

Nov 12th, 2020 (edited)
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  1. LIST OF SPELLS (VERY IMPORTANT: Do not spam them as it can be unpleasant to many)
  2. /cast Name of the spell ( e.g.: /cast aquatic form )
  3. Each cast has a 5 seconds global cooldown.
  6. abolish poison
  7. aquatic form
  8. barkskin
  9. bear form
  10. cat form
  11. challenging roar
  12. cower
  13. cure poison
  14. dash
  15. demoralizing roar
  16. enrage
  17. entangling roots
  18. faerie fire
  19. feral charge
  20. ferocious bite
  21. frenzied regeneration
  22. growl
  23. healing touch
  24. hibernate
  25. hurricane
  26. innervate
  27. mangle bear
  28. mangle cat
  29. mark of the wild
  30. maul
  31. moonfire
  32. moonkin form
  33. nature's grasp
  34. omen of clarity
  35. prowl
  36. rake
  37. ravage
  38. regrowth
  39. rejuvenation
  40. remove curse
  41. shred
  42. starfire
  43. swiftmend
  44. swipe
  45. teleport moonglade
  46. thorns
  47. tiger's fury
  48. track humanoids
  49. tranquility
  50. travel form
  51. wrath
  53. HUNTER SPELLS (Incomplete, some spells are missing)
  54. aimed shot
  55. arcane shot
  56. aspect of the beast
  57. aspect of the cheetah
  58. aspect of the hawk
  59. aspect of the monkey
  60. volley
  61. call pet
  62. concussive shot
  63. disengage
  64. distracting shot
  65. explosive trap
  66. feign death
  67. flare
  68. hunter's mark
  69. immolation trap
  70. multi-shot
  71. nature resistance
  72. raptor strike
  73. scatter shot
  74. serpent sting
  75. track beasts
  76. track demons
  77. track dragonkin
  78. track elementals
  79. track giants
  80. track hidden
  81. track humanoids
  82. track undead
  83. trueshot aura
  86. amplify magic
  87. arcane brilliance
  88. arcane explosion
  89. arcane intellect
  90. arcane power
  91. blast wave
  92. blink
  93. blizzard
  94. clearcasting
  95. cold snap
  96. combustion
  97. cone of cold
  98. conjure food
  99. conjure water
  100. connjure mana agate
  101. counterspell
  102. dampen magic
  103. detect magic
  104. evocation
  105. felfire
  106. fire blast
  107. fire ward
  108. fireball
  109. flamestrike
  110. frost armor
  111. frost nova
  112. frost ward
  113. frostbolt
  114. ice armor
  115. ice barrier
  116. ice block
  117. ignite
  118. mage armor
  119. mana shield
  120. perception
  121. polymorph
  122. polymorph cow
  123. polymorph pig
  124. polymorph sheep
  125. polymorph turtle
  126. portal darnassus
  127. portal ironforge
  128. portal orgrimmar
  129. portal stormwind
  130. portal thunder bluff
  131. portal undercity
  132. presence of mind
  133. pyroblast
  134. remove lesser curse
  135. scorch
  136. slow fall
  137. teleport darnassus
  138. teleport ironforge
  139. teleport orgrimmar
  140. teleport stormwind
  141. teleport thunder bluff
  142. teleport undercity
  145. blessing of freedom
  146. blessing of kings
  147. blessing of light
  148. blessing of might
  149. blessing of protection
  150. blessing of salvation
  151. blessing of sanctuary
  152. blessing of wisdom
  153. cleanse
  154. concentration aura
  155. consecration
  156. devotion aura
  157. divine favor
  158. exorcism
  159. eye for eye
  160. flash of light
  161. greater blessing of kings
  162. greater blessing of light
  163. greater blessing of might
  164. greater blessing of salvation
  165. greater blessing of sanctuary
  166. greater blessing of wisdom
  167. hammer of justice
  168. holy shock
  169. holy wrath
  170. judgement
  171. lay of hands
  172. purity
  173. resistance aura
  174. retribution aura
  175. seal of wisdom
  176. seal of command
  177. seal of crusader
  178. seal of justice
  179. seal of light
  180. seal of righteousness
  181. turn undead
  184. abolish disease
  185. cure disease
  186. desperate prayer
  187. dispel magic
  188. divine spirit
  189. fade
  190. fear
  191. feedback
  192. flash heal
  193. greater heal
  194. heal
  195. holy fire
  196. holy nova
