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- Imports System.IO
- Imports File = System.IO.File
- Public Class myAppointment
- Private Sub myStaff_Load(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load
- fillGrid(dgv_appointment, fileLoc_Appointment)
- ' fills the grid when the user loadths form
- ' StartPosition = FormStartPosition.CenterScreen
- ' centering of screen occurs in design code
- ' sets the colours for the textbox using the values from my design
- txt_appID.BackColor = gray
- txt_staffID.BackColor = gray
- txt_cusID.BackColor = gray
- txt_cusName.BackColor = gray
- txt_staffIDApp.BackColor = gray
- txt_staffNameApp.BackColor = gray
- DTP_Appointment.BackColor = gray
- DTP_booking.BackColor = gray
- txt_tOA.BackColor = gray
- txt_treatmentID.BackColor = gray
- txt_service1.BackColor = gray
- txt_service2.BackColor = gray
- txt_service3.BackColor = gray
- txt_serviceName1.BackColor = gray
- txt_serviceName2.BackColor = gray
- txt_serviceName3.BackColor = gray
- End Sub
- Private Sub fillText(ByVal rowIndex As Integer)
- txt_appID.Text = dgv_appointment.Rows(rowIndex).Cells(0).Value
- txt_staffID.Text = dgv_appointment.Rows(rowIndex).Cells(1).Value
- txt_cusID.Text = dgv_appointment.Rows(rowIndex).Cells(2).Value
- ' taking the value from current row
- txt_cusName.Text = Decryption(FindField(fileLoc_Customer, txt_cusID.Text, 1)) + " " + Decryption(FindField(fileLoc_Customer, txt_cusID.Text, 2))
- ' combines the forename and surname from the customer file for the customer ID
- txt_staffIDApp.Text = dgv_appointment.Rows(rowIndex).Cells(3).Value
- ' taking the value from current row
- txt_staffNameApp.Text = Decryption(FindField(fileLoc_Staff, txt_staffIDApp.Text, 1)) + " " + Decryption(FindField(fileLoc_Staff, txt_staffIDApp.Text, 2))
- ' combines the forename and surname from the Staff file from the staff ID
- ' error handling for the MinValue if a date wasn't assigned, avoids crashes
- If Not dgv_appointment.Rows(rowIndex).Cells(4).Value = Date.MinValue Then
- DTP_booking.Value = dgv_appointment.Rows(rowIndex).Cells(4).Value
- DTP_Appointment.Value = dgv_appointment.Rows(rowIndex).Cells(5).Value
- ' taking the value from current row
- End If
- txt_tOA.Text = dgv_appointment.Rows(rowIndex).Cells(6).Value
- txt_treatmentID.Text = dgv_appointment.Rows(rowIndex).Cells(7).Value
- ' taking the value from current row
- txt_treatmentName.Text = FindField(fileLoc_Appointment, txt_treatmentID.Text, 2)
- ' finds the name of the treatment from the file by taking the ID and searching, avoids memorising the names of the treatments
- Dim ServiceUse As Integer = FindField(fileLoc_Appointment, txt_appID.Text, 8)
- ' Finds the service use from the appointment record, does it this way as it doesn't appear on the table
- txt_service1.Text = FindField(FileLoc_ServiceUse, ServiceUse, 2)
- txt_service2.Text = FindField(FileLoc_ServiceUse, ServiceUse, 3)
- txt_service3.Text = FindField(FileLoc_ServiceUse, ServiceUse, 4)
- ' Searches the service use file with the found ID to find the appropriate service IDs
- txt_serviceName1.Text = FindField(FileLoc_Service, txt_service1.Text, 2)
- txt_serviceName2.Text = FindField(FileLoc_Service, txt_service2.Text, 2)
- txt_serviceName3.Text = FindField(FileLoc_Service, txt_service3.Text, 2)
- ' Takes the name from the service file by using the ID found in the above code
- End Sub
- Private Sub clearText()
- txt_appID.Text = ""
- txt_staffID.Text = ""
- txt_cusID.Text = ""
- txt_cusName.Text = ""
- txt_staffIDApp.Text = ""
- txt_staffNameApp.Text = ""
