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Nov 21st, 2016
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  1. Guess what? I'm going to come on to your YouTube channel and I'm going to say something mean and nasty. Oh, that's right. I'm gonna come right the fuck on to your YouTube channel and I'm just gunna tippie-type something mean and nasty. It'll probably have something to do with your race or maybe even your gender. If you're a woman.... ohoh... you can't even imagine the amount of mean and nasty shit that I can think about with women... haha... If you're a man, I can do the same mean and nasty shit but it won't, it won't have the same punch, won't have the same hit, you know what I mean? A-and if you're, if you're, if you're African-American, if you're black, if you're a Latino, if you're Mexican, if you're Caucasian, if you're white, if you're Native American, if you're Asian, if you're Chinese, if you're Japanese, if you're Cantonese. I will come up with something that just... that just... sparks and... just sparks. You're going to see that comment and you're just going to say: "Hey, what the fuck is wrong with you? You should be put in a goddamned mental hospital! You should be put in a goddamned fucking home for people, for very special people, for special people who say mean things to other people, they should lock you away for the rest of your life. They should just lock you the fuck away. They should just keep you there in a dark little fucking hole, somewhere, like the little fucking troll you are." But guess what... that doesn't affect me, because you've taken the bait. You've taken the bait to my little...little mean comment. I've posted it and you've taken the fucking bait. I've got you on the goddamned line sucker, you're a fish, and I'm the fisherman. Actually, I'm more like a Navy SEAL with a fucking harpoon gun hitting a whale, because you're fat. That's right I said it, you're fat, that's just part of my mean and nasty comment. You're fucking fat, you big fucking fatty fat fuck. That's fucking right, I fucking punch you in your fat stomach and I bet it hit you so hard that it all bounced back and the-then the physical force of your stomach reacting to my punch would come back and hit me like a, like a... fucking weeble. 'Cause weebles wobble, but they don't fall down, you fat fuck. Yeah, something like that, something that really itches in your brain, something that you just start scratching. It's like... It's like you take your finger and you start peeling at the paint in the wall and it just keeps coming and coming but there's just more and more layers of paint and then you see blood... and then you see blood coming from the wall and you think to yourself: "Holy shit, am I in the fucking Amityville horror? Am I in the fucking The Shining?" Yeah, a more accurate depiction of a horror movie, but more accurate resolution, more accurate simile, a more accurate thing to reference is The Shining. I think, I think that's a little bit better of a descriptor, you know. I think if though the walls were bleeding in The Shining. I think that was what that was from. There's a lot of horror movies that do that too. But anyway, let's get back to the-th-the topic at hand here. I'm gonna call you a fuck. I'm gonna tell you to kill yourself and you ARE gonna do it, eventually their stress from my one little mean nasty comment will send you into a spiral of depression that you'll never come out of. Oh, you fucking idiot, you fucking clown, you really think... you really think that you can just ignore me? Well I've made a hundred, different Google accounts and I have them logged in to different proxies. I have a hundred different proxies up and each proxy has a different Google account. And when you release your next video, guess what I'm gonna fucking do? I'm gunna dislike it right away. You're gunna get a hundred fucking dislikes, and you're gonna be like: "What the fuck did... did I do something...wrong? Am I a fucking loser? Am I a fucking loser?" Yeah, yeah that's what I'm fucking getting at, you're a big fucking loser, and I left my mean and little nasty comment and I... I don't feel bad at all. I don't feel bad about myself in any little way. I'm a perfect human being. I'm the perfect specimen of a human being. And you know what... you know what... I really hope, I really really hope, that you see my comment and you feel bad about yourself. Because... that's the only thing that matters to me.
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