

Aug 28th, 2016
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  1. #rockhorn
  2. [2016-08-27 20:48:39] → Joined channel #rockhorn
  3. [2016-08-27 20:48:39] * Channel mode set to +nt by the server
  4. [2016-08-27 20:48:40] * Channel mode is +nt
  5. [2016-08-27 20:48:40] * Channel timestamp is 1472305719
  6. [2016-08-27 20:49:05] → Varrik_Springheart joined (Mibbit@B5D92DBF.75181259.7A265C01.IP)
  7. [2016-08-27 20:49:07] → Khist_LaVi joined (cgiirc@E61A3603.D4F65D68.76D323C4.IP)
  8. [2016-08-27 20:49:44] → Marcon_c joined (~alifalfar@CAA952FB.E4EB6A47.49A2285E.IP)
  9. [2016-08-27 20:49:52] → _VNNZ-L0G joined (~V1nn13z-L@E61A3603.D4F65D68.76D323C4.IP)
  10. [2016-08-27 20:50:05] <_not_Hideo_Kojima> ==Outside the FOB you see a village on top of a hill==
  11. [2016-08-27 20:50:08] <Varrik_Springheart> 3(i would liek tor track number of creature with my natural explorer trait, what should i roll)
  12. [2016-08-27 20:50:20] <Marcon_c> 4"....We are.. still in rozmer right?.."
  13. [2016-08-27 20:50:23] <Varrik_Springheart> 3(track number of bandits)
  14. [2016-08-27 20:50:28] <Khist_LaVi> "I'm not even sure, Marc"
  15. [2016-08-27 20:50:33] <Marcon_c> 4*Looks around, cek langit*
  16. [2016-08-27 20:50:49] <Marcon_c> 4".Blue sky"
  17. [2016-08-27 20:51:00] <Khist_LaVi> 14"Glad it's not red"
  18. [2016-08-27 20:51:10] <Khist_LaVi> 14*sarcastic*
  19. [2016-08-27 20:51:14] → _lavalog joined (
  20. [2016-08-27 20:51:16] <Varrik_Springheart> 3"I'm old enough not to let those kind of things bother you, where you are, when you are... just go with the low, and just be happy you are alive. enjoy the little things in live"
  21. [2016-08-27 20:51:28] <Khist_LaVi> 14*kaget*
  22. [2016-08-27 20:51:40] <Khist_LaVi> 14"Damn it, old man"
  23. [2016-08-27 20:51:50] <Marcon_c> 4"..?"
  24. [2016-08-27 20:51:51] <_not_Hideo_Kojima> (erm bentar Varrik_Springheart)
  25. [2016-08-27 20:52:17] <Marcon_c> 4"I just donk know what that lumos guy scheming here.."
  26. [2016-08-27 20:52:19] <Khist_LaVi> 14*liatin Varrik* "Don't DO that"
  27. [2016-08-27 20:52:38] <Varrik_Springheart> 3"Someone need to make sure ur ok, young lady"
  28. [2016-08-27 20:52:39] <Marcon_c> 4".." *liat Varrik*
  29. [2016-08-27 20:52:55] <Marcon_c> 4"..Name is Marcon"
  30. [2016-08-27 20:52:57] <Varrik_Springheart> 3"besides kinfolk are suppose to watch each other's back"
  31. [2016-08-27 20:52:58] <Khist_LaVi> 14"You're not my dad"
  32. [2016-08-27 20:53:08] <Khist_LaVi> 14"Again with the kinfolk"
  33. [2016-08-27 20:53:15] <Khist_LaVi> 14"We're different, Varrik"
  34. [2016-08-27 20:53:25] <Varrik_Springheart> 3"Hello marcon. im varrik"
  35. [2016-08-27 20:53:30] <_not_Hideo_Kojima> (Marcon_c bisa bantu roll apa harusnya buat tracking?)
  36. [2016-08-27 20:53:36] <Varrik_Springheart> 3(elu bukan wood elf?)
  37. [2016-08-27 20:53:39] <Marcon_c> 4(Survival)
  38. [2016-08-27 20:53:47] <Khist_LaVi> 14(bukan itu maksud gua)
  39. [2016-08-27 20:53:56] <Khist_LaVi> 14"The only thing that's the same is our race, that's it."
  40. [2016-08-27 20:54:03] <Khist_LaVi> 14*annoyed*
  41. [2016-08-27 20:54:15] → _anjir joined (~androirc@908B18D7.BDFAA879.36AE5024.IP)
  42. [2016-08-27 20:54:20] <Varrik_Springheart> 3"yes more reason why we should look out for each other, just sayin"
  43. [2016-08-27 20:54:24] <Khist_LaVi> 14"Are there any hills... or some vantage point we could use..." *liat kiri-kanan*
  44. [2016-08-27 20:54:24] <Marcon_c> 4*Fokus scouting lagi*
  45. [2016-08-27 20:54:30] <Marcon_c> 4*Mencari tanda2 fort*
  46. [2016-08-27 20:54:31] <Varrik_Springheart> 3(roll suival when gm is ready)
  47. [2016-08-27 20:54:38] <_not_Hideo_Kojima> (silahkan roll survival Varrik_Springheart)
  48. [2016-08-27 20:54:47] <Varrik_Springheart> 3!roll 1d20+4
  49. [2016-08-27 20:54:47] → _ErW_Backup joined (
  50. [2016-08-27 20:54:48] <Khist_LaVi> 14(boleh ikut juga roll survival?)
  51. [2016-08-27 20:55:01] <Varrik_Springheart> 3(dadu?)
  52. [2016-08-27 20:55:13] <Khist_LaVi> 14(gm-nya lupa lol)
  53. [2016-08-27 20:55:31] <Varrik_Springheart> 3(ene grassland ato mountain?)
  54. [2016-08-27 20:55:37] <Varrik_Springheart> 3(favoured terrain double prof)
  55. [2016-08-27 20:55:40] <_not_Hideo_Kojima> (ups bentar)
  56. [2016-08-27 20:55:55] <Khist_LaVi> 14(kalo forest... gua juga favoured terrain)
  57. [2016-08-27 20:56:22] → _not_kaz joined (~not_solid@F93919E0.4624580C.582DAE15.IP)
  58. [2016-08-27 20:56:25] <Varrik_Springheart> 3(gw mountain)
  59. [2016-08-27 20:56:45] <Khist_LaVi> 14(ya gua forest lel)
  60. [2016-08-27 20:57:20] <_not_Hideo_Kojima> (sok roll lagi)
  61. [2016-08-27 20:57:42] <Khist_LaVi> 14!roll 1d20+3+2
  62. [2016-08-27 20:57:43] — _not_kaz sends for Pequod to get 1d20+3+2 This is Pequod! Arriving shortly at LZ, dropping supplies of: [4] + 3 + 2 = 9 stealth camouflage to Khist_LaVi !
  63. [2016-08-27 20:57:49] <Khist_LaVi> 14(boo -3-)
  64. [2016-08-27 20:57:54] <_not_Hideo_Kojima> (grassland btw)
  65. [2016-08-27 20:58:04] <Varrik_Springheart> 3!roll 1d20+4
  66. [2016-08-27 20:58:04] — _not_kaz sends for Pequod to get 1d20+4 This is Pequod! Arriving shortly at LZ, dropping supplies of: [20] + 4 = 24 stealth camouflage to Varrik_Springheart !
  67. [2016-08-27 20:58:10] <Varrik_Springheart> 3(yeaaa)
  68. [2016-08-27 20:58:18] <Khist_LaVi> 14(bt -3-)
  69. [2016-08-27 20:58:19] <Varrik_Springheart> 3(gimme everything mwahahaha)
  70. [2016-08-27 20:58:27] → _lavarel joined (~lavarel@59B3A915.294B9A38.FEF58017.IP)
  71. [2016-08-27 20:58:28] <_not_Hideo_Kojima> (bukan favored terrain Varrik_Springheart, ini di grassland)
  72. [2016-08-27 20:58:48] <Varrik_Springheart> 3(thats not favored terran roll, thats normal roll)
  73. [2016-08-27 20:59:12] <Varrik_Springheart> 3(wis+2, outlander+2)
  74. [2016-08-27 20:59:26] <Khist_LaVi> 14(wis gua padahal lebih gede...)
  75. [2016-08-27 20:59:26] <Varrik_Springheart> 3(also natural 20, its a crit)
  76. [2016-08-27 20:59:59] <Marcon_c> 4"...and dealing with bandit.."
  77. [2016-08-27 21:00:19] <_not_Hideo_Kojima> (I see)
  78. [2016-08-27 21:00:22] <Khist_LaVi> 14"Maybe we could pick 'em down from here"
  79. [2016-08-27 21:00:25] <_not_Hideo_Kojima> (PM ya Varrik_Springheart)
  80. [2016-08-27 21:00:32] <Marcon_c> 4"First job from Lumos sure is normal.."
  81. [2016-08-27 21:00:33] <Varrik_Springheart> 3(kk)
  82. [2016-08-27 21:00:45] <Marcon_c> 4"Maybe"
  83. [2016-08-27 21:01:06] <Varrik_Springheart> 3*bonks Khist on her head*
  84. [2016-08-27 21:01:12] <Khist_LaVi> 14"Do you see any hill or high- HEY"
  85. [2016-08-27 21:01:13] <Varrik_Springheart> 3"there are 15 of 'em here. there's 3 of us"
  86. [2016-08-27 21:01:21] <Khist_LaVi> 14"...and?"
  87. [2016-08-27 21:01:24] <Marcon_c> 4"I expect we gonna met some demon or gigantic monster.."
  88. [2016-08-27 21:01:29] <Marcon_c> 4" Hm?"
  89. [2016-08-27 21:01:30] <Varrik_Springheart> 3"if u wanna die go ahead and attack"
  90. [2016-08-27 21:01:35] <Khist_LaVi> 14*bengong liatin Varrik*
  91. [2016-08-27 21:01:43] <Khist_LaVi> 14"Well, we could do range attack"
  92. [2016-08-27 21:01:44] <Khist_LaVi> 14"And run"
  93. [2016-08-27 21:01:57] <Khist_LaVi> 14"Or like... give 'em warning shots"
  94. [2016-08-27 21:02:02] <Marcon_c> 4"15.. on the fort?"
  95. [2016-08-27 21:02:03] <Varrik_Springheart> 3"implying you can outrun them"
  96. [2016-08-27 21:02:17] <Varrik_Springheart> 3"15 on the entrance, not sure about inside, could be more"
  97. [2016-08-27 21:02:19] <Khist_LaVi> 14"I could, maybe you can't" *nudge Varrik*
  98. [2016-08-27 21:02:38] <Varrik_Springheart> 3"I value my life. i need to be alive to get my 100gp. so u go ahead " :D
  99. [2016-08-27 21:02:45] <Khist_LaVi> 14"What do you propose, varrik?"
  100. [2016-08-27 21:03:03] <Marcon_c> 4(can we see the fort _not_Hideo_Kojima?)
  101. [2016-08-27 21:03:10] <Marcon_c> 4(dan ada berapa entrance?)
  102. [2016-08-27 21:03:23] <Varrik_Springheart> 3"I say we wait for that red chick to come up with her army THEN we attack"
  103. [2016-08-27 21:03:30] <Varrik_Springheart> 3"from behind, easier that way"
  104. [2016-08-27 21:03:31] <Khist_LaVi> 14"That's BORING"
  105. [2016-08-27 21:03:44] <Marcon_c> 4(iseng)
  106. [2016-08-27 21:03:46] <Marcon_c> !roll 1d20+3
  107. [2016-08-27 21:03:46] — _not_kaz sends for Pequod to get 1d20+3 This is Pequod! Arriving shortly at LZ, dropping supplies of: [3] + 3 = 6 stealth camouflage to Marcon_c !
  108. [2016-08-27 21:03:50] <Varrik_Springheart> 3"welp im just gonna lay here and doze off"
  109. [2016-08-27 21:03:50] <Marcon_c> 4(Buahahaha)
  110. [2016-08-27 21:04:02] <Khist_LaVi> 14"Beside, MAYBE they'll give us some extra gold if we pick 'em off a bit"
  111. [2016-08-27 21:04:09] <Khist_LaVi> 14(roll charisma buat persuasi?)
  112. [2016-08-27 21:04:14] <Varrik_Springheart> 3*gets back up*
  113. [2016-08-27 21:04:16] <Marcon_c> 4(and.. is there any path that will gain us advantage again the bandit on the fort?)
  114. [2016-08-27 21:04:17] <Varrik_Springheart> 3"did u say GOLD"
  115. [2016-08-27 21:04:18] <Khist_LaVi> 14(to varrik, of course)
  116. [2016-08-27 21:04:28] <Marcon_c> 4"Oi"
  117. [2016-08-27 21:04:38] <Marcon_c> 4"Dont be reckless"
  118. [2016-08-27 21:04:44] <Khist_LaVi> 14"Hey, i'm just saying"
  119. [2016-08-27 21:04:54] <Khist_LaVi> 14"If we... make an easy entrance for the red's army"
  120. [2016-08-27 21:05:06] <Khist_LaVi> 14"We could have some... 'extra gift' from her"
  121. [2016-08-27 21:05:11] <Khist_LaVi> 14"What'ya say, Varry?"
  122. [2016-08-27 21:05:13] <Varrik_Springheart> 3"Flanking them will be advantageous for us. Just let them attack then we pick them from the side. easy 100 gp"
  123. [2016-08-27 21:05:20] <Marcon_c> 4"..Dont alert them khist"
  124. [2016-08-27 21:05:31] <_not_Hideo_Kojima> ==Varrik_Springheart roll perception!==
  125. [2016-08-27 21:05:43] <Khist_LaVi> 14"We could just run, Marc"
  126. [2016-08-27 21:05:47] <Varrik_Springheart> 3!roll 1d20+4
  127. [2016-08-27 21:05:47] — _not_kaz sends for Pequod to get 1d20+4 This is Pequod! Arriving shortly at LZ, dropping supplies of: [16] + 4 = 20 stealth camouflage to Varrik_Springheart !
  128. [2016-08-27 21:06:11] <Khist_LaVi> 14(lagi bagus ya -3-)
  129. [2016-08-27 21:06:19] <Varrik_Springheart> 3"i have goosebumps... something's not right"
  130. [2016-08-27 21:06:27] <Khist_LaVi> 14"Why's that?"
  131. [2016-08-27 21:06:31] <Khist_LaVi> 14"Someone's watching us?"
  132. [2016-08-27 21:06:32] <Marcon_c> 4"..kalo mereka waspada, bisa mempersulit penyerangan nanti.."
  133. [2016-08-27 21:06:35] <Varrik_Springheart> 3*Nastyballs growls*
  134. [2016-08-27 21:06:36] <Khist_LaVi> 14*preps bow*
  135. [2016-08-27 21:06:48] <Marcon_c> 4"..we better.. hm?"
  136. [2016-08-27 21:07:05] <Khist_LaVi> 14(roll perception juga boleh? penasaran)
  137. [2016-08-27 21:07:55] <Varrik_Springheart> 3Nastyballs spotted 3 bandits at the base of the hill
  138. [2016-08-27 21:07:58] <Varrik_Springheart> 3""
  139. [2016-08-27 21:08:12] <Khist_LaVi> 14"Hill?"
  140. [2016-08-27 21:08:13] <Khist_LaVi> 14"where?"
  141. [2016-08-27 21:08:22] <Marcon_c> 4"..Did they see us?"
  142. [2016-08-27 21:08:24] <Varrik_Springheart> 3"We can probably kill them before they alert their friends"
  143. [2016-08-27 21:08:38] <Varrik_Springheart> 3"no they didnt notice us yet, those dumb bandits"
  144. [2016-08-27 21:08:40] <Khist_LaVi> 14"And we could take over the hill..."
