
Garmin exercises

Jan 23rd, 2023
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  1. 30-degree Lat Pull-down
  2. 3-way Calf Raise
  3. 3-way Single-leg Calf Raise
  4. 3-way Weighted Calf Raise
  5. 3-way Weighted Single-leg Calf Raise
  6. 45-degree Cable External Rotation
  7. 45-degree Plank
  8. 90-degree Cable External Rotation
  9. 90-degree Static Hold
  10. Abs Jabs
  11. Alternating Barbell Forward Lunge
  12. Alternating Dumbbell Biceps Curl
  13. Alternating Dumbbell Biceps Curl on Swiss Ball
  14. Alternating Dumbbell Chest Press
  15. Alternating Dumbbell Chest Press on Swiss Ball
  16. Alternating Dumbbell Lunge
  17. Alternating Dumbbell Lunge with Reach
  18. Alternating Dumbbell Lying Triceps Extension
  19. Alternating Dumbbell Row
  20. Alternating Dumbbell Shoulder Press
  21. Alternating-hands Medicine Ball Push-up
  22. Alternating Incline Dumbbell Biceps Curl
  23. Alternating Jump Lunge
  24. Alternating Lateral Raise with Static Hold
  25. Alternating Plate Reach
  26. Alternating Sit-up
  27. Alternating Slide-out
  28. Alternating Staggered Push-up
  29. Ankle Circles
  30. Ankle Dorsiflexion with Band
  31. Ankle Internal Rotation
  32. Arm Circles
  33. Arnold Press
  34. Back Extension with Opposite Arm and Leg Reach
  35. Back-foot Elevated Dumbbell Split Squat
  36. Back Squats
  37. Back Squat with Body Bar
  38. Balancing Squat
  39. Band-assisted Chin-up
  40. Banded Pull-ups (Progression)
  41. Band External Rotation
  42. Band Internal Rotation
  43. Band Side-lying Leg Raise
  44. Barbell Back Squat
  45. Barbell Bench Press
  46. Barbell Biceps Curl
  47. Barbell Board Bench Press
  48. Barbell Box Lunge
  49. Barbell Box Squat
  50. Barbell Bulgarian Split Squat
  51. Barbell Crossover Lunge
  52. Barbell Deadlift
  53. Barbell Floor Press
  54. Barbell Front Split Squat
  55. Barbell Front Squat
  56. Barbell Front Squat to Push Press
  57. Barbell Hack Squat
  58. Barbell Hang Power Clean
  59. Barbell Hang Power Snatch
  60. Barbell Hang Pull
  61. Barbell Hang Squat Clean
  62. Barbell Hang Squat Snatch
  63. Barbell High Pull
  64. Barbell Hip Thrust on Floor
  65. Barbell Hip Thrust with Bench
  66. Barbell Jump Shrug
  67. Barbell Jump Squat
  68. Barbell Lateral Step-up
  69. Barbell Lunge
  70. Barbell Power Clean
  71. Barbell Power Snatch
  72. Barbell Push Press
  73. Barbell Quarter Squat
  74. Barbell Reverse Lunge
  75. Barbell Reverse Wrist Curl
  76. Barbell Roll-out
  77. Barbell Shoulder Press
  78. Barbell Shrug
  79. Barbell Side Lunge
  80. Barbell Siff Squat
  81. Barbell Snatch
  82. Barbell Split Jerk
  83. Barbell Split Squat
  84. Barbell Squat Clean
  85. Barbell Squat Snatch
  86. Barbell Squat with Heels Raised
  87. Barbell Step-over
  88. Barbell Step-up
  89. Barbell Straight-leg Deadlift
  90. Barbell Straight-leg Deadlift to Row
  91. Barbell Upright Row
  92. Barbell Wrist Curl
  93. Bar Holds
  94. Bar Muscle-Up
  95. Base Rotations
  96. Bear Crawl
  97. Behind-the-Back Barbell Reverse Wrist Curl
  98. Behind-the-Back One-arm Cable Curl
  99. Behind-the-Back Smith Machine Shrug
  100. Bench Dip
  101. Bench Press
  102. Bench Squat with Rotational Chop
  103. Bent-arm Lateral Raise and External Rotation
  104. Bent-knee Reverse Hyperextension
  105. Bent-knee Swiss Ball Reverse Hip Raise
  106. Bent-knee V-up
  107. Bent-over Lateral Raise
  108. Bent-over Reach to Sky
  109. Biceps Stretch
  110. Bicycle Crunch
  111. Bob and Weave Circle
  112. Body Bar Oblique Twist
  113. Body-weight Dip
  114. Body-weight Jump Squat
  115. Body-weight Wall Squat
  116. Bosu Ball Push-up
  117. Box Step Squat
  118. Braced Squat
  119. Bridge with Leg Extension
  120. Burpee
  121. Burpee Box Jump
  122. Burpee Pull-up
  123. Butterfly Sit-up
  124. Cable Biceps Curl
  125. Cable Core Press
  126. Cable Crossover
  127. Cable Crunch
  128. Cable Diagonal Raise
  129. Cable External Rotation
  130. Cable Front Raise
  131. Cable Hammer Curl
  132. Cable Kick-back
  133. Cable Lying Triceps Extension
  134. Cable Overhead Triceps Extension
  135. Cable Pull-through
  136. Cable Rotational Lift
  137. Cable Row Standing
  138. Cable Side Bend
  139. Cable Woodchop
  140. Calf Raise
  141. Calorie Row
  142. Cardio
  143. Cardio Core Crawl
  144. Carry
  145. Cat Camel
  146. Cheating Barbell Biceps Curl
  147. Chest Press with Band
  148. Chin Up
  149. Chop
  150. Circular Arm Crunch
  151. Clam Bridge
  152. Clapping Push-up
  153. Clean
  154. Clean and Jerk
  155. Close-grip Barbell Bench Press
  156. Close-grip Chin-up
  157. Close-grip EZ-Bar Biceps Curl
  158. Close-grip Lat Pull-down
  159. Close-grip Medicine Ball Push-up
  160. Close-hands Push-up
  161. Combo Shoulder Raise
  162. Core
  163. Core Control Rear Lunge
  164. Crescent Circle
  165. Cross-body Dumbbell Hammer Curl
  166. Cross-body Mountain Climber
  167. Cross Chop to Knee
