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a guest
Dec 11th, 2017
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  1. x y pH EC RSC SAR
  2. 644602.7184 3295635.709 7.82 1.069 6.8 2.612316328
  3. 644219.281 3293883.389 7.45 2.27 6 2.40812669
  4. 644368.6088 3295296.452 7.41 1.17 7.2 1.240347346
  5. 646050.5728 3297548.156 7.8 0.971 4.5 1.589470393
  6. 644641.7003 3295115.255 7.87 0.708 4.4 0.875069715
  7. 644764.8507 3294939.506 8 0.634 4.1 2.154375393
  8. 644885.5937 3295445.407 7.83 1.13 7.1 0.951290419
  10. data <- read.csv("Try_data.csv", header = T)
  11. coordinates(data) <- ~x+y
  12. proj4string(data) <- CRS("+proj=utm +zone=43 ellps=WGS84")
  14. grid = spsample(data, type = "regular", cellsize = c(29.11785674, 29.11785674))
  15. gridded(grid) = TRUE
  16. grid2 <- as(grid, "SpatialPixelsDataFrame")
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