  145. [2016-08-27 21:08:52] <Khist_LaVi> 14"VANTAGE POINT"
  146. [2016-08-27 21:09:01] <Khist_LaVi> 14*quietly yells*
  147. [2016-08-27 21:09:15] <Varrik_Springheart> 3"ill go if marcon here go"
  148. [2016-08-27 21:09:19] <Varrik_Springheart> 3"no point 2 vs 3"
  149. [2016-08-27 21:09:20] <Marcon_c> 4"...."
  150. [2016-08-27 21:09:30] <Varrik_Springheart> 3"wait 4 with nastyballs"
  151. [2016-08-27 21:09:34] <_not_Hideo_Kojima> (they're far away though)
  152. [2016-08-27 21:09:52] <Khist_LaVi> 14(nggak bisa ngedeket? stealth perhaps?)
  153. [2016-08-27 21:09:55] <Varrik_Springheart> 3"then again, they are pretty far"
  154. [2016-08-27 21:09:55] <Marcon_c> 4"..How close are they to the fort?"
  155. [2016-08-27 21:10:09] <Khist_LaVi> 14"We could sneak to bridge the gap..."
  156. [2016-08-27 21:10:17] <Khist_LaVi> 14"Maybe, even... back stab them?"
  157. [2016-08-27 21:10:31] <Marcon_c> 4"..I want to caught one"
  158. [2016-08-27 21:10:36] <Marcon_c> 4*Catch
  159. [2016-08-27 21:10:40] <Varrik_Springheart> 3"we can, but what about marco"
  160. [2016-08-27 21:10:47] <Marcon_c> 4*Crack knuckles*
  161. [2016-08-27 21:10:49] <Marcon_c> 4(iseng)
  162. [2016-08-27 21:10:51] <Marcon_c> !roll 1d0
  163. [2016-08-27 21:10:51] — _not_kaz sends for Pequod to get 1d0 This is Pequod! Arriving shortly at LZ, dropping supplies of: [0] = 0 stealth camouflage to Marcon_c !
  164. [2016-08-27 21:10:53] <Khist_LaVi> 14"I say he's ready"
  165. [2016-08-27 21:11:00] <Marcon_c> 4"Let's go"
  166. [2016-08-27 21:11:06] <Khist_LaVi> 14(lol bener lah)
  167. [2016-08-27 21:11:28] <Varrik_Springheart> 3(can we auto stealth till we reach the 3 bandit ?)
  168. [2016-08-27 21:11:28] <_not_Hideo_Kojima> (you will have to walk about 600 ft to reach there)
  169. [2016-08-27 21:11:37] <Marcon_c> 4(Beuh 600 ft)
  170. [2016-08-27 21:11:40] <Marcon_c> 4(gpp sih)
  171. [2016-08-27 21:11:43] <Khist_LaVi> 14(bisa lah~)
  172. [2016-08-27 21:11:49] <Marcon_c> 4*Approach stealthly*
  173. [2016-08-27 21:12:04] <Marcon_c> 4(Ada semak ga?)
  174. [2016-08-27 21:12:07] <Khist_LaVi> 14(roll nggak?)
  175. [2016-08-27 21:12:08] <Varrik_Springheart> 3(are there in position to alert the fort if we attack?)
  176. [2016-08-27 21:12:20] <Varrik_Springheart> 3(*they)
  177. [2016-08-27 21:12:57] <_not_Hideo_Kojima> (grassland Marcon_c ada here and there sih)
  178. [2016-08-27 21:13:05] <_not_Hideo_Kojima> (Iya Varrik_Springheart)
  179. [2016-08-27 21:13:19] <Varrik_Springheart> 3"We should wait for the red chick"
  180. [2016-08-27 21:13:26] <Varrik_Springheart> 3"they can alert the fort and we are dead"
  181. [2016-08-27 21:13:28] <Khist_LaVi> 14"What" *facepalms*
  182. [2016-08-27 21:13:46] <Marcon_c> 4"...Made up your mind"
  183. [2016-08-27 21:13:59] <Marcon_c> 4*Tch*
  184. [2016-08-27 21:14:08] <Khist_LaVi> 14"FINE, let's just tell her about the 3 duts"
  185. [2016-08-27 21:14:43] <Marcon_c> 4(roll apa untuk cari path yang bikin kita dapet advantage di raid nanti ga _not_Hideo_Kojima?)
  186. [2016-08-27 21:14:52] <Varrik_Springheart> 3"agreed we are the SCOUT, we scout, we dont atack"
  187. [2016-08-27 21:15:07] <_not_Hideo_Kojima> (silahkan roll insight Marcon_c)
  188. [2016-08-27 21:15:09] <Khist_LaVi> 14"...i was thinking of maybe putting some warning shots here and there"
  189. [2016-08-27 21:15:25] <Marcon_c> !roll 1d20+3
  190. [2016-08-27 21:15:25] — _not_kaz sends for Pequod to get 1d20+3 This is Pequod! Arriving shortly at LZ, dropping supplies of: [11] + 3 = 14 stealth camouflage to Marcon_c !
  191. [2016-08-27 21:15:30] <Marcon_c> 4(14 saja)
  192. [2016-08-27 21:16:54] <Marcon_c> 4"..I want to look around a little bit more"
  193. [2016-08-27 21:17:08] <Marcon_c> 4*Nyelonong scouting*
  194. [2016-08-27 21:17:15] <Khist_LaVi> 14"H-hey"
  195. [2016-08-27 21:17:16] <Marcon_c> 4*coba cek.. apa yang dijaga*
  196. [2016-08-27 21:17:26] <Khist_LaVi> 14*sigh*
  197. [2016-08-27 21:17:29] <Marcon_c> 4"..I will stay stealth, dont worry"
  198. [2016-08-27 21:17:42] <Khist_LaVi> 14"How about you" *liat Varrik*
  199. [2016-08-27 21:18:13] * _ErW_Backup is now known as Erin_Whitemane
  200. [2016-08-27 21:19:06] <Marcon_c> 4*Stealthily scout ahead to find what are they guarding*
  201. [2016-08-27 21:19:12] <Varrik_Springheart> 3"well why not as long its just looking"
  202. [2016-08-27 21:19:24] <_not_Hideo_Kojima> (roll stealth Marcon_c)
  203. [2016-08-27 21:19:24] <_VNNZ-L0G> "ok then"
  204. [2016-08-27 21:19:53] <_VNNZ-L0G> *ngikut marcon* (roll stealth ya gua?)
  205. [2016-08-27 21:19:58] <Marcon_c> !roll 1d20+7
  206. [2016-08-27 21:19:58] — _not_kaz sends for Pequod to get 1d20+7 This is Pequod! Arriving shortly at LZ, dropping supplies of: [16] + 7 = 23 stealth camouflage to Marcon_c !
  207. [2016-08-27 21:20:09] <_not_Hideo_Kojima> (whoof)
  208. [2016-08-27 21:20:12] <Marcon_c> 4(Stealth 23~)
  209. [2016-08-27 21:20:31] <_not_Hideo_Kojima> ==Marcon_c you stealthily maneuvered to vantage position and...==
  210. [2016-08-27 21:20:35] <_VNNZ-L0G> !roll 1d20+5
  211. [2016-08-27 21:20:35] — _not_kaz sends for Pequod to get 1d20+5 This is Pequod! Arriving shortly at LZ, dropping supplies of: [15] + 5 = 20 stealth camouflage to _VNNZ-L0G !
  212. [2016-08-27 21:20:43] <_VNNZ-L0G> (amin~)
  213. [2016-08-27 21:20:56] <Varrik_Springheart> 3(stealth is wat? dex?)
  214. [2016-08-27 21:21:05] <Marcon_c> 4(Dex)
  215. [2016-08-27 21:21:07] <Varrik_Springheart> 3!roll 1d20+3
  216. [2016-08-27 21:21:07] — _not_kaz sends for Pequod to get 1d20+3 This is Pequod! Arriving shortly at LZ, dropping supplies of: [2] + 3 = 5 stealth camouflage to Varrik_Springheart !
  217. [2016-08-27 21:21:25] <_VNNZ-L0G> (...why?)
  218. [2016-08-27 21:22:29] <Marcon_c> 4".." *Gesture Ssssh ke Varrik_Springheart*
  219. [2016-08-27 21:22:43] ⇐ Khist_LaVi quit (cgiirc@E61A3603.D4F65D68.76D323C4.IP): Quit: ajax IRC Client
  220. [2016-08-27 21:22:57] <_not_Hideo_Kojima> ==Your position is compromised! The Bandits are going to your position!==
  221. [2016-08-27 21:23:11] <_VNNZ-L0G> (gg wp)
  222. [2016-08-27 21:23:12] <_not_Hideo_Kojima> ==And they've alerted the others!==
  223. [2016-08-27 21:23:14] <Marcon_c> 4"...Look The seems like guarding a hidden pa- Damn it"
  224. [2016-08-27 21:23:23] <Marcon_c> 4(How many bandit?)
  225. [2016-08-27 21:23:41] <Varrik_Springheart> 3"retreat"
  226. [2016-08-27 21:23:41] <_VNNZ-L0G> (bileh buka last save point?)
  227. [2016-08-27 21:23:45] <Varrik_Springheart> 3*runs back to the camp
  228. [2016-08-27 21:23:46] <Marcon_c> 4"They noticed us"
  229. [2016-08-27 21:24:01] <_not_Hideo_Kojima> (all roll athletics! untrained boleh)
  230. [2016-08-27 21:24:09] <Marcon_c> 4"..Come on"
  231. [2016-08-27 21:24:13] <_VNNZ-L0G> (dex lagi ya?)
  232. [2016-08-27 21:24:16] <Marcon_c> 4*Tarik Khist*
  233. [2016-08-27 21:24:21] <Varrik_Springheart> 3!roll 1d20+4
  234. [2016-08-27 21:24:21] — _not_kaz sends for Pequod to get 1d20+4 This is Pequod! Arriving shortly at LZ, dropping supplies of: [12] + 4 = 16 stealth camouflage to Varrik_Springheart !
  235. [2016-08-27 21:24:28] <Marcon_c> 4*RUN*
  236. [2016-08-27 21:24:32] <_VNNZ-L0G> !roll 1d20+3
  237. [2016-08-27 21:24:33] — _not_kaz sends for Pequod to get 1d20+3 This is Pequod! Arriving shortly at LZ, dropping supplies of: [11] + 3 = 14 stealth camouflage to _VNNZ-L0G !
  238. [2016-08-27 21:24:46] <Marcon_c> 4(athletic str sih biasanya)
  239. [2016-08-27 21:24:58] <_VNNZ-L0G> "EAT THO- hey" *ketarik*
  240. [2016-08-27 21:25:03] <Marcon_c> !roll 1d20
  241. [2016-08-27 21:25:03] — _not_kaz sends for Pequod to get 1d20 This is Pequod! Arriving shortly at LZ, dropping supplies of: [8] = 8 stealth camouflage to Marcon_c !
  242. [2016-08-27 21:25:05] <_VNNZ-L0G> (lol telat pake dex)
  243. [2016-08-27 21:25:14] <Marcon_c> 4(..9 kalo str, 11 kalo dex)
  244. [2016-08-27 21:25:19] <Marcon_c> 4(ganti modifiernya aja sih wkwk)
  245. [2016-08-27 21:25:31] <Marcon_c> 4(Monk spd 40 ft sih)
  246. [2016-08-27 21:25:37] <_VNNZ-L0G> !roll 1d20
  247. [2016-08-27 21:25:38] — _not_kaz sends for Pequod to get 1d20 This is Pequod! Arriving shortly at LZ, dropping supplies of: [4] = 4 stealth camouflage to _VNNZ-L0G !
  248. [2016-08-27 21:25:42] <Marcon_c> 4(kalo ngaruh)
  249. [2016-08-27 21:25:44] <_VNNZ-L0G> (...)
  250. [2016-08-27 21:25:51] <_not_Hideo_Kojima> ==The bandit catches up!==
  251. [2016-08-27 21:25:54] <_VNNZ-L0G> (base speed gua 35ft sih)
  252. [2016-08-27 21:25:59] <_not_Hideo_Kojima> Bandit : "Who goes there!"
  253. [2016-08-27 21:26:12] <_VNNZ-L0G> *yells* "YOUR MOM"
  254. [2016-08-27 21:26:25] <Varrik_Springheart> 3(who did he se.. nevermind)
  255. [2016-08-27 21:26:28] <Marcon_c> 4(mpos berapa banyak)
  256. [2016-08-27 21:26:43] <Marcon_c> 4"Less talking"
  257. [2016-08-27 21:26:47] <Marcon_c> 4*Seret Khist*
  258. [2016-08-27 21:26:57] <_not_Hideo_Kojima> Bandit : "Grr..."
  259. [2016-08-27 21:27:02] <_not_Hideo_Kojima> Bandit : "!!"
  260. [2016-08-27 21:27:16] <_not_Hideo_Kojima> !roll 1d100
  261. [2016-08-27 21:27:17] — _not_kaz sends for Pequod to get 1d100 This is Pequod! Arriving shortly at LZ, dropping supplies of: [3] = 3 stealth camouflage to _not_Hideo_Kojima !
  262. [2016-08-27 21:27:21] <_not_Hideo_Kojima> (welp)
  263. [2016-08-27 21:27:23] <_VNNZ-L0G> (wut)
  264. [2016-08-27 21:27:29] <_not_Hideo_Kojima> ==Roll initiative!==
  265. [2016-08-27 21:27:35] <_VNNZ-L0G> (lol)
  266. [2016-08-27 21:27:38] <Marcon_c> 4(anjay)
  267. [2016-08-27 21:27:41] <Marcon_c> !roll 1d20+3
  268. [2016-08-27 21:27:42] — _not_kaz sends for Pequod to get 1d20+3 This is Pequod! Arriving shortly at LZ, dropping supplies of: [7] + 3 = 10 stealth camouflage to Marcon_c !
  269. [2016-08-27 21:27:45] <Marcon_c> 4(10 saja)
  270. [2016-08-27 21:27:46] <_VNNZ-L0G> !roll 1d20+3
  271. [2016-08-27 21:27:46] — _not_kaz sends for Pequod to get 1d20+3 This is Pequod! Arriving shortly at LZ, dropping supplies of: [14] + 3 = 17 stealth camouflage to _VNNZ-L0G !
  272. [2016-08-27 21:27:54] <Varrik_Springheart> 3!roll 1d20+3
  273. [2016-08-27 21:27:55] — _not_kaz sends for Pequod to get 1d20+3 This is Pequod! Arriving shortly at LZ, dropping supplies of: [19] + 3 = 22 stealth camouflage to Varrik_Springheart !
  274. [2016-08-27 21:28:07] <Marcon_c> 4( Varrik_Springheart 22 - Khist 17 - Marcon_c 10)
  275. [2016-08-27 21:28:23] → Khist_LaVi joined (Mibbit@E61A3603.D4F65D68.76D323C4.IP)
  276. [2016-08-27 21:28:45] <Varrik_Springheart> 3(my turn?)
  277. [2016-08-27 21:29:11] <Khist_LaVi> 14(bandit belum roll)
  278. [2016-08-27 21:29:24] <_not_Hideo_Kojima> !roll 1d20+1
  279. [2016-08-27 21:29:25] — _not_kaz sends for Pequod to get 1d20+1 This is Pequod! Arriving shortly at LZ, dropping supplies of: [11] + 1 = 12 stealth camouflage to _not_Hideo_Kojima !
  280. [2016-08-27 21:29:29] <_not_Hideo_Kojima> (urutin dong)
  281. [2016-08-27 21:29:42] <Varrik_Springheart> 3(varik khist bandit marco)
  282. [2016-08-27 21:29:44] <Marcon_c> 4( Varrik_Springheart 22 - Khist 17 - Banditos 12 - Marcon_c 10)
  283. [2016-08-27 21:29:51] <Khist_LaVi> 14(Varrik 22 - Khist 17 - bandit 12 - marcon 10)
  284. [2016-08-27 21:30:06] <Khist_LaVi> 14(banditnya berapa banyak? 4?)