  168. Crossed-arm Barbell Front Squat
  169. Crossed-arms Crunch
  170. Crossed-arms Sit-up
  171. Cross Knee Strike
  172. Cross-leg Reverse Crunch
  173. Crossover Chin-up
  174. Crossover Dumbbell Step-up
  175. Cross Punch Roll-up
  176. Crunch
  177. Crunch Chop
  178. Curl
  179. Cycling Russian Twist
  180. Dead Bug
  181. Dead-curl-press
  182. Dead-hang Biceps Curl
  183. Deadlift
  184. Decline Dumbbell Bench Press
  185. Decline Dumbbell Fly
  186. Decline Hammer Curl
  187. Decline Push-up
  188. Depth Jump
  189. Diagonal Lunge
  190. Diamond Push-up
  191. Donkey Calf Raise
  192. Double Crunch
  193. Double Under
  194. Drop Lunge
  195. Dumbbell Alternating Shoulder Press and Twist
  196. Dumbbell Bench Press
  197. Dumbbell Biceps Curl with Static Hold
  198. Dumbbell Box Lunge
  199. Dumbbell Bulgarian Split Squat
  200. Dumbbell Chop
  201. Dumbbell Clean
  202. Dumbbell Crossover Lunge
  203. Dumbbell Deadlift
  204. Dumbbell Diagonal Lunge
  205. Dumbbell Diagonal Raise
  206. Dumbbell Face Pull with External Rotation
  207. Dumbbell Floor Press
  208. Dumbbell Fly
  209. Dumbbell Front Squat
  210. Dumbbell Hammer Curl
  211. Dumbbell Hammer Curl to Lunge to Press
  212. Dumbbell Hang Pull
  213. Dumbbell Jump Shrug
  214. Dumbbell Jump Squat
  215. Dumbbell Kick-back
  216. Dumbbell Lunge
  217. Dumbbell Lunge and Rotation
  218. Dumbbell Lying Triceps Extension
  219. Dumbbell Overhead Bulgarian Split Squat
  220. Dumbbell Push Press
  221. Dumbbell Reverse Lunge
  222. Dumbbell Reverse Lunge to High Knee and Press
  223. Dumbbell Reverse Wrist Curl
  224. Dumbbell Row
  225. Dumbbell Shoulder Press
  226. Dumbbell Shrug
  227. Dumbbell Side Lunge
  228. Dumbbell Single-leg Deadlift to Row
  229. Dumbbell Split Jump
  230. Dumbbell Split Squat
  231. Dumbbell Squat
  232. Dumbbell Squat Clean
  233. Dumbbell Step-over
  234. Dumbbell Step-up
  235. Dumbbell Straight-leg Deadlift
  236. Dumbbell Upright Row
  237. Dumbbell V Raise
  238. Dumbbell Wrist Curl
  239. Elbow Plank Pike Jacks
  240. Elbow-to-Foot Lunge
  241. Elbow-to-Knee Crunch
  242. Elevated-feet Inverted Row
  243. Elevated-feet Plank
  244. Elevated-feet Russian Twist
  245. Elevated Front-foot Barbell Split Squat
  246. Elevated Single-leg Squat
  247. Elevator Abs
  248. [exercise_type_SQUAT_JUMPS_IN_N_OUT]
  249. Explosive Crossover Push-up
  250. Explosive Push-up
  251. Extended Plank
  252. External Hip Raise
  253. EZ-Bar Overhead Triceps Extension
  254. EZ-Bar Preacher Curl
  255. EZ-Bar Pull-over
  256. Face Pull
  257. Face Pull with External Rotation
  258. Farmer's Walk
  259. Farmer's Walk on Toes
  260. Feet-elevated Side-to-Side Push-up
  261. Figure Four Squats
  262. Fire Hydrant Kicks
  263. Floor Inverted Shoulder Press
  264. Floor I Raise
  265. Floor T Raise
  266. Floor Y Raise
  267. Flutter Kicks
  268. Fly
  269. Foam Roller Reverse Crunch on Bench
  270. Foam Roller Reverse Crunch with Dumbbell
  271. Foam Roller Reverse Crunch with Medicine Ball
  272. Forward and Backward Leg Swings
  273. Forward Bend Biceps Curl
  274. Frog Press
  275. Front-foot Elevated Dumbbell Split Squat
  276. Front Kick Tabletop
  277. Front Knee Strike
  278. Front Raise
  279. Full Plank Passé Twist
  280. Get-up Sit-up
  281. GHD Back Extensions
  282. Glutes Stretch
  283. Goblet Squat
  284. Good Morning
  285. Groiners
  286. Gunslinger Lunge
  287. Half-kneeling Rotation
  288. Half-kneeling Rotational Chop
  289. Half-kneeling Rotational Reverse Chop
  290. Half-kneeling Stability Chop
  291. Half-kneeling Stability Reverse Chop
  292. Half-Turkish Get-up
  293. Hammer Curl to Press
  294. Hand Release Push-up
  295. Handstand Push-up
  296. Hanging Hurdle
  297. Hanging Knee Raise
  298. Hanging Knee Raise Oblique Crunch
  299. Hanging Leg Raise
  300. Hanging Single-leg Raise
  301. Hex Dumbbell Hold
  302. High Box Jump
  303. High-pull Burpee
  304. Hip Circles
  305. Hip Crossover
  306. Hip Extension and Cross
  307. Hip Raise
  308. Hip Raise with Feet on Swiss Ball
  309. Hip Raise with Head on Bosu Ball
  310. Hip Raise with Head on Swiss Ball
  311. Hip Raise with Knee Squeeze
  312. Hip Stability
  313. Hip Swing
  314. Hollow, Hold, and Roll
  315. Hollow Rock
  316. Hovering Sit-up
  317. Hyperextension
  318. Inching Elbow Plank
  319. Inchworm
  320. Inchworm to Side Plank
  321. Incline Barbell Bench Press
  322. Incline Dip
  323. Incline Dumbbell Bench Press
  324. Incline Dumbbell Biceps Curl
  325. Incline Dumbbell Fly
  326. Incline Dumbbell Shrug
  327. Incline EZ-Bar Lying Triceps Extension
  328. Incline I Raise
  329. Incline L Raise
  330. Incline Offset Thumb Dumbbell Curl
  331. Incline Push-up
  332. Incline Rear-leg Extension
  333. Incline Reverse Crunch
  334. Incline Smith Machine Bench Press
  335. Incline T Raise
  336. Incline W Raise
  337. Incline Y Raise
  338. Inner-thigh Lift
