Guest User


a guest
Apr 30th, 2017
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PHP 150.20 KB | None | 0 0
  1. [UI General]
  2. LoginMenu_AccountFrozen=Login failed.\nAccount is banned.
  3. FailedToCreateClan=Failed to create clan
  4. FailedToGetClanLeaderboard=Failed to get clan list
  5. ClanReserveNotEnoughGC=Clan Reserve doesn't have that much GC
  6. FailToDonateGCToClanMember=Failed to donate GC to member
  7. FailToDonateGCToClanMemberTime=You can only donate GC to a member that have been in a clan for at least a week
  8. FailToPromote=Failed to promote member
  9. MemberAlreadyHasHighestRank=Member already has highest rank
  10. FailToDemote=Failed to demote member
  11. MemberAlreadyHasLowestRank=Member already has lowest rank
  12. NoSuchClanMember=No such clan member
  13. YouCannotKickYourself=You cannot kick yourself
  14. FailToKickMember=Failed to kick member
  15. ClanMemberWasKickedFromClan=Clan member was kicked from clan!
  16. FailToLeaveClan=Failed to leave clan
  17. CannotLeaveClanWithGCBalance=Please transfer any remaining GC balance from the clan before trying to disband it.
  18. FailToDonateGCToClan=Failed to donate GC to clan
  19. FailToDonateGCToClanTime=You can only donate GC to clan after one week since you joined it
  20. FailToAnswerApplication=Failed to answer application
  21. FailToSendInvite=Failed to send invite
  22. InviteSentSuccess=Invite sent successfully!
  23. FailAcceptInvite=Failed to accept invite
  24. FailToBuyMoreSlots=Failed to buy more slots
  25. YouAreAlreadyInClan=You are already in a clan.
  26. FailApplyToClan=Failed to apply to clan
  27. SuccessApplyToClan=Successfully applied to join clan
  28. YouNeedCharBeforeCreatingClan=You need to create survivor before creating clan
  29. ClanNameNoSpecSymbols=Clan name cannot contain special symbols
  30. ClanTagNoSpecSymbols=Clan tag cannot contain special symbols
  31. CharacterNameCannotContaintSpecialSymbols=Survivor name cannot contain special symbols
  32. CharacterNameCannotContainProfanity=Survivor name cannot contain profanity words
  33. CannotCreateMoreThan5Char=You cannot create more than 5 survivors
  34. ThisNameIsAlreadyInUse=This name is already in use
  35. CreateCharacterFail=Create survivor failed
  36. CannotDeleteCharThatIsClanLeader=Cannot delete survivor that is the leader of a clan
  37. FailedToDeleteChar=Failed to delete survivor
  38. FailedToReviveChar=Failed to revive survivor
  39. BuyItemFailNoIndex=buy item fail, cannot locate buy index
  40. BuyItemFail=Failed to buy item
  41. BackpackFromInventoryFail=Failed to move item from inventory to backpack
  42. BackpackToInventoryFail=Failed to move item from backpack to inventory
  43. FailedToFindBackpack=Failed to find backpack!
  44. SwitchBackpackSameBackpacks=Switching to the same type of backpack
  45. BackpackToBackpackFail=Failed to swap items
  46. ConflictRemappingKeys=Same button is assigned to different action. Please correct.
  47. LoggingIn=Logging in...
  48. LowSystemMemoryWarning=You have less than 4GB of required system memory (RAM) to run this game. Please ensure to run the game on low quality settings.
  49. FullInventoryWarning=You have more items in your global inventory than supported by the game. Please remove some of the items from global inventory to see the rest of the items. None of your items are removed, you just not able to see all of them.
  50. WaitingForJoinAnswer=Waiting for join answer
  51. WaitConnectingToServer=Please wait, connecting to server...
  52. WaitValidatingClientVersion=Please wait, validating client version...
  53. WaitRetrievengLevelName=Please wait, retrieving level name...
  54. WaitJoinGame=Waiting to join game...
  55. WaitGameStart=Waiting for game start...
  56. WaitServerCloseGame=Waiting for server to close the game...
  57. Connecting=Connecting...
  58. SoundSystemDisabled=Failed to init your sound card, sounds are disabled. Please check that you have one and that it is working.
  59. MSShutdown1=Master Server is shutting down\nPlease exit the game.
  60. DisconnectMsg=Disconnected from server
  61. CannotJoinGame=Cannot join the game
  62. CannotJoinGameWithoutIpBonus=Cannot join the game
  63. CannotJoinGameTimeLimit=This server allows players that have more than %d hours of game time on their account
  64. CannotJoinGameZombiesLimit=%d Zombies Killed is Required to join This Server
  65. CannotJoinGameTimeLimitMax=This server allows players that have less than %d hours of game time on their account
  66. CannotJoinGameTrialLimit=This server does not allow trial accounts
  67. CannotJoinGameIPBonus=Privilege servers reserved for Internet Cafe which registered to
  68. JoinedPremiumServer=You have joined premium server
  69. JoinedBeginnerServer=You have joined beginner server
  70. JoinedOfficialServer=You have joined official server
  71. JoinedPrivateServer=You have joined private server
  72. JoinedStrongholdServer=You have joined stronghold server
  73. JoinedPublicTestEnvServer=You have joined PUBLIC TEST ENVIRONMENT server
  74. JoinedICTServer=You have joined internet cafe server
  75. JoinedVeteranServer=You have joined tournament server
  76. JoinedServerWithASRRestriction=You have joined server that doesn't allow to use assault rifles.
  77. JoinedServerWithSNPRestriction=You have joined server that doesn't allow to use sniper rifles.
  78. ServerRuleChange_ASRRestricted=Server rule change: Assault rifles are no longer allowed on this server.
  79. ServerRuleChange_SNPRestricted=Server rule change: Sniper rifles are no longer allowed on this server.
  80. ServerRuleChange_ASREnabled=Server rule change: Assault rifles are now allowed on this server.
  81. ServerRuleChange_SNPEnabled=Server rule change: Sniper rifles are now allowed on this server.
  82. JoinedPTEServerWithGIRestriciton=This PTE server has GI restriction. You spawn only with flashlight and cannot access GI.
  83. NoConnectionToMasterServer=Not able to connect to Master Server, please check your internet connection
  84. TimeoutToMasterServer=Timeout connecting to Master Server, try again later
  85. PremiumAccountBoughtPleaseRestart=Please restart the game after buying premium account
  86. ProblemCreatingGame=There was a problem creating game
  87. FailedCreatingGame=Failed to create game
  88. AlreadyCreatedGame=You already have created game
  89. GameIsFull=Game is full
  90. GameNotFound=Game not found
  91. JoinDelayActive=This game will be available in few seconds.
  92. WrongPassword=Wrong password
  93. NewLanguageSetAfterRestart=For changes to take effect, please restart the game.
  94. UnableToJoinGameCode=Unable to join game, code:%d
  95. JoinGameNoGames=No free game servers are available in your region, please try again later. Server is full or finishing reboot sequence.
  96. ServerInstanceIsShuttingDown=This server instance is shutting down in %.0f seconds
  97. ServerShuttingDown=SERVER SHUTDOWN in %.0f seconds
  98. ServerShutdownNoPlaceableObjects=Lockboxes, Barricades, etc. are not allowed to be placed now
  99. ServerShutdownPlaceableObjectTried=Not allowed
  100. JoinMasterStarting=Servers are starting up, please wait a few minutes.
  101. FailedReceiveGameList=Failed to receive game list
  102. GameHasMaximumPlayers=Game has a maximum number of players
  103. TimeoutJoiningGame=Timeout joining game
  104. FailedToBuyItem=Failed to buy item
  105. FailedToEquipAttachment=Failed to equip attachment
  106. FailedToGetItemInfo=Failed to get item info
  107. ThisGameTagAlreadyExists=This gamer tag already exists
  108. NotEnougMoneyToBuyItem=Not enough money to buy this item
  109. NotEnoughGC=You don't have GC for this
  110. FetchingGamesListFromServer=Fetching games list from a server\n\nPlease wait...
  111. JoiningGame=Joining a game
  112. CreatingGame=Creating a game
  113. OneMomentPlease=One moment, please
  114. $OneMomentPlease=One moment, please
  115. NewGamerTagMinLenRequirement=New gamer tag should be at least 3 characters long
  116. NewGamerTagCannotHaveSpaces=New gamer tag cannot contain spaces
  117. NewGamerTagShouldHaveLettersAndNumbers=New gamer tag should contain only letters and numbers
  118. GamerTagNotValid=Gamertag is not valid
  119. NotEnoughGP=You don't have enough GC
  120. RestartGameForChangesToTakeEffect=For changes to take effect you have to restart the game
  121. FailedToLearnSkill=Failed to learn skill
  122. RetrievingProfileData=Loading game data
  123. ClientMustBeUpdated=Client must be updated, please restart the game
  124. LoginMenu_Disconnected=Cannot connect to server.\nPlease try again in few minutes
  125. LoginMenu_CannotConnectServer=Could not connect to server.\nPlease try again in few minutes
  126. LoginMenu_ClientUpdateRequired=Client must be updated, please restart the game
  127. LoginMenu_ValidatingLogin=Validating Login information
  128. LoginMenu_CommError=Communication error
  129. LoginMenu_WrongLoginAnswer=Wrong login answer
  130. LoginMenu_LoginFailed=Login Failed\nWrong username or password
  131. LoginMenu_EAC_Failed=Login Failed\nCannot authenticate EAC
  132. LoginMenu_DoubleLogin=Your account is already logged in on another session
  133. FailedToJoinGame=Failed to join game
  134. FailedToJoinGameStillInGame=Failed to join game, your previous game session hasn't closed yet. Please try again
  135. GameSessionHasNotClosedYet=Invalid operation. Game session hasn't closed yet. Please try again later.
  136. NameContainInvalidSymbols=Character name contains invalid symbols
  138. ServerRent_FailGetPrice=Failed to get prices for server rentals
  139. ServerRent_FailGetList=Failed to get your servers list
  140. ServerRent_RegionDisabled=Server rental in this region is disabled at the moment
  141. ServerRent_NameTooShort=Please enter server name
  142. ServerRent_NameTooBig=Name must be 31 characters max
  143. ServerRent_NeedPassword=Please enter new password
  144. ServerRent_PasswordTooBig=Passwords are 15 characters max
  145. ServerRent_NameAlreadyInUse=This server name is already in use
  146. ServerRent_PriceDesync=Server rental price has changed, please restart game client.
  147. ServerRent_RentFail=Failed to rent server
  148. ServerRent_SetPwdFail=Failed to change server password
  149. ServerRent_BadRenewSlots=Your server cannot be renewed, it has number of slots that are no longer available for sale.
  150. ServerRent_DonateNeedWait=You must wait for %d hours to be able to donate GC to server
  151. ServerRent_DonateOk=You successfully donated GC to selected server
  152. ServerRent_ServerFull=Rent Server is Full
  154. GroupNoSuchPlayer=No such player
  155. GroupPlayerAlreadyInGroup=Player already in group
  156. GroupSentInviteSuccess=Group invite sent
  157. GroupInviteExpired=Group invite expired
  158. GroupNoInviteFound=No group invite from that player
  159. GroupIsFull=Group is full
  160. GroupOnlyLeaderCanInvite=Only group leader can invite
  161. GroupRcvdInviteFrom=Received group invite
  162. GroupNotifyAboutToLeave=%s going to leave group
  163. GroupNotifyAboutToKick=%s will be kicked from group
  165. VehicleCantEnter=Can't Enter Vehicle
  166. VehicleCantExit=Can't Exit Vehicle
  168. PlayerStatus_Alive=ALIVE
  169. ServerStatus_Unknown=UNKNOWN
  170. ServerStatus_Pending=PENDING
  171. ServerStatus_Offline=OFFLINE
  172. ServerStatus_Starting=STARTING
  173. ServerStatus_Online=ONLINE
  174. ServerStatus_Expired=EXPIRED
  176. InfoMsg_MaxHealthAlready=FULL HEALTH ALREADY
  177. InfoMsg_CooldownActive=COOLDOWN IS ACTIVE
  178. InfoMsg_ToxicityInBlood=TOXICITY IN BLOOD
  179. InfoMsg_NoTocixInBlood=NO TOXICITY IN BLOOD
  180. InfoMsg_NewItemAdded=NEW ITEM ADDED
  181. InfoMsg_DollarsPickedUp=%d DOLLARS PICKED UP
  182. InfoMsg_NoFreeBackpackSlots=BACKPACK IS FULL
  183. InfoMsg_TooMuchWeight=TOO MUCH WEIGHT
  184. InfoMsg_ItemAdded=ITEM ADDED
  185. InfoMsg_BackpackAdded=BACKPACK ADDED
  186. InfoMsg_ItemRemoved=ITEM REMOVED
  187. InfoMsg_ReputationAdded=%+d REPUTATION
  188. InfoMsg_XPAdded=%d XP ADDED
  189. InfoMsg_WeaponDataUpdated=weapons data updated
  190. InfoMsg_WoodAdded=%d WOOD ADDED
  191. InfoMsg_StoneAdded=%d STONE ADDED
  192. InfoMsg_MetalAdded=%d METAL ADDED
  193. InfoMsg_WoodRemoved=%d WOOD REMOVED
  194. InfoMsg_StoneRemoved=%d STONE REMOVED
  195. InfoMsg_MetalRemoved=%d METAL REMOVED
  196. InfoMsg_DollarsAdded=%d DOLLARS ADDED
  197. InfoMsg_DollarsRemoved=%d DOLLARS REMOVED
  198. InfoMsg_StrongholdOnly=STRONGHOLD ITEM ONLY
  199. InfoMsg_NeedSkill=Need Seller Skill
  200. InfoMsg_PlayerSwears=Swears %d
  201. InfoMsg_NotBeUsedHere=NO LOCKBOXES ON THIS MAP
  202. InfoMsg_Notuseitem=Can,t use This Item
  204. StatDamage=Damage
  205. StatAccuracy=Spread
  206. StatRecoil=Recoil
  207. StatFireRate=Fire Rate
  208. StatRange=Range
  209. StatCapacity=Capacity
  210. StatProtection=Protection
  211. StatWeight=Mobility
  212. January=January
  213. February=February
  214. March=March
  215. April=April
  216. May=May
  217. June=June
  218. July=July
  219. August=August
  220. September=September
  221. October=October
  222. November=November
  223. December=December
  225. $CatInvalid=INVALID
  226. $CatAccount=ACCOUNT
  227. $CatBoosts=BOOSTS
  228. $CatMaps=MAPS
  229. $CatItems=ITEMS
  230. $CatDeals=HOT DEALS!
  231. $CatHeroes=HEROES
  232. $CatChar=CHARACTERS
  233. $CatAbilities=ABILITIES
  234. $CatGear=GEAR
  235. $CatHeads=HEADS
  236. $CatHeadGear=HEAD GEAR
  238. $CatSniper=SNIPER RIFLES
  241. $CatSUP=SUPPORT
  242. $CatHG=HANDGUNS
  244. $CatGrenade=EXPLOSIVES
  245. $CatMysteryBox=SUPPLY CRATES
  246. $CatLootBox=LOOT CRATES
  247. $CatFPSAttachment=ATTACHMENTS
  248. $CatUsableItem=ITEMS
  249. $CatMelee=MELEE
  251. Month=MONTH
  252. Week=WEEK
  254. Item=ITEM
  255. Money=MONEY
  256. Vehicle=VEHICLE
  257. Note=NOTE
  258. Interact=INTERACT
  259. Lockbox=PERSONAL LOCKER
  260. RepairBench=REPAIR BENCH
  261. HoldEToPickUpItem=HOLD '%s' TO PICK UP ITEM
  262. HoldEToPickUpMoney=HOLD '%s' TO PICK UP MONEY
  263. ActionUI_StoreTitle=ACCESS STORE
  264. HoldEToAccessStore=HOLD '%s' TO ACCESS STORE
  265. ActionUI_VaultTitle=ACCESS VAULT
  266. HoldEToAccessVault=HOLD '%s' TO ACCESS VAULT
  267. HoldEToReadNote=HOLD '%s' TO READ NOTE
  268. HoldEToInteract=HOLD '%s' TO INTERACT
  269. HoldEToOpenLockbox=HOLD '%s' TO OPEN PERSONAL LOCKER
  270. HoldEToAccessRepairBench=HOLD '%s' TO REPAIR
  271. HoldEToEnterVehicle=HOLD '%s' TO ENTER VEHICLE
  272. HoldEToHarvest=HOLD '%s' TO HARVEST
  274. HarvestedFarm=HARVESTED FARM
  275. HarvestNotReadyFarm=HARVEST NOT READY
  277. WeaponInfoString_Singular=%s: %d bullet left
  278. WeaponInfoString_Regular=%s: %d bullets left
  279. WeaponInfoString_NoAmmo=NO AMMO
  280. WeaponInfoString_BrandNew=BRAND NEW
  281. AmmoInfoString_Singular=%d bullet left
  282. AmmoInfoString_Regular=%d bullets left
  283. ItemCondition=DURABILITY: %.*f%%
  285. $Durability=DURABILITY
  286. $CarInfo=speed\narmor\nweight
  288. [UI Frontend]
  289. $FR_TrialServer=BEGINNER SERVERS
  290. $FR_PremiumServers=PREMIUM SERVERS
  291. $FR_OfficialServers=OFFICIAL SERVERS
  292. $FR_PrivateServers=PRIVATE SERVERS
  293. $FR_PublicTestEnvironment=INTERNET CAFE THAILAND
  294. $FR_TrialServerDesc=Beginners Zone, Reserved for new account with 0 - 24 hours survied.
  295. $FR_PremiumServersDesc=Reserved for the truly elite Survivor's, these servers offer better loot for Premium accounts.
  296. $FR_OfficialServersDesc=Official servers for standard and premium accounts with standard loot. 24+ hours required
  297. $FR_StrongholdsDesc=Smaller maps for players to use as they see fit. 24+ hours required
  298. $FR_PrivateServersDesc=Gameworld server with standard loot with various customizable options and admin tools for the owner.
  299. $FR_PublicTestEnvironmentDesc=Privilege servers reserved for Internet Cafe which registered to, Why don't tell your Internet Cafe owner about it!
  300. $FR_MyServersDesc=Your rented servers
  301. $FR_VeteranServersDesc=Official servers for players who have a minimum 48+ hours on their account.
