
An Agent's Mission

Apr 24th, 2015
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  1. How did I get roped into this? I keep coming at this question from every angle, but I can't seem to figure it out. Brain the size of a planet, and they've stuck me in some dead-end security job in the middle of Bumfuck, Idaho. I swear, the higher ups don't have their heads on straight. What use is there to gain from this? "Go to Freddy Fazbear's Pizzeria and keep an eye on the place. Watch the place and, if possible, make contact with the source of the chaos there and eliminate it. Report back on any findings or recommended actions to take." I was told before being sent here. Pfft, as if that's even remotely necessary. They've been watching the place for years from their lofty perch all this time. They do not need an agent down here, this isn't worth risking my life over. "But it's not my life, is it Fritz?" I remind myself grimly. Doesn't mean I can't complain about it though.
  3. This really couldn't be easier, even if my life is at risk. With my superior intellect I've already found the control console for the murderbots here, reprogrammed it, and shut them all down. Took a bit of extra code to remotely shutdown captain grab-ass, but nothing I couldn't handle. That machine always was temperamental, so it came as no surprise I'd need to work harder to remove it from the equation. My superiors briefed me at least that much. With the chance of animatronic assault eliminated, I could now focus on the reason I was here. Find the source of all the problems surrounding this place and get rid of it. As far as I can tell based on my considerable knowledge of the events here, that meant I had to destroy the demon that had taken residence here. I still find it funny that one would actually possess a fucking puppet of all things. I mean, A children's toy, really? It's almost too easy.
  5. Smiling, I pulled up the camera system and began looking for the marionette on them. Each feed I switched, I would spy one of the death machines frozen in whatever position they were in when I shut them down. The newer models were still on the show stage, aside from Toy Chica. That one seemed to have been mid-stride when I shut it down, as it had clearly fallen off the stage haphazardly. It's eye casings, and beak must have flown off from the impact. Such shoddy workmanship. What's more, I could make out a "LET'S SPOOK!" emblazoned on it, I'm guessing an old Halloween decoration. Older withered models were hunched in various corners of the Pizzeria, as forgotten as ever. That mess of wires I've know to be called The Mangle was still in Kid's Cove. I guess it couldn't untangle itself before I shut it down. As I'm checking for the puppet I keep the music box wound; If I know where it is, I can just go and destroy it while it's pacified. Switching feeds, I see an animatronic I don't recognize. One not covered in my briefing. It looked a lot like Freddy, but this one was entirely black, as though it were a shadow. Except it had a very unnerving smile. While staring at its hunched over frame, I voiced my confusion at what the fuck I was looked at aloud. The second I did, the shady figure looked up at the camera. "Do you fucking mind? I'm naked!" it yelled at the camera angrily. It's actions startled me so badly I accidentally switched feeds. Upon switching back, it was gone.
  7. No, that can't be right. That had to have been the work of the marionette. "Get a grip, Fritz, it wasn't real." I say out loud to try and calm my nerves. It's just the ambiance of this place getting to me. I'm better than that, I won't let some demon get the better of me. With renewed vigour I searched the cameras, keeping the music box wound. Wait a minute. A music box keeps the damn thing quiet. Remembering that I had seen a large jack-in-the-box on one of the camera feeds, it clicked. The puppet must be hiding in there. Clever girl. Confirming that the hiding place was in the Prize Corner, I grinned. I had the sonofabitch now. Standing up, I wound the music box again, and grabbed my pack, swinging it on over my shoulder. Inside was holy water, just the thing to exorcise a demon. "Hello!" I suddenly heard, the silence of the room broken. Lowering the tablet, I immediately saw the source of the greeting. It was a diminutive mechanical boy, holding a balloon. By my recollection, this was the oh so aptly named Balloon Boy. Feeling substantially more at ease than I would if it was literally any other of the machines, I had enough sense to glance at the control console again. According to it, BB should be disabled.
  9. I decided I would ignore the little ankle-biter. The kidbot was the only one that never posed any real threat beyond its presence shorting out some (but not all) of the lights nearby. Mainly the hallway and camera lights for some reason that I always figured was eerily convenient to the murderbots. Probably another of that accursed demon's tricks. As I approached the robot, its face suddenly turned to a look of worry. "You hafta help me, Mister! My big sis is in trouble!" it said hurriedly, stopping me in my tracks. Before I could fully respond, it grabbed my hand and tugged on it. "Please help me!" it cried out, trying to get me to follow it. What could it possibly be talking about? I know that during the day the animatronics sometimes act very familiar with the customers but- my God... could, could there be a patron here after hours? Worry now adorned my face I asked BB what happened and where. "She fell in the show room, right on top of me! I'm glad it woke me up, cuz now I can get help! You hafta help her! I can't wake her up!" the frantic boybot explained. Oh God, there were three of the fucking things in the show room. If one of them starts back up, she's as good as dead. Without another word, I took off for the show room.
