
The Lake: Part II

Mar 28th, 2012
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  1. >Sunrise the following day.
  2. >Wander back onto your deck with the binoculars, fully expecting to see a clump of multicolored corpses floating around the island.
  3. >Somehow, all ten ponies survived the night without drowning.
  4. >They begin to stir as the sun rises, shining directly into their crate.
  5. >Nine of them file out of the crate and head to the strip to graze.
  6. >The yellow earth fluffy remains behind, still asleep.
  7. >You wonder how the two pegasus fluffies on the sandbar escaped.
  8. >You assume they finally overcame their stupidity and walked in the shallow water.
  9. >The herd eats, babbling amongst themselves.
  10. >Again, their tiny minds are focused completely on the food.
  11. >You are fairly surprised they haven't seen you yet; your deck is only about 50 feet away from them.
  12. >Perhaps it's for the best. If they did see you, they'd just run into the deep water and drown trying to hug you.
  13. >You watch them graze for about half an hour, then suddenly get an idea.
  14. >You don't get to see fluffy ponies often, at least not live ones.
  15. >You clap your hands loudly to see if they'll look at you.
  16. >Sound echoes off the rocky cliffs.
  17. >They instantly cease grazing and huddle together in a terrified clump.
  18. >”What dat?”, “Woud noisies scawy...”, “Fwuffy no wike snap!”
  19. >As a single unit, the nine of them move to seek cover in the pine grove.
  20. >The yellow earth fluffy in the crate is awake too. She's pushed herself into a corner.
  21. >The other fluffies all shelter near tree trunks.
  22. >They're awful at hiding; you can still see every single one of them.
  23. >You clap again.
  24. >The fluffies begin to panic. They decide to clump together once again.
  25. >They don't even think to enter the crate.
  26. >The yellow one in the crate already even comes out to huddle with her friends.
  27. >You clap a third time.
  28. >A couple of the earth fluffies literally shit themselves with fear.
  29. >”Pwease no mo' snappy-cwack! Fwuffy will be good poni!” a pink unicorn begs.
  30. >You clap once more.
  31. >All the fluffies scream with terror, breaking their group and waddling around as fast as their stubby legs will carry them.
  32. >”Pwease stop snappy-cwack! We be good fwuffies!” they shout in unison.
  33. >Most of them have soiled themselves at this point, leaving trails of shit behind them as they move.
  34. >Two of the dimmer earth fluffies, including the yellow one, take cover out in the open.
  35. >They try to hide in the short grass in the middle of the strip.
  36. >The rest split up between the pine groves, trembling and promising in baby-talk to be good fluffies.
  37. >You are dumbfounded, as they never once looked in your direction.
  38. >You head outside as night falls.
  39. >During the afternoon, you watched them as they calmed down and grazed again.
  40. >As the sun began to set, they went to the shit-filled pine grove to sleep, but left since it 'no smell pwetty'.
  41. >They shelter in the other grove.
  42. >Quietly, you wade from the shore to the island.
  43. >You sneak into the grove and look over them.
  44. >They're all fast asleep, mumbling things as they dream.
  45. >You've decided to see just how these things fare as pets.
  46. >Quietly, you step from fluffy to fluffy, choosing one to take.
  47. >You see the pegasus fluffies sleeping in a group.
  48. >One of them is a gorgeous white with an orange mane and tail.
  49. >You decide to take her.
  50. >You gently lift her by the scruff of her neck, keeping her mouth closed with your other hand.
  51. >She doesn't wake up until you've left the island and nearly reached the shore.
  52. >She wiggles her stubby legs furiously. Muffled screams filter through your hand.
  53. >She can't see you, because you're holding her out in front of you and facing away.
  54. >You get her inside and let her down on the carpet.
  55. >”Where fwuffy is? Where fwuffy's fwiends go?” she babbles anxiously.
  56. >She finally walks in a circle and sees you.
  57. >herewego.jpg
  58. >She runs over and hugs your shins, squealing, “Hooman! You pick fwuffy! Fwuffy wuv you!”
  59. >How quaint.
  60. >You sit on the couch, watching as she toddles about happily.
  61. >She professes with her squeaky voice how she will love you and hug you and be the best ever fluffy.
  62. >She looks for some sort of toy to play with, but can't find any.
  63. >Suddenly, she stops, her whole body trembling.
  64. >She squats.
  65. >Oh fuck.
  66. >Shit streams out of her ass onto your pristine, eggshell colored carpet.
  67. >No wonder people get mad at these fucking things.
  68. >”Fwuffy make poopies!” she chirps, returning to her toy search.
  69. >You snatch her up by the scruff again.
  70. >She squeals loudly, running in the air.
  71. >”Owwie! Why hurt fwuffy!”
  72. “You shat on my carpet, you little white turd cannon.”
  73. >Your angry stare could freeze flames solid.
  74. >”Fw-fwuffy sowwee!” she squeaks, her legs still flailing uselessly. “Fwuffy no mean be tuwd cannon!”
  75. >Her little wings are spread open, showing the depth of her fear.
  76. >You carry her out to the deck.
  77. >Aiming for the shit stained pine grove, you hurl her with rage augmented strength.
  78. >She flutters her wings desperately.
  79. >They only serve to smooth the arc of her flight.
  80. >She slams into a tree trunk and falls roughly to the ground, landing in a pile of shit.
  81. >Now mostly brown, she limps about and cries about her leg not working.
  82. >She finally hobbles to the other grove. Fluffies that woke up when she struck the tree complain about her smell.
  83. >You feel guilty at first, watching her walk painfully.
  84. >Then you look back at the shit on your carpet and that guilt vanishes.
  85. >You decide to continue watching the fluffy herd from a distance.
  86. >After you clean up the shit.
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