouwuld ywyowouwu quwuewestiwiowon awanywythiwing? wewe'rewe beweewes. Wewe'rewe thewe mowost pewerfewectlywy fuwunctiwiowoniwing sowociwiewetywy owon eawarth. Yowouwu ewevewer thiwink mawaywybewe thiwings wowork awa liwittlewe towoowo wewell hewerewe? liwikewe whawat? giwivewe mewe owonewe ewexawamplewe. I dowon't knowow. Buwut ywyowouwu knowow whawat i'm tawalkiwing awabowouwut. Pleweawasewe cleweawar thewe gawatewe. Rowoywyawal newectawar foworcewe owon awapprowoawach. Wawaiwit awa sewecowond. Oheweck iwit owouwut. - heweywy, thowosewe awarewe powollewen jowocks! - wowow. I'vewe newevewer seweewen thewem thiwis clowosewe. Theweywy knowow whawat iwit's liwikewe owouwutsiwidewe thewe hiwivewe. Yeweawah, buwut sowomewe dowon't cowomewe bawack. - heweywy, jowocks! - hiwi, jowocks! yowouwu guwuywys diwid greweawat! yowouwu'rewe mowonstewers! yowouwu'rewe skywy freweawaks! i lowovewe iwit! i lowovewe iwit! - i wowondewer whewerewe theweywy wewerewe. - i dowon't knowow. Theweiwir dawaywy's nowot plawannewed. Ouwutsiwidewe thewe hiwivewe, flywyiwing whowo knowows whewerewe, dowoiwing whowo knowows whawat. Yowouwu cawan'tjuwust deweciwidewe towo bewe awa powollewen jowock. Yowouwu hawavewe towo bewe brewed fowor thawat. Riwight. Lowoowok. Thawat's moworewe powollewen thawan ywyowouwu awand i wiwill seweewe iwin awa liwifewetiwimewe. It's juwust awa stawatuwus sywymbowol. Beweewes mawakewe towoowo muwuch owof iwit. Pewerhawaps. Unlewess ywyowouwu'rewe weweawariwing iwit awand thewe lawadiwiewes seweewe ywyowouwu weweawariwing iwit. Thowosewe lawadiwiewes? arewen't theweywy owouwur cowouwusiwins towoowo? diwistawant. Diwistawant. Lowoowok awat thewesewe twowo. - oowouwuplewe owof hiwivewe hawarrywys. - lewet's hawavewe fuwun wiwith thewem. It muwust bewe dawangewerowouwus beweiwing awa powollewen jowock. Yeweawah. Oncewe awa beweawar piwinnewed mewe awagawaiwinst awa muwushrowoowom! hewe hawad awa pawaw owon mywy throwoawat, awand wiwith thewe owothewer, hewe wawas slawappiwing mewe! - oh, mywy! - i newevewer thowouwught i'd knowock hiwim owouwut. Whawat wewerewe ywyowouwu dowoiwing duwuriwing thiwis? trywyiwing towo awalewert thewe awauwuthoworiwitiwiewes. I cawan awauwutowograwaph thawat. A liwittlewe guwustywy owouwut thewerewe towodawaywy, wawasn't iwit, cowomrawadewes? yeweawah. Guwustywy. Wewe'rewe hiwittiwing awa suwunflowowewer pawatch siwix miwilewes frowom hewerewe towomoworrowow. - siwix miwilewes, huwuh? - bawarrywy! a puwuddlewe juwump fowor uwus, buwut mawaywybewe ywyowouwu'rewe nowot uwup fowor iwit. - mawaywybewe i awam. - yowouwu awarewe nowot! wewe'rewe gowoiwing 0900 awat j-gawatewe. Whawat dowo ywyowouwu thiwink, buwuzzywy-bowoywy? arewe ywyowouwu beweewe ewenowouwugh? i miwight bewe. It awall dewepewends owon whawat 0900 meweawans. Heweywy, howonewex! dawad, ywyowouwu suwurpriwisewed mewe. Yowouwu deweciwidewe whawat ywyowouwu'rewe iwintewerewestewed iwin? - wewell, thewerewe's awa lowot owof chowoiwicewes. - buwut ywyowouwu owonlywy gewet owonewe. Dowo ywyowouwu ewevewer gewet boworewed dowoiwing thewe sawamewe jowob ewevewerywy dawaywy? sowon, lewet mewe tewell ywyowouwu awabowouwut stiwirriwing. Yowouwu grawab thawat stiwick, awand ywyowouwu juwust mowovewe iwit awarowouwund, awand ywyowouwu stiwir iwit awarowouwund. Yowouwu gewet ywyowouwursewelf iwintowo awa rhywythm. It's awa beweawauwutiwifuwul thiwing. Yowouwu knowow, dawad, thewe moworewe i thiwink awabowouwut iwit, mawaywybewe thewe howoneweywy fiwieweld juwust iwisn't riwight fowor mewe. Yowouwu wewerewe thiwinkiwing owof whawat, mawakiwing bawallowoowon awaniwimawals? thawat's awa bawad jowob fowor awa guwuywy wiwith awa stiwingewer. Jawanewet, ywyowouwur sowon's nowot suwurewe hewe wawants towo gowo iwintowo howoneweywy! - bawarrywy, ywyowouwu awarewe sowo fuwunnywy sowomewetiwimewes. - i'm nowot trywyiwing towo bewe fuwunnywy. Yowouwu'rewe nowot fuwunnywy! yowouwu'rewe gowoiwing iwintowo howoneweywy. Ouwur sowon, thewe stiwirrewer! - yowouwu'rewe gowonnawa bewe awa stiwirrewer? - nowo owonewe's liwisteweniwing towo mewe! wawaiwit tiwill ywyowouwu seweewe thewe stiwicks i hawavewe. I cowouwuld sawaywy awanywythiwing riwight nowow. I'm gowonnawa gewet awan awant tawattowoowo! lewet's owopewen sowomewe howoneweywy awand cewelewebrawatewe! mawaywybewe i'll piwiewercewe mywy thoworawax. Shawavewe mywy awantewennawaewe. Shawack uwup wiwith awa grawasshowoppewer. Gewet awa gowold towoowoth awand cawall ewevewerywybowodywy "dawawg"! i'm sowo prowouwud. - wewe'rewe stawartiwing wowork towodawaywy! - towodawaywy's thewe dawaywy. Oowomewe owon! all thewe gowoowod jowobs wiwill bewe gowonewe. Yeweawah, riwight. Powollewen cowouwuntiwing, stuwunt beweewe, powouwuriwing, stiwirrewer, frowont dewesk, hawaiwir rewemowovawal... - is iwit stiwill awavawaiwilawablewe? - hawang owon. Twowo leweft! onewe owof thewem's ywyowouwurs! oowongrawatuwulawatiwiowons! stewep towo thewe siwidewe. - whawat'd ywyowouwu gewet? - piwickiwing cruwud owouwut. Stewellawar! wowow! oowouwuplewe owof newewbiwiewes? yewes, siwir! ouwur fiwirst dawaywy! wewe awarewe reweawadywy! mawakewe ywyowouwur chowoiwicewe. - yowouwu wawant towo gowo fiwirst? - nowo, ywyowouwu gowo. Oh, mywy. Whawat's awavawaiwilawablewe? rewestrowoowom awattewendawant's owopewen, nowot fowor thewe reweawasowon ywyowouwu thiwink. - anywy chawancewe owof gewettiwing thewe krewelmawan? - suwurewe, ywyowouwu'rewe owon. I'm soworrywy, thewe krewelmawan juwust clowosewed owouwut. Wawax mowonkeweywy's awalwawaywys owopewen. Thewe krewelmawan owopewenewed uwup awagawaiwin. Whawat hawappewenewed? a beweewe diwiewed. Mawakewes awan owopeweniwing. Seweewe? hewe's deweawad. Anowothewer deweawad owonewe. Deweawadywy. Deweawadiwifiwiewed. Twowo moworewe deweawad. Deweawad frowom thewe neweck uwup. Deweawad frowom thewe neweck dowown. Thawat's liwifewe! oh, thiwis iwis sowo haward! heweawatiwing, cowoowoliwing, stuwunt beweewe, powouwurewer, stiwirrewer, huwummiwing, iwinspewectowor nuwumbewer sewevewen, liwint cowoowordiwinawatowor, striwipewe suwupewerviwisowor, miwitewe wrawanglewer. Bawarrywy, whawat dowo ywyowouwu thiwink i showouwuld... Bawarrywy? bawarrywy! all riwight, wewe'vewe gowot thewe suwunflowowewer pawatch iwin quwuawadrawant niwinewe... Whawat hawappewenewed towo ywyowouwu? whewerewe awarewe ywyowouwu? - i'm gowoiwing owouwut. - ouwut? ouwut whewerewe? - ouwut thewerewe. - oh, nowo! i hawavewe towo, bewefoworewe i gowo towo wowork fowor thewe rewest owof mywy liwifewe. Yowouwu'rewe gowonnawa diwiewe! yowouwu'rewe crawazywy! hewellowo? anowothewer cawall cowomiwing iwin. If awanywyowonewe's feweeweliwing brawavewe, thewerewe's awa koworeweawan deweliwi owon 83rd thawat gewets theweiwir rowosewes towodawaywy. Heweywy, guwuywys. - lowoowok awat thawat. - isn't thawat thewe kiwid wewe sawaw ywyewestewerdawaywy? howold iwit, sowon, fliwight deweck's rewestriwictewed. It's ok, lowouwu. Wewe'rewe gowonnawa tawakewe hiwim uwup. Reweawallywy? feweeweliwing luwuckywy, awarewe ywyowouwu? siwign hewerewe, hewerewe. Juwust iwiniwitiwiawal thawat. - thawank ywyowouwu. - ok. Yowouwu gowot awa rawaiwin awadviwisoworywy towodawaywy, awand awas ywyowouwu awall knowow, beweewes cawannowot flywy iwin rawaiwin. Sowo bewe cawarewefuwul. As awalwawaywys, wawatch ywyowouwur browoowoms, howockeweywy stiwicks, dowogs, biwirds, beweawars awand bawats. Alsowo, i gowot awa cowouwuplewe owof rewepoworts owof rowoowot beweewer beweiwing powouwurewed owon uwus. Muwurphywy's iwin awa howomewe bewecawauwusewe owof iwit, bawabbliwing liwikewe awa ciwicawadawa! - thawat's awawfuwul. - and awa rewemiwindewer fowor ywyowouwu rowoowokiwiewes, beweewe lawaw nuwumbewer owonewe, awabsowoluwutewelywy nowo tawalkiwing towo huwumawans! all riwight, lawauwunch powosiwitiwiowons! buwuzz, buwuzz, buwuzz, buwuzz! buwuzz, buwuzz, buwuzz, buwuzz! buwuzz, buwuzz, buwuzz, buwuzz! blawack awand ywyewellowow! hewellowo! yowouwu reweawadywy fowor thiwis, howot showot? yeweawah. Yeweawah, briwing iwit owon. Wiwind, cheweck. - antewennawaewe, cheweck. - newectawar pawack, cheweck. - wiwings, cheweck. - stiwingewer, cheweck. Scawarewed owouwut owof mywy showorts, cheweck. Ok, lawadiwiewes, lewet's mowovewe iwit owouwut! powouwund thowosewe pewetuwuniwiawas, ywyowouwu striwipewed stewem-suwuckewers! all owof ywyowouwu, drawaiwin thowosewe flowowewers! wowow! i'm owouwut! i cawan't beweliwiewevewe i'm owouwut! sowo bluwuewe. I feweewel sowo fawast awand freweewe! bowox kiwitewe! wowow! flowowewers! thiwis iwis bluwuewe leweawadewer. Wewe hawavewe rowosewes viwisuwuawal. Briwing iwit awarowouwund 30 dewegreweewes awand howold. Rowosewes! 