
GeneralRules VL

Aug 6th, 2013 (edited)
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  1. local function centerText(text)
  2. local x,y = term.getSize()
  3. local x2,y2 = term.getCursorPos()
  4. term.setCursorPos(math.ceil((x / 2) - (text:len() / 2)), y2)
  5. write(text)
  6. end
  8. local oldEvent = os.pullEvent
  9. os.pullEvent = os.pullEventRaw
  11. centerText("General Rules")
  12. print ("================================================================")
  13. print ("Rule 1 - Please do not spam chat!")
  14. print ("---------------------------")
  15. print ("Rule 2 - Do not grief or raid factions that are set to peaceful!")
  16. print ("---------------------------")
  17. print ("Rule 3 - Flying is only permitted by using a ring!")
  18. print ("---------------------------")
  19. print ("Rule 4 - Do NOT exploit dupe bugs 'Blaze Rod EMC Farms Permitted!!'")
  20. print ("---------------------------")
  21. print ("Rule 5 - Extra Client Mods are BANNED!")
  22. print ("---------------------------")
  23. print ("Rule 6 - Respect your fellow server members")
  24. print ("---------------------------")
  25. print ("Rule 7 - Please refrain from asking for staff roles: Op, Admin, Mod!")
  26. print ("---------------------------")
  27. print ("Rule 8 - Death happens. Please don't complain. We know it sucks tits!")
  28. print ("---------------------------")
  29. print ("Rule 9 - Do not grief faction allies!")
  30. print ("---------------------------")
  31. print ("Rule 10 - Please Report bugs to staff. Exploiting them is bannable!")
  32. print ("---------------------------")
  33. print ("Not a rule - Please act like a man! not a 5 year old kid, We will just ignore you!")
  34. print ("---------------------------")
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