  285. [2016-08-27 21:30:07] <Varrik_Springheart> 3(how many bandit, dan jarak)
  286. [2016-08-27 21:30:07] <_not_Hideo_Kojima> ==It's Varrik_Springheart's turn!==
  287. [2016-08-27 21:30:11] <_not_Hideo_Kojima> (3)
  288. [2016-08-27 21:30:16] <_not_Hideo_Kojima> ==Jaraks==
  289. [2016-08-27 21:30:17] <Khist_LaVi> 14(jarak?)
  290. [2016-08-27 21:30:34] <_not_Hideo_Kojima> ==bandit dan party berhadap-hadapan 30ft==
  291. [2016-08-27 21:30:39] <Varrik_Springheart> 3*whistles to Nastyballs* "Go get 'em boy"
  292. [2016-08-27 21:30:52] <Varrik_Springheart> 3(using pounce on middle bandit)
  293. [2016-08-27 21:30:55] <Khist_LaVi> 14(jarak antar bandit? 5ft biasa?)
  294. [2016-08-27 21:31:05] <Varrik_Springheart> 3*Nastyballs runs towards middle bandit*
  295. [2016-08-27 21:31:17] <Marcon_c> 4*lirik bow Khist_LaVi*
  296. [2016-08-27 21:31:31] <Khist_LaVi> 14"What?" *bingung ngeliatin Marcon*
  297. [2016-08-27 21:31:37] <_not_Hideo_Kojima> (silahkan roll attack Nastyballs)
  298. [2016-08-27 21:31:38] <Marcon_c> 4"...Get back and support me from behind"
  299. [2016-08-27 21:31:39] <Varrik_Springheart> 3(rolling claw attack for Nastyballs?)
  300. [2016-08-27 21:31:47] <_not_Hideo_Kojima> (iya 5ft Khist_LaVi )
  301. [2016-08-27 21:31:51] <Khist_LaVi> 14"ok...?"
  302. [2016-08-27 21:31:54] <_not_Hideo_Kojima> (kalian juga 5ft)
  303. [2016-08-27 21:31:56] <Marcon_c> 4"In the worst case, call for reinforcement"
  304. [2016-08-27 21:31:56] <Varrik_Springheart> 3!roll 1d20+6
  305. [2016-08-27 21:31:57] — _not_kaz sends for Pequod to get 1d20+6 This is Pequod! Arriving shortly at LZ, dropping supplies of: [20] + 6 = 26 stealth camouflage to Varrik_Springheart !
  306. [2016-08-27 21:32:03] <Marcon_c> 4(...sedang prima)
  307. [2016-08-27 21:32:05] <Marcon_c> 4(CRIT)
  308. [2016-08-27 21:32:06] <Varrik_Springheart> 3(fucking crit!!!!!!!)
  309. [2016-08-27 21:32:09] <_not_Hideo_Kojima> ==CRIT==
  310. [2016-08-27 21:32:15] <Khist_LaVi> 14(gg wp)
  311. [2016-08-27 21:32:19] <_not_Hideo_Kojima> ==Roll damage twice, also the bandit is prone==
  312. [2016-08-27 21:32:22] <Khist_LaVi> 14(bisa dapet kencan =3=]b)
  313. [2016-08-27 21:32:47] <Varrik_Springheart> 3*Nastyballs jumps at the bandit and slap his face silly with his claw. The bandit falls to the ground kissing it good*
  314. [2016-08-27 21:33:12] <Varrik_Springheart> 3(rolling attack)
  315. [2016-08-27 21:33:18] <Varrik_Springheart> 3(rolling damage)
  316. [2016-08-27 21:33:24] <_not_Hideo_Kojima> (silahkan)
  317. [2016-08-27 21:33:39] <Varrik_Springheart> 3!roll 1d4+4
  318. [2016-08-27 21:33:40] — _not_kaz sends for Pequod to get 1d4+4 This is Pequod! Arriving shortly at LZ, dropping supplies of: [2] + 4 = 6 stealth camouflage to Varrik_Springheart !
  319. [2016-08-27 21:33:47] <Varrik_Springheart> 3(roll again for crit)
  320. [2016-08-27 21:33:54] <_not_Hideo_Kojima> (silahkan)
  321. [2016-08-27 21:33:56] <Varrik_Springheart> 3!roll 1d4+4
  322. [2016-08-27 21:33:56] — _not_kaz sends for Pequod to get 1d4+4 This is Pequod! Arriving shortly at LZ, dropping supplies of: [1] + 4 = 5 stealth camouflage to Varrik_Springheart !
  323. [2016-08-27 21:34:04] <Varrik_Springheart> 3(roll again for attacking prone)
  324. [2016-08-27 21:34:16] <Varrik_Springheart> 3(oh wait)
  325. [2016-08-27 21:34:19] <Marcon_c> 4(roll crit ga pake modifier btw)
  326. [2016-08-27 21:34:20] <_not_Hideo_Kojima> (roll bite attack, silahkan)
  327. [2016-08-27 21:34:22] <Varrik_Springheart> 3(roll dc vs 12)
  328. [2016-08-27 21:34:34] <Marcon_c> 4(*Damage crit)
  329. [2016-08-27 21:34:35] <_not_Hideo_Kojima> (cuma 1 ya berarti yang ke 2)
  330. [2016-08-27 21:34:44] <_not_Hideo_Kojima> !roll 1d20+1
  331. [2016-08-27 21:34:44] <Khist_LaVi> 14(yup)
  332. [2016-08-27 21:34:44] — _not_kaz sends for Pequod to get 1d20+1 This is Pequod! Arriving shortly at LZ, dropping supplies of: [1] + 1 = 2 stealth camouflage to _not_Hideo_Kojima !
  333. [2016-08-27 21:34:55] <Varrik_Springheart> 3(yep definately prone)
  334. [2016-08-27 21:34:57] <_not_Hideo_Kojima> (kena, silahkan roll bite)
  335. [2016-08-27 21:35:13] <Varrik_Springheart> 3!roll 1d6+4
  336. [2016-08-27 21:35:13] — _not_kaz sends for Pequod to get 1d6+4 This is Pequod! Arriving shortly at LZ, dropping supplies of: [4] + 4 = 8 stealth camouflage to Varrik_Springheart !
  337. [2016-08-27 21:35:35] <_not_Hideo_Kojima> ==Varrik_Springheart Nastyballs shreds one of the bandit to pieces!==
  338. [2016-08-27 21:35:37] <Varrik_Springheart> 3*Nastyballs clutches his teeth on to the bandit and biting some of his skin off*
  339. [2016-08-27 21:35:50] <_not_Hideo_Kojima> (hiks kalo Soysauce gak pernah berhasil hiks)
  340. [2016-08-27 21:35:58] <_not_Hideo_Kojima> ==All done?==
  341. [2016-08-27 21:36:02] <Marcon_c> 4(lol _not_Hideo_Kojima)
  342. [2016-08-27 21:36:04] <Varrik_Springheart> 3(end turn)
  343. [2016-08-27 21:36:05] <Khist_LaVi> 14(GM salty)
  344. [2016-08-27 21:36:45] <_not_Hideo_Kojima> ==Khist_LaVi turn!==
  345. [2016-08-27 21:36:59] <Khist_LaVi> 14*walks back 10ft*
  346. [2016-08-27 21:37:07] <Varrik_Springheart> 3(is that bandit dead? lol)
  347. [2016-08-27 21:37:12] <_not_Hideo_Kojima> (iya)
  348. [2016-08-27 21:37:17] <_not_Hideo_Kojima> (bandit tinggal dua)
  349. [2016-08-27 21:37:24] <Khist_LaVi> 14(woosh)
  350. [2016-08-27 21:37:39] <Khist_LaVi> 14*aims at the left bandit's head*
  351. [2016-08-27 21:37:50] <Khist_LaVi> 14(si Nastyballs berati ada di tengah" bandit ya?)
  352. [2016-08-27 21:38:10] <_not_Hideo_Kojima> (iya)
  353. [2016-08-27 21:38:21] <_not_Hideo_Kojima> (silahkan roll attack Khist_LaVi)
  354. [2016-08-27 21:38:24] <Khist_LaVi> 14(jangan lah...)
  355. [2016-08-27 21:38:27] <Marcon_c> 4"..What a good cat"
  356. [2016-08-27 21:38:28] <Khist_LaVi> 14!roll 1d20+7
  357. [2016-08-27 21:38:28] — _not_kaz sends for Pequod to get 1d20+7 This is Pequod! Arriving shortly at LZ, dropping supplies of: [12] + 7 = 19 stealth camouflage to Khist_LaVi !
  358. [2016-08-27 21:38:32] <Khist_LaVi> 14!roll 1d8+3
  359. [2016-08-27 21:38:33] — _not_kaz sends for Pequod to get 1d8+3 This is Pequod! Arriving shortly at LZ, dropping supplies of: [4] + 3 = 7 stealth camouflage to Khist_LaVi !
  360. [2016-08-27 21:38:38] <Khist_LaVi> 14*shoots*
  361. [2016-08-27 21:38:50] <Marcon_c> 4"..Remind me of my friend's"
  362. [2016-08-27 21:38:59] <Khist_LaVi> 14"Psy?"
  363. [2016-08-27 21:39:07] <_not_Hideo_Kojima> ==Khist_LaVi! your arrow goes to the bandit's head and...==
  364. [2016-08-27 21:39:11] <Khist_LaVi> 14"I think... that's the one with the black cat"
  365. [2016-08-27 21:39:12] <_not_Hideo_Kojima> !roll 1d0
  366. [2016-08-27 21:39:12] — _not_kaz sends for Pequod to get 1d0 This is Pequod! Arriving shortly at LZ, dropping supplies of: [0] = 0 stealth camouflage to _not_Hideo_Kojima !
  367. [2016-08-27 21:39:30] <Marcon_c> 4"Yeah"
  368. [2016-08-27 21:39:31] <_not_Hideo_Kojima> ==It misses it goes to the bandit's shoulder!==
  369. [2016-08-27 21:39:38] <Khist_LaVi> 14(boo -3-)
  370. [2016-08-27 21:39:42] <_not_Hideo_Kojima> ==7 damage and bloodied!==
  371. [2016-08-27 21:39:54] <Khist_LaVi> 14(tau gitu gua sacrifice si Nastyballs -3-)
  372. [2016-08-27 21:39:55] <Marcon_c> 4"Where does these cat even come from.."
  373. [2016-08-27 21:40:00] <Khist_LaVi> 14[ENDS]
  374. [2016-08-27 21:40:06] <Khist_LaVi> 14"Life's greatest myster, Marc"
  375. [2016-08-27 21:40:07] <_not_Hideo_Kojima> ==Suddenly upon the sight of all the casualties==
  376. [2016-08-27 21:40:14] <Marcon_c> 4(biar bs spell yak wkwk)
  377. [2016-08-27 21:40:15] <_not_Hideo_Kojima> ==The bandit's face grows blue==
  378. [2016-08-27 21:40:24] <Khist_LaVi> 14(tadinya sih mo spell)
  379. [2016-08-27 21:40:55] <_not_Hideo_Kojima> ==And when someone comes your way, the bandit flees!==
  380. [2016-08-27 21:41:09] <_not_Hideo_Kojima> ==All ranged can try to attack remaining bandit==
  381. [2016-08-27 21:41:14] <_not_Hideo_Kojima> ==encounter end==
  382. [2016-08-27 21:41:26] <_not_Hideo_Kojima> ==You see that someone as Erin_Whitemane==
  383. [2016-08-27 21:41:27] <Khist_LaVi> 14*aims at the bandit*
  384. [2016-08-27 21:41:38] <Khist_LaVi> 14"Hope it hits the head..."
  385. [2016-08-27 21:41:40] <Khist_LaVi> 14*shoots*
  386. [2016-08-27 21:41:42] <Erin_Whitemane> *datang ke scout party*
  387. [2016-08-27 21:41:42] <Marcon_c> 4"..Dont let them get away!"
  388. [2016-08-27 21:41:43] <Khist_LaVi> 14!roll 1d20+7
  389. [2016-08-27 21:41:43] — _not_kaz sends for Pequod to get 1d20+7 This is Pequod! Arriving shortly at LZ, dropping supplies of: [10] + 7 = 17 stealth camouflage to Khist_LaVi !
  390. [2016-08-27 21:41:45] <_not_Hideo_Kojima> (roll attack!)
  391. [2016-08-27 21:41:50] <Erin_Whitemane> "Whoa, mereka takut padaku atau apa?" *grins*
  392. [2016-08-27 21:41:51] <Khist_LaVi> 14(...fak u dadu -3-)
  393. [2016-08-27 21:41:52] <_not_Hideo_Kojima> (hit!)
  394. [2016-08-27 21:41:52] <Marcon_c> 4*Kejar Banditos*
  395. [2016-08-27 21:41:54] <Khist_LaVi> 14!roll 1d8+3
  396. [2016-08-27 21:41:54] — _not_kaz sends for Pequod to get 1d8+3 This is Pequod! Arriving shortly at LZ, dropping supplies of: [7] + 3 = 10 stealth camouflage to Khist_LaVi !
  397. [2016-08-27 21:42:01] <Khist_LaVi> 14(pengennya crit orz)
  398. [2016-08-27 21:42:12] <Marcon_c> 4(...banyak mau)
  399. [2016-08-27 21:42:14] <Khist_LaVi> 14"Oh hi Erin"
  400. [2016-08-27 21:42:20] <Erin_Whitemane> *ngeliat kalian nembak bandit*
  401. [2016-08-27 21:42:23] <_not_Hideo_Kojima> ==Marcon_c roll attack at disadvantage kalo mau==
  402. [2016-08-27 21:42:24] <Khist_LaVi> 14(saya tak pernah crit)
  403. [2016-08-27 21:42:31] <Erin_Whitemane> "Kalian....ketahuan bandit ya?" *sweatdrop*
  404. [2016-08-27 21:42:34] <_not_Hideo_Kojima> ==One of the bandit is dead!==
  405. [2016-08-27 21:42:37] <Khist_LaVi> 14"Nope"
  406. [2016-08-27 21:42:40] <_not_Hideo_Kojima> ==just one more==
  407. [2016-08-27 21:42:43] <Marcon_c> !roll 2d20+5
  408. [2016-08-27 21:42:43] — _not_kaz sends for Pequod to get 2d20+5 This is Pequod! Arriving shortly at LZ, dropping supplies of: [6+7=13] + 5 = 18 stealth camouflage to Marcon_c !
  409. [2016-08-27 21:42:44] <Khist_LaVi> 14"We just happen to be friendly with them"
  410. [2016-08-27 21:42:47] <Marcon_c> 4(...11)
  411. [2016-08-27 21:42:50] <Khist_LaVi> 14(boleh lagi?)
  412. [2016-08-27 21:42:53] <_not_Hideo_Kojima> ==and he gets further and further away==
  413. [2016-08-27 21:42:59] <Erin_Whitemane> (GM)
  414. [2016-08-27 21:43:05] <Khist_LaVi> 14*aims at the last bandit* "maybe..."
  415. [2016-08-27 21:43:07] <_not_Hideo_Kojima> ==and he escapes!==
  416. [2016-08-27 21:43:12] <Khist_LaVi> 14"NOPE"
  417. [2016-08-27 21:43:12] <Erin_Whitemane> (Mau roll moonbeam)
  418. [2016-08-27 21:43:15] <Erin_Whitemane> (Lah telat)
  419. [2016-08-27 21:43:17] <Marcon_c> 4"Damn"
  420. [2016-08-27 21:43:20] <Khist_LaVi> 14*puts down bow"
  421. [2016-08-27 21:43:22] <Marcon_c> 4*Huft huft*
  422. [2016-08-27 21:43:26] <Khist_LaVi> 14"Well, good news is..."