  303. $FR_PremiumAccount=PREMIUM ACCOUNT
  304. $FR_DEVAccount=DEV ACCOUNT
  305. $FR_PremiumAccountRequired=PREMIUM ACCOUNT REQUIRED
  306. $FR_PremiumAccountBenefits=Access to special high loot servers\nDouble XP, Double Game Dollars\nShorter revive time\n30 GC every day you login into the game
  307. $FR_BuyPremiumAccountFor=BUY PREMIUM ACCOUNT FOR
  308. $FR_For30Days=FOR 30 DAYS
  310. $FR_EnterCodeToUpgradeTrialAccount=Please enter code that you received after buying full version of the game to upgrade your trial account
  311. $FR_UpgradeTrialAccount=UPGRADE TRIAL ACCOUNT
  312. UpgradeTrialAccount_WrongSerialFormat=Please enter Serial Key in following format:\nXXXX-XXXX-XXXX-XXXX or XXXXX-XXXXX-XXXXX-XXXXX-XXXXX
  313. UpgradeTrialAccount_Success=Account upgraded! Please restart the game
  314. UpgradeTrialAccount_CannotUpgrade=Your account type cannot be updated, please contact
  315. UpgradeTrialAccount_SerialNotValid=Serial Key is not valid
  316. UpgradeTrialAccount_SerialUsed=Serial Key is already used
  317. UpgradeTrialAccount_Failed=Serial Key Check failed, please try again later
  319. $FR_Cooldown=cooldown
  320. $FR_Cooldown_TimeInSeconds=S
  322. $FR_ServerTime=server time:
  323. $FR_Statistics=STATISTICS
  324. $FR_Level=Level:
  325. $FR_TimePlayed=Time Played:
  326. $FR_Account=ACCOUNT
  327. $FR_DisabledLabel=DISABLED
  328. $FR_YouDontHaveEnoughGP=You don't have enough GC
  329. $FR_Inventory=INVENTORY
  330. $FR_SlotType_Body=BODY
  331. $FR_SlotType_Armor=ARMOR
  332. $FR_SlotType_Head=HEAD
  333. $FR_SlotType_HArmor=HEAD ARMOR
  334. $FR_SlotType_Primary=PRIMARY
  335. $FR_SlotType_Secondary=SECONDARY
  336. $FR_SlotType_Handgun=HANDGUN
  337. $FR_SlotType_Item1=ITEM 1
  338. $FR_SlotType_Item2=ITEM 2
  339. $FR_SlotType_Item3=ITEM 3
  340. $FR_SlotType_Item4=ITEM 4
  341. $FR_SlotType_Items=ITEMS
  342. $FR_SlotType_Muzzle=MUZZLE
  343. $FR_SlotType_UpperRail=UPPER RAIL
  344. $FR_SlotType_LeftRail=LEFT RAIL
  345. $FR_SlotType_BottomRail=BOTTOM RAIL
  346. $FR_SlotType_Clip=CLIP
  347. $FR_SlotType_Receiver=RECEIVER
  348. $FR_SlotType_Stock=STOCK
  349. $FR_SlotType_Barrel=BARREL
  350. $FR_SlotType_Paint=PAINT
  351. $FR_Store_AlreadyHaveThisItem=You already have this item
  352. $FR_Store_SingularDay=DAY
  353. $FR_Store_PluralDay=DAYS
  354. $FR_Store_Permanent=PERMANENT
  355. $FR_Store_PurchaseGP=GET MORE GC
  356. $FR_EmptySlot=EMPTY SLOT
  357. $permanent=Permanent
  359. $FR_Store_Youhavenow=YOU HAVE NOW:
  360. $FR_Store_Youwillhave=YOU WILL HAVE:
  361. $permanentCap=PERMANENT
  362. $FR_optVeryLow=VERY LOW
  363. $FR_optLow=LOW
  364. $FR_optMed=MEDIUM
  365. $FR_optHig=HIGH
  366. $FR_optUlt=ULTRA
  367. $FR_optCus=CUSTOM
  368. $FR_optNo=NO
  369. $FR_optYes=YES
  370. $FR_optOff=OFF
  371. $FR_optResolution=RESOLUTION
  372. $FR_optOverallQuality=OVERALL QUALITY
  373. $FR_optBrightness=BRIGHTNESS
  374. $FR_optContrast=CONTRAST
  375. $FR_optSoundVolume=SOUND VOLUME
  376. $FR_optMusicVolume=MUSIC VOLUME
  378. $FR_optHintSystem=AIM POSITION
  379. $FR_AimPositionCenter=CENTER
  380. $FR_AimPositionOffCenter=OFF CENTER
  382. $FR_optExtra=EXTRA
  383. $FR_optionsExtra=EXTRA OPTIONS
  384. $FR_optCross=CrossFire
  385. $FR_optQuake=Quake
  386. $FR_optDuke=Duke
  387. $FR_optIncreaseFPS=INCREASE FPS
  388. $FR_optDisableGrass=GRASS ENABLE
  389. $FR_optJumpSound=JUMP SOUND
  390. $FR_optAlphaSound=ALPHA SCARY SOUNDS
  391. $FR_optKillStreakSndOnOff=KILLSTREAK SOUNDS
  392. $FR_optKillFeedMsgOnOff=KILLFEED MESSAGES
  393. $FR_optKillStreakSound=KILLSTREAK PACK
  394. $FR_optCrosshaireColor=CROSSHAIR COLOR
  395. $FR_optChatSound=CHAT SOUND
  396. $FR_optCrosshair=CROSSHAIR TYPE
  397. $FR_optHighlight=LOOT OUTLINE COLOR
  398. $FR_optCrosshaire=CROSSHAIRE
  399. $FR_optKillstreak=KILLSTREAK
  400. $FR_optOptimisations=OPTIMISATIONS
  402. $FR_optNoRedBlood=VOICE COMMANDS
  403. $FR_optFullscreen=FULLSCREEN
  404. $FR_optAntialiasing=ANTIALIASING
  405. $FR_optVSync=VSYNC
  406. $FR_optSSAO=SSAO
  407. $FR_optTerrDetail=TERRAIN QUALITY
  409. $FR_optWaterQual=WATER QUALITY
  410. $FR_optShadowQual=SHADOW QUALITY
  411. $FR_optLightQual=LIGHTING QUALITY
  412. $FR_optEffectQual=PARTICLES QUALITY
  413. $FR_optMeshQual=MESH DETAILS
  414. $FR_optAniso=ANISOTROPY
  415. $FR_optPostProcessQual=POSTPROCESS
  416. $FR_optTexturesQual=TEXTURES
  417. $FR_optFastLoad=FASTLOAD
  418. $FR_optGeneral=GENERAL
  419. $FR_optControls=CONTROLS
  420. $FR_optLanguage=LANGUAGE
  421. $FR_optVoip=VOIP
  422. $FR_optVoipEnable=ENABLE VOICE CHAT
  424. $FR_optVoipInputDevice=INPUT DEVICE
  425. $FR_optVoipOutputDevice=OUTPUT DEVICE
  426. $FR_optVoipVoiceChatVolume=VOICE CHAT VOLUME
  427. $FR_optInvertYAxis=INVERT Y AXIS
  428. $FR_optLeftSideCam=LEFT SIDE CAMERA
  429. $FR_optMouseWheel=MOUSE WHEEL
  430. $FR_optSensitivity=SENSITIVITY
  431. $FR_optAcceleration=ACCELERATION
  432. $FR_optPress=PRESS
  433. $FR_optToggle=TOGGLE
  434. $FR_optToggleAim=AIM
  435. $FR_optToggleCrouch=CROUCH
  436. $FR_optLanguageSelection=LANGUAGE SELECTION
  437. $FR_optLangEnglish=ENGLISH
  438. $FR_optLangFrench=FRENCH
  439. $FR_optLangGerman=GERMAN
  440. $FR_optLangItalian=ITALIAN
  441. $FR_optLangSpanish=SPANISH
  442. $FR_optLangRussian=RUSSIAN
  443. $FR_optVideo=VIDEO
  444. $FR_optGraphics=GRAPHICS
  445. $FR_optAudio=AUDIO
  446. $FR_optGameplay=GAMEPLAY
  447. $FR_optInvertContrls=INVERT CONTROLS
  448. $FR_optMovement=MOVEMENT
  449. $FR_optMouse=MOUSE
  450. $FR_PleaseEnterNewGamertag=PLEASE ENTER NEW GAMERTAG:
  452. $FR_ExitGame=EXIT GAME?
  453. $FR_browseGamesTopLabel=P            SERVERNAME                                                          PING              PLAYERS                MAP NAME                                                  GAME MODE                     REWARD CAP           RANKED
  454. $FR_NumOfPlayers=NUMBER OF PLAYERS
  455. $FR_ServerRegion=SERVER REGION
  456. $FR_GameName=GAME NAME
  457. $FR_Password=PASSWORD
  458. $FR_SaveSettings=SAVE SETTINGS
  459. $FR_GametimeLimit=GAMETIME LIMIT
  460. $FR_GameMode=GAME MODE
  461. $FR_GameMap=GAME MAP
  462. $FR_NotFull=NOT FULL
  463. $FR_NotEmpty=NOT EMPTY
  464. $FR_WB_Done=DONE
  465. $FR_Modify=MODIFY
  466. $FR_Back=BACK
  467. $FR_Save=SAVE
  468. $FR_Return=RETURN
  469. $FR_Equipment=EQUIPMENT
  470. $FR_Install=INSTALL
  471. $FR_Remove=REMOVE
  472. $FR_Equip=EQUIP
  473. $FR_Character=CHARACTER
  474. $FR_Unlock=UNLOCK
  475. $FR_Cancel=CANCEL
  476. $FR_Invite=INVITE
  477. $FR_Buy=BUY
  478. $FR_FriendlyFire=FRIENDLY FIRE
  479. $FR_MoreDetails=MORE DETAILS
  480. $FR_OK=OK
  481. $FR_No=NO
  482. $FR_Yes=YES
  484. $FR_Apply=APPLY
  486. $FR_Reset=RESET
  487. $FR_RefreshGameList=REFRESH GAME LIST
  489. $FR_ApplyFilter=APPLY FILTER
  490. $FR_FilterOptions=FILTER OPTIONS
  491. $FR_FreeSlots=FREE SLOTS
  492. $FR_GameNameFilter=GAME NAME FILTER
  493. $FR_Details=DETAILS
  494. $FR_Start=START
  495. $FR_JoinGame=JOIN GAME
  496. $FR_Learn=LEARN
  497. $FR_GetItem=GET ITEM
  498. $FR_NewItem=NEW
  499. $FR_Home=HOME
  500. $FR_Community=COMMUNITY
  501. $FR_Options=OPTIONS
  502. $FR_Exit=EXIT
  503. $FR_PlayGame=PLAY GAME
  504. $FR_Close=CLOSE
  505. $FR_Post=POST
  506. $FR_ReportAbuse=REPORT ABUSE
  507. $FR_Play=PLAY
  508. $FR_Host=HOST
  509. $FR_QuickJoin=QUICK JOIN
  510. $FR_ServerBrowser=SERVER BROWSER
  511. $FR_PlayWithFriends=PLAY WITH FRIENDS
  512. $FR_MyServers=MY SERVERS
  514. $FR_MyStrongholds=MY STRONGHOLDS
  515. $FR_SearchingForServer=SEARCHING FOR SERVER...
  516. $FR_ComingSoon=COMING SOON
  518. $FR_Health=HEALTH
  519. $FR_SortBy=SORT BY:
  520. $FR_SortGP=Price GC
  521. $FR_Ping=PING
  522. $FR_Players=PLAYERS
  523. $FR_MapType=MAP
  524. $FR_Missions=MISSIONS
  525. $FR_Friends=FRIENDS
  526. $FR_EnterFriendsName=PLEASE ENTER FRIEND'S NAME:
  527. $FR_AddFriend=ADD FRIEND
  528. $FR_FriendsStats=FRIEND'S STATS
  529. $FR_RemoveFriend=REMOVE FRIEND
  530. $FR_JoinFriendsGame=JOIN GAME
  532. $FR_Rank=RANK:
  533. $FR_Name=NAME:
  534. $FR_Mode=MODE:
  535. $FR_Clan=CLAN:
  538. $FR_JOIN=JOIN
  548. FriendApiError=Error, please try again later
  549. FriendNotFound=There is no player with supplied gamertag
  550. FriendAddOk=Friend request sent to player
  551. FriendAddWait=You already sent friend request, waiting for player to accept it
  552. FriendAddAlready=You already have this player as your friend
  553. FriendAddDeny=Player denied your friend request\nTo become friends please ask player to send friend request to you
  554. FriendAddBlock=You both denied friend requests. You can not be friends with that player
  555. FriendNotInGame=Player not in game right now
  557. $FR_Global=GLOBAL
  558. $FR_PlayersOnline=PLAYERS ONLINE
  559. $FR_News=NEWS
  560. $FR_BackToSurvivors=BACK TO SURVIVORS
  561. $FR_EnterSurvivorNameHere=enter survivor's name here
  562. $FR_Permanently=PERMANENTLY
  563. $FR_Dead=DEAD
  564. $FR_EarlyRevival=EARLY REVIVAL
  566. $FR_ClanSearch=SEARCH CLAN
  567. $FR_MissionActive=MISSION ACTIVE
  568. $FR_MissionDeclined=MISSION DECLINED
  569. $FR_Abandon=ABANDON
  570. $FR_Activate=ACTIVATE
  572. ClanError_Code20=You cannot add more clan members. You have to buy more slots to add more members.
  573. ClanError_Code21=Player has already joined a clan.
  574. ClanError_Code22=No gamertag specified.
  575. ClanError_Code23=Permission denied.
  576. ClanError_Code24=You can send an application to the clan only once per 72 hours.
  577. ClanError_Code25=You reached maximum number of pending applications.
  578. ClanError_Code26=You have not purchased GC or trying to donate more GC than you bought within last 30 days. GC rewards are not eligible for guild donations. To donate to this clan you must first purchase GC from store.
  579. ClanError_Code27=This clan name is already taken.
  580. ClanError_Code28=This clan tag is already taken.
  581. ClanError_Code29=Your survivor needs at least 3 hours of play time to create a clan.
  582. ClanError_AmountToDonateShouldBeMoreThanZero=Amount to donate should be more than zero.
  583. ClanError_NotEnoughGPToDonate=You are trying to donate more GC to the clan  than you have.
  584. ClanError_NotEnoughGPInClan=You are trying to donate to a clan member more GC than your clan reserve has.
  585. ClanPlayerInviteSentSuccessfully=Invitation to join clan sent successfully.
  586. ClanError_CannotDemoteMore=Player already has the lowest rank possible.
  587. ClanError_BadTag=Clan tag contains invalid symbols.
  589. $FR_Servers=SERVERS
  590. $FR_Settings=SETTINGS
  591. $FR_MyServers_PlayerListTop=PLAYER NAME                                                DEAD/ALIVE       REPUTATION              SCORE          KICK
  592. $FR_MyServers_ServerListTop=SERVER NAME                                LOCATION            MAP                   STATUS       TYPE              PLAYERS     EXPIRES IN:
  593. $FR_RentStronghold=RENT CALIWOOD
  594. $FR_RentGameserver=RENT GAMESERVER
  595. $FR_RenewServer=RENEW SERVER
  596. $FR_Renew=RENEW
  598. $FR_ChangeOutfit=CHANGE OUTFIT
  599. $FR_ChangeCharacterSkin=CHANGE CHARACTER SKIN
  600. ChangeOutfitError=Failed to change outfit
  601. CharRenameError=Failed to rename character
  602. $FR_ChangeName=CHANGE NAME
  603. $FR_ChangeNameDesc=Please select a new name for your survivor. Name change will incur GC cost of:
  604. ChangeNameTimeError=You can rename your survivor in %d %s from now
  606. $FR_SkillTree_RepairTree=REPAIR TREE
  607. $FR_SkillTree_WeaponsTree=WEAPONS TREE
  608. $FR_SkillTree_PhysicalTree=PHYSICAL TREE
  609. $FR_SkillTree_SurvivalTree=SURVIVAL TREE
  610. $FR_SkillTree_Physical=PHYSICAL
  611. $FR_SkillTree_Weapons=WEAPONS
  612. $FR_SkillTree_Repair=REPAIR
  613. $FR_SkillTree_Survival=SURVIVAL
  615. SkillName0=Alive and Well 1
  616. SkillDesc0=Increased health
  617. SkillName1=Rule #1  1
  618. SkillDesc1=Increased Stamina
  619. SkillName2=Strong Like Bull 1
  620. SkillDesc2=Increases endurance, making items seem lighter
  621. SkillName3=No rest for the Wicked 1
  622. SkillDesc3=Faster Stamina regeneration
  623. SkillName4=Rule #1  2
  624. SkillDesc4=Increased Stamina
  625. SkillName5=No Rest for the Wicked 2
  626. SkillDesc5=Faster Stamina regeneration
  627. SkillName6=Strong Like Bull 2
  628. SkillDesc6=Increases endurance, making items seem lighter
  629. SkillName7=Alive and Well 2
  630. SkillDesc7=Increased health
  631. SkillName8=Close combat 1
  632. SkillDesc8=Increased melee damage
  633. SkillName9=On Target
  634. SkillDesc9=Reduced weapon spread
  635. SkillName10=Close combat 2
  636. SkillDesc10=Increased melee damage
  637. SkillName11=Keep it steady
  638. SkillDesc11=Lower weapon recoil
  639. SkillName12=Concentration 1
  640. SkillDesc12=Hold breath longer / sniper
  641. SkillName13=Close combat 3
  642. SkillDesc13=Increased melee damage
  643. SkillName14=Concentration 2
  644. SkillDesc14=Hold breath longer / sniper
  645. SkillName15=Fast PickUP
  646. SkillDesc15=Double speed for pickup
  647. SkillName16=Seller
  648. SkillDesc16=Allows you to sell things on the trade - zones
  649. SkillName17=Destroyer
  650. SkillDesc17=Allows you to destroy items and got resource
  651. SkillName18=Gunsmith
  652. SkillDesc18=Coming Soon
  653. SkillName19=Hunger Strike 1
  654. SkillDesc19=Hunger decreases slower
  655. SkillName20=Field Medic 1
  656. SkillDesc20=Increased effectiveness of healing items
  657. SkillName21=Stalker
  658. SkillDesc21=Quieter footsteps
  659. SkillName22=Survivalist 1
  660. SkillDesc22=When out of food and water, health decreases slower
  661. SkillName23=Stunt Man 1
  662. SkillDesc23=Take less fall damage
  663. SkillName24=Hunger Strike 2
  664. SkillDesc24=Hunger decreases slower
  665. SkillName25=Field Medic 2
  666. SkillDesc25=Increased effectiveness of healing items
  667. SkillName26=Survivalist 2
  668. SkillDesc26=When out of food and water, health decreases slower
  669. SkillName27=Stunt man 2
  670. SkillDesc27=Take less fall damage
  671. SkillName28=Field Medic 3
  672. SkillDesc28=Increased effectiveness of healing items
  673. SkillName29=Hardened
  674. SkillDesc29=Take less damage overall
  675. SkillName30=Walker Stalker
  676. SkillDesc30=Lowers detection radius when near zombies
  677. SkillName31=lasting
  678. SkillDesc31=Improves strength armor and helmet
  679. SkillName32=Concentration 3
  680. SkillDesc32=Hold breath longer / sniper
  681. SkillName33=dodger
  682. SkillDesc33=increases the speed of reloading weapons
  684. SkillLearnError=Failed to learn skill
  686. %FF_BanMessage=Banned by FairFight: This account has been investigated and permanently closed for exploitation. For more info, please visit <font color="#0000FF"><a href="event:clickLink_TOS"></a></font>.
  689. [UI HUD PauseMenu]
  690. $HUD_Pause_Apply=APPLY
  691. $HUD_Pause_Back=BACK
  692. $HUD_Pause_Exit=EXIT
  693. $HUD_Pause_ExitGame=EXIT GAME
  694. $HUD_Pause_Options=OPTIONS
  695. $HUD_Pause_ReturnToGame=RETURN TO GAME
  696. $HUD_Pause_PauseMenu=PAUSE MENU
  697. $HUD_Pause_Video=VIDEO
  698. $HUD_Pause_Controls=CONTROLS
  699. $HUD_Pause_Audio=AUDIO
  700. $HUD_Pause_Gameplay=GAMEPLAY
  702. HUD_DisconnectingIn=Disconnecting in %d seconds...
  703. HUD_DisconnectingSoon=Disconnecting soon...
  704. HUD_DisconnectingTitle=DISCONNECTING
  705. HUD_ServerNameTitle=SERVER NAME: %s
  707. $Resource_Wood=Wood
  708. $Resource_Stone=Stone
  709. $Resource_Metal=Metal
  711. [UI HUD Scoreboard]
  712. $HUD_ExitToMainMenu=EXIT TO MAIN MENU
  715. $HUD_ExitingIn=EXITING IN [%02d]
  716. $HUD_YouAreDead=YOU ARE DEAD
  717. $HUD_Hold=HOLD
  718. $HUD_Press=PRESS
  719. $HUD_ToPickUp=TO PICK UP
  720. $HUD_ToSwitchMine=TO SWITCH
  721. $HUD_PlayerAction_Report=REPORT
  722. $HUD_PlayerAction_Kick=KICK
  723. $HUD_PlayerAction_Ban=BAN
  724. $HUD_PlayerAction_InviteGroup=INVITE TO GROUP
  725. $HUD_PlayerAction_KickFromGroup=KICK FROM GROUP
  726. $HUD_PlayerAction_LeaveGroup=LEAVE GROUP
  727. $HUD_PlayerAction_AcceptGroupInvite=ACCEPT GROUP INVITE
  728. $HUD_PlayerAction_Mute=MUTE
  729. $HUD_PlayerAction_Unmute=UNMUTE
  731. $HUD_Suicide=Committed Suicide
  732. $HUD_Radioactive=Killed By Radiation
  733. $HUD_FullHP=He Had Full HP
  734. $HUD_HPLeft= He Had HP:
  735. $ShotOnTheHead=You Got Headshot
  736. $ShotOnTheBody=You Got Bodyshot
  737. $ShotOnTheVehicle=was killed by vehicle
  738. $HUD_Eaten=Eaten
  739. $HUD_Zombie=Zombie
  740. $HUD_EatenByZombie=Eaten By Zombie
  741. $HUD_EatenByZombie1=Zombie Tested
  742. $HUD_EatenByZombie2=Zombie eat
  744. $HUD_Chat_Channel1=PROXIMITY
  745. $HUD_Chat_Channel2=GLOBAL
  746. $HUD_Chat_Channel3=CLAN
  747. $HUD_Chat_Channel4=GROUP
  749. $HUD_Msg_JoinedGame=%s has joined the game
  750. $HUD_Msg_LeftGame=%s has left the game
  751. $HUD_Msg_ChatHelp=CHAT Help:\n/w person_name - whisper\n/r - reply to last whisper\n/g - to chat global\n/t - to team chat\n/c - to clan chat\n/ignore person_name - to ignore user\n/unignore person_name - to stop ignore\n/suicide - die and respawn
  752. $HUD_Msg_ChatWhisperToYourself=You whispered to yourself. No one will ever know your secrets!