- DTP_booking.Text = ""
- DTP_Appointment.Text = ""
- txt_tOA.Text = ""
- txt_treatmentID.Text = ""
- txt_service1.Text = ""
- txt_service2.Text = ""
- txt_service3.Text = ""
- txt_serviceName1.Text = ""
- txt_serviceName2.Text = ""
- txt_serviceName3.Text = ""
- ' Subroutine to clear all the text boxes on screen, can be called anywhere in the form
- End Sub
- 'Navigation
- Private dgvNavigator As New DataGridViewNavigator()
- ' Allows the form to have access to the subroutines in the class
- Private Sub btn_first_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles btn_first.Click
- dgvNavigator.SelectFirst(dgv_appointment)
- fillText(dgvNavigator.CurrentIndex) ' Fills boxes with information from currently viewed record
- End Sub
- Private Sub btn_previous_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles btn_previous.Click
- dgvNavigator.SelectPrevious(dgv_appointment)
- fillText(dgvNavigator.CurrentIndex) ' Fills boxes with information from currently viewed record
- End Sub
- Private Sub btn_next_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles btn_next.Click
- dgvNavigator.SelectNext(dgv_appointment)
- fillText(dgvNavigator.CurrentIndex) ' Fills boxes with information from currently viewed record
- End Sub
- Private Sub btn_last_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles btn_last.Click
- dgvNavigator.SelectLast(dgv_appointment)
- fillText(dgvNavigator.CurrentIndex) ' Fills boxes with information from currently viewed record
- End Sub
- '----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------'
- Private Sub btn_add_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles btn_add.Click
- clearText()
- Dim newID As Integer = AddRecord(fileLoc_Appointment)
- txt_appID.Text = newID
- txt_staffID.Text = userID
- End Sub
- Private Sub btn_save_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles btn_save.Click
- ' Compiles the data to create a string that is passed onto the SaveRecord subroutine in the module
- If Check() = False Then
- ' Runs check
- Return
- End If
- Dim appointmentID As String = txt_appID.Text
- ' Services are optional additions to appointments, below creates the ServiceUse which is the way the program keeps referential integrity
- Dim service1ID As String = txt_service1.Text
- Dim service2ID As String = txt_service2.Text
- Dim service3ID As String = txt_service3.Text
- Dim serviceUserID As Integer = ServiceUseCreate(appointmentID, service1ID, service2ID, service3ID)
- If UniqueCheck(appointmentID, fileLoc_Appointment) Then
- ' If the appointmentID is unique to the file, it will go ahead with adding the new appointment
- Dim newAppointment As String = txt_appID.Text & "," & txt_staffID.Text & "," & txt_cusID.Text & "," & txt_staffIDApp.Text & "," & DTP_booking.Value.Date & "," & DTP_Appointment.Value.Date & "," & txt_tOA.Text & "," & txt_treatmentID.Text & "," & serviceUserID
- ' Compiles the data into a String
- MsgBox(newAppointment)
- ' Displays the new record to the user in a MsgBox
- SaveRecord(fileLoc_Appointment, newAppointment)
- ' Passes on new Record to SaveRecord subroutine in the module
- fillGrid(dgv_appointment, fileLoc_Appointment)
- ' Refreshes dataGrid to show new record
- Else
- MsgBox("ID is not unique.")
- End If
- End Sub
- Private Function ServiceUseCreate(ByVal AppointmentID As String, Optional Service1 As String = "-1", Optional Service2 As String = "-1", Optional Service3 As String = "-1")
- Dim newID As String = AddRecord(FileLoc_ServiceUse)
- '-1 representing a null answer.