  423. [2016-08-27 21:43:29] <Marcon_c> 4*Went back to the other*
  424. [2016-08-27 21:43:31] <Khist_LaVi> 14"We manage to kill 2 bandits"
  425. [2016-08-27 21:43:42] <Erin_Whitemane> (Druidic) "The light of the moo-oh man he's gone"
  426. [2016-08-27 21:43:44] <Marcon_c> 4"..Hurry, they might call reinforcement now.."
  427. [2016-08-27 21:43:48] <Khist_LaVi> 14"Bad news... that last one might call for... something"
  428. [2016-08-27 21:43:53] <Marcon_c> 4"We better report this"
  429. [2016-08-27 21:44:04] <Erin_Whitemane> "Cepat, cepat, ikut aku ke tenda!"
  430. [2016-08-27 21:44:08] <Marcon_c> 4*Jalan balik*
  431. [2016-08-27 21:44:09] <Erin_Whitemane> *lari ke tenda cepat*
  432. [2016-08-27 21:44:13] <Khist_LaVi> 14*groans*
  433. [2016-08-27 21:44:14] <Varrik_Springheart> 3(sorry orz ke toilet, i can prolyl catch that last one with nastby balls, speed is 50)
  434. [2016-08-27 21:44:18] <Khist_LaVi> 14*ngikut*
  435. [2016-08-27 21:44:22] <Khist_LaVi> 14(telat var)
  436. [2016-08-27 21:44:24] <Varrik_Springheart> 3*follows*
  437. [2016-08-27 21:44:43] <Erin_Whitemane> (Dikasih cue mau masuk ke sana GM)
  438. [2016-08-27 21:44:47] <Varrik_Springheart> 3(kemana ene)
  439. [2016-08-27 21:45:02] <_not_Hideo_Kojima> == back to #rockhorn_fob please==
  440. [2016-08-27 21:45:34] ← Varrik_Springheart left (Mibbit@B5D92DBF.75181259.7A265C01.IP)
  441. [2016-08-27 21:45:53] ⇐ Khist_LaVi quit (Mibbit@E61A3603.D4F65D68.76D323C4.IP): Quit: ajax IRC Client
  442. [2016-08-27 21:56:28] ← _lavarel left (~lavarel@59B3A915.294B9A38.FEF58017.IP)
  443. [2016-08-27 23:13:55] ← _VNNZ-L0G left (~V1nn13z-L@E61A3603.D4F65D68.76D323C4.IP)
  444. [2016-08-28 00:40:48] ⇐ _anjir quit (~androirc@908B18D7.BDFAA879.36AE5024.IP): Ping timeout: 240 seconds
  445. [2016-08-28 01:10:56] → Lucan_Urth joined (~lavarel@59B3A915.294B9A38.FEF58017.IP)
  446. [2016-08-28 01:11:15] <Lucan_Urth> 2so
  447. [2016-08-28 01:11:16] <Lucan_Urth> 2_not_Hideo_Kojima
  448. [2016-08-28 01:11:18] <Lucan_Urth> 2di luar
  449. [2016-08-28 01:11:22] <Lucan_Urth> 2what do i see?
  450. [2016-08-28 01:11:26] <_not_Hideo_Kojima> ==You see pile of dead bodies==
  451. [2016-08-28 01:11:32] <_not_Hideo_Kojima> ==From the battle==
  452. [2016-08-28 01:11:35] <Lucan_Urth> 2(does Marcon_c and Erin_Whitemane outside too?)
  453. [2016-08-28 01:11:40] <_not_Hideo_Kojima> ==also some tired freelancers==
  454. [2016-08-28 01:11:41] <Lucan_Urth> 2"....."
  455. [2016-08-28 01:11:43] <_not_Hideo_Kojima> (enggak sih)
  456. [2016-08-28 01:11:59] <Lucan_Urth> 2*liatin mayat2
  457. [2016-08-28 01:12:01] → _anjir joined (~androirc@F08D82CD.BAB6337D.E1D30BD3.IP)
  458. [2016-08-28 01:12:07] <Lucan_Urth> 2how many kira2
  459. [2016-08-28 01:12:10] <Lucan_Urth> 2berapa orang-an?
  460. [2016-08-28 01:12:55] <Lucan_Urth> 2if possible, gw mau ngerapihin mayat2
  461. [2016-08-28 01:13:00] <Lucan_Urth> 2dideretin satu2
  462. [2016-08-28 01:13:00] ← Marcon_c left (~alifalfar@CAA952FB.E4EB6A47.49A2285E.IP)
  463. [2016-08-28 01:13:04] → Vilyadesse joined (cgiirc@88C00E3B.296673BF.F4A5449C.IP)
  464. [2016-08-28 01:13:14] <Lucan_Urth> 2sambil......posisinya dibuat enak dilihat
  465. [2016-08-28 01:13:21] <_not_Hideo_Kojima> (sekitar 40 an didepan mu)
  466. [2016-08-28 01:13:25] <Lucan_Urth> 2(yah, intinya, mayat g dalem posisi aneh2)
  467. [2016-08-28 01:13:32] <Lucan_Urth> 2dipisahin berdasarkan... seragam lah
  468. [2016-08-28 01:13:44] <Lucan_Urth> 2*angkat mayat satu2
  469. [2016-08-28 01:13:58] <Lucan_Urth> 2*dideretin, dipisahin, dibenerin posisinya*
  470. [2016-08-28 01:14:03] <Lucan_Urth> 2(most of them human? any other race?
  471. [2016-08-28 01:14:31] <Lucan_Urth> 2( Vilyadesse, keluar dari gua?)
  472. [2016-08-28 01:14:49] <Lucan_Urth> 2_not_Hideo_Kojima
  473. [2016-08-28 01:14:54] <_not_Hideo_Kojima> ==Vilyadesse you see Lucan_Urth==
  474. [2016-08-28 01:15:01] <_not_Hideo_Kojima> ==And he's busy sorting dead bodies==
  475. [2016-08-28 01:15:37] <Vilyadesse> (thanks gm)
  476. [2016-08-28 01:15:44] <Erin_Whitemane> (Yo cue-in aku)
  477. [2016-08-28 01:15:53] <_not_Hideo_Kojima> ==Erin_Whitemane you see Lucan_Urth==
  478. [2016-08-28 01:15:55] <_not_Hideo_Kojima> ==And he's busy sorting dead bodies==
  479. [2016-08-28 01:16:13] <Lucan_Urth> 2*bawa mayat satu2, terus dideretin
  480. [2016-08-28 01:16:17] <Vilyadesse> @Lucan_Urth "Mayat dimana-mana...."
  481. [2016-08-28 01:16:20] <Erin_Whitemane> "Hmmm? Gimana Nona Megumi?"
  482. [2016-08-28 01:16:22] <Erin_Whitemane> "Boneka?"
  483. [2016-08-28 01:16:28] <Lucan_Urth> 2*nods @ Vilyadesse
  484. [2016-08-28 01:16:41] <Lucan_Urth> 2"Respect" @ Erin_Whitemane
  485. [2016-08-28 01:16:45] → Khist_LaVi joined (~V1nn13z-L@E61A3603.D4F65D68.76D323C4.IP)
  486. [2016-08-28 01:17:04] → Megumi_ joined (cgiirc@90A27926.F6A80673.7A7E058D.IP)
  487. [2016-08-28 01:17:06] <Vilyadesse> *bantuin Lucan_Urth sortir mayat*
  488. [2016-08-28 01:17:14] <Erin_Whitemane> "Well, keep on doing it handsome" *charmed with what Lucan is doing*
  489. [2016-08-28 01:17:15] <_not_Hideo_Kojima> ==Khist_LaVi you see Lucan_Urth busy sorting bodies==
  490. [2016-08-28 01:17:29] <Megumi_> 7*baru keluar*
  491. [2016-08-28 01:17:32] <Erin_Whitemane> "Alright, Megumi, let's sit down....."
  492. [2016-08-28 01:17:38] <Erin_Whitemane> *dudukin Megumi di tanah*
  493. [2016-08-28 01:17:46] <Khist_LaVi> 14*mumbles* "fuckin mercs and these stuoid slaver bandits"
  494. [2016-08-28 01:17:52] <Megumi_> 7"Alright comrades"
  495. [2016-08-28 01:18:04] <Khist_LaVi> 14*kicks one of the dead body*
  496. [2016-08-28 01:18:08] <Erin_Whitemane> "Tell me about it, Ms. Khist....."
  497. [2016-08-28 01:18:19] <Megumi_> 7*ngambil viol dari tas*
  498. [2016-08-28 01:18:33] <Lucan_Urth> 2"!"
  499. [2016-08-28 01:18:33] <_not_Hideo_Kojima> ==Yang baru masuk kalian melihat Lucan_Urth ngerapiin mayat==
  500. [2016-08-28 01:18:51] <Megumi_> 7*ngetes suara viol*
  501. [2016-08-28 01:18:57] <Vilyadesse> 13"Hey, Khist_LaVi... No need to kick the dead bodies..."
  502. [2016-08-28 01:19:01] <Erin_Whitemane> "Huh. You sure you wanna play violin right now, Ms. Megumi?"
  503. [2016-08-28 01:19:08] <Khist_LaVi> 14*ngeliatin lucan* "What are you doing"
  504. [2016-08-28 01:19:10] <Erin_Whitemane> *duduk disamping Megumi*
  505. [2016-08-28 01:19:24] → Varrik_springheart joined (~qwebirc@B5D92DBF.75181259.7A265C01.IP)
  506. [2016-08-28 01:19:26] → Marcon_c joined (~alifalfar@CAA952FB.E4EB6A47.49A2285E.IP)
  507. [2016-08-28 01:19:49] <Megumi_> 7"Why not?" *grins*
  508. [2016-08-28 01:19:50] <_not_Hideo_Kojima> ==Yang baru masuk kalian melihat Lucan_Urth ngerapiin mayat==
  509. [2016-08-28 01:20:03] <Khist_LaVi> 14*duduk sila sebelah Megumi_ unf Wrin_Whitemane*
  510. [2016-08-28 01:20:08] <Erin_Whitemane> "Let me heal you a bit more then....."
  511. [2016-08-28 01:20:20] <Erin_Whitemane> *cast Cure Wounds to Megumi again....*
  512. [2016-08-28 01:20:22] <Lucan_Urth> 2(diem aja sambil ngerapiin mayat2 yang bergeletakan
  513. [2016-08-28 01:20:35] <Lucan_Urth> 2(dideretin, dipisahin by seragam if any)
  514. [2016-08-28 01:20:35] <Erin_Whitemane> (Druidic) "Nature heals you my daughter....."
  515. [2016-08-28 01:20:40] <_not_Hideo_Kojima> Scarlet : *manggil salah satu freelancer*
  516. [2016-08-28 01:20:45] <Erin_Whitemane> *memegang pundak Megumi*
  517. [2016-08-28 01:20:51] <Erin_Whitemane> !roll 1d8+3
  518. [2016-08-28 01:20:51] — _not_kaz sends for Pequod to get 1d8+3 This is Pequod! Arriving shortly at LZ, dropping supplies of: [8] + 3 = 11 stealth camouflage to Erin_Whitemane !
  519. [2016-08-28 01:20:57] <Lucan_Urth> 2*ditutupin mata2nya
  520. [2016-08-28 01:21:04] <_not_Hideo_Kojima> Scarlet : "Send word to Lord Edward, we got the Collanes dead to right"
  521. [2016-08-28 01:21:06] <Megumi_> 7*ngetes suara viol*
  522. [2016-08-28 01:21:14] <Lucan_Urth> 2"So?" @ Marcon_c
  523. [2016-08-28 01:21:23] → _VdS_backup joined (
  524. [2016-08-28 01:21:27] <Khist_LaVi> 14*nontobin Lucan*
  525. [2016-08-28 01:21:31] <Erin_Whitemane> "Do you....feel better now?"
  526. [2016-08-28 01:21:35] ⇐ Vilyadesse quit (cgiirc@88C00E3B.296673BF.F4A5449C.IP): Quit: ajax IRC Client
  527. [2016-08-28 01:21:39] <Lucan_Urth> 2*kalo udah beres, diem aja berdiri liat orang2/yang lain
  528. [2016-08-28 01:21:42] <Varrik_springheart> "I don't get it why you all upset. It's a raid. People dies in raid"
  529. [2016-08-28 01:21:45] <_not_Hideo_Kojima> Scarlet : *duduk istirahat*
  530. [2016-08-28 01:21:48] <Marcon_c> 4"We possibly targeted by an assasin"
  531. [2016-08-28 01:21:50] <Megumi_> 7"Yeah, thanks comrade" *smile*
  532. [2016-08-28 01:22:05] <Khist_LaVi> 14"Old man, nobody asked to get into a hitlist"
  533. [2016-08-28 01:22:09] <Erin_Whitemane> "Ah. Cool" *mulai liatin Lucan*
  534. [2016-08-28 01:22:11] <Marcon_c> 4"It should be fine as long as we dont spread word about this raid though"
  535. [2016-08-28 01:22:15] <Khist_LaVi> 14*annoyed*
  536. [2016-08-28 01:22:33] <Erin_Whitemane> "Man.....religion eh......"
  537. [2016-08-28 01:22:36] <Varrik_springheart> "We survive what than a hit list"
  538. [2016-08-28 01:22:42] <_not_Hideo_Kojima> [FF?]
  539. [2016-08-28 01:22:44] <Khist_LaVi> 14"I say it's bull, somebody must spread about this"
  540. [2016-08-28 01:22:46] <Varrik_springheart> *worse
  541. [2016-08-28 01:22:47] <Erin_Whitemane> "Never could get into that......" *ngeliatin Lucan*
  542. [2016-08-28 01:22:53] <Megumi_> 7*simpen lagi viol di tas*
  543. [2016-08-28 01:22:54] <Khist_LaVi> 14"News spread, who cares"
  544. [2016-08-28 01:22:57] <Megumi_> 7"Tidak rusak"
  545. [2016-08-28 01:22:57] <_not_Hideo_Kojima> [FF to ORP i mean]
  546. [2016-08-28 01:22:59] <Megumi_> 7*giggles*
  547. [2016-08-28 01:23:06] <Lucan_Urth> 2"...." *sadar Erin_Whitemane ngeliatin
  548. [2016-08-28 01:23:10] <Varrik_springheart> "Agreed"
  549. [2016-08-28 01:23:11] <Marcon_c> 4[FF sih]
  550. [2016-08-28 01:23:11] <Khist_LaVi> [FF]
  551. [2016-08-28 01:23:18] <Megumi_> 7[Fortified Fort]
  552. [2016-08-28 01:23:19] <Lucan_Urth> 2[FF]
  553. [2016-08-28 01:23:23] <Erin_Whitemane> *kaget* "Eeee Lucan?!"
  554. [2016-08-28 01:23:26] <Erin_Whitemane> (FF)
  555. [2016-08-28 01:23:29] <Varrik_springheart> Ff
  556. [2016-08-28 01:23:31] <_not_Hideo_Kojima> ==PING==
  557. [2016-08-28 01:23:34] <Marcon_c> 4"..What does that Lumos want.."