  753. $HUD_Msg_ChatNoSuchUser=No such user!
  754. $HUD_Msg_ChatWhisperFormat=Whisper format is: /w player_name message
  755. $HUD_Msg_ChatNoOneToReply=No one to reply to!
  756. $HUD_Msg_ChatIgnoreYourself=You cannot ignore yourself.
  757. $HUD_Msg_ChatIgnoreFormat=Ignore format is: /ignore player_name
  758. $HUD_Msg_ChatNoSuchUserInIgnoreList=No such user in your ignore list!
  759. $HUD_Msg_ChatUnignoreFormat=To stop ignore: /unignore player_name
  760. $HUD_Msg_ChatTypeHelp=Type /help for chat commands
  761. $HUD_Msg_ChatNotInClan=You are not in a clan.
  762. $HUD_Msg_System=SYSTEM
  763. $HUD_Group=GROUP
  765. HUD_BarricadeUse_PlaceInQuickSlot=Place item into quick slot and use it from there
  767. $HUD_CallForHelp_Title=CALL FOR HELP
  768. $HUD_CallForHelp_Distress=DISTRESS:
  769. $HUD_CallForHelp_Reward=REWARD:
  770. $HUD_CallForHelp_Call=CALL
  772. $HUD_CallForHelp_NoRewardMsg=PLEASE ENTER REWARD
  773. HUD_CallForHelp_TooFrequent=Please wait at least one minute before trying to request call for help again
  774. HUD_CallForHelp_RequestSent=Call for help request sent
  775. HUD_CallForHelp_Error=Error while trying to send call for help request
  776. HUD_CallForHelp_Duplicate=You already have an active call for help
  777. HUD_CallForHelp_Time=You can only post call for help once every hour
  778. HUD_CallForHelp_HUDInfoMsg=Call for help requested
  780. HUD_Msg_NoActiveMissions=No Active Missions
  781. HUD_Msg_MissionCompleted=Mission Completed
  782. HUD_Msg_MissionExpired=Mission Expired
  783. HUD_Msg_MissionMaxReached=The maximum missions allowed has been reached,\nyou cannot accept any more missions.
  784. HUD_Info_MissionAction_Goto=Travel to Location
  785. HUD_Info_MissionAction_ItemCollect=Collect %d %s
  786. HUD_Info_MissionAction_ItemDrop=Drop %d %s
  787. HUD_Info_MissionAction_ItemUse=Use %d %s
  788. HUD_Info_MissionAction_ItemCraft=Craft %d %s
  789. HUD_Info_MissionAction_ItemDeliver=Deliver %d %s to location
  790. HUD_Info_MissionAction_KillZombie=Kill the Zombie
  791. HUD_Info_MissionAction_KillZombies=Kill %d Zombies
  792. HUD_Info_MissionAction_KillZombieWithWeapon=Kill the Zombie with %s
  793. HUD_Info_MissionAction_KillZombiesWithWeapon=Kill %d Zombies with %s
  794. HUD_Info_MissionAction_KillZombieWithWeapons=Kill the Zombie with required weapons
  795. HUD_Info_MissionAction_KillZombiesWithWeapons=Kill %d Zombies with required weapons
  796. HUD_Info_MissionAction_KillPlayer=Kill a Player
  797. HUD_Info_MissionAction_KillPlayers=Kill %d Players
  798. HUD_Info_MissionAction_KillPlayerWithWeapon=Kill a Player with the %s
  799. HUD_Info_MissionAction_KillPlayersWithWeapon=Kill %d Players with the %s
  800. HUD_Info_MissionAction_KillPlayerWithWeapons=Kill a Player with the required weapons
  801. HUD_Info_MissionAction_KillPlayersWithWeapons=Kill %d Players with the required weapons
  802. HUD_Info_MissionAction_StateSetActive=Activate control
  803. HUD_Info_MissionAction_StateSetInactive=Deactivate control
  804. HUD_Info_MissionAction_StateProgressActive=Complete
  805. HUD_Info_MissionAction_StateProgressInactive=Interact
  808. $FR_Safelock_Lock=LOCK
  809. $FR_Safelock_Unlock=UNLOCK
  810. $FR_Safelock_LockText=Please enter password to lock your locker
  811. $FR_Safelock_Unlocktext=Please enter password to unlock locker
  812. $FR_Safelock_ChangePass=CHANGE KEY CODE
  813. HUD_Safelock_WrongCode=WRONG CODE
  814. HUD_Safelock_CodeChanged=CODE CHANGED
  815. HUD_Safelock_SecurityLockdown=SECURITY LOCKDOWN
  816. $FR_Safelock_Pickup=PICKUP
  817. HUD_Safelock_LockboxShouldBeEmpty=Personal locker should be empty to pick it up
  818. HUD_Safelock_NotOwner=Access Denied
  820. $HUD_VehicleBuggy=BUGGY
  821. $HUD_VehicleStryker=STRYKER
  822. $HUD_VehicleTruck=TRUCK
  823. $HUD_VehicleSpeedMeasure=MPH
  826. $HUD_Cntrl_PrimaryFire=PRIMARY FIRE
  827. $HUD_Cntrl_Aim=AIM
  828. $HUD_Cntrl_MoveForw=MOVE FORWARD
  829. $HUD_Cntrl_MoveForwToggle=MOVE FORWARD AUTORUN
  830. $HUD_Cntrl_MoveBack=MOVE BACKWARD
  831. $HUD_Cntrl_MoveLeft=MOVE LEFT
  832. $HUD_Cntrl_MoveRight=MOVE RIGHT
  833. $HUD_Cntrl_Sprint=SPRINT
  834. $HUD_Cntrl_Jump=JUMP
  835. $HUD_Cntrl_Jump2=SUPER JUMP
  836. $HUD_Cntrl_Crouch=CROUCH
  837. $HUD_Cntrl_Interact=INTERACT
  838. $HUD_Cntrol_SecondaryInteract=SECONDARY INTERACT
  839. $HUD_Cntrl_Reload=RELOAD
  840. $HUD_Cntrl_ChangeFireRate=CHANGE FIRE RATE
  841. $HUD_Cntrl_PrimaryWeapon=PRIMARY WEAPON
  842. $HUD_Cntrl_SecondaryWeapon=SECONDARY WEAPON
  843. $HUD_Cntrl_Handgun=HANDGUN
  844. $HUD_Cntrl_Item1=ITEM 1
  845. $HUD_Cntrl_Item2=ITEM 2
  846. $HUD_Cntrl_Item3=ITEM 3
  847. $HUD_Cntrl_Item4=ITEM 4
  848. $HUD_Cntrl_NextItem=NEXT ITEM
  849. $HUD_Cntrl_SteadyAim=STEADY AIM
  850. $HUD_Cntrl_Chat=CHAT
  851. $HUD_Cntrl_SwitchMinimap=SWITCH MINIMAP
  852. $HUD_Cntrl_ShowScore=SHOW SCORE
  853. $HUD_Cntrl_QuickSwitch=QUICK SWITCH
  854. $HUD_Cntrl_ThrowGrenade=THROW GRENADE
  855. $HUD_Cntrl_ToggleNightvision=TOGGLE NIGHTVISION
  856. $HUD_Cntrl_SelectWeapons=SELECT WEAPONS
  857. $HUD_Cntrl_MoveCommand=MOVE
  859. $HUD_Switch_TPS_Camera_Side=SWITCH TPS CAMERA SIDE
  860. $HUD_Cntrl_Inventory=SHOW INVENTORY
  861. $HUD_Cntrl_Chat1=PROXIMITY CHAT
  862. $HUD_Cntrl_Chat2=GLOBAL CHAT
  863. $HUD_Cntrl_Chat3=CLAN CHAT
  864. $HUD_Cntrl_Chat4=GROUP CHAT
  865. $HUD_Cntrl_ShowAttachments=SHOW ATTACHMENTS
  866. $HUD_Cntrl_ShowCraftMenu=SHOW CRAFT MENU
  867. $HUD_Cntrl_ShowStore=OPEN MARKETPLACE
  868. $HUD_Toggle_Mission_HUD=TOGGLE MISSION HUD
  869. $HUD_Cntrl_FreeHands=MELEE
  870. $HUD_Cntrl_Prone=PRONE
  871. $HUD_Cntrl_ShowPlayers=SHOW SCORE
  872. $HUD_Cntrl_TurnOffHUD=TOGGLE HUD
  873. $HUD_Cntrl_ToggleFlashlight=TOGGLE FLASHLIGHT
  874. $HUD_Cntrl_VoicePTT=VOIP PUSH TO TALK
  875. $HUD_Cntrl_VehicleUnstuck=UNSTUCK VEHICLE
  876. $HUD_Cntrl_VehicleAccel=VEHICLE ACCELERATION
  877. $HUD_Cntrl_VehicleBrake=VEHICLE BRAKE
  878. $HUD_Cntrl_VehicleTurnLeft=VEHICLE TURN LEFT
  879. $HUD_Cntrl_VehicleTurnRight=VEHICLE TURN RIGHT
  880. $HUD_Cntrl_PlayAnim1=WEAPON GESTURE
  881. $HUD_Cntrl_FriendsName=FRIENDS NAME
  889. $FR_INVENTORY_GOLBAL_INVENTORY=global inventory:
  890. $FR_INVENTORY_EQUIPED=Equipped:
  893. $FR_SaleTitle1= you will get
  894. $FR_SaleTitle2=of the shop price
  895. $FR_NotForSale=Not for Sale
  896. $FR_DurabilityTitle=                  *Item possible to sell if durability > 50 % and allowed
  900. $FR_SURVIVOR_SCREEN_Select_Survivor=Select Survivor
  915. $FR_SURVIVOR_SCREEN_CREATE_EMPTY_TEXT=you can use this slot for a new survivor
  916. $FR_SURVIVOR_SCREEN_CREATE_CLICK_TO_CREATE=click to create a new survivor
  928. $FR_Survivor_EnterNewName=enter new survivor's name
  929. $FR_Survivor_SelectGameMode=select game mode
  932. MinimapNotAvailableForThisLevel=Minimap not available for this level
  934. $TrialAccountLimit=TRIAL ACCOUNT LIMIT
  935. TrialAccountLimit_SurvivorSlots=Trial account is limited to one survivor slot.\nPress OK to upgrade your account.
  936. TrialAccountLimit_NoClans=Trial account is not allowed to create clan.\nPress OK to upgrade your account.
  937. $TrialAccountLimit_ClansNotAvailable=Trial accounts do not have access to clans.\nPress OK to upgrade your account.
  947. $FR_PAUSE_INVENTORY_CONTEXT_MENU_ERROR=You need to select an item firstly
  950. $FR_PAUSE_INVENTORY_CHANGE_BACKPACK_OVERWEIGHT_WARNING=Your current weight exceeds the new backpack's maximum weight capacity. Some of your items will be dropped to meet the new weight capacity.
  983. FailedToChangeBackpack=Cannot change backpack. Check that new backpack can fit all your current items.
  984. AlreadyLearnedThatRecipe=You already learned that recipe.
  985. FailedToCraftItem=Failed to craft an item
  986. FailedToCraftItemNotEnoughComponents=Not enough components to craft this item.
  992. HoldEToStartTrade=HOLD '%s' TO TRADE
  993. SentTradeRequestToPlr=Sent trade request to %s
  994. ReceivedTradeRequestFromPlr=Trade requested by %s
  995. TradeOtherPlayerBusy=Player cannot trade right now
  996. TradeOtherNoSpace=Other player does not have enough free backpack slots
  997. TradeOtherNoWeight=Other player cannot carry so much
  998. TradeWasCancelled=Other player cancelled trade
  1002. $FR_Repair_all_items_for=REPAIR ALL ITEMS FOR
  1003. $FR_ItemCondition=DURABILITY:
  1004. $FR_ItemClickToRepair=CLICK TO REPAIR FOR
  1005. $FR_CurrentDurability=CURRENT DURABILITY:
  1006. $FR_NewDurability=NEW DURABILITY:
  1007. $FR_RepairKit=REPAIR KIT
  1008. $FR_PremRepairKit=PREMIUM REPAIR KIT
  1010. $FR_SELL_TITLE=        SELL ITEMS
  1011. $FR_Sell_all_items_for=SELL ALL ITEMS FOR
  1012. $FR_ItemClickToSell=SELL FOR
  1025. $FR_Create_Character=Create Survivor
  1026. $FR_CREATE_CHARACTER_NAME_TOO_SHORT=Survivor name is too short
  1027. $FR_CREATE_CHARACTER_UNLOCK=You need to unlock the survivor
  1031. $FR_lottery_Btn=LOTTERY
  1032. $FR_Buy_Loterry=BUY A TICKET
  1034. FailedToConvertGCtoGD=Failed to convert GC to GD
  1049. $FR_YOU_GET=YOU GET:
  1050. $FR_select_amount_of_money_to_spend=PLEASE SELECT THE AMOUNT OF CURRENCY YOU WOULD LIKE TO SPEND
  1051. $FR_the_more_you_spend=( the more you spend the more you get )
  1062. $FR_MY_GC_TRANSACTIONS_TOP=  ID           DATE                                 TRANSACTION DESCRIPTION                                          AMOUNT              BALANCE
  1063. FailedToGetGCTransactions=Failed to retrieve GC transactions history
  1065. $FR_LOTTERY_LIST=lottery
  1066. $FR_LOTTERY_TOP=  ID         DATE                                   USER ID                                     TICKETS          CHANCE
  1070. FailedToGetLottery=Failed To Get Lottery
  1071. $FR_LastWinners=latest winners
  1073. $FR_PLAY_GAME_NO_SURVIVORS=You have no Survivors. Create one.
  1074. $FR_PLAY_GAME_SURVIVOR_DEAD=Your Survivor is Dead. Please Revive!
  1076. $FR_CURRENT_BACKPACK=Current Backpack
  1080. InGameUI_ErrorMsg_NoItem=No such item
  1081. InGameUI_ErrorMsg_NoPrice=Item has no price
  1082. InGameUI_ErrorMsg_NoMoney=You don't have enough money
  1083. InGameUI_ErrorMsg_NoBackpackSpace=You don't have enough space in your backpack
  1084. InGameUI_ErrorMsg_WeightLimit=You cannot carry more items (too heavy)
  1085. InGameUI_ErrorMsg_NoInventorySpace=No space left in your global inventory
  1086. InGameUI_ErrorMsg_Desync=Desynchronization between client and server, please restart the game
  1087. InGameUI_ErrorMsg_BadTarget=Cannot move item into that slot
  1088. InGameUI_ErrorMsg_Fail=Operation failed
  1089. InGameUI_ErrorMsg_SafelockDesync=Personal locker out of sync!
  1090. InGameUI_ErrorMsg_SafelockNoSpace=No space left in your personal locker
  1095. $FR_BROWSE_TopText1=options       PLAYERS
  1096. $FR_BROWSE_TopText2=FAVS
  1098. $FR_BROWSE_TopText4=MODE
  1099. $FR_BROWSE_TopText5=MAP
  1100. $FR_BROWSE_TopText6=PING
  1126. $FR_ShowNameplates=SHOW NAMEPLATES
  1127. $FR_ShowCrosshair=SHOW CROSSHAIR
  1128. $FR_ShowTracers=SHOW TRACERS
  1129. $FR_AllowTrials=ALLOW TRIAL USERS
  1133. $FR_RentalPeriod=RENTAL PERIOD
  1134. $FR_RentalPeriod2=(MONTHS)
  1135. $FR_PVE=PVE
  1136. $FR_ServerName=SERVER NAME
  1138. MapType_Gameworld=GAMEWORLD
  1139. MapType_Stronghold=STRONGHOLD
  1140. MapColorado=COLORADO
  1141. MapCliffside=CLIFFSIDE
  1142. MapCalifornia=CALIFORNIA
  1143. MapzDeathStadium=DEATHSTADIUM
  1145. ServerRental_TimeLeft=%dD %dH
  1156. $FR_ClanNameNotLongEnough=Clan name not long enough
  1157. $FR_ClanTagLengthIncorrect=Clan tag should be 4 symbols
  1158. $FR_ClanChangeIcon=CHANGE ICON
  1159. $FR_ClanInvitePlayer=INVITE PLAYER
  1161. $FR_ClanPlName=NAME
  1162. $FR_ClanPlExp=EXP
  1164. $FR_ClanPlRep=REPUTATION
  1168. $FR_ClanPlDG=DONATED GC
  1169. $FR_ClanLeaveClanAreYouSure=ARE YOU SURE YOU WANT TO LEAVE CLAN?
  1172. $FR_ClanPromote=PROMOTE
  1174. $FR_ClanDemote=DEMOTE
  1176. $FR_ClanKick=KICK
  1177. $FR_ClanGiveGC=GIVE GC
  1179. $FR_Slots=SLOTS
  1180. $FR_GC=GC
  1181. $FR_ClanJoin=JOIN CLAN
  1182. $FR_ClanSlotlistTop=CLAN NAME                                 CREATOR                              MEMBERS
  1183. $FR_ClanSelectColor=SELECT COLOR
  1184. $FR_ClanNameYourClan=NAME YOUR CLAN:
  1185. $FR_ClanNameTag=CLAN TAG:
  1186. $FR_ClanLeaveClan=LEAVE CLAN
  1187. $FR_ClanBuySlots=BUY SLOTS
  1189. $FR_ClanReserve=CLAN RESERVE:
  1190. $FR_ClanDonateGC=DONATE GC
  1191. $FR_ClanYouHaveNewInvite=YOU HAVE A NEW CLAN INVITATION!
  1193. $FR_ServerDonatedHours=DONATED HOURS
  1200. $FR_Crafting=CRAFTING
  1201. $FR_CraftItem=CRAFT ITEM
  1202. $Craft_noRecipes=You don't have any learned recipes to craft items
  1204. $FR_NormalMode=NORMAL MODE
  1205. $FR_HardcoreMode=HARDCORE MODE
  1206. $FR_Continue=CONTINUE
  1208. $FR_UnlockCharacter=unlock survivor:
  1209. $FR_ReviveNow=REVIVE NOW!
  1211. $FR_READY=READY!