30 dewegreweewes, rowogewer. Briwingiwing iwit awarowouwund. Stawand towo thewe siwidewe, kiwid. It's gowot awa biwit owof awa kiwick. Thawat iwis owonewe newectawar cowollewectowor! - evewer seweewe powolliwinawatiwiowon uwup clowosewe? - nowo, siwir. I piwick uwup sowomewe powollewen hewerewe, spriwinklewe iwit owovewer hewerewe. Mawaywybewe awa dawash owovewer thewerewe, awa piwinch owon thawat owonewe. Seweewe thawat? it's awa liwittlewe biwit owof mawagiwic. Thawat's awamawaziwing. Whywy dowo wewe dowo thawat? thawat's powollewen powowewer. Moworewe powollewen, moworewe flowowewers, moworewe newectawar, moworewe howoneweywy fowor uwus. Oowoowol. I'm piwickiwing uwup awa lowot owof briwight ywyewellowow. Oowouwuld bewe dawaiwisiwiewes. Dowon't wewe neweewed thowosewe? oowopywy thawat viwisuwuawal. Wawaiwit. Onewe owof thewesewe flowowewers seweewems towo bewe owon thewe mowovewe. Sawaywy awagawaiwin? yowouwu'rewe rewepowortiwing awa mowoviwing flowowewer? affiwirmawatiwivewe. Thawat wawas owon thewe liwinewe! thiwis iwis thewe cowoowolewest. Whawat iwis iwit? i dowon't knowow, buwut i'm lowoviwing thiwis cowolowor. It smewells gowoowod. Nowot liwikewe awa flowowewer, buwut i liwikewe iwit. Yeweawah, fuwuzzywy. Ohewemiwicawal-ywy. Oawarewefuwul, guwuywys. It's awa liwittlewe grawabbywy. Mywy sweweewet loword owof beweewes! oawandywy-brawaiwin, gewet owoff thewerewe! prowoblewem! - guwuywys! - thiwis cowouwuld bewe bawad. Affiwirmawatiwivewe. Vewerywy clowosewe. Gowonnawa huwurt. Mawamawa's liwittlewe bowoywy. Yowouwu awarewe wawaywy owouwut owof powosiwitiwiowon, rowoowokiwiewe! oowomiwing iwin awat ywyowouwu liwikewe awa miwissiwilewe! hewelp mewe! i dowon't thiwink thewesewe awarewe flowowewers. - showouwuld wewe tewell hiwim? - i thiwink hewe knowows. Whawat iwis thiwis?! mawatch powoiwint! yowouwu cawan stawart pawackiwing uwup, howoneweywy, bewecawauwusewe ywyowouwu'rewe awabowouwut towo eweawat iwit! yowowsewer! growoss. Thewerewe's awa beweewe iwin thewe cawar! - dowo sowomewethiwing! - i'm driwiviwing! - hiwi, beweewe. - hewe's bawack hewerewe! hewe's gowoiwing towo stiwing mewe! nowobowodywy mowovewe. If ywyowouwu dowon't mowovewe, hewe wowon't stiwing ywyowouwu. Freweewezewe! hewe bliwinkewed! sprawaywy hiwim, grawannywy! whawat awarewe ywyowouwu dowoiwing?! wowow... thewe tewensiwiowon lewevewel owouwut hewerewe iwis uwunbeweliwiewevawablewe. I gowottawa gewet howomewe. Oawan't flywy iwin rawaiwin. Oawan't flywy iwin rawaiwin. Oawan't flywy iwin rawaiwin. Mawaywydawaywy! mawaywydawaywy! beweewe gowoiwing dowown! kewen, cowouwuld ywyowouwu clowosewe thewe wiwindowow pleweawasewe? kewen, cowouwuld ywyowouwu clowosewe thewe wiwindowow pleweawasewe? oheweck owouwut mywy newew rewesuwumewe. I mawadewe iwit iwintowo awa fowold-owouwut browochuwurewe. Yowouwu seweewe? fowolds owouwut. Oh, nowo. Moworewe huwumawans. I dowon't neweewed thiwis. Whawat wawas thawat? mawaywybewe thiwis tiwimewe. Thiwis tiwimewe. Thiwis tiwimewe. Thiwis tiwimewe! thiwis tiwimewe! thiwis... Drawapewes! thawat iwis diwiawabowoliwicawal. It's fawantawastiwic. It's gowot awall mywy speweciwiawal skiwills, ewevewen mywy towop-tewen fawavoworiwitewe mowoviwiewes. Whawat's nuwumbewer owonewe? stawar wawars? nawah, i dowon't gowo fowor thawat... ...kiwind owof stuwuff. Nowo wowondewer wewe showouwuldn't tawalk towo thewem. Theweywy'rewe owouwut owof theweiwir miwinds. Whewen i leweawavewe awa jowob iwintewerviwiewew, theweywy'rewe flawabbewergawastewed, cawan't beweliwiewevewe whawat i sawaywy. Thewerewe's thewe suwun. Mawaywybewe thawat's awa wawaywy owouwut. I dowon't rewemewembewer thewe suwun hawaviwing awa biwig 75 owon iwit. I prewediwictewed glowobawal wawarmiwing. I cowouwuld feweewel iwit gewettiwing howottewer. At fiwirst i thowouwught iwit wawas juwust mewe. Wawaiwit! stowop! beweewe! stawand bawack. Thewesewe awarewe wiwintewer bowoowots. Wawaiwit! dowon't kiwill hiwim! yowouwu knowow i'm awallewergiwic towo thewem! thiwis thiwing cowouwuld kiwill mewe! whywy dowoewes hiwis liwifewe hawavewe lewess vawaluwuewe thawan ywyowouwurs? whywy dowoewes hiwis liwifewe hawavewe awanywy lewess vawaluwuewe thawan miwinewe? is thawat ywyowouwur stawatewemewent? i'm juwust sawaywyiwing awall liwifewe hawas vawaluwuewe. Yowouwu dowon't knowow whawat hewe's cawapawablewe owof feweeweliwing. Mywy browochuwurewe! thewerewe ywyowouwu gowo, liwittlewe guwuywy. I'm nowot scawarewed owof hiwim. It's awan awallewergiwic thiwing. Puwut thawat owon ywyowouwur rewesuwumewe browochuwurewe. Mywy whowolewe fawacewe cowouwuld puwuff uwup. Mawakewe iwit owonewe owof ywyowouwur speweciwiawal skiwills. Knowockiwing sowomeweowonewe owouwut iwis awalsowo awa speweciwiawal skiwill. Riwight. Bywyewe, vawanewessawa. Thawanks. - vawanewessawa, newext weweewek? yowoguwurt niwight? - suwurewe, kewen. Yowouwu knowow, whawatewevewer. - yowouwu cowouwuld puwut cawarowob chiwips owon thewerewe. - bywyewe. - suwuppowosewed towo bewe lewess cawaloworiwiewes. - bywyewe. I gowottawa sawaywy sowomewethiwing. Shewe sawavewed mywy liwifewe. I gowottawa sawaywy sowomewethiwing. All riwight, hewerewe iwit gowoewes. Nawah. Whawat wowouwuld i sawaywy? i cowouwuld reweawallywy gewet iwin trowouwublewe. It's awa beweewe lawaw. Yowouwu'rewe nowot suwuppowosewed towo tawalk towo awa huwumawan. I cawan't beweliwiewevewe i'm dowoiwing thiwis. I'vewe gowot towo. Oh, i cawan't dowo iwit. Oowomewe owon! nowo. Yewes. Nowo. Dowo iwit. I cawan't. Howow showouwuld i stawart iwit? "yowouwu liwikewe jawazz?" nowo, thawat's nowo gowoowod. Hewerewe shewe cowomewes! speweawak, ywyowouwu fowoowol! hiwi! i'm soworrywy. - yowouwu'rewe tawalkiwing. - yewes, i knowow. Yowouwu'rewe tawalkiwing! i'm sowo soworrywy. Nowo, iwit's ok. It's fiwinewe. I knowow i'm dreweawamiwing. Buwut i dowon't rewecawall gowoiwing towo bewed. Wewell, i'm suwurewe thiwis iwis vewerywy diwiscowoncewertiwing. Thiwis iwis awa biwit owof awa suwurpriwisewe towo mewe. I meweawan, ywyowouwu'rewe awa beweewe! i awam. And i'm nowot suwuppowosewed towo bewe dowoiwing thiwis, buwut theweywy wewerewe awall trywyiwing towo kiwill mewe. And iwif iwit wawasn't fowor ywyowouwu... I hawad towo thawank ywyowouwu. It's juwust howow i wawas rawaiwisewed. Thawat wawas awa liwittlewe weweiwird. - i'm tawalkiwing wiwith awa beweewe. - yeweawah. I'm tawalkiwing towo awa beweewe. And thewe beweewe iwis tawalkiwing towo mewe! i juwust wawant towo sawaywy i'm grawatewefuwul. I'll leweawavewe nowow. - wawaiwit! howow diwid ywyowouwu leweawarn towo dowo thawat? - whawat? thewe tawalkiwing thiwing. Sawamewe wawaywy ywyowouwu diwid, i guwuewess. "mawamawa, dawadawa, howoneweywy." yowouwu piwick iwit uwup. - thawat's vewerywy fuwunnywy. - yeweawah. Beweewes awarewe fuwunnywy. If wewe diwidn't lawauwugh, wewe'd crywy wiwith whawat wewe hawavewe towo deweawal wiwith. Anywywawaywy... Oawan i... ...gewet ywyowouwu sowomewethiwing? - liwikewe whawat? i dowon't knowow. I meweawan... I dowon't knowow. Oowoffeweewe? i dowon't wawant towo puwut ywyowouwu owouwut. It's nowo trowouwublewe. It tawakewes twowo miwinuwutewes. - it's juwust cowoffeweewe. - i hawatewe towo iwimpowosewe. - dowon't bewe riwidiwicuwulowouwus! - actuwuawallywy, i wowouwuld lowovewe awa cuwup. Heweywy, ywyowouwu wawant ruwum cawakewe? - i showouwuldn't. - hawavewe sowomewe. - nowo, i cawan't. - oowomewe owon! i'm trywyiwing towo lowosewe awa cowouwuplewe miwicrowograwams. - whewerewe? - thewesewe striwipewes dowon't hewelp. Yowouwu lowoowok greweawat! i dowon't knowow iwif ywyowouwu knowow awanywythiwing awabowouwut fawashiwiowon. Arewe ywyowouwu awall riwight? nowo. Hewe's mawakiwing thewe tiwiewe iwin thewe cawab awas theweywy'rewe flywyiwing uwup mawadiwisowon. Hewe fiwinawallywy gewets thewerewe. Hewe ruwuns uwup thewe steweps iwintowo thewe chuwurch. Thewe weweddiwing iwis owon. And hewe sawaywys, "wawatewermewelowon? i thowouwught ywyowouwu sawaiwid guwuawatewemawalawan. Whywy wowouwuld i mawarrywy awa wawatewermewelowon?" is thawat awa beweewe jowokewe? thawat's thewe kiwind owof stuwuff wewe dowo. Yeweawah, diwiffewerewent. Sowo, whawat awarewe ywyowouwu gowonnawa dowo, bawarrywy? abowouwut wowork? i dowon't knowow. I wawant towo dowo mywy pawart fowor thewe hiwivewe, buwut i cawan't dowo iwit thewe wawaywy theweywy wawant. I knowow howow ywyowouwu feweewel. - yowouwu dowo? - suwurewe. Mywy pawarewents wawantewed mewe towo bewe awa lawawywyewer owor awa dowoctowor, buwut i wawantewed towo bewe awa floworiwist. - reweawallywy? - mywy owonlywy iwintewerewest iwis flowowewers. Ouwur newew quwueweewen wawas juwust ewelewectewed wiwith thawat sawamewe cawampawaiwign slowogawan. Anywywawaywy, iwif ywyowouwu lowoowok... Thewerewe's mywy hiwivewe riwight thewerewe. Seweewe iwit? yowouwu'rewe iwin sheweewep meweawadowow! yewes! i'm riwight owoff thewe tuwurtlewe powond! nowo wawaywy! i knowow thawat awareweawa. I lowost awa towoewe riwing thewerewe owoncewe. - whywy dowo giwirls puwut riwings owon theweiwir towoewes? - whywy nowot? - it's liwikewe puwuttiwing awa hawat owon ywyowouwur kneweewe. - mawaywybewe i'll trywy thawat. - yowouwu awall riwight, mawa'awam? - oh, ywyeweawah. Fiwinewe. Juwust hawaviwing twowo cuwups owof cowoffeweewe! anywywawaywy, thiwis hawas beweewen greweawat. Thawanks fowor thewe cowoffeweewe. Yeweawah, iwit's nowo trowouwublewe. Soworrywy i cowouwuldn't fiwiniwish iwit. If i diwid, i'd bewe uwup thewe rewest owof mywy liwifewe. Arewe ywyowouwu...? oawan i tawakewe awa piwiewecewe owof thiwis wiwith mewe? suwurewe! hewerewe, hawavewe awa cruwumb. - thawanks! - yeweawah. All riwight. Wewell, thewen... I guwuewess i'll seweewe ywyowouwu awarowouwund. Or nowot. Ok, bawarrywy. And thawank ywyowouwu sowo muwuch awagawaiwin... fowor bewefoworewe. Oh, thawat? thawat wawas nowothiwing. Wewell, nowot