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Aug 21st, 2019
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  1. Breakpoint 1, main () at test.c:15
  2. 15 unsigned char H[128/8] = {
  3. (gdb) c
  4. Continuing.
  6. Breakpoint 2, gcmHash_InitContext (ghash=0x7fffffffef90,
  7. H=0x7fffffffef18 "\270;S7\b\277S]\n\246\345)\200\325;x\376\355\372\316ޭ\276\357\376\355\372\316ޭ\276\357\253\255\332", <incomplete sequence \322>, sw=1) at gcm.c:81
  8. 81 SECStatus rv = SECSuccess;
  9. (gdb) n
  10. 83 ghash->cLen = 0;
  11. (gdb)
  12. 84 ghash->bufLen = 0;
  13. (gdb)
  14. 85 PORT_Memset(ghash->counterBuf, 0, sizeof(ghash->counterBuf));
  15. (gdb)
  16. 87 ghash->h_low = get64(H + 8);
  17. (gdb)
  18. 88 ghash->h_high = get64(H);
  19. (gdb)
  20. 90 if (1 && !sw) {
  21. (gdb)
  22. 101 ghash->ghash_mul = gcm_HashMult_sftw;
  23. (gdb)
  24. 105 ghash->x_high = ghash->x_low = 0;
  25. (gdb)
  26. 106 ghash->hw = PR_FALSE;
  27. (gdb) n
  28. 108 return rv;
  29. (gdb)
  30. main () at test.c:47
  31. 47 gcmHash_Reset(&ghashCtxSW,
  32. (gdb) p ghashCtxSW
  33. $2 = {x_low = 0, x_high = 0, h_high = 0, h_low = 0, buffer = '\000' <repeats 15 times>, bufLen = 0, counterBuf = '\000' <repeats 15 times>,
  34. cLen = 0, ghash_mul = 0x0, hw = 0, mem = 0x0}
  35. (gdb) p ghashCtxSW
  36. $3 = {x_low = 0, x_high = 0, h_high = 0, h_low = 0, buffer = '\000' <repeats 15 times>, bufLen = 0, counterBuf = '\000' <repeats 15 times>,
  37. cLen = 0, ghash_mul = 0x0, hw = 0, mem = 0x0}
  38. (gdb) p &ghashCtxSW
  39. $4 = (gcmHashContext *) 0x7fffffffef90
  40. (gdb) disassemble gcmHash_InitContext
  41. Dump of assembler code for function gcmHash_InitContext:
  42. 0x0000000100000e20 <+0>: addis r2,r12,2
  43. 0x0000000100000e24 <+4>: addi r2,r2,28896
  44. 0x0000000100000e28 <+8>: mflr r0
  45. 0x0000000100000e2c <+12>: std r31,-8(r1)
  46. 0x0000000100000e30 <+16>: std r0,16(r1)
  47. 0x0000000100000e34 <+20>: stdu r1,-128(r1)
  48. 0x0000000100000e38 <+24>: mr r31,r1
  49. 0x0000000100000e3c <+28>: mr r6,r5
  50. 0x0000000100000e40 <+32>: std r3,112(r31)
  51. 0x0000000100000e44 <+36>: std r4,104(r31)
  52. 0x0000000100000e48 <+40>: stw r6,100(r31)
  53. 0x0000000100000e4c <+44>: li r6,0
  54. 0x0000000100000e50 <+48>: stw r6,96(r31)
  55. 0x0000000100000e54 <+52>: ld r3,112(r31)
  56. 0x0000000100000e58 <+56>: li r4,0
  57. 0x0000000100000e5c <+60>: std r4,424(r3)
  58. 0x0000000100000e60 <+64>: ld r3,112(r31)
  59. 0x0000000100000e64 <+68>: stw r6,400(r3)
  60. 0x0000000100000e68 <+72>: ld r3,112(r31)
  61. 0x0000000100000e6c <+76>: addi r3,r3,404
  62. 0x0000000100000e70 <+80>: li r4,0
  63. 0x0000000100000e74 <+84>: std r4,8(r3)
  64. 0x0000000100000e78 <+88>: std r4,0(r3)