  1213. $FR_Top=TOP
  1215. $FR_LB_TimePlayed=SURVIVED TIME
  1222. $FR_LB_TOP_XP=POS   NAME                                                                STATUS               XP
  1223. $FR_LB_TOP_ST=POS   NAME                                                                STATUS          SURVIVED TIME
  1224. $FR_LB_TOP_KZ=POS   NAME                                                                STATUS       KILLED ZOMBIES
  1225. $FR_LB_TOP_KS=POS   NAME                                                                STATUS       KILLED SURVIVORS
  1226. $FR_LB_TOP_KB=POS   NAME                                                                STATUS       KILLED BANDITS
  1227. $FR_LB_TOP_RT=POS   NAME                                                                STATUS         REPUTATION
  1229. FailedLeaderboardData=Failed to retrieve leaderboard data
  1231. $FR_SkillTree=SKILL TREE
  1233. $FR_DeleteCharacter=DELETE SURVIVOR
  1234. $FR_DeleteCharacterConf=Please enter your email to delete this survivor
  1236. $FR_HeadShot_Ratio=HEADSHOT RATIO
  1240. $rep_civilian=[ไก่กุ๊กกุ๊ก]
  1241. $rep_paragon=[PARAGON]
  1242. $rep_vigilante=[VIGILANTE]
  1243. $rep_villain=[VILLAIN]
  1244. $rep_guardian=[GUARDIAN]
  1245. $rep_lawmen=[LAWMAN]
  1246. $rep_deputy=[DEPUTY]
  1247. $rep_constable=[CONSTABLE]
  1248. $rep_thug=[THUG]
  1249. $rep_outlaw=[OUTLAW]
  1250. $rep_bandit=[BANDIT]
  1251. $rep_hitman=[HITMAN]
  1252. $rep_assassin=[ASSASSIN]
  1253. $rep_god=[GOD]
  1254. $rep_angle=[ANGLE]
  1255. $rep_pope=[POPE]
  1256. $rep_swat=[SWAT]
  1257. $rep_inhuman=[INHUMAN]
  1258. $rep_berserk=[BERSERK]
  1259. $rep_cannibal=[CANIBAL]
  1260. $rep_murderer=[MURDERE]
  1261. $rep_president=[PRESIDENT]
  1262. $rep_cia=[CIA]
  1263. $rep_fbi=[FBI]
  1264. $rep_ferrari=[FERRARI]
  1265. $rep_hell=[HELL]
  1266. $rep_monster=[MONSTER]
  1268. $ERROR=ERROR
  1270. // NOTES
  1271. NoteC1=Well, found a pen and some paper in an office below... figure I'll write something to my wife or anyone else who might know her or want to know my story.   My names John Thomas, I lived in Fallsdale with my wife Ellen Thomas.  I was a construction worker by day and a family man by night. I had a truly wonderful family.  When the riots started though... we got separated and I haven't seen them since.  The plan was to meet here at my work if we got separated but no one ever came. Now our town is over-run with whatever the hell those things are and I've been living in this crate for 2 weeks now but I'm getting pretty short on supplies.  I miss my wife... I think I'll go looking for her soon.  There's not much left for me here anyways, just a few cans of beans left until I run dry.  Ellen, if this note finds its way to you, I love you and meet me in Mountain Crest.
  1272. NoteC2a=I can't believe what this world is coming to.  I was driving to work this morning and some drunk asshole in front of me slams his car into a power pole.  I get out of my car trying to be the Good Samaritan and the jerk shows his appreciation by taking a bite out of my freaking arm.  So here I am, writing on paper like a god damned caveman with no power because of some ass hole drunk and no cell service because of the stupid freaking mountains.  Ah, FirstWorldProblems  
  1273. NoteC2b=This has all been happening too fast, as if getting separated from my husband hasn't been hard enough, Nathan then tells me that my John has died and I should come and stay with him.  I've thought about going to the construction site to see if he really didn't make it there but I'm too afraid to go on my own.  Nathan has been gone for quite a while.  He went out for supplies hours ago and he hasn't returned and there is moaning and scraping outside the RV.   The keys aren't in the RV, I have nowhere to go, and nothing I can do to protect myself.  I don't want to live in this world anymore.\n\n John, I have always loved you and I will see you soon my love.
  1274. NoteC3a=The military arrived this morning, refusing to answer any of my questions except that the town is under strict quarantine. In all my years as Sheriff here I've learned a few things, and one of them is recognizing bureaucratic bullshit when I hear it. I've been temporarily relieved of duty, and have been restricted to the station. There's smoke coming from the town and I swear I hear screaming. Something's wrong here and I aim to find out. \n\nSheriff Brock
  1275. NoteC3b=Sheriff Brock here. I'm leaving notes as a warning to all who pass through this way the military DOES NOT have your best interests at heart. I've been watching them these past few days and they treat these people like cattle. They refuse to answer ANY of my questions and when a group of angry, hungry civilians rushed the barricade they gunned them all down! The second I stepped up to say something they threw me in this damn cage. But what they don't know is that this is MY cage, and I know exactly how to get out. I'll be heading east, sticking to the trees.
  1276. NoteC4a=Well, I found my wife.  Of all the places I thought I would have found her, that damned RV was not the first place on my list.  I swear if Nathan is out there and I find him I will kill him myself, alive or dead.  I'm so sorry Ellen that I could not have been there for you.  Man, got to change the subject. I did happen to make my way out to Mountain Crest.  While stalking through the town here I found a group of 11 other people and have joined up with them.   They didn't seem very excited about taking in another person at first, but thankfully this guy Dwayne and his fiance Nelle talked them into letting me join the group. There's been a lot of talk about the military around here getting a little trigger happy so we're considering moving out towards Clearview under the cover of nightfall.  
  1277. NoteC4b=REPORT\n\nCOLLATERAL DAMAGE\n\nTotal 12 casualties\nFEMALES\nJane Doe\nJane Doe\nJane Doe\nJane Doe\n\nMALE\nTyler Sparks\nHeston Barber\nJohn Thomas\nAnthony Campos\nJohn Doe\nJohn Doe\nJohn Doe\nJohn Doe\n\nRecovered identities requisitioned for full incident report
  1278. NoteC5a=BUZURKERS RULE\n\nJim      112\nHank     230\nJeffy    85 fore Jim done shot him in his ass
  1279. NoteC5b=Today Daddy says Im officially a big girl\nDaddy took me to the very edge and gave me a rifle and set it on a stool. I was scared but I didnt tell him because Im a big girl. He told me to look through the glass thingy and find one of the monsters. It wasnt hard cuz theres lots of them and I can see really well. When I saw one Daddy held my hand and told me squeeze real slow, hold your breath, and keep squeezing til it goes BANG. The noise hurt my head, but when I opened my eyes, the monster was lying down. I was so happy when we got back to camp. Mama looked real upset but its ok because now I can protect her\n Ok goodnight diary, \n love Echo Lana
  1280. NoteC5c=At this point I don't know who's going to find these. I've been living in the mountains for a few months since escaping from my own damn prison cell. I've finally decided to make my way into the city and this virus seems to have turned most of the citizens into mindless monsters. While I expect anyone who finds this will have figured that out on their own, STAY AWAY from anyone who seems different. I've been observing the establishments of uninfected there seem to be 3 separate camps here. On top of some buildings near the overpass theres three men wielding rifles and firing with relatively wild abandon. Next to them, holed up in a number of shipping crates, I see what appear to be families. The two groups have some agreement worked out, food for protection perhaps, but the relationship is tenuous at best. I repeat, AVOID the army at all costs. Ill be headed due east, I need to figure out just what is going on here.\n Sheriff Brock.
  1281. NoteC5d=INVENTORY REPORT\n\nINVOICED MATERIALS, RECEIPT OF DELIVERY\n\n4 cases high caliber munitions\n32 M4 Carbines\n2 16 count Grenade cases
  1282. NoteC5e=GOLDSTEIN'S PHARMACY\n\nRECEIPT\n\n3x bandages\n1x vaccine\n12x 375ml Bottles of Water\n4x Chocolate Bar\n\n\nTOTAL: $284.72
  1283. NoteC7a=Dear Henry,\n\nI can't believe my own eyes. The events of the last few days have been pure insanity. A stranger stumbled into town late Tuesday night. He seemed sick, so George went to help him out and the bastard BIT him! Tore a chunk right out of his shoulder!! So nasty. After being subdued we locked the stranger in the meat locker in the diner. Then George got all weird, and soon everyone was bitin everyone else! I had to beat George's wife Nora to DEATH with a STOOL! No matter how many times I hit her she kept gettin back up. So, I took that stool and hit her head til she stopped twitching. I can't believe I would ever do such a thing.. I've locked myself up in our house ever since.\n\nI really hope you're ok
  1284. NoteC7b=Henry, things are looking up. 6 people arrived today from Clearview. Their leader is real handy with a wrench and fixed up my barricades something fierce. I think we may actually make it.\nWhere are you?!
  1285. NoteC8=Ma\nwe herd some loud noise comin from Clearview\nsounds like some kind a war er somethins goin on down their\nthe boys and i are goin ta check it out\nbe back later\n\n\nlove jim hank and jiffy
  1286. NoteC10=To my dearest Barbara,\n\nI imagine, as I write this, you must be worried. In fact, by the time you receive this you'll be worried sick. Let me assure you I am well. While I don't know exactly what's happening I'm in no immediate danger. All flights out of the area have been grounded, and mysteriously we lost phone lines. There is a radio broadcast across all AM channels on loop, something about a quarantine and we're to stay in our houses. I have to confess to a certain degree of nervousness, as ignorance is apt to breed. A few brave locals have set out to the nearest town to find out what's going on, but they have yet to return.  Six of us plan to head a search party later today.\n\nI hope this letter finds you well if it finds you at all.\n\nSigned Andrew Goldstein
  1287. NoteC11=Dearest\nI'm so sorry. My heart is splitting in two and I've never cried this much in my life. Its hard to write with the RV rocking back and forth so, and I can barely look up without seeing one of those things drooling on our windows, slavering after us. The girls are so scared, and I've seen what they do to the others. Someone was running down the road when a group of them overtook him and tore him limb from limb. I cant allow that to happen to our girls. I just can't. You've been gone so long now the hunger pains have us shivering constantly\n\nI'm going to do the right thing.\n\nIf you ever return, please forgive me. I love you.
  1288. NoteC12=I dont know if you'll read this, darling, but I'm sorry. No sooner did I make it to town than one of those things bit me. I can feel the fever growing in my belly even as I scrawl my last words on this shitty napkin. A pity itd come to this, leaping off a cliff no more than a few hundred feet from those you love, knowing you will never see their angelic faces again. Give my love to the girls.
  1289. NoteC13=Day 223\nSaw the weirdest thing yesterday.  A man being chased by a train of zombies just up and jumps on top of my sheds roof.  Wouldnt have minded too much at first, in fact I found it sort of funny.  But instead of layin low and being quiet the retard pulls the shotgun off of his back and just starts firing into the damned crowd drawing more of those damned walking abominations in.  If this asshole doesnt stop it soon Im going to have to take him out.
  1290. NoteC14=hope they can't swim
  1291. NoteC15=I had to eat a squirrel today.\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n      ...frak this shit
  1292. NoteC16a=Ive been watching this town for sometime, and I take a great risk coming here. If youve made it to the police station this is the safest place in town.  The infected are EVERYWHERE. Tread carefully. Use guns only when absolutely necessary, the noise attracts them. Also check the back door if you came in the front. I left it open.\nSheriff Brock
  1293. NoteC16b=Dont think we can hold out much longer. Our final stash of supplies is running low...the guys are even talking about eating Jack! Hes been out cold the last few days, and Im sure theyre just joking, but its hard to see the humor here. Those...things beat on the store windows night and day. We had hoped the military would save us, but they got taken out so damn quick Id be surprised if they got out a radio call.\n\nThink Im going to try to make it to that gun.
  1294. NoteC18=Beth and Tom,\n If yall get back from your vacation down at Clearview, head for higher ground.  Some weird stuffs been going on around here and theres been reports of people eating each other and lots of helicopters in the sky recently.  Were heading to the airport to go stay with our family in Michigan for a while until all this crazy blows over.\nTake care of yourselves,\n\nThe Vances
  1295. NoteC19=The wrath of God is upon is, his coming is nigh!  As it is written in Zechariah!\nAnd the Lord will send a plague on all the nations that fought against Jerusalem. Their people will become like walking corpses, their flesh rotting away.  Their eyes will rot in their sockets, and their tongues will rot in their mouths\n\n We must repent; I must be as a savior to his followers.  To become one of these walking corpses is to taint your body, God's holy temple!   I will free his people; I will be the Lords tool!  This is my calling, to not allow these God fearing people to turn and taint their soul to evil; I must send them to the Lord before that can ever happen!  I will bear their burden!  I will carry that cross so that they may join our Lord in Heaven!
  1296. NoteC20=This guys really starting to scare me. Ive had to hide my diary because he thinks Im spying on him. Which is weird cuz like who would I be spying on him for? He hasnt told me his name yet, so I just call him crazy Hank. He lets me stay here because Im such a good shot, and since hes so old hes too shaky to shoot deer and the like. Its a pretty cool place I guess, nice and safe, but Ive seen crazy before and I dont think this will end well. Im thinkin Ill hang out for a few more weeks, stock up on food, then head south again while hes passed out drunk. Ive heard theres a settlement down there like this one, only bigger, and filled with nice people. Maybe Ill even get to see mom and dad...oh, and its my birthday! 14 years old! \n Goodnight diary\n love, Echo Lana
  1297. NoteC21=Day 1\nWe were forced out of our home today after an attack.  My daughter, husband and I are now locked up in the barn.  Thank goodness we thought ahead and stored some supplies in here.\n\nDay 2\nA wounded teenager was beating on the door and screaming for help today. He was clearly wounded and I felt sorry for him so I talked my husband into letting him stay with us until he gets better.  He seems like a really nice kid. He's able to keep my daughter's mind off the current happenings and they seem to get along really well together.\n\nDay 3\nI cant believe this is happening. I woke up to a crunching sound next to me and saw the boy eating my daughter's' FACE.  My husband rushed in to get him off of her and in retaliation the boy bit my husband in the leg.    I grabbed my shotgun and shot the boy several times until he stopped moving.  I rushed to my daughter's' side and she was still breathing slightly.
  1298. NoteC22=REPORT\nPvt. Sparks\n\nI'd keep this formal but I'm not sure how much it matters. Pvt. Vance is exhibiting increasingly aberrant behavior. We've been stranded here for 2 days now, having successfully barricaded the stairs. However, with ammunition low and a complete lack of supplies, our options are quite limited. I believe this is taking its toll, as Pvt. Vance discussed throwing Pvt. Barber down as bait while we ran to safety - which is awkward, considering Pvt. Barber was no more than 6 inches from Pvt. Vance at the time of said incident. Needless to say, things have gotten. . . tense. Pvt. Sparks signing off, possibly forever.
  1299. NoteC23=MEMO\n\nTo all currently stationed troops in sector C23:\nStrict quarantine procedures now in effect. \nProtocol Z initiated.\nCommanding Officers to greet attempts at egress, civilian or otherwise, with extreme prejudice, per Executive Order
  1300. NoteC24=Congrats, you made it up!\n\n\n\n\n\n\n what?
  1301. NoteC25=\n\n\nI used to be a survivor like you\nuntil I took an arrow to the knee
  1302. NoteC26=Day 239\nI stumbled across a rather fresh one today,\nfemale\nHad to resist the urge. Never know what I might catch after all.\n\nrubbed one out behind a tree instead
  1303. NoteC27=Day 256\nI met an old survivor today. Strange fellow, wouldn't shut up.\n"Stay a while and listen!"\n\n\nYeah, that got old pretty fast.
  1304. NoteC28=Its dangerous to go alone!\n\n...Obviously. But hey, take this.
  1305. NoteC29=I divided by zero. OH SHI-
  1306. NoteC30=Day 275\n\nNight fall. No more water.\n\nBetter drink my own piss.
  1307. NoteC31=Rule 34\n\n\n\n\nYeah, I did it.
  1308. NoteC32=OVER 9000!!!\n\n...bodies
  1309. NoteC33=This totally didn't work
  1310. NoteC34=BORED. Do you understand how BORING this is without TV? VIDEOGAMES?? If i'm not gaming...I don't know WHAT I am. I NEED GAMES DAMMMIT
  1311. NoteC35=STRIP THE FLESH!!!!!\n\n\nSALT THE PORK!!!!!\n\n\n\n......F$*K i miss bacon
  1312. NoteC36=Barbara, my dear\n\nI do this more now for my own sake than anything else. My engineering skills have proved useful in the last few weeks, but not nearly enough. Its been months since we've had contact with the outside world, and we find ourselves constantly on the run. I've seen enough death for several lifetimes - even caused some myself. My sanity is slipping through my fingers like sand in a sieve - I'm lost in the darkness of my own mind, love, and I don't know if I'll ever see the light again.\n\n Your loving husband,\nAndrew Goldstein
  1313. NoteC37=Dearest Barbara,\nI've experienced a new threat today. Thus far we've faced marauding groups of bandits, the infected at every turn, even the military...but last night we heard something none of us can explain. Spend enough time in this environment and you develop a new set of skills, skills specific to survival. Keener senses, observational skills - you learn to listen for that out of place shuffle, the sound of gear rustling in grass, so whoever's on watch is always highly aware. It was my shift - James and the rest were sleeping in a circle, the fire extinguished as soon as we cooked dinner. I was leaned against a tree out of sight, crossbow in hand, ready, when I heard it. A low growl behind me. I spun around fast as you like but there was nothing there...what's happening? Am I truly losing my mind?\nYours eternally,\nAndrew Goldstein
  1314. NoteC38=Heyyy barb...\n\nHeard him again last night! Bastards gettin closer we think. Can't tell fur sure, last night he was all around, howling like a damn boogeyman. Woke up and there were claw marks big as your arm and 6 inches deep in all the trees around us. Heeeeeheeehe he's out there! I KNOW IT. Jimmy jam died last night had to kill him got that fever yesss. Oh well, I like his boots.\n\nAHEM, eternal urs,\nAndy Goldstein
  1315. NoteC39=Fellow survivors, the infected are no longer the only thing to fear. My group and I have encountered several random roaming groups of what I can only describe as bandits. Groups of survivors with no morals or qualms about killing others for their supplies. I myself put down 4 of these bandits just yesterday - so keep your eyes peeled. Its hard to trust anyone these days. If you aim to be friendly, approach with weapons sheathed. We won't shoot unless we have too.\nSheriff Brock
  1316. NoteC40=Last night we happened upon a significant discovery!\n\nWe discovered an abandoned office and decided to make camp. While I stood my watch, I began to rummage about - turns out, whoever worked here before the event worked for the government, and was working on a cure!! The researcher goes on an on about Toxoplasmosa Gondii, the Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease and some hybridization with 'alkaloid neurotoxins'. She, calling herself Dr. Sheila Burr, seems to rant, manically jumping from topic to topic. At the end, after something about the Spanish Flu, she descends into quoting early bible verses.\n\nVery strange stuff. I'll keep looking. Wish I actually knew what she meant.
  1317. NoteC41=Brock here.\n\nI had to move on. The only way to survive these days, it seems, is to stay on the move, and keep to the shadows. I see these groups growing in strength, and as they do they become increasingly militant.\n\nI fear deeply for my own life on a daily basis. The only benefit, at this stage, seems to be the weaponry these merciless bastards leave behind. I don't know where they're getting this military grade gear but I aim to find out in the next few weeks.\n\nIf you're reading this, beware. This area isn't safe. I've seen something else, someth
  1318. NoteC42=I can't stay.\n\nI feel as if every moment I remain the danger grows.\n\nI've gathered enough ammunition from the nearby group that so eloquently calls themselves 'The BUZURKERS'. What few brain cells they have kicking about between the three of them recognizes my scavenging potential, and so long as I bring them supplies, they're more than willing to part with their ample store of military grade munitions. The rumors circulating round the survivor settlements in Campos grow stranger by the day. I've heard stories of monsters 10 feet tall and as big around.\n\nI give them no credence, but an old couple came in from the north the other day, said the infected were fewer where cold prevailed. Hence my departure - if you read this, and are friendly, head for the north.
  1319. NoteC43=Writing this here, now, I feel only slightly at peace. As if the vague knowledge that at some point in the future another living, breathing person will read my words could give any comfort.\n\nWhen I was younger my father used to quote various philosophers, and I suppose the habit stuck with me as I went through college - one particular line, from Friedrich Nietzsche, has stuck with me all these years.\nAnd now, fighting these...things, everyday, without relent, a few crumbs of long since stale food my only meal, it makes sense: "Battle not with monsters lest ye become a monster. For when you stare into the abyss, the abyss also looks into you."\n\n\n...and I am hungry.
  1320. NoteC44=\n\n\n\n\nthis is not for you.
  1321. NoteC45=I saw the flames before I heard them. I can't believe my own entire town, my family, my friends, anyone I've ever known or loved\n\n\ngone.\n\nAnd even as the tears lept unbidden to my eyes, I looked up...and saw the American flag on the side of the planes
  1322. NoteC46=My dearest Zombert,\n\nI had to write this message to tell you how much you meant to me. My time is short here. I can hear the scratches and moans just outside the door. They sound hungry...I am so scared right now.\nBefore it was overrun, I left a package for you in one of the mailboxes outside of the Post Office in Smallville. It's nothing much, just something to remind you of us.\n\nRemember me love...