  558. [2016-08-28 01:23:52] <_not_Hideo_Kojima> ==BGM ==
  559. [2016-08-28 01:24:09] <_not_Hideo_Kojima> ==So the SF freed Rockhorn Village==
  560. [2016-08-28 01:24:18] ⇐ _lavalog quit ( Quit: Connection closed for inactivity
  561. [2016-08-28 01:24:38] <_not_Hideo_Kojima> ==The villagers you just freed, almost all of them are not from Rockhorn Village==
  562. [2016-08-28 01:25:10] <_not_Hideo_Kojima> ==They're from the surrounding village, kidnapped by the 'bandits'==
  563. [2016-08-28 01:25:31] <_not_Hideo_Kojima> ==The SF made Rockhorn Village into their base==
  564. [2016-08-28 01:25:57] <_not_Hideo_Kojima> ==Scarlet made her old house into her office==
  565. [2016-08-28 01:26:16] <_not_Hideo_Kojima> ==You are all given the GP promised, especially you Varrik==
  566. [2016-08-28 01:26:39] <Varrik_springheart> "Woohoo"
  567. [2016-08-28 01:26:43] <_not_Hideo_Kojima> ==Along with the GP also a reminder====
  568. [2016-08-28 01:26:49] <_not_Hideo_Kojima> (still PING please)
  569. [2016-08-28 01:27:14] <_not_Hideo_Kojima> ==You are told to not spread word about your involvment here==
  570. [2016-08-28 01:27:41] <_not_Hideo_Kojima> ==And to be careful with blonde haired people, especially if they're from Bugleburg==
  571. [2016-08-28 01:28:11] <_not_Hideo_Kojima> ==Now you are in a makeshift mess hall, serving you is Ryo the travelling cook==
  572. [2016-08-28 01:28:16] <_not_Hideo_Kojima> ==PING==
  573. [2016-08-28 01:28:21] <_VdS_backup> (yea ryo)
  574. [2016-08-28 01:28:25] <Lucan_Urth> 2*shrugs @marcon "lives happens, let go"
  575. [2016-08-28 01:28:29] <Erin_Whitemane> *ngedeketin Khist*
  576. [2016-08-28 01:28:30] <Megumi_> 7(ini di mana?)
  577. [2016-08-28 01:28:31] <Khist_LaVi> (no date)
  578. [2016-08-28 01:28:35] <Megumi_> 7(oh mess)
  579. [2016-08-28 01:28:36] <Erin_Whitemane> *terselungkup di meja*
  580. [2016-08-28 01:28:38] <_VdS_backup> "Heya Ryo! Got anymore curry?"
  581. [2016-08-28 01:28:45] <_not_Hideo_Kojima> ==Also Ofiicial Session : "Color of Red" END==
  582. [2016-08-28 01:28:48] <Megumi_> 7*duduk di kursi terpisah*
  583. [2016-08-28 01:28:52] <_not_Hideo_Kojima> ==Silahkan ORP!==
  584. [2016-08-28 01:28:52] <Erin_Whitemane> "Man, all this bullshit about Collane this, Rockhorn that....."
  585. [2016-08-28 01:28:54] <Khist_LaVi> 14"What's uo with you, Erin?)
  586. [2016-08-28 01:28:56] * _VdS_backup is now known as VdS_mobile
  587. [2016-08-28 01:28:59] <Marcon_c> 4"Yeah, its not like an assasin going to beat me or what" @ Lucan_Urth
  588. [2016-08-28 01:29:06] <Marcon_c> 4"How is the gold dragon?"
  589. [2016-08-28 01:29:06] <Lucan_Urth> 2*taps Erin_Whitemane
  590. [2016-08-28 01:29:09] <Erin_Whitemane> ".....and I'm not even one step closer finding my family....."
  591. [2016-08-28 01:29:12] <_not_Hideo_Kojima> Ryo : "Sure Miss VdS_mobile! Cooking for you now!"
  592. [2016-08-28 01:29:13] <Khist_LaVi> (kita dimana btw)
  593. [2016-08-28 01:29:14] <Erin_Whitemane> *sigh*
  594. [2016-08-28 01:29:24] <Megumi_> 7"Kalian siap menddengarkan musik dari Megumi yang luar biasa ini?"
  595. [2016-08-28 01:29:25] <Erin_Whitemane> *kaget* "Eeee Lucan!"
  596. [2016-08-28 01:29:26] <_not_Hideo_Kojima> (di mess hall, semacam kantin gitu lah)
  597. [2016-08-28 01:29:31] <VdS_mobile> (@Khist_LaVi: mess)
  598. [2016-08-28 01:29:32] <Lucan_Urth> 2*shrugs* @ Marcon_c
  599. [2016-08-28 01:29:34] <Erin_Whitemane> *blushes* "I....uh....what do you want.....?:
  600. [2016-08-28 01:29:38] <Lucan_Urth> 2"Anything in my face?"
  601. [2016-08-28 01:29:40] <Megumi_> 7(main musik di mess hall biar greget)
  602. [2016-08-28 01:29:40] <Lucan_Urth> 2@ Erin_Whitemane
  603. [2016-08-28 01:29:48] <Khist_LaVi> 14"You're boyfriends here, Erin" *laughs*
  604. [2016-08-28 01:29:51] <Marcon_c> 4"Yo've no luck too huh..."
  605. [2016-08-28 01:29:58] <Lucan_Urth> 2"You, the black dragon?" @ Marcon_c
  606. [2016-08-28 01:30:02] <Erin_Whitemane> "Oh....uh no, you just look absolutely....ummmm...gorgeous, that's all....."
  607. [2016-08-28 01:30:02] <Megumi_> 7"Well"
  608. [2016-08-28 01:30:03] <_not_Hideo_Kojima> =Ryo : "1 Mellow Curry!"*kasih ke VdS_mobile*
  609. [2016-08-28 01:30:08] <Lucan_Urth> 2"....."
  610. [2016-08-28 01:30:12] <Lucan_Urth> 2*tinggalin lagi erin
  611. [2016-08-28 01:30:13] <Megumi_> 7*mulai menggesek viol*
  612. [2016-08-28 01:30:17] <Erin_Whitemane> "Ummmmmmmm......"
  613. [2016-08-28 01:30:19] <Marcon_c> 4"cant found it"
  614. [2016-08-28 01:30:19] <Megumi_> 7(roll perform :v)
  615. [2016-08-28 01:30:21] <Erin_Whitemane> *blushes like mad*
  616. [2016-08-28 01:30:26] <Lucan_Urth> 2*sebelumnya, nods dulu aja @ Erin_Whitemane
  617. [2016-08-28 01:30:27] <VdS_mobile> *makan kari*
  618. [2016-08-28 01:30:28] <Marcon_c> 4"and then all this Lumos stuff"
  619. [2016-08-28 01:30:37] <Khist_LaVi> 14"Any liqour here, cook?" @Ryo
  620. [2016-08-28 01:30:39] <Erin_Whitemane> "Oh my god......"
  621. [2016-08-28 01:30:41] <_not_Hideo_Kojima> ==Oh yang mau naikin level silahkan PM ke gw==
  622. [2016-08-28 01:30:50] <Megumi_> 7(yah gadiwaro)
  623. [2016-08-28 01:30:52] <Erin_Whitemane> "He.....he talked to me......"
  624. [2016-08-28 01:30:52] <Megumi_> 7(*pergi*)
  625. [2016-08-28 01:30:55] <Erin_Whitemane> *kebayang bayang*
  626. [2016-08-28 01:31:00] <Megumi_> 7(gg-- eh not yet)
  627. [2016-08-28 01:31:03] <_not_Hideo_Kojima> ==atau belanja magic items==
  628. [2016-08-28 01:31:09] <Khist_LaVi> 14"He talked to everyone"
  629. [2016-08-28 01:31:11] <Lucan_Urth> 2"Wonder when home again" @ Marcon_c
  630. [2016-08-28 01:31:21] <Varrik_springheart> (cap is 5?)
  631. [2016-08-28 01:31:35] <Marcon_c> 4*nod*
  632. [2016-08-28 01:31:36] <Erin_Whitemane> "Miss Megumi!"
  633. [2016-08-28 01:31:43] <Marcon_c> 4(cuma bisa naikin 1 lvl per sesi)
  634. [2016-08-28 01:31:46] <Megumi_> 7"Yes, Comrade?"
  635. [2016-08-28 01:31:46] <Erin_Whitemane> "Don't go! I'd like to hear your performance!"
  636. [2016-08-28 01:31:54] <Varrik_springheart> (Also tell everyone they back to castle when sleep?)
  637. [2016-08-28 01:31:56] <Megumi_> 7"Ho.."
  638. [2016-08-28 01:31:58] <Erin_Whitemane> "I"m sure most wouldn't mind!" :)
  639. [2016-08-28 01:32:14] <Megumi_> 7"Okay!" *ngebentuk jari jadi ok*
  640. [2016-08-28 01:32:15] <Khist_LaVi> 14"I would mind"
  641. [2016-08-28 01:32:17] <VdS_mobile> @Erin_Whitemane: "I believe you asked me about... *lirik lucan* some stuffs?"
  642. [2016-08-28 01:32:24] <Erin_Whitemane> "Ahhh yeah, Ms. Khist, can I say something.....?"
  643. [2016-08-28 01:32:40] <Khist_LaVi> 14"Sure? "
  644. [2016-08-28 01:32:42] <Erin_Whitemane> "Oh yes, vilya, you know the sixpa-ummm I mean Lucan right?"
  645. [2016-08-28 01:32:50] <Marcon_c> 4"...Bah, lets just look around.. this place a little bit"
  646. [2016-08-28 01:32:51] <Erin_Whitemane> "Tell me more about him!"
  647. [2016-08-28 01:32:54] <Megumi_> 7*duduk, senderin viol*
  648. [2016-08-28 01:32:55] <Marcon_c> 4(.. ada bartender ga?)
  649. [2016-08-28 01:33:05] <Megumi_> 7*mulai gesek*
  650. [2016-08-28 01:33:05] <Khist_LaVi> 14"He's taken, Erin"
  651. [2016-08-28 01:33:06] <Erin_Whitemane> "So....Ms. Khist....Trust me you won't get offended?"
  652. [2016-08-28 01:33:10] <Megumi_> 7!roll 1d20+5
  653. [2016-08-28 01:33:10] — _not_kaz sends for Pequod to get 1d20+5 This is Pequod! Arriving shortly at LZ, dropping supplies of: [10] + 5 = 15 stealth camouflage to Megumi_ !
  654. [2016-08-28 01:33:21] <Erin_Whitemane> *kecewa* "Wait what?!"
  655. [2016-08-28 01:33:21] <Khist_LaVi> 14"I might... Why? "
  656. [2016-08-28 01:33:41] <Erin_Whitemane> "That scar of yours......that triggered look....."
  657. [2016-08-28 01:33:44] <Lucan_Urth> 2(do i.... hear the conversation between the girls?)
  658. [2016-08-28 01:33:48] <Megumi_> 7*mulai main viol*
  659. [2016-08-28 01:33:55] <Erin_Whitemane> "You've been abused by a slaver for a year correct?"
  660. [2016-08-28 01:34:01] <Megumi_> 7(*lempar lagunya: /ditabok*)
  661. [2016-08-28 01:34:07] <Megumi_> 7* /ditabok)
  662. [2016-08-28 01:34:14] <Marcon_c> 4*Shit somewhere alone after ordering food*
  663. [2016-08-28 01:34:17] <VdS_mobile> "He's totally strong, as you can see.... And consider it extremely lucky he talks to you~ Dunno if he is really taken or not..." @Erin_Whitemane
  664. [2016-08-28 01:34:19] <Khist_LaVi> 14" do you know"
  665. [2016-08-28 01:34:35] <Erin_Whitemane> "I know that scar. Whipping scar."
  666. [2016-08-28 01:34:43] <Varrik_springheart> "Cool, roast elk for my buddy here and ochazuke for me"
  667. [2016-08-28 01:34:47] <Erin_Whitemane> "My twin brother was taken by a slave, you see....."
  668. [2016-08-28 01:34:48] <Megumi_> 7(yaudah sih aku jadi background '_' )
  669. [2016-08-28 01:34:53] <Erin_Whitemane> "But that's not important"
  670. [2016-08-28 01:35:07] <Khist_LaVi> 14"first, it's nit whipping"
  671. [2016-08-28 01:35:17] <Erin_Whitemane> "Huh? I wonder why he is so quite, Vilya?"
  672. [2016-08-28 01:35:35] <VdS_mobile> *claps at Megumi_ 's performance* "Bravo..."
  673. [2016-08-28 01:35:37] <Khist_LaVi> 14"and's a long story"
  674. [2016-08-28 01:35:50] <Megumi_> 7"Thankyou"
  675. [2016-08-28 01:35:50] <Erin_Whitemane> "Hmmm? I'd take it it's much worse, true?"
  676. [2016-08-28 01:35:56] <Megumi_> 7*selesai main*
  677. [2016-08-28 01:35:59] <Erin_Whitemane> "You seem to be quite a hardened wood elf"
  678. [2016-08-28 01:35:59] <Lucan_Urth> 2(do i hear the conversation between the girls?)
  679. [2016-08-28 01:36:05] <_not_Hideo_Kojima> (kedengeran Lucan_Urth)
  680. [2016-08-28 01:36:07] <VdS_mobile> "No idea, eh, unfortunately." @Erin_Whitemane
  681. [2016-08-28 01:36:11] <Megumi_> 7*tarik kursinya ke deket kalian*
  682. [2016-08-28 01:36:14] <_not_Hideo_Kojima> (kalian semua di dalem satu ruangan)
  683. [2016-08-28 01:36:18] <Erin_Whitemane> "Must be very tiring to stay strong after all of your terrible past"
  684. [2016-08-28 01:36:19] <_not_Hideo_Kojima> (dan cuma ada kalian)
  685. [2016-08-28 01:36:26] <Marcon_c> 4*Sit btw*
  686. [2016-08-28 01:36:27] <VdS_mobile> "Hey, Lucan_Urth! Why do you never talk?"
  687. [2016-08-28 01:36:29] <Megumi_> 7"Mas, minta makanan, dong"
  688. [2016-08-28 01:36:31] <Megumi_> 7@R
  689. [2016-08-28 01:36:42] <Lucan_Urth> 2"?" @ VdS_mobile
  690. [2016-08-28 01:36:52] <Erin_Whitemane> "Oh yeah Megumi, surprisingly good performance!"
  691. [2016-08-28 01:36:57] <_not_Hideo_Kojima> ==Alfie enters the room!==
  692. [2016-08-28 01:37:01] <Lucan_Urth> 2"....." *mengabaikan pembicaraan gadis2
  693. [2016-08-28 01:37:01] <VdS_mobile> "You're so quiet man...." @Lucan_Urth
  694. [2016-08-28 01:37:04] <Erin_Whitemane> "For once, you're not a bard I'd consider I eat!"
  695. [2016-08-28 01:37:09] <_not_Hideo_Kojima> Alfie : "Ah its the co- I mean strangers...."
  696. [2016-08-28 01:37:15] <Erin_Whitemane> *thumbs up to Megumi*
  697. [2016-08-28 01:37:17] <Megumi_> 7*chuckles*
  698. [2016-08-28 01:37:18] <Lucan_Urth> 2*tiis aja makan makanan
  699. [2016-08-28 01:37:21] <Megumi_> 7(ih aku gak diwaro Ryo)
  700. [2016-08-28 01:37:24] <Megumi_> 7(sebel :( )
  701. [2016-08-28 01:37:32] <Khist_LaVi> 14"gee i dunno erin. Probably the fact that my father left me when I was little, mom ditched me when i was 13, a town wants me dead to this day... and i was a slave for a year. "
  702. [2016-08-28 01:37:34] <_not_Hideo_Kojima> (minta apa Megumi_ gak liat haha)
  703. [2016-08-28 01:37:41] <Megumi_> 7(minta makan :v)
  704. [2016-08-28 01:37:50] <Erin_Whitemane> "I know it. Terrible past and enslavement"
  705. [2016-08-28 01:37:50] <Khist_LaVi> "and the fact that i lived in the forest for all my childhood..."
  706. [2016-08-28 01:38:00] <_not_Hideo_Kojima> Ryo : "Sorry Miss, didn't hear you, what did you order?"
