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Jul 9th, 2018
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  1. Ride the lightning
  2. It so does.
  4. The Jokes on You has left Multiverse
  5. 19:55Gwen M. Stacy
  6. I don't know if you can sell on eBay.
  7. 19:56Ride the lightning
  8. I know it's hard to tell the difference but this is a Hyena pup. I think. Did I grab the kid on accident? Please tell me I didn't.
  9. Gwen M. Stacy
  10. I still don't think you can sell those on eBay.
  11. Ride the lightning
  12. Yeah and most people can't turn their entire biological makeup into energy but lookit me.
  13. Gwen M. Stacy
  14. Good luck then.
  15. 19:57Ride the lightning
  16. ..Then again you might be right. I'll have to ask Grodd.
  18. Eggsy has left Multiverse
  19. 19:57Agent of Asgard
  20. Well that's just great.
  22. Goddess Of Storms has left Multiverse
  23. 19:57
  24. James B.Barnes lowered his gaze, grip tight enough on the change of clothes to hide the fact that his hands were shaking. He turned in his heel to go change, head bowed low.
  25. 19:59James B.Barnes
  26. *on not in
  28. Wade Wilson! has joined Multiverse
  29. 20:00
  30. Wade Wilson! slides in at the tail end of the drama. "Damnit I missed it!"
  31. 20:01
  32. Izzy Quinzel smiles slightly and waves at JR while the pup bit at the one who had scooped her up
  33. 20:02
  34. Joker JR! twitches sharply, staring at the little girl with rather dead looking eyes. A giggle escaped before he turned away and stumbled back to the corner to press himself into it.
  35. 20:03Izzy Quinzel
  36. him* not her XD the pup is a him)\
  37. Ride the lightning bit at but not entirely bothered by that - if she got bit the pup would just get shocked given all the ambient electricity that'd have a new home once it made a circuit with it's mouth to.
  38. 20:04
  39. Izzy Quinzel looked at the one who had a hold of her pup and made of way over to her. "Give him back. Hes mine not yours." She states with a huff, placing her hands on her hips
  40. James B.Barnes settled into his usual chair after he'd changed, the previous outfit having just been tossed into the trash. He shifted down, head hitting his forearms which were resting on the table.
  42. Thorne Of A Rose has left Multiverse
  43. 20:05
  44. Wade Wilson! slides over to Bucky and offers him a beer.
  46. Happy Meal with Legs has joined Multiverse
  47. 20:07Ride the lightning
  48. ..No?
  49. James B.Barnes shook his head to decline the offered beer.
  50. Happy Meal with Legs whistles for attention then waves at whomever looks her way.
  51. Izzy Quinzel huffs again and gives her foot a stomp. "Than youre stealin and stealin is bad."
  52. Ride the lightning
  53. Yeeeep.
  54. 20:08
  55. Wade Wilson! looks at the Harley, holds up a 9.5 score card.
  56. Happy Meal with Legs still has it.
  57. 20:09
  58. Izzy Quinzel glares at her before making her way over to Bucky again, tugging on his pants leg
  60. Matt M Murdock has joined Multiverse
  61. 20:11
  62. James B.Barnes slowly lifted his head. "What, kid..."
  63. Izzy Quinzel pouts slightly and points to the one who wont give her pup back.
  64. 20:12
  65. Matt M Murdock comes into the room lead by his cane. He made his way over to an empty seat and he sits down setting down his bag next to him.
  66. Wade Wilson! looks to the one with the Hyena. "How much is that doggy?"
  67. 20:13Ride the lightning
  68. I dunno, I'm having a hard time putting a price on companionship mixed with picking up crap.
  69. James B.Barnes sighed, removing one of theguns from his person, cocking it and pointing it at the one holding the pup. "Put the damned thing down."
  70. Wade Wilson!
  71. "I'll give ya $500. Don't ask why it's all in singles."
  72. 20:14
  73. Happy Meal with Legs pulls out her own gun and aims at Barnes, "Hey! This is fun."
  74. Wade Wilson! pulls out a watergun. "Fucking Disney I swear..." Pulls out his real guns. "Now as I said, $500."
  75. 20:15
  76. Izzy Quinzel eyes widen as the guy offered $500 for her pup
  77. Wade Wilson! winks at Izzy.
  78. Ride the lightning holds up a finger that begins to crackle and spark. "Whoa whoa whoa there, Bucko. You may have a bullet with my name on it but my lightning is addressed 'to whom it may concern.' "
  79. 20:16
  80. James B.Barnes shook his head in irritation, throwing the gun off to the side, a real sign he wasn't feeling well and stood, chair kicked somewhere behind him. "Deal with it yourself, kid." He stalked over to Steve, grabbed his wrist and tugged slightly. "Want to talk."