  339. Inverted Hamstring Stretch
  340. Inverted Row
  341. Inverted Row with Feet on Swiss Ball
  342. Inverted Shoulder Press
  343. Isometric Barbell Bench Press
  344. Isometric-explosive Body-weight Jump Squat
  345. Isometric-explosive Push-up
  346. Jog
  347. Judo Push-up
  348. Jumping Jacks
  349. Jumping Pull-ups
  350. Jump Rope
  351. Jump Rope Crossover
  352. Jump Rope Jog
  353. KBS Overhead
  354. Kettlebell Biceps Curl
  355. Kettlebell Chest Press
  356. Kettlebell Floor to Shelf
  357. Kettlebell Fly
  358. Kettlebell Leg Raises
  359. Kettlebell Row
  360. Kettlebell Sit-up
  361. Kettlebell Squat
  362. Kettlebell Swing
  363. Kettlebell Swing Overhead
  364. Kettlebell Swing with Flip to Squat
  365. Kettlebell Windmill
  366. Kicks
  367. Kipping Pull-up
  368. Kneeling Ab Wheel
  369. Kneeling Cable Crunch
  370. Kneeling Cross Crunch
  371. Kneeling Lat Pull-down
  372. Kneeling Oblique Cable Crunch
  373. Kneeling Plank
  374. Kneeling Push-up
  375. Kneeling Rear Fly
  376. Kneeling Rotational Chop
  377. Kneeling Rotational Reverse Chop
  378. Kneeling Side Plank with Leg Lift
  379. Kneeling Stability Chop
  380. Kneeling Superman
  381. Kneeling Underhand-grip Lat Pull-down
  382. Kneeling Woodchopper
  383. Knee Raises
  384. Knees to Elbow
  385. Lateral Duck Under
  386. Lateral Dumbbell Step-up
  387. Lateral Leap and Hop
  388. Lateral Plyo Squats
  389. Lateral Raise
  390. Lateral Roll
  391. Lateral Slide
  392. Lateral Step-over
  393. Lateral Walks with Band at Ankles
  394. Lat Pull-down
  395. Lat Pull-down with Row
  396. Lawnmower Lunge
  397. Leaning Dumbbell Lateral Raise
  398. Leg Curl
  399. Leg Extensions
  400. Leg Levers
  401. Leg Lowering Drill
  402. Leg Press
  403. Leg Raise
  404. Low Lunge with Isometric Adduction
  405. Low Side-to-Side Lunge
  406. L Pull-up
  407. Lunge
  408. Lunge Matrix
  409. Lunge with Arm Reach
  410. Lunge with Diagonal Reach
  411. Lunge with Side Bend
  412. Lying Abduction Stretch
  413. Lying Concentration Cable Curl
  414. Lying Dumbbell Pull-over to Extension
  415. Lying Dumbbell Raise
  416. Lying External Rotation
  417. Lying EZ-Bar Triceps Extension
  418. Lying Reverse Plank
  419. Lying Straight Leg Raise
  420. Lying Triceps Extension to Close-grip Bench Press
  421. Man Makers
  422. Marching Hip Raise
  423. Marching Hip Raise with Feet On A Swiss Ball
  424. McGill Curl-up
  425. Medicine Ball Alternating V-up
  426. Medicine Ball Chest Pass
  427. Medicine Ball Deadlift-to-Reach
  428. Medicine Ball Leg Drops
  429. Medicine Ball Mountain Climber
  430. Medicine Ball Overhead Throws
  431. Medicine Ball Push-up
  432. Medicine Ball Side Throw
  433. Medicine Ball Sit-up
  434. Medicine Ball Slam
  435. Medicine Ball V-up
  436. Medicine Ball Wood Chops
  437. Mixed-grip Chin-up
  438. Mixed-grip Pull-up
  439. Modified Front Lever
  440. Modified Inverted Row
  441. Modified Mountain Climber and Extension
  442. Modified Pilates Roll-up with Ball
  443. Modified Sit-up
  444. Mountain Climber
  445. Mountain Climber on Sliding Discs
  446. Mountain Climber with Feet on Bosu Ball
  447. Mountain Climber with Hands on Bench
  448. Mountain Climber with Hands on Swiss Ball
  449. Muscle-up (progression)
  450. Neck Rotations
  451. Neck Tilts
  452. Negative Sit-up
  453. Neutral-grip Alternating Dumbbell Row
  454. Neutral Grip Chin Up
  455. Neutral-grip Dumbbell Bench Press
  456. Neutral-grip Dumbbell Incline Bench Press
  457. Offset Dumbbell Lunge
  458. Offset Dumbbell Reverse Lunge
  459. Olympic Lift
  460. One-arm Bent-over Row
  461. One-arm Burpee
  462. One-arm Cable Lateral Raise
  463. One Arm Concentration Curl
  464. One-arm Floor Press
  465. One-arm Full Sit-up
  466. One-arm One-leg Deadlift
  467. One-arm One-leg Row
  468. One-arm Preacher Curl
  469. One-arm Push Press
  470. One-arm Push-up
  471. One-arm Row with Band
  472. One Arm Swing
  473. One-hand Dumbbell Split Snatch
  474. One-legged Dumbbell Row
  475. One-legged Squat
  476. Open Knee Tucks
  477. Opposite Arm and Leg Balance
  478. Overhand-grip Rear Lateral Raise
  479. Overhead Barbell Press
  480. Overhead Barbell Shrug
  481. Overhead Bulgarian Split Squat
  482. Overhead Carry
  483. Overhead Dumbbell Lunge
  484. Overhead Dumbbell Press
  485. Overhead Dumbbell Reverse Lunge
  486. Overhead Dumbbell Shrug
  487. Overhead Dumbbell Split Squat
  488. Overhead Dumbbell Squat
  489. Overhead Dumbbell Triceps Extension
  490. Overhead Lunge
  491. Overhead Lunge with Medicine Ball
  492. Overhead Lunge with Rotation
  493. Overhead Squat
  494. Overhead Walk
  495. Parallette Handstand Push-up
  496. Partial Lockout
  497. Partial Single-leg Squat
  498. Pilates Crunch
  499. Pilates Roll-up with Ball
  500. Pistol Squat
  501. Plank
  502. Plank Jacks with Feet on Sliding Discs
  503. Plank Knee Tucks
  504. Plank Knee Twist
