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Apr 22nd, 2019
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  1. In reflection, I apologise for flippantly posting what came across as tips regarding hiding food. I did not intend to encourage anyone to do anything, I was simply stating what I do and wasn’t thinking outside of that, which was careless on my part — however I didn’t have an intention to promote behaviours to other people. I'm sorry if I angered, triggered, upset or dare I say actually gave anyone ideas and I'd hate to have caused anyone distress.
  3. Anon(s) who took me to task over it, thanks for your criticisms (to some degree), I did some thinking about it. However, I think your impression of me is how it is, due to the way in which I can come across as very hostile and defensive — a defence mechanism of mine that can come across the wrong way. Although, I did not purposefully try to encourage anyone, I simply wasn't thinking -- not an excuse, just how it is.
  5. I am typically a very kind/easy going person and only become more unfriendly or pugnacious if you will, when I think I’m being attacked, whether that is irrational or not, is up to interpretation.
  7. Anyway, in hindsight I should have been more careful and I’ve taken your comments into consideration. You don't have to respond of course.
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