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  1. Treasurer of Infinity - 11/03/2016
  2. Lien: [stretches]
  3. Darkflare - 11/03/2016
  4. Margaret: Looks like someone had fun.
  5. Treasurer of Infinity - 11/03/2016
  6. Lien: If you want to call it like that.
  7. Janessa: Was a tough event to say the least.
  8. Darkflare - 11/03/2016
  9. Margaret: As long as you didn't fail.
  10. Treasurer of Infinity - 11/03/2016
  11. Janessa: Well... what do we do now? [flicks hair]
  12. Darkflare - 11/03/2016
  13. Margaret: not the best person to ask.
  14. Treasurer of Infinity - 11/03/2016
  15. Lien: [looks at Margaret] Well, if I'm allowed to ask, what was the animosity your pupil had for Ms. Janessa's mentors Rina and Liliana?
  16. Darkflare - 11/03/2016
  17. Margaret: You're not allowed to ask
  18. Treasurer of Infinity - 11/03/2016
  19. Lien: May I know why?
  20. EmDoubleU - 11/03/2016
  21. ???: You won't tell us or you know nothing? [Kai walks in]
  22. Darkflare - 11/03/2016
  23. Margaret: Both
  24. EmDoubleU - 11/03/2016
  25. Kai: I'll be honest. [folds both arms] Something doesn't feel right when I'm close to that student of yours.
  26. Darkflare - 11/03/2016
  27. Margaret: Enlighten me.
  28. Treasurer of Infinity - 11/03/2016
  29. Misato: [looks at Kai quiet]
  30. EmDoubleU - 11/03/2016
  31. Kai: Mouthing off in the middle of a fight is one thing. And she's a little too sure that she'll win that fight with that girl using that move.
  32. Darkflare - 11/03/2016
  33. Margaret: She's gotten overconfident again. That is getting rather worriesome.
  34. EmDoubleU - 11/03/2016
  35. Kai: "Again?" Didn't you at least teach her something that'll humble her?
  36. Treasurer of Infinity - 11/03/2016
  37. Lien: That's a serious issue that should be corrected, Ms. Vermillion.
  38. EmDoubleU - 11/03/2016
  39. Kai: Declaring victory while the fight's ongoing is a guarantee for a loss.
  40. Darkflare - 11/03/2016
  41. Margaret: She wanted to talk to me about some theories she had. I assume she has discovered something that has gotten her a little overconfident. With that said, I think we should back off her case before we start victimizing her again.
  42. EmDoubleU - 11/03/2016
  43. Kai: Mind sharing us those theories once you've talked with her? Some outside help isn't always bad.
  44. Darkflare - 11/03/2016
  45. ??: I do mind actually...
  46. (A portal appears as Kyoko steps out of it)
  47. Treasurer of Infinity - 11/03/2016
  48. [Wait, I assume Kyoko located Margaret's presence to find out she's at Legacy University, right?]
  49. Darkflare - 11/03/2016
  50. [Basically]
  51. Treasurer of Infinity - 11/03/2016
  52. [Ok, that at least explains how did she find out Legacy University... kinda.]
  53. Loraine: [walks in looking at Kyoko] Isn't rude for you to arrive like that?
  54. Darkflare - 11/03/2016
  55. Kyoko: I'm too used to my teacher doing it. ...where is this anyway?
  56. Treasurer of Infinity - 11/03/2016
  57. Loraine: You're on the private grounds of Legacy University. The safe haven for demons. Who are you?
  58. EmDoubleU - 11/03/2016
  59. Kai: Demons, huh? How come no one searched me on my way in...?
  60. Darkflare - 11/03/2016
  61. Kyoko: Kyoko Whitefield.
  62. Margaret: Huh, I'm rather surprised you learned how to create that portal....and detect me so easily...
  63. EmDoubleU - 11/03/2016
  64. Kai: Well, I'll leave you two so you can talk.
  65. [with both just her hands, she looked as if she tore open a portal big enough for her to walk in it. She disappears afterwards and the portal closes]
  66. Treasurer of Infinity - 11/03/2016
  67. Loraine: What's the reason behind your unnanounced visit?(edited)
  68. Darkflare - 11/03/2016
  69. Kyoko: I needed to talk to my teacher...and while I'm at it maybe I could find out who the hell was that group that attacked me.