  505. Plank Pike Jumps
  506. Plank Pikes
  507. Plank to Stand-up
  508. Plank with Arm Raise
  509. Plank with Feet on Swiss Ball
  510. Plank with Knee to Elbow
  511. Plank with Oblique Crunch
  512. Plate Pinch Curl
  513. Plate Raises
  514. Plié Slides
  515. Plié Squat
  516. Plyo
  517. Plyometric Side Plank
  518. Power Squat Chops
  519. Preacher Curl with Cable
  520. Pretzel Side Kick
  521. Prisoner Squat
  522. Prone Hip Internal Rotation
  523. Pull-up
  524. Push Jerk
  525. Push-up
  526. Push-up and Row
  527. Push-up Plus
  528. Push-up with Feet on Swiss Ball
  529. Push-up with One Hand on Medicine Ball
  530. Quadruped
  531. Quadruped Hip Extension
  532. Quadruped Leg Raise
  533. Quadruped Rocking
  534. Quadruped with Leg Lift
  535. Rack Pull
  536. Raised-legs Crunch
  537. Reach, Roll, and Lift
  538. Reclining Circle
  539. Reclining Triceps Press
  540. Renegade Row
  541. Reverse Barbell Box Lunge
  542. Reverse Box Lunge
  543. Reverse Crunch
  544. Reverse Crunch on a Bench
  545. Reverse Curl and Lift
  546. Reverse Curl-up
  547. Reverse Dumbbell Box Lunge
  548. Reverse Dumbbell Crossover Lunge
  549. Reverse Dumbbell Diagonal Lunge
  550. Reverse EZ-Bar Curl
  551. Reverse-grip Barbell Bench Press
  552. Reverse-grip Barbell Biceps Curl
  553. Reverse-grip Barbell Row
  554. Reverse-grip Incline Bench Press
  555. Reverse-grip Press-down
  556. Reverse-grip Pull-down
  557. Reverse-grip Triceps Press-down
  558. Reverse Grip Wrist Curl
  559. Reverse Hip Raise
  560. Reverse Leg Raise
  561. Reverse Leg Raise on Swiss Ball
  562. Reverse Lunge with Reach Back
  563. Reverse Lunge with Twist and Overhead Reach
  564. Reverse Sliding Box Lunge
  565. Reverse Sliding Lunge
  566. Ring Dip
  567. Ring Handstand Push-up
  568. Ring Muscle-Up
  569. Ring Push-up
  570. Rolling Side Plank
  571. Rope Climb
  572. Rope-handle Cable Row
  573. Rope Press-down
  574. Rotational Dumbbell Straight-leg Deadlift
  575. Rotational Lift
  576. Row
  577. Run
  578. Runner's Lunge to Balance
  579. Run or Walk
  580. Russian Twist
  581. Scaption
  582. Scaption and Shrug
  583. Scapular Retraction
  584. Scissor Power Switch
  585. Scorpion
  586. Seated Alternating Dumbbell Biceps Curl
  587. Seated Alternating Reverse Crunch
  588. Seated Barbell Good Morning
  589. Seated Barbell Overhead Triceps Extension
  590. Seated Barbell Shoulder Press
  591. Seated Cable Row
  592. Seated Calf Raise
  593. Seated Dumbbell Biceps Curl
  594. Seated Dumbbell External Rotation
  595. Seated Dumbbell Overhead Triceps Extension
  596. Seated Dumbbell Row
  597. Seated Dumbbell Shoulder Press
  598. Seated Dumbbell Toe Raise
  599. Seated EZ-Bar Overhead Triceps Extension
  600. Seated Lateral Raise
  601. Seated Leg U
  602. Seated Rear Lateral Raise
  603. Seated Reverse Dumbbell Curl
  604. Seated Single-arm Overhead Dumbbell Extension
  605. Serratus Chair Shrug
  606. Serratus Shrug
  607. Shifting Side Lunge
  608. Shoulder Circles
  609. Shoulder Press
  610. Shoulder Push-up
  611. Shoulder Stability
  612. Shrug
  613. Side Abs Leg Lift
  614. Side and Crossover Lunge
  615. Side Bend
  616. Side Kick Plank
  617. Side Lunge
  618. Side Lunge and Press
  619. Side Lunge Jump Off
  620. Side Lunge Sweep
  621. Side Lunge to Crossover Tap
  622. Side-lying Lateral Raise
  623. Side Lying Leg Raise
  624. Side Plank
  625. Side Plank and Row
  626. Side Plank Lift
  627. Side Plank to Plank with Reach Under
  628. Side Plank with Elbow on Bosu Ball
  629. Side Plank with Feet on Bench
  630. Side Plank with Knee Circle
  631. Side Plank with Knee Tuck
  632. Side Plank with Leg Lift
  633. Side Plank with Reach Under
  634. Side Step
  635. Side-to-Side Crunch and Weave
  636. Side-to-Side Leg Swings
  637. Side-to-Side Lunge Chops
  638. Side-to-Side Medicine Ball Throws
  639. Side-to-Side Shuffle Jump
  640. Siff Jump Lunge
  641. Single-arm Cable Chest Press
  642. Single-arm Cable Row
  643. Single-arm Cable Row and Rotation
  644. Single-arm Deadlift
  645. Single-arm Dumbbell Bench Press
  646. Single-arm Dumbbell Overhead Triceps Extension
  647. Single-arm Dumbbell Shoulder Press
  648. Single-arm Dumbbell Snatch
  649. Single-arm Dumbbell Swing
  650. Single-arm Hang Snatch
  651. Single-arm Inverted Row
  652. Single-arm Kettlebell Snatch
  653. Single-arm Kettlebell Swing
  654. Single-arm Medicine Ball Push-up
  655. Single-arm Neutral-grip Dumbbell Row
  656. Single-arm Neutral-grip Dumbbell Row and Rotation
  657. Single-arm Reverse Lunge and Press
  658. Single-arm Standing Cable Reverse Fly
  659. Single-arm Step-up and Press
  660. Single-dumbbell Seated Overhead Triceps Extension
  661. Single-leg Back Extension
  662. Single-leg Barbell Deadlift
  663. Single-leg Barbell Good Morning
  664. Single-leg Barbell Straight-leg Deadlift
  665. Single-leg Bench Dip and Kick