  707. [2016-08-28 01:38:04] <Khist_LaVi> 14"so yeah, no shit"
  708. [2016-08-28 01:38:04] <Lucan_Urth> 2*kalo makannya selesai
  709. [2016-08-28 01:38:09] <Megumi_> 7"Kentang rebus"
  710. [2016-08-28 01:38:09] <Erin_Whitemane> "No wonder you took that sarcastic, dickish behavior and run away with it"
  711. [2016-08-28 01:38:11] <Lucan_Urth> 2*coba keluar ruangan bisa kan _not_Hideo_Kojima
  712. [2016-08-28 01:38:19] <Megumi_> 7*nguping yang lain ngobrol*
  713. [2016-08-28 01:38:22] <Lucan_Urth> 2*cari something to do deh*
  714. [2016-08-28 01:38:25] <_not_Hideo_Kojima> (bisa silahkan ke #rockhorn_outside )
  715. [2016-08-28 01:38:26] <Khist_LaVi> 14"i didn't run away... "
  716. [2016-08-28 01:38:30] <Erin_Whitemane> "The only way most people with a terrible past can cope and get away from it"
  717. [2016-08-28 01:38:39] <Lucan_Urth> 2*mungkin, beberes headquarter SF baru, atau.. ngebantu perbaikin rumah2 yang ngaco)
  718. [2016-08-28 01:38:41] <_not_Hideo_Kojima> (bisa silahkan ke #rockhorn_fob aja deh )
  719. [2016-08-28 01:38:53] <VdS_mobile> *lanjut makan*
  720. [2016-08-28 01:39:03] <Erin_Whitemane> "I want you to know, Ms. Khist"
  721. [2016-08-28 01:39:08] <_not_Hideo_Kojima> Ryo : "Boiled potato!" *kasih ke Megumi_*
  722. [2016-08-28 01:39:15] ← Lucan_Urth left (~lavarel@59B3A915.294B9A38.FEF58017.IP)
  723. [2016-08-28 01:39:16] <Erin_Whitemane> "You're not alone. Everyone here had a terrible past"
  724. [2016-08-28 01:39:23] <Erin_Whitemane> "Maybe especially me....."
  725. [2016-08-28 01:39:32] <Khist_LaVi> 14*yells* "got anynliqour, cook? @ryo
  726. [2016-08-28 01:39:43] <Erin_Whitemane> "You need a friend.....maybe a travelling companion, Ms. Khist"
  727. [2016-08-28 01:39:45] <Megumi_> 7"Great, comrade!"
  728. [2016-08-28 01:39:49] <Megumi_> 7*mulai makan*
  729. [2016-08-28 01:39:52] <VdS_mobile> "So... Megumi_ ..."
  730. [2016-08-28 01:39:58] <VdS_mobile> "How's life?"
  731. [2016-08-28 01:40:01] <Erin_Whitemane> "I'd want a good Steak from ya, Chef"
  732. [2016-08-28 01:40:02] <Megumi_> 7"Yes, comrade?"
  733. [2016-08-28 01:40:03] <Megumi_> 7"Oh"
  734. [2016-08-28 01:40:12] <Khist_LaVi> 14"yea... I travel alone MOST of the time"
  735. [2016-08-28 01:40:17] <Megumi_> 7"Kool as always"
  736. [2016-08-28 01:40:20] <Megumi_> 7*makan kentang*
  737. [2016-08-28 01:40:26] <Erin_Whitemane> "Well, no wonder you act this way"
  738. [2016-08-28 01:40:33] <_not_Hideo_Kojima> Alfie : *quietly drinks while listening*
  739. [2016-08-28 01:40:38] <Erin_Whitemane> "You keep thinking you're better off alone"
  740. [2016-08-28 01:40:46] <Erin_Whitemane> "You don't really need anyone else"
  741. [2016-08-28 01:40:51] <_not_Hideo_Kojima> Ryo : "One steak!!" *kasih ke Erin_Whitemane *
  742. [2016-08-28 01:40:53] <VdS_mobile> "That's nice..." @Megumi_
  743. [2016-08-28 01:41:00] <Erin_Whitemane> "Because you think no-one understand you....."
  744. [2016-08-28 01:41:11] <Erin_Whitemane> "And"
  745. [2016-08-28 01:41:15] <Megumi_> 7"How's yours, comrade?" *grins, lalu makan lagi*
  746. [2016-08-28 01:41:18] <Erin_Whitemane> *cries and hugs Khist*
  747. [2016-08-28 01:41:20] <Khist_LaVi> (2deep beat! 2deep)
  748. [2016-08-28 01:41:30] <Erin_Whitemane> "I'm.....very....sorry.....for your life....."
  749. [2016-08-28 01:41:39] <Khist_LaVi> 14".."
  750. [2016-08-28 01:42:07] <Megumi_> 7@VdS_mobile
  751. [2016-08-28 01:42:08] <VdS_mobile> "Fine enough, aside from scarlet...." *Pelan-pelan nengok ke Erin sama Khist*
  752. [2016-08-28 01:42:26] <Varrik_springheart> "C'mon buddy the cook is too busy to notice us"
  753. [2016-08-28 01:42:29] <Khist_LaVi> 14"look, I don't need your pity, Erin"
  754. [2016-08-28 01:42:34] <Erin_Whitemane> *stops hugging Khist*
  755. [2016-08-28 01:42:37] <Megumi_> 7"Haha, you're very reluctant until now, comrade"
  756. [2016-08-28 01:42:38] <VdS_mobile> (sorry Megumi_ gw lambat ngetik pake hp)
  757. [2016-08-28 01:42:40] <Erin_Whitemane> *sniffs nose* "I'm....I'm sorry...."
  758. [2016-08-28 01:42:46] <Megumi_> 7*makan lagi*
  759. [2016-08-28 01:42:46] <_not_Hideo_Kojima> Alfie : *quietly watches*
  760. [2016-08-28 01:42:54] <Erin_Whitemane> "I....think I'm being annoying, ain't I?"
  761. [2016-08-28 01:43:01] <Erin_Whitemane> "I'm very sorry......"
  762. [2016-08-28 01:43:05] <Khist_LaVi> 14*I'm fine. Aight"
  763. [2016-08-28 01:43:09] <Erin_Whitemane> *melihat makanan*
  764. [2016-08-28 01:43:10] <Marcon_c> 4"...."
  765. [2016-08-28 01:43:15] <Marcon_c> 4*liatin drama*
  766. [2016-08-28 01:43:18] <VdS_mobile> "....."
  767. [2016-08-28 01:43:27] <Marcon_c> 4*Shrugs* *Samperin alfie*
  768. [2016-08-28 01:43:32] <Varrik_springheart> (Ini inn bukan?)
  769. [2016-08-28 01:43:38] <Megumi_> 7(kantin)
  770. [2016-08-28 01:43:40] <VdS_mobile> (mess tempat makan)
  771. [2016-08-28 01:43:43] <_not_Hideo_Kojima> (kantin)
  772. [2016-08-28 01:43:46] <Erin_Whitemane> "Well I suppose a little eating wouldn't hurt...."
  773. [2016-08-28 01:43:52] <Erin_Whitemane> *eats Steak*
  774. [2016-08-28 01:43:53] <Khist_LaVi> 14*pets Erin head* "you'll find your family leads*
  775. [2016-08-28 01:43:56] <_not_Hideo_Kojima> (sampingnya ada makeshift barrack)
  776. [2016-08-28 01:43:58] <Marcon_c> 4"Have you ever seen a black dragon around here?" @ Alfie
  777. [2016-08-28 01:44:10] <Erin_Whitemane> "I....somehow doubt it, Ms. Khist....."
  778. [2016-08-28 01:44:18] <_not_Hideo_Kojima> Alfie : "Black dragon....? No...."
  779. [2016-08-28 01:44:22] <Erin_Whitemane> "Anywhere I go.....nobody knows where my family is....."
  780. [2016-08-28 01:44:24] <Megumi_> 7"Comrades!" @Erin @ Khist
  781. [2016-08-28 01:44:27] <Varrik_springheart> (Can i sleep there?)
  782. [2016-08-28 01:44:33] <VdS_mobile> *nontonin Erin sama Khist ngobrol*
  783. [2016-08-28 01:44:34] <Marcon_c> 4"..How about.. a guy named Lumos?" @ Alfie
  784. [2016-08-28 01:44:46] <Erin_Whitemane> "I....don't know what to do...."
  785. [2016-08-28 01:44:53] <Khist_LaVi> 14"well, you could end up like me... Done a lot of stupid studd that yiu don't care anymore"
  786. [2016-08-28 01:44:58] <_not_Hideo_Kojima> (bisa dan kalo sleep langsung transport ke void dimension)
  787. [2016-08-28 01:44:59] <Erin_Whitemane> *facepalming, starts to cry again*
  788. [2016-08-28 01:44:59] <Khist_LaVi> "anywho..."
  789. [2016-08-28 01:45:00] <Megumi_> 7"Ughh"
  790. [2016-08-28 01:45:14] <Erin_Whitemane> "Uuuuuuu.....why am I so useless......?"
  791. [2016-08-28 01:45:17] <Megumi_> 7*resting her chin on Erin;s head*
  792. [2016-08-28 01:45:33] <Khist_LaVi> *pulls out doll* "know amything about this"
  793. [2016-08-28 01:45:44] <Khist_LaVi> @Erin
  794. [2016-08-28 01:45:50] <Megumi_> 7(krik krik krik)
  795. [2016-08-28 01:45:52] <Megumi_> 7(boom)
  796. [2016-08-28 01:45:53] <Erin_Whitemane> *sniffs nose*
  797. [2016-08-28 01:45:57] <Megumi_> 7(*kill me now*)
  798. [2016-08-28 01:46:03] <Khist_LaVi> (okľ
  799. [2016-08-28 01:46:04] <Erin_Whitemane> "Hmmm? I don't know anything about that...."
  800. [2016-08-28 01:46:08] <Erin_Whitemane> *melihat Megumi*
  801. [2016-08-28 01:46:13] <VdS_mobile> (/me kills Megumi_ )
  802. [2016-08-28 01:46:16] <Erin_Whitemane> "Ahhhh, Ms. Megumi is tired...."
  803. [2016-08-28 01:46:27] <Erin_Whitemane> *gapah Megumi ke tempat tidur terdekat*
  804. [2016-08-28 01:46:35] <Khist_LaVi> 14"welp, I tried"
  805. [2016-08-28 01:46:45] <Marcon_c> 4"..Nothing about Lumos huh?.."
  806. [2016-08-28 01:46:49] <Megumi_> 7"U're not useless, I can usee your head as my pillow" *giggles*
  807. [2016-08-28 01:46:52] <VdS_mobile> @Khist_LaVi: " Can I see the doll?"
  808. [2016-08-28 01:47:06] <Khist_LaVi> 14"sure villy"
  809. [2016-08-28 01:47:07] <Erin_Whitemane> "Hahaha, that's cute...."
  810. [2016-08-28 01:47:15] <VdS_mobile> *takes doll*
  811. [2016-08-28 01:47:19] <Erin_Whitemane> "I don't suppose you want to sleep, no?"
  812. [2016-08-28 01:47:23] <VdS_mobile> (gm gw roll history ya)
  813. [2016-08-28 01:47:37] <Megumi_> 7"Nah, I still have potato to finish" *grins*
  814. [2016-08-28 01:47:37] <Khist_LaVi> (sok)
  815. [2016-08-28 01:47:40] <VdS_mobile> !roll 1d20+2+2
  816. [2016-08-28 01:47:40] — _not_kaz sends for Pequod to get 1d20+2+2 This is Pequod! Arriving shortly at LZ, dropping supplies of: [11] + 2 + 2 = 15 stealth camouflage to VdS_mobile !
  817. [2016-08-28 01:47:41] <Khist_LaVi> (bukan punya gua lol)
  818. [2016-08-28 01:47:41] <Megumi_> 7*ballik lagi ke kursi*
  819. [2016-08-28 01:47:54] <VdS_mobile> (itu punya painter siapapun namanya edan lupa)
  820. [2016-08-28 01:47:55] <Erin_Whitemane> (PMnya di aku)
  821. [2016-08-28 01:48:02] <Erin_Whitemane> (Aku yang tahu lol)
  822. [2016-08-28 01:48:02] <Khist_LaVi> (lol)
  823. [2016-08-28 01:48:16] <Varrik_springheart> *walk to Barack and sleep there*
  824. [2016-08-28 01:48:24] <Megumi_> 7*menarik Erin lagi ke kursi kantin*
  825. [2016-08-28 01:48:35] <Khist_LaVi> 14"so... "
  826. [2016-08-28 01:48:48] <Megumi_> 7"Eat yer's steak" *jitak Erin*
  827. [2016-08-28 01:48:56] <Marcon_c> 4"..Hmm, guess I will wander around"
  828. [2016-08-28 01:48:56] <Khist_LaVi> 14"second time i didn't get a date after this"
  829. [2016-08-28 01:49:05] <Marcon_c> 4*Lirik ke kumpulan pc pc lain*
  830. [2016-08-28 01:49:07] <VdS_mobile> *examines doll*
  831. [2016-08-28 01:49:10] <Erin_Whitemane> *kejitak* "Right, my steak!"
  832. [2016-08-28 01:49:16] <Erin_Whitemane> *eats steak again*
  833. [2016-08-28 01:49:22] <Megumi_> 7"balap yu mmakannya"
  834. [2016-08-28 01:49:22] <Khist_LaVi> *slumps*
  835. [2016-08-28 01:49:25] <VdS_mobile> "Hey, Khist_LaVi, remember that gal that draws a lot?"
  836. [2016-08-28 01:49:25] <Megumi_> 7*giggles*
  837. [2016-08-28 01:49:31] <Megumi_> 7*lalu makan kentang lagi*
  838. [2016-08-28 01:49:36] <Khist_LaVi> *liat vilya*
  839. [2016-08-28 01:49:40] <Marcon_c> 4*Keluar Bar, jalan jalan aja cari informasi soal naga hitam di sekitar Rockhorn*
  840. [2016-08-28 01:49:45] <Khist_LaVi> "yup"
  841. [2016-08-28 01:49:47] <Erin_Whitemane> "Oh yeah? I can beat'cha there!"
  842. [2016-08-28 01:49:49] <VdS_mobile> "Err... Lericia?"
  843. [2016-08-28 01:49:59] <Khist_LaVi> "she dropped that doll, amd I've been carrying it "
  844. [2016-08-28 01:50:05] <Marcon_c> 4*And eventually went to barrack to Sleep*
  845. [2016-08-28 01:50:05] <Erin_Whitemane> *lomba makan lawan Megumi*
  846. [2016-08-28 01:50:08] <VdS_mobile> "She's dying to get the doll back..."
  847. [2016-08-28 01:50:09] <Megumi_> 7*makan dengan cepat*
  848. [2016-08-28 01:50:10] <Marcon_c> 4*Over n Out*
  849. [2016-08-28 01:50:15] <_not_Hideo_Kojima> (kalo keluar ke #rockhorn_fob )
  850. [2016-08-28 01:50:16] <Megumi_> 7(roll dex yu /plak)
  851. [2016-08-28 01:50:20] <Khist_LaVi> "well, where is she?"
  852. [2016-08-28 01:50:38] <Megumi_> 7(Erin_Whitemane )
  853. [2016-08-28 01:50:51] <Erin_Whitemane> (Hmmm?)
  854. [2016-08-28 01:51:07] <Megumi_> 7(roll dex biar random yg menangya /plak)
  855. [2016-08-28 01:51:09] <Megumi_> 7(wkwkwk)
  856. [2016-08-28 01:51:13] <VdS_mobile> "Hmmm.... No idea" *laughs*
  857. [2016-08-28 01:51:18] <Erin_Whitemane> (Oke bro)
  858. [2016-08-28 01:51:27] <Khist_LaVi> "you keep the doll"
  859. [2016-08-28 01:51:31] <Megumi_> 7!roll 1d20+2
  860. [2016-08-28 01:51:31] — _not_kaz sends for Pequod to get 1d20+2 This is Pequod! Arriving shortly at LZ, dropping supplies of: [10] + 2 = 12 stealth camouflage to Megumi_ !