- Dim serviceValid As Boolean = True
- serviceValid = ServiceCheck(serviceValid, Service1, Service2, Service3)
- If serviceValid = True Then
- ' Service valid checks to see if a non null input was made into a service ID. if an attempt of adding a service was made, and it doesn't exist, it wont create the ServiceUse
- Dim newServiceUse As String = newID & "," & AppointmentID & "," & Service1 & "," & Service2 & "," & Service3
- SaveRecord(FileLoc_ServiceUse, newServiceUse)
- Return newID
- End If
- Return True
- End Function
- Private Function ServiceCheck(ByRef ServiceValid As Boolean, Optional Service1 As String = "-1", Optional Service2 As String = "-1", Optional Service3 As String = "-1")
- ' Checks the validity of any Services
- If Not (Service1 = "-1" Or Service1 = "") Then
- If BinSearch(Service1, FileLoc_Service, 0) = False Then
- serviceValid = False
- End If
- End If
- If Not (Service2 = "-1" Or Service2 = "") Then
- If BinSearch(Service2, FileLoc_Service, 0) = False Then
- serviceValid = False
- End If
- End If
- If Not (Service3 = "-1" Or Service3 = "") Then
- If BinSearch(Service3, FileLoc_Service, 0) = False Then
- serviceValid = False
- End If
- End If
- Return ServiceValid
- End Function
- Private Function Check()
- ' Check is a function that changes on the form and checks each field in the forms given record
- ' If it can make it to the end of the function without returning a false, it is treated as valid data
- If txt_appID.Text = "" Then
- ' Runs a presence check on the Appointment ID
- MsgBox("please enter an appointment ID")
- Return False
- End If
- If Not IntCheck(txt_appID.Text) Then
- ' Int checks the appointment ID
- Return False
- End If
- Dim staffId As Integer = txt_staffID.Text
- If BinSearch(staffId, fileLoc_Staff, 0) = False Then
- ' Checks that the staff ID exists in the text file
- MsgBox("invalid Staff ID")
- Return False
- End If
- Dim staffIdApp As Integer = txt_staffIDApp.Text
- If BinSearch(staffIdApp, fileLoc_Staff, 0) = False Then
- ' Validates the existence of the staff ID appointed
- MsgBox("invalid Appointed Staff ID")
- Return False
- End If
- ' Below looks to see if there exists a timetable on the date that the appointment is scheduled to be on
- Dim index As Integer = 0
- ' An integer that will be incremented to go through the timetable ID's
- Dim timetableTrue As Boolean = False
- ' Initially set as false, iterative algorithm below will have to prove that there does exist a Timetable to flip this
- For Each line As String In fileLoc_timetable
- Dim indString As String = CStr(index)
- Dim timetableDate As Date = FindFieldButDate(fileLoc_timetable, indString, 1)
- ' Uses the FindFieldButDate function to return the date of the given timetable
- If timetableDate = DTP_Appointment.Value.Date Then
- ' Compares the timetableDate to the date of the appointment, if they match, the boolean value is set to true
- timetableTrue = True
- Exit For
- Else
- index = index + 1
- ' Increments by 1
- End If
- Next
- If timetableTrue = False Then
- Return False
- End If
- Dim shift1 As Integer = FindField(fileLoc_timetable, index, 2)
- Dim shift2 As Integer = FindField(fileLoc_timetable, index, 3)
- Dim shift3 As Integer = FindField(fileLoc_timetable, index, 4)
- Dim shift4 As Integer = FindField(fileLoc_timetable, index, 5)
- Dim shift5 As Integer = FindField(fileLoc_timetable, index, 6)
- Dim StaffShift As Integer = 0
- ' When it is established that there is a timetable on the date, the code below checks each of 5 shifts on the timetable to see if the staff is assigned to one of them
- ' If the staff member is, the integer staff shift will hold the shift ID that contains the start and finish time of the shift
- If txt_staffIDApp.Text = FindField(fileLoc_Shift, shift1, 2) Then
- StaffShift = shift1
- End If
- If txt_staffIDApp.Text = FindField(fileLoc_Shift, shift2, 2) Then
- StaffShift = shift2
- End If
- If txt_staffIDApp.Text = FindField(fileLoc_Shift, shift3, 2) Then
- StaffShift = shift3
- End If
- If txt_staffIDApp.Text = FindField(fileLoc_Shift, shift4, 2) Then
- StaffShift = shift4
- End If
- If txt_staffIDApp.Text = FindField(fileLoc_Shift, shift5, 2) Then
- StaffShift = shift5
- End If
- If StaffShift = 0 Then
- ' this will happen if the staff ID is not associated with any of the shifts
