

Sep 14th, 2018
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  1. text "In our home world, we worshiped multiple Gods. When we came to Avalon in conquest, Gaia, mother Earth, welcomed our new Gods to this land. Gaia, as you, or anyone else knows, makes no distinction between the dark and the light.\n\nIn her own words, without one, you can not have the other, and they are therefore equal in the eyes of the Mother."
  3. topic "Can you tell me more?"
  4. text "Gaia's neutrality and her welcoming attitude caused many in The Realm to question her power, when a group of Dwarves began whispering that Gaia would allow those who worshiped her to do whatever they wished. This group was lead by a Dwarf named Fenlon."
  7. text "I don't know much about Fenlon, but what I do know is told by Orcs as truth, however, I doubt it's legitimacy. Fenlon, for whatever reason, was born different from the other dwarves. He was more cunning, more ruthless, unlike other creatures of the mists. Fenlon was able to lie, and he reveled in the art, practicing it whenever he was able. It is said that he was also very charismatic, and even as a child he was able to attract rather a large following of other dwarves who emulated him in every action."
  8. text "Yes, Fenlon was able to pull these children away from Gaia; he taught them to lie and steal, but because this behavior was new to Avalon, it was detected quite slowly, and most of these children were nearly grown before their parents fully realized that there was something different about this generation of dwarves. By that time, Fenlon ruled his group with an iron grasp. Fenlon and his followers reached adulthood just as the influx of the Humans from other lands was at its height. Fenlon wished to stop the invasion."
  9. text "I'm getting tired of your questions. Fenlon respectfully petitioned Gaia to cast out the Uplanders. Gaia imperiously refused. Fenlon respectfully insisted that Gaia stop the advance of the Uplanders into Avalon. Gaia became furious. "You dare to question the mother?" she said coldly. Fenlon tried to explain that the land was being destroyed. She waved her hand over her head and turned away from him. "I will hear no more from you, Fenlon of the dwarves. I bid you to be silent." And, with that, she strode away. Fenlon determined at that moment that, no matter what the cost, he would defy the mother to preserve his world."
  10. text "He plotted a strategy with his lieutenant, Magya, and organized the dwarves into a regiment. Soon thereafter, Fenlon and his dwarves created a powerful magic from arbolanima sap and certain incantations that have been lost to the collective memory. Casting of this spell would cause horrible results: its targets would change into cloven-hoofed animals."
  11. text "Of course, Fenlon would not be satisfied simply with putting an end to the aggression of the Uplanders. The spell, to be cast during the Beltane celebrations, was directed not only at the Uplanders, but also at all Humans. But Tia, Gaia's favored attendant, somehow found out about Fenlon's plan."
  12. text "On Beltane night, the dwarves gathered in a clearing. As they formed a circle and prepared to utter the words to cast the magic that would deliver Avalon, another circle formed around them. Gaia, Tia and Rexus, and all of Gaia's other human and elfish attendants, surrounded the dwarves. Gaia's eyes glowed with anger. She extended her arm toward the dwarves, and sparks flew from her fingertips. The words she spoke that night are as lost to us as paradise. But when she was done, Fenlon and his dwarves had transformed into a new species. You are banished from the mists, Fenlon. "From now on,” she spoke, "you and your followers will be known for your offenses. Wherever you go, my children will know you as outcasts."
  13. text "And with that, she waved her arm, and Fenlon and his followers were cast forth from the mists. On this Beltane night, the race of orcs was born. Orcs honor Fenlon as the father of the race, and Magya as the mother. Most races consider this story a blasphemous and self-serving version that bears little resemblance to the truth, for the mother would never behave so cruelly. Nevertheless, orcs tell with pride how Gaia "punished" them by making them the most beautiful of races."
  15. topic "Do you really think Gaia would be so cruel?"
  16. text "It doesn't matter what I think. You asked about legend, I'm telling you what I've heard. You can take it or leave it."
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