  70. Treasurer of Infinity - 11/03/2016
  71. Loraine: I see. [looks around]
  72. Loraine: Any other reason you have for your visit?
  73. Darkflare - 11/03/2016
  74. Kyoko: It's just that...
  75. Treasurer of Infinity - 11/03/2016
  76. Loraine: [stretches]
  77. Janessa: Well, I'll take the chance to ask, Kyoko. Why did you become so hostile to Rina and Liliana? Margaret doesn't want to answer so, maybe you could explain yourself why.
  78. Darkflare - 11/03/2016
  79. Kyoko: Why do you want to know so badly?
  80. Treasurer of Infinity - 11/03/2016
  81. Janessa: It's been bothering me for a while, and I think this would be the right moment to solve that issue. The way you directed to both of them showed me you have something against them that they had no blame to begin.
  82. Darkflare - 11/03/2016
  83. Kyoko: It wasn't enough that I failed to protect Lucine but they had audacity to rub salt into my wounds
  84. Treasurer of Infinity - 11/03/2016
  85. Janessa: No. They were pointing out your weaknesses, Kyoko. They were blunt, but honest. It's how you can handle criticism what matters in the end. Unfortunately, you've given them a wrong impression about yourself. Liliana pointed out you fixated too much into defeating her that you left Lucine vulnerable to Rina.
  86. Janessa: It didn't matter if you won or lost, Kyoko, the point is, that you were able to stand up for your partner, even at disadvantage.
  87. Darkflare - 11/03/2016
  88. Kyoko: It was an impossible match anyway. The astral plane is not something I was familiar with. Fortunately, I've been working on making sure that problem never happens again.
  89. Treasurer of Infinity - 11/03/2016
  90. Janessa: Rina and Liliana are very capable. Although I'm glad you've prepared yourself better, don't think just because of that now you have an upper edge.
  91. Darkflare - 11/03/2016
  92. Kyoko: Only if they have another trick up their sleeve.
  93. Treasurer of Infinity - 11/03/2016
  94. Lien: [practicing] Even then, never get overconfident. That's the worst mistake you can ever do. [says the chinese woman as she stands on her right foot while extending her left leg](edited)
  95. Darkflare - 11/03/2016
  96. Kyoko: Give me a damn break...
  97. Treasurer of Infinity - 11/03/2016
  98. Lien: [looks at Kyoko] Is there a problem?
  99. Darkflare - 11/03/2016
  100. Kyoko: Old habits die hard
  101. EmDoubleU - 11/03/2016
  102. [a portal opens and Kai walks right in]
  103. Kai: I knew that was just the problem.
  104. Treasurer of Infinity - 11/03/2016
  105. Lien: Then for your own sake you should start doing something about those bad habits. I've seen it by experience how overconfidence can destroy everything from a person.
  106. EmDoubleU - 11/03/2016
  107. Kai: I did the same to some students with horrible attitudes. You know, instead of working on some hocus pocus to beat those two girls, why don't you start with the root of the problem first?(edited)
  108. Darkflare - 11/03/2016
  109. Kyoko: You think I haven't?
  110. EmDoubleU - 11/03/2016
  111. Kai: Exactly. Honestly, it's your attitude.
  112. Darkflare - 11/03/2016
  113. Kyoko: I am not getting that break, am I?
  114. Treasurer of Infinity - 11/03/2016
  115. Misato: You once called the personnel of Cyclone Gakkou as power hungry. That's a very bold, baseless accusation, Kyoko. Unfortunately, you don't know them, nor their workstyle. Paying attention to details is what will help you improve. Ask yourself, why Ms. Santana improved?
  116. EmDoubleU - 11/03/2016
  117. Kai: Unless you change, you won't.
  118. Darkflare - 11/03/2016
  119. Kyoko: A better question would be what makes you think you know me better.
  120. EmDoubleU - 11/03/2016
  121. Kai: [sighs] It's no wonder your teacher ate a lot of flak some time ago, I heard.
  122. Darkflare - 11/03/2016
  123. Kyoko: I'm aware I have my issues and I have been working to correct them. What I don't appreciate is everyone forcing themselves into it in an attempt to "help" me.