  1326. Gravestone=GRAVESTONE
  1327. HoldEToReadGravestone=HOLD '%s' TO READ GRAVESTONE
  1328. GravestoneKilledByPlayer=\n\nwas killed by
  1329. GravestoneKilledByZombie=\n\nwas eaten by zombie
  1330. GravestoneSuicide=\n\ncommitted suicide.
  1332. // MISSION TEXT
  1333. Mission01=Travel to Ridgeway Airport
  1334. Mission01Desc=Boy, I remember when these mountains were filled with out of towners galore. Ridgeway Airport was the hub of it all. Now look at it! A playground for zeds. If you need supplies you should check it out. \n\nYou won't be flying out of town, but there are looting opportunities left and right.
  1335. Mission02=Travel to Badgers Hut
  1336. Mission02Desc=So many great memories were had here. A quaint little structure used by vacationers, Badger's Hut is now a zombie hangout. Blood covers the merry-go-round where children once played and the dead meander about waiting for their next travelling meal to stop and rest. \n\nFew scattered supplies can still be found here from the Hut's last visitors but no one has dared to venture there for quite some time. Most wouldn't, but in a pinch, those resources just may save your life.
  1337. Mission03=Travel to Barth Farm
  1338. Mission03Desc=Old Willie Barth used to be the resident horse expert. He had a beautiful horse whom he had named Velvet because of her soft and flowing mane. Old Wille went out to check on Velvet after hearing a ruckus in the barn. Damn zeds got to her before Willie had a chance to get to the door. \n\nUnfortunately, he fell to the same fate. Kind of poetic if you think about it. A man and his horse, side by side even in death. You should go and pay your respects, just watch you don't end up like Old Willie and Velvet.
  1339. Mission04=Travel to Blue Ridge Settlement
  1340. Mission04Desc=If you head North you can take safe refuge within the walls of Blue Ridge Settlement. While you are there you can stock up on supplies from the General Store and pull items from your Global Inventory. You can also interact with other survivors should you be looking to barter and trade. Always be aware of your surroundings though, Bandits lurk near safe zones. Damn opportunists have no respect! \n\nHope you don't lead that life my friend. If you do, watch out for the Lawman.
  1341. Mission05=Travel to Boulder City
  1342. Mission05Desc=Man, you must have either a death wish, or something seriously wrong with your head if you plan on heading to Boulder City. That place is infested to the max. Rescue chopper went in and never came out. Pilot and co-pilot were both eaten alive while the chopper went down. By the time the craft hit the ground they had already been disembowelled.\n\nGood luck making it back.
  1343. Mission06=Travel to Campos City
  1344. Mission06Desc=If you take the high road and use what is left of the freeway, you can see the decay in the city below. Campos City may not be active in the sense as it once was but there are always groups of survivors looking for supplies there. \n\nBe very careful entering city, others have utilized rooftops and may be watching who comes in and out. If they get the drop on you, your trip here just might be cut short.
  1345. Mission07=Travel to Camp Splinter
  1346. Mission07Desc=One thing for sure, you should never underestimate the threat of attack. Camp Splinter was a safe outpost for survivors but it was soon overtaken by zombies. Everything was abandoned and left behind. Many were sleeping when the attack struck and they were eaten alive in their tents. What a wake up call huh? Well, if your balls are as big as you think they are head on over there and get you some supplies. \n\nBe warned, military personnel failed at protecting Camp Splinter and they were trained professionals.
  1347. Mission08=Travel to Candlers Cabin
  1348. Mission08Desc=North of Crystal Lake lies Candlers Cabin. Abandoned many years ago, the cabin sits at the top of the map and sees very few visitors aside from the scattered zombies that have staked their claim on the land. \n\nAlbeit semi-dangerous, the trek up to Candlers Cabin could prove to be worth the risk.
  1349. Mission09=Travel to Castle Pine Settlement
  1350. Mission09Desc=If you head South you can take safe refuge within the walls of Castle Pine Settlement. While you are there you can stock up on supplies from the General Store and pull items from your Global Inventory. You can also interact with other survivors should you be looking to barter and trade. Always be aware of your surroundings though, Bandits lurk near safe zones. Damn opportunists have no respect! \n\nHope you don't lead that life my friend. If you do, watch out for the Lawman.
  1351. Mission10=Travel to Hidden Forest Ranch
  1352. Mission10Desc=Before the infestation, the residence of Hidden Forest Ranch would complain about the noise from the airport on a regular basis. Now with the airport no longer operational I am sure they would be pleased by the silence, but instead the residents now spend their time wandering aimlessly looking for someone to eat.\n\nMosey on over to Hidden Forest Ranch and greet the locals.
  1353. Mission11=Travel to Clearview
  1354. Mission11Desc=Many a battles have been fought in Clearview since the outbreak. Some say rabies, others have a more biblical and supernatural reasoning for the infection. One thing is certain, no one is safe from its effect. Clearview is one of the most looted places in Colorado. There are zombies throughout the city but the more prevalent threat is that of the human kind. \n\nGive Clearview a go and see what you can come up with from looting.
  1355. Mission12=Travel to Cottonwood Bend
  1356. Mission12Desc=There ain't much out in Cottonwood Bend. Looters picked that place clean but many were killed in their attempts so there may be loot that dropped around the bales of hay that are in the fields. \n\nHead up Interstate 70 to Cottonwood Bend and scour the land for loot.
  1357. Mission13=Travel to Crystal Lake Resort
  1358. Mission13Desc=Ahhh...the picturesque landscape of Crystal Lake Resort. Clear waters, cozy cabins and...zombies? Generations of families used to populate the resort and flock from all over to unwind. An eerie silence now fills the air and blood covers the floors of the cabins that once housed vacationing tourists. Whatever loot is there is yours for the taking. Run for the lake if you run into trouble, luckily zombies can't swim. \n\nVisit Crystal Lake Resort and check the surrounding structures for loot.
  1359. Mission14=Travel to Delta Peak Ranger Station
  1360. Mission14Desc=Communications tower is out, police station is unmanned and no one is putting out any fires here. Ghost town doesn't begin to describe the emptiness in this region, I mean, at least a ghost town won't eat you. Just getting here is a suicide mission. You will need to pass through some of the deadliest areas of Colorado to reach Delta Peak Ranger Station.\n\nMake your way to Delta Peak Ranger Station and try your best to stay alive.
  1361. Mission15=Travel to Milligan's Island
  1362. Mission15Desc=Sit right back, and you'll hear a tale, a tale of a fateful dip. A survivor went out one day, on a flimsy tip.  He was told there was a place to hide, he thought he'd get ahead.  What he found was a small island, and now he's very dead.\n\nFind Milligan's Island and poor Milligan's final resting place.
  1363. Mission16=Travel to Echos Compound
  1364. Mission16Desc=When Smallville was invaded, survivors were moved south west of the city to Echo's Compound. Everything was going great until someone forgot to lock the gates to the compound. Needless to say that guy lost more than his job with this mistake. Worst doorman ever! \n\nHis mess-up is your come-up. Head to Echo's Compound and gather what you can. Don't worry about locking up!
  1365. Mission17=Travel to Emerald Peak Retreat
  1366. Mission17Desc=A two house lot overlooking zombie infested Smallville, Emerald Peak Retreat was the premier location for honeymooners looking to separate themselves from the hustle and bustle of the city and enjoy the scenic mountain views. Guess the honeymoon is over now that the zeds have made this their own. \n\nGet to Emerald Peak and snatch up what you can before the new tenants show up!
  1367. Mission18=Travel to Fallsdale
  1368. Mission18Desc=Mel's Auto Shop used to have the best prices on auto repair. Too bad poor Mel got ate the hell up trying to defend his shop. People say his corpse still hangs out down there. Same shop but it might just cost you an arm and a leg now! \n\nHead to Fallsdale and take only what you need to survive.
  1369. Mission19=Travel to Frosty Pines
  1370. Mission19Desc=What happened at Frosty Pines will be forever etched into the brains of all who survived the attack. Those poor people who lost their lives in the ski lift collapse were quickly turned to feed for the soul lacking, army of the undead that waited below. Everyone evacuated north and left the resort to the corpses.\n\nIf you muster up the courage to visit Frosty Pines, may your travels be safe my friend...I'll pray for you.
  1371. Mission20=Travel to Glenwood Springs
  1372. Mission20Desc=They said the strike on Glenwood Springs was warranted because it may have been the point of origin. May have? Really...they leveled a town on a whim and left out some information on what caused the outbreaks. What's worse is the infection had already spread, so really all they did was destroy resources for scavenging survivors. Weapons, food and other supplies can be found scattered through the rubble and burnt remains of the town. \n\nGo to Glenwood Springs and sort through the remains for supplies.
  1373. Mission21=Travel to Goblin Peak Settlement
  1374. Mission21Desc=If you head East you can take safe refuge within the walls of Goblin Peak Settlement. While you are there you can stock up on supplies from the General Store and pull items from your Global Inventory. You can also interact with other survivors should you be looking to barter and trade. Always be aware of your surroundings though, Bandits lurk near safe zones. Damn opportunists have no respect! \n\nHope you don't lead that life my friend. If you do, watch out for the Lawman.
  1375. Mission22=Travel to Hill Ranch
  1376. Mission22Desc=You used to hear the rooster's crow in the morning letting you know the morning had come again. The only thing that is heard now, are the low moans and groans from the undead that meander around the ranch.\n\nIf you need hand tools or a place to repair some of your gear you can find what you need at Hill Ranch.
  1377. Mission23=Travel to Loco Mountain Campsite
  1378. Mission23Desc=Seems like forever ago that the cabins of Loco Mountain Campsite were filled with vacationing families. It was a beautiful site to see kids playing and everyone having a good time. You never would have been afraid the neighbour from the next cabin would be gnawing at your face while the rest of the pack dined on your family. \n\nIf you are feeling especially crazy, head over to Loco Mountain Campsite
  1379. Mission24=Travel to Lonetree Farm
  1380. Mission24Desc=Lonetree Farm's location left it semi-isolated from the rest of the towns so zombies waves were kept at a minimum. However, that also meant major troubles for the residents once those bastards actually made their way to the farm. \n\nMaybe you can go check out Lonetree Farm for clues to what happened and pick up supplies that may be lying around.
  1381. Mission25=Travel to Mountain Crest
  1382. Mission25Desc=Mountain Crest is a good place to start looking for supplies. There is a market and pharmacy in town and plenty of houses and buildings to explore for weapons and defensive aid. There is also a shop in town where you can repair equipment that has degraded over time.\n\nSee what useful items you can find in Mountain Crest but just be warned that the zombie population is growing in numbers.
  1383. Mission26=Travel to MT Massive Weather Station
  1384. Mission26Desc=They may have been able to track the weather conditions over at Mt. Massive but there is no way they could have predicted the storm of death and destruction the infestation would bring. \n\nSee what you can find to help you survive at Mt. Massive Weather Station.
  1385. Mission27=Travel to Norad Military Base
  1386. Mission27Desc=Drones are grounded and the entire base has be overrun by the living dead. Sure the looting is great here but you are risking it all by venturing out there alone. Countless lives have been lost but if you need weapons and supplies what other choice do you have?\n\nRaid Norad Military Base for supplies...if you dare.
  1387. Mission28=Travel to Oak Mountain Rest Stop
  1388. Mission28Desc=Not likely that you will find a treasure chest of weapons here but there is a market and gas station you can check out for food and water. You might get lucky and find a few random weapons around the area but I wouldn't get to comfortable around there with them zeds roaming.\n\nScavenge for supplies at Oak Mountain Rest Stop.
  1389. Mission29=Travel to Parkerville
  1390. Mission29Desc=Zeds rolled through Parkerville like bats outta hell. Shut down that tiny town within minutes of their arrival. Few survivors made it out alive. The ones that escaped swam across the lake to get away.\n\nGo to Parkerville and investigate the town.
  1391. Mission30=Travel to Patch Farm
  1392. Mission30Desc=Patch farm has an eerie calm to it from a distance. Once those zeds get a whiff of live meat though, things get hairy real fast and that calm turns to panic instantly. \n\nTake what you can get from Patch Farm and get the hell out of there!
  1393. Mission31=Travel to Cargo Plane Crash Site
  1394. Mission31Desc=A cargo plane went down delivering supplies to the airport. The crew was overtaken by a pack of zombies that got in through the cargo hold. Pilot was unaware of the impending doom until it was too late.\n\nInvestigate the Plane Crash near Ridgeway Airport
  1395. Mission32=Travel to Pleasant Valley
  1396. Mission32Desc=It was a no brainer for the people of Pleasant Valley to evacuate the tiny town at first sight of the invasion. Luckily everyone made it out of the city safe. Unfortunately, they didn't make it far before being torn apart in the woods.\n\nSad, but at least Pleasant Valley is yours for the pillaging.
  1397. Mission33=Travel to Rifle Ridge
  1398. Mission33Desc=Rifle Ridge is a particularly unkempt part of the Colorado landscape. Broken down cars, dirty bungalows and an abandoned RV complete with blood stained interior help give the area its character.\n\nMake your way to Rifle Ridge and search the area for supplies.
  1399. Mission34=Travel to Rocky Ford
  1400. Mission34Desc=Rocky Ford is a decent area to go around looking for supplies. There are a couple of key places to loot and plenty of houses and buildings to explore for weapons and defensive aid. There is also a shop in town where you can repair equipment that has degraded over time. \n\nSee what useful items you can find in Rocky Ford but just be warned that the zombie population is growing in numbers.
  1401. Mission35=Travel to Survivalist Outpost
  1402. Mission35Desc=If you head West you can take safe refuge within the walls of the Survivalist Outpost. While you are there you can stock up on supplies from the General Store and pull items from your Global Inventory. You can also interact with other survivors should you be looking to barter and trade. \n\nAlways be aware of your surroundings though, Bandits lurk near safe zones. Damn opportunists have no respect! Hope you don't lead that life my friend. If you do, watch out for the Lawman.
  1403. Mission36=Travel to Shrute Farm
  1404. Mission36Desc=Looking for places to loot huh? You could try Shrute Farm. Last I heard, various survival supplies could be found around the bales of hay that are in the fields and in surrounding buildings.\n\nHead North up Interstate 70 to Shrute Farm and scour the land for loot.
  1405. Mission37=Travel to Sleepy Crest
  1406. Mission37Desc=Military personnel staked claim to Sleepy Crest after its residents were turned into the abominations you see walking the land. Now you can't step foot in there without that foot being ripped off and snacked on.\n\nCheck out the houses and military outpost in Sleepy Crest for survival gear.
  1407. Mission38=Travel to Smallville
  1408. Mission38Desc=Great opportunities for loot are all over this town. Police station has been abandoned but there are still weapons and ammo to be found. Not to mention all the other goodies left behind when the town went to hell.\n\nSee what Smallville has to offer and let's hope somebody doesn't have to save you!
  1409. Mission39=Travel to Smith's Estate
  1410. Mission39Desc=Hershel Smith lived alone and had a prime piece of real estate right on the lake. His kids were all grown and living their own lives in California. it was during his favourite home improvement show when he heard something at his front door. As he opened the door to see what was the matter, he was face to face with a creature unlike anything he had ever seen. Before he had a chance to react, Hershel was rushed by the flesh-eating creature at his door. The feeble old man was no match for the zombie...heartbreaking.\n\nGo to Smith's Estate and scavenge some supplies.
  1411. Mission40=Travel to Springer Ridge Trailer Park
  1412. Mission40Desc=For some reason, the dead are not attracted to Springer Ridge Trailer Park...yet. It's probably a good idea to make use of this before things change.  \n\nWait! Be careful up there. Man turns animalistic when desperate...awooooooo!
  1413. Mission41=Travel to Superior Junction
  1414. Mission41Desc=Superior Junction is a sweet little area to go around looking for supplies. There are a couple of key places to loot and plenty of houses and buildings to explore for weapons and defensive aid. \n\nSee what useful items you can find in Superior Junction but just be warned that the zombie population is growing in numbers.
  1415. Mission42=Travel to Tyler Ranch
  1416. Mission42Desc=If you are looking for quick loot without having to go into big cities filled with zeds, take a look at Tyler Ranch. You can pick up some basic loot while there and maybe even a rifle the ranch hand left behind.\n\nGo to Tyler Ranch and search the area for supplies.
  1417. Mission43=Travel to W. Boulder Meteorological Station
  1418. Mission43Desc=West Boulder Meteorological Station is a prime location to loot. You better hurry, once word spreads about this place, it will be a fight going and out of there. Just make sure to watch your back for zombies as well as humans.\n\nTravel to West Boulder Meteorological Station and stock up on supplies.
  1419. Mission44=Travel to Whitestone Mountain
  1420. Mission44Desc=Great opportunities for loot are all over this town. Place has been abandoned but there are still weapons and ammo to be found. Not to mention all the other goodies left behind when the town went to hell.\n\nSee what Whitestone Mountain has to offer and let's hope somebody doesn't have to save you!
  1421. Mission45=Craft the Poultice
  1422. Mission45Desc=Without any hospitals or medical centres around and the constant looting going on, bandages and other medical supplies are scarce. Good old American ingenuity is needed in these trying times. \n\nLocate blueprints to craft a Poultice and learn how to take matters into your own hands!
  1423. Mission46=Craft The Cleaner
  1424. Mission46Desc=Shots fired will always alert zombies and players to your presence in town. You have to be a ghost to maneuver in and out of cities in order to survive. Using the shadows is only going to help you out so much until you need to use deadly force. \n\nLocate blueprints to craft The Cleaner and become a phantom!
  1425. Mission47=Craft The Brotherhood
  1426. Mission47Desc=It was a day unlike any other, El Guapo and his gang were outnumbered and out-gunned. Armed only with Canoe Paddles and Combat Knives, The Brotherhood manufactured the ultimate paddle by fusing the two weapons together and declaring war on any who challenged the band of survivors. \n\nLocate the blueprints to craft The Brotherhood and relive the glory of El Guapo!
  1427. Mission48=Craft the Excessive Force
  1428. Mission48Desc=Cops...pshh! They had no chance against what was coming. These po'dung nitwits had zero on the table for such an event. All that is left of the force are Police Batons and some scattered weapons and supplies. Luckily someone found a way to make those batons deliver a deadly blow. \n\nLocate the blueprints to craft Excessive Force and become the new Jonny Law!
  1429. Mission49=Craft an Improvised Gas Mask
  1430. Mission49Desc=Do you smell that? Who knows what effect the burning flesh from those walkers can have on the living. Survivors from one camp drafted up plans for an Improvised Gas Mask using some basic supplies found in abandoned cities. \n\nLocate the blueprints to craft an Improvised Gas Mask and protect your lungs from God knows what!
  1431. Mission50=Craft a Shank
  1432. Mission50Desc=Arguably standard scissors can be used alone as a weapon but you could slip a little and even break a finger if they open when the impact occurs. How do you fix that? Rags and Duct Tape of course! \n\nLocate the blueprints to craft a Shank and put a new meaning into arts and crafts!
  1433. Mission51=Craft the Bada Boom!
  1434. Mission51Desc=Crazy folks messing with gun powder and whatnot making homemade explosives. it's reckless, dangerous and just might be crazy enough to save your life. \n\nLocate the blueprints to craft the Bada Boom! and try not to blow off your hands!
  1435. Mission52=Craft the Clean Sweep
  1436. Mission52Desc="So it has come to this huh? Mom's good broom has now become a tool of death. Clean up ma? You got it! \n\nLocate the blueprints to craft the Clean Sweep and start taking out the trash!
  1437. Mission53=Thinning the Threat
  1438. Mission53Desc=The zombie population has quickly grown out of control in key foraging areas around Colorado and we need survivors to help clear them out.  You look like a strong capable hunter, maybe you can help thin the threat.\n\nKill 5 zombies in Glenwood Springs, Frosty Pines, Fallsdale, Camp Splinter, Smallville, Clearview and Crystal Lake resort.
