
Jamie Kang (existing trainee)

Nov 22nd, 2020 (edited)
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  2. ☾ personality: She has got a really good sense of humour and can easily make people laugh with her really witty jokes. She also has a major dirty mind. She does not easily get embarrassed in public and will act the same in public as she does at home or with some friends. She likes to address issues head on instead of just beating about the bush or trying to put it off. Also if she has a problem with something her fans are doing, she will tell them to stop, not in a rude way but she will tell them. This can be viewed as a bit negative though as some people may find her insensitive. However, people also like how real she is with them. She doesn't care about what other people think of her or her actions. To many people, her behaviour would be seen as unacceptable or unusual but she doesn't mind, she is glad to be different. In Front of cameras, she is the same as she is off-camera. She tends to act before she thinks which can sometimes lead to some horrible decisions however, it has also led her to some of the best decisions of her life.
  4. ☾ background: Jamie has always wanted to perform in front of people as she felt like she was in her element whenever she did. She used to be part of a circus which involved a lot of acrobatics that she was good at. She soon grew too old for the circus so unfortunately they had to let her go. She needed to find something else to feed her passion and that is when she heard about the the global auditions for Crossroad Media. She did a dance, choreographed by herself, to the song 'Say Aah' by Trey Songz (one of her all-time favourite songs). After a few months of waiting, she finally got called back and heard the good news that she was accepted.
  6. ☾ trivia:
  7. + She has a history of dancing and gymnastics. Her teacher also taught her how to pole dance.
  8. + One of her biggest pet peeves is slow walkers.
  9. + Her favourite colours are purple, red and black.
  10. + She has dyscalculia.
  11. + She has severe emetophobia which is a fear of vomit.
  12. + She has acne and so her dermatologist prescribed her birth control pills to level out her hormones. The pills work a treat however they sometimes make her feel really nauseous or really light-headed and drowsy.
  13. + She used to do guitar lessons but quit after a couple of months as she couldn’t wrap her head around it and so she only really knows the basics.
  14. + She was part of the track team in her school and actually competed in regional and national athletics meets and competitions. She won quite a few and has many medals and trophies to show this.
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