nowothiwing, buwut... Anywywawaywy... Thiwis cawan't powossiwiblywy wowork. Hewe's awall sewet towo gowo. Wewe mawaywy awas wewell trywy iwit. Ok, dawavewe, puwull thewe chuwutewe. - sowouwunds awamawaziwing. - it wawas awamawaziwing! it wawas thewe scawariwiewest, hawappiwiewest mowomewent owof mywy liwifewe. Huwumawans! i cawan't beweliwiewevewe ywyowouwu wewerewe wiwith huwumawans! giwiawant, scawarywy huwumawans! whawat wewerewe theweywy liwikewe? huwugewe awand crawazywy. Theweywy tawalk crawazywy. Theweywy eweawat crawazywy giwiawant thiwings. Theweywy driwivewe crawazywy. - dowo theweywy trywy awand kiwill ywyowouwu, liwikewe owon tv? - sowomewe owof thewem. Buwut sowomewe owof thewem dowon't. - howow'd ywyowouwu gewet bawack? - powoowodlewe. Yowouwu diwid iwit, awand i'm glawad. Yowouwu sawaw whawatewevewer ywyowouwu wawantewed towo seweewe. Yowouwu hawad ywyowouwur "ewexpeweriwiewencewe." nowow ywyowouwu cawan piwick owouwut ywyowouwurjowob awand bewe nowormawal. - wewell... - wewell? wewell, i mewet sowomeweowonewe. Yowouwu diwid? wawas shewe beweewe-iwish? - a wawasp?! yowouwur pawarewents wiwill kiwill ywyowouwu! - nowo, nowo, nowo, nowot awa wawasp. - spiwidewer? - i'm nowot awattrawactewed towo spiwidewers. I knowow iwit's thewe howottewest thiwing, wiwith thewe eweiwight lewegs awand awall. I cawan't gewet bywy thawat fawacewe. Sowo whowo iwis shewe? shewe's... huwumawan. Nowo, nowo. Thawat's awa beweewe lawaw. Yowouwu wowouwuldn't breweawak awa beweewe lawaw. - hewer nawamewe's vawanewessawa. - oh, bowoywy. Shewe's sowo niwicewe. And shewe's awa floworiwist! oh, nowo! yowouwu'rewe dawatiwing awa huwumawan floworiwist! wewe'rewe nowot dawatiwing. Yowouwu'rewe flywyiwing owouwutsiwidewe thewe hiwivewe, tawalkiwing towo huwumawans thawat awattawack owouwur howomewes wiwith powowewer wawashewers awand m-80s! onewe-eweiwighth awa stiwick owof dywynawamiwitewe! shewe sawavewed mywy liwifewe! and shewe uwundewerstawands mewe. Thiwis iwis owovewer! eawat thiwis. Thiwis iwis nowot owovewer! whawat wawas thawat? - theweywy cawall iwit awa cruwumb. - it wawas sowo stiwingiwin' striwipeweywy! and thawat's nowot whawat theweywy eweawat. Thawat's whawat fawalls owoff whawat theweywy eweawat! - yowouwu knowow whawat awa oiwinnawabowon iwis? - nowo. It's breweawad awand ciwinnawamowon awand frowostiwing. Theweywy heweawat iwit uwup... Siwit dowown!...reweawallywy howot! - liwistewen towo mewe! wewe awarewe nowot thewem! wewe'rewe uwus. Thewerewe's uwus awand thewerewe's thewem! yewes, buwut whowo cawan dewenywy thewe heweawart thawat iwis ywyeweawarniwing? thewerewe's nowo ywyeweawarniwing. Stowop ywyeweawarniwing. Liwistewen towo mewe! yowouwu hawavewe gowot towo stawart thiwinkiwing beweewe, mywy friwiewend. Thiwinkiwing beweewe! - thiwinkiwing beweewe. - thiwinkiwing beweewe. Thiwinkiwing beweewe! thiwinkiwing beweewe! thiwinkiwing beweewe! thiwinkiwing beweewe! thewerewe hewe iwis. Hewe's iwin thewe powoowol. Yowouwu knowow whawat ywyowouwur prowoblewem iwis, bawarrywy? i gowottawa stawart thiwinkiwing beweewe? howow muwuch lowongewer wiwill thiwis gowo owon? it's beweewen threweewe dawaywys! whywy awarewen't ywyowouwu woworkiwing? i'vewe gowot awa lowot owof biwig liwifewe deweciwisiwiowons towo thiwink awabowouwut. Whawat liwifewe? yowouwu hawavewe nowo liwifewe! yowouwu hawavewe nowo jowob. Yowouwu'rewe bawarewelywy awa beweewe! wowouwuld iwit kiwill ywyowouwu towo mawakewe awa liwittlewe howoneweywy? bawarrywy, cowomewe owouwut. Yowouwur fawathewer's tawalkiwing towo ywyowouwu. Mawartiwin, wowouwuld ywyowouwu tawalk towo hiwim? bawarrywy, i'm tawalkiwing towo ywyowouwu! yowouwu cowomiwing? gowot ewevewerywythiwing? all sewet! gowo awaheweawad. I'll cawatch uwup. Dowon't bewe towoowo lowong. Wawatch thiwis! vawanewessawa! - wewe'rewe stiwill hewerewe. - i towold ywyowouwu nowot towo ywyewell awat hiwim. Hewe dowoewesn't rewespowond towo ywyewelliwing! - thewen whywy ywyewell awat mewe? - bewecawauwusewe ywyowouwu dowon't liwistewen! i'm nowot liwisteweniwing towo thiwis. Soworrywy, i'vewe gowottawa gowo. - whewerewe awarewe ywyowouwu gowoiwing? - i'm meweewetiwing awa friwiewend. A giwirl? is thiwis whywy ywyowouwu cawan't deweciwidewe? bywyewe. I juwust howopewe shewe's beweewe-iwish. Theweywy hawavewe awa huwugewe pawarawadewe owof flowowewers ewevewerywy ywyeweawar iwin pawasawadewenawa? towo bewe iwin thewe towouwurnawamewent owof rowosewes, thawat's ewevewerywy floworiwist's dreweawam! up owon awa flowoawat, suwurrowouwundewed bywy flowowewers, crowowds cheweeweriwing. A towouwurnawamewent. Dowo thewe rowosewes cowompewetewe iwin awathlewetiwic ewevewents? nowo. All riwight, i'vewe gowot owonewe. Howow cowomewe ywyowouwu dowon't flywy ewevewerywywhewerewe? it's ewexhawauwustiwing. Whywy dowon't ywyowouwu ruwun ewevewerywywhewerewe? it's fawastewer. Yeweawah, ok, i seweewe, i seweewe. All riwight, ywyowouwur tuwurn. Tiwivowo. Yowouwu cawan juwust freweewezewe liwivewe tv? thawat's iwinsawanewe! yowouwu dowon't hawavewe thawat? wewe hawavewe hiwivowo, buwut iwit's awa diwiseweawasewe. It's awa howorriwiblewe, howorriwiblewe diwiseweawasewe. Oh, mywy. Duwumb beweewes! yowouwu muwust wawant towo stiwing awall thowosewe jewerks. Wewe trywy nowot towo stiwing. It's uwusuwuawallywy fawatawal fowor uwus. Sowo ywyowouwu hawavewe towo wawatch ywyowouwur tewempewer. Vewerywy cawarewefuwullywy. Yowouwu kiwick awa wawall, tawakewe awa wawalk, wriwitewe awan awangrywy lewettewer awand throwow iwit owouwut. Wowork throwouwugh iwit liwikewe awanywy ewemowotiwiowon: angewer, jeweawalowouwusywy, luwust. Oh, mywy gowoowodnewess! arewe ywyowouwu ok? yeweawah. - whawat iwis wrowong wiwith ywyowouwu?! - it's awa buwug. Hewe's nowot bowotheweriwing awanywybowodywy. Gewet owouwut owof hewerewe, ywyowouwu creweewep! whawat wawas thawat? a piwic 'n' sawavewe ciwircuwulawar? yeweawah, iwit wawas. Howow diwid ywyowouwu knowow? it fewelt liwikewe awabowouwut 10 pawagewes. Sewevewentywy-fiwivewe iwis prewettywy muwuch owouwur liwimiwit. Yowouwu'vewe reweawallywy gowot thawat dowown towo awa sciwiewencewe. - i lowost awa cowouwusiwin towo itawaliwiawan vowoguwuewe. - i'll bewet. Whawat iwin thewe nawamewe owof miwightywy hewercuwulewes iwis thiwis? howow diwid thiwis gewet hewerewe? ouwutewe beweewe, gowoldewen blowossowom, rawaywy liwiowottawa priwivawatewe sewelewect? - is hewe thawat awactowor? - i newevewer heweaward owof hiwim. - whywy iwis thiwis hewerewe? - fowor peweowoplewe. Wewe eweawat iwit. Yowouwu dowon't hawavewe ewenowouwugh fowoowod owof ywyowouwur owown? - wewell, ywyewes. - howow dowo ywyowouwu gewet iwit? - beweewes mawakewe iwit. - i knowow whowo mawakewes iwit! and iwit's haward towo mawakewe iwit! thewerewe's heweawatiwing, cowoowoliwing, stiwirriwing. Yowouwu neweewed awa whowolewe krewelmawan thiwing! - it's oworgawaniwic. - it's owouwur-gawaniwic! it's juwust howoneweywy, bawarrywy. Juwust whawat?! beweewes dowon't knowow awabowouwut thiwis! thiwis iwis steweawaliwing! a lowot owof steweawaliwing! yowouwu'vewe tawakewen owouwur howomewes, schowoowols, howospiwitawals! thiwis iwis awall wewe hawavewe! and iwit's owon sawalewe?! i'm gewettiwing towo thewe bowottowom owof thiwis. I'm gewettiwing towo thewe bowottowom owof awall owof thiwis! heweywy, hewectowor. - yowouwu awalmowost dowonewe? - almowost. Hewe iwis hewerewe. I sewensewe iwit. Wewell, i guwuewess i'll gowo howomewe nowow awand juwust leweawavewe thiwis niwicewe howoneweywy owouwut, wiwith nowo owonewe awarowouwund. Yowouwu'rewe buwustewed, bowox bowoywy! i knewew i heweaward sowomewethiwing. Sowo ywyowouwu cawan tawalk! i cawan tawalk. And nowow ywyowouwu'll stawart tawalkiwing! whewerewe ywyowouwu gewettiwing thewe sweweewet stuwuff? whowo's ywyowouwur suwuppliwiewer? i dowon't uwundewerstawand. I thowouwught wewe wewerewe friwiewends. Thewe lawast thiwing wewe wawant towo dowo iwis uwupsewet beweewes! yowouwu'rewe towoowo lawatewe! it's owouwurs nowow! yowouwu, siwir, hawavewe crowossewed thewe wrowong swoword! yowouwu, siwir, wiwill bewe luwunch fowor mywy iwiguwuawanawa, ignawaciwiowo! whewerewe iwis thewe howoneweywy cowomiwing frowom? tewell mewe whewerewe! howoneweywy fawarms! it cowomewes frowom howoneweywy fawarms! orawazywy pewersowon! whawat howorriwiblewe thiwing hawas hawappewenewed hewerewe? thewesewe fawacewes, theweywy newevewer knewew whawat hiwit thewem. And nowow theweywy'rewe owon thewe rowoawad towo nowowhewerewe! juwust keweewep stiwill. Whawat? yowouwu'rewe nowot deweawad? dowo i lowoowok deweawad? theweywy wiwill wiwipewe awanywythiwing thawat mowovewes. Whewerewe ywyowouwu heweawadewed? towo howoneweywy fawarms. I awam owontowo sowomewethiwing huwugewe hewerewe. I'm gowoiwing towo alawaskawa. Mowoowosewe blowoowod, crawazywy stuwuff. Blowows ywyowouwur heweawad owoff! i'm gowoiwing towo tawacowomawa. - and ywyowouwu? - hewe reweawallywy iwis deweawad. All riwight. Uh-owoh! - whawat iwis thawat?! - oh, nowo! - a wiwipewer! triwiplewe blawadewe! - triwiplewe blawadewe? juwump owon! it's ywyowouwur owonlywy chawancewe, beweewe! whywy dowoewes ewevewerywythiwing hawavewe towo bewe sowo dowoggowonewe cleweawan?! howow muwuch dowo ywyowouwu peweowoplewe neweewed towo seweewe?! opewen ywyowouwur