  1439. Mission54=Zombie Hunter
  1440. Mission54Desc=It never ceases to amaze how many zombies still exist, and continue to appear every day.  If they had any sense of organization the living would have been wiped out years ago.  To ensure that we remain the dominant species we need to regularly thin their numbers.  \n\nHunt and kill 100 zombies.
  1441. Mission55=Kill Flanking Zombies
  1442. Mission55Desc=Since the flanking zombies first appeared, people have grown fearful of the idea that they may be getting smarter, learning tactics that could one day lead to cooperative assaults on hunting parties or even safe settlements.  But studies have shown that this is merely a result of disorientation, caused by pressure applied to the inner ear of the zombies by surrounding tissue.  Nonetheless, they are annoying and should be killed.  \n\nHunt and kill 10 flanking zombies to receive a reward.
  1443. Mission56=Kill Sprinting Zombies
  1444. Mission56Desc=Second only to the idea of flying spiders, sprinting zombies could not be a more terrifying thought, but they exist and we have to do something about them.  Even with a fully loaded weapon they can be a challenge, which makes them massive a threat to inexperienced survivors.  \n\nHunt and kill 10 sprinting zombies to receive a reward."
  1445. Mission57=Kill Screaming Zombies
  1446. Mission57Desc=If your first reaction to hearing the bone-rattling shrill of the ""screamers"" is to run, you may be ahead of the curve, but running may not be enough to keep you alive.  The violent sound of the screamer's cry will draw the attention of all other zombies in the area, and the sound of one will become many.  \n\nHunt and kill 10 screaming zombies to receive a reward.
  1447. Mission58=Kill the Super Zombie
  1448. Mission58Desc=For as long as many of us can remember, there have been stories of a zombie so large so powerful that it could smash through barricades like they were made of paper, and devour a man whole.  No one has been able to prove the existence of this monstrosity, until recently when the blood-curdling sound of its call could be heard in the night, and the remains of hunting parties have been found as unrecognisable heaps of gore.  \n\nSeek out and kill the elusive, and devastatingly powerful Super Zombie.  We suggest you bring your friend... all of them.
  1449. Mission59=Blue Ridge Supplies: Water
  1450. Mission59Desc=There is a reason the safe settlement are able to remain safe, and that is constant upkeep by survivors like yourself.  The Blue Ridge safe settlement is in need of clean drinking water.  \n\nDeliver 5 bottles of 375ml Water to the Blue Ridge safe settlement, and receive a reward for your efforts.
  1451. Mission60=Blue Ridge Supplies: Food
  1452. Mission60Desc=There is a reason the safe settlement are able to remain safe, and that is constant upkeep by survivors like yourself.  The Blue Ridge safe settlement is in need of more food.\n\nDeliver 5 bags of Chips to the Blue Ridge safe settlement, and receive a reward for your efforts.
  1453. Mission61=Blue Ridge Supplies: Bandages
  1454. Mission61Desc=There is a reason the safe settlement are able to remain safe, and that is constant upkeep by survivors like yourself.  The Blue Ridge safe settlement is in need of more bandages.\n\nDeliver 5 bandages to the Blue Ridge safe settlement, and receive a reward for your efforts.
  1455. Mission62=BONUS: Blue Ridge Demilitarization
  1456. Mission62Desc=If the zombies weren't bad enough, we have seen a massive rise in person to person violence due to a rush for armaments.  The safe settlements are proposing a bit of a demilitarization, encouraging survivors to turn in their weapons for less violent goods.\n\nDeposit 1 VSS sniper rifle into the Garbage Bin in the Blue Ridge safe settlement, and receive a reward for your efforts.
  1457. Mission63=Goblin Peak Supplies: Water
  1458. Mission63Desc=There is a reason the safe settlement are able to remain safe, and that is constant upkeep by survivors like yourself.  The Goblin Peak safe settlement is in need of clean drinking water.\n\nDeliver 5 bottles of 375ml Water to the Goblin Peak safe settlement, and receive a reward for your efforts.
  1459. Mission64=Goblin Peak Supplies: Food
  1460. Mission64Desc=There is a reason the safe settlement are able to remain safe, and that is constant upkeep by survivors like yourself.  The Goblin Peak safe settlement is in need of more food.\n\nDeliver 5 bags of Chips to the Goblin Peak safe settlement, and receive a reward for your efforts.
  1461. Mission65=Goblin Peak Supplies: Bandages
  1462. Mission65Desc=There is a reason the safe settlement are able to remain safe, and that is constant upkeep by survivors like yourself.  The Goblin Peak safe settlement is in need of more bandages.\n\nDeliver 5 bandages to the Goblin Peak safe settlement, and receive a reward for your efforts.
  1463. Mission66=BONUS: Goblin Peak Demilitarization
  1464. Mission66Desc=If the zombies weren't bad enough, we have seen a massive rise in person to person violence due to a rush for armaments.  The safe settlements are proposing a bit of a demilitarization, encouraging survivors to turn in their weapons for less violent goods.\n\nDeposit 1 Blaser sniper rifle into the Garbage Bin in the Goblin Peak safe settlement, and receive a reward for your efforts.
  1465. Mission67=Castle Pine Supplies: Water
  1466. Mission67Desc=There is a reason the safe settlement are able to remain safe, and that is constant upkeep by survivors like yourself.  The Castle Pine safe settlement is in need of clean drinking water.\n\nDeliver 5 bottles of 375ml Water to the Castle Pine safe settlement, and receive a reward for your efforts.
  1467. Mission68=Castle Pine Supplies: Food
  1468. Mission68Desc=There is a reason the safe settlement are able to remain safe, and that is constant upkeep by survivors like yourself.  The Castle Pine safe settlement is in need of more food.\n\nDeliver 5 bags of Chips to the Castle Pine safe settlement, and receive a reward for your efforts.
  1469. Mission69=Castle Pine Supplies: Bandages
  1470. Mission69Desc=There is a reason the safe settlement are able to remain safe, and that is constant upkeep by survivors like yourself.  The Castle Pine safe settlement is in need of more bandages.\n\nDeliver 5 bandages to the Castle Pine safe settlement, and receive a reward for your efforts.
  1471. Mission70=BONUS: Castle Pine Demilitarization
  1472. Mission70Desc=If the zombies weren't bad enough, we have seen a massive rise in person to person violence due to a rush for armaments.  The safe settlements are proposing a bit of a demilitarization, encouraging survivors to turn in their weapons for less violent goods.\n\nDeposit 1 M107 sniper rifle into the Garbage Bin in the Castle Pine safe settlement, and receive a reward for your efforts."
  1473. Mission71=Survivalist Outpost Supplies: Water
  1474. Mission71Desc=There is a reason the safe settlement are able to remain safe, and that is constant upkeep by survivors like yourself.  The Survivalist Outpost safe settlement is in need of clean drinking water.\n\nDeliver 5 bottles of 375ml Water to the Survivalist Outpost safe settlement, and receive a reward for your efforts.
  1475. Mission72=Survivalist Outpost Supplies: Food
  1476. Mission72Desc=There is a reason the safe settlement are able to remain safe, and that is constant upkeep by survivors like yourself.  The Survivalist Outpost safe settlement is in need of more food.\n\nDeliver 5 bags of Chips to the Survivalist Outpost safe settlement, and receive a reward for your efforts.
  1477. Mission73=Survivalist Outpost Supplies: Bandages
  1478. Mission73Desc=There is a reason the safe settlement are able to remain safe, and that is constant upkeep by survivors like yourself.  The Survivalist Outpost safe settlement is in need of more bandages.\n\nDeliver 5 bandages to the Survivalist Outpost safe settlement, and receive a reward for your efforts.
  1479. Mission74=BONUS: Survivalist Outpost Demilitarization
  1480. Mission74Desc=If the zombies weren't bad enough, we have seen a massive rise in person to person violence due to a rush for armaments.  The safe settlements are proposing a bit of a demilitarization, encouraging survivors to turn in their weapons for less violent goods.\n\nDeposit 1 SIG Sauer 556 assault rifles into the Garbage Bin in the Survivalist Outpost safe settlement, and receive a reward for your efforts.
  1481. Mission75=Weapon Mastery: Bare Hands
  1482. Mission75Desc=Do you think you have what it takes to be a master of the fist?  Bare knuckle box your way through the undead and perfect the art of fistery on those menacing brain-eaters! \n\nProve your skill by killing 20 zombies using nothing but your hands.
  1483. Mission76=Weapon Mastery: Melee Weapons
  1484. Mission76Desc=Any chump off the streets can fire a weapon and kill a zombie. Takes a combat ready bad ass to off a zombie with a hand tool, you know what I'm saying?  \n\nProve your skill by killing 20 zombies using nothing but melee weapons.
  1485. Mission77=Weapon Mastery: Pistols
  1486. Mission77Desc=Oye amigo...? You any good with a pistola? \n\nProve your skill by killing 20 zombies using nothing but pistols.
  1487. Mission78=Weapon Mastery: Shotguns
  1488. Mission78Desc=Slugs, not hugs will save us! Time to gauge these bastards up and blow away the threat!  \n\nProve your skill by killing 20 zombies using nothing but shotguns.
  1489. Mission79=Weapon Mastery: Sub Machine Gun
  1490. Mission79Desc=Put those close range pea shooters to work and eliminate some of the zombie threat by popping off sub machine gun rounds in their freaking heads!\n\nKill 20 zombies using only Sub Machine Guns
  1491. Mission80=Weapon Mastery: Machine Gun
  1492. Mission80Desc=Ratta-tat-tat on a dead man's cap! Why fire a few shots when you can demolish an entire group of zeds with a barrage of firepower through machine gun bullets filling the air.\n\nKill 20 zombies with Machine Guns and light up the night!
  1493. Mission81=Weapon Mastery: Assault Rifles
  1494. Mission81Desc=Semi-auto, fully auto or single shot? Pick your poison and send those freaks of nature to the ground for good! \n\nProve your skill by killing 20 zombies using nothing but assault rifles.
  1495. Mission82=Weapon Mastery: Sniper Rifles
  1496. Mission82Desc=Why put yourself at risk in close range? Time for target practice with some semi-living moving targets. \n\nProve your skill by killing 20 zombies using nothing but sniper rifles.
  1497. Mission83=Weapon Mastery: Grenades
  1498. Mission83Desc=Zombies will chase anything that makes a sound. Give them a little explosive treat by chucking a grenade towards them suckas! \n\nProve your skill by killing 20 zombies using nothing but grenades.
  1499. Mission84=Find Wooden Barricade
  1500. Mission84Desc=The tree's have more use then just being paper. Have to find a way to sturdy my defense using them.\n\nObtain 1 Wooden Barricade.
  1501. Mission85=Find Antibiotics
  1502. Mission85Desc=Feeling really sick. A little woozy now.  If only there was something i could take. The infection is starting to get worse.\n\nObtain 1 Antibiotic.
  1503. Mission86=Find Bandages
  1504. Mission86Desc=Sliced my hand open and now I'm bleeding all over the place. If only i had something to wrap this.\n\nObtain 1 Bandage.
  1505. Mission87=Find Bandages DX
  1506. Mission87Desc=It's a gusher. Didn't have a choice had to run through the barb wire. Going to need more then your standard Bandage.\n\nObtain 1 Bandages DX
  1507. Mission88=Find Pain Killers
  1508. Mission88Desc=It aches all over my body. That was a long fall. Feeling so numb and slowing down. Need something to hold me over and fight through the pain till I can reach safety.\n\nObtain 1 container of Pain Killers.
  1509. Mission89=Find Medkit
  1510. Mission89Desc=Going to need a lot for this trip. I can only imagine that there is a lot of pain in my future. Going to need something that can keep me extremely healthy. Must stay on my toe's.\n\nObtain 1 Medkit.
  1511. Mission90=Find Bag of Chips
  1512. Mission90Desc=Crunchy, salty, flavourful bags of baked potato goodness. It can only remind me of the good old days when running constantly wasn't necessary. So hungry.\n\nObtain 1 Bag of Chips
  1513. Mission91=Find Instant Oatmeal
  1514. Mission91Desc=Opening that box, pulling out the packet, and shaking it. Pouring the contents in the lilttle paper baggy into the bowl and adding hot water. Breakfast is served.\n\nObtain 1 Instant Oatmeal.
  1515. Mission92=Find Chocolate Bar
  1516. Mission92Desc=Nothing satisfies your hunger like an aged chocolate bar found on the ground near a pile of zombie carcasses. Don't be such a would be surprised at what man can eat when in desperate times. \n\nObtain 1 Chocolate Bar
  1517. Mission93=Find Granola Bar
  1518. Mission93Desc=It ain't a steak but at least it ain't grubworms! Besides, granola is supposed to be old and dry. Make sure you have some water to wash it down.\n\nObtain 1 Granola Bar
  1519. Mission94=Find Can of Tuna
  1520. Mission94Desc=It isn't a chicken or a's all you got left in the cupboard and by golly, you will eat every last bit of it to survive. \n\nObtain 1 Can of Tuna
  1521. Mission95=Find MiniSaints
  1522. Mission95Desc=Care for an expired pack of two-stick donutty goodness? Well what are you waiting for? Grab some MiniSaints and cross your fingers there aren't creepy crawlers inside.\n\nObtain 1 pack of MiniSaints
  1523. Mission96=Find Coconut Water
  1524. Mission96Desc=Well, we won't be taking any tropical getaways anytime soon. Closest thing we have to a tropical island getaway is the delicious refreshing taste of Coconut Water. \n\nObtain 1 Coconut Water
  1525. Mission97=Find Energy Drink
  1526. Mission97Desc=Killing zombies and looting takes a lot out of you. \n\nObtain 1 Energy Drink
  1527. Mission98=Find Electro-AID
  1528. Mission98Desc=Running from zombies and other humans can take it's toll on your body. Make sure you maximize your potential with Electro-Aid and keep your engine firing on all cylinders! \n\nObtain 1 Electro-Aid
  1529. Mission99=Find Can of Soda
  1530. Mission99Desc=Makes perfect sense to drink a random can of cola found in an abandoned store or restaurant. I mean, it is only corrosive if you leave something in it. Drinking it is fine, right? \n\nFind a Can of Soda
  1531. Mission100=Find Juice
  1532. Mission100Desc=Drink it while you can. There are zero fruit trees around and no supply trucks coming into any of the safe zones. Who would have thought Juice would have hit the black market?\n\nFind a bottle of Juice
  1533. Mission101=Find Water 1L
  1534. Mission101Desc=Plan for a journey, pack for survival. Make sure that you have enough Water to hydrate yourself when your thirst and stamina get low. You will need to be combat ready at all times. \n\nFind Water 1L
  1535. Mission102=Find Water 375ml
  1536. Mission102Desc=Plan for a journey, pack for survival. Make sure that you have enough Water to hydrate yourself when your thirst and stamina get low. You will need to be combat ready at all times. \n\nFind Water 375ML
  1537. Mission103=Find Can of Pasta
  1538. Mission103Desc=My noodle has a first name, it's E X P I R E D! In these trying times, beggars cannot be choosey. Slurp that noodle like it was your last! \n\nFind a Can of Pasta
  1539. Mission104=Find Can of Soup
  1540. Mission104Desc=No bowls, spoons or even crackers. Just a straight up can of soup. Almost like mom used to prepare for you only slightly passed it's expiration date. Better than dying of starvation and turning into one of those...things. \n\nFind a Can of Soup
  1541. Mission105=Find Can of Ham
  1542. Mission105Desc=Time to go Hard As a Mother, and find some real food.  None of that soupy stuff, or sugary snacks.  You need to find yourself some HAM.\n\nObtain 1 Can of Ham.
  1543. Mission106=Find Bag MRE
  1544. Mission106Desc=If it's good enough for a soldier it is good enough for me. Satisfying my every need and giving me the strength to go on. This is the meal of choice for a one man army.\n\nObtain 1 Bag MRE
  1545. Mission107=Find C01-Vaccine
  1546. Mission107Desc=With all these zombies around it is only a matter of time before you, or someone you care about, will get infected.  If you do not react quickly, the infection will spread and kill the host.  With a vaccine you can slow or even stop the process.\n\nObtain 1 C01-Vaccine.
  1547. Mission108=Find C04-Vaccine
  1548. Mission108Desc=With all these zombies around it is only a matter of time before you, or someone you care about, will get infected.  If you do not react quickly, the infection will spread and kill the host.  With a vaccine you can slow or even stop the process.\n\nObtain 1 C04-Vaccine.
  1549. Mission109=Find Barb Wire Barricade
  1550. Mission109Desc=You may not be able to stop them, but you can sure as hell slow them down with a barbed wire barricade, so stock up.\n\nObtain 1 Barb Ware Barricade.
  1551. Mission110=Find Riot Shield
  1552. Mission110Desc=When you are stuck inside a building and surrounded by zombies, a good riot shield can mean the difference between life an death.\n\nObtain 1 Riot Shield
  1553. Mission111=Find Sandbag Barricade
  1554. Mission111Desc=You may not be able to stop them, but you can sure as hell slow them down with a sandbag barricade, so stock up.\n\nObtain 1 Sandbag Barricade.
  1555. Mission112=Find Flare
  1556. Mission112Desc=Flares are spectacular for eliminating dark areas, and revealing enemies in the dark.  They are also great tools for luring zombies away from your desired path.\n\nFind 1 Flare.
  1557. Mission113=Find Chemlight White
  1558. Mission113Desc=It gets scary out here alone in the dark. I wish i could see even if it's just a few feet in front of me. So i can pierce a bit of this darkness. \n\nObtain 1 Chemlight White.
  1559. Mission114=Find Chemlight Green
  1560. Mission114Desc=It gets scary out here alone in the dark. I wish i could see even if it's just a few feet in front of me. So i can pierce a bit of this darkness. \n\nObtain 1 Chemlight Green.
  1561. Mission115=Find Chemlight Orange
  1562. Mission115Desc=It gets scary out here alone in the dark. I wish i could see even if it's just a few feet in front of me. So i can pierce a bit of this darkness. \n\nObtiain 1 Chemlight Orange.
  1563. Mission116=Find Chemlight Red
  1564. Mission116Desc=It gets scary out here alone in the dark. I wish i could see even if it's just a few feet in front of me. So i can pierce a bit of this darkness. \n\nObtain 1 Chemlight Red.
  1565. Mission117=Find Chemlight Yellow
  1566. Mission117Desc=It gets scary out here alone in the dark. I wish i could see even if it's just a few feet in front of me. So i can pierce a bit of this darkness. \n\nObtain 1 Chemlight Yellow.
  1567. Mission118=Find Time Capsule
  1568. Mission118Desc=Whether you want to leave a message to warn others of the dangers you have found in the area or just your final thoughts before being devoured by undead assailants, the Time Capsule is the perfect way to convey what you are feeling.\n\nFind a Time Capsule and leave a note for other survivors to find.
  1569. Mission119=Find Grenade
  1570. Mission119Desc=No military? No problem. We don't need them, just their supplies. Those damned zeds lurking around are attracted to sound and movement. Want to even the odds a little bit? Throw a grenade into a crowd of them. They will flock to investigate the object and once the nade goes off it will attract even more of those bastards! \n\nFind a Grenade
  1571. Mission120=Find Custom Guerilla
  1572. Mission120Desc=You are going to need armor with Level 2 Protection to be fully combat ready if you wish to stand a chance at surviving a firefight. \n\nFind a Custom Guerilla
  1573. Mission121=Find IBA Sand
  1574. Mission121Desc=You are going to need armor with Level 2 Protection to bebe somewhat combat ready if you wish to stand a chance at surviving a firefight. \n\nFind an IBA Sand
  1575. Mission122=Find Light Gear Forest
  1576. Mission122Desc=You can't go out bare chest to the world with bullets flying at your body. While it may only provide Level 1 Protection, it is at least better than straight bullets to flesh. \n\nFind Light Gear Forest
  1577. Mission123=Find MTV Forest
  1578. Mission123Desc=You are going to need armor with Level 2 Protection to be somewhat combat ready if you wish to stand a chance at surviving a firefight. \n\nFind MTV Forest
  1579. Mission124=Find Large Backpack
  1580. Mission124Desc=In the apocalypse you are going to need to travel a lot, and in doing so you are going to need to transport your goods and supplies.\n\nObtain 1 Large Backpack.