  81. Agent of Asgard
  82. How soon after befriending some adventurers do you think it's acceptable to reveal that you are, infact, not a friendly codger by a malevolent deity tricking them to do your will?
  83. Asking for a friend.
  84. 20:18
  85. Izzy Quinzel blinks and frowns, wasnt he supposed to be a good guy? , her bottom lip quivering slightly. Most she had was like 50 cents to offer for her pup back
  87. Happy Meal with Legs has left Multiverse
  88. 20:18Mark of Kaine
  89. Ha Deadpool a good guy.
  90. 20:19Ride the lightning
  91. Hmmm... That settles it. I'm keepin' the pup. Since people wanna pull out guns on me.
  92. Izzy Quinzel
  93. actually meant bucky not Deadpool XD)
  94. Wade Wilson! outbids Izzy, throws the wad of cash at Leslie and snatches the pup. He walks over to Izzy and crouches. "Hey kid, if you got a quarter so I can ride the shopping carts at Aldi I'll give you this pup.
  95. 20:20Wade Wilson!
  96. "*
  97. Captain America - Steve Rogers blinked as his arm was grabbed. Was in a sliding chair. "Sure I guess, what's the topic?" Was probably going to be rolled away.
  98. Ride the lightning much faster than Deadpool, so flies straight up with her cargo before he can take a single step.
  99. Mark of Kaine webs the cub away from Wade. That belongs in a museum Zoo
  100. 20:21
  101. Mark of Kaine or not
  102. Ride the lightning
  103. Try that shit again and I'm frying it.
  104. Test me on it. I dare ya.
  105. 20:22
  106. Izzy Quinzel blinks and looks at the ones threatening her pup. "Please don't." She says, tears running down the four year olds cheeks. Other than Bella, the pup was the only friends she had plus it was a gift from her daddy
  107. Wade Wilson! grumbles. "Crazy lady, I threw 500 dollars at you for it, the money is still there... On the floor. If you want it you better get it before one of these other crazies gets money hungry."
  108. James B.Barnes looked back at Steve. "Please just come with me..."
  110. Stark Industries has joined Multiverse
  111. 20:23
  112. Matt M Murdock Reaches into his bag and he pulled out his Braille law book and he gets back to work.
  113. Ride the lightning perks a brow. "I don't want or need your money. I don't even wanna know how you fit all those singles in that onesie you wear. ..Actually now I'm sure nobody wants those singles."
  114. 20:24
  115. Wade Wilson! shook his fist. "Hey, just because they smell like a prison wallet means nothing!"
  116. Ride the lightning
  117. Why are you so gross!?
  118. James B.Barnes sighed while he waited for Steve's answer, looking to the woman with the pup. "Just give her the damn dog back. You really want to be responsible for breaking a child's heart?"
  120. The Mad Prince has joined Multiverse
  121. 20:25Wade Wilson!
  122. Because you won't give me that pupper
  123. Ride the lightning looks from the pup, to Bucky, to Deadpool, to Izzy. Then Bucky, and Deadpool, then Izzy, then pup. ..Then Izzy again. "... Uh, I don't care?"
  124. James B.Barnes
  125. "Fine, what do you want in exhange for it?"
  126. 20:26Ride the lightning
  127. "Nothin' you got. Mine now."
  128. James B.Barnes shook his head. He couldn't deal with this shit at the moment. He felt like he was held together with fishing line as it was.
  129. 20:27Wade Wilson!
  130. "I can get you a date with Bucky AND Captain America."
  131. Captain America - Steve Rogers was about to go with Bucky. "What?"
  132. Izzy Quinzel brings her hands up to her eyes to wipe the tears though they kept running down her cheek.
  133. Ride the lightning
  134. "Pass."
  135. Wade Wilson!
  136. Do it for the children Steve, think of them. Be strong for mother.
  137. 20:28Mark of Kaine
  138. Take it back to where it belongs at least?
  139. James B.Barnes
  140. "Loki, see if you can get the pup from the psychopath." He tugged on Steve's hand to lead him to a spare room to talk.
  141. Agent of Asgard
  142. Wh-what? Why?
  143. I don't care about that dog. Or that kid. Or that psychopath.
  144. James B.Barnes
  145. "Because I'll owe you."