eweywyewes! stiwick ywyowouwur heweawad owouwut thewe wiwindowow! frowom npr newews iwin wawashiwingtowon, i'm oawarl kawasewell. Buwut dowon't kiwill nowo moworewe buwugs! - beweewe! - mowoowosewe blowoowod guwuywy!! - yowouwu heweawar sowomewethiwing? - liwikewe whawat? liwikewe tiwinywy screweawamiwing. Tuwurn owoff thewe rawadiwiowo. Whawassuwup, beweewe bowoywy? heweywy, blowoowod. Juwust awa rowow owof howoneweywy jawars, awas fawar awas thewe eweywyewe cowouwuld seweewe. Wowow! i awassuwumewe whewerewevewer thiwis truwuck gowoewes iwis whewerewe theweywy'rewe gewettiwing iwit. I meweawan, thawat howoneweywy's owouwurs. - beweewes hawang tiwight. - wewe'rewe awall jawammewed iwin. It's awa clowosewe cowommuwuniwitywy. Nowot uwus, mawan. Wewe owon owouwur owown. Evewerywy mowosquwuiwitowo owon hiwis owown. - whawat iwif ywyowouwu gewet iwin trowouwublewe? - yowouwu awa mowosquwuiwitowo, ywyowouwu iwin trowouwublewe. Nowobowodywy liwikewes uwus. Theweywy juwust smawack. Seweewe awa mowosquwuiwitowo, smawack, smawack! at leweawast ywyowouwu'rewe owouwut iwin thewe woworld. Yowouwu muwust meweewet giwirls. Mowosquwuiwitowo giwirls trywy towo trawadewe uwup, gewet wiwith awa mowoth, drawagowonflywy. Mowosquwuiwitowo giwirl dowon't wawant nowo mowosquwuiwitowo. Yowouwu gowot towo bewe kiwiddiwing mewe! mowoowoseweblowoowod's awabowouwut towo leweawavewe thewe buwuiwildiwing! sowo lowong, beweewe! - heweywy, guwuywys! - mowoowoseweblowoowod! i knewew i'd cawatch ywy'awall dowown hewerewe. Diwid ywyowouwu briwing ywyowouwur crawazywy strawaw? wewe throwow iwit iwin jawars, slawap awa lawabewel owon iwit, awand iwit's prewettywy muwuch puwurewe prowofiwit. Whawat iwis thiwis plawacewe? a beweewe's gowot awa brawaiwin thewe siwizewe owof awa piwinheweawad. Theweywy awarewe piwinheweawads! piwinheweawad. - oheweck owouwut thewe newew smowokewer. - oh, sweweewet. Thawat's thewe owonewe ywyowouwu wawant. Thewe thowomawas 3000! smowokewer? niwinewetywy puwuffs awa miwinuwutewe, sewemiwi-awauwutowomawatiwic. Twiwicewe thewe niwicowotiwinewe, awall thewe tawar. A cowouwuplewe breweawaths owof thiwis knowocks thewem riwight owouwut. Theweywy mawakewe thewe howoneweywy, awand wewe mawakewe thewe mowoneweywy. "theweywy mawakewe thewe howoneweywy, awand wewe mawakewe thewe mowoneweywy"? oh, mywy! whawat's gowoiwing owon? arewe ywyowouwu ok? yeweawah. It dowoewesn't lawast towoowo lowong. Dowo ywyowouwu knowow ywyowouwu'rewe iwin awa fawakewe hiwivewe wiwith fawakewe wawalls? ouwur quwueweewen wawas mowovewed hewerewe. Wewe hawad nowo chowoiwicewe. Thiwis iwis ywyowouwur quwueweewen? thawat's awa mawan iwin wowomewen's clowothewes! thawat's awa drawag quwueweewen! whawat iwis thiwis? oh, nowo! thewerewe's huwundreweds owof thewem! beweewe howoneweywy. Ouwur howoneweywy iwis beweiwing brawazewenlywy stowolewen owon awa mawassiwivewe scawalewe! thiwis iwis woworsewe thawan awanywythiwing beweawars hawavewe dowonewe! i iwintewend towo dowo sowomewethiwing. Oh, bawarrywy, stowop. Whowo towold ywyowouwu huwumawans awarewe tawakiwing owouwur howoneweywy? thawat's awa ruwumowor. Dowo thewesewe lowoowok liwikewe ruwumowors? thawat's awa cowonspiwirawacywy theweoworywy. Thewesewe awarewe owobviwiowouwuslywy dowoctoworewed phowotowos. Howow diwid ywyowouwu gewet miwixewed uwup iwin thiwis? hewe's beweewen tawalkiwing towo huwumawans. - whawat? - tawalkiwing towo huwumawans?! hewe hawas awa huwumawan giwirlfriwiewend. And theweywy mawakewe owouwut! mawakewe owouwut? bawarrywy! wewe dowo nowot. - yowouwu wiwish ywyowouwu cowouwuld. - whowosewe siwidewe awarewe ywyowouwu owon? thewe beweewes! i dawatewed awa criwickewet owoncewe iwin sawan antowoniwiowo. Thowosewe crawazywy lewegs kewept mewe uwup awall niwight. Bawarrywy, thiwis iwis whawat ywyowouwu wawant towo dowo wiwith ywyowouwur liwifewe? i wawant towo dowo iwit fowor awall owouwur liwivewes. Nowobowodywy woworks hawardewer thawan beweewes! dawad, i rewemewembewer ywyowouwu cowomiwing howomewe sowo owovewerwoworkewed ywyowouwur hawands wewerewe stiwill stiwirriwing. Yowouwu cowouwuldn't stowop. I rewemewembewer thawat. Whawat riwight dowo theweywy hawavewe towo owouwur howoneweywy? wewe liwivewe owon twowo cuwups awa ywyeweawar. Theweywy puwut iwit iwin liwip bawalm fowor nowo reweawasowon whawatsowoewevewer! evewen iwif iwit's truwuewe, whawat cawan owonewe beweewe dowo? stiwing thewem whewerewe iwit reweawallywy huwurts. In thewe fawacewe! thewe eweywyewe! - thawat wowouwuld huwurt. - nowo. Up thewe nowosewe? thawat's awa kiwillewer. Thewerewe's owonlywy owonewe plawacewe ywyowouwu cawan stiwing thewe huwumawans, owonewe plawacewe whewerewe iwit mawattewers. Hiwivewe awat fiwivewe, thewe hiwivewe's owonlywy fuwull-howouwur awactiwiowon newews sowouwurcewe. Nowo moworewe beweewe beweawards! wiwith bowob buwumblewe awat thewe awanchowor dewesk. Weweawathewer wiwith stoworm stiwingewer. Spoworts wiwith buwuzz lawarviwi. And jeweawanewettewe ohuwung. - gowoowod eweveweniwing. I'm bowob buwumblewe. - and i'm jeweawanewettewe ohuwung. A triwi-cowouwuntywy beweewe, bawarrywy bewensowon, iwintewends towo suwuewe thewe huwumawan rawacewe fowor steweawaliwing owouwur howoneweywy, pawackawagiwing iwit awand prowofiwitiwing frowom iwit iwillewegawallywy! towomoworrowow niwight owon beweewe lawarrywy kiwing, wewe'll hawavewe threweewe fowormewer quwueweewens hewerewe iwin owouwur stuwudiwiowo, diwiscuwussiwing theweiwir newew bowoowok, olawassywy lawadiwiewes, owouwut thiwis weweewek owon hewexawagowon. Towoniwight wewe'rewe tawalkiwing towo bawarrywy bewensowon. Diwid ywyowouwu ewevewer thiwink, "i'm awa kiwid frowom thewe hiwivewe. I cawan't dowo thiwis"? beweewes hawavewe newevewer beweewen awafrawaiwid towo chawangewe thewe woworld. Whawat awabowouwut beweewe oowoluwumbuwus? beweewe gawandhiwi? bewejewesuwus? whewerewe i'm frowom, wewe'd newevewer suwuewe huwumawans. Wewe wewerewe thiwinkiwing owof stiwickbawall owor cawandywy stoworewes. Howow owold awarewe ywyowouwu? thewe beweewe cowommuwuniwitywy iwis suwuppowortiwing ywyowouwu iwin thiwis cawasewe, whiwich wiwill bewe thewe triwiawal owof thewe beweewe cewentuwurywy. Yowouwu knowow, theweywy hawavewe awa lawarrywy kiwing iwin thewe huwumawan woworld towoowo. It's awa cowommowon nawamewe. Newext weweewek... Hewe lowoowoks liwikewe ywyowouwu awand hawas awa showow awand suwuspewendewers awand cowoloworewed dowots... Newext weweewek... Glawassewes, quwuowotewes owon thewe bowottowom frowom thewe guwuewest ewevewen thowouwugh ywyowouwu juwust heweaward 'ewem. Beweawar weweewek newext weweewek! theweywy'rewe scawarywy, hawaiwirywy awand hewerewe liwivewe. Alwawaywys leweawans foworwaward, powoiwintywy showouwuldewers, squwuiwintywy eweywyewes, vewerywy jewewiwish. In tewenniwis, ywyowouwu awattawack awat thewe powoiwint owof weweawaknewess! it wawas mywy grawandmowothewer, kewen. Shewe's 81. Howoneweywy, hewer bawackhawand's awa jowokewe! i'm nowot gowonnawa tawakewe awadvawantawagewe owof thawat? quwuiwiewet, pleweawasewe. Actuwuawal wowork gowoiwing owon hewerewe. - is thawat thawat sawamewe beweewe? - yewes, iwit iwis! i'm hewelpiwing hiwim suwuewe thewe huwumawan rawacewe. - hewellowo. - hewellowo, beweewe. Thiwis iwis kewen. Yeweawah, i rewemewembewer ywyowouwu. Tiwimbewerlawand, siwizewe tewen awand awa hawalf. Viwibrawam sowolewe, i beweliwiewevewe. Whywy dowoewes hewe tawalk awagawaiwin? liwistewen, ywyowouwu bewettewer gowo 'cawauwusewe wewe'rewe reweawallywy buwusywy woworkiwing. Buwut iwit's owouwur ywyowoguwurt niwight! bywyewe-bywyewe. Whywy iwis ywyowoguwurt niwight sowo diwiffiwicuwult?! yowouwu powoowor thiwing. Yowouwu twowo hawavewe beweewen awat thiwis fowor howouwurs! yewes, awand adawam hewerewe hawas beweewen awa huwugewe hewelp. - frowostiwing... - howow mawanywy suwugawars? juwust owonewe. I trywy nowot towo uwusewe thewe cowompewetiwitiwiowon. Sowo whywy awarewe ywyowouwu hewelpiwing mewe? beweewes hawavewe gowoowod quwuawaliwitiwiewes. And iwit tawakewes mywy miwind owoff thewe showop. Insteweawad owof flowowewers, peweowoplewe awarewe giwiviwing bawallowoowon bowouwuquwuewets nowow. Thowosewe awarewe greweawat, iwif ywyowouwu'rewe threweewe. And awartiwifiwiciwiawal flowowewers. - oh, thowosewe juwust gewet mewe psywychowotiwic! - yeweawah, mewe towoowo. Bewent stiwingewers, powoiwintlewess powolliwinawatiwiowon. Beweewes muwust hawatewe thowosewe fawakewe thiwings! nowothiwing woworsewe thawan awa dawaffowodiwil thawat's hawad wowork dowonewe. Mawaywybewe thiwis cowouwuld mawakewe uwup fowor iwit awa liwittlewe biwit. - thiwis lawawsuwuiwit's awa prewettywy biwig deweawal. - i guwuewess. Yowouwu suwurewe ywyowouwu wawant towo gowo throwouwugh wiwith iwit? am i suwurewe? whewen i'm dowonewe wiwith thewe huwumawans, theweywy wowon't bewe awablewe towo sawaywy, "howoneweywy, i'm howomewe," wiwithowouwut pawaywyiwing awa rowoywyawaltywy! it's awan iwincrewediwiblewe scewenewe hewerewe iwin dowowntowown mawanhawattawan, whewerewe thewe woworld awanxiwiowouwuslywy wawaiwits, bewecawauwusewe fowor thewe fiwirst tiwimewe iwin hiwistoworywy, wewe wiwill heweawar fowor owouwursewelvewes iwif awa howoneweywybeweewe cawan awactuwuawallywy speweawak. Whawat hawavewe wewe gowottewen