  1581. Mission125=Find Military Ruck
  1582. Mission125Desc=In the apocalypse you are going to need to travel a lot, and in doing so you are going to need to transport your goods and supplies.\n\nObtain 1 Military Ruck.
  1583. Mission126=Find Teddy Bear Backpack
  1584. Mission126Desc=In the apocalypse you are going to need to travel a lot, and in doing so you are going to need to transport your goods and supplies.  But don't hesitate to do this in teddy-bear style, besides, who really wants to mess with a dude pulling a Desert Eagle out a teddy bear?\n\nObtain 1 Teddy Bear Backpack.
  1585. Mission127=Find ALICE Rucksack
  1586. Mission127Desc=In the apocalypse you are going to need to travel a lot, and in doing so you are going to need to transport your goods and supplies.\n\nObtain 1 ALICE Rucksack.
  1587. Mission128=Find Night Vision Military
  1588. Mission128Desc=The hunt is always on, and unless you are prepared you may become the prey.  When the sun goes down and the lights go out, anyone who can still see will have the advantage.\n\nObtain 1 Military Night Vision Goggles
  1589. Mission129=Find Night Vision Civilian
  1590. Mission129Desc=The hunt is always on, and unless you are prepared you may become the prey.  When the sun goes down and the lights go out, anyone who can still see will have the advantage.\n\nObtain 1 Civilian Night Vision Goggles
  1591. Mission130=Find K. Style Helmet
  1592. Mission130Desc=A basic military helmet that can be found around colorado left over from the last military attempt to thwart the infestation.  Now survivors use these helmets to protect against eachother.\n\nObtain 1 K. Style Helmet
  1593. Mission131=Find Beret Cover
  1594. Mission131Desc=Everyone needs a good hat.  It keeps the sun off of your head during the day, and warms your ears at night.\n\nObtain 1 Beret Cover.
  1595. Mission132=Find Boonie Cover
  1596. Mission132Desc=Everyone needs a good hat.  It keeps the sun off of your head during the day, and warms your ears at night.\n\nObtain 1 Boonie Cover.
  1597. Mission133=Find Shadow Mask
  1598. Mission133Desc=Strike fear in the hearts of your enemies, by dawning a terrifying mask.\n\nObtain 1 Shadow Mask
  1599. Mission134=Find Black Mask
  1600. Mission134Desc=Strike fear in the hearts of your enemies, by dawning a terrifying mask.\n\nObtain 1 Black Mask
  1601. Mission135=Find Clown Mask
  1602. Mission135Desc=Strike fear in the hearts of your enemies, by dawning a terrifying mask.\n\nObtain 1 Clown Mask.
  1603. Mission136=Find Jason Mask
  1604. Mission136Desc=Strike fear in the hearts of your enemies, by dawning a terrifying mask.\n\nObtain 1 Jason Mask.
  1605. Mission137=Find Skull Mask
  1606. Mission137Desc=Strike fear in the hearts of your enemies, by dawning a terrifying mask.\n\nOntain 1 Skull Mask.
  1607. Mission138=Find Slash Mask
  1608. Mission138Desc=Strike fear in the hearts of your enemies, by dawning a terrifying mask.\n\nObtain 1 Slash Mask.
  1609. Mission139=Find Boonie Desert
  1610. Mission139Desc=Everyone needs a good hat.  It keeps the sun off of your head during the day, and warms your ears at night.\n\nObtain 1 Boonie Desert.
  1611. Mission140=Find Boonie Green
  1612. Mission140Desc=Everyone needs a good hat.  It keeps the sun off of your head during the day, and warms your ears at night.\n\nObtain 1 Boonie Green.
  1613. Mission141=Find M9 Helmet Black
  1614. Mission141Desc=A basic military helmet that can be found around Colorado left over from the last military attempt to thwart the infestation.  Now survivors use these helmets to protect against each other.\n\nObtain 1 M9 Black Helmet
  1615. Mission142=Find M9 Helmet Green
  1616. Mission142Desc=A basic military helmet that can be found around Colorado left over from the last military attempt to thwart the infestation.  Now survivors use these helmets to protect against each other.\n\nObtain 1 M9 Green Helmet
  1617. Mission143=Find M9 Helmet Urban
  1618. Mission143Desc=A basic military helmet that can be found around Colorado left over from the last military attempt to thwart the infestation.  Now survivors use these helmets to protect against each other.\n\nObtain 1 Urban Helmet
  1619. Mission144=Find Boonie Hat Leather
  1620. Mission144Desc=Everyone needs a good hat.  It keeps the sun off of your head during the day, and warms your ears at night.\n\nObtain 1 Boonie Hat Leather.
  1621. Mission145=Find Fireman Helmet
  1622. Mission145Desc=Everyone needs a good hat.  It keeps the sun off of your head during the day, and warms your ears at night.\n\nObtain 1 Fireman Helmet.
  1623. Mission146=Find Hard Hat
  1624. Mission146Desc=Everyone needs a good hat.  It keeps the sun off of your head during the day, and warms your ears at night.\n\nObtain 1 Hard Hat.
  1625. Mission147=Find Medium Backpack
  1626. Mission147Desc=In the apocalypse you are going to need to travel a lot, and in doing so you are going to need to transport your goods and supplies.\n\nObtain 1 Medium Backpack.
  1627. Mission148=Find Gas Mask
  1628. Mission148Desc=Be it during a chemical weapon attack, or a after your budddy has eaten a burrito, the gas mask can mean life or death.\n\nObtain 1 Gas Mask.
  1629. Mission149=Find P90 50 Rounds
  1630. Mission149Desc=Time to reload that bad boy don't you think? Might be in your best interest to find some ammo for your weapon before it's too late...\n\nFind P90 (50) Rounds
  1631. Mission150=Find Bizon 64 Ammo
  1632. Mission150Desc=Time to reload that bad boy don't you think? Might be in your best interest to find some ammo for your weapon before it's too late...\n\nFind Bizon 64 Ammo
  1633. Mission151=Find CZ Scorpion EVO-3 Ammo
  1634. Mission151Desc=Time to reload that bad boy don't you think? Might be in your best interest to find some ammo for your weapon before it's too late...\n\nFind CZ Scorpion EVO-3 Ammo
  1635. Mission152=Find 9mm Mag
  1636. Mission152Desc=Time to reload that bad boy don't you think? Might be in your best interest to find some ammo for your weapon before it's too late...\n\nFind 9mm Mag
  1637. Mission153=Find Saiga 10 Ammo
  1638. Mission153Desc=Time to reload that bad boy don't you think? Might be in your best interest to find some ammo for your weapon before it's too late...\n\nFind Saiga 10 Ammo
  1639. Mission154=Find MP5 10mm Mag
  1640. Mission154Desc=Time to reload that bad boy don't you think? Might be in your best interest to find some ammo for your weapon before it's too late...\n\nFind MP5 10mm Mag
  1641. Mission155=Find SMG-20 Ammo
  1642. Mission155Desc=Time to reload that bad boy don't you think? Might be in your best interest to find some ammo for your weapon before it's too late...\n\nFind SMG-20 Ammo
  1643. Mission156=Find Desert Eagle Ammo
  1644. Mission156Desc=Time to reload that bad boy don't you think? Might be in your best interest to find some ammo for your weapon before it's too late...\n\nFind Desert Eagle Ammo
  1645. Mission157=Find 5.7 FN M240 Mag
  1646. Mission157Desc=Time to reload that bad boy don't you think? Might be in your best interest to find some ammo for your weapon before it's too late...\n\nFind 5.7 FN M240 Mag
  1647. Mission158=Find 5.45 AK Drum
  1648. Mission158Desc=Time to reload that bad boy don't you think? Might be in your best interest to find some ammo for your weapon before it's too late...\n\nFind 5.45 AK Drum
  1649. Mission159=Find 7.62 AKM Clip
  1650. Mission159Desc=Time to reload that bad boy don't you think? Might be in your best interest to find some ammo for your weapon before it's too late...\n\nFind 7.62 AKM Clip
  1651. Mission160=Find .50 BMG
  1652. Mission160Desc=Time to reload that bad boy don't you think? Might be in your best interest to find some ammo for your weapon before it's too late...\n\nFind .50 BMG
  1653. Mission161=Find 12 Gauge Ammo
  1654. Mission161Desc=Time to reload that bad boy don't you think? Might be in your best interest to find some ammo for your weapon before it's too late...\n\nFind 12 Gauge Ammo
  1655. Mission162=Find Shotgun Shells
  1656. Mission162Desc=Time to reload that bad boy don't you think? Might be in your best interest to find some ammo for your weapon before it's too late...\n\nFind Shotgun Shells
  1657. Mission163=Find Clip for Ruger
  1658. Mission163Desc=Time to reload that bad boy don't you think? Might be in your best interest to find some ammo for your weapon before it's too late...\n\nFind Clip for Ruger
  1659. Mission164=Find Anaconda Clip
  1660. Mission164Desc=Time to reload that bad boy don't you think? Might be in your best interest to find some ammo for your weapon before it's too late...\n\nFind Anaconda Clip
  1661. Mission165=Find Large Kruger Rifle Clip
  1662. Mission165Desc=Time to reload that bad boy don't you think? Might be in your best interest to find some ammo for your weapon before it's too late...\n\nFind Large Kruger Rifle Clip
  1663. Mission166=Find Medium Kruger Rifle Clip
  1664. Mission166Desc=Time to reload that bad boy don't you think? Might be in your best interest to find some ammo for your weapon before it's too late...\n\nFind Medium Kruger Rifle Clip
  1665. Mission167=Find Standard Kruger .22 Rifle Clip
  1666. Mission167Desc=Time to reload that bad boy don't you think? Might be in your best interest to find some ammo for your weapon before it's too late...\n\nFind Standard Kruger .22 Rifle Clip
  1667. Mission168=Find Kruger Mini-14 Clip
  1668. Mission168Desc=Time to reload that bad boy don't you think? Might be in your best interest to find some ammo for your weapon before it's too late...\n\nFind Kruger Mini-14 Clip
  1669. Mission169=Find Flare Clip
  1670. Mission169Desc=In trouble? Need to direct attention away from you perhaps? Oh no...flare gun ammo has been depleted.
  1671. Mission170=Find Standard Mosin Magazine
  1672. Mission170Desc=Time to reload that bad boy don't you think? Might be in your best interest to find some ammo for your weapon before it's too late...\n\nFind Standard Mosin Magazine
  1673. Mission171=Find .40 caliber 1911 Magazine
  1674. Mission171Desc=Time to reload that bad boy don't you think? Might be in your best interest to find some ammo for your weapon before it's too late...\n\nFind .40 caliber 1911 Magazine
  1675. Mission172=Find SVD ammo
  1676. Mission172Desc=Time to reload that bad boy don't you think? Might be in your best interest to find some ammo for your weapon before it's too late...\n\nFind SVD ammo
  1677. Mission173=Find AWM .338 Magnum Ammo
  1678. Mission173Desc=Time to reload that bad boy don't you think? Might be in your best interest to find some ammo for your weapon before it's too late...\n\nFind AWM .338 Magnum Ammo
  1679. Mission174=Find .308 Winchester Sniper rifle Ammo
  1680. Mission174Desc=Time to reload that bad boy don't you think? Might be in your best interest to find some ammo for your weapon before it's too late...\n\nFind .308 Winchester Sniper rifle Ammo
  1681. Mission175=Find Arrow
  1682. Mission175Desc=While one of the most primitive forms of ballistics, the arrow is also one of the most effective with great power and accuracy.\n\nObtain 1 Arrow.
  1683. Mission176=Find VSS-20
  1684. Mission176Desc=Ammunition for one of the most valued weapons among survivors, the VSS has the best of both long and short range worlds.  Due to its popularity, survivors are eager to find all the ammunition they can for the weapon.\n\nObtain 1 VSS-20
  1685. Mission177=Find Tactical Knife
  1686. Mission177Desc=Feeling stabby? Locate yourself a Tactical Knife to scratch that itch! On a side note, you might find use for this weapon in "craftier" ways.\n\nFind a Tactical Knife
  1687. Mission178=Find Bat
  1688. Mission178Desc=Remember watching baseball as kid and seeing your favorite player knock one out of the park? That sweet smell of beer and hot dogs throughout the stadium filling your nasal passage and penetrating straight to all the right senses still tickles the souls of baseball fans. Ain't gonna let a few zombies stop you from enjoying the great American past time are you?\n\nFind a bat swing away!
  1689. Mission179=Find Flashlight
  1690. Mission179Desc=Even as starting item, the flashlight has been hailed as one of the finest utilities in the survivors repertoire.\n\nObtain 1 Flashlight.
  1691. Mission180=Find Hammer
  1692. Mission180Desc=Whether you are boarding up windows or just trying to stay alive, the Hammer is a great multi-purpose tool for all your zombie dispensing neeeds. Lightweight but heavy duty, this little mama will put a hurtin' on an enemy without any remorse. \n\nFind a Hammer. Might want to check construction sites...workers have zero use since they became lunch for the zeddies!
  1693. Mission181=Find Hatchet
  1694. Mission181Desc=Here's Jonny!  Hack your way though enemies with a good ol' fashion hatchet, and strike fear in their hearts.  Or just strike your enemy's hearts, they will die much faster.\n\nObtain 1 Hatchet.
  1695. Mission182=Find Pickaxe
  1696. Mission182Desc=Pickaxes have been used for quite some time for agriculture, mining and even in combat. During prehistoric times, a pickaxe may have been made from the filed down bones and antlers of a large deer. Now a bit more sturdy and less organic, this weapon will save your ass in battle if you run out of ammo and go toe to toe with zombies or even other survivors. \n\nWant that rugged coal miner look without the carbon minoxide? \n\nFind yourself a Pickaxe and start chipping away at some skulls.
  1697. Mission183=Find Spiked Bat
  1698. Mission183Desc=Behold the next level of weaponized bats with the new and improved Spiked Bat, now with more spikes!\n\nObtain 1 Spiked Bat.
  1699. Mission184=Find Metal Bat
  1700. Mission184Desc=Swing away. Just don't swing so hard you knock yourself out. You will find out first hand how the other half lives...or semi-lives I should say. \n\nFind a Metal Bat
  1701. Mission185=Find Katana
  1702. Mission185Desc=And ancient weapon, used in combat for many generations in Japan, now replicated by the thousands in cheap sweatshops.  Ironic?\n\nObtain 1 Katana.
  1703. Mission186=Find Machete
  1704. Mission186Desc=Whether it's hacking through vines, shrubbery or corpses, the Machete is a symbol of bad-assery in every facet of the made-up word just used to describe it. Always remember to target the head. The body cannot move without the brain. Severe the connection to the brain and it's curtains for you ZOMBIE!\n\nFind a Machete
  1705. Mission187=Find Brass Knuckles
  1706. Mission187Desc=It is amazing how much more damage you can do with a single punch when you add a little metal into the mix.\n\nObtain 1 Brass Knuckles
  1707. Mission188=Find Canoe Paddle
  1708. Mission188Desc=Not a lot has to be said about this fantastic item, its value, and importance in the history of The Brotherhood and its supporters.\n\nObtain 1 Canoe Paddle, the hand of the one true god.
  1709. Mission189=Find Cricket bat
  1710. Mission189Desc=A popular item used in the sport of Cricket, and in the business of dispensing zombies.\n\nObtain 1 Cricket Bat.
  1711. Mission190=Find Shovel
  1712. Mission190Desc=The perfect murder weapon.  Can be used for both bludgeoning your enemy and burrying him afterwords.\n\nObtain 1 Shovel.
  1713. Mission191=Find Crowbar
  1714. Mission191Desc=You are not truely a free man until you have found and wielded a Crowbar.  Heck, I have even seen it used successfully against transdimentional alien invaders.\n\nObtain 1 Crowbar.
  1715. Mission192=Find Fire Axe
  1716. Mission192Desc=Do not be fooled, this weapon is not in fact made of fire, nor does it actually help to put out fire.  But it is hand for all other axe related activities.\n\nObtain 1 Fire Axe.
  1717. Mission193=Find Pitchfork
  1718. Mission193Desc=PItchforks were created to effectively move hay and other straw grass with much greater ease than a shovel or rake.  In recent years it has been discovered to be equally effective against attacking and killing zombies.\n\nObtain 1 Pitchfork.
  1719. Mission194=Find Wrench
  1720. Mission194Desc=This item can be used to fix dozens of different things, but when thrown into something can also be the cause of disarray.\n\nObtain 1 Wrench.
  1721. Mission195=
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  1763. Mission216=Find Flare Gun
  1764. Mission216Desc=While it may not be an effective weapon, it is the best way to lure zombies away from your position, or even send them into your enemy's nest.\n\nObtain 1 Flare Gun.
  1765. Mission217=
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  1769. Mission219=Find Nail gun
  1770. Mission219Desc=Be it building a deck, a shed, or a whole house, the nail gun is a fantastic tool to get the job done.  Now trying killing survivors with it.\n\nObtain 1 Nail Gun.
  1771. Mission220=
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  1777. Mission223=Find FN M249
  1778. Mission223Desc=FN M249, FN M249, FN M249, FN M249, FN M249, try saying that nine times fast without making a mistake.\n\nObtain 1 FN M249.
  1779. Mission224=
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  1789. Mission229=Find Double Barrel
  1790. Mission229Desc=They don't call these "Boom-Sticks" for nothing.  Whether you are holding one of these beasts or staring down its barrels, it is a force to be reconned with.\n\nObtain 1 Double Barrel.
  1791. Mission230=
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  1799. Mission234=Find Honey Badger
  1800. Mission234Desc=This is the Honey Badger, watching it fire in slow motion.  "Watch out"" says that survivor, eww it can kill snakes.  It's just crazy.  I will kill anything.  I doesn't care.  Now look, here is a house full of zombies, watch how the Honey Badger just shoots through the zombies.\n\nObtain 1 Honey Badger
  1801. Mission235=Find FN P90
  1802. Mission235Desc=Fierce and fast, the FN-P90 is a particularly lethal firearm especially from mid to close range. An attacker can let off 15 rounds per second at a target. See for yourself just how handy little guy is. \n\nObtain 1 FN P90
  1803. Mission236=Find EVO-3
  1804. Mission236Desc=The EVO-3 is a versatile submachine gun that would complete any survivor's outfit. With three separate firing rates to choose from, defending yourself from both the living and dead has never been more enjoyable!\n\nObtain 1 EVO-3
  1805. Mission237=Find Bizon
  1806. Mission237Desc=Comfortable and easy to carry, the Bizon sub-machine gun has an effective range of roughly 100-200 meters and can fire at a rate of almost 12 shots per second. \n\nObtain 1 Bizon
  1807. Mission238=Find Veresk SR-2
  1808. Mission238Desc=Since its development in the mid-1990's, the Veresk SR-2 sub-machine gun has an effective range of roughly 100-200 meters and can fire at a rate of almost 12 shots per second.
  1809. Mission239=Find FN P90 S
  1810. Mission239Desc=Fierce and fast, the FN-P90 S is a silenced version of the standard FN P90. Still the same fire rate, just muzzled and slightly less damage. \n\nObtain 1 FN P90
  1811. Mission240=Find SVD
  1812. Mission240Desc=If there's one thing the Russians know, it's guns. The SVD is no exception . Since the introduction of the SVD in the early 60's, Russian infantry squads always had one member of every squad outfitted with an SVD. It is reliable in almost any condition and deadlier than a viper's bite.\n\nObtain 1 SVD
  1813. Mission241=Find VSS Vintorez
  1814. Mission241Desc="Silence is golden" they say. Well, the VSS Vintorez will send golden whispers to the intended target with an effective range of around 400 meters. \n\nObtain 1 VSS Vintorez
  1815. Mission242=
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  1823. Mission246=Find Blaser R93
  1824. Mission246Desc=If you live long enough to hear the sound of this weapon echoing in the distance, it may be time to run and take cover.  Fight back with this long arm or door.\n\nObtain 1 Blaser R93
  1825. Mission247=Find Compound Crossbow
  1826. Mission247Desc=The compound crossbow may not be a gun, but it has many of its own merits.  It is far quieter than firearms, and arrows are incredibly accurate.\n\nObtain 1 Compound Crossbow.