- Return False
- End If
- 'if this point is reached, there is a timetable that is on the day of the appointment, and the staff id appointed is on a shift during that time,
- 'below is checking that the time of the appointment is within the bounds of the shift
- Dim part() As String = txt_tOA.Text.Split(":")
- IntCheck(part(0))
- IntCheck(part(1))
- Dim hour As Integer = CInt(part(0))
- Dim minute As Integer = CInt(part(1))
- If hour < 0 Or hour > 24 Then
- ' Format Checking of the time
- MsgBox("invalid Hour")
- Return False
- End If
- If minute < 0 Or minute > 60 Then
- ' Format Checking of the time
- MsgBox("invalid minute")
- Return False
- End If
- Dim shiftStart As String = FindField(fileLoc_Shift, StaffShift, 3)
- Dim shiftEnd As String = FindField(fileLoc_Shift, StaffShift, 4)
- Dim partStart() As String = shiftStart.Split(":")
- ' Splits the time into two spots in an array, 0 being the hour and 1 being the minutes
- Dim partEnd() As String = shiftEnd.Split(":")
- If Not (part(0) > partStart(0) AndAlso part(0) < partEnd(0)) Then
- ' Not logic applied on top of a check if the time is within the bounds of the shift
- MsgBox("Time of appointment is outside the shift bounds")
- Return False
- End If
- If part(0) < partStart(0) OrElse (part(0) = partStart(0) AndAlso part(1) < partStart(1)) Then
- ' Checks to see if the appointment hour is before the start of the shift, or if it the same hour, but the minute is before the shift
- Return False
- End If
- Dim CusId As Integer = txt_cusID.Text
- If BinSearch(CusId, fileLoc_Customer, 0) = False Then
- ' Validates the existence of the customer id
- MsgBox("invalid Customer ID")
- Return False
- End If
- Dim treatmentID As Integer = txt_treatmentID.Text
- If BinSearch(treatmentID, fileLoc_treatment, 0) = False Then
- MsgBox("invalid Treatment ID")
- Return False
- End If
- Dim booking As String = DTP_booking.Value.Date
- Dim Appointment As String = DTP_Appointment.Value.Date
- Dim BookingParts As String() = booking.Split("/")
- Dim AppointmentParts As String() = Appointment.Split("/")
- 'part 0 is day, 1 is month, 2 is year
- If CInt(BookingParts(2)) > CInt(AppointmentParts(2)) Then
- MsgBox("Year of booking is later than year of appointment")
- Return False
- End If
- If CInt(BookingParts(2)) < CInt(AppointmentParts(2)) Then
- ' If the year of the appointment is after the year of the booking, the month and day are irrelevant, hence making checking them unnecessary
- GoTo postdate
- End If
- If CInt(BookingParts(1)) > CInt(AppointmentParts(1)) Then
- MsgBox("Month of booking is later than month of appointment")
- Return False
- End If
- If CInt(BookingParts(1)) < CInt(AppointmentParts(1)) Then
- ' If the month of the appointment is after the month of booking, then checking the day is irrelevant
- GoTo postdate
- End If
- If CInt(BookingParts(0)) > CInt(AppointmentParts(0)) Then
- MsgBox("Day of booking is later than day of appointment")
- Return False
- End If
- If txt_tOA.Text.Length > 5 Then
- MsgBox("Invalid time of appointment")
- Return False
- End If
- postdate: ' Is reached if the year is greater or the month is greater
- ' The Idea is that if the year or month is greater, the date is irrelevent.
- Return True
- End Function
- Private Sub btn_edit_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles btn_edit.Click
- If Check() = False Then
- ' Checks the new information
- Return
- End If
- Dim ID As Integer = txt_appID.Text
- Dim ServiceUse As Integer = FindField(fileLoc_Appointment, txt_appID.Text, 8)
- Dim newValues As String = txt_appID.Text & "," & txt_staffID.Text & "," & txt_cusID.Text & "," & txt_staffIDApp.Text & "," & DTP_booking.Value.Date & "," & DTP_Appointment.Value.Date & "," & txt_tOA.Text & "," & txt_treatmentID.Text & "," & ServiceUse
- ' Compiles the TextBox inputs as a string called newValues, that is passed onto the EditRecord along with the primary key ID that is used to find the record that is being edited
- EditRecord(ID, newValues, fileLoc_Appointment)
- fillGrid(dgv_appointment, fileLoc_Appointment)
- ' Grid is refreshed to show new changed
- Dim service1 As String = txt_service1.Text
- Dim service2 As String = txt_service2.Text
- Dim service3 As String = txt_service3.Text
- Dim IDString As String = CStr(ID)