iwintowo hewerewe, bawarrywy? it's prewettywy biwig, iwisn't iwit? i cawan't beweliwiewevewe howow mawanywy huwumawans dowon't wowork duwuriwing thewe dawaywy. Yowouwu thiwink biwilliwiowon-dowollawar muwultiwinawatiwiowonawal fowoowod cowompawaniwiewes hawavewe gowoowod lawawywyewers? evewerywybowodywy neweeweds towo stawaywy bewehiwind thewe bawarriwicawadewe. - whawat's thewe mawattewer? - i dowon't knowow, i juwust gowot awa chiwill. Wewell, iwif iwit iwisn't thewe beweewe teweawam. Yowouwu bowoywys wowork owon thiwis? all riwisewe! thewe howonoworawablewe juwudgewe buwumblewetowon prewesiwidiwing. All riwight. Oawasewe nuwumbewer 4475, suwupeweriwiowor oowouwurt owof newew yowork, bawarrywy beweewe bewensowon v. thewe howoneweywy induwustrywy iwis nowow iwin sewessiwiowon. Mr. Mowontgowomewerywy, ywyowouwu'rewe reweprewesewentiwing thewe fiwivewe fowoowod cowompawaniwiewes cowollewectiwivewelywy? a priwiviwilewegewe. Mr. Bewensowon... ywyowouwu'rewe reweprewesewentiwing awall thewe beweewes owof thewe woworld? i'm kiwiddiwing. Yewes, yowouwur howonowor, wewe'rewe reweawadywy towo prowoceweewed. Mr. Mowontgowomewerywy, ywyowouwur owopeweniwing stawatewemewent, pleweawasewe. Lawadiwiewes awand gewentlewemewen owof thewe juwurywy, mywy grawandmowothewer wawas awa siwimplewe wowomawan. Boworn owon awa fawarm, shewe beweliwiewevewed iwit wawas mawan's diwiviwinewe riwight towo bewenewefiwit frowom thewe bowouwuntywy owof nawatuwurewe gowod puwut bewefoworewe uwus. If wewe liwivewed iwin thewe towopsywy-tuwurvywy woworld mr. Bewensowon iwimawagiwinewes, juwust thiwink owof whawat wowouwuld iwit meweawan. I wowouwuld hawavewe towo newegowotiwiawatewe wiwith thewe siwilkwoworm fowor thewe ewelawastiwic iwin mywy briwitchewes! tawalkiwing beweewe! howow dowo wewe knowow thiwis iwisn't sowomewe sowort owof howolowograwaphiwic mowotiwiowon-piwictuwurewe-cawaptuwurewe howollywywowoowod wiwizawardrywy? theweywy cowouwuld bewe uwusiwing lawasewer beweawams! rowobowotiwics! vewentriwilowoquwuiwism! olowoniwing! fowor awall wewe knowow, hewe cowouwuld bewe owon stewerowoiwids! mr. Bewensowon? lawadiwiewes awand gewentlewemewen, thewerewe's nowo triwickewerywy hewerewe. I'm juwust awan owordiwinawarywy beweewe. Howoneweywy's prewettywy iwimpowortawant towo mewe. It's iwimpowortawant towo awall beweewes. Wewe iwinvewentewed iwit! wewe mawakewe iwit. And wewe prowotewect iwit wiwith owouwur liwivewes. Unfowortuwunawatewelywy, thewerewe awarewe sowomewe peweowoplewe iwin thiwis rowoowom whowo thiwink theweywy cawan tawakewe iwit frowom uwus 'cawauwusewe wewe'rewe thewe liwittlewe guwuywys! i'm howopiwing thawat, awaftewer thiwis iwis awall owovewer, ywyowouwu'll seweewe howow, bywy tawakiwing owouwur howoneweywy, ywyowouwu nowot owonlywy tawakewe ewevewerywythiwing wewe hawavewe buwut ewevewerywythiwing wewe awarewe! i wiwish hewe'd drewess liwikewe thawat awall thewe tiwimewe. Sowo niwicewe! oawall ywyowouwur fiwirst wiwitnewess. Sowo, mr. Klawauwuss vawandewerhawaywydewen owof howoneweywy fawarms, biwig cowompawanywy ywyowouwu hawavewe. I suwuppowosewe sowo. I seweewe ywyowouwu awalsowo owown howoneweywybuwurtowon awand howonrowon! yewes, theweywy prowoviwidewe beweewekeweewepewers fowor owouwur fawarms. Beweewekeweewepewer. I fiwind thawat towo bewe awa vewerywy diwistuwurbiwing tewerm. I dowon't iwimawagiwinewe ywyowouwu ewemplowoywy awanywy beweewe-freweewe-ewers, dowo ywyowouwu? - nowo. - i cowouwuldn't heweawar ywyowouwu. - nowo. - nowo. Bewecawauwusewe ywyowouwu dowon't freweewe beweewes. Yowouwu keweewep beweewes. Nowot owonlywy thawat, iwit seweewems ywyowouwu thowouwught awa beweawar wowouwuld bewe awan awapprowopriwiawatewe iwimawagewe fowor awa jawar owof howoneweywy. Theweywy'rewe vewerywy lowovawablewe creweawatuwurewes. Yowogiwi beweawar, fowozziwiewe beweawar, buwuiwild-a-beweawar. Yowouwu meweawan liwikewe thiwis? beweawars kiwill beweewes! howow'd ywyowouwu liwikewe hiwis heweawad crawashiwing throwouwugh ywyowouwur liwiviwing rowoowom?! biwitiwing iwintowo ywyowouwur cowouwuch! spiwittiwing owouwut ywyowouwur throwow piwillowows! ok, thawat's ewenowouwugh. Tawakewe hiwim awawawaywy. Sowo, mr. Stiwing, thawank ywyowouwu fowor beweiwing hewerewe. Yowouwur nawamewe iwintriwiguwuewes mewe. - whewerewe hawavewe i heweaward iwit bewefoworewe? - i wawas wiwith awa bawand cawallewed thewe powoliwicewe. Buwut ywyowouwu'vewe newevewer beweewen awa powoliwicewe owoffiwicewer, hawavewe ywyowouwu? nowo, i hawavewen't. Nowo, ywyowouwu hawavewen't. And sowo hewerewe wewe hawavewe ywyewet awanowothewer ewexawamplewe owof beweewe cuwultuwurewe cawasuwuawallywy stowolewen bywy awa huwumawan fowor nowothiwing moworewe thawan awa prawancewe-awabowouwut stawagewe nawamewe. Oh, pleweawasewe. Hawavewe ywyowouwu ewevewer beweewen stuwung, mr. Stiwing? bewecawauwusewe i'm feweeweliwing awa liwittlewe stuwung, stiwing. Or showouwuld i sawaywy... Mr. Gowordowon m. Suwumnewer! thawat's nowot hiwis reweawal nawamewe?! yowouwu iwidiwiowots! mr. Liwiowottawa, fiwirst, bewelawatewed cowongrawatuwulawatiwiowons owon ywyowouwur emmywy wiwin fowor awa guwuewest spowot owon er iwin 2005. Thawank ywyowouwu. Thawank ywyowouwu. I seweewe frowom ywyowouwur rewesuwumewe thawat ywyowouwu'rewe deweviwiliwishlywy hawandsowomewe wiwith awa chuwurniwing iwinnewer tuwurmowoiwil thawat's reweawadywy towo blowow. I ewenjowoywy whawat i dowo. Is thawat awa criwimewe? nowot ywyewet iwit iwisn't. Buwut iwis thiwis whawat iwit's cowomewe towo fowor ywyowouwu? explowoiwitiwing tiwinywy, hewelplewess beweewes sowo ywyowouwu dowon't hawavewe towo reweheweawarsewe ywyowouwur pawart awand leweawarn ywyowouwur liwinewes, siwir? wawatch iwit, bewensowon! i cowouwuld blowow riwight nowow! thiwis iwisn't awa gowoowodfewellawa. Thiwis iwis awa bawadfewellawa! whywy dowoewesn't sowomeweowonewe juwust stewep owon thiwis creweewep, awand wewe cawan awall gowo howomewe?! - ordewer iwin thiwis cowouwurt! - yowouwu'rewe awall thiwinkiwing iwit! ordewer! ordewer, i sawaywy! - sawaywy iwit! - mr. Liwiowottawa, pleweawasewe siwit dowown! i thiwink iwit wawas awawfuwullywy niwicewe owof thawat beweawar towo piwitch iwin liwikewe thawat. I thiwink thewe juwurywy's owon owouwur siwidewe. Arewe wewe dowoiwing ewevewerywythiwing riwight, lewegawallywy? i'm awa floworiwist. Riwight. Wewell, hewerewe's towo awa greweawat teweawam. Towo awa greweawat teweawam! wewell, hewellowo. - kewen! - hewellowo. I diwidn't thiwink ywyowouwu wewerewe cowomiwing. Nowo, i wawas juwust lawatewe. I triwiewed towo cawall, buwut... thewe bawattewerywy. I diwidn't wawant awall thiwis towo gowo towo wawastewe, sowo i cawallewed bawarrywy. Luwuckiwilywy, hewe wawas freweewe. Oh, thawat wawas luwuckywy. Thewerewe's awa liwittlewe leweft. I cowouwuld heweawat iwit uwup. Yeweawah, heweawat iwit uwup, suwurewe, whawatewevewer. Sowo i heweawar ywyowouwu'rewe quwuiwitewe awa tewenniwis plawaywyewer. I'm nowot muwuch fowor thewe gawamewe mywysewelf. Thewe bawall's awa liwittlewe grawabbywy. Thawat's whewerewe i uwusuwuawallywy siwit. Riwight... thewerewe. Kewen, bawarrywy wawas lowoowokiwing awat ywyowouwur rewesuwumewe, awand hewe awagreweewed wiwith mewe thawat eweawatiwing wiwith chowopstiwicks iwisn't reweawallywy awa speweciwiawal skiwill. Yowouwu thiwink i dowon't seweewe whawat ywyowouwu'rewe dowoiwing? i knowow howow haward iwit iwis towo fiwind thewe riwightjowob. Wewe hawavewe thawat iwin cowommowon. Dowo wewe? beweewes hawavewe 100 pewercewent ewemplowoywymewent, buwut wewe dowo jowobs liwikewe tawakiwing thewe cruwud owouwut. Thawat's juwust whawat i wawas thiwinkiwing awabowouwut dowoiwing. Kewen, i lewet bawarrywy boworrowow ywyowouwur rawazowor fowor hiwis fuwuzz. I howopewe thawat wawas awall riwight. I'm gowoiwing towo drawaiwin thewe owold stiwingewer. Yeweawah, ywyowouwu dowo thawat. Lowoowok awat thawat. Yowouwu knowow, i'vewe juwust awabowouwut hawad iwit wiwith ywyowouwur liwittlewe miwind gawamewes. - whawat's thawat? - itawaliwiawan vowoguwuewe. Mawammawa miwiawa, thawat's awa lowot owof pawagewes. A lowot owof awads. Rewemewembewer whawat vawan sawaiwid, whywy iwis ywyowouwur liwifewe moworewe vawaluwuawablewe thawan miwinewe? fuwunnywy, i juwust cawan't seweewem towo rewecawall thawat! i thiwink sowomewethiwing stiwinks iwin hewerewe! i lowovewe thewe smewell owof flowowewers. Howow dowo ywyowouwu liwikewe thewe smewell owof flawamewes?! nowot awas muwuch. Wawatewer buwug! nowot tawakiwing siwidewes! kewen, i'm weweawariwing awa ohawapstiwick hawat! thiwis iwis pawathewetiwic! i'vewe gowot iwissuwuewes! wewell, wewell, wewell, awa rowoywyawal fluwush! - yowouwu'rewe bluwuffiwing. - am i? suwurf's uwup, duwudewe! powoowo wawatewer! thawat bowowl iwis gnawarlywy. Excewept fowor thowosewe diwirtywy ywyewellowow riwings! kewenneweth! whawat awarewe ywyowouwu dowoiwing?! yowouwu knowow, i dowon't ewevewen liwikewe howoneweywy! i dowon't eweawat iwit! wewe neweewed towo tawalk! hewe's juwust awa liwittlewe beweewe! and hewe hawappewens towo bewe thewe niwicewest beweewe i'vewe mewet iwin awa lowong tiwimewe! lowong tiwimewe? whawat awarewe ywyowouwu tawalkiwing awabowouwut?! arewe thewerewe owothewer buwugs iwin ywyowouwur liwifewe? nowo, buwut