  666. Single-leg Bench Get-up
  667. Single-leg Bench Squat
  668. Single-leg Bent-knee Calf Raise
  669. Single-leg Deadlift with Barbell
  670. Single-leg Decline Push-up
  671. Single-leg Dip
  672. Single-leg Donkey Calf Raise
  673. Single-leg Elevated-feet Plank
  674. Single-leg Flex and Extend
  675. Single-leg Hip Raise
  676. Single-leg Hip Raise with Foot on Bench
  677. Single-leg Hip Raise with Foot on Bosu Ball
  678. Single-leg Hip Raise with Foot on Foam Roller
  679. Single-leg Hip Raise with Foot on Medicine Ball
  680. Single-leg Hip Raise with Head on Bosu Ball
  681. Single-leg Hip Raise with Knee Hold
  682. Single-leg Lowering Drill
  683. Single-leg RDL Circuit
  684. Single-leg Reverse Crunch
  685. Single-leg Romanian Deadlift with Dumbbell
  686. Single-leg Side Plank
  687. Single-leg Sliding Leg Curl
  688. Single-leg Squat on Swiss Ball
  689. Single-leg Standing Calf Raise
  690. Single-leg Standing Dumbbell Calf Raise
  691. Single Leg Swiss Ball Hip Raise and Leg Curl
  692. Single-leg Swiss Ball Jackknife
  693. Sit-up
  694. Skater Crunch Cross
  695. Ski Moguls
  696. Sleeper Stretch
  697. Slide Out
  698. Sliding Hip Adduction
  699. Sliding Lateral Lunge
  700. Sliding Leg Curl
  701. Smith Machine Bench Press
  702. Smith Machine Overhead Press
  703. Spiderman Plank
  704. Spiderman Push-up
  705. Spine Extension
  706. Split Barbell Good Morning
  707. Split Jacks
  708. Split Jerk
  709. Split-stance Extension
  710. Split-stance Hammer Curl to Press
  711. Split-stance Offset Pinky Dumbbell Curl
  712. Sprint
  713. Squat
  714. Squat and Side Kick
  715. Squat Clean and Jerk
  716. Squat Jacks
  717. Squat Jump Onto Box
  718. Squat Jumps In and Out
  719. Squat, Plank, Push-up
  720. Squats with Band
  721. Squat Thrusts (Up-downs)
  722. Stacked-feet Push-up
  723. Staggered-hands Push-up
  724. Staggered Squat
  725. Staggered-stance Good Morning
  726. Standing Adduction
  727. Standing Alternating Dumbbell Curls
  728. Standing Barbell Calf Raise
  729. Standing Cable Crunch
  730. Standing Cable Hip Abduction
  731. Standing Cable Pull-over
  732. Standing Calf Raise
  733. Standing Dumbbell Biceps Curl
  734. Standing Dumbbell Calf Raise
  735. Standing EZ-Bar Biceps Curl
  736. Standing Hamstring Stretch
  737. Standing Hip Abduction
  738. Standing Lift
  739. Standing L Raise
  740. Standing Rear Leg Raise
  741. Standing Rotational Chop
  742. Standing Side Crunch
  743. Standing Split Rotational Chop
  744. Standing Split Rotational Reverse Chop
  745. Standing Stability Reverse Chop
  746. Standing T-rotation Balance
  747. Standing Zottman Biceps Curl
  748. Static Back Extension
  749. Static Curl
  750. Static Lying Triceps Extension
  751. Step Climb
  752. Step-out Swing
  753. Step-up
  754. Straight-arm Plank
  755. Straight-arm Plank with Shoulder Touch
  756. Straight-arm Pull-down
  757. Suitcase Squats
  758. Sumo Deadlift
  759. Sumo Deadlift High Pull
  760. Sumo Squat
  761. Sumo Squat Slide-in
  762. Sumo Squat to High Pull
  763. Sumo Squat to Stand
  764. Sumo Squat with Rotation
  765. Superman from Floor
  766. Superman on Swiss Ball
  767. Supine Hip Internal Rotation
  768. Suspended Chin-up
  769. Suspended Dip
  770. Suspended Inverted Row
  771. Suspended Push-up
  772. Suspended Row
  773. Swiss Ball Back Extension
  774. Swiss Ball Body-weight Wall Squat
  775. Swiss Ball Crunch
  776. Swiss Ball Dumbbell Chest Press
  777. Swiss Ball Dumbbell Fly
  778. Swiss Ball Dumbbell Lying Triceps Extension
  779. Swiss Ball Dumbbell Overhead Triceps Extension
  780. Swiss Ball Dumbbell Shoulder Press
  781. Swiss Ball EZ-Bar Lying Triceps Extension
  782. Swiss Ball EZ-Bar Overhead Triceps Extension
  783. Swiss Ball EZ-Bar Preacher Curl
  784. Swiss Ball EZ-Bar Pull-over
  785. Swiss Ball Hip Crossover
  786. Swiss Ball Hip Raise and Leg Curl
  787. Swiss Ball Hyperextension
  788. Swiss Ball I Raise
  789. Swiss Ball Jackknife
  790. Swiss Ball Opposite Arm and Leg Lift
  791. Swiss Ball Pike
  792. Swiss Ball Plank
  793. Swiss Ball Plank Leg Lift
  794. Swiss Ball Plank Leg Lift and Hold
  795. Swiss Ball Plank with Feet on Bench
  796. Swiss Ball Prone Jackknife
  797. Swiss Ball Push-up
  798. Swiss Ball Push-up Plus
  799. Swiss Ball Reach, Roll, and Lift
  800. Swiss Ball Reverse Crunch
  801. Swiss Ball Roll-out
  802. Swiss Ball Russian Twist
  803. Swiss Ball Side Crunch
  804. Swiss Ball Side Plank
  805. Swiss Ball T Raise
  806. Swiss Ball Windshield Wipers
  807. Swiss Ball W Raise
  808. Swiss Ball Y Raise
  809. Tabletop Dip
  810. T-Bar Row
  811. The Teaser
  812. The Teaser, Weighted
  813. Thoracic Crunches on Foam Roller
  814. Thoracic Rotation
  815. Three-part Roll-down
  816. Three-way Plank
  817. Thrusters
  818. Toes to Bar
  819. Total Body
  820. Towel-grip Inverted Row
  821. Towel Plank and Knee-in
  822. Towel Pull-up