  197. inner fire
  198. inner focus
  199. lesser heal
  200. levitate
  201. lightwell
  202. mana burn
  203. mind blast
  204. mind flay
  205. mind soothe
  206. mind vision
  207. power infusion
  208. power word fortitude
  209. power word shield
  210. prayer of fortitude
  211. prayer of healing
  212. prayer of spirit
  213. renew
  214. resurrection
  215. shackle undead
  216. shadow protection
  217. shadow word pain
  218. shadowform
  219. silence
  220. smite
  221. vampiric embrace
  224. ambush
  225. backstab
  226. blade flurry
  227. blind
  228. cheap shot
  229. cold blood
  230. distract
  231. evasion
  232. eviscerate
  233. expose armor
  234. feint
  235. garrote
  236. ghostly strike
  237. gouge
  238. hemorrhage
  239. kick
  240. kidney shot
  241. pick pocket
  242. preparation
  243. rupture
  244. sap
  245. sinister strike
  246. slice and dice
  247. sprint
  248. stealth
  249. throw
  250. vanish
  253. astral recall
  254. chain heal
  255. chain lighting
  256. cure disease
  257. cure poison
  258. disease cleaning totem
  259. earth shock
  260. earthbind totem
  261. elemental mastery
  262. far sight
  263. fire nova totem
  264. fire resistance totem
  265. flame shock
  266. flametongue totem
  267. flametongue weapon
  268. frost resistance totem
  269. frost shock
  270. frostbrand weapon
  271. ghost wolf
  272. grace of air totem
  273. healing stream totem
  274. healing wave
  275. lighting bolt
  276. lighting shield
  277. magma totem
  278. mana spring totem
  279. nature resistance totem
  280. poison cleansing totem
  281. purge
  282. rockbiter weapon
  283. sentry totem
  284. stoneskin totem
  285. strength of earth totem
  286. tranquil air totem
  287. tremor totem
  288. war stomp
  289. water breathing
  290. water walking
  291. windfury totem
  292. windfury weapon
  293. windwall totem
  296. amplify curse
  297. banish
  298. corruption
  299. create firestone
  300. create healthstone
  301. create spellstone
  302. cripple
  303. curse of agony
  304. curse of doom
  305. curse of elements
  306. curse of exhaustion
  307. curse of idiocy
  308. curse of recklessness
  309. curse of shadow
  310. curse of tongues
  311. curse of weakness
  312. death coil
  313. demon armor
  314. demonic sacrifice
  315. detect lesser invisibility
  316. enslave demon
  317. eye of kilrogg
  318. fear
  319. fel domination
  320. hellfire
  321. howl of terror
  322. immolate
  323. life tap
  324. rain of fire
  325. searing pain
  326. seduction
  327. sense demons
  328. shadow ward
  329. shadowbolt
  330. shadowburn
  331. soul fire
  332. summon felhunter
  333. summon imp
  334. summon succubus
  335. summon voidwalker
  336. unending breath
  339. battle stance
  340. berserker stance
  341. bloodrage
  342. bloodthirst
  343. challenging shout
  344. charge
  345. cleave
  346. concussion blow
  347. defensive stance
  348. demoralizing shout
  349. execute
  350. intimidating shout
  351. revenge
  352. shield bash
  353. shield block
  354. shield slam
  355. shield wall
  356. slam
  357. sunder armor
  358. thunder clap
  359. whirlwind
  361. WEAPONS (Incomplete, more to come)
  362. shoot wand
  363. throw
  365. CHARACTER SPELLS (Incomplete, more to come)
  366. eat
  367. drink
  368. blood fury
  369. shadowmeld
  370. stoneform
  371. war stomp
  372. cannibalize
  374. MOUNT SPELLS (Incomplete, more to come)
  375. dismount
  376. reins of the frostsaber
  377. reins of the nightsaber
  378. reins of the spotted frostsaber
  379. reins of the striped frostsaber
  380. reins of the swift dawnsaber
  381. reins of the swift frostsaber
  382. reins of the swift mistsaber
  385. alchemy
  386. blacksmithing
  387. cooking
  388. disenchanting
  389. enchanting
  390. engineering
  391. first aid
  392. fishing
  393. herbalism
  394. jewelcrafting
  395. leatherworking
  396. mining
  397. skinning
  398. tailoring
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