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Jul 12th, 2018
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  1. >The Sadducees fled the destruction of Jerusalem into Arabia.
  2. >Mohammad was a Sadducee
  3. >The Pharisees evangelised all through the Roman and Persian Empires
  4. >The "King in Exile" or "Exhilarch" remained in Babylon when the faithful returned.
  5. >After jewing the Persians, Exhilarch had all the money confiscated and were driven out (this becomes a bit of a pattern)
  6. >Exhilarch and about half the talmudic pharisees fled into the caucuses (become Ashkenazi)
  7. >Exhilarch's daughter marries Mohammad and half the talmudic pharisees flee to Arabia
  8. >Exhilarch's grandson (Mohammad's son) returns to Persia at the head of a Muslim army and conquers it all.
  9. >Mohammad's Sadducee son conquers Jerusalem.
  10. >Both proclaim themselves to be the Jewish Messiah
  11. This is the foundation of the Shia/Sunni split. It's still just Sadducee/Pharisee fight.
  12. >All the Pharisaic converts all through North Africa herald Islam as the establishment of the Messianic Kingdom of Israel
  13. >Convert en-mass and throw open the gates of all the fortified cities to the Muslims
  14. >Roman Empire in Africa falls in under a hundred years because Jews do what Jews do best.
  15. >Rome and Europe kick all the Pharisaic converts and Sephardic Jews out of Europe.
  16. >They all go and join the Ashkenazis in the Caucuses
  17. Islam is the final beast empire of Daniel.
  18. Muslims are Talmudic Jews.
  19. Islam is Zionist Talmudism
  20. Ashkenazis (Israel) and Sunnis (Saudi Arabia) both hate the Shia (Iran) because the Iranians claim to be the only legitimate line of Jewish Kings (through the Exhilarch's daughter) and so the only ones from which the Talmudic messiah can come.
  21. >Fun fact, when the Muslims conquered Jerusalem they built two temples on the Temple Mount.
  22. >The Dome and the Al Aqsa Mosque
  23. >For almost 1200 years the Al Aqsa Mosque was considered the rebuilt Temple of Solomon and was where Jews went to worship.
  26. >Was Ben-Gurion suddenly struck with missionary zeal?
  27. >He was just acting on knowledge that he and Yitzhak Ben-Tzvi, the president, has talked about for years. Most of what we now call “Palestinian Arabs” are descendants of Jews. Among the Bedouin that could reach 100 per cent.
  28. >Ben-Gurion’s efforts didn’t go anywhere but give him credit for the thought.
  29. >Tzvi Misinai, a software pioneer, who has devoted his life to assembling the facts on this issue, says that 90 per cent of Palestinian Arabs are descendants of Jews and 50 per cent know it.
  30. >This would explain some curious phenomena.
  31. >When the Jordanians took over Judea and Samaria in 1948, they found no mosques there. King Hussein built the first one.
  32. >The Crusaders when they came here found that the Arabs here spoke Aramaic, not Arabic.
  33. >Both facts would be explained if most of the “Arabs” in this land were really former or crypto-Jews.
  34. >When the original Arabians invaded, the population was comprised of a majority of Greek-speaking Christians and a large minority of Aramaic-speaking Jews.
  35. >The Arabians did not colonize the Promised Land because they saw that this population was not hostile.
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