  146. Stark Industries
  147. ...
  148. Ride the lightning
  149. "Like I said someone takes a single step and it gets at least one point twenty one gigawatts."
  150. 20:30Captain America - Steve Rogers
  151. "You sure that's a wise idea Bucky..?"
  152. Agent of Asgard
  153. Uggh, fine.
  155. Gwen M. Stacy has left Multiverse
  156. 20:30
  157. Ride the lightning really wouldn't. Not bluffing.
  158. James B.Barnes
  159. "I've already got you mad at me, I don't want to be responsible for making that kid cry."
  160. Izzy Quinzel
  161. captain americe asking if its a good idea to do something to help a child... real hero like )
  162. 20:31Agent of Asgard
  163. Asking if it's a good thing to be in my pocket.))
  164. Captain America - Steve Rogers
  165. ^ )
  166. Izzy Quinzel
  167. i know XD just being a smart ass)
  168. Agent of Asgard
  169. Which for the record, it is.)
  170. James B.Barnes
  171. (Loki has deep pockets. Roomy. Lots of treasure.)
  172. Agent of Asgard
  173. Specially the front ones.)
  174. Captain America - Steve Rogers
  175. Frequent those pockets much? )
  176. James B.Barnes
  177. (Hah)
  178. (Only what he's shown me)
  179. 20:32Stark Industries
  180. You'd think so, considering his first thought was Loki...
  181. James B.Barnes
  182. (...That came out wrong)
  183. Captain America - Steve Rogers
  184. Very )
  185. Agent of Asgard
  186. Nah, it came out real easy. Just had to unfurl.)
  188. Happy Meal with Legs has joined Multiverse
  189. 20:33
  190. The Mad Prince tips his head to one side, idly tapping his cain against the tip of his shoe as he pursed his lips. The chaos was met with a bored expression and an exaggerated frown. "Well, isn't this just thrilling"
  191. 20:34Ride the lightning
  192. "Paleface is right. I'll compromise in that case - someone shoots his ass dead right now and I'll give the puppy back."
  193. Izzy Quinzel sniffles slightly and looked over at the one who had just spoken.... another daddy clone? Shaking her head slightly, she turned those wide green hues back to the woman who had her pup
  194. Wade Wilson! points his gun at the Joker.
  195. 20:35Agent of Asgard
  196. Wait...who has the dumbass dog?
  197. Happy Meal with Legs pokes Wade in the tush with the business end of her baseball bat.
  198. 20:36
  199. Wade Wilson! jumps a bit from that. "Oh you.~"
  200. Ride the lightning waggles a sparking free hand, the other still clutching the pup like a probably extremely snarly baby. "Thems the terms. So let's see where this goes!"
  201. The Mad Prince lets out a gleeful cackle at Wade, his grin appearing in replace of that frown. "Now that's more like it! A little bang for my buck." His voice started out pitched before settling into a low purr.
  202. Agent of Asgard
  203. Why do you have the puppy?
  204. 20:37Ride the lightning
  205. "Looked at it, liked it, wanted it, now it's mine."
  206. James B.Barnes
  207. (....Kinda how I felt about Steve.)
  208. (Couldn't help myself)
  209. 20:38Ride the lightning
  210. Who got shot at the end of that one?)
  211. Happy Meal with Legs wants a puppy! Really shouldn't be given one though. It would be insane to trust her. "Can I pet it?" Grins and wiggles her fingers towards Leslie.
  212. Mark of Kaine
  213. Hyena aren't dogs by the way. Or pups.
  214. Izzy Quinzel glares at the woman. "Hes not yours, hes mine. He was a gift from my daddy now give him back."
  215. Ride the lightning
  216. "Close enough for m- No. Mine."
  217. 20:39
  218. Wade Wilson! looks back to the Joker. "Huge fan by the way, shame I'll have to blow out your brains infront of a little girl and your fangirl over there."
  219. Happy Meal with Legs rolls her eyes, "You're no fun, Lamewire."
  220. Agent of Asgard
  221. Everyone cool with ignoring that semantic nonsense? Cool? Cool.
  222. 20:40Mark of Kaine
  223. They're closer to cats.
  224. Wade Wilson!
  225. "Loki you know I'm cool with ignoring all kids of semantics."
  226. James B.Barnes
  227. "Loki, no animal, no Soldier-in-the-pocket."
  228. Ride the lightning
  229. "Yeah like saying you're gonna blow The Joker in front of kids."
