

Feb 14th, 2016
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  1. kidnap arc, mustafar alternative, anakin no hurt, obi wan is ded (emotionally notliterally)
  3. mustafar. everything is going as normal, except obi wan doesnt cut off anakins legs, and instead goes for the higher hit, causing Anakin to strike back hard, making obi wan lose his balance and hit the hard rock surface of mustafar. He goes into a coma and is taken prisoner. Leia is taken my c3p0 and r2d2 to polis massa and dies giving birth. Twins are crowned prince and princess of aldaaran. Obi wan wakes up 2 years later.
  4. β€œOn TV, it seems like someone in a coma wakes up right away, looks around, and is able to think and talk normally. But in real life, this rarely happens. When coming out of a coma, a person probably will be confused and only slowly respond to what's going on. It will take time for the person to start feeling better.
  5. Whether someone fully returns to normal after being in a coma depends on what caused the coma and how badly the brain may have been hurt. Sometimes people who come out of comas are just as they were before - they can remember what happened to them before the coma and can do everything they used to do.”
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