  823. T Push-up
  824. Trap-bar Deadlift
  825. Triangle Hip Press
  826. Triceps Crunch
  827. Triceps Extension
  828. Triceps Extension on Floor
  829. Triceps Press
  830. Triceps Press-down
  831. Triple-stop Barbell Bench Press
  832. Triple-stop Push-up
  833. Triple Under
  834. TRX Suspended Jackknife
  835. T-Stabilization
  836. Turkish Get-up to Side Plank
  837. Twisting Standing Dumbbell Biceps Curl
  838. Two-point Plank
  839. U-Boat
  840. Underhand-grip Cable Row
  841. Underhand-grip Rear Lateral Raise
  842. Uneven Squat
  843. V-grip Cable Row
  844. V-up
  845. Waist-slimming Squat
  846. Walk
  847. Walking Barbell Lunge
  848. Walking Dumbbell Lunge
  849. Walking High Kicks
  850. Walking High Knees
  851. Walking Knee Hugs
  852. Walking Leg Cradles
  853. Walking Lunge
  854. Walkout
  855. Walkout from Push-up Position
  856. Wall Ball
  857. Wall Slide
  858. Warm-up
  859. Weighted 45-degree Plank
  860. Weighted 90-degree Static Hold
  861. Weighted Abs Jab
  862. Weighted Alternating-hands Medicine Ball Push-up
  863. Weighted Alternating Jump Lunge
  864. Weighted Alternating Sit-up
  865. Weighted Alternating Slide-out
  866. Weighted Alternating Staggered Push-up
  867. Weighted Back Extension with Opposite Arm and Leg Reach
  868. Weighted Back Squats
  869. Weighted Balancing Squat
  870. Weighted Barbell Roll-out
  871. Weighted Base Rotations
  872. Weighted Bear Crawl
  873. Weighted Bench Dip
  874. Weighted Bench Squat with Rotational Chop
  875. Weighted Bent-knee Reverse Hyperextension
  876. Weighted Bent-knee Swiss Ball Reverse Hip Raise
  877. Weighted Bent-knee V-up
  878. Weighted Bicycle Crunch
  879. Weighted Bob and Weave Circle
  880. Weighted Bosu Ball Push-up
  881. Weighted Box Step Squat
  882. Weighted Bridge with Leg Extension
  883. Weighted Burpee
  884. Weighted Burpee Box Jump
  885. Weighted Burpee Pull-up
  886. Weighted Butterfly Sit-up
  887. Weighted Cardio Core Crawl
  888. Weighted Chin Up
  889. Weighted Clam Bridge
  890. Weighted Clapping Push-up
  891. Weighted Close-grip Chin-up
  892. Weighted Close-grip Medicine Ball Push-up
  893. Weighted Close-hands Push-up
  894. Weighted Crescent Circle
  895. Weighted Cross-body Mountain Climber
  896. Weighted Cross Chop to Knee
  897. Weighted Crossed-arms Crunch
  898. Weighted Crossed-arms Sit-up
  899. Weighted Cross Knee Strike
  900. Weighted Cross-leg Reverse Crunch
  901. Weighted Crossover Chin-up
  902. Weighted Cross Punch Roll-up
  903. Weighted Crunch
  904. Weighted Crunch Chop
  905. Weighted Cycling Russian Twist
  906. Weighted Dead Bug
  907. Weighted Decline Push-up
  908. Weighted Depth Jump
  909. Weighted Diamond Push-up
  910. Weighted Dip
  911. Weighted Donkey Calf Raise
  912. Weighted Double Crunch
  913. Weighted Double Under
  914. Weighted Elbow Plank Pike Jacks
  915. Weighted Elbow-to-Knee Crunch
  916. Weighted Elevated-feet Inverted Row
  917. Weighted Elevated-feet Plank
  918. Weighted Elevated-feet Russian Twist
  919. Weighted Elevated Single-leg Squat
  920. Weighted Elevator Abs
  921. Weighted Explosive Crossover Push-up
  922. Weighted Explosive Push-up
  923. Weighted Extended Plank
  924. Weighted External Hip Raise
  925. Weighted Feet-elevated Side-to-Side Push-up
  926. Weighted Figure Four Squats
  927. Weighted Fire Hydrant Kicks
  928. Weighted Floor Inverted Shoulder Press
  929. Weighted Floor I Raise
  930. Weighted Floor T Raise
  931. Weighted Floor Y Raise
  932. Weighted Flutter Kicks
  933. Weighted Foam Roller Reverse Crunch on Bench
  934. Weighted Front Kick Tabletop
  935. Weighted Front Knee Strike
  936. Weighted Full Plank Passé Twist
  937. Weighted Get-up Sit-up
  938. Weighted GHD Back Extensions
  939. Weighted Half-kneeling Rotation
  940. Weighted Hand Release Push-up
  941. Weighted Handstand Push-up
  942. Weighted Hanging Hurdle
  943. Weighted Hanging Knee Raise
  944. Weighted Hanging Knee Raise Oblique Crunch
  945. Weighted Hanging Leg Raise
  946. Weighted Hanging Single-leg Raise
  947. Weighted High Box Jump
  948. Weighted Hip Circles
  949. Weighted Hip Crossover
  950. Weighted Hip Extension and Cross
  951. Weighted Hip Raise
  952. Weighted Hip Raise with Feet on Swiss Ball
  953. Weighted Hip Raise with Head on Bosu Ball
  954. Weighted Hip Raise with Head on Swiss Ball
  955. Weighted Hip Raise with Knee Squeeze
  956. Weighted Hollow, Hold, and Roll
  957. Weighted Hollow Rock
  958. Weighted Hovering Sit-up
  959. Weighted Inching Elbow Plank
  960. Weighted Inchworm to Side Plank
  961. Weighted Incline Dip
  962. Weighted Incline I Raise
  963. Weighted Incline L Raise
  964. Weighted Incline Push-up
  965. Weighted Incline Rear-leg Extension
  966. Weighted Incline Reverse Crunch
  967. Weighted Incline T Raise
  968. Weighted Incline W Raise
  969. Weighted Incline Y Raise
  970. Weighted Inner-thigh Lift