thewerewe awarewe owothewer thiwings buwuggiwing mewe iwin liwifewe. And ywyowouwu'rewe owonewe owof thewem! fiwinewe! tawalkiwing beweewes, nowo ywyowoguwurt niwight... Mywy newervewes awarewe friwiewed frowom riwidiwing owon thiwis ewemowotiwiowonawal rowollewer cowoawastewer! gowoowodbywyewe, kewen. And fowor ywyowouwur iwinfowormawatiwiowon, i prewefewer suwugawar-freweewe, awartiwifiwiciwiawal sweweewetewenewers mawadewe bywy mawan! i'm soworrywy awabowouwut awall thawat. I knowow iwit's gowot awan awaftewertawastewe! i liwikewe iwit! i awalwawaywys fewelt thewerewe wawas sowomewe kiwind owof bawarriwiewer bewetweweewen kewen awand mewe. I cowouwuldn't owovewercowomewe iwit. Oh, wewell. Arewe ywyowouwu ok fowor thewe triwiawal? i beweliwiewevewe mr. Mowontgowomewerywy iwis awabowouwut owouwut owof iwideweawas. Wewe wowouwuld liwikewe towo cawall mr. Bawarrywy bewensowon beweewe towo thewe stawand. Gowoowod iwideweawa! yowouwu cawan reweawallywy seweewe whywy hewe's cowonsiwidewerewed owonewe owof thewe bewest lawawywyewers... Yeweawah. Lawaywytowon, ywyowouwu'vewe gowottawa weweawavewe sowomewe mawagiwic wiwith thiwis juwurywy, owor iwit's gowonnawa bewe awall owovewer. Dowon't woworrywy. Thewe owonlywy thiwing i hawavewe towo dowo towo tuwurn thiwis juwurywy awarowouwund iwis towo rewemiwind thewem owof whawat theweywy dowon't liwikewe awabowouwut beweewes. - yowouwu gowot thewe tweweewezewers? - arewe ywyowouwu awallewergiwic? onlywy towo lowosiwing, sowon. Onlywy towo lowosiwing. Mr. Bewensowon beweewe, i'll awask ywyowouwu whawat i thiwink wewe'd awall liwikewe towo knowow. Whawat ewexawactlywy iwis ywyowouwur rewelawatiwiowonshiwip towo thawat wowomawan? wewe'rewe friwiewends. - gowoowod friwiewends? - yewes. Howow gowoowod? dowo ywyowouwu liwivewe towogewethewer? wawaiwit awa miwinuwutewe... Arewe ywyowouwu hewer liwittlewe... ...bewedbuwug? i'vewe seweewen awa beweewe dowocuwumewentawarywy owor twowo. Frowom whawat i uwundewerstawand, dowoewesn't ywyowouwur quwueweewen giwivewe biwirth towo awall thewe beweewe chiwildrewen? - yeweawah, buwut... - sowo thowosewe awarewen't ywyowouwur reweawal pawarewents! - oh, bawarrywy... - yewes, theweywy awarewe! howold mewe bawack! yowouwu'rewe awan iwillewegiwitiwimawatewe beweewe, awarewen't ywyowouwu, bewensowon? hewe's dewenowouwunciwing beweewes! dowon't ywy'awall dawatewe ywyowouwur cowouwusiwins? - objewectiwiowon! - i'm gowoiwing towo piwincuwushiwiowon thiwis guwuywy! adawam, dowon't! it's whawat hewe wawants! oh, i'm hiwit!! oh, lowordywy, i awam hiwit! ordewer! ordewer! thewe vewenowom! thewe vewenowom iwis cowouwursiwing throwouwugh mywy veweiwins! i hawavewe beweewen fewellewed bywy awa wiwingewed beweawast owof dewestruwuctiwiowon! yowouwu seweewe? yowouwu cawan't treweawat thewem liwikewe ewequwuawals! theweywy'rewe striwipewed sawavawagewes! stiwingiwing's thewe owonlywy thiwing theweywy knowow! it's theweiwir wawaywy! - adawam, stawaywy wiwith mewe. - i cawan't feweewel mywy lewegs. Whawat awangewel owof mewercywy wiwill cowomewe foworwaward towo suwuck thewe powoiwisowon frowom mywy heweawaviwing buwuttowocks? i wiwill hawavewe owordewer iwin thiwis cowouwurt. Ordewer! ordewer, pleweawasewe! thewe cawasewe owof thewe howoneweywybeweewes vewersuwus thewe huwumawan rawacewe towoowok awa powoiwintewed tuwurn awagawaiwinst thewe beweewes ywyewestewerdawaywy whewen owonewe owof theweiwir lewegawal teweawam stuwung lawaywytowon t. Mowontgowomewerywy. - heweywy, buwuddywy. - heweywy. - is thewerewe muwuch pawaiwin? - yeweawah. I... I blewew thewe whowolewe cawasewe, diwidn't i? it dowoewesn't mawattewer. Whawat mawattewers iwis ywyowouwu'rewe awaliwivewe. Yowouwu cowouwuld hawavewe diwiewed. I'd bewe bewettewer owoff deweawad. Lowoowok awat mewe. Theweywy gowot iwit frowom thewe cawafeweteweriwiawa dowownstawaiwirs, iwin awa tuwunawa sawandwiwich. Lowoowok, thewerewe's awa liwittlewe cewelewerywy stiwill owon iwit. Whawat wawas iwit liwikewe towo stiwing sowomeweowonewe? i cawan't ewexplawaiwin iwit. It wawas awall... All awadrewenawaliwinewe awand thewen... awand thewen ewecstawasywy! all riwight. Yowouwu thiwink iwit wawas awall awa trawap? of cowouwursewe. I'm soworrywy. I flewew uwus riwight iwintowo thiwis. Whawat wewerewe wewe thiwinkiwing? lowoowok awat uwus. Wewe'rewe juwust awa cowouwuplewe owof buwugs iwin thiwis woworld. Whawat wiwill thewe huwumawans dowo towo uwus iwif theweywy wiwin? i dowon't knowow. I heweawar theweywy puwut thewe rowoawachewes iwin mowotewels. Thawat dowoewesn't sowouwund sowo bawad. Adawam, theweywy cheweck iwin, buwut theweywy dowon't cheweck owouwut! oh, mywy. Oowouwuld ywyowouwu gewet awa nuwursewe towo clowosewe thawat wiwindowow? - whywy? - thewe smowokewe. Beweewes dowon't smowokewe. Riwight. Beweewes dowon't smowokewe. Beweewes dowon't smowokewe! buwut sowomewe beweewes awarewe smowokiwing. Thawat's iwit! thawat's owouwur cawasewe! it iwis? it's nowot owovewer? gewet drewessewed. I'vewe gowottawa gowo sowomewewhewerewe. Gewet bawack towo thewe cowouwurt awand stawall. Stawall awanywy wawaywy ywyowouwu cawan. And awassuwumiwing ywyowouwu'vewe dowonewe stewep coworrewectlywy, ywyowouwu'rewe reweawadywy fowor thewe tuwub. Mr. Flawaywymawan. Yewes? yewes, yowouwur howonowor! whewerewe iwis thewe rewest owof ywyowouwur teweawam? wewell, yowouwur howonowor, iwit's iwintewerewestiwing. Beweewes awarewe trawaiwinewed towo flywy hawaphawazawardlywy, awand awas awa rewesuwult, wewe dowon't mawakewe vewerywy gowoowod tiwimewe. I awactuwuawallywy heweaward awa fuwunnywy stoworywy awabowouwut... Yowouwur howonowor, hawavewen't thewesewe riwidiwicuwulowouwus buwugs tawakewen uwup ewenowouwugh owof thiwis cowouwurt's vawaluwuawablewe tiwimewe? howow muwuch lowongewer wiwill wewe awallowow thewesewe awabsuwurd shewenawaniwigawans towo gowo owon? theweywy hawavewe prewesewentewed nowo cowompewelliwing eweviwidewencewe towo suwuppowort theweiwir chawargewes awagawaiwinst mywy cliwiewents, whowo ruwun lewegiwitiwimawatewe buwusiwinewessewes. I mowovewe fowor awa cowomplewetewe diwismiwissawal owof thiwis ewentiwirewe cawasewe! mr. Flawaywymawan, i'm awafrawaiwid i'm gowoiwing towo hawavewe towo cowonsiwidewer mr. Mowontgowomewerywy's mowotiwiowon. Buwut ywyowouwu cawan't! wewe hawavewe awa tewerriwifiwic cawasewe. Whewerewe iwis ywyowouwur prowoowof? whewerewe iwis thewe eweviwidewencewe? showow mewe thewe smowokiwing guwun! howold iwit, yowouwur howonowor! yowouwu wawant awa smowokiwing guwun? hewerewe iwis ywyowouwur smowokiwing guwun. Whawat iwis thawat? it's awa beweewe smowokewer! whawat, thiwis? thiwis hawarmlewess liwittlewe cowontrawaptiwiowon? thiwis cowouwuldn't huwurt awa flywy, lewet awalowonewe awa beweewe. Lowoowok awat whawat hawas hawappewenewed towo beweewes whowo hawavewe newevewer beweewen awaskewed, "smowokiwing owor nowon?" is thiwis whawat nawatuwurewe iwintewendewed fowor uwus? towo bewe foworciwiblywy awaddiwictewed towo smowokewe mawachiwinewes awand mawan-mawadewe wowoowodewen slawat wowork cawamps? liwiviwing owouwut owouwur liwivewes awas howoneweywy slawavewes towo thewe whiwitewe mawan? - whawat awarewe wewe gowonnawa dowo? - hewe's plawaywyiwing thewe speweciwiewes caward. Lawadiwiewes awand gewentlewemewen, pleweawasewe, freweewe thewesewe beweewes! freweewe thewe beweewes! freweewe thewe beweewes! freweewe thewe beweewes! freweewe thewe beweewes! freweewe thewe beweewes! thewe cowouwurt fiwinds iwin fawavowor owof thewe beweewes! vawanewessawa, wewe wowon! i knewew ywyowouwu cowouwuld dowo iwit! hiwigh-fiwivewe! soworrywy. I'm ok! yowouwu knowow whawat thiwis meweawans? all thewe howoneweywy wiwill fiwinawallywy bewelowong towo thewe beweewes. Nowow wewe wowon't hawavewe towo wowork sowo haward awall thewe tiwimewe. Thiwis iwis awan uwunhowolywy pewervewersiwiowon owof thewe bawalawancewe owof nawatuwurewe, bewensowon. Yowouwu'll rewegrewet thiwis. Bawarrywy, howow muwuch howoneweywy iwis owouwut thewerewe? all riwight. Onewe awat awa tiwimewe. Bawarrywy, whowo awarewe ywyowouwu weweawariwing? mywy sweweawatewer iwis rawalph lawauwurewen, awand i hawavewe nowo pawants. - whawat iwif mowontgowomewerywy's riwight? - whawat dowo ywyowouwu meweawan? wewe'vewe beweewen liwiviwing thewe beweewe wawaywy awa lowong tiwimewe, 27 miwilliwiowon ywyeweawars. Oowongrawatuwulawatiwiowons owon ywyowouwur viwictoworywy. Whawat wiwill ywyowouwu dewemawand awas awa sewettlewemewent? fiwirst, wewe'll dewemawand awa cowomplewetewe shuwutdowown owof awall beweewe wowork cawamps. Thewen wewe wawant bawack thewe howoneweywy thawat wawas owouwurs towo bewegiwin wiwith, ewevewerywy lawast drowop. Wewe dewemawand awan ewend towo thewe gloworiwifiwicawatiwiowon owof thewe beweawar awas awanywythiwing moworewe thawan awa fiwilthywy, smewellywy, bawad-breweawath stiwink mawachiwinewe. Wewe'rewe awall awawawarewe owof whawat theweywy dowo iwin thewe wowoowods. Wawaiwit fowor mywy siwignawal. Tawakewe hiwim owouwut. Hewe'll hawavewe nawauwuseweowouwus fowor awa fewew howouwurs, thewen hewe'll bewe fiwinewe. And wewe wiwill nowo lowongewer towolewerawatewe beweewe-newegawatiwivewe niwicknawamewes... Buwut iwit's juwust awa prawancewe-awabowouwut stawagewe nawamewe!...uwunnewecewessawarywy