  861. [2016-08-28 01:51:34] <Khist_LaVi> "gives me the creeps"
  862. [2016-08-28 01:51:42] <Erin_Whitemane> !roll 1d20-1
  863. [2016-08-28 01:51:42] — _not_kaz sends for Pequod to get 1d20-1 This is Pequod! Arriving shortly at LZ, dropping supplies of: [16] - 1 = 15 stealth camouflage to Erin_Whitemane !
  864. [2016-08-28 01:51:49] <VdS_mobile> *hands the doll back*
  865. [2016-08-28 01:51:55] <Megumi_> 7*masih ngunyah kentang*
  866. [2016-08-28 01:52:06] <VdS_mobile> "It means a lot, a damn lot to her"
  867. [2016-08-28 01:52:06] <Erin_Whitemane> *masih ngunyah steak*
  868. [2016-08-28 01:52:14] <Khist_LaVi> "oh no"
  869. [2016-08-28 01:52:17] <Megumi_> 7(kalah orz)
  870. [2016-08-28 01:52:17] <Erin_Whitemane> "Welp, guess you win, Ms. Megumi"
  871. [2016-08-28 01:52:23] <VdS_mobile> "I mean, she had a breakdown when she lost it..."
  872. [2016-08-28 01:52:23] <Khist_LaVi> *gives the doll to vilya*
  873. [2016-08-28 01:52:28] <Erin_Whitemane> "NOT!"
  874. [2016-08-28 01:52:31] <Erin_Whitemane> *laughs*
  875. [2016-08-28 01:52:32] <Khist_LaVi> "you keep it"
  876. [2016-08-28 01:52:34] <VdS_mobile> "Wait what?"
  877. [2016-08-28 01:52:42] <Megumi_> 7*kaget, keselek*
  878. [2016-08-28 01:52:42] <Marcon_c> 4(ah- awa udahan ya- dah malem thanks for the game _not_Hideo_Kojima Khist_LaVi Erin_Whitemane Marcon_c Varrik_springheart VdS_mobile Megumi_ =w=)/)
  879. [2016-08-28 01:52:45] <Khist_LaVi> "it creeps me out"
  880. [2016-08-28 01:52:46] ← Marcon_c left (~alifalfar@CAA952FB.E4EB6A47.49A2285E.IP)
  881. [2016-08-28 01:52:50] <Khist_LaVi> "like... Really"
  882. [2016-08-28 01:52:53] <Megumi_> 7"Air!" @Ryo
  883. [2016-08-28 01:52:55] <Erin_Whitemane> *selesai makan semuanya*
  884. [2016-08-28 01:52:59] <Erin_Whitemane> "Welp, I win!"
  885. [2016-08-28 01:53:03] <_not_Hideo_Kojima> (thx for playing Marcon_c)
  886. [2016-08-28 01:53:04] <Erin_Whitemane> *megang perut kenyang*
  887. [2016-08-28 01:53:15] <VdS_mobile> "Well... Sure, I'll keep it..."
  888. [2016-08-28 01:53:25] <Erin_Whitemane> (Thank you Lu-maksudku Marcon udah main!)
  889. [2016-08-28 01:53:32] <VdS_mobile> (sesi berikutnya sama lericia lu yang ikut ya khist, gw absen)
  890. [2016-08-28 01:53:54] <Khist_LaVi> (lol)
  891. [2016-08-28 01:53:57] <Erin_Whitemane> (Ada urusan apa vid?)
  892. [2016-08-28 01:54:00] <Megumi_> 7"Comrade Erin memang jago, huek" *ohok*
  893. [2016-08-28 01:54:01] <Khist_LaVi> (nangis lagi entar)
  894. [2016-08-28 01:54:11] <VdS_mobile> (gapapa huehuehue)
  895. [2016-08-28 01:54:21] <VdS_mobile> (jahatnya keluar)
  896. [2016-08-28 01:54:22] <Megumi_> 7*kentang yang tersedak keluar lagi setelah batuk*
  897. [2016-08-28 01:54:23] <Erin_Whitemane> (Wuaw jahat kalian lol)
  898. [2016-08-28 01:54:26] <Khist_LaVi> (lol)
  899. [2016-08-28 01:54:35] <Khist_LaVi> (woke deh)
  900. [2016-08-28 01:54:36] <Erin_Whitemane> "Whoa whoa, tenang Nona Megumi"
  901. [2016-08-28 01:54:47] <Erin_Whitemane> "Nona mungkin sebaikny makan pelan pelan saja"
  902. [2016-08-28 01:54:50] <Khist_LaVi> (Kasih ke erin aja)
  903. [2016-08-28 01:54:53] <Erin_Whitemane> *pets Megumi's shoulder*
  904. [2016-08-28 01:55:00] <Khist_LaVi> (kan mana mungkin ketemuan lol)
  905. [2016-08-28 01:55:03] <Megumi_> 7"Ya..."
  906. [2016-08-28 01:55:04] <VdS_mobile> (kasih ke erin ya)
  907. [2016-08-28 01:55:05] <Erin_Whitemane> (Wah nggak bakal ketemu kalau kayak gitu)
  908. [2016-08-28 01:55:07] <Megumi_> 7"Hehe"
  909. [2016-08-28 01:55:11] <Megumi_> 7*burp*
  910. [2016-08-28 01:55:18] <Khist_LaVi> (thatsthepointľ
  911. [2016-08-28 01:55:20] <Megumi_> 7*tahan pake tangan mulutnya*
  912. [2016-08-28 01:55:20] <Erin_Whitemane> (But I'd like to, whatever)
  913. [2016-08-28 01:55:24] <VdS_mobile> (anjay ngakak sampe roomate bangun)
  914. [2016-08-28 01:55:40] <Khist_LaVi> "I'm heading to bed..."
  915. [2016-08-28 01:55:41] <Erin_Whitemane> "Hahaha, kekenyangan ya?"
  916. [2016-08-28 01:55:51] <Khist_LaVi> "no liqour here anyway"
  917. [2016-08-28 01:55:53] <Erin_Whitemane> "Kalau mau makan besar, perut itu harus besar"
  918. [2016-08-28 01:55:53] <Megumi_> 7"Kentangnya kebanyakan sih~"
  919. [2016-08-28 01:55:56] <VdS_mobile> (Engga lah jangan separah gitu juga, tak simpen bonekanya hahaha)
  920. [2016-08-28 01:56:07] <Erin_Whitemane> "Seperti aku, haha" *grins hugely*
  921. [2016-08-28 01:56:09] <Megumi_> 7"Aku masih mau langsing: *wink*
  922. [2016-08-28 01:56:19] <Megumi_> 7*giggles*
  923. [2016-08-28 01:56:23] <VdS_mobile> Makanya makan kari aja, spesialnya chefnya tuh~" @Megumi_
  924. [2016-08-28 01:56:26] <Erin_Whitemane> "Kalau mau langsing sih, makan aja banyak sayur"
  925. [2016-08-28 01:56:33] <Megumi_> 7"Serius?" @VdS_mobile
  926. [2016-08-28 01:56:36] <Khist_LaVi> *heads out*
  927. [2016-08-28 01:56:39] <Erin_Whitemane> "Yang nyenyak ya Nona Khist!"
  928. [2016-08-28 01:56:43] <VdS_mobile> "Yep!" @Megumi_
  929. [2016-08-28 01:56:55] <VdS_mobile> "Night Khist_LaVi ..."
  930. [2016-08-28 01:57:00] <Khist_LaVi> "yea yea" *ngelambai*
  931. [2016-08-28 01:57:12] <Megumi_> 7"Comrade Cook, can I have the curry!?" @Ryo (_not_Hideo_Kojima )
  932. [2016-08-28 01:57:18] <Khist_LaVi> *sleeps*
  933. [2016-08-28 01:57:22] <Khist_LaVi> (gg wp)
  934. [2016-08-28 01:57:27] <Megumi_> 7(gg)
  935. [2016-08-28 01:57:28] <Erin_Whitemane> "Yeah, aku juga mau :)"
  936. [2016-08-28 01:57:32] <Khist_LaVi> (night IRL)
  937. [2016-08-28 01:57:33] <Erin_Whitemane> (GG)
  938. [2016-08-28 01:57:36] <VdS_mobile> (gg wp)
  939. [2016-08-28 01:57:42] <Megumi_> 7(nini~)
  940. [2016-08-28 01:57:48] ← Khist_LaVi left (~V1nn13z-L@E61A3603.D4F65D68.76D323C4.IP)
  941. [2016-08-28 01:58:00] <_not_Hideo_Kojima> Ryo : "Of course!"
  942. [2016-08-28 01:58:01] <VdS_mobile> "I think I'll go rest too...."
  943. [2016-08-28 01:58:42] <Megumi_> 7"Good Night, comrade!" @VdS_mobile
  944. [2016-08-28 01:58:45] <Erin_Whitemane> "Good night, Vilya :D"
  945. [2016-08-28 01:59:01] <VdS_mobile> Yea..." *Dozes off*
  946. [2016-08-28 01:59:12] <VdS_mobile> (Thanks all! Great game)
  947. [2016-08-28 01:59:17] <Megumi_> 7(GG!)
  948. [2016-08-28 01:59:21] <_not_Hideo_Kojima> (thx VdS_mobile !)
  949. [2016-08-28 01:59:26] <Erin_Whitemane> (GG!)
  950. [2016-08-28 01:59:33] <Megumi_> 7(mana karinya!)
  951. [2016-08-28 01:59:49] <_not_Hideo_Kojima> Ryo : *serves Mellow Curry to Megumi_*
  952. [2016-08-28 02:00:21] <Megumi_> 7"hoo"
  953. [2016-08-28 02:00:30] <Megumi_> 7*makan karinya*
  954. [2016-08-28 02:00:40] <Erin_Whitemane> "Wow......"
  955. [2016-08-28 02:00:45] <Erin_Whitemane> "Kayaknya enak tuh....."
  956. [2016-08-28 02:01:05] <Megumi_> 7*geser dikit ke depan Erin*
  957. [2016-08-28 02:01:08] <Megumi_> 7"Makan berdua aja"
  958. [2016-08-28 02:01:12] <Megumi_> 7*grins*
  959. [2016-08-28 02:01:51] <Erin_Whitemane> "Makasih, Nona Megumi!"
  960. [2016-08-28 02:01:56] <Erin_Whitemane> *makan karinya*
  961. [2016-08-28 02:02:13] <Erin_Whitemane> "Wow, enak banget!"
  962. [2016-08-28 02:02:27] <Megumi_> 7"Keharmonisan melody dalam makanan"
  963. [2016-08-28 02:02:28] <Erin_Whitemane> "Lebih enak dari daging elk!"
  964. [2016-08-28 02:02:38] <Megumi_> 7*makan lagi*
  965. [2016-08-28 02:02:41] ⇐ Varrik_springheart quit (~qwebirc@B5D92DBF.75181259.7A265C01.IP): Ping timeout: 240 seconds
  966. [2016-08-28 02:03:18] <Erin_Whitemane> *ngeliatin Megumi*
  967. [2016-08-28 02:03:25] <Erin_Whitemane> "Kau tahu, nona Megumi....."
  968. [2016-08-28 02:03:31] <Megumi_> 7"Ya?"
  969. [2016-08-28 02:04:09] <Erin_Whitemane> "Kau tadi bertemu Nona Scarlet kan?"
  970. [2016-08-28 02:04:18] <Erin_Whitemane> "Menurutmu bagaimana orangnya?"
  971. [2016-08-28 02:04:55] <Megumi_> 7"A leader with internal problem, I guess"
  972. [2016-08-28 02:04:58] <Megumi_> 7*makan lagi karinya*
  973. [2016-08-28 02:05:02] <_not_Hideo_Kojima> Alfie : "!"
  974. [2016-08-28 02:05:05] * VdS_mobile is now known as _uanjir
  975. [2016-08-28 02:05:10] <Erin_Whitemane> "Kan?"
  976. [2016-08-28 02:05:23] <Erin_Whitemane> "Padahal dianya sendiri tidak seperti itu dulu....."
  977. [2016-08-28 02:05:43] <Erin_Whitemane> "Kau tahu, dulu dia kelihatan seperti orang yang lebih ceria, lincah, dan semua kata kata positif itu lah"
  978. [2016-08-28 02:05:53] <Erin_Whitemane> "Sekarang....dia keliatan kayak fokus ke satu hal aja...."
  979. [2016-08-28 02:06:01] <Erin_Whitemane> "Balas dendam"
  980. [2016-08-28 02:06:17] <Megumi_> 7"Kau kenal beliau sejak kapan?" *makan lagi*
  981. [2016-08-28 02:06:25] <Erin_Whitemane> "Udah gitu kan mulai nggak jelas, apaan nih? Keluarga collane? Burgleburg? Orang rambut pirang?"
  982. [2016-08-28 02:06:37] <Erin_Whitemane> "Scarlet yang dulu nggak akan ngurus hal nggak penting kayak gitu"
  983. [2016-08-28 02:06:51] <Erin_Whitemane> "Sudah lama. Sebelun terdampar di Kastil Lumos malah"
  984. [2016-08-28 02:07:16] <Erin_Whitemane> "Dia, bersama 2 orang lain bersamaku, mengajakku secara pribadi ikut SF"
  985. [2016-08-28 02:08:16] <Megumi_> 7"Mungkin Nyonya yang pernah kau kenal orangnya seru" *chuckles*
  986. [2016-08-28 02:08:16] <Erin_Whitemane> "Aku memberikannya first impression yang sangat......menarik lah"
  987. [2016-08-28 02:08:28] <Erin_Whitemane> "Dan dia bilang tadi dia tidak mengenalku?!"
  988. [2016-08-28 02:08:31] <Megumi_> 7"Orang bisa berubah sih"
  989. [2016-08-28 02:08:37] <Erin_Whitemane> "Ada yang tidak beres dengan dia. Beneran"
  990. [2016-08-28 02:08:55] <Megumi_> 7"Mungkin dia bertemu banyak masalah setelah berpisah darimu, comrae"
  991. [2016-08-28 02:08:57] <Megumi_> 7*comrade
  992. [2016-08-28 02:09:01] <Megumi_> 7*shrug*
  993. [2016-08-28 02:09:08] <Megumi_> 7"Ayo makan lagi karenya!"
  994. [2016-08-28 02:09:12] <Megumi_> 7*giggles*
  995. [2016-08-28 02:09:14] <Megumi_> 7*makan*
  996. [2016-08-28 02:09:18] <Erin_Whitemane> "Maksudku sih iya, tapi....."
  997. [2016-08-28 02:09:29] <Erin_Whitemane> "Entahlah, dia terlihat terlalu....serius belakangan ini"
  998. [2016-08-28 02:09:36] <Erin_Whitemane> "Seperti.....dia bukan dirinya....."
  999. [2016-08-28 02:09:41] <_not_Hideo_Kojima> Alfie : *whisper to self*"Ceria? Scarlet?"
  1000. [2016-08-28 02:09:44] <Megumi_> 7"Hmm"
  1001. [2016-08-28 02:10:00] <Megumi_> 7"Bagaimana kalau kau berbuat sesuatu yang bisa membuatnya ingat?" *smile*
  1002. [2016-08-28 02:10:15] <Erin_Whitemane> (Aku dengar nggak Alfie?)
  1003. [2016-08-28 02:10:36] <Erin_Whitemane> "Hmmmm, entahlah. Mungkin reciting my oath kembali kepadanya?"
  1004. [2016-08-28 02:10:46] <Erin_Whitemane> "Tapi aku rasa dia sudah pergi...."
  1005. [2016-08-28 02:11:05] <_not_Hideo_Kojima> (roll percept Erin_Whitemane)
  1006. [2016-08-28 02:11:05] <Megumi_> 7"Ya.. sudah pergi" *faint smile*
  1007. [2016-08-28 02:11:08] <Megumi_> 7*makan lagi*
  1008. [2016-08-28 02:11:25] <Erin_Whitemane> !roll 1d20+3
  1009. [2016-08-28 02:11:25] — _not_kaz sends for Pequod to get 1d20+3 This is Pequod! Arriving shortly at LZ, dropping supplies of: [6] + 3 = 9 stealth camouflage to Erin_Whitemane !
