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a guest
Jun 25th, 2017
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  1. on 1:TEXT:*!Start-TD*:#:{
  2. if (%td == on) {
  3. .msg $nick Game already in progress, $nick $+ .
  4. }
  5. else {
  6. .enable #group1
  7. .set -u600 %td on
  8. .msg $chan Truth or dare started. The game will last 10 minutes type !Truth for a truth question, !Dare for a dare, !Pass to pass your go, !End-TD to end the game, !Answer Blah Blah to answer your truth questions and !Accept to accept your dare.
  9. .timer 1 1 msg $chan $nick you started the game so you go first! Truth or Dare?
  10. $+(.timerexpire) 1 600 expire #
  11. .set %turn.nick $nick
  12. }
  13. }
  15. #Group1 off
  16. on 1:TEXT:!Truth*:#:{
  17. if ($nick == %turn.nick) && (%type == $null) {
  18. set %type Truth
  19. var %truth_or_dare $read(truth.txt)
  20. .msg $chan Truth for $nick : %truth_or_dare
  21. .writeini ToD.ini $nick Last_Truth_Or_Dare Last Truth: $+ %truth_or_dare
  22. .msg $chan Use !Answer <Answer> to answer! Or, use !Pass to skip your go!
  23. }
  24. else {
  25. if ($right(%turn.nick,1) == s) {
  26. .msg $nick Please wait your turn $nick $+ ! It is %turn.nick $+ ' go.
  27. }
  28. if ($right(%turn.nick,1) != s) {
  29. .msg $nick Please wait your turn $nick $+ ! It is %turn.nick $+ 's go.
  30. }
  31. }
  32. }
  34. on 1:TEXT:!Dare*:#:{
  35. if ($nick == %turn.nick) && (%type == $null) {
  36. set %type dare
  37. var %truth_or_dare $read(dare.txt)
  38. .msg $chan Dare for $nick : %truth_or_dare
  39. .writeini ToD.ini $nick Last_Truth_Or_Dare Last Dare: %truth_or_dare
  40. .msg $chan Use !Accept to accept your dare! Or, use !Pass to skip your go!
  41. }
  42. else {
  43. if ($right(%turn.nick,1) == s) {
  44. .msg $nick Please wait your turn $nick $+ ! It is %turn.nick $+ ' go.
  45. }
  46. if ($right(%turn.nick,1) != s) {
  47. .msg $nick Please wait your turn $nick $+ ! It is %turn.nick $+ 's go.
  48. }
  49. }
  50. }
  51. on *:TEXT:!Skip*:#: {
  52. if ($nick isop $chan) {
  53. if ($2 == %turn.nick) {
  54. .writeini ToD.ini Away_Idlers $2 $chan
  55. .mode $chan -v $2
  56. .msg $2 You've been devoiced and set to away for taking too long to respond.
  57. .msg $2 Please use /msg $me !Back when you are present, and I will allow you to play again! [:
  58. :set
  59. .set %turn.nick $nick($chan,$rand(1,$nick($chan,0,v)),v)
  60. if ($nick($chan,0,v) <= 2) {
  61. .timer 1 1 .msg $chan $nick($chan,1,v) was the last remaining player!
  62. .timer 1 2 .expire $chan
  63. .halt
  64. }
  65. if ($me == %turn.nick) {
  66. .goto set
  67. }
  68. else {
  69. unset %type
  70. .timer 1 5 msg $chan %turn.nick $+ ! Your Turn! Type !Truth for truth or !Dare for dare.
  71. }
  72. }
  73. }
  74. else {
  75. .msg $nick You aren't an OP, $nick $+ .
  76. }
  77. }
  78. on 1:TEXT:!Pass*:#:{
  79. if ($nick == %turn.nick) {
  80. .writeini ToD.ini $nick Last_Response turn was passed, too scared to play! D:
  81. .mode $chan -v $nick
  82. .timer 1 120 .mode $chan +v $nick
  83. %pass = $replace($read(pass.txt),(u),$nick)
  84. .msg $chan %pass
  85. .msg $chan $nick has been devoiced for two minutes and cannot play. ]:
  86. :setpass
  87. .set %turn.nick $nick($chan,$rand(1,$nick($chan,0,v)),v)
  88. if ($nick($chan,0,v) <= 2) {
  89. .timer 1 1 .msg $chan $nick($chan,1,v) was the last remaining player!
  90. .timer 1 2 .expire $chan
  91. .halt
  92. }
  93. if ($nick == %turn.nick) {
  94. .goto setpass
  95. }
  96. if ($me == %turn.nick) {
  97. .goto setpass
  98. }
  99. else {
  100. unset %type
  101. .timer 1 5 msg $chan %turn.nick $+ ! Your Turn! Type !Truth for truth or !Dare for dare.
  102. }
  103. }
  104. else {
  105. if ($right(%turn.nick,1) == s) {
  106. .msg $nick Please wait your turn $nick $+ ! It is %turn.nick $+ ' go.
  107. }
  108. if ($right(%turn.nick,1) != s) {
  109. .msg $nick Please wait your turn $nick $+ ! It is %turn.nick $+ 's go.