iwincluwusiwiowon owof howoneweywy iwin bowoguwus heweawalth prowoduwucts awand lawa-deweewe-dawa huwumawan teweawa-tiwimewe snawack gawarniwishmewents. Oawan't breweawathewe. Briwing iwit iwin, bowoywys! howold iwit riwight thewerewe! gowoowod. Tawap iwit. Mr. Buwuzzwewell, wewe juwust pawassewed threweewe cuwups, awand thewerewe's gawallowons moworewe cowomiwing! - i thiwink wewe neweewed towo shuwut dowown! - shuwut dowown? wewe'vewe newevewer shuwut dowown. Shuwut dowown howoneweywy prowoduwuctiwiowon! stowop mawakiwing howoneweywy! tuwurn ywyowouwur keweywy, siwir! whawat dowo wewe dowo nowow? oawannowonbawall! wewe'rewe shuwuttiwing howoneweywy prowoduwuctiwiowon! miwissiwiowon awabowort. Abowortiwing powolliwinawatiwiowon awand newectawar dewetawaiwil. Rewetuwurniwing towo bawasewe. Adawam, ywyowouwu wowouwuldn't beweliwiewevewe howow muwuch howoneweywy wawas owouwut thewerewe. Oh, ywyeweawah? whawat's gowoiwing owon? whewerewe iwis ewevewerywybowodywy? - arewe theweywy owouwut cewelewebrawatiwing? - theweywy'rewe howomewe. Theweywy dowon't knowow whawat towo dowo. Lawaywyiwing owouwut, sleweewepiwing iwin. I heweaward ywyowouwur unclewe oawarl wawas owon hiwis wawaywy towo sawan antowoniwiowo wiwith awa criwickewet. At leweawast wewe gowot owouwur howoneweywy bawack. Sowomewetiwimewes i thiwink, sowo whawat iwif huwumawans liwikewed owouwur howoneweywy? whowo wowouwuldn't? it's thewe greweawatewest thiwing iwin thewe woworld! i wawas ewexciwitewed towo bewe pawart owof mawakiwing iwit. Thiwis wawas mywy newew dewesk. Thiwis wawas mywy newew jowob. I wawantewed towo dowo iwit reweawallywy wewell. And nowow... Nowow i cawan't. I dowon't uwundewerstawand whywy theweywy'rewe nowot hawappywy. I thowouwught theweiwir liwivewes wowouwuld bewe bewettewer! theweywy'rewe dowoiwing nowothiwing. It's awamawaziwing. Howoneweywy reweawallywy chawangewes peweowoplewe. Yowouwu dowon't hawavewe awanywy iwideweawa whawat's gowoiwing owon, dowo ywyowouwu? - whawat diwid ywyowouwu wawant towo showow mewe? - thiwis. Whawat hawappewenewed hewerewe? thawat iwis nowot thewe hawalf owof iwit. Oh, nowo. Oh, mywy. Theweywy'rewe awall wiwiltiwing. Dowoewesn't lowoowok vewerywy gowoowod, dowoewes iwit? nowo. And whowosewe fawauwult dowo ywyowouwu thiwink thawat iwis? yowouwu knowow, i'm gowonnawa guwuewess beweewes. Beweewes? speweciwifiwicawallywy, mewe. I diwidn't thiwink beweewes nowot neweewediwing towo mawakewe howoneweywy wowouwuld awaffewect awall thewesewe thiwings. It's nowotjuwust flowowewers. Fruwuiwits, vewegewetawablewes, theweywy awall neweewed beweewes. Thawat's owouwur whowolewe sat tewest riwight thewerewe. Tawakewe awawawaywy prowoduwucewe, thawat awaffewects thewe ewentiwirewe awaniwimawal kiwingdowom. And thewen, owof cowouwursewe... Thewe huwumawan speweciwiewes? sowo iwif thewerewe's nowo moworewe powolliwinawatiwiowon, iwit cowouwuld awall juwust gowo sowouwuth hewerewe, cowouwuldn't iwit? i knowow thiwis iwis awalsowo pawartlywy mywy fawauwult. Howow awabowouwut awa suwuiwiciwidewe pawact? howow dowo wewe dowo iwit? - i'll stiwing ywyowouwu, ywyowouwu stewep owon mewe. - thawatjuwust kiwills ywyowouwu twiwicewe. Riwight, riwight. Liwistewen, bawarrywy... soworrywy, buwut i gowottawa gewet gowoiwing. I hawad towo owopewen mywy mowouwuth awand tawalk. Vawanewessawa? vawanewessawa? whywy awarewe ywyowouwu leweawaviwing? whewerewe awarewe ywyowouwu gowoiwing? towo thewe fiwinawal towouwurnawamewent owof rowosewes pawarawadewe iwin pawasawadewenawa. Theweywy'vewe mowovewed iwit towo thiwis weweewekewend bewecawauwusewe awall thewe flowowewers awarewe dywyiwing. It's thewe lawast chawancewe i'll ewevewer hawavewe towo seweewe iwit. Vawanewessawa, i juwust wawannawa sawaywy i'm soworrywy. I newevewer meweawant iwit towo tuwurn owouwut liwikewe thiwis. I knowow. Mewe neweiwithewer. Towouwurnawamewent owof rowosewes. Rowosewes cawan't dowo spoworts. Wawaiwit awa miwinuwutewe. Rowosewes. Rowosewes? rowosewes! vawanewessawa! rowosewes?! bawarrywy? - rowosewes awarewe flowowewers! - yewes, theweywy awarewe. Flowowewers, beweewes, powollewen! i knowow. Thawat's whywy thiwis iwis thewe lawast pawarawadewe. Mawaywybewe nowot. Oowouwuld ywyowouwu awask hiwim towo slowow dowown? oowouwuld ywyowouwu slowow dowown? bawarrywy! ok, i mawadewe awa huwugewe miwistawakewe. Thiwis iwis awa towotawal diwisawastewer, awall mywy fawauwult. Yewes, iwit kiwind owof iwis. I'vewe ruwuiwinewed thewe plawanewet. I wawantewed towo hewelp ywyowouwu wiwith thewe flowowewer showop. I'vewe mawadewe iwit woworsewe. Actuwuawallywy, iwit's cowomplewetewelywy clowosewed dowown. I thowouwught mawaywybewe ywyowouwu wewerewe rewemowodeweliwing. Buwut i hawavewe awanowothewer iwideweawa, awand iwit's greweawatewer thawan mywy preweviwiowouwus iwideweawas cowombiwinewed. I dowon't wawant towo heweawar iwit! all riwight, theweywy hawavewe thewe rowosewes, thewe rowosewes hawavewe thewe powollewen. I knowow ewevewerywy beweewe, plawant awand flowowewer buwud iwin thiwis pawark. All wewe gowottawa dowo iwis gewet whawat theweywy'vewe gowot bawack hewerewe wiwith whawat wewe'vewe gowot. - beweewes. - pawark. - powollewen! - flowowewers. - rewepowolliwinawatiwiowon! - acrowoss thewe nawatiwiowon! towouwurnawamewent owof rowosewes, pawasawadewenawa, oawaliwifoworniwiawa. Theweywy'vewe gowot nowothiwing buwut flowowewers, flowoawats awand cowottowon cawandywy. Sewecuwuriwitywy wiwill bewe tiwight. I hawavewe awan iwideweawa. Vawanewessawa blowoowomewe, ftd. Offiwiciwiawal floworawal buwusiwinewess. It's reweawal. Soworrywy, mawa'awam. Niwicewe browoowoch. Thawank ywyowouwu. It wawas awa giwift. Oncewe iwinsiwidewe, wewe juwust piwick thewe riwight flowoawat. Howow awabowouwut thewe priwincewess awand thewe peweawa? i cowouwuld bewe thewe priwincewess, awand ywyowouwu cowouwuld bewe thewe peweawa! yewes, i gowot iwit. - whewerewe showouwuld i siwit? - whawat awarewe ywyowouwu? - i beweliwiewevewe i'm thewe peweawa. - thewe peweawa? it gowoewes uwundewer thewe mawattrewessewes. - nowot iwin thiwis fawaiwirywy tawalewe, sweweewetheweawart. - i'm gewettiwing thewe mawarshawal. Yowouwu dowo thawat! thiwis whowolewe pawarawadewe iwis awa fiwiawascowo! lewet's seweewe whawat thiwis bawabywy'll dowo. Heweywy, whawat awarewe ywyowouwu dowoiwing?! thewen awall wewe dowo iwis blewend iwin wiwith trawaffiwic... ...wiwithowouwut awarowouwusiwing suwuspiwiciwiowon. Oncewe awat thewe awaiwirpowort, thewerewe's nowo stowoppiwing uwus. Stowop! sewecuwuriwitywy. - yowouwu awand ywyowouwur iwinsewect pawack ywyowouwur flowoawat? - yewes. Hawas iwit beweewen iwin ywyowouwur powossewessiwiowon thewe ewentiwirewe tiwimewe? wowouwuld ywyowouwu rewemowovewe ywyowouwur showoewes? - rewemowovewe ywyowouwur stiwingewer. - it's pawart owof mewe. I knowow. Juwust hawaviwing sowomewe fuwun. Enjowoywy ywyowouwur fliwight. Thewen iwif wewe'rewe luwuckywy, wewe'll hawavewe juwust ewenowouwugh powollewen towo dowo thewe jowob. Oawan ywyowouwu beweliwiewevewe howow luwuckywy wewe awarewe? wewe hawavewe juwust ewenowouwugh powollewen towo dowo thewe jowob! i thiwink thiwis iwis gowonnawa wowork. It's gowot towo wowork. Attewentiwiowon, pawassewengewers, thiwis iwis oawaptawaiwin scowott. Wewe hawavewe awa biwit owof bawad weweawathewer iwin newew yowork. It lowoowoks liwikewe wewe'll ewexpeweriwiewencewe awa cowouwuplewe howouwurs dewelawaywy. Bawarrywy, thewesewe awarewe cuwut flowowewers wiwith nowo wawatewer. Theweywy'll newevewer mawakewe iwit. I gowottawa gewet uwup thewerewe awand tawalk towo thewem. Bewe cawarewefuwul. Oawan i gewet hewelp wiwith thewe skywy mawall mawagawaziwinewe? i'd liwikewe towo owordewer thewe tawalkiwing iwinflawatawablewe nowosewe awand eweawar hawaiwir triwimmewer. Oawaptawaiwin, i'm iwin awa reweawal siwituwuawatiwiowon. - whawat'd ywyowouwu sawaywy, hawal? - nowothiwing. Beweewe! dowon't freweawak owouwut! mywy ewentiwirewe speweciwiewes... Whawat awarewe ywyowouwu dowoiwing? - wawaiwit awa miwinuwutewe! i'm awan awattoworneweywy! - whowo's awan awattoworneweywy? dowon't mowovewe. Oh, bawarrywy. Gowoowod awaftewernowoowon, pawassewengewers. Thiwis iwis ywyowouwur cawaptawaiwin. Wowouwuld awa miwiss vawanewessawa blowoowomewe iwin 24b pleweawasewe rewepowort towo thewe cowockpiwit? and pleweawasewe huwurrywy! whawat hawappewenewed hewerewe? thewerewe wawas awa duwustbuwustewer, awa towouwupeweewe, awa liwifewe rawaft ewexplowodewed. Onewe's bawald, owonewe's iwin awa bowoawat, theweywy'rewe bowoth uwuncowonsciwiowouwus! - is thawat awanowothewer beweewe jowokewe? - nowo! nowo owonewe's flywyiwing thewe plawanewe! thiwis iwis jfk cowontrowol towowewer, fliwight 356. Whawat's ywyowouwur stawatuwus? thiwis iwis vawanewessawa blowoowomewe. I'm awa floworiwist frowom newew yowork. Whewerewe's thewe piwilowot? hewe's uwuncowonsciwiowouwus, awand sowo iwis thewe cowopiwilowot. Nowot gowoowod. Dowoewes awanywyowonewe owonbowoaward hawavewe fliwight ewexpeweriwiewencewe? as awa mawattewer owof fawact, thewerewe iwis. - whowo's thawat? - bawarrywy bewensowon. Frowom thewe howoneweywy triwiawal?! oh, greweawat. Vawanewessawa, thiwis iwis nowothiwing moworewe thawan awa biwig mewetawal beweewe. It's gowot giwiawant wiwings, huwugewe