  65. 0x0000000100000e7c <+92>: ld r3,104(r31)
  66. 0x0000000100000e80 <+96>: addi r3,r3,8
  67. 0x0000000100000e84 <+100>: bl 0x100000dc0 <get64>
  68. --Type <RET> for more, q to quit, c to continue without paging--
  69. 0x0000000100000e88 <+104>: nop
  70. 0x0000000100000e8c <+108>: ld r4,112(r31)
  71. 0x0000000100000e90 <+112>: std r3,376(r4)
  72. 0x0000000100000e94 <+116>: ld r3,104(r31)
  73. 0x0000000100000e98 <+120>: bl 0x100000dc0 <get64>
  74. 0x0000000100000e9c <+124>: nop
  75. 0x0000000100000ea0 <+128>: ld r4,112(r31)
  76. 0x0000000100000ea4 <+132>: std r3,368(r4)
  77. 0x0000000100000ea8 <+136>: lwz r6,100(r31)
  78. 0x0000000100000eac <+140>: cmpwi r6,0
  79. 0x0000000100000eb0 <+144>: bne 0x100000ef4 <gcmHash_InitContext+212>
  80. 0x0000000100000eb4 <+148>: ld r3,104(r31)
  81. 0x0000000100000eb8 <+152>: addi r3,r3,8
  82. 0x0000000100000ebc <+156>: bl 0x100000dc0 <get64>
  83. 0x0000000100000ec0 <+160>: nop
  84. 0x0000000100000ec4 <+164>: ld r4,112(r31)
  85. 0x0000000100000ec8 <+168>: std r3,80(r4)
  86. 0x0000000100000ecc <+172>: ld r3,104(r31)
  87. 0x0000000100000ed0 <+176>: bl 0x100000dc0 <get64>
  88. 0x0000000100000ed4 <+180>: nop
  89. 0x0000000100000ed8 <+184>: ld r4,112(r31)
  90. 0x0000000100000edc <+188>: std r3,88(r4)
  91. 0x0000000100000ee0 <+192>: ld r3,112(r31)
  92. 0x0000000100000ee4 <+196>: bl 0x100002df8 <gcm_HashInit_hw+8>
  93. 0x0000000100000ee8 <+200>: nop
  94. 0x0000000100000eec <+204>: stw r3,96(r31)
  95. 0x0000000100000ef0 <+208>: b 0x100000f24 <gcmHash_InitContext+260>
  96. --Type <RET> for more, q to quit, c to continue without paging--
  97. 0x0000000100000ef4 <+212>: addis r3,r2,-2
  98. 0x0000000100000ef8 <+216>: addi r3,r3,-28592
  99. 0x0000000100000efc <+220>: ld r4,112(r31)
  100. 0x0000000100000f00 <+224>: std r3,432(r4)
  101. 0x0000000100000f04 <+228>: ld r3,112(r31)
  102. 0x0000000100000f08 <+232>: li r4,0
  103. 0x0000000100000f0c <+236>: std r4,352(r3)
  104. 0x0000000100000f10 <+240>: ld r3,112(r31)
  105. 0x0000000100000f14 <+244>: std r4,360(r3)
  106. 0x0000000100000f18 <+248>: ld r3,112(r31)
  107. 0x0000000100000f1c <+252>: li r5,0
  108. 0x0000000100000f20 <+256>: stw r5,440(r3)
  109. 0x0000000100000f24 <+260>: lwa r3,96(r31)
  110. 0x0000000100000f28 <+264>: addi r1,r1,128
  111. 0x0000000100000f2c <+268>: ld r0,16(r1)
  112. 0x0000000100000f30 <+272>: ld r31,-8(r1)
  113. 0x0000000100000f34 <+276>: mtlr r0
  114. 0x0000000100000f38 <+280>: blr
  115. 0x0000000100000f3c <+284>: .long 0x0
  116. 0x0000000100000f40 <+288>: .long 0x0
  117. 0x0000000100000f44 <+292>: .long 0x0
  118. End of assembler dump.
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