  1010. [2016-08-28 02:11:33] <Megumi_> 7(aku denger gak? :v)
  1011. [2016-08-28 02:11:53] <_not_Hideo_Kojima> (roll percept Megumi_ )
  1012. [2016-08-28 02:11:57] <_not_Hideo_Kojima> (erin denger)
  1013. [2016-08-28 02:12:02] <Megumi_> 7!roll 1d20+2
  1014. [2016-08-28 02:12:02] — _not_kaz sends for Pequod to get 1d20+2 This is Pequod! Arriving shortly at LZ, dropping supplies of: [10] + 2 = 12 stealth camouflage to Megumi_ !
  1015. [2016-08-28 02:12:10] <Erin_Whitemane> "Alfie, kau tidak percaya ya?:
  1016. [2016-08-28 02:12:21] <Erin_Whitemane> "Itu karena kau baru mengenalnya baru baru ini"
  1017. [2016-08-28 02:12:22] <_not_Hideo_Kojima> (kedengeran juga)
  1018. [2016-08-28 02:12:26] <Megumi_> 7*menghabiskan Kari*
  1019. [2016-08-28 02:12:38] <Erin_Whitemane> "Percaya deh, kamu ketemu Scarlet sebulan lalu dan sekarang bakal keliatan beda banget"
  1020. [2016-08-28 02:12:39] <Megumi_> 7"Karinya sedap sekali, Comrade Cook!"
  1021. [2016-08-28 02:12:42] <_not_Hideo_Kojima> Alfie : "Sebelum battle ini sebenarnya..."
  1022. [2016-08-28 02:12:52] <Erin_Whitemane> "Hmmmm? Gimana?"
  1023. [2016-08-28 02:13:00] <_not_Hideo_Kojima> Alfie : "Aku juga beberapa kali membantu Scarlet"
  1024. [2016-08-28 02:13:15] <_not_Hideo_Kojima> Alfie : "Kata 'ceria' tidak bisa dipasangkan dengan Scarlet"
  1025. [2016-08-28 02:13:41] <Megumi_> 7*lalu agak geser ke arah Erin-Alfie buat nimbrung*
  1026. [2016-08-28 02:13:41] <Erin_Whitemane> "Begitukah? Kau mulai berkawan dengannya dari kapan?"
  1027. [2016-08-28 02:14:07] <_not_Hideo_Kojima> Alfie : "Tidak akrab sih, kira-kira dua bulan yang lalu"
  1028. [2016-08-28 02:14:36] <Erin_Whitemane> "Selama dua bulan itu, kau tidak merasa kepribadiannya berubah drastis apa?"
  1029. [2016-08-28 02:15:00] <Erin_Whitemane> "Dengar, aku bertemu dengannya sebulan lalu, dan dia adalah orang paling ceria yang pernah aku temui"
  1030. [2016-08-28 02:15:23] <Megumi_> 7"Kayaknya bakal seru nih" o_o
  1031. [2016-08-28 02:15:25] <Erin_Whitemane> "Aku bahkan hampir ingin mencakarnya dengan kekuatan Harimau, dan dia cuma terheran heran saja dengan tingkahku"
  1032. [2016-08-28 02:15:33] <Erin_Whitemane> "Dan.....dan....dia ingat aku....."
  1033. [2016-08-28 02:15:42] <_not_Hideo_Kojima> Alfie : "Gak berubah drastis kok, memang selalu seperti itu, gak pernah ceria"
  1034. [2016-08-28 02:15:46] <Erin_Whitemane> "Tadi itu.....dia bilang....dia tidak ingat aku....."
  1035. [2016-08-28 02:16:02] <Erin_Whitemane> "Kau yakin, Tuan Alfie?"
  1036. [2016-08-28 02:16:24] <_not_Hideo_Kojima> Alfie : "Yah, akhir2 ini memang dia merekrut banyak orang, maklum saja mungkin"
  1037. [2016-08-28 02:16:39] <Erin_Whitemane> (Roll Insight untuk nyari tau apa Tuan Alfie menyembunyiin sesuatu apa tidak?)
  1038. [2016-08-28 02:16:43] <Megumi_> 7"Untuk menjalankan misi ini?"
  1039. [2016-08-28 02:16:48] <_not_Hideo_Kojima> Alfie : "Terlalu banyak mungkin...."
  1040. [2016-08-28 02:16:48] <Erin_Whitemane> "Ah ya ngomongin itu"
  1041. [2016-08-28 02:16:50] <Megumi_> 7"Ya, butuh banyak orang"
  1042. [2016-08-28 02:16:51] <_not_Hideo_Kojima> (silahkan)
  1043. [2016-08-28 02:17:01] <Megumi_> 7(telat kirim)
  1044. [2016-08-28 02:17:06] <Erin_Whitemane> "Nah kan, itu aja aneh kan?"
  1045. [2016-08-28 02:17:18] <Erin_Whitemane> "Ngapain ngambil kebanyakan orang?"
  1046. [2016-08-28 02:17:23] <Erin_Whitemane> !roll 1d20+5
  1047. [2016-08-28 02:17:23] — _not_kaz sends for Pequod to get 1d20+5 This is Pequod! Arriving shortly at LZ, dropping supplies of: [14] + 5 = 19 stealth camouflage to Erin_Whitemane !
  1048. [2016-08-28 02:17:25] <_not_Hideo_Kojima> (jadi roll teu?)
  1049. [2016-08-28 02:17:28] <_not_Hideo_Kojima> (oh oke)
  1050. [2016-08-28 02:18:18] <Megumi_> 7"Sebentar"
  1051. [2016-08-28 02:18:23] <Megumi_> 7"Aku punya pertanyaan"
  1052. [2016-08-28 02:18:45] <Erin_Whitemane> "Aku melihatnya jelas dari wajahmu, Tuan Alfie"
  1053. [2016-08-28 02:18:54] <_not_Hideo_Kojima> Alfie : "ya?"
  1054. [2016-08-28 02:18:59] <Erin_Whitemane> "Kau bahkan heran dengan tingkah Scarlet belakangan ini, benar?"
  1055. [2016-08-28 02:19:05] <Megumi_> 7(itu ya ke siapa? :v)
  1056. [2016-08-28 02:19:33] <_not_Hideo_Kojima> (dua2nya)
  1057. [2016-08-28 02:20:22] <_not_Hideo_Kojima> Alfie : "yah... cuma penasaran sih..."
  1058. [2016-08-28 02:20:22] <Megumi_> 7"Aku lupa nama dunia ini"
  1059. [2016-08-28 02:20:26] <Erin_Whitemane> "Tuan Alfie?"
  1060. [2016-08-28 02:20:28] <Megumi_> 7"Ahhh"
  1061. [2016-08-28 02:20:30] <_not_Hideo_Kojima> Alfie : "Nama?"
  1062. [2016-08-28 02:20:34] <Erin_Whitemane> "Rozmer, Nona Megumi"
  1063. [2016-08-28 02:20:47] <Megumi_> 7"Sepertinya bukan Rozmer deh"
  1064. [2016-08-28 02:20:49] <Erin_Whitemane> "Kan, Tuan Alfie?"
  1065. [2016-08-28 02:20:58] <Erin_Whitemane> "Hah? Kok kamu yakin?"
  1066. [2016-08-28 02:21:02] <_not_Hideo_Kojima> Alfie : "nama negara mungkin maksudnya?"
  1067. [2016-08-28 02:21:09] <Megumi_> 7"tah, itu!"
  1068. [2016-08-28 02:21:34] <Erin_Whitemane> "Yah kalau itu sih aku nggak tahu ._. "
  1069. [2016-08-28 02:21:45] <_not_Hideo_Kojima> Alfie : "Rozmer? Gak pernah dengar? Eh? Masak kalian gak tau nama negara kalian berada"
  1070. [2016-08-28 02:22:04] <Megumi_> 7"Kepalaku pusing tadi pagi"
  1071. [2016-08-28 02:22:06] <Megumi_> 7"Jadi lupa"
  1072. [2016-08-28 02:22:14] <Erin_Whitemane> "Ummmm, saya Druid pengelana, Tuan alfie"
  1073. [2016-08-28 02:22:22] <_not_Hideo_Kojima> Alfie : "A-Ah, kebanyakan kare mungkin? ini negara Lucifenia"
  1074. [2016-08-28 02:22:26] <Erin_Whitemane> "Soal politik dan geografi dunia memang saya tak tahu apa apa ^^ "
  1075. [2016-08-28 02:22:40] <Erin_Whitemane> "Lu-luci apa?"
  1076. [2016-08-28 02:22:49] <Erin_Whitemane> (Roll history dong)
  1077. [2016-08-28 02:22:49] <Megumi_> 7"OH! iya Lucifenin!"
  1078. [2016-08-28 02:23:01] <_not_Hideo_Kojima> Alfie : "Hmm negara sih kata umum, lebih tepatnya asosiasi noble Lucifenia"
  1079. [2016-08-28 02:23:26] <_not_Hideo_Kojima> (silahkan, though it's hard)
  1080. [2016-08-28 02:23:28] <Erin_Whitemane> "Lucifenia.........." *mencoba mengingat*
  1081. [2016-08-28 02:23:44] <Erin_Whitemane> !roll 1d20+2
  1082. [2016-08-28 02:23:45] — _not_kaz sends for Pequod to get 1d20+2 This is Pequod! Arriving shortly at LZ, dropping supplies of: [1] + 2 = 3 stealth camouflage to Erin_Whitemane !
  1083. [2016-08-28 02:23:49] <_not_Hideo_Kojima> (nope lol)
  1084. [2016-08-28 02:23:51] <Megumi_> 7(so hard)
  1085. [2016-08-28 02:23:51] <Erin_Whitemane> (Lah nat1 orz)
  1086. [2016-08-28 02:24:07] <Megumi_> 7*sigh*
  1087. [2016-08-28 02:24:09] <Erin_Whitemane> "....hmmm tak tahu aku...."
  1088. [2016-08-28 02:24:24] <Megumi_> 7"Comrade Erin, apa-apaan dengan nama Rozmer itu" *chuckles*
  1089. [2016-08-28 02:24:24] <_not_Hideo_Kojima> Alfie : "Wh- You really don't know? Did you guys hit your head?"
  1090. [2016-08-28 02:24:31] <Erin_Whitemane> "Tadi itu, si Scarlet ngomongin soal bugleburg"
  1091. [2016-08-28 02:24:45] <Megumi_> 7"Aku hanya lupa, Comrade Alfie"
  1092. [2016-08-28 02:24:52] <Erin_Whitemane> "Dan juga rambut pirang dan keluarga collane"
  1093. [2016-08-28 02:24:52] <Erin_Whitemane> "Mereka kenapa memang?"
  1094. [2016-08-28 02:25:03] <_not_Hideo_Kojima> Alfie : "Lu-Lupa ya...."
  1095. [2016-08-28 02:25:06] <Erin_Whitemane> "Itu....itu nama dunia kita, Nona Megumi"
  1096. [2016-08-28 02:25:09] <Erin_Whitemane> "Rozmer"
  1097. [2016-08-28 02:25:10] <_not_Hideo_Kojima> Alfie : "Collane?"
  1098. [2016-08-28 02:25:30] <_not_Hideo_Kojima> Alfie : "Mereka adalah salah satu noble yang bernaung di Bugleburg, memangnya kenapa?"
  1099. [2016-08-28 02:25:54] <_not_Hideo_Kojima> Alfie : "Du-Dunia? dunia kalian? Kalian ini ngomong apa?"
  1100. [2016-08-28 02:26:07] <Erin_Whitemane> "Scarlet mengatakan tentang untuk tidak mempercayai mereka"
  1101. [2016-08-28 02:26:12] <Megumi_> 7"Gatau, dia kayaknya pusing abis misi tadi"
  1102. [2016-08-28 02:26:18] <Megumi_> 7Tidur yu"
  1103. [2016-08-28 02:26:23] <Erin_Whitemane> "Katanya para bandit itu dikirim oleh keluarga Collane"
  1104. [2016-08-28 02:26:35] <Megumi_> 7*yawns*
  1105. [2016-08-28 02:26:42] <_not_Hideo_Kojima> Alfie : "Oh? Ternyata begitu?"
  1106. [2016-08-28 02:26:46] <Erin_Whitemane> "Hey, aku Druid. Jiwa jiwa alam memberitahuku soal itu"
  1107. [2016-08-28 02:26:57] <_not_Hideo_Kojima> Alfie : "Hmm, ini mungkin bukan urusanku atau urusan kalian...."
  1108. [2016-08-28 02:27:01] <Erin_Whitemane> "Hmmmm? Memang kenapa?"
  1109. [2016-08-28 02:27:13] <Megumi_> 7"Aku duluan ya"
  1110. [2016-08-28 02:27:18] <Megumi_> 7"Selamat malam""
  1111. [2016-08-28 02:27:24] <_not_Hideo_Kojima> Alfie : "Tapi turuti saja apa kata Scarlet, Keluarga Collane memang dikenal... agak..."
  1112. [2016-08-28 02:27:30] <Megumi_> 7*pergi ke tenda tempat tidur*
  1113. [2016-08-28 02:27:30] <Erin_Whitemane> "Selamat malam, Nona Megumi" *smiles*
  1114. [2016-08-28 02:27:36] <Megumi_> 7**smiles*
  1115. [2016-08-28 02:27:37] <_not_Hideo_Kojima> Alfie : "Lemme put it this way"
  1116. [2016-08-28 02:27:45] <_not_Hideo_Kojima> Alfie : "There's a saying"
  1117. [2016-08-28 02:27:52] <Megumi_> 7(GG)
  1118. [2016-08-28 02:27:59] <_not_Hideo_Kojima> Alfie : "What Lady Collane wants she gets"
  1119. [2016-08-28 02:28:04] <_not_Hideo_Kojima> (Thx Megumi_ !)
  1120. [2016-08-28 02:28:25] <Erin_Whitemane> (GG)
  1121. [2016-08-28 02:28:32] <Megumi_> 7(Sama-sama _not_Hideo_Kojima )
  1122. [2016-08-28 02:28:44] <Erin_Whitemane> "Mereka berambut pirang, benar?"
  1123. [2016-08-28 02:28:58] <_not_Hideo_Kojima> Alfie : "iya, kebanyakan keturunan Collane memiliki rambut pirang"
  1124. [2016-08-28 02:29:04] ← Megumi_ left (cgiirc@90A27926.F6A80673.7A7E058D.IP)
  1125. [2016-08-28 02:29:12] <Erin_Whitemane> "Begitu ya....."
  1126. [2016-08-28 02:29:20] <_not_Hideo_Kojima> (Lannister FTW)
  1127. [2016-08-28 02:29:24] <Erin_Whitemane> *yawns*
  1128. [2016-08-28 02:29:33] <Erin_Whitemane> "Tuan Alfie, aku tidur dulu ya....."
  1129. [2016-08-28 02:29:40] <Erin_Whitemane> *keluar dari tenda*
  1130. [2016-08-28 02:29:43] <_not_Hideo_Kojima> Alfie : "Ah baiklah kalau begitu"
  1131. [2016-08-28 02:29:50] <Erin_Whitemane> "Selamat malam :)"
  1132. [2016-08-28 02:30:00] <_not_Hideo_Kojima> (thx for playing Erin_Whitemane)
  1133. [2016-08-28 02:30:14] <Erin_Whitemane> (GG!)
  1134. [2016-08-28 02:30:21] * _not_Hideo_Kojima → not_tired_at_all
  1135. [2016-08-28 02:30:53] * Erin_Whitemane is now known as _tireddoofmobile
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