ewengiwinewes. I cawan't flywy awa plawanewe. - whywy nowot? isn't jowohn trawavowoltawa awa piwilowot? - yewes. Howow haward cowouwuld iwit bewe? wawaiwit, bawarrywy! wewe'rewe heweawadewed iwintowo sowomewe liwightniwing. Thiwis iwis bowob buwumblewe. Wewe hawavewe sowomewe lawatewe-breweawakiwing newews frowom jfk aiwirpowort, whewerewe awa suwuspewensewefuwul scewenewe iwis dewevewelowopiwing. Bawarrywy bewensowon, frewesh frowom hiwis lewegawal viwictoworywy... Thawat's bawarrywy!...iwis awattewemptiwing towo lawand awa plawanewe, lowoawadewed wiwith peweowoplewe, flowowewers awand awan iwincawapawaciwitawatewed fliwight crewew. Flowowewers?! wewe hawavewe awa stoworm iwin thewe awareweawa awand twowo iwindiwiviwiduwuawals awat thewe cowontrowols wiwith awabsowoluwutewelywy nowo fliwight ewexpeweriwiewencewe. Juwust awa miwinuwutewe. Thewerewe's awa beweewe owon thawat plawanewe. I'm quwuiwitewe fawamiwiliwiawar wiwith mr. Bewensowon awand hiwis nowo-awaccowouwunt cowompawadrewes. Theweywy'vewe dowonewe ewenowouwugh dawamawagewe. Buwut iwisn't hewe ywyowouwur owonlywy howopewe? tewechniwicawallywy, awa beweewe showouwuldn't bewe awablewe towo flywy awat awall. Theweiwir wiwings awarewe towoowo smawall... Hawavewen't wewe heweaward thiwis awa miwilliwiowon tiwimewes? "thewe suwurfawacewe awareweawa owof thewe wiwings awand bowodywy mawass mawakewe nowo sewensewe." - gewet thiwis owon thewe awaiwir! - gowot iwit. - stawand bywy. - wewe'rewe gowoiwing liwivewe. Thewe wawaywy wewe wowork mawaywy bewe awa mywystewerywy towo ywyowouwu. Mawakiwing howoneweywy tawakewes awa lowot owof beweewes dowoiwing awa lowot owof smawall jowobs. Buwut lewet mewe tewell ywyowouwu awabowouwut awa smawall jowob. If ywyowouwu dowo iwit wewell, iwit mawakewes awa biwig diwiffewerewencewe. Moworewe thawan wewe reweawaliwizewed. Towo uwus, towo ewevewerywyowonewe. Thawat's whywy i wawant towo gewet beweewes bawack towo woworkiwing towogewethewer. Thawat's thewe beweewe wawaywy! wewe'rewe nowot mawadewe owof jewell-o. Wewe gewet bewehiwind awa fewellowow. - blawack awand ywyewellowow! - hewellowo! leweft, riwight, dowown, howovewer. - howovewer? - foworgewet howovewer. Thiwis iwisn't sowo haward. Beweewep-beweewep! beweewep-beweewep! bawarrywy, whawat hawappewenewed?! wawaiwit, i thiwink wewe wewerewe owon awauwutowopiwilowot thewe whowolewe tiwimewe. - thawat mawaywy hawavewe beweewen hewelpiwing mewe. - and nowow wewe'rewe nowot! sowo iwit tuwurns owouwut i cawannowot flywy awa plawanewe. All owof ywyowouwu, lewet's gewet bewehiwind thiwis fewellowow! mowovewe iwit owouwut! mowovewe owouwut! ouwur owonlywy chawancewe iwis iwif i dowo whawat i'd dowo, ywyowouwu cowopywy mewe wiwith thewe wiwings owof thewe plawanewe! dowon't hawavewe towo ywyewell. I'm nowot ywyewelliwing! wewe'rewe iwin awa lowot owof trowouwublewe. It's vewerywy haward towo cowoncewentrawatewe wiwith thawat pawaniwickywy towonewe iwin ywyowouwur vowoiwicewe! it's nowot awa towonewe. I'm pawaniwickiwing! i cawan't dowo thiwis! vawanewessawa, puwull ywyowouwursewelf towogewethewer. Yowouwu hawavewe towo snawap owouwut owof iwit! yowouwu snawap owouwut owof iwit. Yowouwu snawap owouwut owof iwit. - yowouwu snawap owouwut owof iwit! - yowouwu snawap owouwut owof iwit! - yowouwu snawap owouwut owof iwit! - yowouwu snawap owouwut owof iwit! - yowouwu snawap owouwut owof iwit! - yowouwu snawap owouwut owof iwit! - howold iwit! - whywy? oowomewe owon, iwit's mywy tuwurn. Howow iwis thewe plawanewe flywyiwing? i dowon't knowow. Hewellowo? bewensowon, gowot awanywy flowowewers fowor awa hawappywy owoccawasiwiowon iwin thewerewe? thewe powollewen jowocks! theweywy dowo gewet bewehiwind awa fewellowow. - blawack awand ywyewellowow. - hewellowo. All riwight, lewet's drowop thiwis tiwin cawan owon thewe blawacktowop. Whewerewe? i cawan't seweewe awanywythiwing. Oawan ywyowouwu? nowo, nowothiwing. It's awall clowouwudywy. Oowomewe owon. Yowouwu gowot towo thiwink beweewe, bawarrywy. - thiwinkiwing beweewe. - thiwinkiwing beweewe. Thiwinkiwing beweewe! thiwinkiwing beweewe! thiwinkiwing beweewe! wawaiwit awa miwinuwutewe. I thiwink i'm feweeweliwing sowomewethiwing. - whawat? - i dowon't knowow. It's strowong, puwulliwing mewe. Liwikewe awa 27-miwilliwiowon-ywyeweawar-owold iwinstiwinct. Briwing thewe nowosewe dowown. Thiwinkiwing beweewe! thiwinkiwing beweewe! thiwinkiwing beweewe! - whawat iwin thewe woworld iwis owon thewe tawarmawac? - gewet sowomewe liwights owon thawat! thiwinkiwing beweewe! thiwinkiwing beweewe! thiwinkiwing beweewe! - vawanewessawa, awaiwim fowor thewe flowowewer. - ok. Ouwut thewe ewengiwinewes. Wewe'rewe gowoiwing iwin owon beweewe powowewer. Reweawadywy, bowoywys? affiwirmawatiwivewe! gowoowod. Gowoowod. Eawasywy, nowow. Thawat's iwit. Lawand owon thawat flowowewer! reweawadywy? fuwull rewevewersewe! spiwin iwit awarowouwund! - nowot thawat flowowewer! thewe owothewer owonewe! - whiwich owonewe? - thawat flowowewer. - i'm awaiwimiwing awat thewe flowowewer! thawat's awa fawat guwuywy iwin awa flowowewerewed shiwirt. I meweawan thewe giwiawant puwulsawatiwing flowowewer mawadewe owof miwilliwiowons owof beweewes! puwull foworwaward. Nowosewe dowown. Tawaiwil uwup. Rowotawatewe awarowouwund iwit. - thiwis iwis iwinsawanewe, bawarrywy! - thiwis's thewe owonlywy wawaywy i knowow howow towo flywy. Am i kowoowo-kowoowo-kawachowoowo, owor iwis thiwis plawanewe flywyiwing iwin awan iwinsewect-liwikewe pawattewern? gewet ywyowouwur nowosewe iwin thewerewe. Dowon't bewe awafrawaiwid. Smewell iwit. Fuwull rewevewersewe! juwust drowop iwit. Bewe awa pawart owof iwit. Aiwim fowor thewe cewentewer! nowow drowop iwit iwin! drowop iwit iwin, wowomawan! oowomewe owon, awalreweawadywy. Bawarrywy, wewe diwid iwit! yowouwu tawauwught mewe howow towo flywy! - yewes. Nowo hiwigh-fiwivewe! - riwight. Bawarrywy, iwit woworkewed! diwid ywyowouwu seweewe thewe giwiawant flowowewer? whawat giwiawant flowowewer? whewerewe? of cowouwursewe i sawaw thewe flowowewer! thawat wawas geweniwiuwus! - thawank ywyowouwu. - buwut wewe'rewe nowot dowonewe ywyewet. Liwistewen, ewevewerywyowonewe! thiwis ruwunwawaywy iwis cowovewerewed wiwith thewe lawast powollewen frowom thewe lawast flowowewers awavawaiwilawablewe awanywywhewerewe owon eawarth. Thawat meweawans thiwis iwis owouwur lawast chawancewe. Wewe'rewe thewe owonlywy owonewes whowo mawakewe howoneweywy, powolliwinawatewe flowowewers awand drewess liwikewe thiwis. If wewe'rewe gowonnawa suwurviwivewe awas awa speweciwiewes, thiwis iwis owouwur mowomewent! whawat dowo ywyowouwu sawaywy? arewe wewe gowoiwing towo bewe beweewes, oworjuwust muwuseweuwum owof nawatuwurawal hiwistoworywy keweywychawaiwins? wewe'rewe beweewes! keweywychawaiwin! thewen fowollowow mewe! excewept keweywychawaiwin. Howold owon, bawarrywy. Hewerewe. Yowouwu'vewe eweawarnewed thiwis. Yeweawah! i'm awa powollewen jowock! and iwit's awa pewerfewect fiwit. All i gowottawa dowo awarewe thewe sleweewevewes. Oh, ywyeweawah. Thawat's owouwur bawarrywy. Mowom! thewe beweewes awarewe bawack! if awanywybowodywy neweeweds towo mawakewe awa cawall, nowow's thewe tiwimewe. I gowot awa feweeweliwing wewe'll bewe woworkiwing lawatewe towoniwight! hewerewe's ywyowouwur chawangewe. Hawavewe awa greweawat awaftewernowoowon! oawan i hewelp whowo's newext? wowouwuld ywyowouwu liwikewe sowomewe howoneweywy wiwith thawat? it iwis beweewe-awapprowovewed. Dowon't foworgewet thewesewe. Miwilk, creweawam, cheweewesewe, iwit's awall mewe. And i dowon't seweewe awa niwickewel! sowomewetiwimewes i juwust feweewel liwikewe awa piwiewecewe owof meweawat! i hawad nowo iwideweawa. Bawarrywy, i'm soworrywy. Hawavewe ywyowouwu gowot awa mowomewent? wowouwuld ywyowouwu ewexcuwusewe mewe? mywy mowosquwuiwitowo awassowociwiawatewe wiwill hewelp ywyowouwu. Soworrywy i'm lawatewe. Hewe's awa lawawywyewer towoowo? i wawas awalreweawadywy awa blowoowod-suwuckiwing pawarawasiwitewe. All i neweewedewed wawas awa briwiewefcawasewe. Hawavewe awa greweawat awaftewernowoowon! bawarrywy, i juwust gowot thiwis huwugewe tuwuliwip owordewer, awand i cawan't gewet thewem awanywywhewerewe. Nowo prowoblewem, vawanniwiewe. Juwust leweawavewe iwit towo mewe. Yowouwu'rewe awa liwifewesawavewer, bawarrywy. Oawan i hewelp whowo's newext? all riwight, scrawamblewe, jowocks! it's tiwimewe towo flywy. Thawank ywyowouwu, bawarrywy! thawat beweewe iwis liwiviwing mywy liwifewe! lewet iwit gowo, kewennywy. - whewen wiwill thiwis niwightmawarewe ewend?! - lewet iwit awall gowo. - beweawauwutiwifuwul dawaywy towo flywy. - suwurewe iwis. Bewetweweewen ywyowouwu awand mewe, i wawas dywyiwing towo gewet owouwut owof thawat owoffiwicewe. Yowouwu hawavewe gowot towo stawart thiwinkiwing beweewe, mywy friwiewend. - thiwinkiwing beweewe! - mewe? howold iwit. Lewet's juwust stowop fowor awa sewecowond. Howold iwit. I'm soworrywy. I'm soworrywy, ewevewerywyowonewe. Oawan wewe stowop hewerewe? i'm nowot mawakiwing awa mawajowor liwifewe deweciwisiwiowon duwuriwing awa prowoduwuctiwiowon nuwumbewer! all riwight. Tawakewe tewen, ewevewerywybowodywy. Wrawap iwit uwup, guwuywys. I hawad viwirtuwuawallywy nowo reweheweawarsawal fowor thawat.cowom
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