  11. It was very dark in the show room. I went to turn on the lights in the room, only to find out that I couldn't. It was then that I noticed BB had caught up to me. The machine couldn't be reasoned with to leave the room, so I had to resort to force. Using my nightstick, I caught the balloon droid with a swift blow to the head. The kidbot wailed as I wailed on it. It actually made me feel pretty uncomfortable as its voice was very childlike, reminding me of my boy, Mickey. Thinking about the fine man he had grown up to be (though I hadn't spoken with him in quite some time) gave me something else to focus my thoughts on as I silenced the balloon boy's screams. Looking over my handiwork, I saw that I had broken the balloon as well as the boy in the tussle. The damage I had dealt the robot was enough to allow the lights to turn back on. I guess I had also broken whatever mechanism inside him that was doing that. Turning back to face the show room, my eyes scanned for any bodies on the floor. Spying one by the show stage, I ran over to it, placing my pack on a table as I went. Only to find that the body was Toy Chica. Realization soon hit, as I figured that BB must have been talking about the chickenbot. I was then racked with sudden intense pain as I felt metal teeth sink into my heel.
  13. Crying out and falling forward I felt my Achilles tendon snap sending me further into extreme agony. The tablet clattered on the floor as did I. My leg began to spasm from the sensation, and I found it hard to stay conscious amidst the pain. My vision blurred as I tried to look behind me. As I did, I could make out my assailant due to how close it was: It was the Balloon Boy. I see blood dripping from its mouth as it smiled. It must have been what bit me. "You hafta get me a new balloon, Mister. But it's my turn now." The kidbot said before punching me in the eye. As I flinched in pain and cried out, the boybot continued its punching. I could feel bones fracturing under its freakish robot strength, leaving me to dimly wonder why it let me beat on it at all instead of not putting up a fight. It had rolled me over onto my back, then sat on my chest and continued punching. I tried to grab it and push it off but it was like a rock. Attempting to block just resulted in fractured arms. While it kept up its assault, the bot explained to me that it never liked playing Shot For Shot, but since I forced it to, it would. Then it continued striking.
  15. My body was very weak. I was beaten, bruised, broken. I hurt like hell all over, but, I was alive. With my one good eye, I looked around to try and get my bearings. As far as I could tell, I was still where I was. Bleeding out on the floor in the show room. I don't think I was out for long, as I could still hear movement elsewhere in the room, most likely BB's. I was also dimly aware of puncture wounds on my face, but I couldn't move my arms enough to check them. In fact, I could hardly move at all. From the blood pooling around me, I could tell that I had lost a lot of it. It was then that a machine of some sort was placed next to my head, obstructing my view. The Balloon Boy began attaching a bunch of tube ends to it, while telling me that it was going to start pumping up its balloon replacement now. Then it thanked me for the replacement, telling me that his Mom told him I would give him one. "Right, Mom?" it said before looking up at another figure. Straining, I followed its gaze. It was the puppet.
  17. Of course it was the fucking puppet. All along this must have been that demon's trap, and I fell for it. I tried to speak, but all I got out was a faint gurgle followed by a coughing fit. BB must have knocked out some teeth as well, with all the blood I could taste. The masked demon nodded silently to the balloon bot, then floated away out of my field of vision. I again tried to move, only for the boybot to punch me again. It told me not to move, as I might knock out the tubing. Tubes that had been attached from the machine to my face. I then recognized what kind of machine it was. It was a gas compressor. As realization dawned on my face, I began to scream. Plead. Cry. Beg. But BB only happily laughed, saying he'd cherish the new balloon I'm giving him.
  20. Very early tomorrow morning, the cleanup crew was called in to clean up the mess in the show room. What was found when they arrived however, had chilled them to their cores. Though there was a bloody mess on the floor of what used to be the security guard, something new was in place of Balloon Boy's balloon. What looked to be the severed head of the guard, inflated to a grotesque level and kept up with helium, while the boybot held what was left of the spine like a string. The man's body was never found.
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