  230. James B.Barnes blinked, then shook his head. That sounded better in his head.
  231. 20:41
  232. The Mad Prince rolled his eyes, twirling his cain a few times. He was getting bored again. Then Wilson's attention returned and he offered up one of his most dashing of smiles. Brows knit together as one rose, he took a deep bow. "Always a delight to have an appreciating audience." He'd cackle again.
  233. Agent of Asgard
  234. But she wants me to shoot Wade dead, and that's not really a thing.
  235. Oh! What if I replace it?
  236. 20:42Ride the lightning
  237. "What? No. I said shoot Joker dead."
  238. Wade Wilson!
  239. "Wait, am I the Joker now?"
  240. 20:43Ride the lightning
  241. "Noyou'renotthejo- I swear I'm gonna light this WHOLE place up.."
  242. James B.Barnes drug his chair over to where Steve's reading chair was, settling down into it. "Replacing it might work."
  244. Happy Meal with Legs has left Multiverse
  245. 20:43Wade Wilson!
  246. "Oooh, I already look like my face was peeled off, I just need some fresh skin to put over it. We're going New 52 with this shit."
  248. Happy Meal with Legs has joined Multiverse
  249. 20:44Harper A. Row
  250. Covered in bees clowns.
  251. The Mad Prince
  252. "Close, but no cigar!" Tilts his hand back and forth a bit. "You're crazy is just a touch off from mine, Wilson. Don't worry! We can fix that."
  253. Harper A. Row just goes to work.
  254. Ride the lightning
  255. "And sure, get her a new puppy! If no one pulls the trigger though I still am on this one but she's young she'll probably forget."
  257. Harper A. Row has left Multiverse
  258. 20:45Agent of Asgard
  259. Does the anklebiter want a Achernonian tar hound?
  260. Happy Meal with Legs will shoot someone. Just say who.
  261. Izzy Quinzel wouldnt forget. is actually quiet intelligent for her age and does hold a grudge... just ask her sister
  262. 20:46
  263. Izzy Quinzel shakes her head to lokis question. "I want my pup."
  264. Ride the lightning doesn't really care either way.
  265. The Mad Prince gasps, fingers pressing to his chest with an aghast expression. "Even me Harley?"
  266. Wade Wilson! rose a brow, slipping over to the clown. "Oh yeah? You know I don't think I can get any crazier than I am already."
  267. Agent of Asgard
  268. If it sweetens the deal, they're mad of volcanic rock, about six feet tall and breath sulfur.
  269. 20:47
  270. Happy Meal with Legs grins and nods, "If you ask nicely, Puddin'."
  271. Agent of Asgard
  272. Is no one concerned about these two being here without their actual parents?
  273. Ride the lightning
  274. "That is sorta the gist of this whole bizarre yet unexpectedly revealing hostage situation. You guys really suck at being heroes."
  275. Agent of Asgard
  276. I'm not a hero.
  277. 20:48
  278. The Mad Prince turned his attention back to Wilson, nose wrinkling only a bit at the closeness of his presence. "Oh, you know. A little extra tweaking and we can get you full blown!"
  279. Ride the lightning
  280. "Good, cuz you'd suck at it."
  281. Happy Meal with Legs is like the opposite of hero.
  282. Agent of Asgard
  283. I know
  284. Last time a tried, I stabbed Thor through the chest.
  285. Izzy Quinzel shakes her head again and stomps her foot, leaving a small indent in the ground. "No. Its not my pup and I don't want it. I want mine."
  286. Wade Wilson! whistles. "That is some kinky stuff right there, Joe. You should slap a ring on her if she's willing to shoot you on command like that."
  287. Ride the lightning
  288. "Getting bored now. Bullet flies or hyena fries."
  289. Agent of Asgard
  290. Do it.
  291. Do it.
  292. 20:49Happy Meal with Legs
  293. Aww, come on. Don't kill it, Zappy.
  294. Ride the lightning
  295. "Hey, no rushing. You already failed at the negotiating thing you don't get to double down on my side, loser."
  296. 20:50Agent of Asgard
  297. You're the one making empty threats.
  298. The Mad Prince barks out a laugh. "I'm terribly afraid of commitment. And talk about the baggage between her and I." Whistles dramatically.
  299. Stark Industries
  300. No no, that's just how he is. Opportunistic. It's part of his plan.
  301. Agent of Asgard
  302. If I suck at being a hero, you're equally terrible at being a villain.
  303. Ride the lightning
  304. "I'm not a villain, I'm a public personality."