  971. Weighted Inverted Row with Feet on Swiss Ball
  972. Weighted Inverted Shoulder Press
  973. Weighted Isometric-explosive Jump Squat
  974. Weighted Isometric-explosive Push-up
  975. Weighted Judo Push-up
  976. Weighted Jumping Jacks
  977. Weighted Jumping Pull-ups
  978. Weighted Jump Rope
  979. Weighted Jump Rope Crossover
  980. Weighted Jump Rope Jog
  981. Weighted Jump Squat
  982. Weighted Kicks
  983. Weighted Kipping Pull-up
  984. Weighted Kneeling Ab Wheel
  985. Weighted Kneeling Cross Crunch
  986. Weighted Kneeling Plank
  987. Weighted Kneeling Push-up
  988. Weighted Kneeling Side Plank with Leg Lift
  989. Weighted Kneeling Superman
  990. Weighted Knee Raises
  991. Weighted Lateral Leap and Hop
  992. Weighted Lateral Plyo Squats
  993. Weighted Lateral Roll
  994. Weighted Lateral Slide
  995. Weighted Lateral Step-over
  996. Weighted Leg Curl
  997. Weighted Leg Extensions
  998. Weighted Leg Lowering Drill
  999. Weighted L Pull-up
  1000. Weighted Lunge
  1001. Weighted Lunge Matrix
  1002. Weighted Lying Reverse Plank
  1003. Weighted Lying Straight Leg Raise
  1004. Weighted Marching Hip Raise
  1005. Weighted Marching Hip Raise with Feet on Swiss Ball
  1006. Weighted McGill Curl-up
  1007. Weighted Medicine Ball Mountain Climber
  1008. Weighted Medicine Ball Push-up
  1009. Weighted Mixed-grip Chin-up
  1010. Weighted Mixed-grip Pull-up
  1011. Weighted Modified Front Lever
  1012. Weighted Modified Inverted Row
  1013. Weighted Modified Mountain Climber and Extension
  1014. Weighted Modified Pilates Roll-up with Ball
  1015. Weighted Mountain Climber
  1016. Weighted Mountain Climber on Sliding Discs
  1017. Weighted Mountain Climber with Feet on Bosu Ball
  1018. Weighted Mountain Climber with Hands on Swiss Ball
  1019. Weighted One-arm Floor Press
  1020. Weighted One-arm Push-up
  1021. Weighted Open Knee Tucks
  1022. Weighted Parallette Handstand Push-up
  1023. Weighted Partial Single-leg Squat
  1024. Weighted Pilates Crunch
  1025. Weighted Pilates Roll-up with Ball
  1026. Weighted Pistol Squat
  1027. Weighted Plank
  1028. Weighted Plank Jacks with Feet on Sliding Discs
  1029. Weighted Plank Knee Tucks
  1030. Weighted Plank Knee Twist
  1031. Weighted Plank Pike Jumps
  1032. Weighted Plank Pikes
  1033. Weighted Plank to Stand-up
  1034. Weighted Plank with Arm Raise
  1035. Weighted Plank with Knee to Elbow
  1036. Weighted Plank with Oblique Crunch
  1037. Weighted Plié Slides
  1038. Weighted Plié Squat
  1039. Weighted Plyometric Side Plank
  1040. Weighted Power Squat Chops
  1041. Weighted Pretzel Side Kick
  1042. Weighted Prisoner Squat
  1043. Weighted Prone Hip Internal Rotation
  1044. Weighted Pull-up
  1045. Weighted Push-up
  1046. Weighted Push-up and Row
  1047. Weighted Push-up Plus
  1048. Weighted Push-up with Feet on Swiss Ball
  1049. Weighted Push-up with One Hand on Medicine Ball
  1050. Weighted Quadruped Hip Extension
  1051. Weighted Quadruped Leg Raise
  1052. Weighted Quadruped With Leg Lift
  1053. Weighted Raised-legs Crunch
  1054. Weighted Reclining Circle
  1055. Weighted Reverse Crunch
  1056. Weighted Reverse Crunch on a Bench
  1057. Weighted Reverse Curl and Lift
  1058. Weighted Reverse Curl-up
  1059. Weighted Reverse Hip Raise
  1060. Weighted Reverse Leg Raise
  1061. Weighted Reverse Leg Raise on Swiss Ball
  1062. Weighted Reverse Lunge with Reach Back
  1063. Weighted Reverse Lunge with Twist and Overhead Reach
  1064. Weighted Reverse Sliding Box Lunge
  1065. Weighted Reverse Sliding Lunge
  1066. Weighted Ring Dip
  1067. Weighted Ring Handstand Push-up
  1068. Weighted Ring Muscle-Up
  1069. Weighted Rolling Side Plank
  1070. Weighted Rope Climb
  1071. Weighted Rotational Lift
  1072. Weighted Row
  1073. Weighted Runner's Lunge to Balance
  1074. Weighted Russian Twist on Swiss Ball
  1075. Weighted Seated Alternating Reverse Crunch
  1076. Weighted Seated Calf Raise
  1077. Weighted Seated Leg U
  1078. Weighted Serratus Chair Shrug
  1079. Weighted Serratus Shrug
  1080. Weighted Shoulder Push-up
  1081. Weighted Side Abs Leg Lift
  1082. Weighted Side and Crossover Lunge
  1083. Weighted Side Bend
  1084. Weighted Side Kick Plank
  1085. Weighted Side Lunge
  1086. Weighted Side Lunge Sweep
  1087. Weighted Side Lunge to Crossover Tap
  1088. Weighted Side Lying Leg Raise
  1089. Weighted Side Plank
  1090. Weighted Side Plank and Row
  1091. Weighted Side Plank Lift
  1092. Weighted Side Plank with Elbow on Bosu Ball
  1093. Weighted Side Plank with Feet on Bench
  1094. Weighted Side Plank with Knee Circle
  1095. Weighted Side Plank with Knee Tuck
  1096. Weighted Side Plank with Leg Lift
  1097. Weighted Side Plank with Reach Under
  1098. Weighted Side Step
  1099. Weighted Side-to-Side Crunch and Weave
  1100. Weighted Side-to-Side Lunge Chops
  1101. Weighted Side-to-Side Shuffle Jump