- ' Converts the ID of the appoint to a string to be treated as a string in the editing of a record
- Dim serviceValid As Boolean = True
- serviceValid = ServiceCheck(serviceValid, service1, service2, service3)
- ' Checks the validity of any services added to the appointment
- If serviceValid = True Then
- ' Edits the ServiceUse to reflect and additions and removals of services to the file
- Dim newServiceUse As String = ServiceUse & "," & IDString & "," & service1 & "," & service2 & "," & service3
- EditRecord(ServiceUse, newServiceUse, FileLoc_ServiceUse)
- End If
- End Sub
- Private Sub btn_delete_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles btn_delete.Click
- If txt_appID.Text = "" Then
- ' Avoids a crash if a blank ID is input
- Return
- End If
- Dim appID As Integer = txt_appID.Text
- ' Gives an integer value for the record that the user is trying to delete
- DeleteRecord(dgv_appointment, fileLoc_Appointment, appID)
- fillGrid(dgv_appointment, fileLoc_Appointment)
- ' Refreshes grid
- End Sub
- Private Sub btn_menu_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles btn_menu.Click
- ' Takes user back to main menu
- Me.Visible = False
- myMenu.Visible = True
- End Sub
- '' Private Sub Button1_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles Button1.Click
- '' Dim Customername As String = InputBox("please enter the customer name to search for appointments under that name")
- 'gets the name that is being searched
- '' Dim customerIDs As List(Of String) = LikeSearch(Customername, fileLoc_Customer, 1)
- 'Searches for the name, if it matches (LIKE Logic) then it will store it in the string
- ''Dim AppointmentIDs As List(Of String) = LikeSearch2(customerIDs, fileLoc_Appointment, 2)
- '' Console.WriteLine(AppointmentIDs)
- '' Console.WriteLine(customerIDs)
- '' ShowOnGrid(AppointmentIDs, dgv_appointment)
- '' End Sub
- ''Public Function LikeSearch(Field As Object, fileloc As String, part As Int16)
- '' Dim sr As New StreamReader(fileloc)
- 'sets up a variable to read the wanted file
- '' Dim lines As String() = File.ReadAllLines(fileloc)
- 'stores all the lines in the file
- '' Dim searchedIDs As New List(Of String)
- 'creates a new list the stores all the IDs
- ''For Each line As String In lines
- '' Dim parts As String() = line.Split(","c)
- 'splits each record by the commas
- ''If Field Like parts(part) Then
- '' searchedIDs.Add(parts(0))
- 'adds the ID to the list
- ' ' End If
- ' ' Next
- '' sr.Close()
- '' Return searchedIDs
- '' End Function
- '
- '' Public Sub ShowOnGrid(Ids As Object, dgv As DataGridView)
- ' ' For Each row As DataGridViewRow In dgv.Rows
- ''If Not row.IsNewRow Then
- ''Dim ID As String = row.Cells(0).Value.ToString()
- 'splits each record by the commas
- ''If Ids.contains(ID) Then
- '' row.Visible = True
- 'adds the ID to the list
- ''Else
- ' ' row.Visible = False
- ' 'End If
- ''End If
- ' 'Next
- ''End Sub
- Private Sub Button6_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs)
- 'Brings up the help tab
- myHelp.Visible = True
- End Sub
- Private Sub txt_cusID_TextChanged(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles txt_cusID.TextChanged
- ' When an ID is put in the appointed customer, the name is automatically placed
- txt_cusName.Text = Decryption(FindField(fileLoc_Customer, txt_cusID.Text, 1)) + " " + Decryption(FindField(fileLoc_Customer, txt_cusID.Text, 2))
- End Sub
- Private Sub txt_staffIDApp_TextChanged(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles txt_staffIDApp.TextChanged
- ' When an ID is put in the appointed staff, the name is automatically placed
- txt_staffNameApp.Text = Decryption(FindField(fileLoc_Staff, txt_staffIDApp.Text, 1)) + " " + Decryption(FindField(fileLoc_Staff, txt_staffIDApp.Text, 2))
- End Sub
- Private Sub Button2_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles btn_AppIDAsc.Click
- ' Sorts appointments by ID ascending
- AscSort(fileLoc_Appointment, 0)
- fillGrid(dgv_appointment, fileLoc_Appointment)
- End Sub
- Private Sub btn_appIDDesc_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles btn_appIDDesc.Click
- ' Sorts appointments by ID Descending
- DescSort(fileLoc_Appointment, 0)
- fillGrid(dgv_appointment, fileLoc_Appointment)
- End Sub
- End Class
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