  305. Agent of Asgard
  306. You're public, wouldn't call...this...much of a personality.
  307. 20:51
  308. Happy Meal with Legs raises her hand, "I'm not a villain either. I just get bored."
  309. James B.Barnes
  310. "Oh for fuck's sake." He lifted his gun, having swiped it off the floor, and aimed it at the Joker.
  311. Ride the lightning
  312. "There we go!"
  313. Wade Wilson! raises his hand. "I kill people for money and coke."
  314. Stark Industries watch begins building itself into a quick repulsor on his palm. Aims it at Bucky. "Let's not get crazy here."
  315. 20:52
  316. Happy Meal with Legs whips out her revolver and fires off three shots towards Bucky. Bang! Bang! Bang!
  317. Agent of Asgard
  318. Everyone deserves to get a little crazy now and then.
  319. Stark Industries
  320. Are you kidding me. |Turns to aim the repulsor at the clownette.| ...Who the hell even are you?
  321. The Mad Prince lets out a hum as his eyes took in Harley. "Though, she is a dish isn't she? That's a whole lot of-" He paused as another gun is leveled at him. A laugh barreled from his gut at Stark's words, and Harley's quick actions.
  322. 20:53
  323. Captain America - Steve Rogers jumps infront of Bucky, coverss him quickly as the bullets bounce off his shield.
  325. COG-616 has joined Multiverse
  326. 20:53
  327. Ride the lightning takes the opportunity provided by the chaos to just cackle gleefully and zip right off with her cargo in tow.
  328. Izzy Quinzel sniffles again and rubs her eyes. all she wanted was her damn pup
  330. Hope van Dyne has joined Multiverse
  331. 20:53
  332. Wade Wilson! looks around at people firing all over. "...Shit, Darcy is gonna blame me for all this..."
  333. 20:54
  334. Happy Meal with Legs smiles and points the gun towards the wicked cool gun hand repulsor aimed towards her. "I'm Harley Quinn, honey. Nice to meet'cha."
  335. Stark Industries
  336. Oh hey, Captain. Glad you could come.
  337. James B.Barnes
  338. "And where do you think you're going? You want the dude dead, you've got to hand over the pup."
  339. COG-616 just casually comes in... Why? Cus he was looking over a recent account transfer from his last big Bounty....
  340. 20:55
  341. The Mad Prince places a palm to his belly as he has a good laugh, wiping away a tear from his eye. "Sorry about that, metal arm. She's a little over protective." Now things were getting interesting.
  342. Captain America - Steve Rogers looks to Tony. "Well you know, gotta wait for the right moment to jump in."
  343. Ride the lightning halts and just flashes a grin behind her shoulder. "Too late"
  344. Stark Industries
  345. "Right moment just bolted away with an animal that's probably here illegally."
  346. 20:56Agent of Asgard
  347. Hrm.
  348. Izzy Quinzel didnt ask how her daddy acquired the pup...
  349. Happy Meal with Legs
  350. Maybe she stole it from a zoo. You don't know.
  351. James B.Barnes thoroughly over the whole situation, he fired over the top of Steve's shield -- three rounds, right at the Joker's head. He then turned and aimed two at the head of the retreating woman. He was over it.
  352. COG-616 backhands Ride the lightening... Why? Cus she was in his way.
  353. James B.Barnes
  354. (Whether he conencts is out of his hands. He just fired lol)
  355. 20:57Agent of Asgard
  356. Is now a bad time to ask for some of those kazoozles, Barnacle?
  357. Captain America - Steve Rogers tried to grab Bucky's arm to stop him from firing.
  358. Ride the lightning going to ignore that because he didn't even bother reading the profile. Try again afterwards.)
  359. COG-616 back hands endlessly until they read the profile.
  360. COG-616 did read profile... Assumes she didn't read his.]
  361. 20:58Stark Industries
  362. |Eyed the two Good ol` boys in front of Joker, while keeping his arm aimed at Harley.| Alright, he's going to have to calm down before it becomes murder.
  363. Ride the lightning did. Knows he's lobo. Which is why she'd say Lobo and not COG-616. Just like how someone might use the name Leslie or Livewire instead of the whole username if they had.)
  364. 20:59
  365. The Mad Prince grinned as the bullets flew towards him. Each one going right through his head, and into the wall behind him. "Oopsie" He grinned. "You didn't think I would actually come here in person did you?" His sentence ended in a sinister lul as he dusted off his jacket, cain pointing to the small projector on the wall. "I'm crazy. Not stupid."