  1102. Weighted Siff Jump Lunge
  1103. Weighted Single-arm Inverted Row
  1104. Weighted Single-arm Medicine Ball Push-up
  1105. Weighted Single-leg Back Extension
  1106. Weighted Single-leg Bench Dip and Kick
  1107. Weighted Single-leg Bench Get-up
  1108. Weighted Single-leg Bench Squat
  1109. Weighted Single-leg Bent-knee Calf Raise
  1110. Weighted Single-leg Dip
  1111. Weighted Single-leg Donkey Calf Raise
  1112. Weighted Single-leg Elevated-feet Plank
  1113. Weighted Single-leg Flex and Extend
  1114. Weighted Single-leg Hip Raise
  1115. Weighted Single-leg Hip Raise with Foot on Bench
  1116. Weighted Single-leg Hip Raise with Foot on Bosu Ball
  1117. Weighted Single-leg Hip Raise with Foot on Foam Roller
  1118. Weighted Single-leg Hip Raise with Foot on Medicine Ball
  1119. Weighted Single-leg Hip Raise with Head on Bosu Ball
  1120. Weighted Single-leg Lowering Drill
  1121. Weighted Single-leg Reverse Crunch
  1122. Weighted Single-leg Side Plank
  1123. Weighted Single-leg Squat on Swiss Ball
  1124. Weighted Single-leg Swiss Ball Jackknife
  1125. Weighted Sit-up
  1126. Weighted Skater Crunch Cross
  1127. Weighted Ski Moguls
  1128. Weighted Sliding Hip Adduction
  1129. Weighted Sliding Lateral Lunge
  1130. Weighted Spiderman Plank
  1131. Weighted Spiderman Push-up
  1132. Weighted Spine Extension
  1133. Weighted Split Jacks
  1134. Weighted Squat
  1135. Weighted Squat Jacks
  1136. Weighted Squat Jump Onto Box
  1137. Weighted Squat Jumps In and Out
  1138. Weighted Squat, Plank, Push-up
  1139. Weighted Squat Thrusts (Up-downs)
  1140. Weighted Stacked-feet Push-up
  1141. Weighted Staggered-hands Push-up
  1142. Weighted Staggered Squat
  1143. Weighted Standing Adduction
  1144. Weighted Standing Calf Raise
  1145. Weighted Standing Hip Abduction
  1146. Weighted Standing Rear Leg Raise
  1147. Weighted Standing T-rotation Balance
  1148. Weighted Static Back Extension
  1149. Weighted Step Climb
  1150. Weighted Step-up
  1151. Weighted Straight-arm Plank
  1152. Weighted Straight-arm Plank with Shoulder Touch
  1153. Weighted Sumo Squat Slide-in
  1154. Weighted Sumo Squat to Stand
  1155. Weighted Sumo Squat with Rotation
  1156. Weighted Superman from Floor
  1157. Weighted Supine Hip Internal Rotation
  1158. Weighted Suspended Dip
  1159. Weighted Suspended Inverted Row
  1160. Weighted Suspended Push-up
  1161. Weighted Swiss Ball Back Extension
  1162. Weighted Swiss Ball Crunch
  1163. Weighted Swiss Ball Hyperextension
  1164. Weighted Swiss Ball I Raise
  1165. Weighted Swiss Ball Jackknife
  1166. Weighted Swiss Ball Opposite Arm and Leg Lift
  1167. Weighted Swiss Ball Pike
  1168. Weighted Swiss Ball Plank
  1169. Weighted Swiss Ball Plank Leg Lift
  1170. Weighted Swiss Ball Plank with Feet on Bench
  1171. Weighted Swiss Ball Prone Jackknife
  1172. Weighted Swiss Ball Push-up
  1173. Weighted Swiss Ball Push-up Plus
  1174. Weighted Swiss Ball Reverse Crunch
  1175. Weighted Swiss Ball Roll-out
  1176. Weighted Swiss Ball Russian Twist
  1177. Weighted Swiss Ball Side Crunch
  1178. Weighted Swiss Ball Side Plank
  1179. Weighted Swiss Ball T Raise
  1180. Weighted Swiss Ball Wall Squat
  1181. Weighted Swiss Ball W Raise
  1182. Weighted Swiss Ball Y Raise
  1183. Weighted Tabletop Dip
  1184. Weighted Thoracic Crunches on Foam Roller
  1185. Weighted Three-part Roll-down
  1186. Weighted Three-way Plank
  1187. Weighted Towel-grip Inverted Row
  1188. Weighted Towel Plank and Knee-in
  1189. Weighted Towel Pull-up
  1190. Weighted T Push-up
  1191. Weighted Triangle Hip Press
  1192. Weighted Triple-stop Push-up
  1193. Weighted Triple Under
  1194. Weighted TRX Suspended Jackknife
  1195. Weighted T-Stabilization
  1196. Weighted Turkish Get-up to Side Plank
  1197. Weighted Two-Point Plank
  1198. Weighted U-Boat
  1199. Weighted Uneven Squat
  1200. Weighted V-up
  1201. Weighted Walking Lunge
  1202. Weighted Wall Slide
  1203. Weighted Wall Squat
  1204. Weighted Wide-grip Pull-up
  1205. Weighted Wide-hands Push-up
  1206. Weighted Wide-stance Plank with Diagonal Arm Lift
  1207. Weighted Wide-stance Plank with Diagonal Leg Lift
  1208. Weighted Windmill Switches
  1209. Weight-plate Front Raise
  1210. Wide-grip Barbell Bench Press
  1211. Wide-grip Barbell Deadlift
  1212. Wide Grip Barbell Shrug
  1213. Wide-grip EZ-Bar Biceps Curl
  1214. Wide-grip Jump Shrug
  1215. Wide-grip Lat Pull-down
  1216. Wide-grip Overhead Barbell Split Squat
  1217. Wide-grip Pull-up
  1218. Wide-grip Seated Cable Row
  1219. Wide-hands Push-up
  1220. Wide-stance Barbell Squat
  1221. Wide-stance Goblet Squat
  1222. Wide-stance Plank with Diagonal Arm Lift
  1223. Wide-stance Plank with Diagonal Leg Lift
  1224. Wide-stance Plank with Leg Lift
  1225. Windmill Switches
  1226. X Abs
  1227. Zercher Good Morning
  1228. Zercher Squat
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