  110. }
  111. }
  112. }
  114. on 1:TEXT:!Answer*:#:{
  115. if ($nick == %turn.nick) {
  116. if (%type != Truth) {
  117. .msg $chan $nick $+ , you picked dare! Please !Accept or !Pass.
  118. .halt
  119. }
  120. .writeini ToD.ini $nick Last_Response Last Response: $2-
  121. if ($nick($chan,0,v) <= 1) {
  122. .timer 1 1 .msg $chan $nick($chan,1,v) was the last remaining player!
  123. .timer 1 2 .expire $chan
  124. .halt
  125. }
  126. while $istok($nick $me ,%turn.nick,32) {
  127. .set %turn.nick $nick($chan,$rand(1,$nick($chan,0,v)),v)
  128. }
  129. unset %type
  130. .timer 1 5 .msg $chan %turn.nick $+ ! Your Turn! Type !Truth for truth or !Dare for dare.
  131. }
  132. else {
  133. if ($right(%turn.nick,1) == s) {
  134. .msg $nick Please wait your turn $nick $+ ! It is %turn.nick $+ ' go.
  135. }
  136. if ($right(%turn.nick,1) != s) {
  137. .msg $nick Please wait your turn $nick $+ ! It is %turn.nick $+ 's go.
  138. }
  139. }
  140. }
  142. on 1:TEXT:!Accept*:#:{
  143. if (%type != Dare) {
  144. .msg $chan $nick $+ , you picked truth! Please !Answer or !Pass.
  145. .halt
  146. }
  147. .writeini ToD.ini $nick Last_Response dare was accepted.
  148. if ($nick == %turn.nick) {
  149. .msg $chan %turn.nick has accepted their dare! Make sure they do it! [:
  150. if ($nick($chan,0,v) <= 1) {
  151. .timer 1 1 .msg $chan $nick($chan,1,v) was the last remaining player!
  152. .timer 1 2 .expire $chan
  153. .halt
  154. }
  155. while $istok($nick $me,%turn.nick,32) {
  156. .set %turn.nick $nick($chan,$rand(1,$nick($chan,0,v)),v)
  157. }
  158. unset %type
  159. .timer 1 5 .msg $chan %turn.nick $+ ! Your Turn! Type !Truth for truth or !Dare for dare.
  160. }
  161. else {
  162. if ($right(%turn.nick,1) == s) {
  163. .msg $nick Please wait your turn $nick $+ ! It is %turn.nick $+ ' go.
  164. }
  165. if ($right(%turn.nick,1) != s) {
  166. .msg $nick Please wait your turn $nick $+ ! It is %turn.nick $+ 's go.
  167. }
  168. }
  169. }
  171. #group1 end
  173. on 1:TEXT:!End-TD*:#:{
  174. if (%td == $null) {
  175. .msg $nick No game is in progress, $nick $+ .
  176. }
  177. else {
  178. .expire $chan
  179. }
  180. }
  181. on *:TEXT:!Info*:#:{
  182. var %info1 $readini ToD.ini $2 Last_Truth_Or_Dare
  183. var %info2 $readini ToD.ini $2 Last_Response
  184. if (%info1 == $null) {
  185. .msg $nick $2 has not played yet, $nick $+ .
  186. }
  187. else {
  188. if ($right($2,1) == s) {
  189. .msg $nick $2 $+ ' %info1
  190. .msg $nick $2 $+ ' %info2
  191. }
  192. if ($right($2,1) != s) {
  193. .msg $nick $2 $+ 's %info1
  194. .msg $nick $2 $+ 's %info2
  195. }
  196. }
  197. }
  198. on *:TEXT:!Away:#:{
  199. .writeini ToD.ini Away_Idlers $nick $chan
  200. .msg $chan $nick is now away and can no longer be selected to play.
  201. .mode $chan -v $nick
  202. }
  203. on *:TEXT:!Back:?:{
  204. var %ab $readini ToD.ini Away_Idlers $nick
  205. .mode %ab +v $nick
  206. .msg %ab $nick is no longer away and can be selected to play.
  207. .remini ToD.ini Away_Idlers $nick
  208. }
  209. alias expire {
  210. .msg $1 The game has ended Type !Start-TD to start a new game!
  211. .unset %turn.nick
  212. .unset %td
  213. .unset %type
  214. .mv $1
  215. .timers off
  216. .disable #group1
  217. }
  220. alias mv {
  221. var %a $nick($1,0)
  222. while (%a) {
  223. if ($readini(ToD.ini,Away_Idlers,$nick($1,%a)) != $null) goto check
  224. if ($nick($1,%a) !isvoice $1) var %b %b $nick($1,%a)
  225. if ($numtok(%b,32) == $modespl) { mode $1 $+(+,$str(v,$modespl)) %b | var %b $null }
  226. :check
  227. dec %a
  228. }
  229. if (%b) mode $1 $+(+,$str(v,$numtok(%b,32))) %b
  230. }
  233. menu channel {
  234. Truths File:run truth.txt
  235. Dares File:run dare.txt
  236. Passes File:run pass.txt
  237. }
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