  366. COG-616 still backhanded though
  367. Ride the lightning nope.
  368. COG-616 yep
  369. Ride the lightning just making her getaway while the others argue.
  370. Agent of Asgard
  371. Good lort.)
  372. COG-616 shrug.
  373. James B.Barnes
  374. "They're in my backpack, Loki..." He sighed, lowering his arm and dropping into the chair beside Steve.
  375. Ride the lightning more effort required, Sandy. )
  376. 21:00
  377. Agent of Asgard perks up, "Sah-weet. I shoulda asked before the whole...fireworks popped off though." Trots over and rummages through said rucksack.
  378. Stark Industries
  379. Eh, all this went out the window. Goes back to his idle state.
  380. Happy Meal with Legs —ACK! What the hell. You slow-moving, old bastard... Harley drops at the sound of a bullet whizzing past her head! It just misses her and cuts between ear and pigtail. Too close for comfort. And here she was almost acting calm. She doesn't seem to care that Stark is aiming at her as she raises the gun and prepares to fire at Barnes again.
  381. 21:01
  382. COG-616 grabs two bottles of whiskey and heads right back out to his Spazz Frag 666. Time ta go mingle with some space broads!...
  384. COG-616 has left Multiverse
  386. Bucky Barnes Winter Soldier has joined Multiverse
  387. 21:02James B.Barnes
  388. "Might wanna duck, Bucky."
  389. 21:03Stark Industries
  390. Pretty sure most people are done here, black hole sucked all the interest out.
  391. Izzy Quinzel sniffles once more
  393. Astonishing Spider-Man and Blade have left Multiverse
  394. 21:04Bucky Barnes Winter Soldier
  395. I miss a party?
  396. Ride the lightning pretty impressed with herself since she got someone to take a legitimate shot at Joker and got a cat pup thing out of it as well.
  397. Ride the lightning and yeah sorry to be a drag but not gonna let that crap fly on her regarding COG. Sorry again, yo. )
  398. 21:05Stark Industries
  399. This fell apart before that.
  401. Astonishing Spider-Man and Blade have joined Multiverse
  402. 21:06
  403. The Mad Prince lifts his palms towards the ceiling, shoulders lifting into a shrug. "Well I suppose things ended with a bang."
  404. 21:07
  405. Agent of Asgard hoists the candy free, "Aaand ac-....tion. Oh damn it."
  406. Ride the lightning )
  407. Happy Meal with Legs
  408. WB Bug-Blade. Blade-Bug. Blade-Man. Spider-Blade. :D }
  409. 21:08
  410. Otto Octavius feels as though he missed something.
  411. 21:09Izzy Quinzel
  412. bitch stole my pup
  413. Bucky Barnes Winter Soldier
  414. Hyen
  415. Happy Meal with Legs Nope. Not a thing, Calamari.
  416. Astonishing Spider-Man
  417. [ Thanks! ]
  418. The Mad Prince allows his attention to meander back over to Wade. "Now then."
  419. Bucky Barnes Winter Soldier
  420. You totes missed something. I missed it too.
  421. 21:10
  422. Otto Octavius considers himself fortunate regardless. Few of those present could offer him anything but a headache.
  423. Happy Meal with Legs is so one of those headache-causing-few!
  425. Astonishing Spider-Man and Blade have left Multiverse
  427. Assassin of Asgard has joined Multiverse
  428. 21:15
  429. Ride the lightning returned without said animal-babe-pup as if nothing had even happened at all. Speed is definitely one of those metahuman perks.
  431. Astonishing Spider-Man, Blade and Darcy Lewis have joined Multiverse
  433. Assassin of Asgard has left Multiverse
  434. 21:17Stark Industries
  435. Welcome back everyone, but Pete, I'm not saying it again for you.
  437. Felicia Hardy2118 has joined Multiverse
  438. 21:18Ride the lightning
  439. welcome me back again!
  440. The Mad Prince wiggles his fingers at Harley.
  441. Astonishing Spider-Man
  442. That's a shame.
  443. Izzy Quinzel
  444. yeah im done with this cliquey ass, homophobic fucking room... yall are boring as shit)
  446. Izzy Quinzel has left Multiverse
  447. 21:19Bucky Barnes Winter Soldier
  448. o_o That esculated quickly.
  449. Ride the lightning
  450. Whoa what the hell. )
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