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a guest
Dec 8th, 2019
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  1. extends KinematicBody2D
  3. var motion = Vector2(0, 0)
  4. const UP = Vector2(0, -1)
  5. const GRAVITY = 500
  6. const MAX_SPEED = 100
  7. const ACCELERATION = 600
  8. const JUMP_HEIGHT = -200
  9. const WALL_JUMP_HEIGHT = -130
  10. const TERMINAL_VELOCITY = 250
  11. const FRICTION = 1.2
  12. const AIR_FRICTION = 1.03
  13. var direction = 1
  14. var gravitymode = 1
  15. var active = 1
  16. var debugmode = true
  21. func _physics_process(delta):
  22. if debugmode == true:
  23. print(Engine.get_frames_per_second())
  24. print(motion.y)
  25. if active == 1:
  26. if gravitymode == 1:
  27. motion.y += GRAVITY * delta
  28. motion.y = min(motion.y, TERMINAL_VELOCITY)
  29. elif gravitymode == 3:
  30. motion.y += GRAVITY * delta * 0.4
  31. motion.y = min(motion.y, TERMINAL_VELOCITY/4)
  32. if is_on_floor():
  33. if Input.is_action_just_pressed("jump"):
  34. motion.y = JUMP_HEIGHT - (abs(motion.x) / 10)
  35. if Input.is_action_just_released("jump"):
  36. if motion.y < -100:
  37. motion.y = -100
  38. if Input.is_action_pressed("right"):
  39. motion.x = min(motion.x+ACCELERATION * delta, MAX_SPEED)
  40. elif Input.is_action_pressed("left"):
  41. motion.x = max(motion.x-ACCELERATION * delta, -MAX_SPEED)
  42. else:
  43. if is_on_floor():
  44. motion.x = motion.x / FRICTION
  45. else:
  46. motion.x = motion.x / AIR_FRICTION
  47. if motion.x > 0:
  48. $Sprite.flip_h = false
  49. direction = 1
  50. elif motion.x < 0:
  51. $Sprite.flip_h = true
  52. direction = -1
  53. if is_on_wall() && !is_on_floor():
  54. if motion.y > 0:
  55. gravitymode = 3
  56. if Input.is_action_just_pressed("jump"):
  57. motion.y = WALL_JUMP_HEIGHT
  58. motion.x = MAX_SPEED * -direction * 1.4
  59. elif gravitymode != 2:
  60. gravitymode = 1
  62. if is_on_floor():
  63. if motion.x < -10 || motion.x > 10:
  64. $Sprite/"Running")
  65. else:
  66. $Sprite/"Idle")
  67. if motion.x > 0 && Input.is_action_pressed("left") || motion.x < 0 && Input.is_action_pressed("right"):
  68. $Sprite/"Turning")
  69. else:
  70. if motion.y < 0:
  71. $Sprite/"Jumping")
  72. else:
  73. $Sprite/"Falling")
  74. if is_on_wall():
  75. $Sprite/"WallSlide")
  76. if position.y > 960:
  77. position.y = 1
  78. motion = move_and_slide(motion, UP)
  79. pass
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