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Dec 15th, 2013
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  1. Orange was a jerk as usual. Her two-way spread shot on the first phase gives way more graze than anything else, but as usual she refused to use it very much. Sometimes you get lucky and get a ton of graze from it, and others she says no. Fortunately the gains from this aren't too huge. Hard/Lunatic are another story but Normal is okay. Midboss Kurumi has some sweet-ass stuff you can do with her, but I didn't because it's scary and hard. One of the two hardest things in the game imo between reacting to which direction she moves and positioning yourself before she starts shooting on the side waves. It's scary. And hard. Finished boss Kurumi phase 1 a bit early which cost me some graze but I'm not going to lose sleep over that. Stage 3 felt a little sloppy as I was going through it but I still went into Elly with the 30.5m average for a "good" run so I can't complain. Many of my recent runs were sitting at 30m or even sub-30. Cancel on Elly's final was a bit low, minor losses from the death but I laughed. I was terrified going into stage 4 though since I'm way more comfortable with suicide before second stage 4 bomb but it worked out okay. Stage 4 went well though I started getting nervous when I wasn't able to kill myself. Reimu was a bitch on her final and wouldn't let me out of the side so I had to yolo and died ;_;. Which in turn forced me to cap rings which was scary as fuck but I lived. Stage 5 Yuuka grazing was poor but I was playing it safe because she's probably the hardest part of the game. I could have got another 300-350 graze if the timing and positioning was all perfect but I rarely even get the 800 graze Yuuka when I savestate practice so eh. 500 is acceptable for an actual run. There's another strat on her I didn't use as well because it's way too scary. Like so scary that I will probably never consider using it ever. It's for people who are willing to throw runs on stage 5 just because there's a potential extra 200 graze to be had. True superplayers only. Also timed out one of her phases by accident so I missed out on 5 items but eh, it happens. Stage 6 I don't have a clue. I had to pause because I realized I had too many lives. For some reason I was routing around having one less life at stage 6 and forgot that there was supposed to be 3 bombs on the stage and not two. Explains why I was confused about not having the extra bomb at Yuuka when I was route planning though. I dropped a couple items when I unpaused I think because it messed with my timing. Oh well. Yuuka went well. Last stage 6 bomb went well which was a damn miracle because I haven't practiced this stage in over a year minus the two times I got to it in the last week. Stupid of me I know but fuck it, yolo (and it worked out so fuck yeah). Yuuka went as perfectly as I could have hoped. I didn't move too slow on phase 2 and die like I often do so grazecap happened. NMNB aside from suicides on the second last phase, bombed the final for bullet clearing points because not much else to do with the bomb, and here we go.
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