  1827. Mission248=Find Rag
  1828. Mission248Desc=A rag, they say, is about the most massively useful thing a zombie survivor can have. Partly it has great practical value. You can wrap it around you for warmth as you bound across the cold fields of Barth Farm; you can lie on it on the brilliant marble-sanded beaches of Campos, inhaling the heady lake vapors; you can sleep under it beneath the stars which shine so redly on the hilltops of Whitestone Mountain; wet it for use in hand-to-hand combat... no wait... I think that was about a blanket... hmm...\n\nObtain 1 Rag
  1829. Mission249=Find Ointment
  1830. Mission249Desc=Potions, cream, ungent, brew, toil and trouble.  Joke all you want, but at some point you are going to need to find some ointment.\n\nObtain 1 Ointment.
  1831. Mission250=Find Duct Tape
  1832. Mission250Desc=You quickly learn during the apocalypses the value of food, water, weapons and duct tape.\n\nObtain 1 roll of Duct Tape.
  1833. Mission251=Find Empty Bottle
  1834. Mission251Desc=One person's trash is another person's survival...or even a musical instrument. However you decide to use it, locate an Empty Bottle and repurpose it for your individual needs. \n\nObtain 1 Empty Bottle"
  1835. Mission252=Find Barbed Wire
  1836. Mission252Desc="Tried to keep the zeds at bay with Barbed Wire but with the amount of numbers they had, they just dropped the fences. However, if one was to repurpose already made items with it...could be killer end result!n\n\Obtain 1 Barbed Wire
  1837. Mission253=Find Charcoal
  1838. Mission253Desc=Who doesn't love BBQ? Too bad all the meat was tainted and all we got left is charcoal. Luckily blueprints were made that brought use to the leftover charcoal. Now if only you had those blueprints...\n\nFind some Charcoal to add to your crafting surplus.
  1839. Mission254=Find Rope
  1840. Mission254Desc=Well partner, rodeo won't be coming to town any time soon but surely you can find some use for rope. Reckon you can use it for just about anything as long as you have the right blueprints.\n\nVenture out into town and find you some Rope.
  1841. Mission255=Find Scissors
  1842. Mission255Desc=Cut it out! No really, severe the spinal cord from the brain stem and take out one of those undead bastards. Scissors are the main component for crafting a sturdy and deadly shank. Of course, you will need to find the recipe for the Shank but no reason you can't be prepared in the meantime.\n\nFind Scissors and get ready for some deadly Arts and Crafts
  1843. Mission256=Find Broom
  1844. Mission256Desc=Who hasn't at one point or another used a broom stick as a weapon against fantasy monsters.  Be it a sword or a gun, made of wood or plastic, the broom handle was a coveted item for the imaginative warriors of the past.  Now the monsters are real, and the value of a good pole is valuable to survivors of all ages.\n\nObtain 1 Broom.
  1845. Mission257=Find Empty Can
  1846. Mission257Desc=Don't kick that can! Pick it up you idiot! You can seriously make some explosive inventions with that can and a few other crafting elements. \n\nFind an Empty Can and for Pete's sake don't use it for yer chewin tobacco.
  1847. Mission258=Find Metal Scrap
  1848. Mission258Desc=Metal Scrap can be quite useful in the right hands. Just imagine what you could with the right blueprints or recipe. Why, you could be a bad, bad person with the right crafting tools. \n\nFind some Metal Scrap to add to your crafting inventory.
  1849. Mission259=Find Gun Powder
  1850. Mission259Desc=Firestick no go boom? Perhaps you are one ingredient away from crafting that empty can into something that goes Bada Boom!?\n\nLocate some Gun Powder. With all the whack-jobs around these parts you are bound to find it somewhere.
  1851. Mission260=Find Nails
  1852. Mission260Desc=Forget home improvement, time to get creative for the sake of survival. It would be wise of you to find some Nails to help with crafting new weapons and survival equipment to help you live another day. \n\nFind some Nails
  1853. Mission261=Serial Killer: Bare Hands
  1854. Mission261Desc=You will never truly understand the gravity of killing a man until you have done it with your bare hands.\n\nKill 1 survivor with nothing but your bare hands.
  1855. Mission262=Serial Killer: Melee Weapons
  1856. Mission262Desc=It doesn't always pay to go in hot. The sounds from bullets being fired will ring the dinner bell for the horde. Make sure that you are well versed in close quarters combat and use melee weapons to eliminate enemies whenever possible.\n\nSwing, stab and strike to kill 5 survivors using only melee weapons.
  1857. Mission263=Serial Killer: Handguns
  1858. Mission263Desc=It doesn't have to be high noon to go toe to toe with another survivor in a duel. Pull out that sidearm and let the legend of the Colorado's most feared pistoleer be born.\n\nTake out 20 survivors using only handguns.
  1859. Mission264=Serial Killer: Shotguns
  1860. Mission264Desc=Close quarters combat calls for instant domination. What better way to obliterate an opponent than by a massive shotgun blast to the face!?\n\nSend shotgun shells and shrapnel flying through 20 survivors!
  1861. Mission265=Serial Killer: Sub Machine Gun
  1862. Mission265Desc=Ain't no better target practice than a firing on a live target right? Those fleshbags are pretty dangerous but they ain't wielding no guns. Work on your close range game and take out some survivors with submachine guns.\n\nKill 20 survivors with Sub Machine Guns
  1863. Mission266=Serial Killer: Machine Gun
  1864. Mission266Desc=Murder is wrong, but survival and self defence in these times needs to be on everyone's mind. What better defence than a rapid fire wall of bullets to send the message to attackers...I will not be taken lightly.\n\nMake it rain and kill 20 Survivors with Machine Guns
  1865. Mission267=Serial Killer: Assault Rifles
  1866. Mission267Desc=Keep a little distance from your opponents but still be effective and precise with your shots. Use your Assault Rifle skills to get the drop on other survivors and make a name for yourself as a devastating force to be reckoned with!\n\nKill 20 Survivors with Assault Rifles
  1867. Mission268=Serial Killer: Sniper Rifles
  1868. Mission268Desc=Most people when asked what they would rather do in war claim they would snipe.  "It is not like getting into a fight, just sort of doing the job from a distance, and getting out".  They quickly learn that when they are staring down the sites, sizing up their target, they are actually getting even closer to the target, emotionally, than they would if they were just spraying bullets.  No matter how far away they are, as they line up the shot, it gives them time to remember they are shooting a human with a life, who could be a loving parent and loved by others.  Can you pull the trigger?\n\nUsing only sniper rifles, kill 20 survivors.
  1869. Mission269=Serial Killer: Grenades
  1870. Mission269Desc=Be it fish, zombies or survivors, explosives are a great way to make a point.  Granted the sound of these babies going off will attract the attention of everyone live and dead in the area, but it is totally worth it.\n\nBlow up 20 survivors with explosives!
  1871. Mission270=
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  1883. Mission276=Another Man's Treasure
  1884. Mission276Desc=During your last visit at a safe settlement, you overheard someone talking about a stash of supplies hidden somewhere at the Oak Mountain Rest Stop. From the story it sounds like the stash can be found behind one of the buildings in a pile of garbage.\n\nTravel to the Oak Mountain Rest Stop and find the hidden stash in a pile of garbage.
  1885. Mission277=Needle in a Haystack
  1886. Mission277Desc=You got a tip that a handsome stash of goods were hidden inside a bale of hay.  Which bale of hay was not included in the tip...\n\nFind the handsome stash of goods hidden in a bale of hay.
  1887. Mission278=A Friend at the End
  1888. Mission278Desc=You and your friend barely survived a firefight trying to find supplies in Boulder city. You take rest near some trees and it becomes clear to you that your friend wont make it.  As you kneel beside him with his last breath he tells you of a stash he placed behind a refrigerator in his garage at his home. As the light fades from his eye's you realize he was a true friend.\n\nTravel to Emerald Peak Retreat and find the refrigerator in the garage.
  1889. Mission279=Hey Little Buddy
  1890. Mission279Desc=He was everybody's favorite buffoon until he ate the preschool teacher. When Ms. Archer saw him laying on the ground, she ran to check on him. His jaws immediately latched onto her arm and ripped off a chunk of her forearm.\n\nIn an attempt to isolate the threat, members of the teaching staff managed to restrain Milligan and then agreed to place him on an uninhabited piece of land in the center of the lake with supplies. Not sure what happened to the teacher but some say you can still hear the moans of Milligan from the shore.\n\nGo to Milligan's Island and search his tent for supplies.
  1891. Mission280=Mission for Love
  1892. Mission280Desc=I can still remember the sweet smell that filled the room when she entered. My heart always flutter when I think of her and all the good times we had. She was at work when the zeds rushed the building. I tried calling but never got an answer. The pain and guilt from not being there for her will forever haunt me. It has been hell without her, I just...I have to know what happened.\n\nListen, I know you don't know me but do you think you can check out her office building in Boulder City for any clues as to what happened? I can make it worth your travels if you do.\n\nHelp the Bartender in Blue Ridge find out what happened to his fiance.
  1893. Mission281=Hoard This!
  1894. Mission281Desc=Gawd damned hoarders are hoggin up all of the water. They run into town in clan formation and loot to no end. Even saw them with portable storage lockers around the cities that are heavily ransacked. They're ruthless animals whose greed has gone beyond their respect for humanity. I hear they have a base that is hidden in the mountains. If you can locate their hideout and sabotage their supply the survivors in our camp would be greatly appreciative. \n\nGo to the Hoarder's Camp and sabotage their water supply then return to General Store Clerk in Goblin Peak Settlement.
  1895. Mission282=Running Supplies
  1896. Mission282Desc=There was a plane that was delivering food and supplies that went down near Ridgeway Airport. A number of survivors from each of the settlements initiated retrieval missions to bring back these supplies but never made it back. if something isn't done about it, hundreds could die within a matter of days.\n\nInvestigate the Plane Crash and deliver food and supplies to all 4 Safe Zones"
  1897. Mission283=Cupid's Delivery Boy I
  1898. Mission283Desc=Imagine how hard it would be to spread love in a zombie apocalypse if Cupid had no arrows to shoot...survival would not matter without love.\nDo your part to keep the human race alive by collecting arrows for love's original delivery boy!\n\nCollect 30 Arrows\n\nCouple Bonus: Mission items carry over for next mission tier if active at the same time.
  1899. Mission284=Cupid's Delivery Boy II
  1900. Mission284Desc=Uh oh...the C-Man got a little over zealous in Clearview. Love between humans is a beautiful thing but what those zombies call love is revolting!\n\nRestock Cupid's supply\nFind 100 Arrows\n\nCouple Bonus: Mission items carry over for next mission tier if active at the same time.
  1901. Mission285=Cupid's Delivery Boy III
  1902. Mission285Desc=Drats! Ran out of arrows again and his shift is almost up. Guess the love doctor should have taken better inventory.  To be completely honest, he could have stayed away from the trailer park in Springer Ridge and saved some arrows but hey, he's friggin Cupid!\n\nHelp Cupid Finish His Shift\nPick Up 150 Arrows\n\nCouple Bonus: Mission items carry over for next mission tier if active at the same time.
  1903. Mission286=Sweet Tooth I
  1904. Mission286Desc=Bet you can't eat 25 of them sweet overstocked Valentine Chocolate Bars? Bet you can't!!\n\nAccept the Dare\nEat 25 Chocolate bars\n\nCouple Bonus: Mission items carry over for next mission tier if active at the same time.
  1905. Mission287=Sweet Tooth II
  1906. Mission287Desc=25 Wasn't a challenge? Okay, how about eating 50 Choclate Bars? No way will you stomach this one!\n\nAccept the Dare\nEat 100 Chocolate Bars\n\nCouple Bonus: Mission items carry over for next mission tier if active at the same time.
  1907. Mission288=Sweet Tooth III
  1908. Mission288Desc=50, pssssshhhhh! Back when we used to vacation up in Frosty Pines I threw back 100 Chocolate Bars in one sitting! Let's see you beat that!\n\nAccept the Dare\nEat 100 Chocolate Bars\n\nCouple Bonus: Mission items carry over for next mission tier if active at the same time.
  1909. Mission289=
  1910. Mission289Desc=
  1911. Mission290=
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  1918. Mission293Desc=
  1919. Mission294=Radio Tower Down
  1920. Mission294Desc=We try to keep a signal up at all times, just in case there are others listening.  But recently one of our radio towers stopped sending and we need someone to turn it back on.  You can find the radio tower at Delta Peak Ranger Station, and the control panel should be close by.\n\nTravel to Delta Peak Ranger Station and reactivate the radio tower via a control panel.
  1921. Mission295=Tainting the Water
  1922. Mission295Desc=Some psycho thinks he found the cure for the infestation, and decided without any testing whatsoever that he is going to introduced the volatile chemical directly into our water supply.  He went to Camp Splinter alone, so I am sure he is dead, but if any of those chemicals make it into the water we could be in a lot of trouble.  We need you to find the chemicals and neutralize them.\n\nHead to Camp Splinter, find the chemicals, and neutralize them.
  1923. Mission296=City Pick'n
  1924. Mission296Desc=Every gun counts. Every bullet counts.  Every med counts. Every chocolate bar counts. For the love of all that is holy even every chemlight counts!!! In a world full of zombies there is no bad pick up.  While they are treacherous, the two main cities, Boulder and Campos, are great spots for finding loot.\n\nFind and collect items at each of the main cities: Boulder and Campos
  1925. Mission297=Heroic Involvement
  1926. Mission297Desc=Survivors are dying left and right trying to get supplies out of Camp Splinter. Many of the resources used simply to travel to the location have been lost along with the people that have fallen victim to monsters the infestation has created. \n\nGo to Camp Splinter and kill 50 zombies to help out what's left of the survivor population.
  1927. Mission298=Riddle Me This
  1928. Mission298Desc=A giant rock city within our view.\nWe rest above the city anew. \nWell deserved are survivors few.\nWe found this refuge, now...can you? \n\nCan anyone make sense of these ramblings?
  1929. Mission299=An Eye on the Zones
  1930. Mission299Desc=We are watching. You can't see us but we can see you. How skilled are you? Can you survive? Can you kill? Will you do what's necessary to live? We question that. Time to show and prove.  If you can make it to all four safe zones alive and well you will have our attention and receive our reward.\n\nTravel to all 4 safe zones.
  1931. Mission300=Helping Hand: Antibiotics
  1932. Mission300Desc=Even when the world appears over, there is always a glimmer of hope, and that hope can be found in the good will of others.  Restore the health of another player, or cleans their infection using Antibiotics.\n\nSpread the hope of salvation by using Antibiotics on a survivor in need.
  1933. Mission301=Helping Hand: Bandage
  1934. Mission301Desc=Even when the world appears over, there is always a glimmer of hope, and that hope can be found in the good will of others.  Restore the health of another player, or stop their bleeding using a Bandage.\n\nSpread the hope of salvation by using a Bandage on a survivor in need.
  1935. Mission302=Helping Hand: Bandage DX
  1936. Mission302Desc=Even when the world appears over, there is always a glimmer of hope, and that hope can be found in the good will of others.  Restore the health of another player, or stop their bleeding using a Bandage DX.\n\nSpread the hope of salvation by using a Bandage DX on a survivor in need.
  1937. Mission303=Helping Hand: Pain Killers
  1938. Mission303Desc=Even when the world appears over, there is always a glimmer of hope, and that hope can be found in the good will of others.  Restore the health of another player using Pain Killers.\n\nSpread the hope of salvation by using Pain Killers on a survivor in need.
  1939. Mission304=Helping Hand: Medkit
  1940. Mission304Desc=Even when the world appears over, there is always a glimmer of hope, and that hope can be found in the good will of others.  Restore the health of another player by using a Medkit.\n\nSpread the hope of salvation by using a Medkit on a survivor in need.
  1941. Mission305=Helping Hand: C01 Vaccine
  1942. Mission305Desc=Even when the world appears over, there is always a glimmer of hope, and that hope can be found in the good will of others.  Relieve another player of the infection by using the C01 Vaccine.\n\nSpread the hope of salvation by using a C01 Vaccine on a survivor in need.
  1943. Mission306=Helping Hand: C04 Vaccine
  1944. Mission306Desc=Even when the world appears over, there is always a glimmer of hope, and that hope can be found in the good will of others.  Relieve another player of the infection by using the C01 Vaccine.\n\nSpread the hope of salvation by using a C04 Vaccine on a survivor in need.
  1945. Mission307=Mystery Box: Bronze
  1946. Mission307Desc=Spin the wheel and win big Big BIG prizes!  For only X game dollars you could win a fantastic item worth far more.  You are guaranteed to get an item, but the Bronze Mystery Box gives you a chance to get a epic item.\n\nPay X game dollars to get a random item, with a chance to win a big prize!
  1947. Mission308=Mystery Box: Silver
  1948. Mission308Desc=Spin the wheel and win big Big BIG prizes!  For only X game dollars you could win a fantastic item worth far more.  You are guaranteed to get an item, but the Silver Mystery Box gives you a great chance to get a epic item.\n\nPay X game dollars to get a random item, with a chance to win a big prize!
  1949. Mission309=Mystery Box: Gold
  1950. Mission309Desc=Spin the wheel and win big Big BIG prizes!  For only X game dollars you could win a fantastic item worth far more.  You are guaranteed to get an item, but the Gold Mystery Box gives you the best chance to get a epic item.\n\nPay X game dollars to get a random item, with a chance to win a big prize!
  1951. Mission310=PLAYER KILLING 10
  1952. Mission310Desc=Let Kill everybody!!
  1953. Mission311=PLAYER KILLING 20
  1954. Mission311Desc=Let Kill everybody!!
  1955. Mission312=PLAYER KILLING 40
  1956. Mission312Desc=Let Kill everybody!!
  1957. Mission313=PLAYER KILLING 70
  1958. Mission313Desc=Let Kill everybody!!
  1959. Mission314=ZOMBIES KILLING 100
  1960. Mission314Desc=Slay The Ton of Zombies!!
  1961. Mission315=ZOMBIES KILLING 300
  1962. Mission315Desc=Slay The Ton of Zombies!!
  1963. Mission316=ZOMBIES KILLING 500
  1964. Mission316Desc=Slay The Ton of Zombies!!
  1965. Mission317=ZOMBIES KILLING 700
  1966. Mission317Desc=Slay The Ton of Zombies!!
  1967. Mission318=PLAYER KILLING 5
  1968. Mission318Desc=kill 5 Survivors!!
  1969. Mission319=Delivery Secret Rare Box
  1970. Mission319Desc=Drop your Secret Rare Box here.
  1971. Mission320=Find 100 Love dad Balloon
  1972. Mission320Desc=Exchange 100 Balloon with 'FN SCAR Love DAD' Limited Edition.
  1973. Mission321=Find 100 Love dad Balloon
  1974. Mission321Desc=Exchange 200 Balloon with 'Love Dad Armor' Limited Edition.
  1975. Mission322=Find 100 Love dad Balloon
  1976. Mission322Desc=Exchange 300 Balloon with 'Love Dad Earmuffs' Limited Edition.
  1977. Mission323=FN SCAR Love DAD Exchange
  1978. Mission323Desc=Drop your Balloon here.
  1979. Mission324=Love Dad Armo Exchange
  1980. Mission324Desc=Drop your Balloon here.
  1981. Mission325=Love Dad Earmuffs Exchange
  1982. Mission325Desc=Drop your Balloon here.
  1983. Mission326=Delivery Secret Rare Box [DEC]
  1984. Mission326Desc=Drop your Box here.
  1985. Mission327=Delivery Treasure Rare Box [DEC]
  1986. Mission327Desc=Drop your Box here.
  1987. Mission328=Light Zone Infest Tickket Reward.
  1988. Mission328Desc=Star-Warz Giftset with the Blue Saber inside.
  1989. Mission329=Dark Zone Infest Tickket Reward.
  1990. Mission329Desc=Star-Warz Giftset with the Red Saber inside.
  1991. Mission500=TK-Z Ticket
  1992. Mission500Desc=COLLECT 50 TK-Z Ticket for a chance at an Very Rare Box [TRADE IN AT TRADE ZONE SERVER].
  1993. Mission501=Krathong Fastival
  1994. Mission501Desc=COLLECT 5 Krathong Coin for a chance at an Krathong Bomb [TRADE IN AT TRADE ZONE SERVER].
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