  124. EmDoubleU - 11/03/2016
  125. Kai: Good to hear. Now let me ask the others. [looks at the others] Has anyone noticed some notable change in Kyoko?
  126. Treasurer of Infinity - 11/03/2016
  127. Lien: To be fair with her, I haven't met her enough to reach a judgment.
  128. Janessa: Honestly, no, I haven't seen any notable changes for the better.
  129. Sumire: I'm afraid I agree with Janessa.
  130. Kai: Miss Margaret?
  131. Darkflare - 11/03/2016
  132. Margaret: Wouldn't my opinion be too biased to take into account?
  133. Kyoko: (shrugs) Let's just leave it at I'm beyond help at this point.
  134. EmDoubleU - 11/03/2016
  135. Kai: If that's what you think of yourself then.
  136. Treasurer of Infinity - 11/03/2016
  137. Lien: From what I'm grasping, you don't take criticism well. And for you, the help they try to provide to you feels more like an attack to your person.
  138. EmDoubleU - 11/03/2016
  139. Kai: Well, as long as you're alive, it's never too late.
  140. Darkflare - 11/03/2016
  141. Kyoko: No, I don't and that's why I'm beyond help. So no need to force yourself into my issues.
  142. Treasurer of Infinity - 11/03/2016
  143. Lien: Then, do you want people stop believing in you, including your mentor?
  144. Darkflare - 11/03/2016
  145. Kyoko: People already have.
  146. EmDoubleU - 11/03/2016
  147. Kai: You know what? I think you're just saying all of this because you're getting impatient and want to end this discussion.
  148. Treasurer of Infinity - 11/03/2016
  149. Lien: It's because of your attitude you're giving people reasons to stop believing in you. If you don't have the will to change yourself, then, next time, Rose will certainly succeed in her mission of taking you down.
  150. Darkflare - 11/03/2016
  151. Margaret: Actually, that's not far off... <_<
  152. Kyoko: Well, it's a good thing you girls have offered to protect me from that demon.
  153. EmDoubleU - 11/03/2016
  154. Kai: You're lucky we knew. But what if we're not around? Besides... [looks at Margaret] Why didn't you come to her aid?
  155. Darkflare - 11/03/2016
  156. Margaret: Because there was already a large enough group that went to help. I trust you all to take care of it
  157. Treasurer of Infinity - 11/03/2016
  158. Lien: Ms. Kai asks what if we weren't around, Ms. Margaret.
  159. Darkflare - 11/03/2016
  160. Margaret: In that case, I would definitely be involved.
  161. Treasurer of Infinity - 11/03/2016
  162. Lien: Point is... [looks at Kyoko facing her directly] You're a very evassive person.
  163. Darkflare - 11/03/2016
  164. Kyoko: As I said, I have issues that I'm working to resolve.
  165. Treasurer of Infinity - 11/03/2016
  166. Lien: And how do you plan to resolve them?
  167. Darkflare - 11/03/2016
  168. Margaret: I think Kyo has already already stated more than enough times she doesn't want your help right now.(edited)
  169. Treasurer of Infinity - 11/03/2016
  170. Lien: [looks at Margaret] I didn't ask her if it involved our help or not. I asked her how is SHE going to resolve them.
  171. Darkflare - 11/03/2016
  172. Margaret: In this case, it's pretty much the same thing. You're both just as stubborn and we're just going to be running in circles.
  173. EmDoubleU - 11/03/2016
  174. Kai: [sigh] This is going nowhere. Unless one side refuses to budge, nothing productive will be done.(edited)
  175. Treasurer of Infinity - 11/03/2016
  176. Janessa: [sighs] Well, then it's up to Kyoko. [turns around walking off as she just shakes her head]
  177. Lien: If that's going to be her final decision, so be it. Just hope she upholds to what she just said right now. Whatever happens to her, if Rose comes back to finish the job, then, Kyoko is responsible of what happens to herself. Have a good day. [bows as she walks off]
  178. EmDoubleU - 11/03/2016
  179. Kai: I'll be sticking around. If anyone wants a bit of a work-out, give me a call.
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