
Black Magic and Opium: Deading the dream

Jan 8th, 2016
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  1. >Be Eugene
  2. >Be on your deathbed
  3. >Not much time left
  4. "Send in my boy..."
  5. >A young Anon enters your room
  6. >So bright, so young. He has his whole future ahead of him
  7. >Hope he doesn't make the same mistakes as you did
  8. >Time for one final talk
  9. "Anon, my son, you are a good boy. I have raised you the best I can. You are the epitome of my existence. I know that you will encounter hardships, but you must always stay strong. You must never give up and you must never sell yourself short. The worst thing you can possibly do is take the easy way out. The easy way may seem like a smart idea, but it will most certainly have serious repercussions. You are better than that. You are a Moose and Mooses never give up."
  10. - Dying words of Eugene Robert Moose
  11. Father of Anon Eugene Moose
  12. "I should have listened to my dad when I was younger"
  13. >Be present day Anon
  14. >Apprentice necromancer extraordinaire
  15. >After Twilight Sparkle's latest experiment went horribly wrong and blew herself up, you were given the task, via Twilight's final will and testament to raise her from the dead using given instructions
  16. >You could have denied
  17. >But there was a catch, that she hired a pony to assassinate you if she wasn't raised from the dead in 2 months
  18. >Two months have almost past and you've gathered everything needed for the ritual
  19. >You've excavated her body
  20. >Made some circles here and there
  21. >Candles
  22. >Time to do this
  23. >Time to break the laws of nature
  24. >Time to play God
  26. >You chant out the incantation while doing a hilarious monkey-like dance
  27. >When you finished, nothing happened
  28. >
  29. >
  30. >Still nothing
  31. >BOOM!
  32. >A giant beam of green energy pierces the sky and engulfs Twilight's corpse
  33. "I really should have listened to my dad when I was younger"
  37. >The Necronomicon
  38. >The source of power and knowledge that helped you resurrect Twilight Sparkle
  39. >Besides necromany, the book contains information on everything from demonic summonngs, eldritch abominations to hypnosis and soulhopping
  40. >It also contains a basic guide for black mages
  41. >One point that stood out to you was the use of opium
  42. >Apparently it's traditional for magicians to indulge themselves in opium and meditation
  43. >A sort of escape from the horror they are and that they have created
  44. >At first you thought that it won't be necessary
  45. >But now, when you saw what you have created, you are gonna need a shit load of opium
  46. >Twilight reanimated body starts twitching and stumbling towards you
  47. >Her vile, decomposing flesh reeks of unholliness
  48. >One of her eyes is looking at you
  49. >The other, white, is off to the side
  50. >You stumble backwards and trip on a small gravestone
  51. >Twilight is getting closer you start crawl backwards and you hit another, bigger tombstone
  52. >Black magic sucks
  53. >Twilight is standing right in front of you
  54. >"Well, Anon, looks like you did it. Could have done a better job. You could have done it earlier. before I looked like this. But still! Pretty good. "
  58. >Exerts from page 108 of the Necronomicon
  59. >Liches
  60. >Unlike most other undead, liches preserve their mind after being resurrected
  61. >They are able to use magic, if they were magically capable, while alive
  62. >Because of the higher strain on the corpse, liches tend to rot faster than other undead
  63. >Depending on the time of death, method of death and preservation of the body, a lich may stay alive up to 5 years
  64. >Although they have already died, liches, like other undead, are not immortal. If the body is destroyed, the lich dies. If the soul stone is destroyed, the lich dies. If the body rots too much, the soul stone wouldn't be able to send signals to the body and the lich will be incapacitated, until the energy of the stone runs out. It is advised that the lich soulhops as quickly as possible to a host with equal magic power to them. For more information on soulhopping, please refer to page 71.
  68. >Twilight starts walking around
  69. >It's not exactly walking, it's more like dragging her carcass
  70. >She looks like a puppet
  71. >"So, Anon, by resurrecting me, you have proven yourself worthy to be my pupil. I will teach you everything I know and when the time comes, you will be my successor"
  72. "Yeah...about that. I don't want to"
  73. >Twilight looks at you with complete shock
  74. >At least you think it's shock
  75. >It's hard to tell from the rancid flesh
  76. >But a piece of cheek fell off for effect
  77. >That must mean surprise
  78. >"What do you mean? Don't you want to rule the world? Demons at your command. Death being your servant. Money. Power, Women. All the opium you could ever want! Living the dream!"
  79. "It all sounds good, buuuut...I don't think I'm cut out for it"
  80. >"Wha? Because you forgot to refrigerate my body? It's ok, it's a natural mistake. You are new. You will learn"
  81. "Ok. It's dangerous and it looks gross. I don't want to do it."
  82. >"Pity. Well, thank you for everything. You can go"
  83. "Seriously?"
  84. >"Sure. You resurrected me. You've done as I asked. I can't force you into this"
  85. "Wow. Thanks."
  86. >You strut towards the cemetery gate
  90. >As you walk towards the gates you start to feel more light headed
  91. >Everything starts getting blacker
  92. >You can barely keep yourself on your feet
  93. >Blackness
  94. >
  95. >
  96. >
  97. >
  98. >You open your eyes
  99. >You are right where you were standing
  100. >You try to turn around, but can't
  101. >You are paralyzed
  102. >"You're still here? Didn't expect you to last"
  103. >What?
  104. >You try to open your mouth to speak, but can't
  105. >"Be still. You can't do anything now. I am in control"
  106. >It's Twilight's voice
  107. >"I soulhopped in you "
  108. "You did what?!"
  111. >Exerts from page 71 of the Necronomicon
  112. >Soulhopping
  113. >Soulhopping is the practice of transferring your consciousness into another living body or object with soul containing qualities
  114. >Depending on the being the hopper chooses, soulhopping can have different results
  115. >The most preferred result is that the hopper takes full control of the body, while the original consciousness fades away
  116. >Other results may include one of the consciousness to establish itself as a dominant force, taking complete control over the body or the two souls controlling the body on different occasions
  117. >It should be noted that there is a difference between soulhopping, soultrapping and soulexchanging
  118. >Soulltrapping involves forcefully removing a consciousness from it's body and putting it in another one
  119. >Soulexchange is the consensual exchange of the bodies that two consciousnesses posses
  122. >"Didn't you read the books I gave you?"
  123. "Yes, well...I skimmed through them."
  124. >"Poor ignorant, Anonymous. You should have been named Ignoramous."
  125. "Yes, yes, very funny Twilight. Now put me back in charge of my body!"
  126. >"I don't think so. You see, you denied the greatest offer I could give you. I took that as a personal offense. So, I took your body. Mine doesn't work so good as it used to and I thought it would be a waste if I let you just walk out of here."
  127. "Fine, fine. I want whatever you were willing to give me"
  128. >"It won't be that simple Ignor"
  129. "Don't call me that"
  130. >"You already said "no". You have betrayed my trust as your teacher..."
  131. "You haven't thought me anything, you just gave me books"
  132. >"...and to regain it back, you have to become my servant and help me out with my work"
  133. "You are kidding"
  134. >"No, I'm not."
  135. "Alright, I'll be your servant"
  136. >"Excellent! We are gonna have so much fun together! You won't regret it"
  137. >What?
  138. >Where did that come from?
  139. >"I-I mean..erm...excellent. You will not regret this"
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